2WB05 Simulation Lecture 1: Introduction and Monte Carlo simulation Marko Boon http://www.win.tue.nl/courses/2WB05 November12,2012 Organisation 2/39 • studeerwijzer available (with notes, slides, programs, assignments) • examination consists of 4 or 5 take home assignments. Assignments are given on Mondays. Some assign- ments take two weeks to complete, while others have to be handed in one week later. • assignments done in groups of 2 • register your group (on the homepage of 2WB05) and register yourself in OASE. Schedule 3/39 Week Dates Monday Thursday 1 12-18 Nov Course 1 2 19-25 Nov Course 2 Course 3 3 26 Nov - 2 Dec Course 4 4 3-9 Dec Course 5 5 10-16 Dec Course 6 Extra course ??? 6 17-23 Dec Course 7 7 7-13 Jan Course 8 Warning: this is a preliminary schedule. Check the course website for the definite schedule. Topics 4/39 • Monte Carlo simulation • Modelling of discrete-event systems • Programming • Random number generation • Output analysis Discrete-event systems 5/39 State changes at (random) discrete points in time Examples: • Manufacturing systems Completion times of jobs at machines, machine break-downs • Inventory systems Arrival times of customer demand, replenishments • Communication systems Arrival times of messages at communication links Discrete-event systems 6/39 Programming tools: • General purpose languages (C, C++, Java, Mathematica, ...); • Simulation language χ developed by the Systems Engineering group • Simulation system Arena Monte Carlo simulation 7/39 The law of large numbers Z , Z ,... Z are i.i.d. random variables with mean z := E[Z ] and finite variance. 1 2 n 1 ε > The probability of the sample mean being close to z is large. In fact, for every 0, (cid:18)(cid:12)Z + Z + ... + Z (cid:12) (cid:19) lim P (cid:12)(cid:12) 1 2 n − z(cid:12)(cid:12) < ε = 1. n→∞ (cid:12) n (cid:12) Estimator for z: Z + Z + ··· + Z 1 2 n Z ≡ Z := n n P( > ) Estimator for Z t : i E[1{Z >t}] i Simple probabilistic problems 8/39 Simulation is a perfect tool to develop and sharpen your intuition for probabilistic models (see also Tijms’ book Spelen met kansen) In no time probabilistic properties can be illustrated by a simulation experiment and the results can be shown in graphs or tables! Problems • coin tossing • (nearly) birth day problem • lottery Simple probabilistic problems 9/39 Coin tossing Two players A and B throw a fair coin N times. If Head, then A gets 1 point; otherwise B. • What happens to the absolute difference in points as N increases? • What is the probability that one of the players is leading between 50% and 55% of the time? Or more than 95% of the time? • In case of 20 trials, say, what is the probability of 5 Heads in a row? Simple probabilistic problems 10/39 Birthday problem Consider a group of N randomly chosen persons. What is the probability that at least 2 persons have the same birthday? Nearly birthday problem What is the probability that at least 2 persons have their birthday within r days of each other?