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SIZE AND SHAPE OF BARYONS IN A LARGE N QUARK MODEL C A. J. BUCHMANN University of Tu¨bingen, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, D-72076 Tu¨bingen, Germany E-mail: [email protected] 3 0 Baryon charge radii and quadrupole moments are calculated in a quark model 0 generalized to an arbitrary number (Nc) of colors. Several relations among the 2 charge radii and quadrupole moments are found. In particular, the relation n Qp→∆+ = √12rn2 betweentheneutronchargeradiusrn2 andthep→∆+transition a quadrupole moment Qp ∆+ is shown to hold for physical baryons as well in the J largeNc limit. → 6 1 Introduction 1 v 1 Charge radii (rB2) and quadrupole moments (QB) are the lowest moments of 3 the chargedensityρinalow-momentumexpansion. Forexample,foramem- 0 ber of the baryon decuplet with unit charge, one has up to q2 contributions 1 0 q2 q2 3 hB|ρ(q)|Bi=1− 6 rB2 − 6 QB+···, (1) 0 / where q is the photonmomentum transfer to the baryon. The firsttwo terms h p arisefromthesphericallysymmetricmonopolepartofρ,whilethe thirdterm - isobtainedfromthequadrupolepartofthechargedensity. Theycharacterize p the total charge, spatial extension, and shape of the system. e h Baryon charge radii and quadrupole moments are closely related conse- : quences of the quark-gluondynamics. They have been calculated in different v modelsofbaryonstructure,e.g.,anN =3constituentquarkmodelwithtwo- i c X body exchange currents 1. Several new relations among the different r2 and B r Q have been abstracted from these model calculations, some of which have a B later been shown to be general consequences of the underlying symmetries and dynamics of quantum chromodynamics 2,3. 2 Large N Quark Model c It is instructive to investigate the charge radii and quadrupole moments of baryonsin a quark model in which the number of colorsN is not fixed to its c physical value N = 3 but allowed to take on an arbitrary odd integer value. c Phenomenology of Large N QCD, Tempe, AZ, USA, Jan. 9-11, 2002 1 c Among the advantages of treating N as a parameter are: c (i) an expansion in powers of 1/N of the operator structures contributing to c a given observable is obtained, (ii) there is a hierachy in importance of one-, two-, and three-quark operators. A multipole expansion of the baryon charge ρ up to quadrupole terms leads to the following invariants in spin-isospin space Nc B Nc ρ = A e e 2σ σ (3σ σ σ σ ) , (2) i i i j iz jz i j − N (cid:20) · − − · (cid:21) Xi c Xi<j where σ is the z-component of the Pauli spin matrix of quark i, and e is iz i the quark charge. The constants A and B in front of the one- and two-quark operatorsparametrizetheorbitalandcolormatrixelements. Ifthetwo-quark invariants are generated by gluon exchange, there is a fixed ratio ( 2) of the − factors multiplying the monopole (spin-scalar) and quadrupole (spin-tensor) contributions to ρ. Three-quark operators are neglected in the present work. 3 Baryon Charge Radii AccordingtoWitten 4,baryonshavechargeradiiproportionalto N0 inlead- c ing orderso that, e.g., nonstrange baryonshave the same size independent of their spin. Here, we consider the 1/N corrections associated with the spin- c dependent two-body operators in Eq. (2). The latter break SU(6) spin-flavor symmetry and lead to a splitting between octet and decuplet charge radii. This is analogousto the octet-decuplet mass splittings by spin-dependent in- 5 teractions . 3 TheN and∆chargeradii arethematrixelementsofthefirsttwoterms 6 in Eq. (2) evaluated between large N nucleon and ∆ wave functions : c 1 4J(J +1)+N (N +2)(2Q 1) Q r2 = AQ B c c − +6B , , (3) B Q(cid:26) − N2 N (cid:27) c c whereQisthetotalchargeandJ thetotalangularmomentumofthebaryon. Specializing to J = 1/2 for the nucleon states, one obtains (for neutral baryons there is no normalization factor 1/Q) (N 1)(N 3) r2 = A B c− c− , p − N 2 c (N 1)(N +3) r2 = B c− c . (4) n N 2 c Phenomenology of Large N QCD, Tempe, AZ, USA, Jan. 9-11, 2002 2 c Similarly, from Eq. (3) we obtain for the ∆ states with J =3/2 3 (N 2 2N +5) r2 =A B c − c , ∆++ − 2 N 2 c (N 2 4N +15) r2 =A B c − c , ∆+ − N 2 c (N 3)(N +5) r2 = B c− c , ∆0 N 2 c 2 (N 5) r∆2− =A−3B cN−2 . (5) c From these equations one readily derives that r2 r2 =r2 r2 (6) p− ∆+ n− ∆0 isvalidforallN . Eq.(6)containstheSU(6)symmetry-breakingeffectdueto c the spin-isospindependent (1/N1)correctioninthe baryoncharge. Further O c relations and a more complete treatment including the effect of three-body 3 operators can be found in Ref. . 4 Baryon Quadrupole Moments Quadrupole moments measure the deviation of the baryon’s charge density from spherical symmetry. For the diagonal quadrupole moment of a non- strangedecuplet baryonwithchargeQ,totalangularmomentum J, andpro- jection J one finds z B [3J 2 J(J +1)] (4J(J +1)+N (N +2)(2Q 1)) z c c Q = − − . (7) B 2(cid:20) J(J +1) (cid:21) N 2 c Eq. (7) is the matrix element of the quadrupole part of ρ evaluated between large N quark model wave functions. Specializing to J =J one gets for the c z different charge states of the ∆, 2 [15+3N (N +2)] c c Q = B , ∆++ 5 N 2 c 2 [15+N (N +2)] c c Q = B , ∆+ 5 N 2 c 2 [15 N (N +2)] c c Q∆0 = 5B − N 2 , c 2 [15 3N (N +2)] c c Q∆− = 5B − N 2 . (8) c Phenomenology of Large N QCD, Tempe, AZ, USA, Jan. 9-11, 2002 3 c The ∆ quadrupole moments satisfy the relations Q∆++ +Q∆− =Q∆+ +Q∆0, Q∆+ +Q∆− =2Q∆0, (9) whichholdforallN . Theyarelinearcombinationsofthequadrupolemoment c 7 relations obtained with Morpurgo’s general parametrization method . Only very weak assumptions, such as invariance of the strong interactions under isospin rotations, are required to derive them. The nondiagonal N ∆ transition quadrupole moment in the large N → quark model is 1 2(N 1)(N +5) c c QN→∆ = 2B p −N , (10) c bothforthep ∆+ andthen ∆0 transition. Additionalresultsincluding → → an analysis of strange baryons and three-body operators will be published 8 elsewhere . 5 Relations Between Charge Radii and Quadrupole Moments ComparingEq.(10)andEq.(4),arelationbetweentheneutronchargeradius rn2 and the p→∆+ transition quadrupole moment Qp→∆+ is obtained 1 Qp→∆+ = √2rn2, (11) which is exact for N = 3 and N . For intermediate values of N the c c c difference between left and right ha→nd∞side is (1/N2). Eq. (11) was origi- O c nally derived in an N =3 constituent quark model with two-body exchange c currents1. Recentexperiments 9,10 providesome evidencethatitis satisfied within 20%. The observables rn2 and Qp→∆+ are closely related because (i) in both cases one-quark operators do not contribute, (ii) both observables are dom- inated by the two-quark (B) term, (iii) the relative weight of the monopole (spin-scalar) and quadrupole (spin-tensor) parts in ρ is uniquely determined if these arise from gluon exchange. The generalizationof Eq. (11) to finite momentum transfers is Gp→∆+(q2)= 3√2Gn (q2). (12) C2 − q2 C0 TogetherwiththeresultGp→∆(q2)= √2Gn (q2),itcanbeusedtopredict M1 − M1 the quadrupole (C2) over dipole (M1) ratio in N ∆ electroexcitation from → Phenomenology of Large N QCD, Tempe, AZ, USA, Jan. 9-11, 2002 4 c 9 the elastic neutron form factor data . This agrees very well with C2/M1 10 data from N ∆ electroexcitation . → Finally, the following relation between the charge radii and quadrupole moments holds for all N : c Q∆++ +Q∆+ +Q∆0 +Q∆− =rp2−r∆2+ +rn2 −r∆20. (13) 6 Summary The size and shape of baryons are different but related aspects of the under- lying quark-gluon dynamics. A large N quark model shows that there is a c number of relations between baryon charge radii and quadrupole moments that can be put to experimental tests. Acknowledgments I thank the organizersfor the invitation. Some financialsupport by the DFG under title BU 813/3-1 and the Institute for Nuclear Theory is gratefully acknowledged. 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