SSlleeeepp aanndd AAggiinngg WWeellll The information in this publication was independently developed by the National Sleep Foundation. © 2003 National Sleep Foundation Sleep and Aging (cid:132) How does sleep change as we age? (cid:132) Do we need less sleepp as we gget older? (cid:132) Can a person expect to experience more sleep problems or have a sleep disorder as they advance in age? (cid:132) As we age, how does sleep affect our overall health, medical conditions and general well being? (cid:132)(cid:132) WWhhatt can we ddo tto gett goodd slleep?? Sleep is Essential to Our Overall Health aanndd WWeellll--BBeeiinngg (cid:132)(cid:132) KKeeyy ttoo oouurr hheeaalltthh, ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee, ssaaffeettyy and quality of life (cid:132) As essential a compponent as ggood nutrition and exercise to optimal health (cid:132)(cid:132) EEsssseennttiiaall ttoo oouurr aabbiilliittyy ttoo ppeerrffoorrmm bbootthh cognitive and physical tasks, engage ffuullllyy iinn lliiffee aanndd ffuunnccttiioonn iinn aann eeffffeeccttiivvee,, safe and productive way Normal Sleep and Normal Aging: OOuurr IInntteerrnnaall CClloocckk (cid:132) TThhee bbiioollooggiiccaall cclloocckk rreessiiddeess iinn tthhee bbrraaiinn (cid:132) It helps regulate when we feel sleepy and when we are alert (cid:132) It works in tandem with ligght and dark,, and our bodyy tempperature and hormones The Sleep Cycle in Adults Awake 1 2 M M M M M s E E E E E e RR RR RR RR RR g 3 a t S 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hours in Sleep Normal Sleep and Normal Aging: LLeessss DDeeeepp SSlleeeepp Health and Environment Affect Our Sleep With age, we become more sensitive to: (cid:132) Hormonal Changges (cid:132) Physiological Conditions (cid:132) Environmental Conditions (cid:132) Light (cid:132) Noise (cid:132) TTemperatture Normal Sleep and Normal Aging: SSlleeeepp EEffffiicciieennccyy Changes with age ) g n ypi ce ne el S i cd fie fB E n pp ii ee em l STi % ( Men Women Age The ability to get ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss aanndd consolidated sleep may bbeeccoommee mmoorree difficult as we age Sleep Problems/Disorders PPrreevvaalleenntt AAmmoonngg OOllddeerr PPeerrssoonnss SYMPTOMS OF SLEEP PROBLEMS BY AGE Symptoms: a few nights a week or more 55-64 65-74 75-84 Insomnia 49% 46% 50% Snoring 41% 28% 22% Sleep Apnea 9% 6% 7% Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) 15% 17% 21%