The San Bernardino County S e n t i n e l News of Note from Around the Largest County in the Lower 48 States Friday, March 11, 2016 A Fortunado Publication in conjunction with Countywide News Service 10808 Foothill Blvd. Suite 160-446 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 957-9998 Chino School Board Majority Determined To Reestablish Pulpit Power Lake Dolores By Mark Gutglueck peal that ruling to the 9th defense is “narrowly” Comeback? CHINO—Having Circuit Court of Appeal. aimed merely at reestab- been sternly rebuked by The three district of- lishing permission for Lake Dolores, the U.S. District Judge Jesus ficials whose votes au- the board to engage in a once-world famous wa- Bernal over its long-term thorized the appeal, ceremonial prayer reci- terpark located in the practice of incorporating however, evinced an tation at the beginning of middle of the scorching Christian prayer, Bible imperfect understanding the meeting. Mojave Desert that has readings, Christian wit- of the precise issue to be On November 13, been closed since 2004, nessing and proselytiz- explored in that appeal, 2014, the Freedom From could be resurrected as a ing into its public meet- incorrectly believing it Religion Foundation of going concern as early as ings, the Chino Valley holds out the possibility Madison, Wisconsin this summer by a com- Robert Tyler James Na Unified school board of reestablishing their filed suit in Federal Court pany which purchased on a 3-2 vote this week has lost in a suit brought ability to essentially lawyer now represent- in Riverside against the the 267-acre concern voted to double down on against it and the district preach from the school ing the district this week district on behalf of two three years ago. the nearly $200,000 it over that issue and ap- board dais. Rather, the told the Sentinel that his named plain- See P 2 For the attraction to make a comeback, the The Few, The Proud, The Mari… juana Cultivation Industry Advocates county will need to undo rezoning of the property nents of allowing large Furthermore, applicants or administer marijuana that took place nine years scale marijuana cultiva- to operate such a facil- out of their premises to ago, when it was given a tion operations locally. ity are subjected to and the public and shall not rural living land use des- Late last year, the City must pass a background be operated as a medical ignation. At this point, of Adelanto, under the check; the cultivation marijuana dispensaries; with the waterpark dor- stewardship of Richard facilities must have ade- onsite smoking, inges- mant for a dozen years, Kerr, who was elected quate security setups, in- tion, or consumption of an amendment must be mayor of that city in cluding an alarm and se- marijuana or alcohol is made to the county’s 2014, legalized the cul- curity cameras in use 24 prohibited at the site, in general plan. tivation of medical mari- hours per day, seven days near or around the medi- Rich Kerr juana growing opera- Benito Barrios per week; the facilities cal marijuana cultivation Bob Byers originally Two former Marines tions within the city of ordinance, the cultiva- must be used strictly for facilities; the marijuana conceived of the park have emerged as San 31,765. tion facilities must be the cultivation of medi- farms cannot be located in the 1950s as a recre- Bernardino County’s Under the regulations located only within the cal marijuana and not within two thousand ational amenity intended most vociferous expo- contained in the city’s city’s industrial parks. distribute, sell, dispense, five hundred for a relatively small cir- See P 4 cle of his friends, family, Landmark Parent Trigger Adelanto School Takeover Ending In Scandal acquaintances and busi- ness associates. He even- Failure To Follow Through With Promised Reforms In Model Case Could Doom Parent Empowerment Movement Statewide tually named it Lake More than three years operate in place of the English or possess basic and continuing academ- powerment movement Dolores, after his wife. after Adelanto garnered admittedly failed grade academic skills, use the ic malaise among the put in place objective In Newberry Springs, the dubious distinction school at the center of state legislature-sanc- school’s students has cre- empirical metrics to de- the Mojave Aquifer lies of being the location this undertaking is itself tioned parent-trigger ated a backlash that now termine if taking control close to the surface and where the controversial underperforming. process, a so-called par- threatens the continua- of the school targeted in Byers set about creating parent-trigger movement This episode in Cali- ent union in Adelanto tion of the parent trigger the movement actually a lake of roughly 250 in California succeeded fornia educational his- commandeered control process altogether. benefited the students acres that would be fed in having parents over- tory, in which the par- of Desert Trails Elemen- In the meantime, little there. And the Adelanto by underground springs. ride educators in the ad- ent-trigger movement tary School, installing a or no improvement in the District lost as its super- He began construction ministration of a local made its first significant charter school operator educational opportuni- intendent a dedicated in the late 1950s. In May school, that experiment advance, was problem- who is now being paid ties in Adelanto has been professional educator 1962, enough improve- appears to have foun- atic from the outset. By $100,000 per year for her made. Neither the state who elected to leave in ments had been made for dered amid indications having a groundswell of part-time efforts in ad- nor the relatively unso- the face of a movement a basic campground ad- that the charter school parents, many of whom ministering the school. phisticated participants that substituted a less- jacent to the small lake operation selected to did not themselves speak But that profiteering in Adelanto’s parent em- than-organized to be opened for limited See P 6 use by the public. Its ini- Proposed Fourth Indian Casino In SB County Under Review By Federal Agency tial users outside Byers The federal entity nardino County: The Mission Indians. sino project to proceed with the tribe’s applica- and his circle of friends holding a crucial key to San Manuel Indian Ca- The Los Coyotes in Barstow. tion that the property can and family were off-road the prospect of gaming sino near Highland, the Band of Cahuilla and The Los Coyotes be used for gaming pur- vehicle enthusiasts who house development on Havasu Landing Casino Cupeno Indians cur- Band of Cahuilla and poses. In doing so, the frequented the area as Native American land on Lake Havasu near rently has a proposal to Cupeno Indians has tribe is seeking to have well as those traversing throughout the United Needles, and Tortoise construct a gaming facil- asked the Bureau of In- the property, which cur- the desert between the States is in the final stag- Rock Casino in Twenty- ity and hotel in Lenwood dian Affairs for a confor- rently lies outside its res- greater Los Angeles area es of clearing the way nine Palms. near Barstow. mity determination with ervation, deemed as be- and Las Vegas. for a fourth casino in ex- Those facilities are Accordingly, the Bu- regard to 23 acres of ing historically related to Over the next quarter pansive San Bernardino operated, respectively, reau of Indian Affairs is property on which it has the tribe. In this way the century, Byers augment- County. by the San Manuel Band carrying out an analysis proposed what is called tribe is making a case ed the facility with rides At present, there are of Mission Indians, the involving two issues that a fee-to-trust acquisi- that the tribe had ances- and concessions, as the three Indian Casinos up Chemehuevi Indian would need favorable tion. That request asks tral roots in the area to site evolved into a water- and running in 20,105 Tribe and the Twenty- determinations to allow for the land to be taken which it is seeking to re- park, which was billed in square mile San Ber- Nine Palms Band of the proposed Indian ca- into trust in accordance locate by virtue See P 7 radio and tele- See P 3 Friday, March 11, 2016 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 2 Chino School Board promote their religious headway in convincing by the legislative prayer The San Bernardino County beliefs. Bernal that the district’s exception, and as defen- In Fight To Promote Although all board policy of celebrating the dants invoked the U.S. Christianity from Sentinel members collectively beliefs of a majority of Supreme Court’s 2014 front page and the district were the board did not vio- Town of Greece v. Gal- Published in San Bernardino County. tiffs, Larry Maldonado identified as defendants, late the plaintiffs’ rights loway decision. In the The Sentinel’s main office is located at 10788 Civic and Mike Anderson, and the suit cited Na and to attend district board Town of Greece v. Gal- Center Drive in Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 21 unnamed plaintiffs Cruz for their routine meetings and partici- loway case, the United A Fortunado Publication in conjunction with who asserted they were practice of quoting Bib- pate in other district and States Supreme Court Countywide News Service alienated or intimidated lical passages and mak- school functions without held that the Town of Mark Gutglueck, Publisher at school board meetings ing other religious refer- being subjected to an Greece, New York could Call (909) 957-9998 because of the insistence ences. intensive round of reli- permit volunteer chap- of some district offi- Na and Cruz were able gious advocacy. lains to open each leg- to learn of locations where the Sentinel cials to constantly inject to convince the remain- “The court finds... per- islative session with a is available or to provide news tips Christian references into der of the board that the mitting religious prayer prayer. 10808 Foothill Blvd., Suite 160-446 the board’s proceedings. district would not sus- in board meetings, and But Bernal called the Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 The plaintiffs asked tain any costs or liability the policy and custom argument “meritless,” [email protected] for an injunction against as a consequence of de- of reciting prayers, Bible saying, “The legislative 909-276 5796 the intrusion of religios- fending against the suit, readings, and proselytiz- exception does not apply a summary judgment in ity into the conducting of and in January 2015 the ing at board meetings, to prayer at school board ian position with respect favor of the plaintiffs. district business. board voted 3-2 against constitute unconstitu- meetings.” to the students. The Had the district com- Na and his board col- hiring the law firm which tional government en- The court held that board metes out disci- plied with the Freedom leagues Andrew Cruz normally represents the dorsements of religion the nature of the school pline and awards at these From Religion Founda- and Sylvia Orosco are district to respond to the in violation of plain- board made it even more meetings, and sets school tion’s initial request to members of the Chino suit. Instead, the district tiffs’ First Amendment imperative that it not policies that directly and discontinue the continu- Hills Calvary Chapel, a engaged the Sacramen- rights,” Bernal wrote. break down the constitu- immediately affect the ous religious references church led by the Rever- to-based Pacific Justice “Defendant board mem- tional wall between state students’ lives.” throughout the business end Jack Hibbs, who had Institute for $1 to defend bers are enjoined from and church. Bernal added, “Re- discussion portions of successfully lobbied the the district in the civil conducting, permitting “The risk that a stu- gardless of the stated its meetings and con- board previously to in- lawsuit. or otherwise endorsing dent will feel coerced purpose of the [prayer] fine itself to a single clude Bible study classes The Pacific Justice In- school-sponsored prayer by the board’s policy resolution, it is clear prayer at the opening of as part of the district’s stitute, which was found- in board meetings.” and practice of religious that the board uses it to the meetings, it would high school curriculum. ed by Brad Dacus and The court ordered prayer is even higher bring sectarian prayer have avoided the court’s Hibbs evinces a de- touts itself as a Christian the district to pay court here than at football and proselytization into imposition of plaintiff’s nominationalist attitude, advocacy law firm dedi- costs and plaintiff fees of games or graduations,” public schools through court costs. Though it is which holds that Chris- cated to the perpetuation $197,405. Bernal stated. “The the backdoor.” smarting from Bernal’s tians have a duty to take of religious faith in pub- The board had claimed school board possesses Judge Bernal’s rul- ruling, the board major- over public office and lic settings, made little its actions are protected an inherently authoritar- ing was made as part of ity found itself encour- aged to proceed further in contesting the matter by a core of its religious constituents, most, but not all, of them parents or grandparents of dis- trict students who attend Hibbs’ church, Chino Hills Calvary Chapel, which is located only a mile-and-a-half from the school district office. On March 7, the school board met in a specially called meeting in which the only item on the agenda was to retain Murrieta-based Tyler & Bursch, which is billed as a Christian law firm, to handle an appeal of Bernal’s ruling. A throng of the faithful from Cal- vary Chapel were on hand, bearing placards that said in simple block lettering “Pray.” Only a portion of the assembled multitude actually fit within the board’s meet- ing room, which was packed beyond capac- ity. Nor could the lobby hold the overfill, as oth- ers were obliged to stand outside while the meet- ing took place. Most of those who spoke were adamantly in Continued on Page 5 Friday, March 11, 2016 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 3 Lake Dolores Reviv- A smaller lake that Entertainment Corpora- Cultus Lake Waterpark Forum... Or Against ’em was adjacent to the main tion. It reopened on In- near Vancouver. al from front page lagoon featured three dependence Day 1998 The remainder of the Observations from a high diving boards, under the name “Rock- park’s attractions have Decidedly Continental vision advertisement as and three trapeze-like A-Hooa,” featuring a been vandalized over Perspective “The Fun Spot of The swings hanging from constant soundtrack of the years or torn apart Desert!” an A–frame structure 1950s and 1960s rock by scavengers and metal By Count Friedrich The park featured mounted on a 20-foot and roll music. An ac- salvagers. von Olsen eight identical 150-foot high platform. Riders companying recreational The property went sixty–degree–angle steel would pivot from these vehicle park was delayed. into foreclosure. In 2007, For most of my readers who are too young to waterslides mounted side swings into the lake. Things went downhill the property was ap- remember – and I will wager the title to my pala- by side on a man–made Another feature was almost immediately as praised as worth $6.9 tial Lake Arrowhead chalet against the title to the hill. Riders accelerated the “Big Bopper,” a fast, the park lost three mil- million. There were no house of anyone foolish enough to take this bet that down the slides on small long group raft ride. The lion dollars over its first immediate takers. those too young to remember include 90 percent of plastic rafts, picking up “Lazy River” was a more three years in operation, In 2011, a group called the readers of this column – let me offer a brief his- enough momentum in leisurely group raft ride. coupled with the finan- Oasis Themepark set out tory lesson. President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the the downward plunge There were also bum- cial coup-de-grace of an to renovate and reopen July 1955 Geneva summit meeting with representa- to skim some 50 yards per boats, an oval JetSki $4.4 million award to an the park, but failed in tives of France, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union across the lagoon at that water racetrack, and a employee crippled in a that venture first floated his “Open Skies” proposal. I recall this slides’ terminus along swimming pool. mishap. The park filed In 2013, G&G Enter- development with crystal clarity, as if it were yes- the water. The park had its hey- for Chapter 11 bankrupt- prise, LLC bought all terday. Ike, who was there to discuss the future of There were two other day from roughly 1975 cy in February 2000. 267 acres for $2 million. Germany and arms control, ran this idea past Brit- 150-foot long V–shaped to 1985, after which When the court–ap- G&G is now in the plan- ish Prime Minister Anthony Eden, French Premier waterslides, down point attendance there pointed trustee failed ning phase for reviving Edgar Faure and Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin, which riders would de- subsided. In the late to find a buyer, the Lake Dolores as Dolo- who was sitting in for an at-that-time ailing Nikita scend while standing. 1980s, the park closed bankruptcy filing was res Lake Park. G&G is Khrushchev: How about all four countries agreeing The slides ended some and Byers sold it in Au- changed to a Chapter 7 finalizing its project de- to exchange maps showing the exact location of ev- 15 feet above the water, gust 1990 to Lake Do- liquidation in August scription, which will fall ery military installation in their respective nations projecting the riders out lores Group LLC, an 2000. The bankruptcy under the category of a and allow all parties to conduct aerial surveillance of the ends like human investment group led judge overseeing the “waterpark,” but further of the installations in order to assure that the other by Oxnard business- cannonballs. nations were in compliance with any arms control man Terry Christensen. There was also a agreements that might be reached? The French and Christensen’s vision of a “zip–cord,” from which British embraced the idea but Khrushchev said Open more upscale park with a riders hung from a Skies was nothing more than an espionage plot, and 1950s theme was slow in hand–held glide which refused to go along… materializing. slid the approximate 200 Instead, for years the United States played a dead- Lake Dolores Group feet of a guide wire at a ly game of cat-and-mouse with countries in the com- LLC in 1995 dismantled 30–degree downward munist sphere, rigging Air Force and Navy planes the original waterslides angle. Upon the hand case returned the prop- intends to erect commer- full of electronic surveillance gear and skirting and on the hill, looking to- grip guide reaching a erty to Dolores Byers, cial buildings, hotels, sometimes crossing over the borders of those coun- ward installing newer blocking mechanism, the Don Byers widow, with restaurants and shops tries, getting a profile of the radar systems and com- and better amenities, and rider would be thrust by most debts discharged. within the 267-acre foot- munications systems their respective militaries used. promoting the coming momentum something Dolores Byers sold the print, along with a truck Many of those planes were shot down by the commu- incarnation in conjunc- like 20 feet forward into property in September stop application at a dis- nists, leading to the loss of more than 150 American tion with the Beachport the lagoon. 2001 to City of Industry- tance removed from but lives during the Cod War. More and more sophisti- based S.L. Investment still within sight of the cated, faster and higher flying aircraft were designed Group LLC. She died property near a future to carry out these missions, such as the U2 and the the following month. freeway interchange. SR-71. In time, satellites took over this reconnais- S.L was never able to G&G is readying its ap- sance and electronic probing duty… catch the lightning in a plication for a zoning Six decades after President Eisenhower first bottle Byers had created change on the property broached the concept of Open Skies, it has become three decades before. to highway commercial. something of a reality. The question is whether the The company performed The project calls for way it is being applied is a boon or hindrance to U.S $400,000 in renovation a water treatment plant, Security… to the waterpark and re- sewer treatment plan, Back in 1989, during the presidency of George opened it in May 2002 and a solar power gen- Herbert Walker Bush, the concept of Open Skies was under the name “Dis- erating station. More en- reintroduced. With the collapse of the Warsaw Pact covery Waterpark.” By ergetic yet would be im- in 1992, an early version of the treaty was signed by the following year, it was provements to and along 34 countries. Things languished for a while but in open only on weekends I-15, including the inter- 2002 another version of the treaty came into being. and by 2004, was opened change to be constructed In the meantime, the means of surveillance, optical, only intermittently. It at Bragdon Road, entail- thermal, infra red, ultraviolet, electronic and other- shuttered that year. ing a bridge over Inter- wise have undergone about five generational shifts, In 2003, Olympic state 15 and on- and off- so that the methods of keeping tabs on others are Gold Medalist and for- ramps in each direction. unbelievably sophisticated today. For example, our mer professional football Access to the Lake own FBI is constantly operating above nearly ev- player Ron Brown and Dolores site from I-15 is ery current American metropolis on a 24-hour per the Pro Players Network, limited, as northbound day basis aircraft that are capable of monitoring the a group of former and I-15 traffic can exit on whereabouts and communications from cell phones, current professional ath- Minneola Road and take allowing it to not only hear what is being said but letes, sought to purchase Yermo Road to Haci- track the comings and goings of every one of the us- the park and turn it into a enda Road to reach the ers of those cell phones in those areas… camp for disadvantaged park. Northbound I-15 If what the FBI is doing is alarming to civil lib- youths. This never mate- motorists can also pass rialized. The “Big Bop- the property and driving 5315 Della Ave. Continued on Page 7 per” waterslide was dis- nearly four miles to Har- Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 mantled and shipped to vard Road and heading (909) 202-4330 Canada, where it is now back on Hacienda Road. The Count’s views do not necessarily reflect those of “Colossal Canyon” at the Sentinel, its ownership, its publisher or editors. Friday, March 11, 2016 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 4 Do You Have Information Of Public Interest? Call the Sentinel at (909) 957 9998 The Sentinel is always looking for information to inform our readership and keep the community abreast of newsworthy developments. The Sentinel devotes itself to events in and around San Bernardino County. Social events, political news, issues pertaining to education, medicine, industry, commerce, development, real estate, history, culture and entertainment are of interest to us. Let us help you make our readers aware of what is happening in your corner of the world. Do you have a news tip? Don’t hesitate to pick up the phone or drop us a line at [email protected] to alert us to that fascinating tidbit. Two Former Ma- leagues, while keeping a dispensary permitting in November 2013, re- financial emergency. own reality. It will never rines Leading the door shut on the nick- initiative on the ballot. A cently spoke out in favor As the titular head of change unless you take Battle To Capital- el and dime retail aspect Redlands-based attorney of the city permitting Adelanto’s government, steps to change it. Bring- ize On Marijuana of the medical marijuana who had previously been marijuana to be grown Kerr found himself un- ing marijuana cultivators Cultivation trade, went for the big the city manager of Adel- there. Like Kerr, Bar- der attack for embracing to town isn’t going to do enchilada, permitting anto, James DeAguilera, rios served in the U.S. the money-generating that.” from front page massive scale produc- threatened legal action Marine Corps. At a re- potential cannabis rep- This elicited a re- feet of a school, pub- tion of the substance by against San Bernardino cent council meeting, resents. A case in point sponse from Kerr. lic playground or park, means of cultivation fac- over its continuing en- Barrios made a pitch for was last month, when “Why not an ‘indus- child care or day care tories. forcement of the ban. his council colleagues to Steve Hunt, the editor trial park’ for cultivators facility, youth center, Forty-six miles away, During the discussion take up the concept of of the largest circulat- when these companies or church; the facilities in 213,000 population of the concept of legal- emulating Adelanto in ing daily newspaper in are legitimate business- must be marked with a San Bernardino, which izing medical marijuana allowing the big ticket the High Desert, The es that will operate in green cross and have the is also the county seat, sales in San Bernardi- production of the drug Daily Press, penned an stealth in areas of the marijuana plants fully the welcome mat has no, many entrepreneurs by the ton, seemingly editorial with the head- city that don’t and won’t enclosed indoors within yet to be put down for were emboldened, and eschewing the less lu- ing, “When drugs cloud generate pedestrian traf- secure structures inac- the marijuana industry. some took the risk of crative aspect of selling your vision.” Hunt took fic or over-the-counter cessible to minors so Since 2010, that city opening dispensaries small quantities of the Adelanto to task, call- purchases, and operate that from a public right- has had a ban in place in the belief that in the product. ing its ordinance “fool- far removed from the of-way, there shall be no against cannabis related liberalizing atmosphere, Pregnant in the ap- hardy” and “wrong.” He general population and exterior evidence of in- businesses of any type. they would be able to op- proach of both Kerr and railed, “Nothing good other retail businesses?” door medical marijuana In July 2014, San erate unmolested. That Barrios is that their cities comes from drug use. If Kerr asked. “As for the cultivation. Bernardino City Attor- ultimately proved to be a might see a significant you’re trying to escape, notion that Adelanto Adelanto’s ordinance ney Gary Saenz, taking fallacy, however, as they influx of money from it’ll only be temporary. is ‘looking for a quick also specified an applica- stock of the number of were able to stay in busi- cultivation and that by Why the city of Adelan- buck,’ [this] shows how tion, land use and permit pot shops sprouting up in ness for a short time but limiting the city’s com- to feels the need to allow little Mr. Hunt has re- protocol that involved the county’s largest city, were slapped back when mercial relationship to cultivators in its business searched what the city fees to offset the city’s offered his view that the the city rejected the idea cannabis to growing it parks is beyond me. No council is doing to live processing, inspection cost and difficulty of of allowing some dis- and selling it wholesale city needs 25 cultivators. up to its obligation to be and enforcement costs. shutting down dispensa- pensaries to operate le- to cannabis clinics and What the city is really good stewards of taxpay- A key supporter of ries made the city’s ban gally. In March 2015, the medical marijuana dis- doing is looking for a er dollars and to ensure Adelanto’s medical on the enterprises “fu- police department and pensaries up and down quick buck. And what’s that the city remains sol- marijuana initiative was tile.” The council formed city code enforcement the state, the prospect of a quicker buck than the vent to serve its residents Mayor Rich Kerr, a for- a legislative review division embarked on seeing its consumption drug trade? But that’s and businesses. mer Marine. He was un- committee composed of concerted operations to dramatically increase lo- precisely why the city “It’s time to draw at- deterred by the stance of three council members close them down, seize cally might be avoided. shouldn’t have allowed tention to the positive previous city officials, to study the issue and their wares and cash on It is no accident that cultivators in Adelanto. aspects of the council’s who had long resisted the promised to reconsider hand and serve them Kerr and Barrios have Isn’t that just telling kids decision, and talk about efforts of entrepreneurs the ban. Saenz said the with court orders enjoin- latched onto the grail to go for the quick buck the value and benefit the to set up cannabis clinics city was contemplating ing them from persisting of medical marijuana and who cares if that decision will bring to – i.e., marijuana dispen- allowing some dispen- in their operations. as an economic pana- buck comes from the the city of Adelanto and saries – that would mar- saries to function under While San Bernardi- cea, as San Bernardino drug trade?” its residents,” Kerr con- ket the end product – i.e., a strict set of guidelines no continues to take a and Adelanto are two Hunt continued, “Ad- tinued. “The city coun- doses of marijuana sold that would include sig- hard line against pot of the most financially elanto leaders have com- cil thoroughly weighed by the gram or ounce – nificant licensing fees. shops officially, the mar- challenged cities in San plained for years that the the pros and cons of al- to patients who under Meanwhile, a propo- ijuana industry has made Bernardino County. In city has been stigma- lowing marijuana cul- the 1996 Measure 215 nent of licensed clinics, a convert out of one San August 2012, San Ber- tized. Well, why do you tivation, and only after Compassionate Use Act Karmel Roe, undertook Bernardino city official. nardino filed for Chapter think that is? If you cre- careful and deliberate can purchase the drug an ultimately unsuc- Benito Barrios, a 9 bankruptcy protection. ate a stigma, don’t com- consideration, discus- with a prescription. Kerr cessful effort to gather member of the city coun- In 2013, Adelanto de- plain that you’re stigma- sions and debate chose and three of his four col- enough signatures to get cil since he was elected clared it was in a state of tized. You created your Continued on Page 18 Friday, March 11, 2016 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 5 Glimpse Of SBC’s Past Ontario Hosting California Archaeologists This Weekend The Society for Cali- Sentinel’s "Glimpse of Cisneros, Teena Apeles, is scheduled a sympo- recent and past work in Isaac Limahelu, Lauren fornia Archaeology, San Bernardino’s Past" and Jim Shearer. Evelyn sium dedicated to the the Forest to better un- Macias, and Amanda L. founded in 1966, cel- column. will be present- “Pinky” Kilgore was the Smith, Kaitlin Searing, ebrates its 50th Anni- ing on the subject of pre- first woman to receive Paola Quezada, Jacob versary in Ontario this historic rock art. The ti- the New Civil Aeronau- Kasimoff, Isabel Nguy- weekend at the Double- tle of her presentation is tics Authority instructors en, and Ashley Bowman, tree Hotel and Confer- Zenith Position Rock Art license in 1939. The pre- Steven R. James, Susan ence Center. Along Prehistoric Trails senters will share their M. Wood, Gina Griffith, The society will also of the Mojave Desert and archaeological investi- Daniel F. McCarthy, hold a silent auction Lower Colorado River gations conducted at the Marc A. Beherec, Wil- and beer and wine tast- as Key to Hokan Settle- Silver Lake Airfield in liam Sapp. The sym- ing while members and ment Patterns Prior to the Mojave Desert which posium will be reviewed the public muse through Uto-Aztecan Expansion. they assert “sheds light" by discussants Dr. Dee the Planes of Fame Air Musser-Lopez asserts on the life of this histori- Scroth, retired curator Museum across town at that prehistoric rock art cal figure. of the San Bernardino Chino Airport tonight. imagery, i.e., "petro- Cisneros and Shearer, County Museum and The Society for Cali- glyphs,” situated at the along with Ryan Glenn Dr. Donn Grenda, a cel- fornia Archaeology is a “zenith” or top side posi- also plan to provide fur- ebrated author of numer- nonprofit scientific and tion of naturally-occur- ther details with regard ous archaeological publi- educational organization ring, patinated boulders to their ongoing studies cations. dedicated to research, along desert trails of at the Cronise Basin in a Dr. Mark Sutton, who understanding, interpre- the Mojave Desert and paper titled Late Prehis- was formerly the Bureau tation and conservation Lower Colorado River toric Subsistence Prac- of Land Management’s of the heritage of Cali- is likely associated with tices and Landscape Ar- Barstow Field Office Ar- fornia and the regions ancestral Mojave Indians chaeology in the Cronise chaeologist is now with that surround and per- (Aha Macav) who are Basin. Today the mostly Statistical Research, tain to it. included in the Yuman dry Cronise Basin of the Inc., working at China “Ethnography, Archae- derstand the area and to During the various linguistic group of the Mojave Sink appears an Lake Naval Air Weapons ology, and History on the describe its use and im- sessions at the meeting, Hokan language family. unlikely place to sup- Station. For many years San Bernardino National portance in both history hundreds of archae- She will be presenting port human life with- the celebrated Dr. Sut- Forest.” The San Ber- and prehistory. Topics ologists and researchers new evidence from nu- out modern technology. ton studied the Mojave nardino National Forest include the archaeologi- will gather from regions merous sites in the Mo- However, archaeologists Desert and this year will is a transitional area that cal evidence of prehis- throughout California jave Desert that supports Malcolm Rogers and inform the professional separates the Mojave toric life at Deep Creek to present their current this conclusion. She as- Christopher Drover have community of archae- Desert and Colorado Drainage, Rock Camp findings and provide serts that the position of provided evidence that ologists in a presentation Desert from the coastal Site and Willow Creek updates on the status of stylized art could be key suggests this region had entitled Rethinking the valleys and plains of the Crossing. Presenters their archaeological proj- evidence of archaic Ho- a long history of human Early Prehistory of the Los Angeles Basin. The include Leslie J. Mouri- ects. kan settlement patterns occupation shaped by Mojave Desert. He has Forest is comprised of quand, Dr. Mark, W. Al- On Sunday, March 13, prior to later Uto-Az- climate change. The pre- proposed a new model of three mountain ranges: len, Evelyn Chandler, from 9:00 - 11:15 tecan expansion out of senters will share their the culture and technol- the San Bernardino, San Julie A. Scrivener, Mi- the Harvest Room, a Mesoamerica perhaps as own preliminary archae- ogy of the Mojave Des- Jacinto, and Santa Rosa chael K. Lerch, Arlett number of our own San early as 4,000 years ago. ological investigations ert from the Late Pleis- Mountains. To date, J. Carmona, Amanda L. Bernardino County ar- Uncovering the Life of which yielded informa- tocene to the Middle most of the research in Smith, , Lindsay Dean, chaeologists will be Evelyn "Pinky" Kilgore, tion that supports Rog- Holocene, one that pos- the Forest has been pub- Adrienne Harwell, Jea- presenting papers on a 20th Century Avia- ers and Drover’s conclu- its a cultural continuity lished in gray literature nette Maldonado, and subjects pertinent to our tor and Trailblazer is sions. through time and is con- supporting federal proj- Briana Van Patten, Beth county’s history. the topic of the research Also on Sunday sistent with the known ects. This symposium Limahelu, Jane Fernan- Ruth Musser-Lopez, to be presented by Ka- morning, in the hotel’s archaeological record. deals with the results of dez, Mariah Fowler, occasional author of the tie Crosmer, Charles W. Lake Arrowhead Room, Court Ruling with regard to the Chino that the board’s appeal of majority into a state of dence the district would the appeal had little or no Ending Prayer Be Valley Unified School the ruling would not be complacency that is not prevail on appeal. prospect of reestablish- Damned, Chino District’s practices. a wise course of action justified by the district’s Two days later, Tyler ing Na and Cruz’s ability School Board Says Many of those who ref- were met with groans precarious legal posi- spoke with the Sentinel. to pepper the discussions from page 2 erenced it evinced only from the crowd, some tion, he said, and would He dismissed the of the district’s business a rough understanding of whom suggested their ultimately lead the dis- suggestion that he was at board meetings with favor of the district roll- of what the Greece case comments should be dis- trict into throwing more engaging in Christian prayers, homilies, Bibli- ing the dice in making entailed, and asserted regarded because they good money after the advocacy by taking the cal quotes and preach- the appeal. A few char- it provided a precedent were, in the words of bad $197,405 that must case. “First of all, I am ing. acterized Bernal, whose upon which Christians one woman, “not Chris- already be paid to cover an attorney, not a spe- “The appeal will fo- first name is Jesus, as might establish a right tians.” the Freedom From Reli- cial interest lobbyist. It cus upon the narrow is- the Antichrist or one of to use public forums to Tyler & Bursch, in the gion Foundation’s legal doesn’t matter what my sue of whether or not it is his agents. They encour- engage in unfettered re- personage of attorney fees. faith is. My job is to ad- lawful for a school board aged the board to vote ligious advocacy. When Robert Tyler, agreed to With Na, Orsosco vocate for the interests of to permit ceremonial in favor of proceeding it was suggested they take on the case free of and Cruz voting in the my client by arguing the prayer before a school with the appeal. Those were misinterpreting the charge. affirmative and Pamela law or arguing what the board meeting. Accord- who asserted a basis for Greece case’s parame- Tyler’s waiving of Feix and Irene Hernan- law should be from the ing to case law, par- doing so appeared to ters, they grew argumen- his fees was beside the dez-Blair dissenting, the client’s perspective.” ticipating in ceremonial be pinning their hopes tative and dismissed any point, one of those in at- board retained Tyler & Outside the hyper- prayer before a meeting on the Greece case, and such suggestions. A few tendance stated. Tyler’s Bursch. The vast major- emotional confines of is not unconstitutional. the belief that Bernal individuals who braved Christian faith, like that ity of the crowd applaud- Monday night’s special- The Town of Greece erroneously ruled that the circumstance and of Dacus before him, ed the hiring and many ly called school board case clearly articu- it had no applicability propounded the view was lulling the board of those expressed confi- meeting, Tyler indicated Continued on Page 6 Friday, March 11, 2016 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 6 Parent Trigger union was formed by Act enables a majority ing his successor, infuse Parent Revolution, Los by the district. Malone Takeover Of parents at Desert Trails of parents at a school at in the new principal Angeles-based Kirkland ruled the district did not School Never Pro- Elementary, in large which students score as hiring authority for the & Ellis, filed a petition have the authority or a duced Promised measure at the instiga- low-performers on state school’s faculty, reduce for a writ of mandate basis in law to discount Parents’ Involve- tion of the Los Angeles- academic tests to force a class sizes and increase and a complaint in Vic- signatures that propo- based nonprofit Parent district to implement sig- the number of school torville Superior Court nents gathered and he ment In The Edu- Revolution, which is de- nificant reforms, rang- days and instructional seeking a court order ordered the Adelanto El- cation Of Their voted to challenging the ing from replacing the hours, and include more that the district verify ementary School District Children from front traditional authority of principal and up to half science, history and art the signatures and allow to accept the petition as page school districts. the staff to reopening in the curriculum. the Parent Trigger pro- filed by the parent union. application of parental In January 2012 the the school as a charter In February 2012, cess to advance on be- The parent union whim for his profession- parent union submitted academy. That process is the school district, to half of five of the mem- modified its demand to al guidance. 466 signatures on peti- known by the colloquial- whom the parent trig- bers of the parents union having the school con- Desert Trails Elemen- tions asking the district ism “parent trigger.” ger petitions had been – Doreen Diaz, Kathy verted to a charter acad- tary School in the Adel- to undertake a set of A group of parents entrusted, announced Duncan, Teresa Rog- emy offering an intensi- anto Elementary School what the parent union opposed to the parent that it had validated the ers, Olivia Zamarripa fied curriculum. Delays District was long one of maintained would be takeover of the school signatures of only 301 of and Bartola Del Villar. prevented the school the most severely under- reforms at the academi- formed and went to work the 466 signatures on the Holscher maintained that district from converting performing schools in cally challenged school. obtaining rescissions of petitions and declared the district did not make Desert Trails Elemen- the state of California, The petition was many of the signatures that the parent trigger an impartial tally of the tary into a charter school where as late as 2011 based upon the Parent on the petitions. petitions were thus 20 signatures and “engaged at the initiation of the three out of four students Empowerment Act, au- Those petitions called signatures short of the in a systematic effort to 2012-13 academic year. were documented by thored by former state upon the district to sack 321 needed. The Des- invalidate the petitions.” The Adelanto Ele- state-administered tests senator Gloria Romero the school’s principal, ert Trails Parent Union, Judge Steve Malone, mentary School District as not reading at grade and passed by the leg- David Mobley, and sur- represented by Mark to whom the case was thus became the first dis- level. islature in 2010. The render to the school’s Holscher, a lawyer with assigned, restored 97 of Continued on Page 7 In late 2011, a parent Parent Empowerment parents authority in hir- the firm on retainer with the signatures tossed out school board meeting, ture, and Congress. It is the school board’s meet- members may have indi- ing clergy or rabbis, or Chino Valley nor has the Supreme Constitutional when it is ings but the right of the vidually said at different someone of other faiths, School Board Hell- Court ruled on that is- ceremonial in nature. It school board’s members periods. That is not what to come and pray before bent On Continu- sue,” he said. “In two is a formality and people to use their bully pulpit we have been hired to a school board meeting, ing To Pray Pub- previous cases, the Third should not be offended. to sermonize and engage defend. We are focusing that is permissible un- licly from page 5 and Sixth Circuit Courts There has been ceremo- in Christian witnessing, on the issue of ceremo- der the Constitution, and of Appeal considered the nial prayer since the First Tyler said that was a mis- nial prayer before school the Supreme Court has lates that even sectar- issue and though both of Continental Congress. interpretation of the po- board meetings and not already set that prece- ian prayer before a city them ruled that prayer This idea that prayer is sition he was purposed the other issues. As this dent,” he said. “If a com- council meeting is not was not permissible offensive is something to argue. case progresses you will munity was 90 percent unconstitutional so long before a school board new and politically cor- “The school district see that the case is more Muslim and ten percent as the person praying is meeting, both were de- rect rather than unconsti- is focused on a narrow focused on prayer before Christian and 90 per- chosen in a nondiscrimi- cided before the Town of tutional.” issue, which is whether school board meetings.” cent of the prayers were natory fashion.” Greece case was heard When it was pointed ceremonial prayer is per- Tyler indicated he be- Muslim and only ten Tyler said there is sub- by the Supreme Court. out to him that a large missible prior to a school lieved there was a pos- percent were Christian, stance to the issues to be The Town of Greece segment of those in at- board meeting,” he said. sibility the appeal could that would not necessar- adjudicated. case creates a different tendance at Monday “This appeal will not establish that the prin- ily be discriminatory.” “This case is interest- landscape with regard night’s meeting as well likely deal with those ciple established in the He said that if members ing because this will be to ceremonial prayer. as both Na and Cruz aspects of the district Greece case – that sec- of a particular religion a potentially precedent The U.S. Supreme Court believed that the appeal court’s ruling as it re- tarian prayer is permis- come forward in larger setting case as the 9th has ruled in favor of cer- was aimed not only at lates to other communi- sible in the ceremonial numbers to offer their Circuit has not ruled on emonial prayer when reestablishing the tradi- cations made during the portion of certain public specific brand of prayer, whether or not prayer it is made before a city tion of a brief prayer be- communication period meetings – can be ex- that is not prejudicial to- is permissible before a council, a state legisla- ing recited at the start of or what school board tended to school boards ward members of other as well. He further indi- religions who are less Advertise in the Sentinel cated that Chino Valley energetic about express- Unified could also over- ing their faith. come its overwhelming “The school board numerical favoritism for is not responsible to go Reach 34,000 Readers Throughout San Bernardino County Weekly. Christian prayer as op- find members of the posed to non-Christian clergy or members of a Our Reasonable Rates Make Advertising Affordable. invocation in meeting particular faith to par- the requirement that the ticipate,” he said. “This imposition of prayer be is a volunteer-based non-discriminatory. In policy. If someone wants Quarter Page Three Columns by Half Page $300 doing so, he defended the to volunteer, they can district from the charge volunteer. That most of Half Page Three Columns by Full Page $400 that it had been discrimi- those at the school board natory in its past prayer meetings offer Christian Half Page Six Columns by Half Page $400 practices by featuring prayer may be the case prayer that is almost ex- but it doesn’t prove any- Full Page Six Columns by Entire Page $500 clusively Christian in its thing other than that the orientation. majority of the commu- “I believe the state of nity, the clergy and the the law is that if a school churches, may be of the All rates weekly Black and White in our print edition Color in our board has a non-discrim- Christian faith.” inatory policy of permit- on-line version ting individuals to come to pray before school board meetings, allow- Friday, March 11, 2016 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 7 certification period lasts Those planes will of Americans and civil Subcommittee, sought by allowing the 34 coun- The Count... from for 120 days, at which serve as visual sur- libertarians are worried from Stewart his assess- tries that are parties to it page 3 point the operation of veillance platforms as about governmental sur- ment of as whether the to obtain information on the surveillance flights well electronic vacuum veillance in general, the U.S. is learning as much the military forces and can commence, with the cleaners, sucking up ev- level of shared concern from its participation in activities of other treaty ertarians, they can tor- aircraft based at the host ery scintilla of transmit- remains and remains the treaty as Russia is partners,” according to ture their already restive country’s airports, fly- ted voice, videographic, high. Last week, Stewart getting out of the deal. the State Department. “It souls even more by con- ing between those aero- photographic and text said he and other senior Stewart told Turner that contributes to European sidering that within a few dromes and over all cit- data we Americans intelligence and military if he could he would have security by providing short months, the Rus- ies in their paths… transmit through all of officers are gravely con- U.S. participation in the images and informa- sian government, cour- On February 22, Rus- our modern devices of cerned Russia is on the treaty rescinded, saying tion on military forces, tesy of the Open Skies sia announced to the Vi- convenience and com- cusp of taking advantage he would “love to deny” including information Treaty, will likewise be enna-based Open Skies munication… of the Open Skies Trea- Russia the opportunity to verify compliance tracing and eavesdrop- Consultative Commis- This means that on ty in a way the other 33 to engage in the over- with arms control agree- ping on American citi- sion, which facilitates the last day of spring this signatories to the treaty, flights of the U.S. Main- ments.” zens, corporations, its the implementation of year or the first day of including the United land. “The things that As a naturalized U.S. governmental offices the treaty, that it intends summer or thereabouts, States, are not... you can see, the amount citizen who is a Euro- and functionaries and its to use Tupolev Tu-154 dear reader, some Rus- The State Depart- of data you can collect, pean native, I am all for military… aircraft with digital sian, or more likely some ment, which ushered the the things you can do maintaining European Under the 2002 Open electro-optical sensors Russian computer with treaty through, is san- with post-processing, security. I am not, nec- Skies Treaty, Russia has to serve as that country’s state-of-the-art voice guine about the treaty allows Russia, in my essarily, opposed to the announced its intention eyes and ears in the skies recognition capability, is and its possible effects opinion, to get incredible Open Skies Treaty. But to actuate its right to over America. United going to be listening in and threats. Vincent foundational intelligence in my view, as Ameri- conduct aerial surveil- States officials are now, to your phone calls… made clear the military on critical infrastruc- cans we should adhere lance across the United according to Open Skies Of a sudden, the civil and his office are at odds ture, bases, ports, all of to the spirit originally set States. Under the treaty’s protocol, being permit- libertarians have a new with the State Depart- our facilities,” Stewart forth by President Eisen- protocol, a participant ted to inspect the planes and unanticipated ally ment on the issue… told the subcommittee. hower more than fifty must disclose to the host to be used, look at the in the form of Marine At a House Armed “From my perspective, it years ago and ensure country the model of sensory and electronic Corps Lt. Gen. Vincent Services’ Emerging gives them a significant that the U.S. surveillance aircraft and the nature, monitoring gear aboard Stewart, director of the Threats and Capabilities advantage.” program carried out in type, model and extent of those craft and actually Defense Intelligence Subcommittee hearing, The State Department Russia under the Open the surveillance equip- witness the Russians’ Agency. While Stew- Mike Turner, a Repub- is more nonchalant. Skies arrangement is ev- ment it will use, initiat- demonstrations of that art’s concern is more lican congressman from “The Open Skies ery bit as robust as the ing what is called a “cer- sensory equipment and over the Russian gov- Ohio who is the chair- Treaty enhances confi- surveillance Russia is tification period.” That its capabilities… ernment’s surveillance man of the AirLand dence and transparency engaging in above us… tary School. that a significant number in that vote. Maiden Parent gram and formula with ronment, and roughly 22 Under DeBlieux, who of the students at Des- Debra Tarver, the Trigger School the 2013-14 academic percent of them enrolled took the helm as super- ert Trails Elementary owner/operator/progeni- year. By the close of that their sons or daughters Takeover Fails intendent in March 2013, have parents whose first tor of the LaVerne Pre- first year, however, pen- in a different school in Adelanto Students the district achieved language is not English paratory Academy, came etrating questions about the district. Seventy- from page 7 having Desert Trails and nearly all of the in- in to serve as the “di- the arrangement and eight percent of the stu- converted to a charter structional materials rector” at Desert Trails, its effectiveness were dents who had been at trict in the state in which school, although that used by LaVerne Pre- which underwent a name emerging. Tarver did the school remained, the “parent trigger” law transition resulted in paratory are in English. change to Desert Trails not utilize the collection which should have pro- had been successfully hard feelings and contro- Whereas 466 parents at Preparatory Academy. of subjective empirical vided a sufficient basis applied. In the same versy, as well. the school signed the pe- To at least some par- data to determine if the upon which to conduct time frame, the district’s A central component tition to move forward ents, the educational makeover of the school a survey to measure the superintendent, Darin in LaVerne Preparatory with the parent trigger program Tarver offered into a charter academy academic performance Brawley, resigned. Academy’s approach process in late 2011 and their children repre- actually benefited the of students under Tarv- At about the same consists in engaging par- January 2012, when the sented a substantial im- students there. er’s program vis-à-vis time as Dr. Lily Matos ents in their children’s parents union held its provement over the pre- Some parents of stu- how they had performed DeBlieux was hired as educational process. election in October 2012 vious district-run school. dents at the school were previously. superintendent in Janu- That parent involvement to determine which of Enthusiasm abounded leery about having their Unfortunately, a strict ary 2013, the school had been consistently the charter schools that over the new approach. children taken out of a apples-to-apples com- board voted to accept lacking at the school. had submitted proposals Tarver initiated her pro- traditional learning envi- LaVerne Preparatory Many of the parents and should be chosen to edu- Continued on Page 17 Academy as the operator educators opposed to cate their children, only If the Bureau of In- of Desert Trails Elemen- the takeover pointed out 53 parents participated Fourth Indian Casino In County dian Affairs approves Under Consider- the application, the ca- ation from front page sino proposal would be submitted to Gov. Jerry of aboriginal activity, Brown’s office. which included hunting, City of Barstow of- foraging and trading, in ficials almost uniformly Prudential particular. are in support of the Los California Realty This application was Coyotes Band of Cahuil- submitted under the In- la and Cupeno Indians’ Richard S. Morda dian Reorganization Act. proposal, believing pro- Realtor/DRE License Gaming eligibility for viding a gambling venue # 01734177 the site would come un- for the more than 9.8 mil- California Realty der the auspices of the lion travelers between 1063 W. Sixth Street Indian Gaming Regula- the greater Los Angles Suite 101 Ontario CA tory Act. area to Las Vegas yearly 91762 Business 909 983 9933 Fax 909 984 5664 The Bureau of Indian will provide the city with Cell 213 713 8849 Affairs office in Sacra- a windfall. mento is carrying out the E-mail: richardmor- examination. [email protected] Friday, March 11, 2016 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 8 Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices transact business under the fictitious FOR CHANGE OF NAME NORTH BENSON AVENUE STE The following entity is doing businF FeTBUshsNE ea R 2sf:Z0o1Al6lo 0wB0Oi0n0Og7 T7e 1nCtAityM iPs d7o5i4ng4 acoa lnrca drsr iehmsce o eakr s(rn Beotc&rwtu.Ps e AtCion o fbrdoeeerg mf1ias7atl9stri1aeo3 nni)ts. wIgw ahuhmiioclt hay dl hsoeoe-f boinunf:so iNrnBme/Aysas t isnoiagnm niienn ogthr, insIa smdtaeetcsel malirseetn etdt h iasa btt orauvleel PER TSCOOA NSSEA: L#P LCe ItiVtIiNDonTSe E1r 6RV0E2ISR0T9GE6IDL FORO CCRAHDSAEENR #G TCEOI V OSRHF SON 1WA6M 0C0AE0U20SE DND91 RE7US 3R0SP LALANLNCCDH ,O 1C 0CA51U 09C 1CA7I8MV6O ICDN NGCAAE ,NF CEITAR- bPAuLMsAiBnCSeEHEsRs A aKIFs :BONANIGBTHYAT N A7744, 0033 C SSAUU FFFF9OO23LL3KK6 ELWOOD AVE FONTANA, CA aware that all information on this and correct. A registrant who de- HILEY filed a petition with the TO ALL INTERESTED This business is conducted by: A PLACE FONTANA, CA 92336 92336 ROLANDO G RAMIREZ statement becomes Public Record clares as true information which he clerk of this court for a decree PERSONS: Petitioner CRYS- LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. This business is conducted by: 7544 ELWOOD AVE FONTANA, upon filing. or she knows to be false is guilty of changing names as follows: TAL ROSE VALENCIA has The registrant commenced to AN INDIVIDUAL. CAAN 9ITTN2hh3D3eisI 6 VrbeIugDsiiUsntAerasLsn t isc ocomnmduecntceedd btyo: SCtoruannsSgt/ty iao tC eC mlhererkins tto ifn aSfi alneN dB. erMnwaeirtldhei nndor teohzne- aasut wpcaortaeinrmme fi eelt inh(nBta gt&. b aPelc lCo omindefeos 1rm7P9ua1tb3ilo) I aoRmne catohlsriods GIL VVHIIIRRLGGEIIYLL TLA. YTLAOYRL OtoR V IRto- fitnhaliemsd ec aso uparset t fifotoilorlo naw wdse:itchr eteh ec hcalenrgki nogf tboruna:sn iNsnBae/Acysts . bsnuiagsmniniene ogssr, nuIan mddeeercs l talhireset efidtch taaitbti ooavulesl tboruna:sn iNsnTae/Achstse. bnuraesmigniees tosrsra nnutan mdceeors m tlhimest eefindcc taeitbdi oovutoes transact business under the fictitious 2/19/2016. s/ Arian B Hosseini VIRGIL HILEY CRYSTAL ROSE VALEN- information in this statement is true By signing, I declare that all business name or names listed above I hereby certify that this copy is Statement filed with the VIRGIL L. HILEY to CIA to CRYSTAL ROSE and correct. A registrant who de- information in this statement is true on: N/A. a correct copy of the original state- County Clerk of San Bernardino on VIRGIL HILEY BAILEY clares as true information which he and correct. A registrant who de- iacnlnafdor erBscm oyaar stri seoticrgntu n. iein nA igtn h,f rioesIrg msidtsaaetttrceialomannrte ewn wtth hhiiosac tht rdauhelee-l mnstaaertndetimN noooen ntC itcfi oeelux-eTnp htiiynrie s Cs m lfieyvfir keoc tfByifiteyicao:er/u Dss Sf earponum ntBay tmehree- 1am 2ec/no3t0rI r/ oeh2cne0t r1 efi5cb.lo eyp ycin eo rtmfi ftyyh eot hfoafirtci gtehi niSsaa lcn os ptBayte eirs-- LORVV IItoRR GG VIILLIR GLLAIALR RHOOINLNEEE YH ITLAEYY- tthhaist TmaHlalE tt pere CrsaOopUnpseR aTirn tbeeOrfeoRsrtDee dEt RhiiSns oaast wrca rtaseihrmmee eekt nh(nBtao t&w baPse lc ltCo oom inbdeefeos f1ram7Pl9sua1etb3 ilio) I g auoRmniel t caytohl sroiodsf coaa lwrca rasriehrmese eakt sh(n Baott&rw uaPse l ltCi ono ifnbdoefero mf1ram7al9stai1eot3 inio)s. n wI g ahuominicl t hayt hl hsoioesf or she knows to be false is guilty of date it was filed in the office of the nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy to VIRGIL HILEY court at the hearing indicated upon filing. statement becomes Public Record a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also county clerk. A new fictitious busi- Notice-This fictitious name THE COURT ORDERS below to show cause, if any, s/ DAVID RAYENHARTZ upon filing. aware that all information on this ness name statement must be filed statement expires five years from the that all persons interested in why the petition for change of Statement filed with the s/ Amber Knight sutpaotenmsS fi/t ealRintnoet glma.b neendcto o Gm.efi Rsl eadPm uibrelwizc i thR ecothrde bstbhtueaefst oienurmees esets nh itan ndt a otmtheimsies n eois. ntta T otvhef ei io toslfifae ltliaifno agnfiu ctoohtfifot irtothihuzieess dcnboeeafusteosn rtienyt a wtcmhlaaeestr ksfit.ti lameAtdee m.n ineTe wnhtth e fie m cfiotulifistfinitog cu eb soeo f b ffi uttlhsehiides- tcbhoeilusor wtm aattto t ethrs eh aophwpe aecraiarn ugbs eei,fn odirfei c aatthneyids, nAnaanmmy ee pcsehhraosnougnlde s o ndboejets cctbriienb ge gdr taoanb totehvdee. C0a 2oc/uo2nr4Irt /eyh2c e0Ctr1 e6lcbe.o rypk yc o eofr tfSi ftayhn et hBoaerti rgtnhianisrad lci onsptoay to eins- C02o/u0n1SIt/ ty2ha 0etC1ree6mlbe. reykn c toe fr tSififaylne t dhB aet rtnwhaiisrtd hci onpoy to hines County Clerk of San Bernardino on rights of another under federal, state, statement does not of itself authorize why the petition for change of must file a written objection ment on file in my office San Ber- a correct copy of the original state- 1/22/2016. or common law (see Section 14411 et the use in this state of a fictitious name should not be granted. that includes the reasons for the nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy ment on file in my office San Ber- I hereby certify that this copy is seq., Business and Professions Code). business name in violation of the Any person objecting to the objection at least two court days Notice-This fictitious name nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy amn aecrnodtriN rnoeoocn tCt i cfiocelou-eTpn yhtiyn io s C mf lteyhfir keoc tfBoifitryicio:ge/ui DnsS eaapln us nttBayamteere-- n&o 3C/1o 1Pu,u n2bt0yl1i sS6h.eendt iinne lt h e 2 S/1a9n, 2B/e2r6n, a3r/d0i4- rosierg qch.o,t sBm ouPmfsu ioabnnnlei olsstahshw eaed nr( dsue inPendr Soefrete hcfseetsi doioenSnr aa1snl4 C, 4so1Btd1aet eeer)-t,. nmthauamts tei n cfichlluead negas e tswh der iertsetecanrsi obnoesdb jfeaocbrt oitohvnee bbheee fahorerinea grtdh t eoa mn sdha tomtweur s icts a asupcspheee awdruh alyet dtt hhtoee sdcntoeaausttesen mtinyt ea wncmltae eesr xksfip.t laieArtdee s mn ifinee wvnteth fieym ceotauifrstfisito cfuebr soeo mbffi u ttlsehhidee- sdctoaautteen mNtiyt oe wntciltace eser x-kTfip. lhieArides s n ifine wvfitech tfieyi cteiotaoifrtufisios cf uer soo mnbfa u ttmshhieee- statement expires five years from the nardino County Sentinel Original objection at least two court days petition should not be granted. before that time. The filing of this ness name statement must be filed date it was filed in the office of the FBN 201600018992 Run: 1/22, 1/29, 2/5 & 2/12, 2016. before the matter is scheduled to If no written objection is timely statement does not of itself authorize before that time. The filing of this county clerk. A new fictitious busi- The following entity is doing Corrected Run: 2/19, 2/26, 3/04, be heard and must appear at the filed, the court may grant the the use in this state of a fictitious statement does not of itself authorize nbsthteeaefst oseu rmens eeat nmhitan edt otsthetiamsis tn eeoms. tta Teotnheft e i tomsfife ulliafsn tag fiu bctoehtf iot fiirtolhieuzidess bAIBuDRsiEnARLeHOsPsIHY MaAIsA :LM SL TINQ ACUKHOOIRNU 2OD 4, 0C589A65 6P9 H1O7ILL10-- 3/11, F2B01N6 20160000253 hpIfee natirotii nowgnr itstothe osnuh olodbw jn ecocatt iuobsnee igws rthaiynm tteehldye. petitNDioAOnTT wEICi:t hE0o3 Ou/2tF 1a /H 2h0Ee1aA6riRnIgN.G brosieurg,tn sBme osumsfs ioannnnea olsmtashw eae nr( idsune nP edr vSoeifreoe clfsaetsitdoiiooennrn a1s l4 C,o 4fso1 td1att ehee)et,. tbrohiurge sch iotnusmes oesmsf ioannnn a otlmtahhwiees r( issuntena edt veSei reoo clffaet itdoaioe nrn fia1 cl4,ot 4ifst1 ti1aott hueeest, business name in violation of the VERA CT CHINO, CA 91710 The following entity is doing filed, the court may grant the TIME: 8:30 A.M Published in the San Bernardi- seq., Business and Professions Code). rights of another under federal, state, This business is conducted by: business as: petition without a hearing. Department: R-8 no County Sentinel 2/26, 3/4, 3/11 Published in the San Bernardi- or common law (see Section 14411 et AN INDIVIDUAL R & T AUTO SALES 517 N NOTICE OF HEARING The address of the court is & 3/18, 2016. no County Sentinel 2/26, 3/4, 3/11 seq., Business and Professions Code). The registrant commenced to Published in the San Bernardi- transact business under the fictitious MOUNTAIN AVE STE 102 UP- DATE: 03/23/2016 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALI- & 3/18, 2016. n&o 3C/1o1u, n2t0y1 6S.entinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4 boun:s iNne/Ass. name or names listed above LLCLAHCNO D6C3,U 71CA AHM AO V9N1EG7N8A 6A, VC REA T 3 9 -11W7743R 7RI.G A HNT- TDIeMpaEr:t m8:e3n0t :A S.M-35 FBOERRNNAIAR DCIONUON T Y ROAFN CSAHNO F TBhNe 2f0o1l6lo0w0i0n1g6 8e5ntity is doing F TBhNe 2f0o1l6lo0w0i0n2g1 6e2ntity is doing By signing, I declare that all This business is conducted by: A The address of the court is CUCAMONGA DISTRICT business as: business as: information in this statement is true LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALI- 8303 HAVEN AVENUE RAN- SUNWEST BUILDERS 4321 HOUSE OF PLAY [and] HOP FBN 20160001204 and correct. A registrant who de- The registrant commenced to FORNIA COUNTY OF SAN CHO CUCAMONGA, CA HOWARD ST. MONTCLAIR, CA 10582 FOOTHILL BLVD. SUITE bBuAsSinE CeTLRshsIY NeaS sEfT:o ARllDLow . NSinAUgII LTeSEn t &Eit y RS APisAN d C9o2Hin5Og5 coaa lwrca rasriehrmese eakt sh(n Baott&rw uaPse l ltCi ono ifnbdoefero mf1ram7al9stai1eot3 inio)s. n wI g ahuominicl t hayt hl hsoioesf tboruna:sn i8snB/ae0cys1ts / 2bsn0uiag1smni5niene ogssr, nuIan mddeeercs l talhireset efidtch taaitbti ooavulesl BNDEIAVRRINSDAIIONRNOD I2N4D7OI S WT RESSIACTTN T- CHBIIVERIRDL- 9D1E7R3 0E.IDT thIaSt a FcoUpRyT oHf tEhRis oOrdRer- 9T4C13EA72N 6193 A1H 7N6O 3TW SIAMURNPDRW OSEVTS.E TMM OEBNNUTTICSLL,D AIENIRRCS., BCH1AO7 L09T L1Yh7R3i sS0A bT uN TAsCiRLnHITe OsALs I iLNsC OGcoUM nCCAdOAu, RcMCtPeAO.d N1 9b01Gy73:A50 A12, CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 statement becomes Public Record information in this statement is true STREET SAN BERNARDI- be published in THE SAN BER- This business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. QUOC T NGUYEN 1048 VER- upon filing. and correct. A registrant who de- NO, CA 92415-0210. NARDINO COUNTY SENTI- CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to BENA CT POMONA, CA 91766 s/ IBRAHIM M NAKOUD clares as true information which he IT IS FURTHER OR- NEL in San Bernardino County, The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious AtraNn sITTaNchhDtei sI b VurbesIuigDsniiUesntsAersas Lsnu tn i dsc eocr omtnhmdeu eficnctceteidtd i obutyos: C2/o1u8n/SI2t t0yha1 bereykn c toe fr tSififaylne t dhB aet rtnwhaiisrtd hci onpoy to hines oaast wrca rtaseihrmmee eekt nh(nBtao t&w baPse lc ltCo oom inbdeefeos f1ram7Pl9sua1etb3 ilio) I g auoRmniel t caytohl sroiodsf DbNeEA pRRuEDbDlIiNs thhOead t Cain Oc ToUpHNyE To SfY At hSNisE BoNrEdTReIr-- Ccdoaantleis fesocerutn tifiaov,re o hwneceaeer kians wg epoerfki ot hfro etr o pf eothtuier- tboruna:sn i1snB/ae1cys5ts / 2bsn0uiag1smn6iniene ogssr, nuIan mddeeercs l talhireset efidtch taaitbti ooavulesl boinunf:so iNrnBme/Aysas .t isnoiagnm niienn ogthr, insIa smdtaeetcsel malirseetn etdt h iasa btt orauvleel business name or names listed above a correct copy of the original state- upon filing. NEL in San Bernardino County, tion information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who de- on: N/A. ment on file in my office San Ber- s/ Tennille Wright California, once a week for four Date: January 25, 2015 and correct. A registrant who de- clares as true information which he By signing, I declare that all nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy Statement filed with the consecutive weeks prior to the S/ JON D. FERGUSON, clares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of iaconlnraf dosr ehrscme o aakrstrni eootcrnwtu .s ie n At iotn hfbrioeesrg msfiatsaatlsttreiaeom nnitse wngwthu hiiioscl t hty rd uhoeee-f sdctoaautteen mNtiyt oe wntciltace eser x-kTfip. lhieArides s n ifine wvfitech tfieyi cteiotaoifrtufisios cf uer soo mnbfa u ttmshhieee- C0a 1oc/u0on8rIrt/ e2yhc 0eCt1r e6lcbe.o rypk yc o eofr tfSi ftayhn et hBoaerti rgtnhianisrad lci onsptoay to eins- dtiaotneD saette f:o Fr EhBeaRrUinAgR oYf t1h0e, 2p0e1ti6- J3u/1d1g,R e u2o0nf1 dt6ha.ete Ssu: p2e/1ri9o,r 2 C/2o6u, r3t/4 & oaast wrca rtaseihrmmee eekt nh(nBtao t&w baPse lc ltCo oom inbdeefeos f1ram7Pl9sua1etb3 ilio) I g auoRmniel t caytohl sroiodsf aasut wpcaortaeinrmme fi eelt inh(nBta gt&. b aPelc lCo omindefeos 1rm7P9ua1tb3ilo) I aoRmne catohlsriods a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also ness name statement must be filed ment on file in my office San Ber- S/ MICHAEL SACHS, upon filing. s/ Shaling Higuera aware that all information on this before that time. The filing of this nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy Judge of the Superior Court s/ BARBARA J. FREDERICKS Statement filed with the statement becomes Public Record statement does not of itself authorize Notice-This fictitious name Run dates: 2/19, 2/26, ¾ & Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Bernardino on uCpoounnsS tfi/ty alQ itCneugmloe.c re knN tog fu ySfiealnne d B ernwairtdhi no tohne tbrohiurge sch iotnusmes oesmsf ioannnn a otlmtahhwiees r( issuntena edt veSei reoo clffaet itdoaioe nrn fia1 cl4,ot 4ifst1 ti1aott hueeest, sdcntoeaausttesen mtinyt ea wncmltae eesr xksfip.t laieArtdee s mn ifinee wvnteth fieym ceotauifrstfisito cfuebr soeo mbffi u ttlsehhidee- 3/11, 2016. FORO CCRAHDSAEENR #G TCEOI V OSRHF SON 1WA5M 0C0AE5U36SE C0a 2oc/uo1n1rIr/t 2eyhc0 eCt1r e6lcbe.o rypk yc o eofr tfSi ftayhn et hBoaerti rgtnhianisrad lci onsptoay to eins- 2am /e2cno4tr/I 2r oeh0cn1et 6r efi.cbloeyp ycin eo rtmfi ftyyh eot hfoafirtci gtehi niSsaa lcn os ptBayte eirs-- 2/01/2016. seq., Business and Professions Code). before that time. The filing of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE TO ALL INTEREST- ment on file in my office San Ber- nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy I hereby certify that this copy is Published in the San Bernardi- statement does not of itself authorize FOR CHANGE OF NAME ED PERSONS: Petitioner nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy Notice-This fictitious name a correct copy of the original state- no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/04 the use in this state of a fictitious CASE # CIVDS 1601334 SUMAQKAWSAY MALLMA Notice-This fictitious name statement expires five years from the mnstaaertndetimN noooen ntC itcfi oeelux-eTnp htiiynrie s Cs m lfieyvfir keoc tfByifiteyicao:er/u Dss Sf earponum ntBay tmehree- & 3/11, 2016. brosieurg,tn sBme osumsfs ioannnnea olsmtashw eae nr( idsune nP edr vSoeifreoe clfsaetsitdoiiooennrn a1s l4 C,o 4fso1 td1att ehee)et,. PLYERNTSNOO NBSAA:B LBLP e tifiItNiloeTndeE raR pEReSItTiKtEiKoDnI hoinfag st hnfiialsem cdoe asu prates tf ifotorilo lano dwwesic:trhe teh ceh calnergk- sdcntoeaausttesen mtinyt ea wncmltae eesr xksfip.t laieArtdee s mn ifinee wvnteth fieym ceotauifrstfisito cfuebr soeo mbffi u ttlsehhidee- dcnboeeafusteosn rtienyt a wtcmhlaaeestr ksfit.ti lameAtdee m.n ineTe wnhtth e fie m cfiotulifistfinitog cu eb soeo f b ffi uttlhsehiides- date it was filed in the office of the Published in the San Ber- with the clerk of this court for SUMAQKAWSAY MALL- before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize county clerk. A new fictitious busi- FBN 20160000294 nardino County Sentinel Original a decree changing names as fol- MA to QUINNOAE KEYLA statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious ness name statement must be filed The following entity is doing Run: 1/22, 1/29, 2/5 & 2/12, 2016. lows: CHASE the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the bstbhtueaefst oienurmees esets nh itan ndt a otmtheimsies n eois. ntta T otvhef ei io toslfifae ltliaifno agnfiu ctoohtfifot irtothihuzieess b7C0uA0s i n9TEe2U.s 3sVR2 a4AFs :SLTTLUOERRYFE SB TLDOVIRDRE E CCDOTI,LR TEIOCNNTC,, 2/19, CF2Bo/2rN6re ,2 c30t/e10d64 0,R 03u0/1n01:7 ,3 C23o01rr6ected Run: to BBTRHROOEO OKKCLLYOYUNN RR TRA AYYO B RUADRBEBIBRES tthhaist TmaHlalE tt pere CrsaOopUnpseR aTirn tbeeOrfeoRsrtDee dEt RhiiSns brosieurg,tn sBme osumsfs ioannnnea olsmtashw eae nr( idsune nP edr vSoeifreoe clfsaetsitdoiiooennrn a1s l4 C,o 4fso1 td1att ehee)et,. rosierg qch.o,t sBmP ouumfsb ioalnnnies ohlstasehw dae nr(i dsnue nPtedhr Soeef reeS cfsaetsindoi oenBnr a1esl4 rC,n 4soa1td1radt eeei)-t,. rights of another under federal, state, INC. 77602 MISSOURI DRIVE The following entity is doing that all persons interested in court at the hearing indicated Published in the San Bernardi- no County Sentinel 2/26, 3/4, 3/11 or common law (see Section 14411 et PALM DESERT, CA 92211 business as: this matter appear before this below to show cause, if any, no County Sentinel 2/26, 3/4, 3/11 & 3/18, 2016. seq., Business and Professions Code). This business is conducted by: A ELIJAH & MARIE [and] court at the hearing indicated why the petition for change of & 3/18, 2016. Published in the San Bernardi- CORPORATION. no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/04 The registrant commenced to PUNKY & PAPI 11201 5TH below to show cause, if any, name should not be granted. &bE9ILCtboinrN1uunA.Oa f 73:ssCFno N8Rii/NOsrnn1.6 F RTTB maPD1ee/3 OTAcBOhhyO,ss5,a th ssTe i2N. 6tRUCRs bei0saHn o OAb TuAiE12rsagnfIue6:s0U E.mToL n9 igs.1iFln 1ITiiLien6l6nnOes7Oo E 06toegsB8twNrO0 hs sr,6aL Asi60 iTnnu nsV I16iUta n gHs9 sDm d dTc9AtIceea eoL9eOUoUnrtcnsLe m tlP tTdmiaSl htLiumBOryAeseecALt e n tLefiiVnSeNtdstcE dchA iDtDaSe sadibLt b dt ,oiytU 3 EooCri:an5uv uPStAAlog6ees-l, tboiacoaasuC1amnsdcnbstbrosn&3bRChnrittte lwon//uuuorernpeaaOgAaocaaaa1 0eecf qfusdtr 2:sssocnrotttashu1rnC o8eo Wd .siiieee ni/0neoh,r,srtn nnntu 5/rrm i ommmBsSIN CF Bsets cmB4ma2eie2rnteee n,sfiP 9y /t uToo etcyB/h0 eoAyo 0Reoossseeeu 1aa aa0lkumBntcnt2r w1 thessfs 1 ir nnntN7cmss httO(1hRbrnCC tnt 6i0rra6beeii iolBttta8s aenacy/aaloeeo nfie ng1.O Uetrmlun2oicn2ni6csdese t at&bcregnwr r6e. fslS o:0usa b to0x -oNumkTeyotreyh tnls..sTifi1pmateePs1nekt p ah iee. lnns teiEi h 5enSlnyld5lcchtAw i aims inAteldteeoaCAy enr .Eo st e io 0c toiogs dR en itwnnRS eo rs efrhom0( L iihnsCr, s oidmftss.mfnUnbu unr i 1Idi e niiSioI tenelute en fiAfiesfnfn4enIPTeal teTe yIrtaefosga yn o gh1 wv:l dThtfirmen r s NEnfvh1 ermiet f d 8kedSoee2erat otctshE m 7edi e1 ePa a 4shief retlo/BtfiefBey 9to oeSn1ts trt/rBi1mcauficaslsf 1icei1tfi eBaeersf9tya6lateott enitobc 5 tmii3aasu nlriilo,ht:n 8dlgtintefle Hiiooii,nai)rr/wftstyhUu2iess o9fino eei. D esi n nc1taB t O niao/sw n nrg Snic I Pe gfiwfi/2srf eitau au1e2 tesb WdaS dsthrahLu6occ plRlct4 hrh soo2 eniC m,io Shtti,niunAoo aon4sadf miices,l nfsoE 3b ott ttfapb1 tto hfiocBt1ANiiayaty ra/u ttd1rIayooo o rdi0/ttttlmhihl dteNasotn 2eReD huhhhhvuuzsroee4eeiiiriil)noddg9eeeeeeeeesssss------Iftl,,,. SCECCAtboiacoaasuC0amnsdcnbstbrosnR2hnrittte lwo1nuurernp/eaaaTS1gAAuaocaaaaN1eecf q/fusdtrr:sso0cnrotttaKshRurn2n9 oeo dd .sMii eee niNneoh39,rsrt1I:,n nntu rrm iiEmmmR TTBsSIN C sets cmB1mae Niernn/2t ee/nsfiO y /t 1o2Ao7E etcyh hheoyIo eooosseee/uPaa aDalkmK/tcn0t3N2Dr w tRessf eT iir nnnt.cms2s htt(uhrnCCs t1nC 0i6rrI beii iolIBtttas G eG2nacAa baoee6onVfie ng ,Aetmlunoiconnrcdesb et a,lt&bcregnw.r AEe. l3 Neousa ib u toxI -ouumk1NetrCey tnlss.sTi/gfiD pmatePsnekt,pn ah ieeCs/.0nnhs ti i1hA ienl2yldcchtwi i aitms inUA14teseClteeaCA0Hyn enryo s9 e io toi 1togsd ,den tnnR 3Aeo rTse eA ,frr om( OihsC2r , 3Ss oidamfts s.mfsnb .unr ud L ni i0Sio2 /tesn lnutee efifiesEfnfi1enIPn9ea teT1e y r/ae.nosngta yno h1 wv5Rl d1tfirS:m ni r s nfvh1etr mCiet f dske,dSoe 7eatiotctKsh m CA7&cedi 5 ePa a 2 nhief3UretlotBtfiefBey 9octo oe strtTrhiomRc0eaNu0fica slsf cei1tfi oeaCm2eersfyalle1rteott e itobHc tImi3a asu Cnnlriil/orht :6Adl gint Dfleii1oomiinai)rr/ewftsdt h uieKssofiHnoeei. D es2i n n cSctaM Gut niaosewn nrg Snic SI e , gfiwfitIsOrfaO etacu a nu1e tesb EdAa TdthraO2huoccn ptlRlct4 h ch sdooerniC m,ioe 0 httiniR uooN N aeon4s ia f miicesl ndfs1og bott Rttfpbd1 tto EhficBBtCA G6iiayaty riau ttd1a yooo o rudbttttnlmEhih.l teeUa sot Aee hhuhhhvuuzsroeetnyaeeiiirriTTl)nooddeeeeeeeeesssss------f:t:ll,,. wnAnmtobbhpIfipSFBNDSNDbNNCcdtJhifuobeeeeaaeeaTOUloEa IEAAOhEnuaedn fantttmmjVnlpRyhyRtRiieeosPdRLg,iroRRs tt utNDTDT DSR fec eeriiI,EiieE e NNEso nnteooCSDDibta w/Ihc uAOapeheRnIiE r tocgficnnDrlAMIIotuAseTthIIpntneeri dOhTlfhA TT eI lShNNs ntiu we ar R ite Of sate:EitathdE oMaNsaI9o a p odr hv thhOOa nCdJiDoe:aR,enmutnI 2: ecreCeatot e Ag amSdsdItn n h8o dlEto40 stI2 SBuleC hhadeOi C rSwC :o 1nNNe u3aeit 4sDo3Altetseom eOwnHi5auucdU /th:nOrOo7e oFOsb0acUw2r eI snte-Ntp deuteFb s TrAronn j S UUNUrt80: n Ao2A ee aWikies j a pmaHrTtt/2icon eHoEt /crtsTRNRs 2Seft wsRh.r1y B1aiwfcgtteRc MoEaE daLao0E YT9 eT- isu0 TtYboS nroEyro3ptesi1bSirp Ic, ao.Ais Hh Sen AfnY o5Cnep 6bRcOherrTeCf2c 2 eoAggtnkOi iR eoo Eee T hN/ h7Nio nFto S gg rsa2wdbudsCScNThaFR-,fIirga u A rrrA6 joCusrotN CfnEe2th o Hn.eaa oratt o,iralBBu Cgo0y RI ouNctAnntSGme b pdrtI3 VfreO1r t EEH ttndARoDeoatdT/Litttttt eee6 t0o IRRRhhhhhhvtyuoSetlddDNyiIIIiLny4oeeeeeeessrr-------f,,.. 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D esDi n nc,t3aB 3 utE niaosew n nrg Snic I e gfiwfiPsr3f35 etiEacu anu1eR tesb da dsthrah5uoccU/ p tlRlct4 hrch sRoo e4n iC m,ioe httiniunoo aeAon4sAadf miicesBl, ndfs o bott ttfapbd1 tto hficoBtV iia3yaty MA Lrau ttd1ra yooo o rdibttttlmhih/l dteasotnV IeEe huhhhhv1uuzsroeetyeYeiiiCriil)nooddg1eeeeeeeeesssss-------ft:l,. Tb&PNAF2AtboiacoaasuC0amnsdcnbsthnrttt lwonuu0r2enpeaaEOIaoc aaaAa eecf Gfu1sdtrT:/ssonrotttaNsuFrn Noe1o Ods1iieee Rni8nehIrsrEn nn6tu Irrmi0mmmNOAF PRTTBsSINetTLs /cmaeiLernDtee/Tnsfi N0y/t0 ooR et2cyVBh Ahhey S UeoETosseeeBaa 9aalk1IhHtcntr 0w Etess e ii nnntNYcImsN htELt(E0/NhASrneCCstn 1ir bMeii2e lBRttts aenaca 3 aoeo RnAfi Re6 LgObetmAlcuoicf0N2Brscdeseta2t&bregAnwr o.. VElu teo1: usT Abt0x, -oumke,0rUoeyD tn l.sTigfiS1s pat PAs1nLekp h ileEe.C nn rtiii. oienlSyEl6cOcht i aimsiCn nAteslteDNCAA1Ay nPrwo s e io 0I toiRtoegsdNenHtnA5 eo sN A efrr om0I . ihsCsri,Vs o0 a9mtfs.mfnbA nr nO M dsO0 iiSiERo t1nlnutee2fifies fnfeIFgI1ea teTewy ra1OosSgltaT Cyno 93 hE wv7l tfirmv nB s nf# h1ermeiet 3fSd2akedeND9EatNeotctsh m 7cedNn4 5B sePa 4a hie6tlrBtfief BeNy 9oto E7 to Ts1trtrimcacaufia EssC i cei1tfi eame erf0yl RtAtoot eitobc tGmi3aau nylrOiloh S:OlgnintEfNleiiomiSna)rr/Mw ftsthuiessfiOnAedi.. D wesi n cXFtHHa t nUiaosew ng Sic Iu e gfiwfiENsr Nf etau anuHEI tebdca dthMra huAocc psRlPcthch sI ooetn2i Cmi httiniAuoo.A eaeons adf miiceslB Bn0o bttT tdtfpbdF ttoUhfiocB 1iiayaty ErEau tt yooo OoI rdibtttl mhihl SSteaCsonReR hhuhhvuuzsroeSetyiiiRriTTlngooddeeeeeeeesssss------f::l. 407 E 9th ST UPLAND, CA 91786 & 3/11, 2016. FBN 20160002224 & 3/18, 2016. business name in violation of the This business is conducted by: The following entity is doing rights of another under federal, state, AN INDIVIDUAL. business as: or common law (see Section 14411 et The registrant commenced to ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CABLE CROSSFIT 1320 FBN 20160001207 seq., Business and Professions Code). Friday, March 11, 2016 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 9 Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Published in the San Bernardi- & 3/18, 2016. for the objection at least two court CA 91730 [and] MARINA K TES 1714 N. ARROWHEAD AVE name should not be granted. nardino County, California, once no County Sentinel 2/26, 3/4, 3/11 days before the matter is scheduled MEGUERDITCHIAN 657 MARI- RIALTO, CA 92376 [and] JUAN Any person objecting to the a week for four consecutive weeks & 3/18, 2016. FBN 20160002063 to be heard and must appear at the ON PL #8 GLENDORA, CA 91740 CORTES 1714 N. ARROWHEAD name changes described above prior to the date set for hearing of the The following entity is doing hearing to show cause why the pe- This business is conducted by: A AVE RIALTO, CA 92376 must file a written objection petition FBN 20160002271 business as: tition should not be granted. If no GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. This business is conducted by: A Date: March 7, 2016 The following entity is doing PALETERIA Y NEVERIA LA written objection is timely filed, the The registrant commenced to GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. that includes the reasons for the S/ R. GLENN YABUNO, Judge business as: MICHOACANA 814 S MOUNTAIN court may grant the petition without transact business under the fictitious The registrant commenced to objection at least two court days of the Superior Court CRM BUSINESS SOLUTIONS AVE ONTARIO, CA 91762 ELIZA- a hearing. business name or names listed above transact business under the fictitious before the matter is scheduled to Run dates: 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 & 7050 PINZANO PL. RANCHO CU- BETH TORRES GUADDARAMA NOTICE OF HEARING on: N/A. business name or names listed above be heard and must appear at the 4/01, 2016. CAMONGA, CA 91701 PATRICK 910 GREENWOOD AVE ONTAR- DATE: 3/28/2016 By signing, I declare that all on: N/A. hearing to show cause why the P BRADY 7050 PINZANO PL. IO, CA 91761 TIME: 8:30 A.M information in this statement is true By signing, I declare that all petition should not be granted. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA This business is conducted by: Department: S-35 and correct. A registrant who de- information in this statement is true FOR CHANGE OF NAME 91701 AN INDIVIDUAL. The address of the court is clares as true information which he and correct. A registrant who de- If no written objection is timely CASE # CIVDS 1603557 This business is conducted by: The registrant commenced to SUPERIOR COURT OF CALI- or she knows to be false is guilty of clares as true information which he filed, the court may grant the TO ALL INTERESTED PER- AN INDIVIDUAL. transact business under the fictitious FORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BER- a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also or she knows to be false is guilty of petition without a hearing. SONS: Petitioner MARIAH RENÉ The registrant commenced to business name or names listed above NARDINO SAN BERNARDINO aware that all information on this a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also NOTICE OF HEARING GONZALES filed a petition with the transact business under the fictitious on: N/A. DISTRICT-CIVIL DIVISION 247 statement becomes Public Record aware that all information on this DATE: 04/27/2016 clerk of this court for a decree chang- business name or names listed above By signing, I declare that all WEST THIRD STREET SAN BER- upon filing. statement becomes Public Record TIME: 8:30 A.M ing names as follows: on: N/A. information in this statement is true NARDINO, CA 92415-0210. s/ George Dera upon filing. MARIAH RENÉ GONZALES By signing, I declare that all and correct. A registrant who de- IT IS FURTHER ORDERED Statement filed with the s/ JUAN CORTES Department: R-2 to MARIAH RENÉ SCHNEIDER information in this statement is true clares as true information which he that a copy of this order be pub- County Clerk of San Bernardino on Statement filed with the The address of the court is THE COURT ORDERS that and correct. A registrant who de- or she knows to be false is guilty of lished in THE SAN BERNARDINO 03/03/2016. County Clerk of San Bernardino on SUPERIOR COURT OF CALI- all persons interested in this matter clares as true information which he a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also COUNTY SENTINEL in San Ber- I hereby certify that this copy is 3/04/2016. FORNIA COUNTY OF SAN appear before this court at the hear- or she knows to be false is guilty of aware that all information on this nardino County, California, once a correct copy of the original state- I hereby certify that this copy is BERNARDINO RANCHO ing indicated below to show cause, a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also statement becomes Public Record a week for four consecutive weeks ment on file in my office San Ber- a correct copy of the original state- CUCAMONGA JUDICIAL if any, why the petition for change aware that all information on this upon filing. prior to the date set for hearing of the nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy ment on file in my office San Ber- of name should not be granted. Any statement becomes Public Record s/ ELIZABETH TORRES petition Notice-This fictitious name nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy DISTRICT 8303 HAVEN AV- person objecting to the name changes upon filing. GUADDARAMA Date: February 19, 2016 statement expires five years from the Notice-This fictitious name ENUE RANCHO CUCAMON- described above must file a written s/ Patrick P Brady Statement filed with the S/ MICHAEL SACHS, Judge of date it was filed in the office of the statement expires five years from the GA, CA 91730. objection that includes the reasons Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Bernardino on the Superior Court county clerk. A new fictitious busi- date it was filed in the office of the IT IS FURTHER OR- for the objection at least two court County Clerk of San Bernardino on 02/22/2016. Run dates: 2/26, 3/04, 3/11 & ness name statement must be filed county clerk. A new fictitious busi- DERED that a copy of this order days before the matter is scheduled 02/25/2016. I hereby certify that this copy is 3/18, 2016. before that time. The filing of this ness name statement must be filed be published in THE SAN BER- to be heard and must appear at the I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original state- statement does not of itself authorize before that time. The filing of this hearing to show cause why the pe- a correct copy of the original state- ment on file in my office San Ber- the use in this state of a fictitious statement does not of itself authorize NARDINO COUNTY SENTI- tition should not be granted. If no ment on file in my office San Ber- nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy FBN 20160002078 business name in violation of the the use in this state of a fictitious NEL in San Bernardino County, written objection is timely filed, the nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy Notice-This fictitious name The following entity is doing rights of another under federal, state, business name in violation of the California, once a week for four court may grant the petition without Notice-This fictitious name statement expires five years from the business as: or common law (see Section 14411 et rights of another under federal, state, consecutive weeks prior to the a hearing. statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the QT CONSULTANT SERVIC- seq., Business and Professions Code). or common law (see Section 14411 et date set for hearing of the peti- NOTICE OF HEARING date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious busi- ES 9824 GALENA AVE. MONT- Published in the San Bernardi- seq., Business and Professions Code). tion DATE: 04/21/2016 county clerk. A new fictitious busi- ness name statement must be filed CLAIR, CA 91763 TINSLEY S no County Sentinel 3/4, 3/11, 3/18 Published in the San Bernardi- TIME: 8:30 A.M ness name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this NGUYEN 9824 GALENA AVE. & 3/25, 2016. no County Sentinel 3/4, 3/11, 3/18 Date: March 4, 2016 Department: S-35 before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 [and] & 3/25, 2016. s/ R. GLENN YABUNO, The address of the court is statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious QUYEN D BUI 9824 GALENA FBN 20160002369 Judge of the Superior Court SUPERIOR COURT OF CALI- the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the AVE. MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 The following entity is doing Run dates: 3/04, 3/11, 3/18 FORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BER- business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, This business is conducted by: A business as: & 3/25, 2016. NARDINO SAN BERNARDINO rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et MARRIED COUPLE. JC HAUTE COUTURE 3005 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE DISTRICT-CIVIL DIVISION 247 or common law (see Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). The registrant commenced to CLOVER LANE ONTARIO, CA FOR CHANGE OF NAME CORRECTED FICTITIOUS WEST THIRD STREET SAN BER- seq., Business and Professions Code). Published in the San Bernardi- transact business under the fictitious 91761 JULIE CAJEN 3005 CLO- CASE # CIVDS 1602981 BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NARDINO, CA 92415-0210. Published in the San Bernardi- no County Sentinel 2/26, 3/4, 3/11 business name or names listed above VER LANE ONTARIO, CA 91761 TO ALL INTERESTED FBN 20160000749 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED n&o 3C/1o8u, n2t0y1 6S.entinel 2/26, 3/4, 3/11 & 3/18, 2016. on: NB/Ay .signing, I declare that all AN ITNhDisI VbIuDsiUnAesLs .is conducted by: PERSONS: Petitioner GENEVA busin eTshs ea sf:ollowing entity is doing tlihsahte da inco TpHy Eo fS AthNis B oErRdeNrA bReD pINubO- information in this statement is true The registrant commenced to ROMANA GALVEZ-TURNER NAOMI’S PET CARE SER- COUNTY SENTINEL in San Ber- FBN 20160001008 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE and correct. A registrant who de- transact business under the fictitious filed a petition with the clerk of VICES 1320 SAN BERNARDINO nardino County, California, once The following entity is doing FOR CHANGE OF NAME clares as true information which he business name or names listed above this court for a decree changing ROAD #12 UPLAND, CA 91786 a week for four consecutive weeks bSCuAAsN inD De9’sEEs2R M3aL3s :6IN GPDR OEWNPAENYRI TSFEIEO SND ATAI4LN8EA0Y1, PER TSCOOA NSSEA: L# LPC eItViItNRioSTn Ee1r6R 0EL0S0ITL2E8LDY oaast wrca rtaseihrmmee eekt nh(nBtao t&w baPse lc ltCo oom inbdeefeos f1ram7Pl9sua1etb3 ilio) I g auoRmniel t caytohl sroiodsf oiannnfd:o NrBcm/Aoyar .triseoicgnt n. iinnA gt h, riesIg sidtsaettrcealmanrte en wtt hhiosa tt rdauele-l nGaAmLGeVsE EaNsZ Ef-ToVlUAloR wNs:ER R OtoM AISNAA- NBLAEARNOTNMDhA,I iC sR CADb uI9ANs1iD7nO8eE 6sL s M RisOA cANoD n1d 3u#2c10t2e dS UAbPyN-: ppreitoitriDS ot/ona Mtteh:Ie CM dHaAtAeR ECsLeHt Sf 1oA0rC ,h 2He0aS1r,6i nJug dogfe t hoef 4801 SANDERLING WAY FON- NAVA has filed a petition with upon filing. clares as true information which he BELLA GENEVIEVE BAS- AN INDIVIDUAL the Superior Court TANA, CA 92336 the clerk of this court for a de- s/ TINSLEY S NGUYEN or she knows to be false is guilty of ANTI The registrant commenced to Run dates: 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 & This business is conducted by: cree changing names as follows: Statement filed with the a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also THE COURT ORDERS transact business under the fictitious 4/1, 2016. AN ITNhDeI VreIgDiUstAraLn.t commenced to LILLY NAVA to C02o/u2n3t/y2 0C16le. rk of San Bernardino on astwataerme etnhta t baelclo minefos rmPuatbiloinc oRne ctohrids that all persons interested in business name or names listed above transact business under the fictitious BASHEBA LILLY OLIVAS I hereby certify that this copy is upon filing. this matter appear before this on: 1/05/2016. business name or names listed above THE COURT ORDERS a correct copy of the original state- s/ Julie Cajen court at the hearing indicated inforBmya tisoign niinn gth, isI sdtaetcelmareen tt hisa tt raulel on: N/A. that all persons interested in ment on file in my office San Ber- Statement filed with the below to show cause, if any, and correct. A registrant who de- NOTICE OF PETITION TO By signing, I declare that all this matter appear before this nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy County Clerk of San Bernardino on why the petition for change of clares as true information which he ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: TE- information in this statement is true court at the hearing indicated Notice-This fictitious name 2/29/2016. name should not be granted. or she knows to be false is guilty of RESA D. SACCONE acoa lnrca drsr iehmsce o eakr s(rn Beotc&rwtu.Ps e AtCion o fbrdoeeerg mf1ias7atl9stri1aeo3 nni)ts. wIgw ahuhmiioclt hay dl hsoeoe-f bwneahlmyo wet hsetho op ueslthdiot iwonn o ctf aoubrs eec ,h gairnfa gneat enodyf,. sdcntoeaausttesen mtinyt ea wncmltae eesr xksfip.t laieArtdee s mn ifinee wvnteth fieym ceotauifrstfisito cfuebr soeo mbffi u ttlsehhidee- amn aecrnodtriI rn oehocne Ct r efiocbloueypn yctiyn eo rCtmfi lfteyyhr keot hfBoafirytci :gte/hi DniSseaa plcn uos tptByayte eirs-- Anmanumyst e pcfiehlreas nogan e swo dbriejtestcectnrii nbgoe db jteoacb toitohvnee aasut wpcaortaeinrmme fi eelt inh(nBta gt&. b aPelc lCo omindefeos 1rm7P9ua1tb3ilo) I aoRmne catohlsriods cpreerdsoiPTtnooRsr O sw,P ahcSlool 1nm6t0iahny0eg 2ioer0stnh2,t e rcwbreeidsneiet fiobrcesi a,i nratieensrd-, aware that all information on this Any person objecting to the before that time. The filing of this Notice-This fictitious name that includes the reasons for the s/ Naomi Adelman ested in the will or estate, or both, of statement becomes Public Record name changes described above statement does not of itself authorize statement expires five years from the objection at least two court days Statement filed with the TERESA D. SACCONE A Petition upon filing. must file a written objection the use in this state of a fictitious date it was filed in the office of the before the matter is scheduled to County Clerk of San Bernardino on for Probate has been filed by: KATH- C01o/u2n7sS/t/2ty aD0 tC1ee6mlne.n reikns teo fD Safiiallnee ydB ernwairtdhi no tohne tobhbeafjteo crineti cotlhnue da met sla ettathesert rtiews asosc ochnoesud urftol edr dat hytoes brosieurg,tn sBme osumsfs ioannnnea olsmtashw eae nr( idsune nP edr vSoeifreoe clfsaetsitdoiiooennrn a1s l4 C,o 4fso1 td1att ehee)et,. cnbstoeeafustosen rmteny ea tncmhltae edtr okste.ti amsA tnee om.n te Teownhft e ifi tmscfietulliifstni taog uu btsoeh f ob firutlhiseziides- bhpeee athirteiinoagnrd t soahn osduh lomdw un scot ata upbspeee gawrrh aaynt tttehhdee. 1am /2ec1no/trI2 r oe0hcn1e6t r efi.c bloeyp ycin eo rtmfi ftyyh eot hfoafirtci gtehi niSsaa lcn os ptBayte eirs-- LCBPrEEoouERbrNaNt t Aeo G fR r.C e DSqaIAulNieCfsoOCtrs.n O itaNTh,ah ECte :i onKu PtnhAetetyTi St HiouofLpn SEe rAEfiooNNrr I hereby certify that this copy is be heard and must appear at the Published in the San Bernardi- the use in this state of a fictitious If no written objection is timely nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy G. SACCONE be appointed as per- a correct copy of the original state- hearing to show cause why the no County Sentinel 3/4, 3/11, 3/18 business name in violation of the filed, the court may grant the Notice-This fictitious name sonal representative to administer ment on file in my office San Ber- petition should not be granted. & 3/25, 2016. rights of another under federal, state, petition without a hearing. statement expires five years from the the estate of the decedent. nsdtaaatrtede imNint ooew ntCitac oeseu x-Tfinplhtieyride sCs ilfine vfirtkech tBeyi teyioao:fr/ufiDss cf eerp ouomntfay ttmhheee Ifipfel entidot,i owtnhr iwet tiectnho ouourbttj eam chtaeiyoa nrgi inrsga tn.itm tehlye F TBhNe 2f0o1l6lo0w0i0n2g4 1e8ntity is doing osneor q cC.o, oBmPuumunsbtioylnni es Shlsaesew ndat ni(indsnee Ptel hr Soe f e eS3cs/at4sinoi, o nB3n /1es14 r1Cn4, oa13d1r/d e1ei)8-t. NDTIAOMTTEEIC:: 8E0:4 3O/01F 1A /H2.M0E1A6RING dcnboeeafusteosn rtienyt a wtcmhlaaeestr ksfit.ti lameAtdee m.n ineTe wnhtth e fie m cfiotulifistfinitog cu eb soeo f b ffi uttlhsehiides- daadneynm t’ciTstot hedwedi ci ltpiloless tt ihaatenrioe dp n ar covrobaediaqlituacebei.l slTset,s h f ieotf hr w eae inxldylae ,am cnbeide-- county clerk. A new fictitious busi- NOTICE OF HEARING business as: & 3/25, 2016. Department: S-35 statement does not of itself authorize nation in the file kept by the court. ness name statement must be filed DATE: 04/11/2016 A+ TRAILER SERVICE & The address of the court is the use in this state of a fictitious The petition requests the author- before that time. The filing of this TIME: 8:30 A.M MORE 2530 KERN ST SAN BER- FBN 20160001449 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALI- business name in violation of the ity to administer the estate under the stbrhitugaesth ietnumses oesefs n itan nnd aootmthehsiees n r oisunttna odtvefe i iroto slffaee tdlaifoe arnfiau clt,oht ifsot tiraotithuzeees, SUPDTEheRepI aOardRtmd rCeenOstsU: o RRf T-t1 h0Oe Fc oCuArtL iIs- NABTOEGAR RRANADGAZIRNR AO4D3S,I 6 NC5E OASV,P ECA9RA2RM4 9Z02OA74 N 0N4T73E 6SER5TRE VN YSEEADRSNA-- bVuIsCinE AeSTCs hsC e aE s1f:So3Sl9l 1o 2w PiCnAgRR EeKnAEtTiRtIy V iCEs OdSUoEiRnRTg- FBNOEARRRNNDAIIANR ODC IONDUOISN TT RYSI ACOTNF- C BISVEAIRNL- rosierg qch.o,t sBmP oumufsb ioalnnnies ohlstasehw dae nr(i dsnue nPtedhr Soeef reeS cfsaetsindoi oenBnr a1esl4 rC,n 4soa1td1radt eeei)-t,. Ittmhantaede nesypp Aeearnccsdttoi.eo nn(naTtsl h wAriseid tpamhruoeitusnhetio snorttbiratattyati iviowneni in ltlgoo a fc ltolaEoukswre-t or common law (see Section 14411 et FORNIA COUNTY OF SAN MONT ST SAN BERNARDINO, REDLANDS, CA 92373 CARL DIVISION 247 WEST THIRD no County Sentinel 2/5, 2/12, 2/19 approval. Before taking certain very seq., Business and Professions Code). BERNARDINO RANCHO CA 92407 EDDINS 1391 PARKER COURT STREET SAN BERNARDI- & 2/26, 2016. important actions, however, the per- Published in the San Bernardi- CUCAMONGA JUDICIAL This business is conducted by: A REDLANDS, CA [and] DR. JAMES NO, CA 92415-0210. Corrected Run: 3/04, 3/11, 3/18 sonal representative will be required n&o 3C/1o8u, n2t0y1 6S.entinel 2/26, 3/4, 3/11 DISTRICT 8303 HAVEN AV- MARTRhIeE Dre gCiOstUraPnLt Ec.ommenced to ELDADNIDNSS, C AP A92R3K73E R COURT RED- IT IS FURTHER OR- & 3/25, 2016. tuon lgeisvse tnhoeyti che atvoe inwtaeirveesdte dn opteicrseo nosr ENUE RANCHO CUCAMON- transact business under the fictitious This business is conducted by: A DERED that a copy of this order consented to the proposed action.) FBN 20160001165 GA, CA 91730. business name or names listed above GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. be published in THE SAN BER- The independent administration The following entity is doing IT IS FURTHER OR- on: N/A. The registrant commenced to NARDINO COUNTY SENTI- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE authority will be granted unless an business as: DERED that a copy of this order By signing, I declare that all transact business under the fictitious NEL in San Bernardino County, FOR CHANGE OF NAME interested person files an objection SUNSET AUTO SALES 803 E. be published in THE SAN BER- information in this statement is true business name or names listed above California, once a week for four CASE # CIVRS 1600061 to the petition and shows good cause HBPRLOEALSTTNC hCBOiAsL T VbTuED sC inOTGe NCUssTHT AiIIsENR RcOIoOR,n ,CEd CAZucA 9t e 19d761 137b076y 11: NNCaAElLiRf oDinrIn SNiaaO,n o BCnecOrenU aaN rwdTeinYeok CSfoEoruN fnoTtuyIr-, acoa lnrca drsr iehmsce o eakr s(rn Beotc&rwtu.Ps e AtCion o fbrdoeeerg mf1ias7atl9stri1aeo3 nni)ts. wIgw ahuhmiioclt hay dl hsoeoe-f oiannnfd:o NrBcm/Aoyar .triseoicgnt n. iinnA gt h, riesIg sidtsaettrcealmanrte en wtt hhiosa tt rdauele-l cdtioaontnes esceut tfiovre hweeaerkinsg porfi othr et op ethtie- SBclORerNEkTSN o:OTf tSPhA eihstLa ictsLio ofi unIlreNetdr fT oaEJ rp URae SEtdiTeSticIToNrnEe eDw Ac ihtPLhaE AntRhgNe-- wtb0he4ho /hy2rie 5ttlhy/d2e. 0 iAcn1o 6htu herTiats ris michnooeguu: roltd8n a : nt3sho 0fet o gpAllreo.atMwnittis. o t:h nDDe we aaptiuelt-::l AN INDIVIDUAL. consecutive weeks prior to the aware that all information on this clares as true information which he Date: FEBRUARY 29, 2016 ing names as follows: S36P Address of court: Superior The registrant commenced to date set for hearing of the peti- statement becomes Public Record or she knows to be false is guilty of S/ MICHAEL SACHS, JUSTIN ALAN BRENTS to Court of California, County of San transact business under the fictitious tion upon filing. a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also Judge of the Superior Court JUSTIN ALAN MEADOWS Bernardino 247 West Third Street boun:s iNnBe/Ayss . sniagmnien ogr, nIa mdeecsl alirset edth aabt oavlel Ds/ atRe:. FGebLrEuNarNy 9Y, 2A0B16UNO, CounsSt/ty aN tCeemlreereyknd tao fA Sgfiarlanez dB ernwairtdhi no tohne asutwpaotaenrme fi eltinhnta gt. b aelclo minefos rmPuatbiloinc oRne ctohrids & 3/R25u,n 2 d01a6te.s: 3/04, 3/11, 3/18 aapllp peeaTrrH sboEen fso CrienO tteUhrRiessT tce odOu riRnt DatthE itRsh eSm haetthatearr-t SCthaeenn p teeBrte iItrfin oyanor,ud y ioonbuoj ,es chCto Atuo l dt9h 2aep4 g1pr5ea anrJt uianstg tti hcoeef information in this statement is true Judge of the Superior Court 3/01/2016. s/ Carl Eddins ing indicated below to show cause, hearing and state your objections or and correct. A registrant who de- Run dates: 2/26, 3/04, 3/11 I hereby certify that this copy is Statement filed with the if any, why the petition for change file written objections with the court clares as true information which he &3/18, 2016. a correct copy of the original state- County Clerk of San Bernardino on of name should not be granted. Any before the hearing. Your appearance or she knows to be false is guilty of ment on file in my office San Ber- 2/05/2016. AMENDED ORDER TO person objecting to the name changes may be in person or by your attorney. a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy I hereby certify that this copy is SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE described above must file a written If you are a creditor or a contingent aware that all information on this Notice-This fictitious name a correct copy of the original state- OF NAME objection that includes the reasons creditor of the decedent, you must file sutpaotenms fi/ elBinnLt gA.b NecCoAm Ees. GPUuTbIliEcR RREecZo rd FOR O CCRHADSAEENR #G CET IOVOF D NSS1HA5OM16WE02 4CAUSE sdctoaautteen mtiyt e wncltae esr xkfip. lieArde s n ifine wvteh fiey ceotaifrtfisio cfuer soo mbf u ttshhiee- mnaerndtiN nooon tC icfioelu-eTn htiyni s C mleyfir koc tfBifityico:e/u DsS eapnu ntBaymere- TCOA SEA L# LC IVINRST E16R0E0S0T57ED fdtooa ry bste h behe efooabrrjdee ctathnieod n m maautt tslete ra asipstp tsewcahro e adctuo tluehrdet ycapooppuyor icntlotae idmth ebw ypi tehtrh steoh enc acolo uurretr pt wraenistdeh nimnta atitilhv aee Statement filed with the TO ALL INTERESTED PER- ness name statement must be filed statement expires five years from the PERSONS: Petitioner YOLAN- hearing to show cause why the pe- later of either (1) four months from County Clerk of San Bernardino on SONS: Petitioner Richard Orlando before that time. The filing of this date it was filed in the office of the DA MARQUEZ has filed a pe- tition should not be granted. If no the date of first issuance of letters to 01/29/2016. Mc Intee Jr filed a petition with the statement does not of itself authorize county clerk. A new fictitious busi- tition with the clerk of this court written objection is timely filed, the a general personal representative, as I hereby certify that this copy is clerk of this court for a decree chang- the use in this state of a fictitious ness name statement must be filed for a decree changing names as court may grant the petition without defined in section 58(b) of the Cali- amn aecrnodtri rnoeocn Ct fioclouepn ytiyn o Cmf lteyhr keo fBofiryci:ge/i DnSeaapln us ttByateer-- iJnr g nRatomic ehs a raRds i fsohOlalorrdlwa sn:Hdoa sauMnc AImnatedei broiurg schiotnsme osmsf oannna olmtahwee r( isunen ed vSeireo clfaetitdoioenrn a1 l4,o 4fs1 t1att heeet, bsthteaeft oeurmes eet nhitan dt ottheimsis n eos. tta Tothef e i tosfife lliafn agfiu ctohtfiot irtohiuziess folloIwSAs:BELLA ROSE SER- a heaNDriAOngTT.EIC: E05 O/0F2 /H2E01A6RING ffdoreorlnmivi eat rhPye r todoba yateote uo Cfo fmo ada eni,lo itonirgc e(o 2ur) n p6de0er rs dosaenycas-l Notice-This fictitious name [and] seq., Business and Professions Code). business name in violation of the RANO to ELENA MA- TIME: 8:30 A.M tion 9052 of the California Probate statement expires five years from the Azariah Sareestorm Mc Intee- Published in the San Bernardi- rights of another under federal, state, RIE SERRANO Department: R-9 Code. Other California statutes and date it was filed in the office of the Amadi to Azariah Sareestorm no County Sentinel 3/4, 3/11, 3/18 or common law (see Section 14411 et [and] The address of the court is SU- legal authority may affect your rights county clerk. A new fictitious busi- Amadi & 3/25, 2016. seq., Business and Professions Code). IVAN ANTONIO SERRA- PERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA as a creditor. You may want to con- nbsteeafstose rmen eatnmhta edt ostetiams tneeom. t Teonhft e i tmsfieullifsn tag u btoehf o firtlhiezides aapllp peea rrT sboHenEfso riCen OttehUriesRs tTceo du OrinRt aDtth EitshR eSm haetthatearr-t F TBhNe 2f0o1l6lo0w0i0n2g5 4e5ntity is doing n&o 3C/2 o5Pu,u n2bt0yli1 s6Sh.eendt iinne tl h e S3/a4n, B3/e1r1n, a3r/d1i8- NSEOR R AtoN O ERIC ANTONIO CRTROAIUNCNCTHT YO8 3O0F3C USHACANAV MBEEONRN NGAAAVR EDNDINUISOE- sithnu elCt fiawlleiift ohk reanpnita a bLtyta owtrhn.e eY yco ouku yIlf ee dyxgoaeuma aibnrleee the use in this state of a fictitious ing indicated below to show cause, business as: THE COURT ORDERS RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA a person interested in the estate, you business name in violation of the if any, why the petition for change PISTACHE BAKERY [and] FBN 20160002559 that all persons interested in 91730. may file with the court a Request for rights of another under federal, state, of name should not be granted. Any SEA OF SWEET 9950 FOOTHILL The following entity is doing this matter appear before this IT IS FURTHER ORDERED Special Notice (form DE-154) of the or common law (see Section 14411 et person objecting to the name changes BLVD. SUITE E RANCHO CU- business as: court at the hearing indicated that a copy of this order be pub- filing of an inventory and appraisal sneoq C., oBPuuunsbtiylni esShsesen dat niindne Plt hr oe f 2eSs/a2sni6 o,B n3es/ r4Cn,o a3dr/de1i)1-. dobesjeccrtibioend tahbaotv ein cmluudste sfi lteh ea rwearistotenns CDCATE RMAOR NAGNAC8,9 H6CO2A 9C1W7U3CE0A STMGBEORONORGOGAKE, 1T7O1,4 HCNAO. A R9RI2ZR3O7O6NW MHPAELRAUIDSM OABVLI NED G R CIAOCLRO-- bwehlyo wt heto p esthiotiwon cfaours ec,h ainf gea noyf, lCisOhUedN iTnY T HSEE NSTAINN EBLE RinN ASRanD IBNeOr- oasecf ccetosiuotannt te 1a 2as5 sps0re.o tAsv i odRre edoq fiu nae nsPtyr ofpobera ttiSetip oCenco idoaerl Friday, March 11, 2016 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 10 Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Notice form is available from the rights of another under federal, state, statement expires five years from the statement becomes Public Record statement becomes Public Record information in this statement is true This business is conducted by court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: or common law (see Section 14411 et date it was filed in the office of the upon filing. upon filing. and correct. A registrant who de- an: INDIVIDUAL. JAMES BANKS Address: 10788 seq., Business and Professions Code). county clerk. A new fictitious busi- s/ CHANTAL L SHAMMA s/ BROOKE CARDONA clares as true information which he The registrant commenced to CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO Published in the San Bernardi- ness name statement must be filed Statement filed with the Statement filed with the or she knows to be false is guilty of transact business under the fictitious CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 Tele- no County Sentinel 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 before that time. The filing of this County Clerk of San Bernardino on County Clerk of San Bernardino on a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also business name or names listed above phone: (909) 980-0677 & 4/1, 2016. statement does not of itself authorize 2/08/2016 2/09/2016 aware that all information on this on: N/A Published in the San Bernardino the use in this state of a fictitious I hereby certify that this copy is I hereby certify that this copy is statement becomes Public Record By signing, I declare that all County Sentinel 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 & business name in violation of the a correct copy of the original state- a correct copy of the original state- upon filing. information in this statement is true 4/01, 2016. FBN 20160002636 rights of another under federal, state, ment on file in my office San Ber- ment on file in my office San Ber- s/ VANESSA SANABRIA and correct. A registrant who de- The following entity is doing or common law (see Section 14411 et nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy Statement filed with the clares as true information which he business as: seq., Business and Professions Code). Notice-This fictitious name Notice-This fictitious name County Clerk of San Bernardino on or she knows to be false is guilty of MAYER AND WILLIAMS Published in the San Bernardi- statement expires five years from the statement expires five years from the 2/09/2016 a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also SUMMONS EVENT SOLUTIONS 10808 FOOT- no County Sentinel 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 date it was filed in the office of the date it was filed in the office of the I hereby certify that this copy is aware that all information on this Case Number: 15K09172 HILL BLVD SUITE 160-441 RAN- & 4/1, 2016. county clerk. A new fictitious busi- county clerk. A new fictitious busi- a correct copy of the original state- statement becomes Public Record CHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 ness name statement must be filed ness name statement must be filed ment on file in my office San Ber- upon filing. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: NICOLE WILLIAMS 6544 before that time. The filing of this before that time. The filing of this nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy s/ BERNADETTE L BALD- Monica Arreola ARABIS PLACE RANCHO CU- statement does not of itself authorize statement does not of itself authorize Notice-This fictitious name WIN ARE BEING SUED BY CAMONGA, CA 91739 the use in this state of a fictitious the use in this state of a fictitious statement expires five years from the Statement filed with the County PLAINTIFF: Pacific Bell Telephone [and] FBN 20160002912 business name in violation of the business name in violation of the date it was filed in the office of the Clerk of San Bernardino on 2/10/2016 Company. XOCHITL SMITH 11749 The following entity is doing rights of another under federal, state, rights of another under federal, state, county clerk. A new fictitious busi- I hereby certify that this copy is Notice: You have been sued. The MOUNT GUNNISON COURT business as: or common law (see Section 14400 et or common law (see Section 14400 et ness name statement must be filed a correct copy of the original state- court may decide against you without RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA HERAMOTO 280 N. BENSON seq., Business and Professions Code). seq., Business and Professions Code). before that time. The filing of this ment on file in my office San Ber- your being heard unless you respond 91737 AVE, SUITE 4 UPLAND, CA 91786 Published in the San Bernardi- Published in the San Bernardi- statement does not of itself authorize nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy within 30 days. Read the information This business is conducted by: A CHUNGYU CHOU 2936 GRAY- no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, the use in this state of a fictitious Notice-This fictitious name below. AVISO! Usted ha sido de- GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. BURN STREET POMONA, CA 3/11, 2016. 3/11, 2016. business name in violation of the statement expires five years from the mandado. El Tribunal puede decidir The registrant commenced to 91767 rights of another under federal, state, date it was filed in the office of the contra Ud. sin audiencia a menos que transact business under the fictitious This business is conducted by: FBN 20160001494 or common law (see Section 14400 et county clerk. A new fictitious busi- Ud. responda dentro de 30 dias. Lea business name or names listed above AN INDIVDUAL. The following person is do- FBN 20160001531 seq., Business and Professions Code). ness name statement must be filed la informacion que sigue. on: N/A. The registrant commenced to ing business as: HAYWARD The following person is doing Published in the San Bernardi- before that time. The filing of this SUMMONS By signing, I declare that all transact business under the fictitious ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULT- business as: MOUNTAIN HIGH no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, statement does not of itself authorize Case Number: 15K09172 information in this statement is true business name or names listed above ING (HEC), 10808 FOOTHILL WATER STORE, 1128 W. MISSION 3/11, 2016. the use in this state of a fictitious NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: and correct. A registrant who de- on: N/A. BLVD, STE 160-524 RANCHO BLVD UINT. E ONTARIO, CA business name in violation of the Monica Arreola, Does 1 to 10. YOU clares as true information which he By signing, I declare that all CUCAMONGA, CA 91730, ROB- 91762, RENE D MONTERROSO, rights of another under federal, state, ARE BEING SUED BY PLAIN- or she knows to be false is guilty of information in this statement is true ERT L HAYWARD, 8993 PECAN 1128 W. MISSION BLVD UINT. E FBN 20160001562 or common law (see Section 14400 et TIFF: Pacific Bell Telephone Com- a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also and correct. A registrant who de- CT RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA ONTARIO, CA 91762, AUDELINA The following person is doing seq., Business and Professions Code). pany. NOTICE: You have been sued. aware that all information on this clares as true information which he 91730 D MONTERROSO, 1128 W. MIS- business as: ALPHA OMEGA RES- Published in the San Bernardi- The court may decide against you statement becomes Public Record or she knows to be false is guilty of This business is conducted by SION BLVD UINT. E ONTARIO, TAURANT SOLUTIONS, [AND] no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, without your being heard unless upon filing. a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also an: INDIVIDUAL. CA 91762 ALPHA OMEGA FRANCHISE 3/11, 2016. you respond within 30 days. Read s/ XOCHITL SMITH aware that all information on this The registrant commenced to This business is conducted by SOLUTIONS, 8162 TAPIA VIA the information below. You have 30 Statement filed with the statement becomes Public Record transact business under the fictitious an: MARRIED COUPLE. DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALENDAR DAYS after this sum- County Clerk of San Bernardino on upon filing. business name or names listed above The registrant commenced to CA 91730, ALPHA OMEGA HOME FBN 20160001598 mons and legal papers are served on 3/04/2016. s/ Chung Yu Chou on: N/A transact business under the fictitious AND BUSINESS COMPUTER The following person is do- you to file a written response at this I hereby certify that this copy is Statement filed with the By signing, I declare that all business name or names listed above SERVICE,LLC, 8162 TAPIA ing business as: PURE ELITE PET court and have a copy served on the a correct copy of the original state- County Clerk of San Bernardino on information in this statement is true on: N/A DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, SPA, 2178 N LUGO AVE SAN BER- plaintiff. A letter or phone call will ment on file in my office San Ber- 3/10/2016. and correct. A registrant who de- By signing, I declare that all CA 91730 NARDINO, CA 92405, AMANDA S not protect you. Your written re- nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy I hereby certify that this copy is clares as true information which he information in this statement is true This business is conducted by THOMAS, 479 W 18TH ST APT A sponse must be in proper legal form Notice-This fictitious name a correct copy of the original state- or she knows to be false is guilty of and correct. A registrant who de- an: LIMITED LIABILITY COM- SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92405 if you want the court to hear your statement expires five years from the ment on file in my office San Ber- a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also clares as true information which he PANY. This business is conducted by case. There may be a court form date it was filed in the office of the nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy aware that all information on this or she knows to be false is guilty of The registrant commenced to an: INDIVIDUAL. that you can use for your response. county clerk. A new fictitious busi- Notice-This fictitious name statement becomes Public Record a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also transact business under the fictitious The registrant commenced to You can find these court forms and ness name statement must be filed statement expires five years from the upon filing. aware that all information on this business name or names listed above transact business under the fictitious more information at the California before that time. The filing of this date it was filed in the office of the s/ ROBERT L HAYWARD statement becomes Public Record on: 07/28/2009 business name or names listed above Courts Online Self-Help Center statement does not of itself authorize county clerk. A new fictitious busi- Statement filed with the upon filing. By signing, I declare that all on: N/A (, the use in this state of a fictitious ness name statement must be filed County Clerk of San Bernardino on s/ RENE D MONTERROSO information in this statement is true By signing, I declare that all your county law library, or the court- business name in violation of the before that time. The filing of this 2/08/2016 Statement filed with the and correct. A registrant who de- information in this statement is true house nearest you. If you cannot pay rights of another under federal, state, statement does not of itself authorize I hereby certify that this copy is County Clerk of San Bernardino on clares as true information which he and correct. A registrant who de- the filing fee, ask the court clerk for or common law (see Section 14411 et the use in this state of a fictitious a correct copy of the original state- 2/09/2016 or she knows to be false is guilty of clares as true information which he a fee waiver form. If you do not file seq., Business and Professions Code). business name in violation of the ment on file in my office San Ber- I hereby certify that this copy is a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also or she knows to be false is guilty of your response on time, you may lose Published in the San Bernardi- rights of another under federal, state, nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy a correct copy of the original state- aware that all information on this a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also the case by default, and your wages, no County Sentinel 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 or common law (see Section 14411 et Notice-This fictitious name ment on file in my office San Ber- statement becomes Public Record aware that all information on this money and property may be taken & 4/1, 2016. seq., Business and Professions Code). statement expires five years from the nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy upon filing. statement becomes Public Record without further warning from the Published in the San Bernardi- date it was filed in the office of the Notice-This fictitious name s/ OSVALDO F. GARCIA upon filing. court. There are other legal require- FBN 20160002409 no County Sentinel 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 county clerk. A new fictitious busi- statement expires five years from the Statement filed with the s/ AMANDA S THOMAS ments. You may want to call an attor- The following entity is doing & 4/1, 2016. ness name statement must be filed date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk of San Bernardino on Statement filed with the County ney right away. If you do not know business as: before that time. The filing of this county clerk. A new fictitious busi- 2/09/2016 Clerk of San Bernardino on 2/10/2016 an attorney, you may want to call an EL PATRON AUTHENTIC statement does not of itself authorize ness name statement must be filed I hereby certify that this copy is I hereby certify that this copy is attorney referral service. If you can- MEXICAN FOOD 9269 UTICA AV the use in this state of a fictitious before that time. The filing of this a correct copy of the original state- a correct copy of the original state- not afford an attorney, you may be STE 155 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, business name in violation of the statement does not of itself authorize ment on file in my office San Ber- ment on file in my office San Ber- eligible for free legal services from CA 91730 EL PATRON RESTAU- rights of another under federal, state, the use in this state of a fictitious nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy a nonprofit legal services program. RANT LLC 1441 N 2ND AVE. UP- FBN 20160001476 or common law (see Section 14400 et business name in violation of the Notice-This fictitious name Notice-This fictitious name You can locate these nonprofit groups LAND, CA 91786 The following person is do- seq., Business and Professions Code). rights of another under federal, state, statement expires five years from the statement expires five years from the at the California Legal Services Web This business is conducted by: A ing business as: THE ALLEY CAT Published in the San Bernardi- or common law (see Section 14400 et date it was filed in the office of the date it was filed in the office of the site (, LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. GROOM SHACK MONTCLAIR, no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, seq., Business and Professions Code). county clerk. A new fictitious busi- county clerk. A new fictitious busi- the California Courts Online Self- The registrant commenced to 2081 E MONTCLAIR PLAZA LN 3/11, 2016. Published in the San Bernardi- ness name statement must be filed ness name statement must be filed Help Center ( transact business under the fictitious MONTCLAIR, CA 91763, ROBERT no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, before that time. The filing of this before that time. The filing of this selfhelp) or by contacting your lo- business name or names listed above E ALVARADO, 12125 DAY ST 3/11, 2016. statement does not of itself authorize statement does not of itself authorize cal court or county bar association. on: 9/01/2015. SUITE K405 MORENO VALLEY, FBN 20160001503 the use in this state of a fictitious the use in this state of a fictitious NOTE: The court has a statutory By signing, I declare that all CA 92557, [AND] JOSE F VALA- The following person is doing business name in violation of the business name in violation of the lien for waived fees and costs on any information in this statement is true DEZ, 12125 DAY ST SUITE K405 business as: THE LAB 909, 22463 FBN 20160001537 rights of another under federal, state, rights of another under federal, state, settlement or arbitration award of and correct. A registrant who de- MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 VAN BUREN ST. GRAND TER- The following person is doing or common law (see Section 14400 et or common law (see Section 14400 et $10,000 or more in a civil case. The clares as true information which he This business is conducted by RACE, CA 92313, TERRANCE R business as: GREYSTONE LAW seq., Business and Professions Code). seq., Business and Professions Code). court’s lien must be paid before the or she knows to be false is guilty of an: GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. SMALLS, 22463 VAN BUREN ST. CENTER, 5370 SCHAEFER AVE. Published in the San Bernardi- Published in the San Bernardi- court will dismiss the case. The name a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also The registrant commenced to GRAND TERRACE, CA 92313 SUITE B CHINO, CA 91710, POW- no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, and address of the court is: Superior aware that all information on this transact business under the fictitious This business is conducted by ER GRADE, INC. WHICH WILL 3/11, 2016. 3/11, 2016. Court of California, County of Los statement becomes Public Record business name or names listed above an: INDIVIDUAL. DO BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA Angeles, Central District Stanley upon filing. on: N/A The registrant commenced to AS LEGAL NE, 1215 11TH AVE Mosk Courthouse, 111 N. Hill Street, s/ RAUL MANCILLA By signing, I declare that all transact business under the fictitious HELENA, MT 59601 FBN 20160001571 FBN 20160001606 Los Angeles, CA 90012. The name, Statement filed with the information in this statement is true business name or names listed above This business is conducted by The following person is doing The following person is doing address and telephone number of County Clerk of San Bernardino on and correct. A registrant who de- on: N/A an: CORPORATION. business as: WEHRLY PRODUCTS, business as: THE REAL XPRESS, plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff 3/01/2016. clares as true information which he By signing, I declare that all The registrant commenced to 1908 E LA DENEY CT ONTARIO, 3801 QUARTZITE LN SAN BER- without an attorney is: J. Sal Munoz I hereby certify that this copy is or she knows to be false is guilty of information in this statement is true transact business under the fictitious CA 91764, EDGAR PORTILLO, NARDINO, CA 92407, ENOH S 43405 Corte Almeria, Temecula, CA a correct copy of the original state- a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also and correct. A registrant who de- business name or names listed above 1908 E LA DENEY CT ONTARIO, UDOFFIA, 3801 QUARTZITE LN 92592 Phone No.: 360-866-0298. ment on file in my office San Ber- aware that all information on this clares as true information which he on: N/A CA 91764 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92407 Date: Jul 27, 2015 (SEAL) SHERRI nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy statement becomes Public Record or she knows to be false is guilty of By signing, I declare that all This business is conducted by This business is conducted by R. CARTER, Clerk, by , Deputy Notice-This fictitious name upon filing. a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also information in this statement is true an: INDIVIDUAL. an: INDIVIDUAL. CANDICE CALAGNA. statement expires five years from the s/ JOSE F VALADEZ aware that all information on this and correct. A registrant who de- The registrant commenced to The registrant commenced to Published in the San Bernardino date it was filed in the office of the Statement filed with the statement becomes Public Record clares as true information which he transact business under the fictitious transact business under the fictitious County Sentinel 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 county clerk. A new fictitious busi- County Clerk of San Bernardino on upon filing. or she knows to be false is guilty of business name or names listed above business name or names listed above & 4/1, 2016. ness name statement must be filed 2/08/2016 s/ TERRANCE R SMALLS a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also on: 07/13/2015 on: N/A before that time. The filing of this I hereby certify that this copy is Statement filed with the aware that all information on this By signing, I declare that all By signing, I declare that all statement does not of itself authorize a correct copy of the original state- County Clerk of San Bernardino on statement becomes Public Record information in this statement is true information in this statement is true FBN 20160002687 the use in this state of a fictitious ment on file in my office San Ber- 2/08/2016 upon filing. and correct. A registrant who de- and correct. A registrant who de- The following entity is doing business name in violation of the nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy I hereby certify that this copy is s/ BRIAN SUDER clares as true information which he clares as true information which he business as: rights of another under federal, state, Notice-This fictitious name a correct copy of the original state- Statement filed with the or she knows to be false is guilty of or she knows to be false is guilty of 113FM RADIO NETWORK or common law (see Section 14411 et statement expires five years from the ment on file in my office San Ber- County Clerk of San Bernardino on a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also 1916 ORANGE TREE LN STE 450B seq., Business and Professions Code). date it was filed in the office of the nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy 2/09/2016 aware that all information on this aware that all information on this REDLANDS, CA 92374 - 4511 STE- Published in the San Bernardi- county clerk. A new fictitious busi- Notice-This fictitious name I hereby certify that this copy is statement becomes Public Record statement becomes Public Record PHEN C HEROLD 1601 BARTON no County Sentinel 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 ness name statement must be filed statement expires five years from the a correct copy of the original state- upon filing. upon filing. RD APT 3710 REDLANDS, CA & 4/1, 2016. before that time. The filing of this date it was filed in the office of the ment on file in my office San Ber- s/ EDGAR PORTILLO s/ ENOH S UDOFFIA 92373 statement does not of itself authorize county clerk. A new fictitious busi- nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy Statement filed with the Statement filed with the County This business is conducted by: FBN 20160002425 the use in this state of a fictitious ness name statement must be filed Notice-This fictitious name County Clerk of San Bernardino on Clerk of San Bernardino on 2/10/2016 AN INDIVIDUAL. The following entity is doing business name in violation of the before that time. The filing of this statement expires five years from the 2/09/2016 I hereby certify that this copy is The registrant commenced to business as: rights of another under federal, state, statement does not of itself authorize date it was filed in the office of the I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original state- transact business under the fictitious F Z K TRUCKING 9644 CAL- or common law (see Section 14400 et the use in this state of a fictitious county clerk. A new fictitious busi- a correct copy of the original state- ment on file in my office San Ber- business name or names listed above LE VEJAR RANCHO CUCAMON- seq., Business and Professions Code). business name in violation of the ness name statement must be filed ment on file in my office San Ber- nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy on: N/A. GA, CA 91730 FARHAT Z KHAWA- Published in the San Bernardi- rights of another under federal, state, before that time. The filing of this nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy Notice-This fictitious name By signing, I declare that all JA 9644 CALLE VEJAR RANCHO no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, or common law (see Section 14400 et statement does not of itself authorize Notice-This fictitious name statement expires five years from the information in this statement is true CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 3/11, 2016. seq., Business and Professions Code). the use in this state of a fictitious statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the and correct. A registrant who de- This business is conducted by: Published in the San Bernardi- business name in violation of the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious busi- clares as true information which he AN INDIVDUAL. no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, rights of another under federal, state, county clerk. A new fictitious busi- ness name statement must be filed or she knows to be false is guilty of The registrant commenced to FBN 20160001478 3/11, 2016. or common law (see Section 14400 et ness name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also transact business under the fictitious The following person is doing seq., Business and Professions Code). before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize aware that all information on this business name or names listed above business as: MOTHRA BEAUTY Published in the San Bernardi- statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious statement becomes Public Record on: N/A. PARLOR, 1436 INDUSTRIAL FBN 20160001528 no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the upon filing. By signing, I declare that all PARK AVE SUITE 9 REDLANDS, The following person is doing 3/11, 2016. business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, s/ Stephen C Herold information in this statement is true CA 92374, CHANTAL L SHAM- business as: BROOKE’S BAKERY, rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14400 et Statement filed with the and correct. A registrant who de- MA, 1436 INDUSTRIAL PARK 7181 ARCATA ST. FONTANA, CA or common law (see Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professions Code). County Clerk of San Bernardino on clares as true information which he AVE SUITE 9 REDLANDS, CA 92336, BROOKE CARDONA, 7181 FBN 20160001538 seq., Business and Professions Code). Published in the San Bernardi- 3/07/2016. or she knows to be false is guilty of 92374 ARCATA ST. FONTANA, CA 92336 The following person is do- Published in the San Bernardi- no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, I hereby certify that this copy is a crime (B&P Code 17913). I am also This business is conducted by This business is conducted by ing business as: SIMPLY DOGLI- no County Sentinel 2/19, 2/26, 3/4, 3/11, 2016. a correct copy of the original state- aware that all information on this an: INDIVIDUAL. an: INDIVIDUAL. CIOUS, 7945 CAMBRIDGE AVE 3/11, 2016. ment on file in my office San Ber- statement becomes Public Record The registrant commenced to The registrant commenced to RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy upon filing. transact business under the fictitious transact business under the fictitious 91730, VANESSA SANABRIA, FBN 20160001613 Notice-This fictitious name s/ FARHAT KHAWAJA business name or names listed above business name or names listed above 7945 CAMBRIDGE AVE RANCHO The following person is doing statement expires five years from the Statement filed with the on: N/A on: N/A CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 FBN 20160001597 business as: KIRBY CONSTRUC- date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk of San Bernardino on By signing, I declare that all By signing, I declare that all This business is conducted by The following person is doing TION AND WELDING, 12004 SILI- county clerk. A new fictitious busi- 3/01/2016. information in this statement is true information in this statement is true an: INDIVIDUAL. business as: MY GIRLFRIENDS CON AVENUE CHINO, CA 91710, ness name statement must be filed I hereby certify that this copy is and correct. A registrant who de- and correct. A registrant who de- The registrant commenced to PLACE, 1251 E. LUGONIA AVE EDWARD A KIRBY, 12004 SILI- before that time. The filing of this a correct copy of the original state- clares as true information which he clares as true information which he transact business under the fictitious SPACE #9 REDLANDS, CA 92374, CON AVENUE CHINO, CA 91710 statement does not of itself authorize ment on file in my office San Ber- or she knows to be false is guilty of or she knows to be false is guilty of business name or names listed above BERNADETTE L BALDWIN, 1251 This business is conducted by the use in this state of a fictitious nardino County Clerk By:/Deputy a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also on: N/A E. LUGONIA AVE SPACE #9 RED- an: INDIVIDUAL. business name in violation of the Notice-This fictitious name aware that all information on this aware that all information on this By signing, I declare that all LANDS, CA 92374 The registrant commenced to