SequentialFusionEstimationfor ClusteredSensorNetworks Wen-An Zhanga,LingShib, aDepartment ofAutomation, ZhejiangUniversity of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China 7 1 bElectronic and Computer Engineering, Hong KongUniversity of Science andTechnology, Clear Water Bay,Kowloon, Hong 0 Kong 2 n a J Abstract 4 1 We consider multi-sensor fusion estimation for clustered sensor networks. Both sequential measurement fusion and state fusion estimation methods are presented. It is shown that the proposed sequential fusion estimation methods achieve the ] same performance as the batch fusion one, but are more convenient to deal with asynchronous or delayed data since they C are able to handle the data that is available sequentially. Moreover, the sequential measurement fusion method has lower O computationalcomplexitythantheconventionalsequentialKalmanestimationandthemeasurementaugmentationmethods, while the sequential state fusion method is shown to have lower computational complexity than the batch state fusion one. h. Simulationsof a target trackingsystem are presentedtodemonstrate theeffectiveness of theproposed results. t a m Keywords: Multi-sensor information fusion; optimal estimation; sensornetworks; networkedsystems. [ 1 v 1 Introduction sensor networks have been available in the litera- 4 ture, including centralized fusion and distributed fu- 9 sion, as well as measurement fusion and state fusion Fusion estimation for sensor networks has attracted 6 [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18]. However, most of the re- 4 much research interest during the last decade, and has sults are based on the idea of batch fusion, that is, 0 foundapplicationsinavarietyofareas[1,2,3,4,5].Com- measurements or localestimates are fused all at a time . pared with the centralized structure, the distributed 1 at the fusion instant until all of them are available at structureismorepreferableforsensornetworksbecause 0 the estimator, as illustrated in Fig.1(a). Such a batch ofitsreliability,robustnessandlowrequirementonnet- 7 fusion estimation may induce long computation delay, 1 workbandwidth [4,6,7]. When the number of sensorsis thus it is not appropriate for real-time applications. A : large, it is wasteful to embed in each sensor an estima- v possible improvementis to adopt the idea of sequential tor and the communication burden is high. Moreover, i fusion, by which the measurements or local estimates X for long-distancedeployedsensors,it may notbe possi- are fused one by one accordingto the time order of the ble to allocate communication channels for all sensors. r dataarrivingattheestimator,asillustratedinFig.1(b). a An improvement is to adopt the hierarchical structure In this way, the fusion and the state estimation could for distributed estimation [8], by which all the sensors becarriedoutovertheentireestimationinterval,which in the networkare divided into severalclusters and the help reduce computation burdens at the estimation sensorswithinthe sameclusterareconnectedtoaclus- instant and ultimately reduce the computation delay. terhead(CH)whichactsasalocalestimator.Then,the Moreover, asynchronous or delayed data can be eas- distributed estimation is carried out in two stages. In ily handled. Some relevant results on sequential fusion the first stage, the local estimator in each cluster fuses estimation have been presented in [19] and [20]. The the measurements from its cluster to generate a local idea in [19] is similar to the conventional sequential estimate. Then, the local estimators exchange and fuse Kalman filtering, where the state estimate is updated localestimatestoproduceafusedestimatetoeliminate several times by sequentially fusing the various mea- anydisagreementsamongthemselves. surements, and both the procedures of state prediction and measurement updating are involved over each step Various results on multi-sensor fusion estimation for oftheestimateupdating,whichincurssignificantmuch computation cost. An alternative approach is to fuse Emailaddresses: [email protected] (Wen-An all the measurements first, and then generate the state Zhang),[email protected] (LingShi). Preprintsubmitted 18 January 2017 2 ProblemStatement (a)batchfusionestimation (b)sequentialfusionestimation Considerthehierarchicalfusionestimationforclustered sensor networks as shown in Fig.2, where the plant, t t t t k-1 + k k-1 + + + * k whose state is to be estimated, is described by the fol- * lowingdiscrete-time state-spacemodel data + fusioninstant * estimationinstant x(k+1)=A(k)x(k)+B(k)ω(k) (1) Fig. 1. Examples of batch fusion estimation and sequential fusion estimation. where x(k) ∈ ℜnx is the system state, and ω(k) ∈ ℜnω is a zero-mean white Gaussian noise with variance Q . ω Asensornetworkwithmclustersisdeployedtomonitor Clustera thestateofsystem(1).Thesetoftheclustersisdenoted s sa2 3 c2 cblyusΦte=r i{n1,t.h.e.,smen}s.oLrenteNtwso=rk{,1w,.h.e.r,enss}∈deΦnoatendthenstihs s sa1 1 s tahreencounmnbeecrteodfsteonasocrlsuisntetrhehecaludst(eCrHN)se.Tsheervnisngseanssoarns s c1 s a3 Clusterc estimator. The measurement equation of each sensor is sb1 2 sb2 givenby s b3 Sensor ys,i(k)=C(k)x(k)+υs,i(k), i∈Ns, s∈Φ (2) Clusterb Estimator where y (k) ∈ ℜq, υ (k) is a zero-mean white Gaus- s,i s,i sian noise with variance R , and υ (k) are mutually Fig.2.Astructureofhierarchicalfusionestimationforclus- s,i s,i uncorrelatedandareuncorrelatedwithω(k). tered sensornetworks. AsshowninFig.2,thefusionestimationiscarriedoutin estimate based on the fused measurement. This is the twostages.Atthefirststage,eachCHcollectsandfuses novel method introduced in this paper. In [20], the se- measurementssequentiallyfromits cluster,thengener- quentialcovarianceintersection(CI)fusionmethodwas ates a local estimate using the fused measurement. At presented for state fusion estimation. However, the CI the second stage,eachCH collects local estimates from fusion is not optimal since the cross-covariancesamong itself and the other CHs to produce a fused state esti- the variouslocalestimatesareignored. mateusing the SSF methodto improveestimationper- formance and eliminate any disagreements among the estimators. In this paper, both sequential measurement fusion (SMF) estimation and state fusion estimation (SSF) methods are developed for clustered sensor networks, where the SMF is presented for local estimation, while 3 Designofthe SMFEstimators the SSF is presented for state fusion estimation among all the local estimators. The main contributions of the ThissectionisdevotedtothedesignoftheSMFestima- paperaresummarizedasfollows: torsforeachcluster.ConsiderclusterN ,s∈Φ.Forno- 1) We present a design method for the SMF estima- s tationalconvenience,thesubscriptsinthenotationswill tors. We show that the SMF estimator is equivalent bedroppedintheremainingofthissection,forexample, to the conventional sequential Kalman (SK) and the y isdenotedasy andn isdenotedasn.Denoteys as batch measurement fusion (BMF) estimators, and is s,i i s f the fused measurement and Y(k) = {y (k),...,y (k)} equivalent to the one designed based on measurement 1 n asthesetofmeasurementsforfusion.Thenitcanbeseen augmentation (MA). We also show that the SMF es- from Fig.1(b) that ys is obtained by sequentially fus- timator has lower computational complexity than the f estimatorsbasedonSK andMA. ingthenmeasurements.Thefusedmeasurementandits 2)WepresentadesignmethodfortheSSFestimators noisevarianceofthejthfusionovertheinterval(k−1,k] with matrix weights. We further show that the SSF isdenotedbyy(j)(k)andR(j−1)(k),respectively,where estimator is equivalent to the batch state fusion (BSF) j ∈ {1,2,...,n−1}. Denote the measurement noise of estimators with matrix weights but has much lower y(j)(k)asυ(j)(k),theny(j)(k)=C(k)x(k)+υ(j)(k),and computationalcomplexity. R(j−1)(k) = Cov{υ(j)(k)}. We now introduce the first mainresultonSMF estimator. 2 Theorem 1. For the measurements in Y(k), the SMF Since υ(j−1) is uncorrelated with υj+1, it follows from estimatorisgivenby the followingequations (10)thatR =Cov{υ }=[R−1 +R−1 ]−1,which (j) (j) (j−1) j+1 is just the equation (3). Moreover, it follows from the −1 R(j)(k)= R(−j1−1)(k)+Rj−+11(k) (3) equationR(−j1) = R(−j1−1)+Rj−+11 that R(j) ≤ R(j−1) and y(j)(k)=hR(j)(k) R(−j1−1)(k)y(j−i1)(k) R{1(,j)..≤.,nR}.j+T1h,ewphriocohfilseatdhsustocoRmfsp(lke)ted≤. Ri(k), ∀ i ∈ +R−1 (hk)y (k) (4) j+1 j+1 Whenthe fusedmeasurementys(k) isavailable,the es- f (cid:3) timatorisableto produceanoptimalstateestimateby wherej =1,...,n−1,y (k)=y (k),R (k)=R (k), (0) 1 (0) 1 using ys(k) and applying a standard Kalman filter. An andthefusedmeasurementys(k)anditsnoisevariance f f alternativeapproachtoobtainthefusedmeasurementis Rfs(k) are given by yfs(k) = y(n−1)(k) and Rfs(k) = toapplytheBMFmethod,whichhasbeenpresentedin R(n−1)(k), respectively. Moreover, one has R(j)(k) ≤ [12].IntheBMFmethod,allthemeasurementsinY(k) R(j−1)(k)andRfs(k)≤Ri(k), i∈{1,...,n}. are fused all at a time and the fused measurement can be obtainedby the WLSmethod, andit isgivenby Proof. For brevity, the notation k will be dropped in the following developments. Denote f as the se- Rb(k)=[Σn R−1(k]−1 (11) m f i=1 i quential measurement fusion operator, then y(j) = yb(k)=Rb(k)[Σn R−1(k)y (k)] (12) fm{y(j−1),yj+1}.Augmenty(j−1) andyj+1 to get f f i=1 i i y(j−1) Remark 1. If the measurement equations in (2) have z(j) = =eCx+υ¯(j) (5) different measurement matrices Cs,i(k), i ∈ Ns, s ∈ " yj+1 # Φ, and C (k) can be decomposed as C = M C, s,i s,i s,i ∀ i ∈ N , s ∈ Φ, where C ∈ ℜq×nx, M ∈ ℜq×q and s s,i where e = [I I]T and υ¯ = [υT υT ]T. Let MTR−1M is non-singular, then a similar SMF (j) (j−1) j+1 s,i i s,i R¯ = Cov{υ¯ }. The term z can be regarded as a i∈Ns (j) (j) (j) ruPleasgiveninTheorem1canbeobtainedbyfollowing measurementofCxwiththemeasurementnoiseυ¯ and (j) somesimilarlines asin(5)-(10). the measurement matrix e. Then by the weighted least square(WLS)estimationmethod,aleastnormestimate Ithasbeenshownin[12]thattheBMFisoptimalinthe ofCxis givenby sensethatthenoisevarianceofthefusedmeasurementis minimalamongallthefusionruleswithmatrixweights. zˆ =[eTR¯−1e]−1eTR¯−1z (6) (j) (j) (j) (j) ThefollowingtheoremshowsthattheproposedSMFis equivalentto the BMF. Sinceυ(j−1) isrelatedto{υ1,...,υj},itisuncorrelated withυ .Thus,onehas Theorem 2. The SMF is equivalent to the BMF, i.e., j+1 ys(k)=yb(k)andRs(k)=Rb(k). f f f f R¯(j) =diag{R(j−1),Rj+1} (7) Proof.For j =n−1,onehas by(3)and(4)that Substituting (5)and(7)into (6)yields Rfs =R(n−1) =[R(−n1−2)+Rn−1]−1 (13) zˆ(j) =[R(−j1−1)+Rj−+11]−1[R(−j1−1)y(j−1)+Rj−+11yj+1] (8) yfs =y(n−1) =R(−n1−1)[R(−n1−2)y(n−2)+Rn−1yn] (14) Itcanbeseenfrom(8)thatzˆ(j) isa linearcombination Substituting the expressions of R(n−2) and y(n−2) into of y(j−1) and yj+1, thus it canbe regardedas the fused (13)and(14)yields measurement y , that is, y = zˆ , which leads to (j) (j) (j) equation(4).Sincey(j) isaWLSestimateofCx,itcan R(n−1)=[R(−n1−3)+Rn−−11+Rn−1]−1 (15) sbuerewmrietntetnnoaissey.(jT)h=enCoxne+haυs(j), where υ(j) is the mea- y(n−1)=R(−n1−1)[R(−n1−3)y(n−3)+Rn−−11yn−1 +R−1y ] (16) n n υ =y −Cx (9) (j) (j) Followingthe similarproceduresas in(15)and(16)for Substituting (5)into(6)andnotingy =zˆ ,onehas j =n−3,n−4,...,n,onefinally obtains (j) (j) by(9)that Rs = Σn R−1 −1 =Rb (17) f i=1 i f υ(j) =[eTR¯(−j1)e]−1eTR¯(−j1)υ¯(j) (10) yfs =((cid:2)Rfs)−1 Σni(cid:3)=1Ri−1yi =yfb (18) (cid:2) (cid:3) 3 The proofis thus completed. tionerrorvariancematrix of xˆ . Then, the SSF estima- i torwithmatrixweightsis givenby Remark 2. Conventional approaches for the local es- timation with multiple measurements either use the xˆ(j)=∆1,(j)xˆ(j−1)+∆2,(j)xˆj+1 (19) measurementaugmentation(MA) oruse the sequential P =[eTΩ−1e]−1 (20) Kalman (SK) estimation. It can be seen from Theo- (j) (j) rem 1 and equation (12) that the fused measurement obtained by the SMF or BMF has the same dimen- where j = 1,2,...,m−1, P is the estimation error (j) sion as each local measurement. Therefore, the SMF variance matrix of xˆ , xˆ = xˆ , P = P and the (j) (0) 1 (0) 1 and BMF methods are more computationally efficient optimal matrix weights ∆ and ∆ are computed 1,(j) 2,(j) than the MA method. Moreover, in the SMF or BMF as method, the estimate is obtained using the fused mea- surement and applying one step state update. How- ∆ ever, in the SK estimation method, the estimate is 1,(j) =Ω−1e[eTΩ−1e]−1 (21) (j) (j) obtained by sequentially applying a set of updates. "∆2,(j)# Therefore, the SMF and BMF methods have lower computation complexity than the SK method. Specif- P(j−1) P(j−1),j+1 Ω = (22) ically, Define the computational complexity of the es- (j) " ∗ Pj+1 # timation method as the number of multiplications and divisions in the algorithm, and let δ , δ , δ , and e=[I I]T (23) sm bm ma δ denote the computational complexity of the SMF, sk BMF,MAandSKmethods,respectively.Then,onehas where P(j−1),j+1 = E{x˜(j−1)x˜Tj+1} is the cross covari- δsm =(n2x+5nx+8n−7)q2+(4n2x+nx)q+2n3x+n2x, ancematrixofxˆ(j−1) andxˆj+1,andis computedas δ =(n2+5n +3n+3)q2+(4n2+n )q+2n3+n2, bm x x x x x x δ =(n2+5n +8n−7)n2q2+(4n2+n )nq+2n3+n2, ma x x x x x x j j−d+1 δ =(n2+5n +8n−7)nq2+(4n2+n )nq+n(2n3+n2). Itskcan bexseenxthat both δ andxδ xare of magxnituxde P(j−1),j+1(k)= ∆1,(j−l)∆2,(d−1)Pd,j+1(k()24) sm bm O(nq2), while δma and δsk are of magnitudes O(n3q2) Xd=1 Yl=1 andO(n2q2), respectively. Pj,d(k)=[I−Kj(k)C(k)][A(k−1)Pj,d(k−1) ×AT(k−1)+B(k−1)Q BT(k−1)] ω ×[I −K (k)C(k)]T (25) d 4 DesignoftheSSF Estimators where ∆ = ∆ = I and P = P . The fused 1,(0) 2,(0) (0),2 1,2 This section is devoted to the design of the state fu- stateestimateanditserrorvariancearefinallygivenby sion estimator for each cluster. Suppose that m local xˆsf =xˆ(m−1)andPfs =P(m−1),andonehasPfs ≤Pi,i= estimates xˆ , i = 1,2,...,m are available for fusion at i 1,2,...,m,thatis,theprecisionoftheSSFestimatoris the cluster N , s ∈ Φ over each estimation interval. To s higherthaneachlocalestimator. fusethemlocalestimates,onemayapplysomewellde- veloped batch state fusion (BSF) methods, such as the optimal fusion rule with matrix weights given in [11]. Proof. According to the SSF rule, xˆ(j−1) and xˆj+1 are fusedinthejthfusion.Then,byapplyingthefusionrule However,intheBSFmethod,allthelocalestimatesare with matrix weights as presented in Theorem 1 of [11], fused once at a time which usually involves computing theoptimalfusioninthelinearminimumvariancesense the inverse of a high dimensional matrix, and may not is given by (19) and (20), where ∆ +∆ = I. In besuitableforreal-timeapplications.Inwhatfollows,a 1,(j) 2,(j) whatfollows,it will be shownthat the cross-covariance SSFmethodwith matrixweightswillbe developed. P(j−1),j+1 satisfies the equation(24).Note that for j = 1, one has P = P . For j ≥ 2 and t ∈ {j−1,j − Without lossofgenerality,supposethat the m locales- (0),2 1,2 2,...,1}one has timates arrive at the head of cluster N in time order s as xˆ , xˆ , ..., xˆ . In the SSF method, the cluster head 1 2 m fusesthelocalestimatesonebyoneaccordingtothetime x˜ =x−xˆ (26) (t) (t) order. Denote the jth fused estimate as xˆ(j), then j ∈ xˆ(t) =∆1,(t)xˆ(t−1)+∆2,(t)xˆt+1 (27) {1,2,...,m−1},xˆ(0) =xˆ1 andxˆ(j) =fs(xˆ(j−1),xˆj+1), wheref isthestatefusionruletobedesigned.TheSSF s Substituting (27) into (26) and taking the relation with matrix weights are presented in the following the- ∆ +∆ =I intoconsiderationyields orem. 1,(t) 2,(t) Theorem 3. Let xˆi, i = 1,2,...,m be unbiased esti- x˜(t)=(∆1,(t)+∆2,(t))x−∆1,(t)xˆ(t−1)−∆2,(t)xˆt+1 mates of the state of system (1) and Pi be the estima- =∆1,(t)x˜(t−1)+∆2,(t)x˜t+1 (28) 4 Itfollowsfrom(28)that wherexˆ=[xˆT ··· xˆT]T,I =[I ··· I]T and 1 m o m P =E{x˜ x˜T } (t),j+1 (t) j+1 | {z } =∆1,(t)P(t−1),j+1+∆2,(t)Pt+1,j+1 (29) m−1 m−2 ∆= ∆1,(m−l) ∆1,(m−l)∆2,(1) ··· " l=1 l=1 Applying(29)recursivelyfort=j−1,j−2,...,1leads Y Y to equation (24). Denote the fused measurement in the ∆1,(m−1)∆2,(m−2) ∆2,(m−1) jthclusteras ys ,then ys canbe writtenas f,j f,j (cid:3) ys =Cx+υs , j ∈Z (30) Proof. Note that (19) is a recursive equation for com- f,j f,j s puting xˆ with respect to the variable j. Therefore, (j) whereυs isthefusedmeasurementnoise.Then,by(1), substitutingtheexpressionofxˆ(j−1) intothatofxˆ(j) for (30)andf,tjhe standardKalmanfilter,onehas j = 1,2,...,m−1 yields xˆsf = xˆ(m−1) = ∆xˆ. By the definitionofI ,onehas o x˜ (k)=x(k)−xˆ (k) j j m m−j =[I −K (k)C(k)][A(k−1)x˜ (k−1) +B(k−j 1)ω(k−1)]−K (kj)υs (k) (31) ∆Io = ∆1,(m−l)∆2,(j−1) (35) j f,j j=1 l=1 X Y Bydefinition, the crosscovarianceis givenby m−j Denote Dm−j+1 = ∆1,(m−l)∆2,(j−1), j = 1,...,m. P (k)=E{x˜ (k)x˜T(k)},j 6=d, j,d∈Z (32) l=1 j,d j d s Then,onehasby (35Q)that Substituting (31) into (32) and taking into account the m relations x˜ (k − 1) ⊥ ω(k − 1), x˜ (k − 1) ⊥ υs (k), j j f,j ∆I = D (36) ω(k−1) ⊥ υs (k) and υs (k) ⊥ υs (k), one obtains o j f,j f,j f,d j=1 equation(25). X Since ∆ +∆ =I, j =1,2,...,m−1,one has 1,(j) 2,(j) Moreover,bythe fusionrulegivenin[11],one has D1+D2=∆1,(m−1)∆2,(m−2)+∆2,(m−1) P(j) ≤P(j−1), P(j) ≤Pj+1 (33) =∆1,(m−1)∆2,(m−2)+I −∆1,(m−1) Byapplying(33)recursivelyforj =1,2,...,m−1,one =I+∆1,(m−1)[∆2,(m−2)−I] obtains Pfs = P(m−1) ≤ Pi, i ∈ Zs. The proof is thus =I−∆1,(m−1)∆1,(m−2) (37) completed. Then,itfollowsfrom(37)that Remark3.Itcanbeseenfrom(22)thatthematrixΩ (j) hasdimension2nx×2nx,whileithasdimensionmnx× D1+D2+D3 mn intheBSF.Therefore,theSSFismuchmorecom- x =I −∆1,(m−1)∆1,(m−2)+∆1,(m−1)∆1,(m−2)∆2,(m−3) putational efficient than BSF. Specifically, let δ and bs δ denotethecomputationalcomplexityoftheBSFand =I +∆1,(m−1)∆1,(m−2)[∆2,(m−3)−I] ss SSFmethods,respectively.Then,onehasδbs =5n2xm2+ =I −∆1,(m−1)∆1,(m−2)∆1,(m−3) (38) (n3 +n2)m and δ = (2n3 +22n2)m −2n3 −22n2. x x ss x x x x Therefore,themagnitudesofδbs andδss areO(m2)and Following the similar lines as in (37) and (38), one ob- O(m), respectively. tains The fused estimate xˆs given by Theorem 3 has the fol- m−1 m−1 f lowingproperty. Dj =I− ∆1,(m−l) (39) j=1 l=1 X Y Theorem4.Thefusedestimatexˆs isanunbiasedesti- f mate ofthe systemstate,andsatisfies Since ∆ =I,one has 2,(0) xˆs = ∆xˆ m−1 m−1 f (34) Dm = ∆1,(m−l)∆2,(0) = ∆1,(m−l) (40) (∆Io = I l=1 l=1 Y Y 5 Then,itfollowsfrom(36),(39)and(40)that 1 E SMF m m−1 MS0.5 BMF R ∆I = D = D +D =I (41) o j j m 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Xj=1 Xj=1 time/steps 1 Sincexˆ ,i=1,2,...,mareunbiasedestimatesofx,one E SMF has byithe fact ∆Io = I that E{x−xˆsf} = E{∆Iox− RMS0.5 SK ∆xˆ} = ∆E{Iox − xˆ} = 0, that is, E{x} = E{xˆsf}. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Therefore,xˆs isanunbiasedestimateofthestatex.The time/steps f 1 proofis thus completed. E SMF MS0.5 MA R Remark4.ItcanbeseenfromTheorem4thatthepro- posedestimatexˆs isalsoalinearcombinationofallthe 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 f time/steps localestimateswithmatrixweights.Thus,theestimator givenin Theorem4 can be regardedas another formof BSF estimator. However,the weighting matrices in the Fig.3.EquivalenceoftheBMFestimatorandtheSMF,SK andMA estimator BSFestimatorgiveninTheorem4 havemuchlowerdi- mensions thanthose in the BSF estimatoras presented 1 in[11]. local estimator 1 0.8 local estimator 2 local estimator 3 5 Simulations SE0.6 SBSSFF eessttiimmaattoorr M R0.4 Consider a maneuvering target tracking system, where the target moves in one direction, and its position and 0.2 velocity evolve according to the state-space model (1) 0 with 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 time/steps 1 h h2/2 A(k)= ,B(k)= (42) Fig. 4. Equivalence of the BSF estimator and the SSF esti- "0 1# " h # mator from the other two CHs and generates the fused state where h is the sampling period. The state is x(k) = estimatesusingtheproposedBSFandSSFmethods.It [xTp(k) xTv(k)]T,wherexp(k)andxv(k)aretheposition canbeseenfromFig.4thattheestimationperformance andvelocityofthemaneuveringtargetattimek,respec- is improved by fusing the local estimates, and the pro- tively. The variance of the process noise ω(k) is q = 1. posed SSF method is equivalent to the BSF method in The position is measured by the sensors, and the mea- achievingthe same estimationprecision. surementmatrixisC =[10].Theinitialstateofsystem (1) is x = [1 0.5]T, and we take h = 0.5s in the sim- 0 6 Conclusions ulation.Agroupofsensorsaredeployedtomonitorthe target,andthesensornetworkisdividedintothreeclus- ters,namely,N1with10sensors,N2with8sensors,and Some sequential fusion estimators have been developed N with6sensors.ThereisaCHineachcluster,andthe in this paper for distributed estimation in clustered 3 CHcollectsmeasurementsfromitsclustertogeneratea sensor networks. It is shown that the sequential fu- localestimate ofthe systemstate.Monte Carlosimula- sion methods have the same estimation performance tionswillbecarriedoutandtherootmean-squareerror as the batch fusion one but have lower computational RMSE= 1 L (xi −xˆi)2isusedtoevaluatethees- complexity than conventional approaches, such as the L i=1 p p batch fusion estimation, sequential Kalman estimation timationpqerforPmanceoftheestimators,whereL=1000 and that based on measurement augmentation. There- is the number of Monte Carlo simulation runs. The es- fore, the proposed methods are more appropriate for timate ofthe initialstate issetasxˆ =[2 1]T. 0 real-time applications and are convenient to handle asynchronousanddelayedinformation. 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