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Preview Simulations of star formation in a gaseous disc around sgr A* - a failed AGN

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed5February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Simulations of star formation in a gaseous disc around Sgr A∗– a failed Active Galactic Nucleus Sergei Nayakshin1⋆, Jorge Cuadra2† and Volker Springel2 1 Department of Physics & Astronomy, Universityof Leicester,Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK 2 Max-Planck-Institut fu¨rAstrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 1, 85741 Garching bei Mu¨nchen, Germany 5February2008 7 0 ABSTRACT 0 We numerically model fragmentation of a gravitationally unstable gaseous disc un- 2 der conditions that may be appropriate for the formation of the young massive stars n observedinthecentralparsecofourGalaxy.Inthisstudy,weadoptasimpleprescrip- a tion with a locally constant cooling time. We find that, for cooling times just short J enough to induce disc fragmentation, stars form with a top-heavy Initial Mass Func- 5 tion (IMF), as observed in the Galactic Centre (GC). For shorter cooling times, the discfragmentsmuchmorevigorously,leadingtoloweraveragestellarmasses.Thermal 1 feedbackassociatedwithgasaccretionontoprotostarsslowsdowndiscfragmentation, v as predicted by some analytical models. We also simulate the fragmentation of a gas 1 ∗ stream on an eccentric orbit in a combined Sgr A plus stellar cusp gravitational po- 4 tential.Thestreamprecesses,self-collidesandformsstarswithatop-heavyIMF.None 1 1 ofourmodels produceslargeenoughco-movinggroupsofstarsthatcouldaccountfor 0 the observed “mini star cluster” IRS13E in the GC. In all of the gravitationally un- 7 stable disc models that we explored, star formation takes place too fast to allow any 0 gasaccretionontothecentralsuper-massiveblackhole.Whilethiscanhelptoexplain / the quiescence of ‘failed AGN’ such as Sgr A∗, it poses a challenge for understanding h the high gas accretion rates infered for many quasars. p - o Key words: accretion, accretion discs – methods: numerical – Galaxy: centre r t s a : v 1 INTRODUCTION demonstrated that star formation cannot be quenched by i X stellar feedback, unless one is prepared to grossly violate There is no detailed understanding of how super-massive constraints that we havefrom AGN spectra. r black holes (SMBHs) gain their mass, except that a it must be mainly through gaseous disc accretion Goodman (2003) suggested that thefeeding of SMBHs (Yu& Tremaine, 2002). The standard accretion disc proceedsviadirect accretion of lowangular momentumgas model (Shakura& Sunyaev,1973) shows that accre- that settles in a small scale disc. Such a disc would be tion discs must be quite massive and cold at “large” too hot to allow star formation. The size of this “no-star- (sub-parsec in this context) distances from the SMBH. formation region” is R∼< 0.03 pc, and is weakly dependent Many theorists pointed out that these discs should on theSMBH mass. However,one realistically expectsthat be unstable to self-gravity, and thus must form stars an even larger amount of gas settles at larger radii where or giant planets by gravitational fragmentation (e.g., it could collapse and form stars, or it could accrete on the Paczyn´ski, 1978Kolykhalov & Sunyaev,1980Shlosman & BegelmaSnM, B19H8.9CTohlelirnef&oreZathhen,fa1t9e99oBfetrhteinse&seLlfo-gdraatvoi,ta1t9i9n9gGdaimscms iies, 2001). This creates a dilemma for the field, as star forma- still very much interesting. tion might be a dynamical, very fast process which Current observations provide new im- may result in a complete transformation of the gas petus for theoretical work on the topic. into stars. The SMBH would then be starved of fuel. Wehner& Harris (2006Ferrarese et al. (2006) have shown Goodman (2003Sirko& Goodman (2003) have recently that many galaxies host “extremely compact nuclei” (ECN) – star clusters located in the very central ∼ 5 parsec of galaxies. Closer to home, in the centre of our ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] Galaxy, about a hundred massive young stars, mostly † Current address: JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO arranged into two stellar discs of ∼ 0.05–0.5 parsec scale 80309-0440, USA (Levin & Beloborodov, 2003Genzel et al., 2003Paumard et al., 2006), (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 S. Nayakshin, J. Cuadra & V. Springel circle the super-massive black hole named Sgr A∗. These 2 METHODS AND DISC FRAGMENTATION stars are suspected to have been formed in situ, as ev- TESTS idenced by the lack of stars outside the ∼ 0.5 parsec We use the SPH/N-body code GADGET-2 region (Paumard et al., 2006Nayakshin & Sunyaev,2005). (Springelet al., 2001Springel, 2005) to simulate the Several observational facts are consistent with the hy- dynamics of stars and gas in the (Newtonian) gravitational pothesis that these stars formed in a massive gaseous disc (Paumard et al., 2006). Had this star formation event not field of a point mass with Mbh = 3.5×106M⊙. The code happened, Sgr A∗ could have been accreting gas from the solves for thegas hydrodynamicsvia thesmoothed particle gaseous disc even now. Sgr A∗ thus failed to realise itself hydrodynamics (SPH) formalism. The hydrodynamic treatment of the gas includes adiabatic processes and as an AGN because of the loss of gas to star formation artificial bulk viscosity to resolve shocks. The stars are (Nayakshin & Cuadra, 2005). modelled as sink particles, using the approach developed A number of important gaps in our understanding by Springel et al. (2005), modified in the ways described of young stars near Sgr A∗ remain. The counter clock- below. wise disc appears to host stars on more elliptical orbits, Table 1 lists some of the parameters and results of the and it is also geometrically thicker. The same disc also simulations presented in this paper. The tests described in contains a puzzling “mini star cluster”, IRS13E, that this section are those listed as S1–S5 (the “S” stands for consists of more than a dozen stars and may be bound “standard”).Theunitsoflengthandmassusedinthesimu- by an Intermediate Mass Black Hole (IMBH) of mass lationsareRU =1.2×1017cm≈0.04pc,whichisequalto1′′ Mbh ∼> 103M⊙ (Paumard et al., 2005Sch¨odelet al., 2005). atthe8.0kpcdistancetotheGC,andMU =3.5×106M⊙, The IMF of the observed stars must be top- themass of Sgr A*(e.g., Sch¨odelet al., 2002),respectively. heavy according to several lines of evidence The dimensionless time unit is tU = 1/Ω(RU), or about (Nayakshin & Sunyaev,2005Nayakshinet al., 2006Paumard et al.6,020y0e6arAsle(xΩanidsedreefitnaeld.,j2u0s0t6b),elow Eqn. 1). The masses of which is not expected in the most basic model of a frag- SPH particles are typically around 0.01 Solar masses (see menting disc, as the Jeans mass there is significantly Table 1). sub-solar (e.g., Levin 2006, Nayakshin 2006, but see also Larson 2006). 2.1 Gravitational collapse In this paper, we discuss numerical simulations of star Toomre (1964) showed that a rotating disc is subject to formation occurringinagaseousdiscaroundSgrA∗.Given gravitational instabilities when the Q-parameter the numerical challenges in the problem, we foresee that a Ω2 reliable modelling of all the questions raised by the young Q= (1) stars near Sgr A∗ will require an extended effort of con- 2πGρ stantly increasing complexity. In this study we present nu- becomessmallerthanacriticalvalue,whichisclosetounity. merical experiments with a locally constant cooling time. This form of the equation assumes hydrostatic equilibrium This allows a convenient comparison with previousanalyti- to relate the disc sound speed to its vertical thickness, H. calandnumericalworksthatpredictedtheconditionswhen Ω=(GMbh/R3)1/2 istheKeplerianangularfrequency,and fragmentation should take place. It might also form a basis ρ is the vertically averaged disc density. Gravitational col- for comparison with future work. lapse thustakes place when thegas density exceeds Ω2 Within our formalism with a locally constant cooling ρBH ≡ . (2) 2πG time, we find that (i) circular and eccentric discs alike can gravitationally fragment and form stars; (ii) the IMF of Ideally, numerical simulations should resolve the gravita- formed stars is a strong function of cooling time, becoming tionalcollapse downtostellarscales. Inpractice,thisisim- top-heavyformarginallystar-formingdiscs;(iii)starforma- possiblefornumericalreasons,andinsteadcollisionless“sink tion feedback is indeed able to slow down disc fragmenta- particles” are commonly introduced (Bate et al., 1995) to tion,assuggestedbyseveralearlieranalyticalpapers,butit modelcollapsingregionsofveryhighdensity.Toensurethat is not yetclear if it can alleviate thefueling problem of the collapseiswellunderwaywhenweintroduceasinkparticle, SMBHs; (iv) our simulations do form some tightly bound we requirethat thegas density exceeds binary stars but more populous systems (a la IRS13E) do ρcrit=ρ0+AcolρBH , (3) not survivelong. whereρ0=5×10−11 gcm−3,andAcolisalargenumber(we This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we tested values from a few to a few thousand). We in general discussoursimulationmethodologyandthebasicconditions findthat ourresults are not sensitive to theexact valuesof for disc fragmentation. Section 3 explains our sink particle ρ0 and Acol, provided they are large enough (Section 5.2). approach to treat star formation in more detail. We then Further details of our sink particle treatment are given in analyse theevolution after discfragmentation andtheIMF Section 3.1. oftheformedstarsinSection4.Thesensitivityofourresults tonumericalresolutionandfeedbackfromstarsisdiscussed 2.2 Gas cooling inSections5and6,respectively.Wethenexamineelliptical orbits of agaseous stream in Section 7, and thequestion of Weaccountforradiativecoolingviaasimpleapproachwith the formation of mini star-clusters in Section 8. Finally, we alocally constantcooling time.Thecooling termin theen- summarize and conclude in Section 9. ergy equation is (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Star formation in a disc around Sgr A∗ 3 du u = − , (4) (cid:16)dt(cid:17)cool tcool(R) 0.600..66 where u is the internal energy of an SPH particle, and R is the radial location of the SPH particle, i.e. the distance 0.4 00..44 to the SMBH. We parameterize the cooling time as a fixed fraction of the local dynamical time, tcool(R)=β×tdyn(R), (5) 0.200..22 c ] where t = 1/Ω and β is a parameter of the simula- p dyn 4 0 ttihoenssi.mTuhliastsioimnpmleetmhooddeolloagllyowasssfourchacloocnavlelyniceonntsvtaalnidtactoioolninogf 0.9 [ 0. -0.0--00..00 time models were investigated in detail in previous litera- y - ture. Gammie (2001) has shown that self-gravitating discs -0.2--00..22 are bound to collapse if the cooling time, t , is shorter cool than about 3/Ω (i.e., β < 3). Rice et al. (2005) presented a range of runs that tested this fragmentation criterion in -0.4--00..44 detail, and found that, for the adiabatic index of γ = 5/3 (asused throughoutthispaper),thediskfragments as long -0.6 as β ≤6. --00--..0066..66 --00..44 --00..22 --00..00 00..22 00..44 00..66 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 -0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Notethatmostofthesimulationsexploredinthispaper x -1.1 [ 0.04pc ] are performed for circular initial gas orbits, and also for relatively small disc (total gas) masses as compared with that of the SMBH. As will become clear later, this implies 1.11..000 1.11..555 2.22..000 2.22..555 that during the simulations gas particles continue to follow log Σ [g cm-2] nearlycircularorbits,andthustheircoolingtimeisconstant aroundtheirorbits.Oneexceptiontothisisatestdonewith Figure1.Surfacedensityofaregioninamarginallystabledisc eccentric initial gas orbits (Section 7). fromthesimulationS4(β=4.5)attimet=50.Themapiscen- tred on the (x,y)= (1.1,−0.9) location. Many small and some- what dense gas clumps can be seen in the figure. None of the 2.3 Fragmentation tests clumpshowevertrulycollapses,andmostdisappearonadynam- icaltimescale. Tocompareournumericalapproachwithknownresults,we ran several tests (S1–S5 in Table 1) in a setup reminiscent of that of Rice et al. (2005), who modelled fragmenta- disc. For definiteness, we simulate a gaseous disc of mass tion of proto-stellar discs. One key difference between marginally self-gravitating proto-stellar and AGN discs Md = 3×104M⊙ ≈ 0.01Mbh extending from rin = 1 to is the relative disc mass. Whereas the former become rout =4,wherer isthedimensionlessdistancefromSgrA∗. The total initial number of SPH particles used in runs self-gravitating for a disc to central object mass ratio of S1–S5is4×106.Gravitationalsofteningisadaptive,witha Mdisc/M∗ ∼0.1−0.5(e.g., Rafikov,2005),where M∗ isthe minimumgravitational softeninglengthof 3×10−4 forgas, mass of the central star, the latter become self-gravitating and 0.001 for sink particles. The disk is in circular rotation foramassratioassmallasM /M ≃0.003−0.01 (e.g., Gammie, 2001Goodman, 2003dNisacyaksbhhin & Cuadra, 2005Levin, 20a0ro6u).nd a SMBH with mass of Mbh = 3.5×106M⊙. The disc is extended vertically to a height of H/R = 0.02 in For marginally self-gravitating discs, the ratio of disc theinitialconditions,whichrendersitstabletoself-gravity. height to radius, H/R, is of order of the mass ratio, As the gas settles into hydrostatic equilibrium, it heats up H/R∼M /M (Gammie, 2001). The disc viscous time disc bh due to compressional heating, and then cools according to is equation (4). We used fivedifferent values of β =t Ω, in R 2 cool tvisc∼α−1 Ω−1 , (6) theruns, namely β =0.3, 2, 3, 4.5 and 6 (see Table 1). (cid:16)H(cid:17) The discs in runs with β = 0.3,2 and 3 fragmented where α ∼ 0.1 − 1 is the effective viscosity parame- and formed stars, as expected based on the results of ter (Lin & Pringle, 1987Gammie, 2001) for self-gravitating Riceet al. (2005), but our tests with β = 4.5 and 6 did discs. Thus, for H/R∼< 0.01, the disc viscous time is not. However, the run with β = 4.5 and 6 did fragment in some 4–6 orders of magnitude longer than the disc dy- thesenseofformingtransienthighdensitygasclumps,some namical time. This is in fact one of the reasons why ofwhichcanbenotedinFigure1.Themaximumdensityin the discs become self-gravitating, as they are not able theseclumpsfluctuatedbetweenafewtoafewdozentimes to heat up quickly enough via viscous energy dissipation ρBH,i.e.theclumpsweredenseenoughtobeself-bound,but (Shlosman & Begelman, 1989Gammie, 2001). not dense enough for our sink particle criterion, since Acol Also,sincethediscviscoustimeismanyordersofmag- was set to 30 for these tests (cf. Section 2.1). nitudelongerthantheorbitaltime,aswellasthetotalsim- Rice et al. (2005) reported fragmentation for values of ulation time, we expect no radial re-distribution of gas in β as large as 6. This difference in the results is most likely the simulations, and indeed very little occurs. Our models duetoourdiscsbeingmuchthinnergeometrically.Thehigh are essentially local, as emphasized by Nayakshin (2006), density structures formed in our simulations, like filaments andhenceitsufficestosimulateasmall radialregion ofthe and clumps, are much smaller in relative terms than they (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 S. Nayakshin, J. Cuadra & V. Springel arein thesimulations ofproto-stellar discs. This isnot sur- ally be treated as having a finite life-time in our simula- prisingasthemostunstablewavelengthfortheQ∼1discis tions. Furthermore, their sizes are only an order of magni- of order of the disc vertical scale height H (Toomre, 1964), tudesmallerthanthatofthediscscaleheight,H ∼1015 cm andourdiscsaremuchthinner.Also,thehighdensitystruc- (Nayakshin& Cuadra, 2005).Therefore,thefirstcoreshave tures are much more numerous in AGN discs. As analyti- a decent chance to merge with one another (Levin,2006). callyshownbyLevin (2006),self-gravitatingclumpsinsuch They could also be disrupted by a more massive proto-star discs are quite likely to collide with each other on a dy- thatpassesby,form adiscandbesubsequentlyaccretedby namical time scale. If clumps are tightly bound they may theproto-star. agglomerate. For tests with larger values of β, the clumps In order to capture this complicated situation in a nu- are marginally bound (as their maximum density exceeds merically practical way,weintroducetwokindsofsink par- ρBH byafactorofafewonly),andanyinteractionmayun- ticles. We call those with mass M ≤ Mcore = 0.1M⊙ “first bind them.In contrast, for high values of H/R∼M /M, cores”. Once the gas reaches thecritical density (eq. 3), we disc as appropriate for proto-stellar discs, fewer clumps form, turn SPH particles into sink particles individually, so the and the interactions are probably too rare to cause clump initial mass of a first core particle is equal to one SPH par- destruction. ticle mass. First cores have geometrical sizes of Rcore, and can merge with one another if they pass within a distance smaller than 2fmRcore of each other, where fm ≥1 is a pa- rameter that mimics the effect of gravitational focusing in 3 STAR FORMATION mergers. We assume for simplicity that the lifetime of the 3.1 Two types of sink particles firstcoresislongerthanthedurationofthesimulations.We performed a few tests with finite core life times and found To design a physically reasonable and numerically sound very similar results; most of the merging of first cores hap- procedure to deal with the gravitational collapse of cool- pensveryquicklyaftertheyarecreatedinsideofacollapsing ing gas, we make use of well known results from the field gas clump. ofstarformation. Simulationsofcollapsing gashaloes show Sink particles with mass M > Mcore are assumed to that the first quasi-hydrostatic object to form has a char- have collapsed to stellar densities, thus we refer to them acteristic size of about 5 AU, and may therefore be called simply as “stars”. Stars are treated as point mass particles a “first core” (e.g., Larson, 1969Masunaga et al., 1998). As and thus cannot merge with one another, but they are al- this optically thick gas condensation slowly cools, the core lowedtoaccretethefirstcoresiftheirseparationislessthan decreases in size whileaccreting mass from theinfalling en- Rcore.Whenthemassofafirstcoreparticleexceedsthecrit- velope. When themass of thegas accumulated is of theor- ical mass Mcore as a result of mergers or gas accretion, we derof0.05–0.1M⊙,H2dissociationandhydrogenionisation turn it into a star particle. losses become efficient coolants, and the core can collapse dynamicallytomuchhigherdensitiesandmuchsmallersizes (Larson, 1969Silk, 1977).Therelevanttimescaleisoftheor- 3.2 Accretion onto sink particles der of ∼> 103 years, which is very short compared with free WeusetheBondi-Hoyleformalismtocalculatetheaccretion falltimesoftypicalmolecularcloudsinagalaxy.Creationof rate onto thesink particles, the first collapsed objects is therefore nearly instantaneous ina“normal” starforming environment,andtheirsizes are (GM)2 M˙ =4πρ , (7) sufficientlysmallsothattheycanbeconsideredpointmasses (∆v2+c2)3/2 s compared with thecloud size of ∼1018 cm. whereM isthesinkparticlemass,andρ,c and∆v arethe s The gas densities in self-gravitating AGN discs are ambient gas density, sound speed, and the relative velocity ρ/mp ∼ 108 −1012 cm−3, i.e. many orders of magnitude between the accretor and the gas, respectively. Once the larger than in galactic star forming regions, but smaller1 accretionrateiscomputed,theactualgasparticlesthatare than the gas density of a first core, ∼ few ×1013 cm−3. We swallowed by the sink particles are chosen from among the assume that the initial stages of collapse should be simi- sink particle’s neighbors via the stochastic SPH method of lar to “normal” star formation except that it starts from Springel et al. (2005). higherinitialgasdensities.ForSgrA∗,atthedistancewhere theyoungmassivestarsarelocated(Paumard et al., 2006), the free-fall time in the collapsing gas clouds, t ∼ 3.3 Maximum accretion rates ff 1/(Gρ)1/2 ∼< tdyn, is of the order of 100–1000 years. For a As the gas density in these star forming discs is enormous more massive AGN, the time scales would be even shorter compared to “normal” molecular clouds, the Bondi-Hoyle at comparable distances to the SMBH. The life-times of formula frequently yields super-Eddington accretion rates the first cores in this environment are then longer than the free-fall time, since the core collapse is dominated by the (Nayakshin,2006).AssumingthatgasliberatesGM∗/R∗ of cooling time scale, which is much longer than the t esti- energy per unit mass, where M∗ and R∗ are the mass and ff radius of the accretor, one estimates that the accretion lu- mated above. This implies that these objects should actu- minosity is GM∗M˙ 1 CloserintoSMBHs,thetidalsheardensity(ρBH)becomesyet Laccr = R∗ , (8) larger, and therefore there exists a minimum radius in the disc insideofwhichstarformationdoesnottakeplace,asproto-stars where M˙ is the accretion rate. Setting this equal to the wouldbetornapartbytidalforces. Eddington luminosity, LEdd = 4πGM∗mpc/σT = 1.3 × (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Star formation in a disc around Sgr A∗ 5 1038(M∗/M⊙) erg s−1, we obtain the Eddington accretion right panels, respectively. Star formation spreads to larger rate: radii as time progresses. In the right panel of Fig. 4, the M˙ = 4πmpR∗c . (9) innermost region of thedisc isalmost completely cleared of Edd σ gas bycontinuingaccretion ontoexistingstars (ratherthan T further disc fragmentation, see Section 4.2). At the end of Note that this expression depends only on the size the simulations that do fragment, i.e. S1–S3, very little gas of the object, R∗. For first cores, R∗ = Rcore, remains. To characterise the rate at which star formation which yields a very high accretion rate limit of al- consumes the gas in the disc, we define the disc half-time, most a Solar mass per year for Rcore = 1014 t ,asthetimefromthestartofthesimulationtothepoint cm. For stars, we use the observational results of half atwhichthegaseousmassinthediscisequaltoonehalfof Demircan & Kahraman (1991Gorda & Svechnikov(1998): theinitialmass.Table1listst foreachsimulation.Longer half R M 0.969 cooling times allow thedisctosurvivelonger. Nevertheless, = 1.09 for M <1.52M⊙, (10) evenfortherunS3,wheret ≫t ,thehalf-timeof the R⊙ (cid:18)M⊙(cid:19) half dyn disc is only around 12,000 years in physical units. 0.6035 R M One notices that some of the stars are followed and/or = 1.29 for M >1.52M⊙. (11) R⊙ (cid:18)M⊙(cid:19) preceeded by low column depth regions. These are caused by angular momentum transfer from the stars to the sur- For R = R⊙, this yields an Eddington accretion rate limit of ∼5×10−4M⊙ year−1. rounding gas (Goldreich & Tremaine, 1980). If stars are massive enough, they could open up gaps in accretion discs (Syeret al., 1991Nayakshin,2004) in the way plan- ets open gaps in proto-planetary discs. We do not ob- 4 DISC EVOLUTION AFTER serve such “clean” gaps around stars in our simulations. FRAGMENTATION We believe the main reason for this is the large num- Weusethetestswithcoolingparameterβ=2and3,briefly ber of stars that we have here. The interactions be- described in Section 2.3, to point out some general trends tween the gravitational potentials of neighboring stars de- seeninoursimulations.Theserunswerecontinuedfarlonger stroy the resonant charachter of the gas-star interactions than was needed to form the first gravitationally bound (Goldreich & Tremaine, 1980).Inaddition,self-interactions clumps. Sink particles were introduced as described in Sec- betweenstarsforcestarsonslightlyellipticalandslightlyin- tions2.3and3.1.ThecollapseparameterA wassetto30 clinedorbits(Nayakshin& Cuadra, 2005),whichalsomakes col (see equation 3), and the gravitational focusing parameter gap opening harder. is f =3. m Figure 2 shows a column density map of a snapshot made at dimensionless time t=75 for run S2 (β =2). The 4.1 Evolution of disc vertical thickness left panel of the figure shows the whole disc, whereas the rightpanelzoomsinonasmallerregioncentredonx=1.8. The disc starts off as a razor-thin gaseous disc and evolves Red asterisks show stars more massive that 3M⊙. We do intoathickerstellar disc.This behaviouristobeexpected. notshowlighterstarsandfirstcoresforclarityinthefigure. Initially,gascooling issufficientlystrong,andthedisctem- Sincegasdynamicalandcoolingtimesareshorterforsmaller peratureisregulated tomaintain ageometrical thicknessof radii, high density regions develop faster at smaller radii. order of H/R ≃ Mdisc/Mbh, which is equivalent to having Thesequenceofeventsisasfollows.Theinnermostedge Q ≈ 1 (e.g., Gammie, 2001). When a good fraction of the ofthediscformscollapsedhaloesinwhichsinkparticlesare gas isturnedintostars, however,therate at which thedisc introduced.Thesesinkparticlesgrowbymergerswithother can cool decreases. At the same time, a stellar disc, con- sinkparticlesandgasaccretion.Withtime,thegaseousdisc sidered on its own, would thicken with time since stellar is depleted while thestellar disc grows. orbitalenergy istransferred intostellar random motionsby Looking at larger R in Fig. 2, we observe an interme- thenormal N-body relaxation processes. diate epoch in star formation, where bound high density In the intermediate state, when both gas and stars are clumps have formed but there are no stars more massive present in important fractions, disc evolution is not triv- than 3M⊙ yet. This is because some of these clumps have ial.Intherunsdescribedinthissection,starstransfertheir notyetsatisfiedthefragmentationcriterion,andotherssat- random energy to the gas via Chandrasekhar’s dynamical isfied it only recently, thus containing only first cores and friction process (Nayakshin,2006). The disc swells as time low-massstars.Finally,atthelargest radii,weseedensefil- progresses, as can be seen in the two edge-on views of the aments(spiralstructure)butnowelldefinedboundclumps. disc from simulation S2 shown in Fig. 5 . The gaseous disc Figure 3 is identical to Fig. 2, but shows test S3 (i.e. can thus become thicker than it would have been on its β = 3 instead of β = 2). Comparing the two runs, it is own.However,dependingonconditions(i.e.coolingparam- apparent that fragmentation of the more gradually cooling eter β, initial total disc mass, mass spectrum of stars), the disc(S3)isnaturallymuchslowerthaninthetestS2.There two discs can be coupled or decoupled. In the latter case are fewer stars in thedisc, and thereare fewer high density the stellar disc has a larger geometrical thickness than the clumps. As we shall see later, within the given model, this gaseousdisc.Insuchacasetherateatwhichstarsheatthe allowsthestarstogrowtolargermasses,resultinginamore discisnottriviallycalculated. Thisisespecially soifstellar top-heavymass function. radiation, winds and supernovae are taken into account, as Figure 4 shows the column density maps for the run stellarenergyreleaseabovethediscismuchlesseffectivein S3 at two later times, t = 175 and t = 275, in the left and disc heating than it is inside thedisc. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 6 S. Nayakshin, J. Cuadra & V. Springel 444 1.011..00 222 0.500..55 c ] c ] p p 0.04 000 0.04 0.000..00 y [ y [ -2--22 -0.5--00..55 -4 -1.0 --44--44 --22 00 22 44 --11--..1100..00 --00..55 00..00 00..55 11..00 -4 -2 0 2 4 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 x [ 0.04pc ] x -1.8 [ 0.04pc ] 00..00 00..55 11..00 11..55 22..00 00 11 22 33 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 1 2 3 log Σ [g cm-2] log Σ [g cm-2] Figure2.Snapshotofthedisccolumndensityattimet=75fortestS2(β=2).Thegasisrotatingclockwiseinthisandalltheother figuresinthispaper.Thelefthandpanelshowsthefullsimulationdomain,whereastherighthandonezoomsinonaregionofthedisc centredatx=1.8.Starswithmassesgreater than3M⊙ areplottedasredasterisks. 444 1.011..00 222 0.500..55 c ] c ] p p 0.04 000 0.04 0.000..00 y [ y [ -2--22 -0.5--00..55 -4 -1.0 --44--44 --22 00 22 44 --11--..1100..00 --00..55 00..00 00..55 11..00 -4 -2 0 2 4 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 x [ 0.04pc ] x -1.8 [ 0.04pc ] 00..00 00..55 11..00 11..55 22..00 22..55 00..55 11..00 11..55 22..00 22..55 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 log Σ [g cm-2] log Σ [g cm-2] Figure3.SameasFig.2butfortestS3(β=3),i.e.foralongercoolingtime.Notethesmallernumberofstarsandhighdensityclumps inthistestcomparedwithFig.2,wherethecoolingtimeisshorter. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Star formation in a disc around Sgr A∗ 7 4 4 44 44 2 2 22 22 c ] c ] p p 0.04 000 0.04 000 y [ y [ -2 -2 --22 --22 -4 -4 --44--44 --22 00 22 44 --44--44 --22 00 22 44 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 x [ 0.04pc ] x [ 0.04pc ] 00..00 00..55 11..00 11..55 22..00 --00..55 00..00 00..55 11..00 11..55 22..00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 log Σ [g cm-2] log Σ [g cm-2] Figure4.SnapshotsofthediscfortestS3attimest=175(leftpanel)andt=275(rightpanel).TogetherwiththeleftpanelofFig.3, thesesnapshotstracethegradualdepletionofthegaseous discandthebuild-upofthestellardisc. 0.300..33 0.300..33 0.2 0.2 00..22 00..22 0.1 0.1 00..11 00..11 c] c] p p 0.04 -0.0--00..00 0.04 -0.0--00..00 z [ z [ -0.1 -0.1 --00..11 --00..11 -0.2 -0.2 --00..22 --00..22 -0.3 -0.3 --00--..3300..33 --00..22 --00..11 --00..00 00..11 00..22 00..33 --00--..0033..33 --00..22 --00..11 --00..00 00..11 00..22 00..33 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 -0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 x [ 0.04pc ] x [ 0.04pc ] 11..55 22..00 22..55 33..00 33..55 --11..00 --00..55 00..00 00..55 11..00 11..55 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 log Σ [g cm-2] log Σ [g cm-2] Figure5.EvolutionofthegaseousandstellardiscthicknessesinthetestS2.Theimageiscentredatx=1.3.Theleftpanelisplotted attimet=50,when∼20%ofgaswasturnedintostars,whereastherightoneisfort=175,atwhichpointonly∼15%ofgasremains in the disc. The disc thickens with time as the remaining gas is not able to provide sufficient damping and cooling of stellar N-body heating. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 8 S. Nayakshin, J. Cuadra & V. Springel 1.0000 -1ar] 0.1000 e 1000 y M sun n rate [ 0.0100 M ]sun ntatio 0.0010 M) [ 100 e ( m N ag M Fr 0.0001 10 0 5.0•103 1.0•104 1.5•104 time, years 1 Figure6.Discfragmentationrateinthetestswithβ=0.3(S1, 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 thick solid),β=2(S2, dashed), and β =3(S3, thin solid).The M [ M ] sun shorterthecoolingtime,thefasterdiscfragmentationproceeds. Figure 7. Mass function of stars (“IMF”) formed in the simu- lations with β = 0.3 (S1, solid), β = 2 (S2, dotted), and β = 3 4.2 Fragmentation quenching (S3,dashed).Thedot-dashedpower-lawinthisandthefollowing We expect that, following an increase in disc effective tem- plotscorrespondstotheSalpeter IMF. peratureandgeometricalthicknesswithtime,thevertically averaged density of the disc must drop. The disc may then M2 1/2.Itisclearfromboththefigureandthetable,that evolveintoanonself-gravitating stateasQincreasesabove ∗ unity (see equation 1). Further disc fragmentation should (cid:10)the lo(cid:11)nger the cooling time, the more top-heavy (or, equiv- alently,bottom-light) is theresulting IMF.Thisoutcome is cease. This effect can be noticed in the right hand panel of not surprising. As we saw in Section 4.2, fragmentation is Fig. 2. Near the inner edge of the disc, there are stars but fastest for the smallest values of the cooling parameter β. no high density clumps or filaments implying that the disc Further, fragmentation stalls in our models when the stars is no longer fragmenting in that region. heatupthediscaboveQ=1(seeFig.6).Atthispoint,disc Figure6showstheradius-integratedfragmentationrate fragmentationstopsbutaccretionontostarscontinues.The of the disc in the simulations with β = 0.3 (run S1, thick average mass of a star reached by the time the gas supply solid curve), β =2 (S2, dashed) and β =3 (S3, thin solid). is exhausted is roughly inversely proportional to the num- The fragmentation rate is defined as the total mass of first berofstarsatthetimethediscfragmentation stalls. Aswe corescreatedperunittime.Notsurprisingly,theshorterthe find many more stars in the tests where fragmentation is cooling time (smaller β), the more rapid is disc fragmenta- quickest, these simulations will also have the least massive tion. The more vigorous disc fragmentation explains why IMF. there are more stars and dense bound gas clumps in Fig. 2 The shape of stellar IMF formed in our simu- than in Fig. 3 at the same time (t=75). lations is very different from the IMF in the Solar One can also see that the expectation of a decrease of neighbourhood, which is close to the power-law func- thefragmentationratewithtimeisborneout.Atthepeaks tion of Salpeter (1955). Several authors argued that of the respective curves, most of the disc mass is still in this might be expected based on theoretical grounds gaseous form. Therefore, the decline in the fragmentation (Morris, 1993Nayakshin,2006Larson, 2006Levin,2006). rate with time is indeed mostly a consequence of a change Theproportion of massive stars in thestellar population of in the disc state (higher Q-parameter) rather than due to thesediscsmightbeveryimportantforthephysicsofthese thedisc runningout of gas. discs, e.g., theirsurvival chances against star formation. 4.3 IMF of the formed stars 5 SENSITIVITY OF RESULTS TO Itisinterestingtocomparethedistributionfunctionsofstel- PARAMETER CHANGES lar masses from our simulations. The end state of our sim- ulations, i.e., when the majority of gas is turned into stars, Duetonumericallimitations,oursimulationsdonotinclude correspondstothe“initialmassfunction”(IMF)ofastellar anumberofimportantphysicalprocesses.Inparticular,ra- population.Thereforeweusethisnametorefertoourmass diation transfer and chemical processes taking place during distributions. Figure 7 shows the IMF of stars formed in collapse of a protostar are dealt with merely via prescrip- the three simulations S1–S3. Table 1 lists the first two mo- tions.Theseprescriptionsemployparameterswhichwehave ments of the distribution, i.e., the average mass, hM∗i, and tried toset toas physically realistic valuesas possible. It is (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Star formation in a disc around Sgr A∗ 9 importanttounderstandtowhichdegreeourresultsdepend on the choices we made for the values of these parameters. Herewedescribeaselectionoftestsaimedtowardsthisgoal. Thesetests,labelledE1–E8inTable1,weredoneforslightly different parameters than runsS1–S5. In particular, thein- 1000 nerandouterradiiwereset torin=1androut =2,respec- tively,and thegravitational focusing parameter was chosen tobef =1. The radiativecooling parameter β was set to m ]n 3 for all of thesetests. Msu 100 ) [ M ( N 5.1 Maximum accretion rate M We calculate the accretion rate using the Bondi-Hoyle for- 10 malism, with therestriction thatit isnotallowed toexceed theEddingtonlimit(equations7and9).Inprinciple,excess angularmomentuminthegasflowaroundproto-starscould decrease theaccretion rate below our estimates. To explore 1 possible changes in the results, simulations E1 and E3 dif- fered only by the maximum accretion rate allowed, with 1 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 and 0.1 times the Eddington limit, respectively. M [M ] sun The resulting IMFs of these two runs are shown in Fig. 8, along with the IMF for test S3, which was already Figure 8. IMF from the simulations with two different maxi- presented in Fig 7. Comparing the solid curve (simulation mumallowedaccretion rates(seeSection 5.1),i.e.,0.1timesthe E1)withthedashedcurve(S3),weseethatchangesinrout, Eddingtonrate(E3inTable1;dottedcurve)andtheEddington AcolandfmdidinfluencetheIMF,makingitlesstop-heavy. rate (E1; solid). These curves are compared with the IMF from Themaineffectstemsfromthereductioninthevalueofthe simulationS3(dashed). gravitational focusing parameter, f . Fewer mergers imply m that the finalaverage stellar mass is smaller. Comparing the runsE1 and E3, onenotices that while 5.2 Critical collapse density the IMFs of the two tests are similar at the high mass end, aroundthepeakin thecurves,thereisalarger discrepancy Our fragmentation criterium is controlled by two parame- at the low mass end. The largest difference in the IMFs ters, ρ0 and Acol (equation 3). The default values for these occursataroundthecriticalmass,Mcrit =0.1M⊙.Thedif- parameters are ρ0 = 5×10−11 g cm−3, and Acol = 60. ferences are nevertheless not as large as one could expect Thesevalueswere usedin runE3. Thesimulations E2, E3a givenanorderofmagnitudechangeinthemaximumaccre- and E4 are completely analogous to the run E3 except for tionrate.Weinterprettheseresultsasfollows.Astarisfirst the two parameters controlling the fragmentation. In E2, bornasalowmassstarinoursimulations,anditthengains the fragmentation density threshold is drastically relaxed, mass by either accretion or mergers with the first cores. If with ρ0 = 5×10−12 g cm−3 and Acol = 9. In run E3a, the maximum possible accretion rate onto the star is high, ρ0 =5×10−12 g cm−3, but Acol =60, as in E3. Finally, in it“cleansout”itsimmediatesurroundingsofgas,andgains therunE4weusedρ0=5×10−11 gcm−3,andAcol =300. most of itsmass byaccretion. Ontheotherhand,if theac- Figure9showstheresultingmassfunctionforthestars cretionrateiscappedatlowervalues,asintherunE3,then formedinthesefourtests.Evidently,asignificantrelaxation gas gravitationally captured bythestar will first settleinto of the fragmentation criteria resulted in very large changes a small scale disc around the star. This disc is somewhat in the IMF at its the low mass end. The high mass end is smaller than the Hill’s radius RH = R(M∗/3MBH)1/3 ≈ not so strongly affected. In fact, the IMF of the tests E3 0.01R for the star of mass M∗ = 10M⊙. The density in and E4 are almost identical, implying that the results be- that disc will often exceed the critical density for star for- comeindependentofthevalueofthecriticalcollapsedensity mation,andhencenewfirstcoreswillbeintroducedinclose (equation 3) when it is chosen large enough. proximity to the star. These cores then mostly and rela- tively quickly merge with the star. Because the rate of gas capturefromthelargerdisc(theHillortheBondirate,e.g., 5.3 First core size Goodman & Tan, 2004Nayakshin& Cuadra, 2005) is con- trolled by the total mass inside the Hill radius, the rate Runs E3 and E5 are different only in the size of the first atwhichthedominantstarinsidetheHillsphereisgrowing cores, Rcore (see Table 1). Figure 10 demonstrates that the is comparable. The end result (the IMF for massive stars) IMF of the simulations is remarkably similar at the high is then similar, regardless of whether the captured gas was massend,whereitcontainsalmostallofthestellarmass.At directly accreted or first turned into fluffy proto-stars (the the low mass end, however, simulation E5 has significantly first cores) and then accreted. more mass than E3. Clearly, the smaller first core radius Another difference between the results of the runs E1 Rcore permitsfewermergersandslowergrowthoffirstcores andE3 isthelongerdisclife-time, thalf,for theformer sim- by accretion. The exact value of Rcore is hence important ulation for ratherobvious reasons. for thelow-mass end of the IMF. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 10 S. Nayakshin, J. Cuadra & V. Springel 1000 1000 ] ] M sun M sun [ [ ) ) M M N( 100 N( 100 M M 10 10 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 M [ M ] M [ M ] sun sun Figure9.IMFofrunsE2,E3,E3aandE4(bluedash-dotted,red Figure 10. Comparison of the IMFs of runs E3 (solid) and E5 dashed, dotted and solid curves, respectively). The simulations (dotted). Thesimulationshaveadifferent“firstcore”radiuspa- differbythevalueofthecriticalcollapsedensity(seeSection5.2 rameter, Rcore = 1014 and 3×1013 cm, for E3 and E5, respec- fordetails). tively.SeetextinSection5.3andTable1fordetails. 5.4 SPH particle mass ThesimulationsE6–E8hadidenticalparametersettingsbut used different initial SPH particle numbers to test the sen- sitivityoftheresultsontheSPHmassresolution.Figure11 showstheIMFfromthesetests.Clearly,thereisasignificant 1000 difference between run E6 (solid; 1 million SPH particles) and the two others, E7 (dotted; 2 million) and E8 (dashed; ] 4rumnsillwiointh). Tthheerheigisheastfarressmolaultlieornd,ifftheroeungche,bseutgwgeeesntinthgetthwaot M sun the results are reasonably close to full convergence. Given ) [ other uncertainties of the runs, e.g., the exact value of the M 100 ( N parameterRcore andthecooling parameterβ,etc.,it seems M sufficient to have an SPH mass resolution at the level of the run E7, which has msph = 0.02M⊙. Note that except for the simulations E6 and E7, all the other runs presented here used msph =0.01M⊙, as in the test E8. 10 6 IMF AND FEEDBACK 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Nayakshin (2006) suggested that the luminosity of the M [ M ] sun young stars which accrete gas from within a star-forming disc is sufficient to heat up the disc, increasing the Figure 11. IMF of runs E6–E8. The simulations differ in the Toomre (1964) Q-parameter of the disc above unity and initial number of SPH particles used. In particular, Nsph =1, 2 hence making the disc stable to further fragmentation. and4×106 forE6,E7andE8,respectively. Nayakshin (2006) also suggested that this will lead to a top-heavy IMF for stars born in such marginally unstable self-gravitating discs. To test these ideas, we ran two addi- ontothestar(equation8).Thefeedbackluminosity,FLacc, tional simulations that had thermal accretion feedback in- is spread over the SPH neighbours of the accreting star ac- cluded.The feedback is implemented in thesame way asin cording to theirweight in the SPH kernel. Springel et al. (2005), with a parameter 0 ≤ F ≤ 1 intro- Our two test simulations F1 and F2 had feedback pa- duced to quantify the fraction of the accretion luminosity rameters of 0.01 and 0.5, respectively, and are otherwise that is fed back as heat into the surrounding gas. The ac- identicaltotherunE3,whichhadF =0.Onenoticesright cretion luminosity of course depends on the accretion rate awayfromTable1thatthedisclifetimet becomeslonger half (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000

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