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Solid Investments Ltd v Alcatel-Lucent (M) Sdn Bhd (previouslyknownasAlcatelNetworkSystems(M)SdnBhd) [2014]3MLJ (HasanLahFCJ) 785 A Solid Investments Ltd v Alcatel-Lucent (M) Sdn Bhd (previously known as Alcatel Network Systems (M) Sdn Bhd) FEDERAL COURT (PUTRAJAYA) — CIVIL APPEAL NO 02(F)-61–08 B OF2012(W) RAUSSHARIFPCA,HASHIMYUSOF,ABDULLHAMIDEMBONG, HASANLAHANDJEFFREYTANFCJJ 30OCTOBER2013 C CivilProcedure—Remedyofaccount—Actionfoundedoncontract—Fiduciary relationship—Allegedfiduciaryrelationshipbetweenappellantandrespondent— Whetherdependentontermsofcontract—Whetherjustificationforfiduciaryduty to account exists — Whether fiduciary relationship can be superimposed upon D contract Civil Procedure — Remedy of account — Application allowed by trial judge — Appeal against — Obligation to pay consultancy fees — Consultancy agreements E — Whether appellant and respondent’s contractual relationship established — Fiduciary relationship —Whether existed between appellant and respondent — Whetherfiduciarydutytoaccountarose F CivilProcedure—Trial–Defence—Defendantfailingtoofferanyevidence— Whether evidence given by plaintiff ought to be presumed to be true —Whether appellatecourtprecludedfrominterferingwithdeterminationoffactbyjudge— WhetherprincipleinTakakoSakaovNgPekYuen&Anorapplicable G CompaniesandCorporations—Liftingofcorporateveil—Remedyofaccount— Relationshipbetweenappellantandrespondent—Whetherappellantanassociated company—Whetherfraudproven—Whetherabsenceofanyjustificationtolift corporateveil H Contract—Terms—Entireagreementclause—Whetheragreementincludedan entireagreementclause—Whetherentireagreementclauseprecludedconsideration ofcollateralcontract I The appellant/plaintiff’s claim was for an account from the respondent/defendant based on ten consultancy agreements entered into betweentheplaintiffandAlcatelStandardSA(‘Standard’),actingonbehalfof its associated company namely, Alcatel CIT and Alcatel-Lucent Italia/Alcatel 786 MalayanLawJournal [2014]3MLJ Italia (the ‘Consultancy Agreements’). The purpose of the consultancy A agreements was for the plaintiff to provide consultancy services to the associatedcompanyandthedefendantinsecuringcontractswithTelekom(M) Bhd (‘Telekoms’) and Celcom Bhd (‘Celcom’). The defendant was not a contractingpartytotheconsultancyagreements.Thecontractswereallentered into between the plaintiff and Standard.The obligation to pay the plaintiff’s B consultancyfeesundertheconsultancyagreementslaidwithStandard,Alcatel CIT and Alcatel Italia. The consultancy agreements constituted the entire agreement between the parties. The plaintiff claimed that the mode and mannerofpaymentasprovidedundertheconsultancyagreementswerenever C followedfromdayone.Instead,bywayofacollateralagreementbetweenthe plaintiffandthedefendant,itwasagreedthatthedefendantwouldnotifythe plaintiff of the value of all deliveries that had been made to Celcom and Telekoms, after which the plaintiff would send the invoices to the defendant whereupon payment would be made by the defendant on the invoices. The D plaintiffallegedthatbasedonthiscollateralagreementtheplaintiffwaspaidin excess of USD 7m from the year 2000. This carried on until the defendant terminated the services of the plaintiff in 2009 at which point the defendant stoppedrenderingproperaccountsanddetailsofthedeliveriestoCelcomand Telekoms to enable the plaintiff to compute the payment due.The plaintiff E thusinthissuitsoughtfromthedefendant,interalia,statementofaccountsof all monies received by the defendant from Celcom and Telekoms. The defendant denied that it was the ultimate beneficiary of services rendered by theplaintiff.Thedefendantalsodeniedtheexistenceoftheallegedcollateral contract.Atthecloseoftheplaintiff’scasethetrialjudgerefusedanapplication F for adjournment by the defendant on the ground that its witness was not available. The case was therefore closed without the defence offering any evidence.Thetrialjudgeallowedtheplaintiff’sclaimonthegroundsthatthe defendant was an accounting party because the defendant, Standard and AlcatelCITwereagroupenterpriseratherthanaseparatelegalentityofeach G company within the group included in the operation of the agreements and thus a fiduciary duty to account arose. The Court of Appeal allowed the defendant’s appeal. Leave to appeal to the Federal Court was granted to the plaintiffonthefollowingquestions:(i)whetherinascertainingwhetherparties H stand in a fiduciary relationship, a court is to have regard to the course of dealings between the parties in addition to any express agreement between them; (ii) whether in view of the decision of the Federal Court in Takako Sakao(f)vNgPekYuen(f)&Anor[2009]6MLJ751(TakakoSakao),theCourt of Appeal was precluded from interfering with a determination of fact by a I judge of the High Court at trial where the sole defendant had elected not to lead evidence; and (iii) where an agreement includes an ‘entire agreement’ Solid Investments Ltd v Alcatel-Lucent (M) Sdn Bhd (previouslyknownasAlcatelNetworkSystems(M)SdnBhd) [2014]3MLJ (HasanLahFCJ) 787 A clause, whether such clause on as a matter of course precluded the considerationofacollateralcontract. Held,dismissingtheappealwithcosts: (1) It had not been established that some payments were made by the B defendant to the plaintiff for the services rendered. Furthermore the invoices for payment were not addressed to the defendant but were addressedeithertoAlcatelCITorAlcatelItaliawhichwasinaccordance with the term of the consultancy agreements. As the plaintiff failed to establish that it was entitled to some sum from the defendant, the C plaintiff was not entitled to the order of taking of account against the defendantunderthecommonlaw(seeparas26–27). (2) Thetrialjudgeerredinliftingthecorporateveilofthedefendanttomake thedefendantliabletoaccounttotheplaintiff.Theremustbeevidence D eitherofactualfraudorsomeconductamountingtofraudinequityto justifytheliftingofcorporateveil(seepara46). (3) Thebusinessrelationshipbetweentheplaintiffandthedefendantdidnot fall under the accepted traditional categories of fiduciary relationship. E Evenapplyingtheflexibleapproachtothecircumstancesofthecase,such fiduciary relationship did not exist in the case. This is because commercialtransactionsoftendonotgiverisetofiduciarydutiesbecause theydonotmeetthecriteriaforcharacterisationasfiduciaryinnature. Thecircumstancesoftherelationshipintheinstantcasecouldnotgive F risetoarelationshipoftrustandconfidence(seeparas47–48). (4) Thenotesofproceedingshowedthatthedefendantdidtakepartinthe trial.Thetrialjudgerefusedtheadjournmentandthecasewastherefore closed without the defence offering any evidence.The facts of this case couldbedistinguishedfromthefactsinTakakoSakao.Theprinciplesin G TakakoSakaodidnotapplyunderthecircumstances(seeparas56–57). (5) The trial judge failed to evaluate the evidence relating to the alleged collateralcontractandmakeanyfindingontheexistenceofthealleged collateralcontract(seepara64). H (6) TheCourtofAppealerredinfailingtoappreciatethatentireagreement clausesoperatedonlyasbetweenthecontractingparties.Thedefendant was not a party to the consultancy agreements and as such the alleged collateral contract between the plaintiff and the defendant should be treated as a separate and distinct contract and could not fall under the I scopeoftheconsultancyagreements.Theentireagreementclausedidnot preclude the plaintiff from setting up the alleged collateral agreement betweentheplaintiffanddefendant(seepara68). (7) Even if the plaintiff had succeeded in establishing the existence of the 788 MalayanLawJournal [2014]3MLJ collateral contract, such contract was void for want of consideration. A Therewasnothingtoshowthatconsiderationwasgivenbytheplaintiff for the defendant to furnish the required information. Under the consultancyagreementstheplaintiffwasrequiredtoprovideconsultancy servicesforthebenefitofthedefendant.Butthatwastheconsideration for the consultancy agreements and not for the alleged collateral B agreement and also the consultancy services were not rendered at the defendant’srequest(seepara71). [BahasaMalaysiasummary Tuntutan perayu/plaintif adalah untuk akaun dari responden/defendan C berdasarkansepuluhperjanjianperundinganyangdimasukiantaraplaintifdan Alcatel Standard SA (‘Standard’), yang bertindak bagi pihak syarikat bersekutunya iaitu Alcatel CIT dan Alcatel-Lucent Italia/Alcatel Italia (‘Perjanjian Perundingan’). Tujuan perjanjian perundingan itu adalah untuk plaintif menyediakan perkhidmatan perundingan kepada syarikat bersekutu D tersebutdandefendandalammendapatkankontrakdenganTelekom(M)Bhd (‘Telekom’) dan Celcom Bhd (‘Celcom’). Defendan bukan pihak yang berkontrakdenganperjanjianperundinganitu.Semuakontraktersebuttelah dimasuki antara plaintif dan Standard. Obligasi untuk membayar yuran perundingan plaintif di bawah perjanjian perundingan itu terletak pada E Standard, Alcatel CIT dan Alcatel Italia. Perjanjian perundingan itu membentuk keseluruhan perjanjian antara pihak-pihak. Plaintif mendakwa bahawa kaedah dan cara membuat pembayaran sebagaimana yang diperuntukkandibawahperjanjianperundinganitutidakpernahdiikutidari hari pertama. Sebaliknya, melalui perjanjian kolateral antara plaintif dan F defendan, telah dipersetujui bahawa defendan akan memberitahu plaintif tentang nilai semua penghantaran yang telah dibuat kepada Celcom dan Telekom,selepasituplaintifakanmenghantarinvois-invoiskepadadefendan yangmanapembayaranakandibuatolehdefendanberdasarkaninvois-invois itu. Plaintif mendakwa berdasarkan perjanjian kolateral ini plaintif telah G dibayarlebihanUSD7jutadaritahun2000.Iniberterusansehinggadefendan menamatkan perkhidmatan plaintif pada tahun 2009 yang mana mulanya defendan berhenti memberikan akaun dan butiran penghantaran yang sepatutnya kepada Celcom dan Telekom bagi membolehkan plaintif untuk mengirapembayaranyangperludibayar.Plaintifdenganitudalamsamanini H memohondaripadadefendan,antaralain,penyataakaununtuksemuawang yang diterima oleh defendan daripada Celcom dan Telekom. Defendan menafikan bahawa ia adalah benefisiari utama untuk perkhidmatan yang diberikan oleh plaintif. Defendan juga menafikan kewujudan kontrak kolateralyangdikatakanitu.Diakhirkesplaintifhakimperbicaraanmenolak I permohonan penangguhan oleh defendan atas alasan bahawa saksinya tidak boleh didapati. Kes itu oleh itu ditutup tanpa pembelaan yang menawarkan apa-apa keterangan. Hakim perbicaraan membenarkan tuntutan plaintif atas alasan bahawa defendan merupakan sebuah pihak perakaunan kerana Solid Investments Ltd v Alcatel-Lucent (M) Sdn Bhd (previouslyknownasAlcatelNetworkSystems(M)SdnBhd) [2014]3MLJ (HasanLahFCJ) 789 A defendan, Standard dan Alcatel CIT merupakan kumpulan perusahaan dan bukan satu entiti yang sah yang berasingan bagi setiap syarikat di dalam kumpulanyangdimasukkankedalamoperasiperjanjiandandenganituwujud kewajipan fidusiari kepada akaun itu. Mahkamah Rayuan membenarkan rayuan defendan. Kebenaran untuk merayu kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan B telahdiberikankepadaplaintifberdasarkansoalan-soalanberikut:(i)samaada dalam menentukan jika pihak-pihak mempunyai hubungan fidusiari, mahkamah hendaklah mengambil kira pengendalian urusan antara pihak-pihak ditambah dengan apa-apa perjanjian nyata antara mereka; (ii) sama ada berdasarkan keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Takako C Sakao(f) v Ng Pek Yuen(f) & Anor [2009] 6 MLJ 751(Takako Sakao), Mahkamah Rayuan dihalang daripada mengganggu penentuan fakta oleh hakimMahkamahTinggisemasaperbicaraandimanasatu-satunyadefendan telah memilih untuk tidak mengemukakan keterangan; dan (iii) di mana perjanjianmemasukkanfasal‘keseluruhanperjanjian’,samaadafasaltersebut D sebagaiperkarayangsudahtentumenghalangbalasankontrakkolateral. Diputuskan,menolakrayuandengankos: (1) Tidakdibuktikanbahawabeberapabayarantelahdibuatolehdefendan kepada plaintif bagi perkhidmatan yang diberikan. Tambahan pula E invoisuntukpembayaranitutidakdialamatkankepadadefendantetapi telahdialamatkansamaadakepadaAlcatelCITatauAlcatelItaliayang menurut tempoh perjanjian perundingan itu. Memandangkan plaintif gagal membuktikan bahawa ia berhak untuk sejumlah wang tersebut daripada defendan, plaintif tidak berhak kepada perintah pengambilan F akaun terhadap defendan di bawah common law (lihat perenggan 26–27). (2) Hakimperbicaraanterkhilafdalammenyingkaptabirkorporatdaripada defendan itu untuk menjadikan defendan bertanggungjawab G menjelaskan akaun itu kepada plaintif. Perlu ada bukti sama ada penipuansebenarataubeberapaperilakuyangbolehdianggappenipuan dalam ekuiti untuk mewajarkan tabir korporat disingkap (lihat perenggan46). (3) Hubungan perniagaan antara plaintif dan defendan tidak termasuk di H bawah kategori tradisional diterima hubungan fidusiari. Walaupun menggunakan pendekatan yang fleksibel kepada hal keadaan kes itu, hubungan fidusiari sebegini tidak wujud dalam kes itu. Ini kerana urus niaga komersial sering tidak menimbulkan tugas fidusiari kerana tidak memenuhikriteriauntukpenciriansebagaisuatuyangbersifatfidusiari. I Keadaan hubungan dalam kes ini tidak mungkin menimbulkan hubungankepercayaandankeyakinan(lihatperenggan47–48). (4) Nota prosiding menunjukkan bahawa defendan tidak mengambil bahagian dalam perbicaraan itu. Hakim perbicaraan menolak 790 MalayanLawJournal [2014]3MLJ penangguhan dan kes oleh itu tertutup tanpa pembelaan yang A menawarkanapa-apaketerangan.Faktakesinibolehdibezakandaripada fakta-fakta dalam kes Takako Sakao. Prinsip dalam kes Takako Sakao tidakterpakaidibawahkeadaanini(lihatperenggan56–57). (5) Hakim perbicaraan gagal menilai keterangan berhubung kontrak B kolateral yang dikatakan dan membuat apa-apa penemuan berhubung kewujudankontrakkolateralitu(lihatperenggan64). (6) Mahkamah Rayuan terkhilaf apabila gagal untuk memahami bahawa seluruhfasalperjanjianberoperasihanyaantarapihakyangberkontrak. Defendan bukan pihak kepada perjanjian perundingan dan oleh itu C kontrakkolateralyangdikatakanantaraplaintifdandefendanhendaklah dianggapsebagaikontrakyangberasingandanberlainandantidakboleh terangkum di bawah skop perjanjian perundingan. Perjanjian keseluruhan fasal tidak menghalang plaintif daripada membuat perjanjian kolateral yang dikatakan antara plaintif dan defendan (lihat D perenggan68). (7) Walaupun plaintif berjaya membuktikan kewujudan kontrak kolateral, kontrak itu tidak sah kerana ketiadaan pertimbangan. Tiada apa-apa yang menunjukkan bahawa balasan telah diberikan oleh plaintif untuk E defendan memberi maklumat yang diperlukan. Di bawah perjanjian perundinganplaintifitudikehendakiuntukmenyediakanperkhidmatan perundingan bagi manfaat defendan. Tetapi itu adalah balasan bagi perjanjian perundingan dan bukan untuk perjanjian kolateral yang dikatakan itu dan juga perkhidmatan perundingan itu tidak diberikan F ataspermintaandefendan(lihatperenggan71).] Notes Foracaseonactionfoundedoncontract,see2(3)Mallal’sDigest(4thEd,2014 Reissue)para7451. G Foracaseonapplicationallowedbytrialjudge,see2(3)Mallal’sDigest(4thEd, 2014Reissue)para7452. For a case on entire agreement clause, see 3(3) Mallal’s Digest (4th Ed, 2013 Reissue)para4647. For a case on remedy of account in general, see 3(1) Mallal’s Digest (4th Ed, H 2013Reissue)para480. Casesreferredto Baboo Janokev Doss v Bindabun Doss [1843] Moore Ind App 175, PC (refd) BristolandWestBuildingSocietyvMothew[1998]Ch1,CA(refd) I CyrilSharpe,Re[1992]FCA616,FC(refd) EnglishvDedhamValePropertiesLtd[1978]1AllER382,ChD(refd) FramevSmithandSmith(1987)42DLR(4th)81,SC(refd) Heilbut,Symons&CovBuckleton[1913]AC30,HL(refd) Solid Investments Ltd v Alcatel-Lucent (M) Sdn Bhd (previouslyknownasAlcatelNetworkSystems(M)SdnBhd) [2014]3MLJ (HasanLahFCJ) 791 A Hospital Products Limited v United States Surgical Corporation & Ors (1986) 156CLR41,HC(refd) InntrepreneurPubCovEastCrownLtd[2000]3EGLR31,ChD(folld) John Alexander’s Clubs Pty Ltd v White City Tennis Club Ltd Matter No S309/2009[2010]HCA19(refd) B Law Kam Loy v Boltex Sdn Bhd [2005] MLJU 225; [2005] 3 CLJ 355, CA (folld) MasterStrikeSdnBhdvSterlingHeightSdnBhd[2005]3MLJ585,CA(distd) Petroleum Nasional Bhd v Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu [2004] 1 MLJ 8, CA (distd) C TakakoSakao(f)vNgPekYuen(f)&Anor[2009]6MLJ751;[2010]1CLJ 381,FC(notfolld) TengkuAbdullahIbniSultanAbuBakar&OrsvMohdLatiffbinShahMohd& Orsandotherappeals[1996]2MLJ265;[1997]2CLJ607,CA(folld) D Legislationreferredto ContractAct1950s26 Appealfrom:CivilAppealNoW-02(NCVC)-764of2011(CourtofAppeal, Putrajaya) E MalikImtiazSarwar(RenuZechariahandSCHowithhim)(RosleyZechariah) fortheappellant MohdAriefEmran(ElaineYapwithhim)(Wong&Partners)fortherespondent. F HasanLahFCJ(deliveringjudgmentofthecourt): INTRODUCTION G [1] This is an appeal by the appellant against the decision of the Court of Appeal on the 27 June 2011, in allowing the respondent’s appeal against the decision of the High Court. Leave to appeal was granted by this court on 13 August2012andthequestionsoflawframedfordeterminationinthisappeal H areasfollows: Question1 Whether in ascertaining whether parties stand in a fiduciary relationship, a courtistohaveregardtothecourseofdealingsbetweenthepartiesinaddition I toanyexpressagreementbetweenthem; Question2 WhetherinviewofthedecisionofthishonourablecourtinTakakoSakaovNg 792 MalayanLawJournal [2014]3MLJ PekYuen & Anor [2010] 1 CLJ 381, the Court of Appeal is precluded from A interferingwithadeterminationoffactbyajudgeoftheHighCourtattrial wherethesoledefendanthaselectednottoleadevidence;and Question3 B Whereanagreementincludesan‘entireagreement’clause,whethersuchclause on as a matter of course precludes the consideration of a collateral contract. [2] The appellant is the plaintiff and the respondent is the defendant. For convenience,partieswillbereferredtoastheplaintiffandthedefendantasin C theHighCourt. BACKGROUNDFACTS [3] Thefactswhichformthebackgroundofthisappealcanbebrieflysetout D asfollows. [4] Theplaintiff’sclaimwasforanaccountfromthedefendantbasedonten consultancy agreements entered into between the plaintiff and Alcatel Standard SA (‘standard’), acting in the name and on behalf of its associated E companynamely,AlcatelCITandAlcatel-LucentItalia/AlcatelItaliabetween 27October2000to20June2007(‘consultancyagreements’).Thepurposeof theconsultancyagreementswasfortheplaintifftoprovideconsultancyservices to the associated company and the defendant in securing contracts with Telekom (M) Bhd (‘Telekoms’) and Celcom Bhd (‘Celcom’) with regard to F telecommunicationnetworksysteminMalaysia. [5] Thecommontermsandfeaturesoftheconsultancyagreementswereas follows: G (a) thedefendantwasnotacontractingpartytotheconsultancyagreements. The contracts were all entered into between the plaintiff and standard; (b) the obligation to pay the plaintiff’s consultancy fees under the consultancy agreements laid with standard, Alcatel CIT and Alcatel Italia; H (c) exceptforthefirsttwoconsultancyagreementsbearingNos532G29049 and 532H39371 which dated back to 2000 and 2001 respectively, consultancyfeespayableweretobecalculatedbasedoninvoicesissuedby AlcatelCIT/AlcatelItaliatothedefendantandnotbasedontheamount I invoicedbythedefendanttoanyofitsclientinMalaysiaieTelekomsor Celcom. (d) theconsultancyagreementsconstitutedtheentireagreementbetweenthe parties;and Solid Investments Ltd v Alcatel-Lucent (M) Sdn Bhd (previouslyknownasAlcatelNetworkSystems(M)SdnBhd) [2014]3MLJ (HasanLahFCJ) 793 A (e) anydisputewouldhavetobedisposedofbywayofarbitrationinGeneva. [6] Theplaintiffclaimedthatthemodeandmannerofpaymentasprovided undertheconsultancyagreementswereneverfollowedfromdayone.Instead, by way of a collateral agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant (by B conductanddocumentsevidencingthesame)itwasagreedthatthedefendant would notify the plaintiff of the value of all deliveries that had been made to Celcom and Telekoms, be it by the defendant or any other company in the AlcatelGroup,intheimplementationoftheprojectsandthereafterinformthe plaintiff of the manner of computation of payment after which the plaintiff C would send the invoices in the format as required by the defendant to the defendantwhereuponpaymentwouldbemadeorarrangedbythedefendant ontheinvoices. D [7] Theplaintiffallegedthatbasedonthiscollateralagreementtheplaintiff was paid in excess of USD7m from the year 2000.This carried on until the defendanteffectivelyterminatedtheservicesoftheplaintiffin2009atwhich point the defendant stopped rendering proper accounts, details of all orders received by them from Celcom and Telekoms and the value of deliveries to E CelcomandTelekomstoassistandenabletheplaintifftocomputetheamount duetoitforworkdoneandyettobeinvoiced. [8] Theplaintiffaverredthatdespiterepeatedrequestsbytheplaintiffforan accountofthedeliverablesthedefendantrefusedtofurnishanyinformation. F [9] By this action the plaintiff sought the following reliefs against the defendant: (a) astatementofaccountoraccounts(suchstatement/accountscertifiedby G the person primarily responsible for the financial management of the defendant) be ordered to be given by the defendant to the plaintiff togetherwithcopiesofalldocumentsevidencingthevalueofdeliveries issuedbythedefendanttoCelcomandTelekomsfortheentireduration of the projects, together with full details of all monies received by the H defendant from Celcom and Telekoms, together with all certified and relevant supporting documents evidencing the same and if such documentswerenotinthedefendant’spossessionthatthedefendantbe compelledtoobtaincopiesofthesamefromCelcomorTelekomsorany otherpartyinpossessionofthesame,tocomplywiththisorder; I (b) that the plaintiff’s appointed auditor be entitled to conduct an independentauditofthesaidaccountsanddocumentsrenderedbythe defendant,toverifythesameandbeallowedaccesstoalltherelevantand supporting documents inclusive of the defendant’s detailed project 794 MalayanLawJournal [2014]3MLJ account with regards to the projects in the defendant’s office or at any A placewheresuchdocumentsweremaintained,andtothereafterprepare anauditreportassoonaspossible. [10] Initsdefencethedefendantdeniedthatitwastheultimatebeneficiary ofservicesrenderedbytheplaintiff.Thedefendantstatedthatitwasnotaparty B to,norabeneficiaryundertheconsultancyagreements.Thedefendantdenied theexistenceoftheallegedcollateralcontract.Thedefendantsaidthatitwas involved in the invoicing process in connection with the consultancy agreementsinafacilitativecapacityattherequestoftheassociatedcompanies or Alcatel-LucentTrade International AG.The defendant further stated that C no consideration passed from the plaintiff to the defendant in the assistance renderedundertheaforesaidcapacityandtherewasnointentionbetweenthe partiestocreateanylegalrelationsbyvirtuethereof. D [11] The defendant also stated that the plaintiff’s action was an abuse of process as the plaintiff had commenced arbitration proceedings against Alcatel-Lucent Trade International AG pursuant to the consultancy agreements seeking payment of alleged dues. Further the defendant averred that the plaintiff had disclosed no reasonable cause of action against the E defendant. [12] At the close of the plaintiff’s case the learned trial judge refused an applicationforadjournmentbythedefendantonthegroundthatitswitness was not available.The case was therefore closed without the defence offering F anyevidence. DECISIONOFTHEHIGHCOURT [13] The learned trial judge allowed the plaintiff’s claim with costs. The G reasons given by the learned trial judge for coming to the decision are as follows: (a) thedefendantwasanaccountingpartybecausethedefendant,standard andAlcatelCITwhicharedescribedasassociatedcointheconsultancy H agreements are a group enterprise rather than a separate legal entity of each company within the group included in the operation of the agreements; (b) thecontractswereforthebenefitofthedefendant; I (c) thefiduciarydutytoaccountarises;and (d) asnowitnesseshadbeencalledfromthedefendanttotestifyastoitsrole in the consultancy agreements and its relationship with standard the courtwaslefttodrawitsowninferences.

(previously known as Alcatel Network Systems (M) Sdn Bhd) .. Tengku Abdullah Ibni Sultan Abu Bakar & Ors v Mohd Latiff bin Shah Mohd &. Ors and
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