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Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji eLibrary [email protected] January – December 2020, Vol. 22, No. 1 SIKH AND SIKHI Their Relationship with the Age of ARTICLE Enlightenment Basic Principles of Sikhi ABSTRACT Prof Devinder Singh Chahal, PhD The terms SIKH and SIKHI have been defined by Institute for Understanding Sikhism different Sikh organizations from time to time. Laval, Quebec, H7W 5L9 None of these definition is as concise and precise Email: [email protected] as a definition should be. I defined a Sikh in 1992 about 28 years ago and continued to find the INTRODUCTION perfect definition. The current article searches for It is important to understand the terms Sikh and Sikhi perfect definitions of SIKH and SIKHI from the before we discuss other Basic Principles of Sikhi. Since I bani of Guru Nanak. This article on the definitions started to define a ‘Sikh’ in 1992, I have not come across of a Sikh and Sikhi leads us to the idea that Guru any concise and precise definition of a Sikh from any Sikh Nanak is the Pioneer of the Age of Enlightenment institute, Sikh clergy, or Sikh authority so far. *1-3+ in South Asia. Therefore, Basic Principles of Sikhi, a project to define and/or describe Sikh terms and the Basic Principle of 3. To make a definition. Sikhi, has been initiated by a group of Sikh experts in Definition: various fields, such as Sikh History, Sikh Philosophy, 1. A statement expressing the essential nature of various Sciences, Theology, etc. A couple of decades ago, something. a new definition of a Sikh was constructed in haste under Therefore, the word ‘SIKH’ is a term which should be the pretence of meeting the requirement of the defined according to the explanation given for a ‘term’, forthcoming election of the Shiromani Gurdwara ‘define’, and ‘definition’ as above. The definitions of a Parbandhak Committee (SGPC), Amritsar. A Sikh defined SIKH given so far in various literary sources on Sikhism in haste will have many implications that will affect the do not meet these criteria. whole Sikh nation— especially those Sikhs living in the foreign countries. DEFINITIONS ALREADY ACCEPTED Let us now discuss some definitions of a Sikh already CONSTRUCTING A DEFINITION accepted by the Sikh clergy and Sikh authorities and the Before defining any word, one must understand the deficiencies and redundancies therein: meanings of ‘term’ and ‘definition’. Term: 1. A Sikh in the Sikh Gurdwara Act 1925 *4+ 1. A word or expression that has a precise meaning in (Part I, Chapter 1, Section 1) some uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, (9) Sikh - "Sikh" means a person who professes the Sikh or subject. religion or, in the case of a deceased person, who professed 2. Any word or phrase used in a definite or precise the Sikh religion or was known to be Sikh during his lifetime. sense. If any question arises as to whether any living person is or is 3. *pl.+ words that express ideas in a specified form. not a Sikh, he shall be deemed respectively to be or not to Define: be a Sikh if he makes or refuses to make the following 1. To determine or identify the essential qualities or declaration to the *State+1 government: meanings of something. 1 Sikh: "I solemnly affirm that I am a Sikh, that I believe in the 2. To make distinct, clear, or detailed in outline. IUSCANADA.COM page 9 Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji eLibrary [email protected] UNDERSTANDING SIKHISM – The Research Journal Guru Granth Sahib, that I believe in "Sahjdhari Sikh" has been defined as the Ten Gurus, and that I have no a person who only performs 2. A Sikh in the Mahan Kosh *5+ other religion." ceremonies according to Sikh (originally written in 1927 and 2(10) "Amritdhari Sikh" means and rites and can recite the Mool published in 1930) a Sikh is (p 192): includes every person who has taken Manter. This means he does not One who is the follower of Sri Guru Khande-ka-amrit or Khanda de pahul have to follow the Gurus' Nanak Dev. prepared and administered according philosophy incorporated into the One who adopts the Sikh religion to the tenets of Sikh religion and rites Aad Guru Granth Sahib. of Satguru Nanak Dev. at the hands of five pyaras or beloved Recitation of the Mool Manter One who considers Sri Guru ones". only means believing in the Granth Sahib as his religious 3(10-A) "Sehjdhari Sikh" means a mantra-system that is contrary Granth and ten Satgurus as same person - to the Guru's philosophy. In fact, body and spirit. who performs ceremonies there is no indication of or according to Sikh rites; definition of a Sehjdhari Sikh in A Sehjdhari is (p 137): who does not use tobacco or the Aad Guru Granth Sahib. A branch of the Sikhs whose kutha (Halal meat) in any However, the word “sehj”, members do not adopt khande da form; meaning “tranquillity” and Amrit, kachh and kirpan, but do who is not a Patit; and “slowly”, has been used not believe in any religion except who can recite Mul Manter. extensively. Gurbani advises all that of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. 4*(11) "Patit" means a person who (Sikhs) to attain this stage of being a Keshadhari Sikh trims or “sehj” by understanding and And an Amritdhari is (p 78): shaves his beard or keshas or who practicing the teachings That Singh who had adopted after taking amrit commits any or imparted in the Gurbani. Amrit. more of the four kurahits.+ The word "Patit" used in clauses 10- Substituted for the word "Provincial" A (iii) and in 11 to indicate that Comments: by the Adaptation of Laws Order Sahjdhari is a person who was Here Bhai Kahn Singh also accepts 1950. never Keshadhari and thus three types of Sikhs. Here again, all Inserted by Punjab Act XI of 1944 cannot be called as patit. This the three definitions lack consistency section 2 (b). implies that children born in the and precision: Inserted by Punjab Act No. 1 of 1959 Sikh families, who were never It is to be noted that Bhai Kahn Singh section 3 (4). Keshadhari, cannot be called *5+ used the word 'Singh' instead Inserted by Punjab Act No XI of 1944, Patit. Any Sikh who trims his of a 'person' to define an section 2 (b). beard or Keshas has been Amritdhari. Who is a Singh? Comments declared to be Patit. This means Then, he used the word The above definitions lack consistency he has no right to be a Sikh, 'Kharagdhari' in the and precision. For example, whereas a Sahjdhari, who is 'Amritsanskar' description (p 77). "Sikh religion" has not been defined/ clean-shaven, has every right to According to him, a 'Khargadhari' explained. It raises a question. be a Sikh. is one who keeps a sword, i.e., What is the Sikh religion? The terms "Amritdhari Sikh" and Kirpandhari (p 370). In other "Believes in Guru Granth Sahib" "Patit" were added in 1944. words, an Amritdhari is also called means idol worship. It should "Sahjdhari" is the latest addition, i. e. 'Kharagdhari' and 'Kirpandhari'. have been "follows the in 1959 philosophy of the Sikh Gurus Contradictory statements: incorporated in the Aad Guru The above discussion indicates that "Sikh" is one who adopts the Sikh Granth Sahib." there are three types of Sikhs in the religion of Satguru Nanak Dev. In the definition of "Amritdhari", the present Gurdwara Act: "Sahjdhari" is one who does not word "person" is used for whom Sikh, Amritdhari Sikh, Sehjdhari Sikh, believe in any religion except that that has taken Khande da Amrit. and Patit. This division of Sikhs of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. There is no mention whether that violates the basic principle of Sikhi: The above two statements indicate "person" is a Sikh or non-Sikh. equality. that there are two kinds of religions: one of Satguru Nanak Dev for a Sikh page 10 IUSCANADA.COM Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji eLibrary [email protected] January – December 2020, Vol. 22, No. 1 and the other of Sri Guru Granth to be a Sikh. The word 'belief' or following the teaching of Guru Granth Sahib for a Sahjdhari. 'faith' cannot be interpreted as Sahib and the ten Gurus only”? One 'obligatory' or 'imperative' under of these two phrases is redundant. 3. A Sikh in Rehit Maryada, Published any circumstances. It may be by the SGPC in 1945 *6+ necessary to add here that Under these circumstances, the 'belief' and 'faith' are often used Institute for Understanding Sikhism ਜ੅ ਇ਷ਤਰੀ ਜਾਂ ਩ੁਰਸ਼ ਇਕ ਅਕਾਲ ਩ੁਰਖ, interchangeably but 'belief' may suggests that since many Sikh scholars ਦ਷ ਗੁਰੂ ਷ਾਹਸਫਾਨ (਷ਰੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਾਕ ਦਵ੃ or may not imply certitude in and theologians claim Sikhism as a the believer whereas 'faith' universal religion, then it is necessary ਜੀ ਤੋਂ ਲ੄ ਕ੃ ਷ਰੀ ਗ੅ਹਫਿੰਦ ਹ਷ਿੰਘ ਷ਾਹਸਫ ਤਕ), always does even when there is that the definition of a Sikh should ਷ਰੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਗਿੰਥਰ ਷ਾਹਸਫ ਅਤ੃ ਦ਷ ਗੁਰੂ no evidence or proof. have universal adaptability/ Consequently, the 'faith acceptability and be based on the ਷ਾਹਸਫਾਨ ਦੀ ਫਾਣੀ ਤ ੃ ਹ਷ਖੀਆ ਅਤ੃ becomes 'blind faith'. Gurbani, incorporated into the Aad ਦ਷ਭ੃ਸ਼ ਜੀ ਦ੃ ਅਿੰਭਰੀਤ ਉਤ੃ ਹਨਸ਼ਚਾ ਰੱਖਦਾ Nevertheless, Guru Nanak Guru Granth Sahib. The Aad Guru rejects 'blind faith' and advises Granth Sahib is accepted as the only ਸ੄ ਅਤ੃ ਹਕ਷ ੃ ਸ੅ਰ ਧਰਭ ਨਿੰ ੂ ਨਸੀਂ ਭਿੰਨਦਾ, to research, analyse, and authentic and original source of ਉਸ ਹ਷ੱਖ ਸ ੄ । evaluate before accepting any Gurbani that has been reiterated as The literal translation is as follows: statement or philosophy. the only "GURU" of the Sikh by Guru "A woman or a man, who believes in Gobind Singh. one Almighty, ten Guru Sahibans A Sikh in the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara (from Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Sri Parbandhak Committee (DSGPC) Granth as Guru Guru Gobind Singh Sahib), Sri Guru Act 1971 *7+ Since the Sabd is the Guru, the Granth Sahib and bani and advice of “A Sikh means a person who Granth, in which the Sabd of Gurus ten Guru Sahibans and the Amrit of professes the Sikh religion, believes was incorporated, was equated to Dasmesh Ji and does not accept any and follows the teachings of Guru Guru (Enlightener) by Guru Arjun other religion, is a Sikh." Granth Sahib and the ten Gurus only sometime before the compilation of Comments: and keeps unshorn hair and have no Granth in 1604 CE as indicated in his ‘Believes in one Almighty’ does not other religion.” following stanza: make this definition distinctive If any question arises as to whether from others because Jews, any living person is or is not a Sikh, Christians, Muslims, and others he shall be deemed respectively to ਩੅ਥੀ ਩ਰਭ੃਷ਰ* ਕਾ ਥਾਨ॥ also believe in one Almighty. Thus, be or not to be a Sikh if he makes or ਷ਾਧ ਷ਿੰਹਗ ਗਾਵਹਸ ਗੁਣ ਗ੆ਹਫਿੰਦ ਩ੂਰਨ ਫਰਸਭ this is not a specific characteristic refuses to make in the manner of a Sikh according to the rules of prescribed by rules the following ਹਗਆਨੁ ॥ ਰਸਾਉ ॥ defining a term. declaration: "I solemnly affirm that I AGGS, M 5, p 1226. *8+ ‘Believes in Ten Guru Sahibans” is not am a Keshadhari Sikh, that I believe "The Granth (Gurbani) is equivalent to correct according to the Gurbani, in and follow the teachings of Sri the Enlightener*. (From which) the because in Gurbani it says believe Guru Granth Sahib and the ten Gurus noble people discuss (sing) the in the Sabd not in Gurus. only, and that I have no other attributes of the Almighty and ‘Believes in advice of ten Guru religion."; deliberate on the wisdom (philosophy) Sahibans’ is also not correct, “Amritdhari Sikh” means and of the Almighty in the congregation." because only the advice of Guru includes every Sikh who has taken *According to Bhai Kahn Singh *5+ Nanak and the other five Gurus Khande ka Amrit or Khanda Pahul, “Parmesar means Parm + Ishwar. was declared authentic by Guru prepared and administered Parm means great and Ishwar has Arjun and Guru Gobind Singh. according to the tenets of Sikh many meanings: Shiv, Swami, God, Only their bani have been religion and rites at the hands of five and also a particular teacher (Guru) of incorporated in the AGGS. Pyaras or "beloved ones". Jogis who teaches the philosophy of The word 'nischa' that means 'belief' Gorakh. In Jap # 5 Guru has also been or 'faith' is usually interpreted by Inconsistency: Is “Sikh religion” equated to Ishwar, Gorkh, Brahma, many Amritdharis as 'obligatory’ different than that of “believing and Parbati. Therefore, it is very clear that IUSCANADA.COM page 11 Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji eLibrary [email protected] UNDERSTANDING SIKHISM – The Research Journal the word Parmesar used here is bracelet) for them and to follow disciple or a student. A Sikh, according equivalent to the Guru (Enlightener). the code of conduct now to Article I of the Sikh Rehat Maryada This means, on the day in 1604 the published by the SGPC *6+. They (the Sikh code of conduct), is "any Granth was compiled, it was given the are called as Amritdhari Sikhs. human being who faithfully believes in status of Guru because of the fact that This is based on the information One Immortal Being; ten Gurus, from Sabd is Guru as described above, and found in old literature that was Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh; incorporated into the Granth. Since not written by any Sikh Guru. Guru Granth Sahib; the teachings of then, the preaching of Gurbani was Now there are many Sikhs, who the ten Gurus and the baptism carried on from this Granth by Guru wear only a few Ks. bequeathed by the tenth Guru". *10+ Arjun himself and by all other Gurus who succeeded the House of Nanak. My previous study about defining a On the other hand, according to Therefore, since 1604, the Granth is SIKH indicates that there are many Sikhiwiki: Sikhism (Sikhi, in ਹ਷ੱਖੀ Guru because of the fact that the Sabd different types of categories of Sikhs Punjabi), amongst the youngest of the Guru is incorporated in it. Guru Gobind (e.g. Sikhs, Amritdhari Sikhs, major word religions, originated and Singh reiterated this fact in 1708 when Sehjdhari Sikhs, and Patit Sikhs) as primarily developed in the 15th - 17th he declared that there would be no found in the accepted sources of century sub-continental India (South Guru in person and the lineage of Guru Sikh literature. Besides those, there Asia). The word Sikhi derives from the in person in Sikhism permanently. are Namdhari Sikhs, Nirankari Sikhs, word Sikh, which itself is based on Therefore, the definition of a Sikh and followers of some Sants or their should be constructed keeping in view Muths. the Sanskrit root "śiṣya" (शिष्यः), the teachings of the Gurus (Gurbani) I first defined a Sikh in 1992, about meaning a "disciple" or "learner". *11+ that has been incorporated in the Aad 28 years ago.*1+ This definition has Guru Granth Sahib, the only Guru for also appeared in different Since my first publication of the Sikhs as explained above. periodicals.*2, 3+ Now let us go “Definition of a Sikh” appeared about However, keeping in mind the rules to through definitions of a Sikh and 28 years ago, I continued to seek the define a term as explained above in SIKHI on the internets: perfect definition of a SIKH and SIKHI. my previous writings*1-3+ and many Recently, I discovered perfect recently held group discussions, the Sikhism (/ˈsɪkɪzəm/; Punjabi: definitions of a SIKH and SIKHI in the ਹ਷ੱਖੀ), Institute for Understanding Sikhism bani of Guru Nanak as follows: *12-14+ or Sikhi (Sikkhī, pronounced *ˈsɪkːʰiː+, constructed the following definition from Sikh, meaning a "disciple", of a Sikh about 28 years ago: Who is a SIKH)? "seeker," or "learner"), is a ਹ਷ਖ ੁ ( Suggested Definition of a Sikh monotheistic religion that originated Guru Nanak describes a ‘Sikh’ as A person, who follows Sikhi (Gurmat/ in the Punjab region of the Indian follows: Sikhism) that is based on Gurbani, incorporated in the Aad Guru Granth subcontinent around the end of the ਅਿੰਹਭਰਤੁ1 ਨੀਰ2ੁ ਹਗਆਹਨ3 ਭਨ4 ਭਜਨੁ5 15th century. It is one of the Sahib by Guru Arjun, and Guru Gobind youngest of the major world ਅਠ਷ਹਠ6 ਤੀਰਥ7 ਷ਿੰਹਗ8 ਗਸ੃ ॥ Singh, the Fifth and Tenth Guru in religions and the world's fifth largest Amriṯ nīr gi▫ān man majan aṯẖsaṯẖ succession to the House of Nanak organized religion, as well as being ṯirath sang gahe. (Mahla), respectively, is a Sikh1. the world's ninth-largest overall The one4 who bathes5 in the life- Consequently, that person is solely a religion. *9+ giving1 water2 of wisdom3 gets8 the follower of Sikhism and does not benefit of bathing at sixty-eight6 Sikhs (/siːk/ or /sɪk/; Punjabi: , practice any other religion ਹ਷ੱਖ sacred places7. simultaneously. sikkh, *sɪkkʰ+) are people associated Note: with Sikhism, a monotheistic religion ਗੁਰ9 ਉ਩ਦ੃ਹ਷10 ਜਵਾਸਰ11 ਭਾਣਕ12 ਷੃ਵ੃13 On Vaisakhi of 1699, Guru Gobind that originated in the 15th century, ਹ਷ਖੁ14 ਷੅ੁ ਖ੅ਹਜ15 ਲਸ ੄ ॥੧॥ Singh initiated (baptized) some in the Punjab region in the northern Gur upḏes javāhar māṇak seve sikẖ so Sikhs and prescribed 5Ks - Kesh part of the Indian subcontinent, kẖoj lahai. ||1|| (turban to cover them), Kanga based on the revelation of Guru (comb), Kachha (shorts), Kirpan Nanak. The term Sikh has its origin in ਅਗਗ਷, ਭ: 1, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 1328. (small dagger), and Kara (steel the words शिष्य (śiṣya), meaning a The above enlightening9 philosophy/ teachings10 are like gems11 and page 12 IUSCANADA.COM Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji eLibrary [email protected] January – December 2020, Vol. 22, No. 1 jewels12 and the one who can the dust of the feet of that Sikh. ਅਗਗ਷, ਭ: 1, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 154. research/discover15 that fact, is a AGGS, M 4, p 306. Guru Nanak says: Sikh14 and also practises13 it. *Nanak here is a pen name for Guru Oh my5 Mind6! Listen1 to my3 advice/ AGGS, M 1, p 1328. Ramdas but not as Nanak himself philosophy2, do good deeds4 now (in this life) since there is no life8 again7 although kaka in ਨਾਨਕੁ (Nanak) is The word, Sikhi) has been used ਹ਷ਖੀ ( to do so. with onkarh. as the plural of Sikh) by Guru AGGS, M 1, 154. ਹ਷ਖੁ ( The above discussion indicates that Guru Ramdas also assigned a number Ramdas: when (Sikh) is spelled with of more rituals* to be performed by ਹ਷ਖੁ ਉ਩ਦ੃਷ੁ1 ਹਜ ਹਦਤਾ2 ਷ਹਤਗੁਰ3ੂ ਷੅ the Sikhs: onkarh on khakha ( ), it means the ਖੁ ਷ੁਹਣਆ4 ਹ਷ਖੀ5 ਕਿੰਨੇ ॥ ਗੁਰ ਷ਹਤਗੁਰ ਕਾ ਜ ੅ ਹ਷ਖੁ ਅਖਾਏ ਷ੁ ਬਲਕ੃ one who researches/discovers the Upḏes jė ḏiṯā saṯgurū so suṇi▫ā sikẖī enlightening philosophy and practices ਉਹਠ ਸਹਰ ਨਾਭੁ ਹਧਆਵ ੄ ॥ kanne. it. On the other hand, when ਹ਷ਖ ਉਦਭੁ ਕਰ੃ ਬਲਕ੃ ਩ਰਬਾਤੀ ਇ਷ਨਾਨੁ ਕਰ ੃ ਅਗਗ਷, ਭ: 4, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 314. (Sikh) is spelled with khakha ( ) as The Sikhs5 listened4 to the teachings/ ਖ ਅਿੰਹਭਰਤ਷ਹਰ ਨਾਵ੄ ॥ philosophy1 imparted2 by the True mukta, without onkarh, it means ਉ਩ਦ੃ਹ਷ ਗੁਰ ੂ ਸਹਰ ਸਹਰ ਜ਩ੁ ਜਾ਩੄ ਷ਹਬ Guru3. teachings/advice/philosophy. AGGS, M 4, p 314. ਹਕਲਹਵਖ ਩ਾ਩ ਦ੅ਖ ਲਹਸ ਜਾਵ੄ ॥ But that Sikh Became Ritualistic Note: Here the ਷ਹਤਗੁਰੂ3 (True Guru) is ਹਪਹਰ ਚੜ ੄ ਹਦਵ਷ੁ ਗੁਰਫਾਣੀ ਗਾਵ੄ According to Guru Nanak, a Nanak. ਹ਷ਖ ੁ ਫਸਹਦਆ ਉਠਹਦਆ ਸਹਰ ਨਾਭੁ ਹਧਆਵ ੄ ॥ Sikh) is one who researches/ ( The word ‘Sikh’ also has other discovers the “enlightening ਜ੅ ਷ਾਹ਷ ਹਗਰਾਹ਷ ਹਧਆਏ ਭ੃ਰਾ ਸਹਰ ਸਹਰ ਷੅ meanings, explained as follows: philosophy” as discussed earlier. ਗੁਰਹ਷ਖੁ ਗੁਰੂ ਭਹਨ ਬਾਵ੄ ॥ ਹ਷ਖ (Sikh) as “teachings/philosophy”: Now that same Sikh has been assigned a number of duties and ਅਗਗ਷, ਭ: 4, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 305. ਭਹਤ1 ਹਵਹਚ ਰਤਨ2 ਜਵਾਸਰ3 ਭਾਹਣਕ4 ਜ੃ rituals to be performed by Guru Gur saṯgur kā jo sikẖ akẖā▫e so bẖalke ਇਕ5 ਗੁਰ6 ਕੀ ਹ਷ਖ7 ਷ੁਣੀ8॥ Ramdas: uṯẖ har nām ḏẖi▫āvai. Maṯ vicẖ raṯan javāhar māṇik je ik gur Uḏam kare bẖalke parbẖāṯī isnān kare kī sikẖ suṇī. The Sikhs must repeat Naam himself amriṯ sar nāvai. and make others do so: Upḏes gurū har har jap jāpai sabẖ ਅਗਗ਷, ਜ਩ੁ # 6, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 2. kilvikẖ pāp ḏokẖ lėh jāvai. By listening8 (accepting and ਹਜ਷ ਨੋ ਦਇਆਲ ੁ ਸ੅ਵ੄ ਭ੃ਰਾ ਷ਆੁ ਭੀ ਹਤ਷ੁ Fir cẖaṛai ḏivas gurbāṇī gāvai bahḏi▫ā practicing) to even one5 of the basic ਗੁਰਹ਷ਖ ਗੁਰੂ ਉ਩ਦ੃਷ ੁ ਷ੁਣਾਵ੄ ॥ uṯẖ▫ḏi▫ā har nām ḏẖi▫āvai. principles of the enlightening6 Jis no ḏa▫i▫āl hovai merā su▫āmī ṯis Jo sās girās ḏẖi▫ā▫e merā har har so philosophy7, one's mind1 becomes gursikẖ gurū upḏes suṇāvai. gursikẖ gurū man bẖāvai. filled with gems2, jewels3, and rubies4 (wisdom). ਜਨੁ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਧੂਹੜ ਭਿੰਗ੄ ਹਤ਷ੁ ਗੁਰਹ਷ਖ ਕੀ ਜ੅ Manmohan Singh (SGPC) translates AGGS, Jap # 6, p 2. ਆਹ਩ ਜ਩੄ ਅਵਰਸ ਨਾਭੁ ਜ਩ਾਵ੄ ॥੨॥ this as follows *15+: He who calls himself a Sikh of the Jan Nānak ḏẖūṛ mangai ṯis gursikẖ kī (Sikh) as “advice/philosophy”: Great True Guru should rise early and ਹ਷ਖ jo āp japai avrah nām japāvai. ||2|| meditate on God's Name. ਷ੁਹਣ ਷ੁਹਣ1 ਹ਷ਖ2 ਸਭਾਰੀ3 ॥ ਅਗਗ਷, ਭ: 4, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 306. He should make efforts early in the Suṇ suṇ sikẖ hamārī. Guru Ramdas says: morning, take a bath, and have 4 5 6 7 The Eternal Entity (God) bestows Its ablution in the tank of nectar. ਷ੁਹਕਰਤੁ ਕੀਤਾ ਰਸ਷ੀ ਭ੃ਰ੃ ਜੀਅੜ੃ ਫਸੁਹੜ teachings and will be kind only when By repeating the Lord God's Name ਨ ਆਵ੄ ਵਾਰੀ8 ॥੧॥ ਰਸਾਉ ॥ the Sikh of the Guru repeats Naam under the Guru's instruction, all his Sukariṯ kīṯā rahsī mere jī▫aṛe bahuṛ na himself and inspires others to do so. sins, misdeeds, and accusations are āvai vārī. ||1|| rahā▫o. Consequently, Nanak* will beg for wiped off. IUSCANADA.COM page 13 Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji eLibrary [email protected] UNDERSTANDING SIKHISM – The Research Journal Afterwards, at sunrise he sings Even by ignoring the interpretation ਹ਷ਹਖਆ( Sikhia/Teachings): something gurbani, and whilst sitting or standing, of the above stanza, it clearly that is taught: philosophy. he meditates on God's Name. indicates that some rituals* have The Guru's disciple, who with every been assigned by Guru Ramdas to be ਵੀਚਾਹਰ (Vichar/Philosophy: the breath and morsel contemplates over performed by a Sikh. However, some branch of knowledge or academic my Lord God, becomes pleasing to the reviewers expressed their opinion study devoted to the systematic Guru's mind. that there are no rituals in those examination of basic concepts such as AGGS, M 4, p 305. sabds of Guru Ramdas. truth, existence, reality, causality, and *Ritual: a religious or solemn freedom; a particular system of Notes: ceremony consisting of a series of thought or doctrine. I have intentionally quoted the actions performed according to a This type of Sikhi has not been translation of S Manmohan Singh lest prescribed order. disseminated by the followers of Guru the readers considers my Nanak. interpretation is biased to influence SIKHI my above interpretation of a SIKH. My study of the bani of Guru Nanak, It is evident from the above discussion However, the meanings of some incorporated in the Aad Guru Granth that in both the definitions of a SIKH words are given as follow: Sahib (AGGS) *8+, clearly indicates and SIKHI the emphasis is on ; According to Bhai Kahn Singh it that the philosophy embodied in his “enlightenment”. ਬਲਕ੃ bani includes the characteristics of means: ਆਉਣ ਵਾਲ੃ ਹਦਨ ਹਵੱਚ ਹਨਤਯ originality and uniqueness. *13+ The ENLIGHTENMENT DEFINED irony is that very little work has been The Age of Enlightenment (also known ਆਉਣ ਵਾਲ੃ ਹਦਨ. "ਉਦਭ ੁ ਕਰ੃ ਬਲਕ ੃ done by Sikh and non-Sikh scholars, as the Age of Reason or simply the ਩ਰਬਾਤੀ ਇ਷ਨਾਨੁ ਕਰ੃". (ਭਃ ੪. ਵਾਰ ਗਉ Sikh philosophers or Sikh scientists Enlightenment) was an intellectual ੧)। (2) ਕੱਲ ਨਿੰ ੂ. : Next day. to portray the philosophy embodied and philosophical movement that in the bani of Guru Nanak in its real dominated the world of ideas in : : Early Morning. ਩ਰਬਾਤੀ ਷ਵ੃ਰ੃ perspective. Instead, they remain Europe during the 18th century, the : Beginning of the day. busy interpreting Sikhi founded by "Century of Philosophy". The ਚੜ੄ ਹਦਵ਷ੁ Guru Nanak into an institutionalized Enlightenment emerged out of a religion, Sikhism, like others, under European intellectual and scholarly The translation of Manmohan Singh, the influence of Vedas and Vedanta movement known as Renaissance of SGPC, shows how a number of philosophies and with their own set humanism. Some consider the rituals were assigned by Guru of beliefs. Nevertheless, Guru Nanak publication of Isaac Newton's Ramdas. However, Dr. Karminder has defined ‘Sikhi’ in one phrase, Principia Mathematica (1687) as the Singh Dhillon has reported how which has been interpreted by first major enlightenment work. incorrect the literal translation of Chahal and Chahal, et al *12-14+ as Philosophers and scientists of this Manmohan Singh is (personal follows: period widely circulated their ideas communication): through meetings at scientific The first verse says “rise early and ਹ਷ਖੀ1 ਹ਷ਹਖਆ2 ਗੁਰ3 ਵੀਚਾਹਰ4 ॥ academies, Masonic lodges, literary meditate on God’s name” The second Sikẖī sikẖi▫ā gur vīcẖār. salons, coffeehouses and in printed verse says “take bath and have Sikhi1 is the teachings2 which are books, journals, and pamphlets. The ablution” It should be take a bath based on the enlightening3 ideas of the Enlightenment first! The literal translation “ablution philosophy4. undermined the authority of the in the tank of nectar” is problematic AGGS, M 1, p 465. monarchy and the Church and paved because this “tank of nectar” was not Notes: the way for the political revolutions of built by Guru Ramdas at the time of ਹ਷ਖੀ (Sikhi): This word is the 18th and 19th centuries. *16+ composing this sabd. So obviously understood as a verb to “learn”” by the words “bhalkey”, “uth” my many theologians thus they go The core themes of Enlightenment “parbhatee”, “ishnan”, “amritsar”, far away from the real theme of explained by Sullivan are as follows: etc. need to be interpreted in the defining of “Sikhi as a noun. *17+ metaphoric sense in relation to one’s Reason. Enlightenment thinkers spiritual life and not physical life. typically denounced supernatural page 14 IUSCANADA.COM Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji eLibrary [email protected] January – December 2020, Vol. 22, No. 1 occurrences as mere superstition. Kavaṇ mūl kavaṇ maṯ velā. Which is the ‘Sabd’ that is the ‘Guru’ of It became the deist Ŧerā kavaṇ gurū jis kā ṯū cẖelā. Nanak? movement that gripped Europe That ‘sabd’ is described by Guru ਅਗਗ਷, ਭ: 1, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 943. and the United States during the Nanak himself in stanza #38 of JAP What is the source of beginning1 and late 18th century. Deism is the Bani as follows: which type of philosophy2 is of this belief that God exists, but chooses Age3? ਜਤੁ1 ਩ਾਸਾਰਾ2 ਧੀਰਜੁ3 ਷ੁਹਨਆਰ4ੁ ॥ to let the Universe proceed according to natural law. Deists Who is the ‘guru’ of whom you are ਅਸਰਹਣ5 ਭਹਤ6 ਵ੃ਦੁ7 ਸਥੀਆਰੁ8 ॥ his disciple? deny supernatural occurrences Jaṯ pāhārā ḏẖīraj suni▫ār. AGGS, M 1, p 943. *8+ and insist that God is knowable Ahraṇ maṯ veḏ hathī▫ār. through reason and nature, not Self-control1 should be the furnace2, Guru Nanak replied about his ‘guru’ divine revelation. and patience3 of the goldsmith4. as follows: Skepticism. This covers skepticism of Wisdom6 should be the anvil5 and religious dogma, the ਩ਵਨ1 ਅਰਿੰਬੁ2 ਷ਹਤ3 ਗੁਰ4 ਭਹਤ5 ਵ੃ਲਾ6 ॥ knowledge7 should be the tools8. institutionalized church, ਷ਫਦੁ7 ਗੁਰੂ8 ਷ੁਰਹਤ9 ਧੁਹਨ10 ਚਲ੃ ਾ11 ॥ government authority, and even Pavan arambẖ saṯgur maṯ velā. ਬਉ9 ਖਲਾ10 ਅਗਹਨ11 ਤ਩ ਤਾਉ ॥ skepticism of the nature of reality. Catholics monarchs who had been STahbea aḏi rg1 uisr ūt hseu rbaeṯg ḏinẖnuinn gcẖ2 oeflā e. v ery life ਬਾਂਡਾ12 ਬਾਉ13 ਅਿੰਹਭਤਰ ੁ14 ਹਤਤੁ15 ਢਾਹਲ16 ॥ placed in positions of power by the Will of God and were not and this is the Age6 of ਘੜੀਐ17 ਷ਫਦੁ18 ਷ਚੀ ਟਕ਷ਾਲ19 ॥ subject to Earthly powers. But Enlightenment5 known through the Bẖa▫o kẖalā agan ṯap ṯā▫o. with the Age of Enlightenment, True4 Guru3. Bẖāʼndā bẖā▫o amriṯ ṯiṯ dẖāl. this idea began to lose its Gẖaṛī▫ai sabaḏ sacẖī taksāl. credibility. It was same in Indian Who is the True Guru? Love9 for the Eternal Entity (God) theology that Kings were It is explained in the second should be the bellows10 to blow air considered as God. This concept sentence: into fire11 to make it super-hot. has also vanished with education The sabd7 is the guru8 (enlightener) The body (mind), full of love13, is the in India. The skeptics typically and my keen10 conscience9 is its melting pot12 where the above- rejected 'blind faith.' They want disciple11. mentioned self-control, patience, 'proof.' wisdom and knowledge as matter15 to Note: be melted16 together to construct17 IS GURU NANAK A PIONEER OF THE ਗੁਰੂ or ਗੁਰੁ or ਗੁਰ (Guru or Gur or the sabd (idea/philosophy)18 as an AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT? Gur): According to Bhai Kahn Singh: Amrit (elixir)14 in the mint19 of truth. YES. ਷ਿੰ. गरूु ਗੁਰੂ. (਷ਿੰਗਯਾ). ਇਸ ਸ਼ਫਦ ਗਰੀ It becomes evident from the critical ਹਜਨ ਕਉ ਨਦਹਰ20 ਕਰਭ2ੁ 1 ਹਤਨ ਕਾਰ22 ॥ study of the definitions of a SIKH and (ग)ृ ਧਾਤੁ ਤੋਂ ਫਹਣਆ ਸ੄, ਇ਷ ਦ੃ ਅਰਥ SIKHI that Guru Nanak’s emphasis was ਨਾਨਕ ਨਦਰੀ23 ਨਦਹਰ24 ਹਨਸਾਲ25 ॥੩੮॥ ਸਨ ਹਨਗਲਣਾ ਅਤ੃ ਷ਭਝਾਉਣਾ, ਜ ੅ on “enlightenment”. Many of Guru Jin ka▫o naḏar karam ṯin kār. Nanak’s phrases lead us to see that he ਅਗਯਾਨ ਨਿੰ ੂ ਖਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਸ੄ ਅਤ੃ ਹ਷ੱਖ ਨਿੰ ੂ Nānak naḏrī naḏar nihāl. ||38|| is a Pioneer of the Age of ਤਤਵਗਯਾਨ ਷ਭਝਾਉਂਦਾ ਸ੄, ਉਸ ਗੁਰੂ ਸ੄. ਅਗਗ਷, ਜ਩ੁ # 38, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 8. Enlightenment. For example: Such type of work22 to construct sabd During the time of discourse with the ਗੁਰਫਾਣੀ ਹਵੱਚ ਗੁਰ, ਗੁਰੁ ਅਤ੃ ਗੁਰੂ ਸ਼ਫਦ (idea/philosophy) can only be done by Siddhas, the most learned persons of ਇੱਕ ਸੀ ਅਰਥ ਹਵੱਚ ਆਏ ਸਨ. (Guru those who have the capability21 of that time, Guru Nanak emphasized comes from Sanskrit word, Gri, vision20. the advent of “enlightenment”: which means to engulf (to eliminate) The Eternal Entity (God) is happy25 for The Siddhas questioned: Who is your ignorance and which impart wisdom such people who have this type of Guru? (enlightens) to the Sikh. vision23, 24. 38. ਕਵਣ ਭਲੂ ੁ1 ਕਵਣ ਭਹਤ2 ਵ੃ਲਾ3॥ AGGS, Jap # 38, p 8. ਤ੃ਰਾ ਕਵਣੁ ਗੁਰੂ ਹਜ਷ ਕਾ ਤੂ ਚਲ੃ ਾ ॥ IUSCANADA.COM page 15 Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji eLibrary [email protected] UNDERSTANDING SIKHISM – The Research Journal Stanza 38 of JAP Bani clearly indicates to resolve problems and cross the so- ਩ਦਾਰਥ। ੩. ਕਾਭ = ਕਾਭਨਾ, ਇੱਹਿਆ। ੪. that the word ‘sabd’ means the ‘idea’ called “dreadful sea of life”. or ‘philosophy’ which enlightens a ਭ੅ਖ = ਭੁਕਤੀ.[18] person to discover the right path of English: 1. Dharam (good deeds), During the discourse (Siddh Gost) the life. Therefore, ‘sabd’ is interpreted as Arath (various things), Kaam (lust, Siddhas continued to pose other ‘enlightening idea/philosophy’. The desire), Mokh (liberation or salvation questions to Guru Nanak: ‘sabd’ is constructed by the use of self- from cycle of reincarnation). What is your philosophy? control, patience, knowledge and On the other hand Sikhiwiki.org says ਕਵਣ ਕਥਾ4 ਲ੃ ਰਸਸੁ ਹਨਰਾਲ੃5 ॥ wisdom without involving any deity. that: In Gurmat, Four Padaraths are different than that of Prof Sahib ਫ੅ਲ੄ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਷ੁਣਸ ੁ ਤੁਭ ਫਾਲ੃6 ॥ Guru Nanak further explains that singh: * Kavaṇ kathā le rahhu nirāle. 19] humans inherits four characteristics: Bolai Nānak suṇhu ṯum bāle. Gyan Padarath: (Treasure of seeing, hearing, sensation, and Question 42 b: Spiritual Knowledge) thinking/capability to analyse the data What type of unique5 philosophy4 do Mukat Padarath: (Treasure of collected. I interpret the following you have? Salvation) stanza keeping in view the Speak out, O child6 Nanak, we are Naam Padarath: (Treasure of involvement of various sciences - ready to listen to you. Divine Wisdom) Biology, Neurosciences, Physiology, And Janam Padarath: (Treasure of Physics and Chemistry: What is the Sabd, which can help us to Spiritual Birth) cross the dreadful sea of life? ਚਾਹਰ1 ਩ਦਾਰਥ2 ਲ੄ ਜਹਗ3 ਆਇਆ4 ॥ These Padaraths are based upon ਹ਷ਵ ਷ਕਤੀ5 ਘਹਰ6 ਵਾ਷ਾ7 ਩ਾਇਆ ॥ Vedas and Vedanta philosophies. ਏ਷ ੁ ਕਥਾ7 ਕਾ ਦ੃ਇ ਫੀਚਾਰੁ8 ॥ In stanza #38 above, Guru Nanak ਏਕ8ੁ ਹਵ਷ਾਰ੃9 ਤਾ ਹ਩ੜ10 ਸਾਰ੃11 ਅਿੰਧੁਲ੄12 ਨਾ explains how a Sabd (idea/ ਬਵਜਲੁ9 ਷ਫਹਦ10 ਲਿੰਘਾਵਣਸਾਰੁ11 ॥੪੩॥ Ės kathā kā ḏe▫e bīcẖār. philosophy) is constructed ਭੁ13 ਹਵ਷ਾਰਾ14 ਸ੃ ॥੬॥ Bẖavjal sabaḏ langẖāvaṇhār. ||43|| (formulated) as Amrit (life-giving Cẖār paḏārath lai jag ā▫i▫ā. Question 42c: elixir) – the way of living, which will Siv sakṯī gẖar vāsā pā▫i▫ā. Could you, please, deliberate8 on your mould a person to be highly moral Ėk visāre ṯā piṛ hāre anḏẖulai nām unique philosophy7? and progressive. In spite of the visārā he. ||6|| What is the Sabd10 (your idea/ above teachings of Guru Nanak, philosophy) which could help11 us to ਅਗਗ਷, ਭ: 1, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 1027. Sikhs continue to follow Eastern Man was born4 into this world3 with philosophy. That is, that a personal cross the dreadful9 sea of life? four1 characteristics2: human Guru is necessary to guide a Guru Nanak answers as follows: (Seeing, hearing, sensation, and person to achieve a moral life, to thinking/capability to analyse the data meet God, and to achieve mukati ਷ੁਰਹਤ1 ਷ਫਹਦ2 ਬਵ3 ਷ਾਗਰ4ੁ ਤਰੀਐ5 ਨਾਨ collected.) (salvation). That is why many Sants/ In fact, all these characteristics of Babas have appeared in Punjab and ਕ ਨਾਭੁ6 ਵਖਾਣ7੃ ॥ humans6 are based7 on Universal are brain-washing their followers to Suraṯ sabaḏ bẖav sāgar ṯarī▫ai Nānak Energy5. be dependent upon their advice nām vakẖāṇe. If one forgets9 about these four rather than to use their own intellect ਅਗਗ਷, ਭ: 1, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 938. characteristics8, then that innocent to construct the Sabd taught by Nanak explains7 that understanding (human)12 loses11 all his study/ Guru Nanak. Of course, some people the Laws of Nature6 and turning one’s capabilty10 and also forgets14 to use may need a Guru (teacher) to teach conscience1 towards such Sabd2 (as the Laws of Nature13 for the the qualities required to construct described above) will help to cross5 the betterment of one’s life. that ‘sabd’. Nevertheless, Guru dreadful3 sea of life4. Nanak continues to explain further AGGS, M 1, p 1027 AGGS, M 1, p 938. . that the body and brain have the Note: But Prof Sahib Singh explains four faculties (seeing, hearing, Guru Nanak continues to explain that Chaar Padarath as: ਚਾਹਰ ਩ਦਾਰਥ = sensation, thinking/capability to the ‘sabd’, as explained in Stanza #38 analyse the data collected) needed (੧. ਧਰਭ = ਸ਼ਬੁ ਕਰਭ। ੨. ਅਰਥ- of JAP Bani, is the solution to various problems of life: page 16 IUSCANADA.COM Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji eLibrary [email protected] January – December 2020, Vol. 22, No. 1 and remains attached13 to the Mathematica (1687) is considered to ਹਗਆਨ1 ਹਵਸੂਣੀ2 ਬਵ੄3 ਷ਫਾਈ4 ॥ Eternal Entity. be the first major contribution ਷ਾਚਾ5 ਰਹਵ6 ਰਹਸਆ ਹਲਵ7 ਲਾਈ ॥ AGGS, M 1, p 432. towards Natural Philosophy, the ਹਨਰਬਉ8 ਷ਫਦੁ9 ਗੁਰੂ10 ਷ਚੁ11 Period of Renaissance, and the Age of Guru Nanak continues to advise Enlightenment. On the other hand, ਜਾਤਾ12 ਜ੅ਤੀ ਜ੅ਹਤ13 ਹਭਲਾਇਦਾ14 ॥੮॥ about the use of ‘sabd’ and its use in Guru Nanak is the only one in South Gi▫ān vihūṇī bẖavai sabā▫ī. life: Asia who contributed towards Natural Sācẖā rav rahi▫ā liv lā▫ī. ਅਭਲੁ1 ਕਹਰ ਧਰਤੀ2 ਫੀਜ3ੁ ਷ਫਦ੅4 ਕਹਰ ਷ Philosophy, the Period of Renaissance Nirbẖa▫o sabaḏ gurū sacẖ jāṯā joṯī joṯ and also the Age of Enlightenment. milā▫iḏā. ||8|| ਚ5 ਕੀ ਆਫ6 ਹਨਤ7 ਦ੃ਹਸ ਩ਾਣੀ8 ॥ ਅਗਗ਷, ਭ: 1, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 1034. ਸ੅ਇ ਹਕਰ਷ਾਣੁ9 ਈਭਾਨੁ10 ਜਿੰਭਾਇ11 ਲ੄ ਹਬ਷ A person, without2 using intellect1, is ਤੁ12 ਦ੅ਜਕ1ੁ3 ਭੂੜ੃14 ਏਵ ਜਾਣੀ ॥੧॥ wandering3 all around4 to understand Amal kar ḏẖarṯī bīj sabḏo kar sacẖ kī the Eternal Entity (God). āb niṯ ḏėh pāṇī. That person could not understand the Ho▫e kirsāṇ īmān jammā▫e lai bẖisaṯ Eternal Entity5 pervades6 everywhere ḏojak mūṛe ev jāṇī. ||1|| as if imbibed7 in everything. A person who is not afraid8 of ਅਗਗ਷, ਭ: 1, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 24. anybody/anything can understand12 Make good deeds1 as the soil2 to sow the Eternal Entity (God)11 through the the seed3 of the sabd4 (idea/ enlightening10 philosophy9 (sabd9 philosophy realized) and always7 guru10). water that seed with the water8 of AGGS, M 1, p 1034. the habit6 of speaking truth5. Fig. 1. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) Be such a type of farmer. Portrait by Godfrey Kneller-1689 Many of the interpreters translate If one accepts10 to be such type of ‘sabd’ as ‘sabd’ and ‘guru’ as ‘guru’. farmer9, then it will become11 clear Let us not forget that Gautama But nobody tries to explain the to the innocent one14 what heaven12 Buddha got enlightenment before meaning of ‘guru’ and of ‘sabd’ as and hell13 mean. Guru Nanak. explained above. AGGS, M 1, p 24. Guru Nanak further explains that the Guru Nanak is the only pioneer in ‘sabd’ is the real ‘guru’ in life: South Asia to formulate “Sikhi” on all the themes listed in item #1 (deism, ਘਘ੄ ਘਾਲ1 ਷ਵ੃ ਕ2ੁ ਜ੃ ਘਾਲ੄3 ਷ਫਹਦ4 ਗੁਰੂ5 ਕ੄ natural laws, questioning, and ਲਾਹਗ6 ਰਸ੄ ॥ reasoning) during 1469-1539. 7 8 9 10 Similarly, Guru Nanak was also a very ਫੁਰਾ ਬਲਾ ਜ੃ ਷ਭ ਕਹਰ ਜਾਣ੄ ਇਨ strong skeptic of religious dogmas ਹਫਹਧ11 ਷ਾਹਸਫੁ12 ਰਭਤੁ13 ਰਸ੄ ॥੮॥ and the absolute authority of Gẖagẖai gẖāl sevak je gẖālai sabaḏ religious leaders who had shackled gurū kai lāg rahai. their followers in various rituals, Burā bẖalā je sam kar jāṇai in biḏẖ superstitions and dependence upon sāhib ramaṯ rahai. ||8|| god, gods, and goddesses for Figure 2. Gautama Buddha ਅਗਗ਷, ਭ: 1, ਩ਿੰਨਾ 432. everything to happen. (483-400 BCE) If a dedicated1 devotee2 remains While there are many in Europe who Enlightenment by Siddhārtha Gautama devoted3,6 to the concept of contributed towards the Period of In India, the first one to get enlightening5 sabd4 and considers10 Renaissance and the Age of enlightenment was Siddhārtha bad7 and good days equally9 as a part Enlightenment, the publication of Gautama (483/400 BCE) or Siddhattha of life, that person understands that Isaac Newton's Principia Gotama in Pali (also called Eternal Entity12 through this method11 IUSCANADA.COM page 17 Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji eLibrary [email protected]

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