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Index SOCIAL WORK, VOL. 38, of sexual abuse, and Tourette syndrome (NF), May NOS. 1-6, 1993 347-350 social-environmental, of children, May 256-262 The following abbreviations are used: Jan. for January, Mar. Black, Single, Working Mothers in Poverty: Preferences for for March, Sept. for Spetember, Nov. for November, CC for Employment, Well-being, and Perceptions of Preschool- Comments on Currents, E for Editorial, NF for Notes from the Fieid, and PéV for Point and Viewpoints. Age Children, by Aurora P. Jackson, Jan. 26-34 Brief therapy, Sept. 571-578 Burnout SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX in gerontological social work, May 305-310 role conflict and, Mar. 136-140 Abortion issues (letter), Mar. 239 Burnout in Gerontological Social Work, by John E. Addams, Jane, Sept. 513-520 Adolescents Poulin and Carolyn A. Walter, May 305-310 gay and lesbian, Nov. 655-659 suicide ideation in, July 421-427 Case management, HIV, July 380-387 suicide intervention in school, Mar. 197-203 Case studies/vignettes use of suicide help lines, July 421-427 child abuse accusations and Tourette syndrome (NF), Adoption May 347-349 adoptive parents’ perceptions, Jan. 15-23 community-based HIV case management, July 381-385 birthmothers’ experiences in, May 264-272 length of treatment considerations, Sept. 574-577 letter, Nov. 777-778 of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, Jan. 74-81 Advocacy, Mar. 179-186 Changing of the Guard (E), Ann Hartman, Nov. 653-654 letter, Sept. 646 Charity/Justice Partnership for U.S. Food Security (NF), AFDC Conundrum: A New Look at an Old Institution, by William H. Whitaker, July 494-497 by George W. Liebmann, Jan. 36-43 Child abuse Agencies chronic neglect, Nov. 661-670 child welfare (CC), July 491-493 HIV testing in, July 389-394 client empowerment in (E), July 366, 504 mandatory reporting laws, Jan. 56-62 family services, Sept. 597-602 Maryland laws (letter), Sept. 647-648 mental disability self-help, Nov. 705-711 in Munchausen syndrome by proxy, Jan. 74-81 neighborhood relations, Jan. 7-8 as risk factor among dually diagnosed homeless record-keeping in, Mar. 190-197 adults, Sept. 587-596 AIDS and Social Work: The Ethics and Civil Liberties social worker legal liability in, Jan. 64-68 Agenda, by Frederic G. Reamer, July 412-419 Child care, July 451-458 AIDS/HIV Childhood Risk Factors in Dually Diagnosed Homeless attribution of personal responsibility in, July 403-410 Adults, by Laura E. Blankertz, Ram A. Cnaan, and community-based case management, July 380-387 Erica Freedman, Sept. 587-596 financing of care, July 369-377 Children human services worker attitudes, July 396-401 adoption experience for adoptive parents, Jan. 15-23 issues for social workers in, July 412-419 adoption experience for young birthmothers, May support group for professionals working in, Mar. 264-272 144-151 with disabilities, May 247-254 testing sexually abused children for, July 389-394 with emotional disorders, review of literature on, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, July 452- Nov. 744-761 454, Sept. 623-624 family preservation through child welfare agencies unwed mothers and, Jan. 36-43 (CC), July 491-493 Alcohol. see Substance use grief and conceptions of death in, Nov. 736-741 Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse among Social Work hunger in (NF), July 494-497 Colleagues and Their Families: Impact on Practice, mandatory reporting laws for abuse of, Jan. 56-63 by Christine Huff Fewell, Barbara Lee King, and restructuring of welfare system for (CC), Jan. 98-100 Dava L. Weinstein, Sept. 565-570 sexually abused, HIV testing for, July 389-394 Assessment social-environmental assessment of, May 256-262 classification of ethical dilemmas in hospital social Chronic Child Neglect in Perspective, by Kristine E. work, Mar. 166-176 Nelson, Edward J. Saunders, and Miriam J. high-risk screening, May 281-287 Landsman, Nov. 661-671 of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, Jan. 74-81 Classification and Correlates of Ethical Dilemmas in psychometric, state of (P&V), Mar. 229-232 Hospital Social Work, by Enola K. Proctor, Nancy CCC Code: 0037-8046/93 $3.00 © 1993 National Association of Social Workers, Inc. Morrow-Howell, and Cynthia Leeanne Lott, Mar. Wai-on Law, Sept. 542-551 166-177 Education and training, social work Client-social worker relations AIDS/HIV attitudes and, July 396-401 ethnocentric bias in practitioners, Nov. 685-693 computers in, July 430-438 with manipulative clients, Nov. 674-682 letter, Sept. 643-645 Clinton, William Jefferson (E), Jan. 5-6 NSF classification of social work and (letter/ Cocaine Treatment and Outcome, by Maria Nunes- response), July 502-503 Dinis and Richard P. Barth, Sept. 611-617 orienting employees in interdisciplinary setting, Mar. Codependency, July 470-475 152-157 Collaborative practice, research, July 440-447 Effects of Social Support and Undermining on African Communicating with the Public (Op-Ed), by David American Workers’ Perceptions of Coworker and Stoesz, July 367-368 Supervisor Relationships and Psychological Well- Community-Based Approach to HIV Case Management: being, by L. M. Gant, B. A. Nagda, H. V. Brabson, Systematizing the Unmanageable, by Debbie Indyk, S. Jayaratne, W. A. Chess, and A. Singh, Mar. Renate Belville, Sister Susanne Lachapelle, Gail 158-164 Gordon, and Tracey Dewart, July 380-387 Elderly people Confronting the Reality of Collaborative Practice burnout in gerontological social work, May 305-310 Research: Issues of Practice, Design, Measurement, discharge planning, Nov. 713-726 and Team Development, by Maeda J. Galinsky, practice with, Nov. 771-772 Joanne E. Turnbull, Diane E. Meglin, and workers, Jan. 45-53 Margaret E. Wilner, July 440-449 Employee assistance programs, July 477-484 Crime Victims and Offenders in Mediation: An Emerging Empowerment Area of Social Work Practice, by Mark S. Umbreit, (E), July 365-366, 504 Jan. 69-73 in self-help agency practice for mentally disabled Crisis in the Workplace: The Role of the Occupational clients, Nov. 705-711 Social Worker, by David S. Ribner, May 333-337 Empowerment and Self-help Agency Practice for People Cultural bias with Mental Disabilities, by Steven P. Segal, Carol in practitioners, Nov. 685-693 Silverman, and Tanya Temkin, Nov. 705-712 in social work with gay and lesbian adolescents, Nov. Enabling Public Child Welfare Agencies to Promote 655-659 Family Preservation (CC), by Leroy H. Pelton, July social workers in rural practice, Nov. 694-702 491-493 Environmental issues, Mar. 204-211, Sept. 521-526 Deconstructing Welfare: The Reagan Legacy and the Ethics issues Welfare State, by David Stoesz and Howard Jacob in AIDS work, July 412-419 Karger, Sept. 619-628 environmental consciousness in social work, Sept. Determinism versus Creativity: Which Way for Social 521-526 Work?, by Colin Peile, Mar. 127-134 feminine values in social work, Sept. 535-540 Developing and Testing a Practice Theory: An Interactional in hospital social work, Mar. 166-176 Perspective, by Lawrence Shulman, Jan. 91-97 pacifism as social work duty (P&V), Nov. 765-769 Developmental psychology, temporal consciousness in, psychiatric patient’s right to refuse medication Jan. 82-90 (P&V), Jan. 101-112 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Evaluating Effectiveness from the Practitioner Perspective, Third Edition—Revised (DSM-III—R)(P&V), Mar. by Martin A. Elks and Karen E. Kirkhart, Sept. 229-231 554-563 Differences among Adolescent, Young Adult, and Adult Evaluation of human services programs, Sept. 554-563 Callers of Suicide Help Lines, by Diana de Anda and Melanie A. Smith, July 421-428 Facilitating Support Groups for Professionals Working Disabled children, May 247-254 with People with AIDS, by Arnold H. Grossman Discharge Planning Revisited: What Do Social Workers and Charles Silverstein, Mar. 144-151 Actually Do in Discharge Planning?, by Goldie Families Kadushin and Regina Kulys, Nov. 713-726 caregiver support, July 461-468 Diversity, Early Socialization, and Temporal Develop- with children with disabilities, May 247-254 ment: The Dual Perspective Revisited, by Dolores G. with children with emotional disorders, review of Norton, Jan. 82-90 literature on, Nov. 744-761 Dropouts, prevention program for, Jan. 9-13 chronic child neglect in, Nov. 661-670 Dual diagnosis, childhood risk factors, Sept. 587-596 family preservation in child welfare agencies (CC), July 491-493 Earnings History of Social Workers: A Comparison to family services agencies, Sept. 597-602 Other Groups, by Martha N. Ozawa and Simon high-risk assessment of, May 281-287 Social Work / Volume 38, Number 6 / November 1993 frerecoenn | military-induced separations, May 273-280 Sept. 579-585 parental employment and child care trends, July In Defense of Long-Term Treatment: On the Vanishing 451-458 Holding Environment, by William S. Meyer, Sept. of social workers, substance abuse in, Sept. 565-569 571-578 Families with Children with Emotional Disorders: A Influence of Education on Self-perceived Attitudes about Review of the Literature, by Theresa J. Early and HIV/AIDS among Human Services Providers, by John Poertner, Nov. 743-765 Joyce L. Riley and Roberta A. Greene, July Family Preservation under Attack (E), by Ann Hartman, 396-401 Sept. 509-512 Information management, record-keeping, Mar. 190-196 Family Service Agencies: Responding to Need in the Instruments and Psychometrics: A Response to Mattaini 1980s, by Diane Elias Alperin, Sept. 597-602 and Kirk (P&V), by Mary E. Lutz and Michael J. Family Support Act, July 452-454, Sept. 629 Flory, Mar. 229-230 Feminine Ethic of Care and the Professionalization of Interdisciplinary Coleadership of High School Groups for Social Work, by Sharon Freedherg, Sept. 535-540 Dropout Prevention: Practice Issues, by RoseMarie Feminist thought, codependency in self-in-relation D. Arons and Florence S. Schwartz, Jan. 9-14 theory, July 470-475 International social work practice, occupational social Frames of Reference: The Effects of Ethnocentric Map work in Israel, May 333-337 Projections on Professional Practice, by Graciela M. Involving Clients in Welfare Policy-making, by Sandra Castex, Nov. 685-693 O’Donnell, Sept. 629-635 Funding issues Isometric Rolfing (NF), by Robert A. Wertkin, Sept. AIDS care, July 369-377 637-640 social work in 1980s, Sept. 619-628 Judgments of Personal Responsibilitfyo rH IV Infection: Gerontological social work An Attributional Analysis, by James R. McDonell, burnout in, May 305-310 July 403-410 workplace issues, Jan. 45-53 Goal-Directed Change in Service Utilization, by Stephen T. Moore, Mar. 221-226 Labor unions, Sept. 579-585 Good Luck, Bill—Keep in Touch (E), by Ann Hartman, Legal issues Jan. 5-6 child abuse law in Maryland (letter), Sept. 647-648 Grief work, with children, Nov. 736-741 civil liberties and AIDS, July 412-419 Gulf War, impact in Israel, May 333-337 mandatory reporting laws, Jan. 56-63 social worker liability in child abuse cases, Jan. 64-68 victim—offender mediation, Jan. 69-73 Health care. see also Hospital social work Legal Liability of Social Workers after DeShaney, by emergency room social work, May 339-342 Rudolph Alexander, Jr., Jan. 64-68 financing AIDS care, July 369-376 High-Risk Indicators for Family Involvement in Social Work in Health Care: A Review otf he Literature, by Managing Manipulative Behavior in the Helping A. Bergman, L. Wells, M. Bogo, S. Abbey, Relationship, by Dean H. Hepworth, Nov. 674-682 V. Chandler, L. Embleton, S. Guirgis, A. Huot, Mandatory Reporting Laws: Child Protective Case T. McNeill, L. Prentice, D. Stapleton, L. Shekter- Finding Gone Awry?, by Elizabeth D. Hutchison, Wolfson, and S. Urman, May 281-288 Jan. 56-63 Holding environment, Sept. 571-578 Map projections, Nov. 685-693 Home care workers, needs assessment, Sept. 579-585 Mediation services, Jan. 69-73 Homelessness, dually diagnosed adults, Sept. 587-596 Mental illness Hospital social work childhood risk factors, Sept. 587-594 discharge planning, Nov. 713-726 consumer empowerment of clients, Nov. 727—734 emergency room (NF), May 339-342 families with children with emotional disorders, ethical dilemmas in, Mar. 166-176 review of literature on, Nov. 744-761 Hot line counseling length of treatment considerations, Sept. 571-578 suicide, July 421-427 patient’s right to refuse medication (P&V), Jan. time-limited (NF), May 344-345 101-112 Hypnosis—A Neglected Tool for Client Empowerment, quality of institutional care (letter), Sept. 647 by Roswitha M. Winsor, Sept. 603-608 self-help agency practice for, Nov. 705-711 Metatheoretical Framework for Social Work Practice, by Immigrant populations, Korean, May 289-295 Federico Souflee, Jr., May 317-331 Improving the Lives of Home Care Workers: A Partner- Military-Induced Family Separation: A Stress Reduction ship of Social Work and Labor, by Rebecca Intervention, by William G. Black, Jr., May Donovan, Paul A. Kurzman, and Caroi Rotman, 273-280 Military practice, stress reduction in family separa- Martha N. Ozawa, Wendy F. Auslander, and tions, May 273-280 Vered Slonim-Nevo, July 369-377 Misdiagnosing Assessment (P&V), by Mark A. Mattaini Professional Is Political (E), by Ann Hartman, July and Stuart A. Kirk, Mar. 231-233 365-366, 504 Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: Social Work’s Role, by Protecting the Future of Children and Families from Susan O. Mercer and Jeanette D. Perdue, Jan. 74-81 Pelton’s Dangerous Reforms (CC), by Richard P. Myth of Black Violence (CC), by Evan Stark, July 485-490 Barth, Jan. 98-100 Psychotherapy, patient’s right to refuse medication National Association of Social Workers (letter), Sept. (P&V), Jan. 101-112 645-646 Public assistance/welfare National Science Foundation (letter/response), July client involvement in poiicy-making, Sept. 629-635 502-503 hunger eradication programs (NF), July 494-497 Not in My Backyard (Op-Ed), by Dianne Gilbert, Jan. 7-8 philosophical basis of, Mar. 212-220 for private corporations, May 311-316 Occupational social work public policy in 1980s, Sept. 619-628 company-owned housing, May 297-302 restructuring child welfare system (CC), Jan. 98-100 employee assistance programs, July 477-484 Public policy in Israel, May 333-336 government subsidies for corporations, May 311-315 wiih older workers, Jan. 45-53 homosexuals in (E), May 245-246, 360 role strain for black, single, working mothers, Jan. hunger eradication (NF), July 494-497 26-33 liberal approach to, Mar. 212-219 worker race perceptions and relations, Mar. 158-163 Older Workers and the Workplace: A New Challenge for Race/ethnicity Occupational Social Work, by Michal E. Mor-Barak anthropological—ecological approach to diverse and Margaret Tynan, Jan. 45-55 culture, Jan. 82-89 Open Adoption of Infants: Adoptive Parents’ Perceptions myth of black violence (CC), July 485-490 of Advantages and Disadvantages, by Deborah H. needs assessment of minority home workers, Sept. Siegel, Jan. 15-23 579-584 Organization as Client: Broadening the Concept of poor, black, single mothers, Jan. 26-33 Employee Assistance Programs, by Bradley Googins service delivery to Korean immigrants, May 289-295 and Bruce N. Davidson, July 477-484 workplace relations, Mar. 158-163 Orienting Social Work Employees in Interdisciplinary Reagan, Ronald, Sept. 619-628 Settings: Shaping Professional and Organizational Reasonable Efforts for Children with Disabilities: The Perspectives, by Julie S. Abramson, Mar. 152-157 Parents’ Perspective, by Christopher G. Petr and Out of the Closet: Revolution and Backlash (E), by Ann David D. Barney, May 247-254 Hartman, May 245-246, 360 Reconstructing Codependency Using Self-in-Relation Theory: A Feminist Perspective, by Barbara G. Pacifism as social work duty (P&V), Nov. 765-769 Collins, July 470-476 Parental Employment and Child Care Trends: Some Record Keeping: Directions for the 1990s, by Jill Doner Critical Issues and Suggested Policies, by Catherine Kagle, Mar. 190-196 S. Chilman, July 451-460 Reierral service, Mar. 227 Perceived Problems and Service Delivery for Korean Rehabilitation, for cocaine abuse, Sept. 611-617 Immigrants, by Kyung-Hee Nah, May 289-296 Religion/spirituality Phantom Welfare: Public Relief for Corporate America, letter, May 358 by Daniel D. Huff and David A. Johnson, May in transpersonal theory of social work, Sept. 527-534 311-316 Remote Practice and Culture Shock: Social Workers Placing an Infant for Adoption: The Experiences of Young Moving to Isolated Northern Regions, by Michael Birthmothers, by Linda F. Cushman, Debra Kim Zapf, Nov. 694-704 Kalmuss, and Pearila B. Namerow, May 264-272 Research needs cited Policy Practice: The Neglected Side of Social Work burnout in gerontological social work, May 309-310 Intervention, by Josefina Figueira-McDonough, childhood risk factors for substance abuse, Sept. 594 Mar. 179-188 families with children with emotional disorders, Nov. Preparing for Sudden Death: Social Work in the Emergency 761 Room (NF), by Paula J. Wells, May 339-342 innovations in cocaine abuse treatment, Sept. 617 Preventive interventions long-term outcomes of adoption arrangements for adolescent suicide, Mar. 197-203 birthmother, May 272 dropout, Jan. 9-13 practitioner-oriented evaluation, Sept. 562-563 Private practice, referrals to, Mar. 227 social-environmental assessment, May 262 Problems in Financing the Care of AIDS Patients, by strategies for consumer empowerment of clients with Social Work / Volume 38, Number 6 / November 1993 Ee mental illness, Nov. 727-734 practitioner ethnocentric bias in, Nov. 685-693 Research Strategies for Consumer Empowerment of People role conflict in, Mar. 136-141 with Severe Mental Illness, by Charles A. Rapp, Wes in rural areas, Nov. 694-702 Shera, and Walter Kisthardt, Nov. 727-735 in 1980s, public policy and, Sept. 619-628 Retreat and Retrenchment: Progressives and the Welfare service utilization, Mar. 221-226 State, by Howard Jacob Karger and David Stoesz, social justice in, Mar. 179-188 Mar. 212-220 substance abuse in, Sept. 565-570 Right of Psychiatric Patients to Refuse Medication: Where transpersonal theory for, Sept. 527-534 Should Social Workers Stand? (P&V), by Kia J. using computers to teach, July 430-439 Bentley, Jan. 101-106 Social Work Values and Pacifism: Opposition to War as a Role Conflict: Cause of Burnout or Energizer?, by Martha Professional Responsibility (P&V), by Cia L. Jones, May 136-141 Verschelden, Nov. 765-769 Rural social work, cultural adjustment in, Nov. 694-702 Social Work with Gay and Lesbian Adolescents, by Deana F. Morrow, Nov. 655-660 Schools Social Work’s Legacy of Peace: Echoes from the Early 20th dropout prevention program, Jan. 9-14 Century, by Maura Sullivan, Sept. 513-520 suicide prevention in, Mar. 197-203 Stress Self-in-relation theory, July 470-475 caring for dependent parents, July 461-469 Sex/sexuality for families in military-induced separations, May social status of homosexuals (E), May 245-246 273-280 social work with gay and lesbian adolescents, Nov. Substance use 655-659 among social workers’ colleagues, Sept. 564-570 Sexual Abuse or Tourette Syndrome? (NF), by David E. among social workers’ families, Sept. 565-570 Comings and Brenda G. Comings, May 347-350 cocaine treatment, Sept. 611-617 Significant Findings (NF), by Ann Burack-Weiss, Nov. codependency in self-in-relation theory, July 470-475 771-772 in dually diagnosed homeless adults, childhood risk Social Dimensions of the Environmental Crisis: Chal- factors in, Sept. 587-596 lenges for Social Work, by Marie D. Hoff and Successful Private Practice Referral Service (CC), by Jane Robert J. Polack, Mar. 204-211 K. Thompson, Priscilla Mullen Riley, Nancy Social-Environmental Context of Child Clients: An Staver, Caro! Z. Steinman, and Carol Trust, Mar. Empirical Exploration, by Enola K. Proctor, Nancy 227-228 R. Vosler, and Elizabeth A. Sirles, May 256-262 Suicide Social Work and the Right of Psychiatric Patients to crisis help line use, July 421-427 Refuse Medication: A Family Advocate’s Response, physician-assisted (letter), Sept. 648 by Marilyn K. Rosenson, Jan. 107-112 preventive intervention in school, Mar. 197-203 Social Work in the Ecological Crisis, by Raymond M. Suicide Prevention: A Classroom Presentation to Berger and James J. Kelly, Sept. 521-526 Adolescents, by Jerry Ciffone, Mar. 197-203 Social work practice Support group for AIDS workers, Mar. 144-151 collaborative practice research, July 440-449 Support Systems and Stress Reduction among Workers compensation for, Sept. 542-551 Caring for Dependent Parents, by Viola M. in conflict mediation, Jan. 69-73 Lechner, July 461-469 creative cosmology for, Mar. 127-134 development ofi nteractional theory of, Jan. 91-97 Testing the Sexually Abused Child for the HIV Antibody: dual perspective in, Jan. 82-90 Issues for the Social Worker, by George A. Gellert, education for (letter), Sept. 643-645 Carol D. Berkowitz, Michael J. Gellert, and environmental/ecological issues and, Sept. 521-526 Michael J. Durfee, July 389-394 environmental issues and, Mar. 204-211 Time-Limited Hot Line (NF), by Marti Tamm Loring evaluation in, Sept. 554-563 and Edward T. Wimberley, May 344-346 family preservation in (E), Sept. 509-512 Transpersonal Social Work: A Theory for the 1990s, by feminine ethic in, Sept. 535-540 Au-Deane S. Cowley, Sept. 527-534 with gay and lesbian adolescents, Nov. 655-659 history, Sept. 513-520 Understanding Death and Grief for Children Three and hypnosis in, Sept. 603-608 Younger, by Carole Norris-Shortle, Patricia A. with manipulative client, Nov. 674-682 Young, and May Ann Williams, Nov. 736-742 in mental disability self-help agency, Nov. 705-711 Using Company-Owned Housing and Workfare to Fill metatheoretical framework for, May 317-331 the Need for Low-Wage Workers: A Solution or Step National Science Foundation classification Backward?, by John R. Belcher and Deborah (letter/response), July 502-503 Rejent, May 297-304 with organizational clients, July 477-484 Using Computers to Teach Practice Skills, by Brett A. Seabury and Frank F. Maple, Jr., July 430-439 Freedman, Childhood Risk Factors in Dually Utilization management, Mar. 221-227 Diagnosed Homeless Adults, Sept. 587-596 Violence, perception of black urban youth (CC), July Bloom, Martin, book review, May 355-356 485-490 Bogo, Marion, see Bergman, A. Bogolub, Ellen B., letter, Jan. 120 Welfare. see Public assistance/welfare Brabson, Howard V., see Gant, L. M. Women’s issues. See also Feminist thought Breslow, Diane B., letter, July 503 in cocaine treatment, Sept. 611-617 Brilliant, Eleanor L., book review, Nov. 773-774 feminine ethic in social work, Sept. 535-540 Burack-Weiss, Ann, Significant Findings (NF), Nov. in social work history, Sept. 513-520 771-772 in social worker compensation, Sept. 542-551 Writing a New Story about America (E), by Ann Calese, Joyce, letter, Sept. 646 Hartman, Mar. 125-126 Canda, Edward, book review, Mar. 237-238 Castex, Graciela M., Frames of Reference: The Effects of Ethnocentric Map Projections on Professional Practice, AUTHOR INDEX Nov. 685-693 Abbey, Sharon, see Bergman, A. Chandler, Verna, see Bergman, A. Abramson, Julie S., Orienting Social Work Employees in Chapman, Mary, letter, Mar. 239 Interdisciplinary Settings: Shaping Professional and Chess, Wayne A., see Gant, L. M. Organizational Perspectives, Mar. 152-157 Chilman, Catherine S., Parental Employment and Child Aguilar, Gloria Duran, book review, Jan. 115 Care Trends: Some Critical Issues and Suggested Alexander, Rudolph, Jr., The Legal Liability of Social Policies, July 451-460 Workers after DeShaney, Jan. 64-68 Ciffone, Jerry, Suicide Prevention: A Classroom Alperin, Diane Elias, Family Service Agencies: Respond- Presentation to Adolescents, Mar. 197-203 ing to Need in the 1980s, Sept. 597-602 Cnaan, Ram A., see Blankertz, Laura E. Anderson, Roberta, letter, Mar. 239-240 Collins, Barbara G., Reconstructing Codependency Using Arons, RoseMarie D., and Florence S. Schwartz, Self-in-Relation Theory: A Feminist Perspective, Interdisciplinary Coleadership of High School July 470-476 Groups for Dropout Prevention, Jan. 9-14 Comings, Brenda G., see Comings, David E. Auslander, Wendy F., see Ozawa, Martha N. Comings, David E., and Brenda G. Comings, Sexual Abuse or Tourette Syndrome? (NF), May 347-350 Barney, David D., see Petr, Christopher G. Cotter, Susan, letter, Mar. 240 Barth, Richard P., Protecting the Future of Children and Cowley, Au-Deane S., Transpersonal Social Work: A Families from Pelton’s Dangerous Reforms (CC), Theory for the 1990s, Sept. 527-534 Jan. 98-100 Crystal, Stephen, book review, May 352 see also Nunes-Dinis, Maria Cushman, Linda F., Debra Kalmuss, and Pearila B. Belcher, John R., and Deborah Rejent, Using Company- Namerow, Placing an Infant for Adoption: The Owned Housing and Workfare to Fill the Need for Experiences of Young Birthmothers, May 264-272 Low-Wage Workers: A Solution or Step Backward?, May 297-304 Davidson, Bruce N., see Googins, Bradley Belville, Renate, see Indyk, Debbie de Anda, Diane, and Melanie A. Smith, Differences Bentley, Kia J., The Right of Psychiatric Patients to among Adolescent, Young Adult, and Adult Callers Refuse Medication: Where Should Social Workers of Suicide Help Lines, 421-428 Stand? (P&V), Jan. 101-106 Dear, Ronald B., book review, May 356 Berger, Raymond M. Dempsey, Dave, see Weismiller, Toby book review, Sept. 642 Dewart, Tracey, see Indyk, Debbie and James J. Kelly, Social Work in the Ecological Crisis, Dickson, Beejee, letter, Jan. 119 Sept. 521-526 DiRienzo-Callahan, Camile, letter, Jan. 119-120 Bergman, A., L. Wells, M. Bogo, S. Abbey, V. Chandler, Donovan, Rebecca, Paui A. Kurzman, and Carol L. Embleton, S. Guirgis, A. Huot, T. McNeill, Rotman, Improving the Lives ofH ome Care L. Prentice, D. Stapleton, L. Shekter-Wolfson, Workers: A Partnership of Social Work and Labor, S. Urman, High-Risk Indicatorfso r Family Sept. 579-585 Involvement in Social Work in Health Care: A Duffy, James J., Jr., letter, May 359 Review of the Literature, May 281-288 Durfee, Michael J., see Gellert, George A. Berkowitz, Carol D., see Gellert, George A. Berlin, Sharon, book review, Mar. 238 Early, Theresa J., and John Poertner, Families with Black, William G., Jr., Military-Induced Family Separation: Children with Emotional Disorders: A Review of the A Stress Reduction Intervention, May 273-280 Literature, Nov. 743-764 Blankertz, Laura E., Ram A. Cnaan, and Erica Elks, Martin A., and Karen E. Kirkhart, Evaluating Social Work / Volume 38, Number 6 / November 1993 aa 786 Effectiveness from the Practitioner Perspective, Sept. Hepworth, Dean H., Managing Manipulative Behavior 554-563 in the Helping Relationship, Nov. 674-682 Embleton, Leota, see Bergman, A. Hoff, Marie D., and Robert J. Polack, Social Dimensions of the Environmental Crisis: Challenges for Social Fewell, Christine Huff, Barbara Lee King, and Dava Work, Mar. 204-211 L.Weinstein, Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse among Hogan, Patricia Turner, book review, Nov. 774 Social Work Colleagues and Their Families: Impact Holden, Gary, letter, July 502-503 on Practice, Sept. 565-570 Huff, Daniei D., and David A. Johnson, Phantom Figueira-McDonough, Josefina, Policy Practice: The Welfare: Public Relief for Corporate America, May Neglected Side ofS ocial Work Intervention, Mar. 311-316 179-188 Hunter, Ski, book review, Jan. 113 Flory, Michael J., see Lutz, Mary E. Huot, Anne, see Bergman, A. Fournier, Robert R., letter, Sept. 648 Hutchison, Elizabeth D., Mandatory Reporting Laws: Child Freedberg, Sharon, The Feminine Ethic of Care and the Protective Case Finding Gone Awry?, Jan. 56-63 Professionalization of Social Work, Sept. 535-540 Freedman, Erica, see Blankertz, Laura E. Indyk, Debbie, Renate Belville, Sister Susanne Furniss, Ronald J., letter, Nov. 777 Lachapelle, Gail Gordon, and Tracy Dewart, A Community-Based Approach to HIV Case Manage- Galinsky, Maeda J., Joanne E. Turnbull, Diane E. ment: Systematizing the Unmanageable, July Meglin, and Margaret E. Wilner, Confronting the 380-387 Reality of Collaborative Practice Research: Issues of Practice, Design, Measurement, and Team Develop- Jackson, Aurora P., Black, Single, Working Mothers in ment, July 440-449 Poverty: Preferences for Employment, Well-being, Gant, L. M., B. A. Nagda, H. V. Brabson, S. Jayaratne, and Perceptions of Preschool-Age Children, Jan. W. A. Chess, and A. Singh, Effects of Social Support 26-34 and Undermining on African American Worker’s Jayaratne, Srinika, see Gant, L. M. Perceptions of Coworker and Supervisor Relation- Johnson, David A., see Huff, Daniel D. ships and Psychological Well-being, Mar. 158-164 Jones, Martha L., Role Conflict: Cause of Burnout or Gellert, George A., Carol D. Berkowitz, Michael J. Energizer?, Mar. 136-141 Gellert, and Michael J. Durfee, Testing the Sexually Abused Child for the HIV Antibody: Issues for the Kadushin, Goldie, and Regina Kulys, Discharge Social Worker, July 389-394 Planning: What Do Social Workers Actually Do in Gellert, Michael J., see Gellert, George A. Discharge Planning?, Nov. 713-726 George, Marilee H., letter, Sept. 647 Kagle, Jill Doner, Record Keeping: Directions for the Gilbert, Dianne, Not in My Backyard (Op-Ed), Jan. 7-8 1990s, Mar. 190-196 Goldmeier, John, book review, Mar. 235 Kalmuss, Debra, see Cushman, Linda F. Goldstein, Howard, letter, Sept. 643-645 Karger, Howard Jacob, and David Stoesz, Retreat and Googins, Bradley, and Bruce N. Davidson, The Retrenchment: Progressives and the Welfare State, Organization as Client: Broadening the Concept of Mar. 212-220 Employee Assistance Programs, July 477-484 see also Stoesz, David Gordon, Gail, see Indyk, Debbie Kauffman, Helen, letter, Mar. 240 Greene, Roberta R., see Riley, Joyce A. Kelly, James J., see Berger, Raymond M. Grossman, Arnold H., and Charles Silverstein, King, Barbara Lee, see Fewell, Christine Huff Facilitating Support Groups for Professionals Kirk, Stuart A., see Mattaini, Mark A. Working with People with AIDS, Mar. 144-151 Kisthardt, Walter, see Rapp, Charles A. Guirgis, Samira, see Bergman, A. Kulys, Regina, see Kadushin, Goldie Guzzetta, Charles, book review, Jan. 116-117 Kurzman, Paul A., see Donovan, Rebecca Hartman, Ann Lachapelle, Sister Susanne, see Indyk, Debbie Changing oft he Guard (E), Nov. 653-654 Landsman, Miriam J., see Nelson, Kristine E. Family Preservation under Attack (E), Sept. 509-512 Lechner, Viola M., Support Systems and Stress Reduction Good Luck, Bill—Keep in Touch (E), Jan. 5-6 among Workers Caring for Dependent Parents, July letters in response to, Sept. 643-645, 646-647 461-469 Out of the Closet: Revolution and Backlash (E), May Levy, Charles S., book review, Sept. 641-642 245-246, 360 Liebmann, George W., The AFDC Conundrum: A New The Professional Is Political (E), July 365-366, 504 Look at an Old Institution, Jan. 36—43 Writing a New Story about America (E), Mar. 125-126 Loring, Marti Tamm, and Edward T. Wimberley, The Haworth, Glenn O., book review, Mar. 236-237 Time-Limited Hot Line (NF), May 344-345 Heimerdinger, John F., letter, May 358 Lott, Cynthia Leeanne, see Proctor, Enola K. Lutz, Mary E., and Michael J. Flory, Instruments and Problems in Financing the Care of AIDS Patients, Psychometrics: A Response to Mattaini and Kirk July 369-377 (P&V), Mar. 229-230 and Simon Wai-on Law, Earnings History ofS ocial Workers: A Comparison to Other Professional Mancoske, Ronald J., book reviews, Jan. 114 Groups, Sept. 542-551 Maple, Frank F., Jr., see Seabury, Brett A. Marley, James A., book review, May 352-353 Peile, Colin, Determinism versus Creativity: Which Way Marvel, William L., letter, Sept. 647 for Social Work?, Mar. 127-134 Mason, Mary Ann, book review, Mar. 235-236 Pelton, Leroy H., Enabling Public Child Welfare Mattaini, Mark A., and Stuart A. Kirk, Misdiagnosing Agencies to Promote Family Preservation (CC), July Assessment (P&V), Mar. 231-233 491-493 Mayers, Raymond Sanchez, book review, May 353 Perdue, Jeanette D., see Mercer, Susan O. McCarthy, E. Thomas, letter, Mar. 240 Petr, Christopher G., and David D. Barney, Reasonable McDonell, James R. Efforts for Children with Disabilities: The Parents’ Judgments of Personal Responsibility for HIV Infection: Perspective, May 247-254 An Attributional Analysis, July 403-410 Pharis, Mary E., book review, May 354-355 Letter, Nov. 778 Poertner, John, see Early, Theresa J. McNeill, Ted, see Bergman, A. Polack, Robert J., see Hoff, Marie D. McRoy, Ruth G., book review, Jan. 116 Potter, Sandee, book review, May 354 Meglin, Diane E., see Galinsky, Maeda J. Poulin, John E., and Carolyn A. Walter, Burnout in Mercer, Susan, and Jeanette D. Perdue, Munchausen Gerontological Social Work, May 305-310 Syndrome by Proxy: Social Work’s Role, Jan. 74-81 Prentice, Linda, see Bergman, A. Meyer, William S. Proctor, Enola K. book review, May 356-357 Nancy Morrow-Howell, and Cynthia Leeanne Lott, In Defense of Long-Term ‘1r eatment: On the Vanishing Classification and Correlates of Ethical Dilemmas in Holding Envrironment, Sept. 571-578 Hospital Social Work, Mar. 166-177 Miller, Dorothy C., book review, May 352 Nancy R. Vosler, and Elizabeth A. Sirles, The Social- Monroe, Karen L., letter, Mar. 239 Environmental Context of Child Clients: An Moore, Stephen T., Goal-Directed Change in Service Empirical Exploration, May 256-262 Utilization, Mar. 221-226 Mor-Barak, Michal E., and Margaret Tynan, Older Rapp, Charles A., Wes Shera, and Walter Kisthardt, Workers and the Workplace: A New Challenge for Research Strategies for Consumer Empowerment of Occupational Social Work, Jan. 45-55 People with Severe Mental Illness, Nov. 727-735 Morrow, Deana F., Social Work with Gay and Lesbian Reamer, Frederic G., AIDS and Social Work: The Ethics Adolescents, Nov. 655-660 and Civil Liberties Agenda, July 412-419 Morrow-Howell, Nancy, see Proctor, Enola K. Rejent, Deborah, see Belcher, John R. Ribner, David S., Crisis in the Workplace: The Role of Nagda, Biren A., see Gant, L. M. the Occupational Social Worker, May 333-337 Nah, Kyung-Hee, Perceived Problems and Service Rich, Phil, letter, May 359 Delivery for Korean Immigrants, May 289-296 Riley, Joyce L., and Roberta R. Greene, Influence of Namerow, Pearila B., see Cushman, Linda F. Education on Self-perceived Attitudes about HIV/ Nelson, Kristine E., Edward J. Saunders, and Miriam J. AIDS among Human Services Providers, July Landsman, Chronic Child Neglect in Perspective, 396-401 Nov. 661-671 Riley, Priscilla Mullen, see Thompson, Jane K. Norris-Shortle, Carole, Patricia A. Young, and May Roberts, Albert R., book reviews, Jan. 115 Ann Williams, Understanding Death and Grief for Roberts-DeGennaro, Maria, book review, July 499 Children Three and Younger, Nov. 736-742 Rose, Steven R., book reviews, May 353-354 Norton, Dolores G., Diversity, Early Socialization, and Rosenson, Marilyn K., Social Work and the Right of Temporal Development: The Dual Perspective Psychiatric Patients to Refuse Medication: A Family Revisited, Jan. 82-90 Advocate’s Response (P&V), Jan. 107-112 Nunes-Dinis, Maria, and Richard P. Barth, Cocaine Rotman, Carol, see Donovan, Rebecca Treatment and Outcome, Sept. 611-617 Rubenstein, Robert, letter, Sept. 646-647 Russell, Catherine, letter, Jan. 118 O’Donnell, Sandra, Involving Clients in Welfare Policy- Making, Sept. 629-635 Saari, Carolyn, book review, Nov. 774-775 Oellerich, Thomas D., letter, July 502 Saunders, Edward J., see Nelson, Kristine E. Olsen, Lenore, book reviews, May 253, July 499 Schinke, Steven P., book review, Mar. 238 Ozawa, Martha N. Schley, Harriet W., letter, May 358 Wendy F. Auslander, and Vered Slonim-Nevo, Schorr, Alvin L., letter, Sept. 643 Social Work / Volume 38, Number 6 / November 1993 ay Schwartz, Florence S., see Arons, RoseMarie D. Verschelden, Cia, Social Work Values and Pacifism: Seabury, Brett A., and Frank F. Maple, Jr., Using Opposition to War as a Professional Responsibility Computers to Teach Practice Skills, July 430-439 (P&V), Nov. 765-769 Segal, Steven P., Carol Silverman, and Tanya Temkin, Vest, Gerald W., letter, May 358 Empowerment and Self-help Agency Practice for Vosler, Nancy R., see Proctor, Enola K. People with Mental Disabilities, Nov. 705-712 Shekter-Woifson, Lorie, see Bergman, A. Walter, Carolyn A., see Poulin, John E. Shera, Wes, see Rapp, Charles A. Watts, Thomas D., book review, July 500 Shernoff, Michael, letter, Mar. 240 Weber, Stephen A., book review, July 500-501 Shulman, Lawrence, Developing and Testing a Practice Weinstein, Dava L., see Fewell, Christine Huff Theory: An Interactional Perspective, Jan. 91-97 Weismiller, Toby, letter, Sept. 645-646 Siegel, Deborah H., Open Adoption of Infants: Adoptive Wells, Lilian, see Bergman, A. Parents’ Perceptions of Advantages and Disadvan- Wells, Paula J., Preparinfgo rS udden Death: Social Work tages, Jan. 15-22 in the Emergency Room (NF), May 339-342 Silver, Constance, letter, Sept. 645 Wertkin, Robert A., Isometric Rolfing (NF), Sept. Silverman, Carol, see Segal, Steven P. 637-640 Silverstein, Charles, see Grossman, Arnold H. Whitaker, William H., A Charity/Justice Partnershifpo r Simon, Elizabeth, letter, Nov. 777-778 U.S. Food Security (NF), July 494-497 Singh, Anup, see Gant, L. M. Whyte, Douglas A., letter, May 359 Sirles, Elizabeth A., see Proctor, Enola K. Williams, May Ann, see Norris-Shortle, Carole Slonim-Nevo, Vered see Ozawa, Martha N. Wilner, Margaret E., see Galinsky, Maeda J. Smith, Melanie A., see de Anda, Diane Wimberley, Edward T., see Loring, Marti Tamm Snyder, Wendy K., book review, Nov. 773 Wingerter, Tony, letter, Jan. 119 Souflee, Federico, Jr., A Metatheoretical Framework for Winsor, Roswitha M., Hypnosis—A Neglected Tool for Social Work Practice, May 317-331 Client Empowerment, Sept. 603-608 Stapleton, Dan, see Bergman, A. Winston, Joyce P., letter, Sept. 645 Stark, Evan, The Myth of Black Violence (CC), July 485-490 Young, Patricia A., see Norris-Shortle, Carole Staver, Nancy, see Thompson, Jane K. Young, Victoria, letter, Sept. 647-648 Steinman, Carol Z., see Thompson, Jane K. Sternberg, Peter, letter, Mar. 240 Zapf, Michael Kim, Remote Practice and Culture Shock: Sticer, Terry, letter, Jan. 118-119 Social Workers Moving to Isolated Northern Stoesz, David, Communicating with the Public (Op-Ed), Regions, Nov. 694—704 July 367-368 and Howard Jacob Karger, Deconstructing Welfare: The Reagan Legacy and the Welfare State, Sept. BOOK REVIEW INDEX 619-628 Addams, Jane, Twenty Years at Hull House; with see also Karger, Howard Jacob Autobiographical Notes, rev. by Sandee Potter, May Sullivan, Maura, Social Work’s Legacy of Peace: Echoes 354 from the Early 20th Century, Sept. 513-520 Alter, Catherine, and Wayne Evens, Evaluating Your Sullivan, Pat, book review, Jan. 113-114 Practice: A Guide to Self-Assessment, rev. by Sharon B. verlin, Mar. 238 \ Temkin, Tanya, see Segal, Steven P. American Association for Helping Children, Helping in Theriot, Kevin, letter, Mar. 239 Child Protective Services: A Casework Handbook, Thompson, Jane K., Priscilla Mullen Riley, Nancy rev. by Lenore Olsen, July 499 Staver, Carol Z. Steinman, and Carol Trust, A Ammerman, Robert T., and Michel Herson, eds., Case Successful Private Practice Referral Service (CC), Studies in Family Violence, rev. by Albert R. Mar. 227-228 Roberts, Jan. 114-115 Tourse, Robbie, book review, May 354 Axinn, June, and Herman Levin, Social Welfare: A Trust, Carol, sce Thompson, Jane K. History of the American Response to Need, Third Turnbull, Joanne E., see Galinsky, Maeda J. Edition, rev. by Thomas D. Watts, July 500 Tynan, Magaret, see Mor-Barak, Michal E. Barker, Robert L., The Social Work Dictionary (2nd Umbreit, Mark S., Crime Victims and Offenders in Edition), rev. by Charles Guzetta, Jan. 116-117 Mediation: An Emerging Area of Social Work Bartlett, John G., and Ann K. Finkbeiner, The Guide to Practice, Jan. 69-73 Living with HIV Infection, rev. by Ronald J. Urman, Sorele, see Bergman, A. Mancoske, Jan. 114 Beebe, Linda, ed., Professional Writing for the Human VanLieu, Shirley, letter, Sept. 645 Services, rev. by Raymond M. Berger, Sept. 642 Belcher, John R., and Frederick A. DiBlasio, Helping the Kremen, Eleanor, see Goldberg, Gertrude Shafner Homeless: Where Do We Go From Here?, rev. by Stephen Crystal, May 352 Lawson, Ann W., see Lawson, Gary M. Brilliant, Eleanor, The United Way: Dilemmas of Lawson, Gary M., and Ann W. Lawson, Adolescent Organized Charity, rev. by Stephen A. Webster, Substance Abuse: Etiology, Treatment and Preven- July 500-501 tion, rev. by Wendy K. Snyder, Nov. 773 Levin, Herman, see Axinn, June Cox, Arthur J., see Hudson, Christopher G. Lohmann, Roger A., The Commons: New Perspectives on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, rev. DiBlasio, Frederick A., see Belcher, John R. by Eleanor L. Brilliant, Nov. 773-774 Edwards, Richard L., and John A. Yankey, eds., Skills Mahoney, Michael J., Human Change Processes: The for Effective Human Services Management, rev. by Scientific Foundations of Psychotherapy, rev. by Pat Suilivan, Jan. 113-114 Glenn O. Haworth, Mar. 236-237 Ephross, Paul H., see Greene, Roberta R. Masi, Dale A., AIDS Issues in the Workplace: A Response Evens, Wayne, see Alter, Catherine Model for Human Resource Management, rev. by Ronald J. Mancoske, Jan. 114 Finkbeiner, Ann K., see Bartlett, John G. McInnis, Kathleen M., Helen E. Petracchi, and Mel Morgenbesser, The Hmong in America: Providing Gelles, Richard J., see Straus, Murray A. Ethnic-Sensitive Health, Education, and Human Gerhart, Ursula C., Caring for the Chronic Mentally Ill, Services, rev. by Robbie Tourse, May 354 rev. by James A. Marley, May 352-353 Moore, Joan, and Ronald Glick, eds., Drugs in Hispanic Germain, Carel Bailey, Human Behavior and the Social Communities, rev. by Raymond Sanchez Mayers, Environment: An Ecological View, rev. by Ski May 353 Hunter, Jan. 113 Morgenbesser, Mel, see McInnis, Kathleen M. Gibbs, Leonard E., Scientific Reasoning for Social Workers: Bridging the Gap between Research and Perry, Nancy Walker, and Lawrence S. Wrightsman, Practice, rev. by Martin Bloom, May 355-356 The Child Witness: Legal Issues and Dilemmas, rev. Glick, Ronald, see Moore, Joan by Mary Ann Mason, Mar. 235-236 Goldberg, Gertrude Shaffner, and Eleanor Kremen, The Petracchi, Helen E., see McInnis, Kathleen M. Feminization of Poverty: Only in America, rev. by Polansky, Norman A., Integrated Ego Psychology, rev. by Dorothy C. Miller, May 352 William S. Meyer, May 356-357 Golden, Olivia, Poor Children and Welfare Reform, rev. by Patricia Turner Hogan, Nov. 774 Reamer, Frederic, The Philosophical Foundations of Greene, Roberta R., and Paul H. Ephross, Human Social Work, rev. by Charles S. Levy, Sept. 641-642 Behavior Theory and Social Work, rev. by Edward Reid, P. Nelson, and Philip R. Popple, eds., The Moral Canda, Mar. 237-238 Purpose of Social Work: The Character and Intentions of a Profession, rev. by Charles S. Levy, Hamilton, Gregory, From Inner Sources: New Directions Sept. 641-642 in Object Relations Psychotherapy, rev. by Carolyn Reid, William J., see Videka-Sherman, Lynn Saari, Nov. 774-775 Rose, Stephen M., ed., Case Management and Social Handler, Joel F., and Yeheskel Hasenfeld, The Moral Work Practice, rev. by Maria Roberts-DeGennaro, Construction of Poverty: Welfare Reform in July 499 America, rev. by Ronald B. Dear, May 356 Rosen, Karen, see Stith, Sandra M. Hasenfeld, Yeheskel, see Handler, Joel F. Roundy, Lynn M., see Horton, Anne L. Hersen, Michel, see Ammerman, Robert T. Horton, Anne L., Barry L. Johnson, Lynn M. Roundy, Saari, Carolyn, The Creation of Meaning in Clinical and Doran Williams, The Incest Perpetrator: A Social Work, rev. by Mary E. Pharis, May 354-355 Family Member No One Wants to Treat, rev. by Scharff, David, Refinding the Object and Reclaiming the John Goldmeier, Mar. 235 Self, rev. by Carolyn Saari, Nov. 774-775 Hudson, Christopher G., and Arthur J. Cox, Dimen- Schorr, Daniel, see Schorr, Lisbeth sions of State Mental Health Policy, rev. by Steven Schorr, Lisbeth, with Daniel Schorr, Within Our Reach: R. Rose, May 353-354 Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage, rev. by Ruth G. McRoy, Jan. 116 Johnson, Ann Braden, Out of Bedlam: The Truth about Stith, Sandra M., Mary Beth Williams, and Karen Deinstitutionalization, rev. by Steven R. Rose, May Rosen, eds., Violence Hits Home: Comprehensive 353-354 Treatment Approaches to Domestic Violence, rev. by Johnson, Barry L., see Horton, Anne L. Gloria Duran Aguilar, Jan. 115 Social Work / Volume 38, Number 6 / November 1993

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