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Seven-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Are There Cosmic Microwave Background Anomalies? PDF

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Preview Seven-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Are There Cosmic Microwave Background Anomalies?

Accepted by the Astrophysical JournalSupplementSeries PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.11/10/09 SEVEN-YEAR WILKINSON MICROWAVE ANISOTROPY PROBE ( WMAP 1) OBSERVATIONS: ARE THERE COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND ANOMALIES? C. L. Bennett2, R. S. Hill3, G. Hinshaw4, D. Larson2, K. M. Smith5, J. Dunkley6, B. Gold2, M. Halpern7, N. Jarosik8, A. Kogut4, E. Komatsu9, M. Limon10, S. S. Meyer11, M. R. Nolta12, N. Odegard3, L. Page8, D. N. Spergel5,13, G. S. Tucker14, J. L. Weiland3, E. Wollack4, E. L. Wright15 Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series ABSTRACT 1 1 A simple six-parameter ΛCDM model provides a successful fit to WMAP data. This holds both 0 when the WMAP data are analyzed alone or in combination with other cosmologicaldata. Even so, 2 it is appropriate to examine the data carefully to search for hints of deviations from the now stan- dard model of cosmology,which includes inflation, dark energy, dark matter, baryons,and neutrinos. n The cosmologicalcommunity has subjected the WMAP data to extensive and variedanalyses. While a there is widespread agreement as to the overall success of the six-parameter ΛCDM model, various J “anomalies” have been reported relative to that model. In this paper we examine potential anoma- 3 lies and present analyses and assessments of their significance. In most cases we find that claimed anomalies depend on posterior selection of some aspect or subset of the data. Compared with sky ] O simulationsbasedonthebest-fitmodel,onecanselectforlowprobabilityfeaturesoftheWMAPdata. Lowprobabilityfeatures areexpected, butit is notusually straightforwardto determine whether any C particularlowprobabilityfeatureistheresultofthea posteriori selectionornon-standardcosmology. . h Hypothesis testing could, of course, always reveal an alternative model that is statistically favored, p but there is currently no model that is more compelling. We find that two cold spots in the map are - statistically consistent with random cosmic microwave background(CMB) fluctuations. We also find o that the amplitude of the quadrupole is well within the expected 95% confidence range and there- r fore is not anomalously low. We find no significant anomaly with a lack of large angular scale CMB t s powerfor the best-fit ΛCDMmodel. We examine in detailthe properties ofthe powerspectrumdata a with respect to the ΛCDM model and find no significant anomalies. The quadrupole and octupole [ components of the CMB sky are remarkably aligned, but we find that this is not due to any single 2 map feature; it results from the statistical combination of the full-sky anisotropy fluctuations. It v may be due, in part, to chance alignments between the primary and secondary anisotropy, but this 8 only shifts the coincidence from within the last scattering surface to between it and the local matter 5 density distribution. While this alignment appears to be remarkable, there was no model that pre- 7 dicted it, nor has there been a model that provides a compelling retrodiction. We examine claims 4 of a hemispherical or dipole power asymmetry across the sky and find that the evidence for these . 1 claimsis notstatisticallysignificant. We confirmthe claimofastrongquadrupolarpowerasymmetry 0 effect, but there is considerable evidence that the effect is not cosmological. The likely explanation 0 is an insufficient handling of beam asymmetries. We conclude that there is no compelling evidence 1 for deviations from the ΛCDM model, which is generally an acceptable statistical fit to WMAP and : other cosmologicaldata. v Subject headings: cosmic background radiation – cosmological parameters – cosmology: observations i X – dark matter – early universe – instrumentation: detectors – large-scalestructure r of Universe – space vehicles – space vehicles: instruments – telescopes a 1WMAPistheresultofapartnershipbetweenPrincetonUni- versity and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Scientific guidanceisprovidedbythe WMAPScienceTeam. 2Department of Physics & Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University,3400N.CharlesSt.,Baltimore,MD21218-2686,USA Speedway, RLM15.306, Austin,TX78712, USA 3ADNET Systems, Inc., 7515 Mission Dr., Suite A100 Lan- 10ColumbiaAstrophysicsLaboratory,550W.120thSt.,Mail ham,Maryland20706, USA Code5247, NewYork,NY10027-6902, USA 4Code665, NASA/Goddard SpaceFlightCenter, Greenbelt, 11Depts. of Astrophysics and Physics, KICP and EFI, Uni- MD20771, USA versityofChicago,Chicago, IL60637,USA 5Department ofAstrophysical Sciences, Peyton Hall,Prince- 12Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, 60 St. tonUniversity,Princeton,NJ08544-1001, USA George St, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON Canada M5S 6Astrophysics, University of Oxford, Keble Road, Oxford, 3H8 OX13RH,UK 13Princeton Center for Theoretical Physics, Princeton Uni- 7DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofBritish versity,Princeton,NJ08544, USA Columbia,Vancouver,BCCanadaV6T1Z1 14Department of Physics, Brown University, 182 Hope St., 8Department of Physics, Jadwin Hall, Princeton University, Providence,RI02912-1843, USA Princeton,NJ08544-0708, USA 15UCLAPhysics&Astronomy,POBox951547,LosAngeles, 9UniversityofTexas,Austin,DepartmentofAstronomy,2511 CA90095-1547, USA 2 1. INTRODUCTION inflation, and dark energy. It is the second item that we addresshere: aretherepotentialdeviationsfromΛCDM The WMAP mission (Bennett et al. 2003a) was de- withinthecontextoftheallowedparameterrangesofthe signed to make precision measurements of the cosmic existing WMAP observations? microwave background (CMB) to place constraints on Afull-skymapT(n)maybedecomposedintospherical cosmology. WMAP was specifically designed to min- harmonics Y as imize systematic measurement errors so that the result- lm ing measurements would be highly reliable within well- ∞ l determined and well-specified uncertainty levels. The T(n)= a Y (n) (1) lm lm rapidly switched and highly symmetric differential ra- l=0m=−l diometer system effectively makes use of the sky as a X X stable reference load and renders most potential sys- with tematic sources of error negligible. The spacecraft spin a = dnT(n)Y∗ (n) (2) and precession paths on the sky create a highly inter- lm lm Z connected set of differential data. Multiple radiometers wherenisaunitdirectionvector. IftheCMBanisotropy and multiple frequency bands enable checks for system- is Gaussian-distributed with random phases, then each atic effects associated with particular radiometers and a isindependent,withazero-mean a =0Gaussian frequency dependencies. Multiple years of observations lm h lmi distribution with allow for checks of time-dependent systematic errors. daTtahetoWthMeAcoPmmteuamnithy.asItprhoavsidaeldsothmeardaewfutilml-sekoyrdmearepds halma∗l′m′i=δll′δmm′Cl (3) where C is the angular power spectrum and δ is the from these data, and these maps are the fundamental l Kronecker delta. C is the mean variance per multipole data product of the mission. If (and only if) the full- l moment l that would be obtained if one could take and sky CMB anisotropy represented in a map is a realiza- averagemeasurementsfromeveryvantagepointthrough- tion of an isotropic Gaussian random process, then the out the universe. We have only our one sample of the powerspectrumofthatmapcontainsallofthecosmolog- universe,however,anditsspectrumisrelatedtothemea- ical information. The maps and cosmological parameter sured a coefficients by likelihoodfunction basedon the powerspectrum are the lm products most used by the scientific community. l The WMAP team used realistic simulated time or- Csky = 1 a 2 (4) dered data to test and verify the map-making process. l 2l+1 | lm| The WMAP andCosmicBackgroundExplorer)(COBE) mX=−l maps,producedbyindependent hardwareandwithsub- where Csky = C if we were able to average over an stantiallydifferentorbitsandskyscanningpatternshave l l been found to be statistically consistent. Freeman et al. ensembDle of vEantage points. There is an intrinsic cosmic (2006)directlyverifiedthefidelityofthe WMAP team’s variance of map-making process (Hinshaw et al. 2003; Jarosik et al. σl 2 = . (5) 2007, 2010). It was indirectly verified by Wehus et al. C 2l+1 l r (2009)aswell. Finally,numerousCMBexperimentshave In practice, instrument noise and sky masking compli- verifiedthe WMAP sky maps oversmallpatchesof the cate these relations. In considering potential deviations sky (mainly with cross-correlation analyses), either to from the ΛCDM model in this paper, we examine the extract signal or to transfer the more precise WMAP goodness-of-fit of the C model to the data, the Gaus- calibration. l sianityofthea derivedfromthemap,andcorrelations WMAP data used alone are consistent with a six- lm between the a values. parameter inflationary ΛCDM model that specifies the lm baryondensityΩ h2,thecolddarkmatterdensityΩ h2, We recognize that some versions of ΛCDM (such as b c withmulti-fieldinflation,forexample)predictaweakde- a cosmological constant Ω , a spectral index of scalar Λ viationfromGaussianity. Todate,the WMAP teamhas fluctuations n , the optical depth to reionization τ, andthescalarsfluctuationamplitude ∆2 (Dunkley et al. foundno suchdeviationsfromGaussianity. Thistopic is R furtherexaminedbyKomatsu et al.(2010,2009). Statis- 2009; Larson et al. 2010). This ΛCDM model is flat, ticalisotropyis akey predictionofthe simplestinflation with a nearly (but not exactly) scale-invariant fluctua- theories so any evidence of a violation of rotational in- tion spectrum seeded by inflation, with Gaussian ran- variance would be a significant challenge to the ΛCDM domphases,andwithstatisticalisotropyoverthe super- or any model based on standard inflation models. horizon sky. When WMAP data are combined with Anomalyclaimsshouldbetestedforcontaminationby additional cosmologicaldata, the ΛCDM model remains systematicerrorsandforegroundemission,andshouldbe a good fit, with a narrower range of allowed parameter robustto statistical methodology. Statistical analyses of values (Komatsu et al. 2010). It is remarkable that such WMAP CMB data can be complicated, and simulations diverse observations over a wide range of redshifts are of skies with known properties are usually a necessary consistent with the standard ΛCDM model. partoftheanalysis. Statisticalanalysesmustaccountfor Therearethreemajorareasoffutureinvestigation: (1) aposterioribias,whichiseasiersaidthandone. Withthe further constrain allowed parameter ranges; (2) test the largeamountof WMAP dataandanenormousnumber standardΛCDMmodel againstdata to seekreliable evi- ofpossiblewaystocombinethedata,somenumberoflow denceforflaws;and(3)seektheprecisephysicalnatureof probabilityoutcomesareexpected. Forthisreason,what the components of the ΛCDM model: cold dark matter, constitutes a “significant”deviationfrom ΛCDM can be 3 difficult to specify. While methods to reduce foreground contamination(suchasskycuts,internallinearcombina- tions,andtemplate-basedsubtractions)canbepowerful, noneisperfect. Sinceclaimedanomaliesoftentendtobe atmarginallevelsofsignificance(e.g.,2 3σ),the resid- − ual foreground level may be a significant consideration. The WMAP Science Team has searched for a num- ber of different potential systematic effects and placed quantitative upper limits on them. The WMAP team has extensively examined systematic measurement er- rors with each of its data releases: Jarosik et al. (2003) and Hinshaw et al. (2003) for the first-year data re- lease, Hinshaw et al. (2007) and Page et al. (2007) for thethree-yeardatarelease,Hinshaw et al.(2009)forthe five-year data release, and Jarosik et al. (2010) for the current seven-year data release. Since those papers al- ready convey the extensive systematic error analysis ef- fortsofthe WMAPteam,thispaperfocusesonthecon- Figure 1. Top: A large colder-than-average region, highlighted bythewhitecurve, appears prominentlyontheraw V-bandtem- sistencyofthe datawith the ΛCDMmodelandrelieson peraturemap. Thefull-skymapisshownwiththeGalacticplane the systematic errorlimits placedin those papers. Some horizontal across the center of the map with the Galactic center data analysis techniques compute complicated combina- atthe center of the displayedprojection. Bottom: With thefore- groundsignalsstronglysuppressedbytheILCtechnique,thehigh- tions of the data where the systematic error limits must lighted cold spot is seen to be at least as prominent. It is offset be fully propagated. fromtheGalacticcenterinbothlatitudeandlongitude. Thisfact, This is one of a suite of papers presenting the seven- combined with the fact that the clearly effective ILC foreground yearWMAPdata. Jarosik et al.(2010)provideadiscus- reductiondoes not diminishthis feature, establishes that thisisa CMB fluctuation and not a foreground effect. This feature is not sionoftheskymaps,systematicerrors,andbasicresults. anomalous in that simulated realizations of ΛCDM model skies Larson et al.(2010)derivethepowerspectraandcosmo- routinelyproducefeatureslikethis. logical parameters from the WMAP data. Gold et al. (2010) evaluatethe foregroundemissionandplace limits on the foreground contamination remaining in the sepa- rated CMB data. Komatsu et al. (2010) present a cos- mological interpretation of the WMAP data combined with other cosmological data. Weiland et al. (2010) an- alyze the WMAP observations of the outer planets and selected bright sources, which are useful both for an un- derstandingoftheplanetsandforenablingtheseobjects to serve as more effective calibration sources for CMB and other millimeter-wave and microwaveexperiments. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we Figure 2. Visual inspection of the ILC map reveals four elon- comment on the prominent large cold spot, nearby but gated valleys of cooler temperature that stretch from about the offsetfromtheGalacticCenterregion,thatattractedat- Galactic equator to nearly the south Galactic pole. Ridges of tention when the first WMAP sky map was released warmer-than-average temperature lie between the cooler fingers. in 2003. In Section 3 we comment on a cold spot in Thesefeaturesareaconsequenceoflarge-scalepowerinthesouth- ern sky. It is more difficult to discern as much large-scale power the southern sky that has attracted attention more re- inthenorthernsky. ColdSpotIislocatednearthenorthernmost cently. In Section 4 we assess the level of significance of partofoneofthefingers,whileColdSpotII(withintheredcurve) the low value measured for the amplitude of the CMB isnearthesouthernmostpartofanother finger. quadrupole (l = 2) component. In Section 5 we discuss the lack of large-scalepower acrossthe sky. In Section 6 as to minimize signals with the frequency spectra of the we assess the goodness-of-fitof the WMAP data to the Galactic foregrounds. The seven-year raw V-band map ΛCDM model. In Section 7 we examine the alignment and ILC map are shown in Figure 1. A prominent cold of the quadrupole and octupole. In Section 8 we assess (blue)spotisseennearthecenterofthesemaps,roughly claims of a hemispherical or dipole power asymmetry, half of which lies within the KQ85y7 Galaxy mask. For andinSection9weassessclaimsofaquadrupolarpower the portion within the mask, the ILC process removes asymmetry. We summarize our conclusions in Section >99%of the V-band pixel–pixel variance,while making 10. almost no difference to the variance in the portion out- side the mask. In the ILC map, the variances in the two 2. COLDSPOTI,GALACTICFOREGROUNDEMISSION, regions are nearly equal. Given its CMB-like spectrum ANDTHEFOURFINGERS and the fact that it is not centered on the Galactic cen- When WMAPdata werefirstreleasedin2003,anim- ter, this cold spot is very unlikely to be due to galactic ageofthefullskywaspresentedinGalacticcoordinates, foreground emission. Several years of modeling the sep- centered on the Galactic center (Bennett et al. 2003b). aration of foreground emission from the CMB emission Galactic emission was minimized for this image by us- continues to support the conclusion that this cold spot ing an Internal Linear Combination (ILC) of WMAP is not dominated by Galactic foreground emission, but data from independent frequency bands in such a way rather is a fluctuation of the CMB. Further, the proba- 4 bility that a randomly located feature of this size would individual statistics. Zhang and Huterer then allowed be near the Galactic center is 5% and the probability for a range of possibilities in disk radius, spatial filter ∼ of such a feature overlapping the Galactic plane, at any shape, and the choice of non-Gaussianstatistic in a “su- longitude, is much higher. This large central cold spot perstatistic”. They found that 23% of simulated Gaus- is a statistically reasonable CMB fluctuation within the sian random skies are more unusual than the WMAP context of the ΛCDM model. sky. Zhang & Huterer(2010)alsoanalyzedtheskymaps Since people are highly effective atdetecting patterns, withcirculardiskandGaussianfiltersofvaryingwidths. itisnotsurprisingthatavisualinspectionoftheWMAP They found no evidence for an anomalous cold spot at skymaprevealsinterestingfeatures. Fourelongatedcold any scale when compared with random Gaussian simu- (blue)fingersstretchingfromabouttheGalacticequator lations. When requiring the SMHW spatial filter shape, to the south Galactic pole are seen in Figure 2. There 15% of simulated Gaussian random skies were more un- donotappeartobe anysimilarfingersorfeaturesinthe usualthanthe WMAP skyusingthe constrainedsuper- northern Galactic hemisphere aside from the northern- statistic. most extensions of the mostly southern fingers. Cold With 1.85%– 15%ofrandomGaussianskies more de- Spot I can be seen to be the northern part of one of the viant than WMAP data in a wavelet analysis (depend- colder fingers. ing on the marginalization of posterior choices) poten- There may be a tendency to overestimate the signif- tial physical interpretations have been proposed for this icance of features like Cold Spot I or the four fingers. 1.45σ – 2.35σ effect. In theory, cold spots in the CMB It is very hard to define quantitative statistics for such can be produced by the integrated Sachs–Wolfe (ISW) features due to the visual nature of their identification. effect as CMB photons traverse cosmic voids along the There is also an unavoidable posterior bias when us- line of sight. If Cold Spot II is due to a cosmic void, it ingnarrowlydefinedstatisticstargetedatparticularfea- would have profound implications because ΛCDM does tures seen in our sky. In any case, visual inspection of not produce voids of sufficient magnitude to explain it. simulatedΛCDM maps often revealslarge-scalefeatures Mota et al. (2008) examined void formation in models such as these, without requiring any underlying statisti- where dark energy was allowedto cluster and concluded cal fluctuation. Indeed, it is the lack of these features in that voids of sufficient size to explain Cold Spot II were the Northern sky that may be the more unusual situa- not readily produced. Rudnick et al. (2007) examined tion. number counts and smoothed surface brightness in the NRAOVLASkySurvey(NVSS)radiosourcedata. They 3. COLDSPOTII claimeda 20% – 45% deficit in the NVSS smoothed sur- A detection of non-Gaussianity and/or phase correla- face brightness in the direction of Cold Spot II. How- tions in the WMAP a data would be of great inter- ever, this claim was refuted by Smith & Huterer (2010), lm est. While a detection of non-Gaussianity could be in- who found no evidence for a deficit, after accounting dicative of an experimental systematic effect or of resid- for systematic effects and posterior choices made in as- ual foregrounds, it could also point to new cosmologi- sessing statistical significance. Further, Granett et al. cal physics. There is no single preferred test for non- (2010) imaged several fields within Cold Spot II on the Gaussianity. Rather,differenttestsprobedifferenttypes Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope and attained galaxy of non-Gaussianity; therefore, it is important to subject counts that rule out a 100 Mpc radius spherical void at the data to a variety of tests. high significance, finding no evidence for a supervoid. Vielva et al. (2004) used a spherical Mexican hat Cruz et al. (2007b) suggested that the cold spot could wavelet (SMHW) analysis on the first year WMAP be the signature of a topological defect in the form of a data to claim a detection of a non-Gaussian signal on cosmictextureratherthananadiabaticfluctuation. This a scale of a few degrees, independent of the WMAP suggestionwasfurtherdiscussedbyBridges et al.(2008) observing frequency. Also applying the SMHW ker- andCruz et al.(2008): theyestimatethatatexturewith nel, Mukherjee & Wang (2004) claimed to detect non- Gµ 1.5 10−6 could produce a cold spot with the ob- Gaussianity at 99% significance. The signal is a pos- serv≈ed pro×perties. Independently, CMB power spectra ∼ itive kurtosis in the wavelet coefficients attributed to a combined with other cosmological data can be used to larger than expected number of 3◦ to 5◦ cold spots in place limits ona statisticalpopulationof topologicalde- the southern Galactic hemisphere. Mukherjee & Wang fects. Urrestilla et al. (2008) placed a 95% confidence (2004)foundthesameresultfortheILCmap. Following upper limit of Gµ < 1.8 10−6 based on Hubble con- up on this, Cruz et al. (2006) reported that the kurto- stant, nucleosynthesis, an×d CMB (including three-year sis in the wavelet distribution could be exclusively at- WMAP ) data. Textures at this level are compatible tributed to a single cold spot, which we call Cold Spot withthecoldspotandareneitherfavorednordisfavored II, in the sky map at Galactic coordinates (l = 209◦, by parameter fits. Following the method described in b= 57◦), as indicated by the red curve in Figure 2. In Urrestilla et al. (2008), we now place a power spectrum − an analysis of the three-year WMAP data, Cruz et al. based95%confidenceupperlimitofGµ<1.5 10−6us- (2007a) reported only 1.85% of their simulations devi- ing the seven-year WMAP data, finer scale C×MB data, ated from the WMAP data either in the skewness or in and the Hubble constant. Since the new 95% CL upper thekurtosisestimatoratthreedifferentangularscales,a limitderivedfromthepowerspectrummatchesthevalue 2.35σ effect. neededtoexplainthecoldspotwithinthesimpletexture In replicating the SMHW approach described above, model previously discussed in the literature, that model Zhang & Huterer (2010) found 2.8σ evidence of kur- is now disfavored; however, a more sophisticated model ∼ tosis and 2.6σ evidence for a cold spot. These values might still allow a texture interpretation. ∼ are in reasonable agreement with the earlier findings for 5 In conclusion, there are two possible points of view. A statistical analysis of the quadrupole must account One is that the cold spot is anomalous and might be for the highly non-Gaussianposteriordistributionof the produced by a texture or other mechanism; this cannot low-l (l . 32) multipoles. In this paper we use Gibbs be ruled out with current data. The other view is that sampling of the low-l power spectrum to evaluate the the < 2.35σ (after posterior correction) statistical evi- quadrupole (O’Dwyer et al. 2004; Dunkley et al. 2009). dence for a cold spot feature is not compelling, and that The WMAP ILC data are smoothed to 5◦ resolution the texture explanation is disfavored. Had the anomaly (Gaussian, FWHM), degraded to HEALPix resolution been significantat the part per million level instead of a level 5 (N = 32), and masked with the KQ85y7 side part per thousand, the posterior marginalization issues mask. The Gibbs sampling produces a likelihood that would be moot: the feature would be considered a real has been marginalized over all other multipoles. A anomaly. If real, a void explanation would have been in Blackwell-Rao estimator of the form of Equation 19 of strong conflict with the ΛCDM model, but a population Wandelt, Larson, & Lakshminarayanan (2004) is used of topological defects that contribute at a low level to to produce the WMAP quadrupole likelihood shown in the CMB power spectrum would not so much falsify the Figure 3. The peak of the likelihood is at 200 µK2, the model as provide a small modification to it. Given the medianisat430µK2,andthemeanisat1000µK2. The evidence to date, the WMAP Team is of the opinion 68% confidence range extends from 80 to 700 µK2, and that there is insufficient statistical support to conclude the 95% confidence range extends from 40 to 3200 µK2. thatthecoldspotisa CMBanomalyrelativetoΛCDM. Figure 4 shows the cumulative quadrupole distribu- tion derived from 300,000 Gibbs samples. The mean quadrupole predicted by the best-fit ΛCDM model lies atacumulativeprobabilityof0.824,wellwithinthe95% confidenceregionallowedbythedata. We concludethat the WMAPquadrupolemeasurementisnotanomalously low. Further, while alternative models that predict a lower quadrupole will better match this specific part of thedata,itisimpossibletosignificantlyfavorsuchmod- els on the basis of quadrupole power alone. Figure 3. CurveisaBlackwell-Raoestimateoftherelativelikeli- hoodofthequadrupolepowerl(l+1)C2/2πinµK2from WMAP. The WMAP ILCdataweresmoothedto5◦andtheKQ85y7mask was used, both degraded to res 5. The Gibbs sampling produced a likelihood that has been marginalized over all other multipoles. Thehighlynon-Gaussianlikelihooddistributionischaracteristicof thelowest-lmultipoles. Forl>32thecurvesbecomenearlyGaus- sian. The vertical line with the label “ΛCDM” is the expected quadrupole from the full power spectrum ΛCDM model best fit to the WMAP data. The maximum likelihood of the WMAP measured l = 2 quadrupole is at the vertical dotted line. These twovaluesareconsistenttowellwithinthe95%confidenceregion. Figure 4. Cumulative distribution function of the quadrupoles The WMAPquadrupoleisnotanomalouslylow. fromtheGibbssamplingbasedon300,000points. Theverticalline is the predicted ΛCDM model quadrupole value. The cumulative probability is 0.824 where the vertical line crosses the cumulative distribution function . Since the expected quadrupole from the 4. THELOWQUADRUPOLEAMPLITUDE ΛCDMmodeliswellwithinthe95%confidence rangeofthemea- sured quadrupole, accounting for noise and cosmic variance, we The CMB quadrupole is the largest observable struc- concludethatthemeasuredquadrupoleisnotanomalouslylow. ture in our universe. The magnitude of the quadrupole has been known to be lower than models predict since it was first measured by COBE (Bennett et al. 1992; Hinshaw et al.1996). Itisalsothelarge-scalemodethat 5. THELACKOFLARGE-SCALEPOWER ismostpronetoforegroundcontamination,owingto the The angular correlation function complements the disk-like structure of the Milky Way; thus estimates of power spectrum by measuring structure in real space the quadrupole require especially careful separation of rather than Fourier space. It measures the covariance foregroundandCMBemission. TheILCmethodoffore- of pixel temperatures separated by a fixed angle, ground suppression is especially appropriate for large- scaleforegroundremoval,sincetheILC’scomplexsmall- C(θ )= T T (6) ij i j scale noise properties are unimportant in this context. h i With a sky cut applied, residual foreground contamina- where i and j are two pixels on the sky separated by an tion of the quadrupole in the ILC map is determined to angle θ, and the brackets indicate an ensemble average be insignificant (Gold et al. 2010; Jarosik et al. 2010). over independent sky samples. Expanding the tempera- In this section we reassess the statistical significance of tureinsphericalharmonics,andusingtheadditiontheo- the low quadrupole power in the ILC map. remforsphericalharmonics,itisstraightforwardtoshow 6 that C(θ ) is related to the angular power spectrum by to the sky maps than to remove it. They quantified the ij lackoflarge-angular-scalepowerintermsofthe statistic 1 C(θ ) = (2l+1) C W P (cosθ) (7) h ij i 4π h li l l 1/2 l S C2(θ)dcosθ (9) X 1/2 ≡ where C is the ensemble-average angular power spec- Z−1 l h i trum, W is the experimental window function, and P andfoundthatfewerthan0.15%ofsimulationshadlower l l are the Legendre polynomials. If the CMB is statisti- valuesofS . Alow S value persists inlaterWMAP 1/2 1/2 cally isotropic, C(θ ) C(θ) depends only on the sep- sky maps. ij ≡ aration of pixels i and j, but not on their individual Copi et al. (2007) and Copi et al. (2009) claimed that directions. Since we are unable to observe an ensemble there is evidence that the WMAP temperature fluctu- ofskies,wemustdeviseestimatesofC(θ)usingthetem- ations violate statistical isotropy. They directly com- peraturemeasuredinoursky. Oneapproachistoassume puted the angular correlation function from pixel pairs, thattheCMBisergodic(statisticallyisotropic)inwhich as in Equation (8), omitting from the sum pixel pairs caseC(θ)canbe estimatedbyaveragingalltemperature whereatleastonepixelwaswithintheforegroundmask. pairs in the sky separated by an angle θ, TheKQ85foregroundmask (atthattime)removed18% of the pixels from the full sky (now 22% for KQ85y7), C(θ)=hTiTji|∠ij=θ (8) while KQ75 removed 29%. Copi et al. found p-values of where the brackets indicate an average over directions 0.03% for their computation of S1/2, concluding that ≈ i and j such that ∠ij = θ (to within a bin). Another the data are quite improbable given the model. The ex- approach is to estimate the angular power spectrum C actp-valuedepended onthe specific choiceofCMB map l and to compute C(θ) using Equation (7). and foreground mask. Cay´on (2010) finds no frequency The angular correlationfunction over the full-sky ILC dependence to the effect. map from Equation (7) is shown in Figure 5. As can Efstathiou et al. (2010) find that the value of S1/2 is be seen, C(θ) lies within the 95% confidence range of sensitive to the method of computation. For example, the best-fit ΛCDM model for all θ, as determined by Efstathiou et al. (2010) computed the angular correla- Monte Carlo simulations. This supports the conclusion tion function using the estimator thatthereisnostatisticallysignificantlackoflarge-scale 1 power on the full sky. C(θ)= 4π (2l+1)Ml−l′1Cl′Pl(cosθ) (10) ll′ X where e 1 Mll′ = Klml′m′ 2 (11) 2l+1 | | mm′ X and Klml′m′ is the coupling between modes (lm) and (l′m′) induced by the sky cut, and Cl′ is the pseudo- power spectrum obtained by transforming the sky map into spherical harmonics on the cut sky. This estimator e produced a significantly larger value for S than the 1/2 estimator in Equation (6). Efstathiou et al. (2010) also reconstructed the low-l multipoles across the foreground sky cut region in a mannerthatwasnumericallystable,withoutanassump- tion of statistical isotropy. Their method relied on the fact that the low multipole WMAP data are signal- Figure 5. Angular correlation function of the full-sky WMAP dominatedandthatthecutsizeismodest. Theyshowed ILCmapisshown(heavyblackcurve). Forcomparison,theangu- that the small reconstruction errors introduce no bias larcorrelationfunctionforthebest-fitΛCDMmodelisalsoshown (thin black curve), along with the associated 68% and 95% confi- and they did not depend on assumptions of statistical denceranges,asdeterminedbyMonteCarlosimulations. Thean- isotropy or Gaussianity. The reconstruction error only gular correlationfunction of the full-skymap isseen tobe within introduced a small “noise” to the angular correlation the95%confidencerangeofthebest-fitΛCDMmodel. Thisangu- function without changing its shape. larcorrelationfunctionwascomputedfromtheClpowerspectrum, butisnearlyindistinguishablefromapixelpaircomputation. Ei- The original use of a sky cut in calculating S1/2 was therway,thereisnoevidenceofalackoflarge-scalepower. motivatedbyconcernforresidualforegroundsintheILC map. We now recognize that this precaution was un- Spergel et al.(2003)appliedthepixel-pairestimatorto necessary as the ILC foreground residuals are relatively thefirst-year WMAPdataandfoundanalmostcomplete small. Values of S are smaller on the cut sky than on 1/2 lack of correlated structure at angles > 60◦ for the sky, the full sky, but since the full sky contains the superior but thatcalculationwaswith a Galactic foregroundcut. sample of the universe and the cut sky estimates suf- A foreground cut was made because of the concern that fer from a loss of information, cut sky estimates must additionalpower from within the Galactic cut may arise be considered sub-optimal. It now appears that the from foregrounds. For regions outside the cut, it was Spergel et al. (2003) and Copi et al. (2007, 2009) low p- appreciatedthat systematic errorsand residual Galactic valuesresultfromboththea posterioridefinitionofS 1/2 foregrounds are far more likely to add correlated power and a chance alignment of the Galactic plane with the 7 CMBsignal. ThealignmentinvolvesColdSpotIandthe northern tips of the other fingers, and can also be seen in the maps that will be discussed in Section 7. Efstathiou et al.(2010) correctedthe full-sky WMAP ILC mapfor the estimatedISW signalfromredshiftz < 0.3asestimatedbyFrancis & Peacock(2010). Theresult was a substantial increase in the S . Yet there is no 1/2 large-scalecosmologicalsignificancetothe orientationof the sky cut or the orientationof the localdistribution of matter with respect to us; thus the result from Spergel et al. and Copi et al. must be influenced by a chance alignment of the ISW effect and a posterior statistical bias in the choice of statistic. Moregenerally,Hajian et al.(2005)appliedtheirbipo- lar power spectrum technique and found no evidence for a violation of statistical isotropy at 95% CL for angular scales corresponding to multipole moments l<60. The low value of the S integralover the large-angle 1/2 correlationfunction on the cut-sky results from a poste- rior choice of the statistic. Further, it is a sub-optimal statistic in that it is not computed over the full sky. There is evidence for a chance alignment of the Galactic planecutwiththeCMBsignal,andthereisalsoevidence of a chance alignment of the primary CMB fluctuations with secondary ISW features from the local density dis- tribution. The full-sky angular correlation function lies within the 95% confidence range. For all of these rea- sons, we conclude that the large-angle CMB correlation function is consistent with ΛCDM. Figure 6. (a) χ2 per degree of freedom of the seven-year temperature-temperaturepowerspectrumdatarelativetothebest- 6. THEGOODNESSOFFITOFTHESTANDARDMODEL fit ΛCDM model. Light gray points are from 50 simulations that The power spectrum of the WMAP data alone usedthesameΛCDMmodelwiththeappropriatenoiseandcosmic varianceincluded,wheretheerrorbarsaredrivenbythenumberof placesstrongconstraintsonpossiblecosmologicalmodels simulations. Thedataandsimulationswererunthroughthesame (Dunkley et al.2009;Larson et al.2010). Plotsoftheχ2 dataanalysispipeline. Thesesimulationswereusedtohelpfitthe per degree of freedom of the temperature–temperature effective fractionof the sky, fsky to use for the data analysis. (b) power spectrum data relative to the best-fit ΛCDM Theχ2 perdegreeoffreedomiscomparedforthethree-year,five- modelareshowninFigure6. InFigure7the cumulative year,andseven-yearmaps. Smalldifferencesinthefitmodelhave anegligibleeffectontheseplots. Theχ2 perdegreeoffreedomfor probabilityofthe WMAP datagiventheΛCDMmodel l≈300hasbeenslightlygrowingwithadditionaldata,whileother is evaluated based on simulations. All of the simulated multipole moment ranges are more random with additional data. skies were calculated for the same input ΛCDM model, (c) The χ2 per degree of freedom had the same WMAP data but each result was fit separately. The WMAP sky been taken in a reverse time order. The l < 400 region appears robust, while the χ2 variations for l > 400 appear more random. is statistically compatible with the model within 82.6% (d) Variation of χ2 with the choice of Galactic foreground mask confidence, with an uncertainty of 5%. appearsrandomforl>400. Theχ2canbeelevatedbecauseof∼excessscatterwithin (Cdata Cbestfit)(Cdata Cbestfit) l − l l+∆l− l+∆l . each multipole relative to the experimental noise vari- × (Cbestfit+N )(Cbestfit+N ) ance. It could also be elevated because of an accumu- l l l+∆l l+∆l lation of systematic deviations of the model from the When ∆l=0, this quantity is exactly χ2: data across different multipoles, such as would happen if a parameter value were incorrect. Therefore, despite S(∆l =0)=χ2. an acceptable overall χ2, we examine other aspects of For l=300 349 and f 0.8, the powerspectrumdata relative to the modelthat may − sky ∼ havebeenmaskedby the inclusionofallofthe datainto 349 (Cdata Cbestfit)(Cdata Cbestfit) a single χ2 value. We examine both of these possibilities S(∆l) 200 l − l l+∆l− l+∆l . ∼ (Cbestfit+N )(Cbestfit+N ) below. l=300 l l l+∆l l+∆l To explore the l-to-l′ correlation properties of C , we X l Since the data suggest S(∆l = 1) 20 for l = 300 compute: ∼ − − 349, we find S(∆l) (Cldata−Clbestfit)(Cld+a∆tal−Clb+e∆stlfit) (Cldata−Clbestfit)(Cld+a1ta−Clb+e1stfit) 0.002. ≡Xl 2((C2lbl+es1tf)ift+2Nl)2(22(l+Cl2b+∆es∆tlfl+it1+)fN2l+∆l)2 (Clbestfit+Nl)(Clb+e1stfit+Nl+1) ∼− r sky,l sky,l+∆l Forthismultipolerange(Cbestfit+N ) 3500µK2;thus, 1 1 l l ∼ = fsky,lfsky,l+∆l l+ l+∆l+ (Cdata Cbestfit)(Cdata Cbestfit) (160 µK2)2. s 2 2 l − l l+1 − l+1 ∼− l (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) X 8 year-by-year cross spectra in the V and W bands, with weightingthataccountsforthenoiseandthebeamtrans- fer functions. Figure 9 shows that an even excess of significance 2.7σ is found for ℓ = 300 349. If we combine the ∼ − two adjacent bins between ℓ=250 and ℓ=349, the sig- nificance of in the combined bins is 2.9σ, with a ℓ E ∼ probabilitytoexceed(PTE)of0.26%integrateddirectly fromthe MonteCarloset(Figure10). However,itisim- portanttoaccountforthefactthatthissignificancelevel is inflated by the posterior bias of having chosen the ℓ range to give a particularly high value. We attempt to minimize the posterior bias by remov- ing bin selection from the Monte Carlo test. Instead of Figure 7. Black curve is the cumulative probability of the WMAP temperature data based on 499 simulations. All of the focusingononebin,therevisedtestisbasedonthedistri- simulationsweredrawnfromthesameΛCDMmodel, butχ2 was butionofthemaximumvalueofthesignificance /σ( ) ℓ ℓ evaluatedwithrespecttothebest-fitmodelforeachrealization. Of overall bins in eachMonte Carlorealization. ThEe 114E36 these,412(82.6%)hadalowerχ2 thantheverticallineat1224.6. Monte Carlo realizations are split into two groups: 4000 Thus,the WMAP powerspectrumisstatisticallycompatiblewith themodel. Theredcurveisaχ2 distributionwith1170degreesof are used to compute the normalization σ( ℓ) for each freedom,shownforcomparison. bin, and 7436 are used to compute the disEtribution of the maximum value of /σ( ), giving the histogram Note that the power spectrum of the Finkbeiner et al. Eℓ Eℓ that is compared to the single observed value. (1999) dust map in this multipole range is < 10 µK2 in The results of the de-biased test are shown in Figure W band, i.e., more than an order of magnitude smaller. 11. Inadditiontotheavoidanceofbinselection,thistest Figure 8 shows the results of l-to-l′ correlation calcu- alsoincorporatesnegativeexcursionsof ,whichareex- lations of Cl for different values ofl−l′, calculatedboth cessesofpoweratoddℓ. ThetestshowsEthℓatthevisually for simulations and for the WMAP data. For the most striking even excess in the ℓ = 300 350 bin is actually part the data and simulations are in good agreement. − of low significance, with a PTE of 5.1% (top of Figure The most discrepant correlations in C are for ∆l = 1 l 11). However, the test also shows that large excursions near l 320 and ∆l =2 near l 280. ∼ ∼ in odd-ℓ power are less frequent in the observed power Motivated by the outlier ∆l=1 correlationatl 320 ∼ spectrum than in the Monte Carlos, such that 99.3% of seen in Figure 8, we further explore a possible even l the Monte Carlos have a bin with greater odd-ℓ signif- versusoddl effectinthisportionofthepowerspectrum. icance than the observed data (bottom of Figure 11). (Note that this is an a posteriori selection.) We define Thusthereappearstobeamodestlysignificantsuppres- an even excess statistic, , which compares the mean Eℓ sion of odd-ℓ power. This effect is only slightly relieved power at even values of ℓ with the mean power at odd byaccountingforthe posteriorselectionoftheenhanced values of ℓ, within a given ℓ-range. It is essentially a even excess, as seen in the bottom panel of Figure 11. measure of anticorrelation between adjacent elements of We find no evidence for a radiometer-dependence of the power spectrum, with a sign indicating the phase of the effect. We were originally suspicious that the effect the anticorrelation: could arise from an interaction of the foreground mask obs th obs th with large-scale power in the map, but our simulation = hCℓ −Cℓ ieven−hCℓ −Cℓ iodd, Eℓ th results dismissed this suspicion. hCℓ i Steps and other sharp features in the power spec- where =ℓ(ℓ+1)C /2π,thesuperscript“obs”refersto trum P(k) tend to be smeared out in translation to C ℓ ℓ l C the observed power spectrum, and the superscript “th” space. For example, for the non-standard “meander- refers to a fiducial theoretical power spectrum used for ing” cosmological inflation model of Tye & Xu (2010) normalization. From this definition, it follows that > the scalar mode responsible for inflation meanders in a ℓ E 0 is an even excess and < 0 is an odd excess. The multi-dimensional potential. This leads to a primordial ℓ range of ℓ is small enougEh that the variation in th is CMBpowerspectrumwithcomplicatedsmall-amplitude Cℓ also small and convenient for normalization. We choose variationswithwavenumberk. ConversiontoC has the l (a posteriori) to bin by ∆ℓ=50. effect of a significant amount of smoothing (see, for ex- ℓ An apparent positiEve in the WMAP power spec- ample, Figure 1.4 of Wright(2004)). It is not likely that ℓ E trum in the range ℓ 200 400 is investigated quan- any cosmological scenario can cause the observed odd ∼ − titatively using Monte Carlo simulations. Our analysis excess deficit. Likewise, we are aware of no experimen- is limited to 33 ℓ < 600, which is the part of the tal effects that could cause an odd excess deficit. We ≤ power spectrum that is flat-weighted on the sky and therefore conclude that this < 3σ effect is most likely a where the Monte Carlo Apodised Spherical Transform statistical fluke. EstimatoR (Hivon et al. 2002) pseudo-spectrum is used. Becausethebinningisby∆ℓ=50,theactualℓrangefor 7. ALIGNEDQUADRUPOLEANDOCTUPOLE this analysis is 50 599. The Monte Carlo realizations The alignment of the quadrupole and octupole was − are CMB sky map simulations incorporating appropri- firstpointedoutbyTegmark et al.(2003)andlaterelab- ate WMAP instrumental noise and beam smoothing. orated on by Schwarz et al. (2004), Land & Magueijo Each power spectrum, whether from observed data or (2005a), and Land & Magueijo (2005b). The fact of the from the Monte Carlo generator, is co-added from 861 alignment is not in doubt, but the significance and im- 9 Figure 8. We compute ∆l = l−l′ correlation properties of Cl for nearby multipoles for the WMAP data (blue) and comparable simulations(red). Forthemostpartthedataandsimulationsareingoodagreement. ThemostdiscrepantcorrelationsinClarefor∆l=1 nearl∼320and∆l∼2nearl∼280. 0.2 700 0.1 600 l = 250-349 Excess -0.0 zations 500 155 0.26% Even --00..21 Monte Carlo mean & scatter of Reali 340000 σ = 0.0 PTE = er -0.30 100 200 300 400 500 600 umb 200 46 Multipole l N 4 100 0 0. 3 0 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 σof ) 2 Even Excess, Flat Weighting nce (units 01 Fthieguℓrrean1g0e.25E0v−en34e9x,cceossmEpℓariendtthoeaobhsisetrovgerdampoowfetrhsepseacmtreumva,luine nifica -1 aitsycfoomrapurtaenddofrmomre1a1li,z4a3t6ioMnotonteexCceaerdlothreeaolibzsaetrivoends.vTalhueep(ProTbEab)iils- Sig -2 0.26%,interpolateddirectlyfromtheMonteCarlocumulativedis- -3 tribution. AGaussianwiththesameareaandstandarddeviation 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 asthehistogramisoverplotted, with±1σ indications. Multipole l Figure 9. Top: even excess Eℓ in the observed power spectrum, whether this is due to residual Galactic emission or inbinsof∆ℓ=50,comparedtothemeanandscatterfrom11,436 MonteCarlorealizations. Bottom: Eℓasinthetopplot,converted by simply a matter of chance. Park, Park, & Gott tosignificanceunits bynormalizingtotheMonte Carloscatter in (2007) also assess the WMAP Team’s ILC map and each bin. Only the ℓ=250−299 and ℓ=300−349 bins show a conclude that residual foreground emission in the ILC significancegreaterthan1σ. map does not affect the estimated large-scale values significantly. Tegmark et al. (2003) also performed their plications of the alignment are discussed here. own foreground analysis and conclude that their CMB Do foregrounds align the quadrupole and dipole? map is clean enough that the lowest multipoles can Chiang, Naselsky & Coles (2007) conclude that be measured without any galaxy cut at all. They also the lowest spherical harmonic modes in the ILC point out that much of the CMB power falls within the map are significantly contaminated by foregrounds. Galaxy cut region, “seemingly coincidentally.” In other Park, Park,& Gott (2007) find that the residual words, they conclude that the residual foregrounds are foreground emission in a map resulting from their subdominant to the intrinsic CMB signal even without own independent foreground analysis is not statis- any Galaxy cut so long as a reduced foreground map is tically important to the large-scale modes of CMB used. de Oliveira-Costa& Tegmark (2006) believe that anisotropy. The large-scale modes of their map show it is more likely that the true alignment is degraded by anti-correlation with the Galactic foreground emission foregrounds rather than created by foregrounds. in the southern hemisphere, but they are agnostic on Wedeterminethedirectionofthequadrupolebyrotat- 10 Figure 12. Probability of a greater quadrupole-octupole align- mentisgivenasafunctionofthealignmentangle,indegrees. The probabilitygiven here does not account forthe a posteriori selec- tionofamultipolealignmentsearch,nordoesittakeintoaccount thechoiceofthequadrupoleandtheoctupole momentsinpartic- ular. 1◦, the total smoothing corresponds to a Gaussian with FWHM = √102+12◦ = 10◦..05. We then create vari- ousmaskstoprobewhetherthedipole-quadrupolealign- Figure 11. Top: histogram of max(Eℓ/σ(Eℓ)) for each Monte ment can be attributed to one or perhaps two localized Carlorealization. Themaximumistakenover11binsof∆ℓ=50, for ℓ = 50−599. The red vertical line is the observed value of features in the map. The edges of some of the masks 2.65,withaprobabilitytoexceed of 5.11%. Middle: histogramof are found from contours of the ∆T2 map. The contours max(−Eℓ/σ(Eℓ)), whichisthegreatest significance foundinanyℓ wereselectedbyeye,fromagray-scaleMollweideprojec- binhavinganoddexcess. Althoughthehistogramsarenotnormal tionin animage editing program,andthen convertedto distributions, the observed maximum even excess is equivalent to a∼1.6σ result,andthe observedmaximumoddexcess of0.34at HEALPix fits files. Other trial masks were chosen more the vertical redlineisequivalent toa∼2.5σ result. Bottom: the randomly,againtoprobethesensitivityofthealignment histogram is the same as the one above, but restricted to a pre- to different regions of the map. selectionofthesimulationswherethemaximumofthesignificance For each mask, we take the seven-year ILC map that of the even excess is greater than or equal to the observed even has been smoothed by 10◦, zero the region inside the excess. mask, and take a spherical harmonic transform. From ing the coordinate system until a 2+ a 2 is max- the a coefficients, we determine the anglebetween the ℓ,ℓ ℓ,−ℓ ℓm | | | | imized, where ℓ = 2 and where a are the spherical quadrupole and octupole. ℓ,m harmoniccoefficients. This maximizes the poweraround Figure 13 shows the smoothed, squared temperature the equator of the coordinate system. The optimization map (in color) and the effect of various masks (in gray) is done by numerically checking the value of this quan- on the quadrupole–octupole alignment. Masking Cold tity where the z vector of the coordinate system is ro- Spot I eliminates any significant alignment. However, tated to the center of each half-degree pixel in a res 7 keeping that region but masking other regions also sig- (N = 128) HEALPix pixelization. The pixel where nificantly reduces the quadrupole–octupole alignment. side this value is maximized is taken to be the “direction” The posterior selection of the particular masked regions of the quadrupole. The pixel on the opposite side of the is irrelevant as the point is only to demonstrate that spherehasthesamevalue;wearbitrarilypickone. Using no single region or pair of regions solely generates the asimilarmethod,a“direction”isfoundfortheoctupole, < 1◦ alignment. Rather the high degree of quadrupole– with ℓ=3. octupole alignment results from the statistical distribu- The probability that l =2 and l=3 multipoles would tion of anisotropy power over the whole sky. This rules be aligned is shown in Figure 12. The < 1◦ alignment out single-void models, a topological defect at some sky in our sky appears to be quite improbable based upon position, or any other such explanation. The alignment random simulations of the best-fit ΛCDM model. behaves as one would expect if it originatesfrom chance A resolution level 7 map has 196,608 pixels of about random anisotropy amplitudes and phases. The align- 0◦.5 diameter. The best-fit alignment axis specifies two mentof the l=2 andl=3 multipoles is intimately con- pixels directly opposite each other on the sphere. The nected with the large-scale cool fingers and intervening probability of two axes randomly aligning in the same warm regions, discussed earlier, as can be seen in Fig- pairofpixelsisthen2/196,608=0.001%. Theprobabil- ure 14. Although the alignment is indeed remarkable, ity of getting an alignmentwithin 0◦.25 of a given axis is current evidence is more compatible with a statistical 0.00095%,which is close to 0.001% above. combinationoffull-skydata thanwiththe dominanceof In an attempt to gain insight into the alignment we one or two discrete regions. start with the ILC full-sky temperature map. We then Francis & Peacock(2010)estimatedthelocal(z <0.3) produce a map of ∆T2, which is a map of anisotropy densityfieldfromthe2MASSandSuperCOSMOSgalaxy power. Thismapisconstructedbysmoothingtheseven- catalogs and used that field to estimate the ISW effect year ILC map by 10◦, removing the mean value, and within this volume. Large-scale features were extrap- squaring. Since the ILC map is already smoothed to olated across the Galactic plane. The effects of radial

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