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Preview Sensitivity of polar stratospheric cloud formation to changes in water vapour and temperature

Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,101–121,2016 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/101/2016/ doi:10.5194/acp-16-101-2016 ©Author(s)2016.CCAttribution3.0License. Sensitivity of polar stratospheric cloud formation to changes in water vapour and temperature F.Khosrawi1,a,J.Urban2,†,S.Lossow3,G.Stiller3,K.Weigel4,P.Braesicke3,M.C.Pitts5,A.Rozanov4, J.P.Burrows4,andD.Murtagh2 1DepartmentofMeteorology,StockholmUniversity,Stockholm,Sweden 2DepartmentofEarthandSpaceScience,ChalmersUniversityofTechnology,Gothenburg,Sweden 3InstituteofMeteorologyandClimateResearch,KarlsruheInstituteofTechnology,Karlsruhe,Germany 4InstituteofEnvironmentalPhysics,UniversityofBremen,Bremen,Germany 5NASALangleyResearchCenter,Hampton,USA anowat:InstituteofMeteorologyandClimateResearch,KarlsruheInstituteofTechnology,Karlsruhe,Germany †deceased,14August2014 Correspondenceto:F.Khosrawi([email protected]) Received:9March2015–PublishedinAtmos.Chem.Phys.Discuss.:1July2015 Revised:10December2015–Accepted:15December2015–Published:15January2016 Abstract. More than a decade ago it was suggested that in the tropics. Performing linear regression analyses we de- acoolingofstratospherictemperaturesby1Koranincrease rive from the Envisat/MIPAS (2002–2012) and Aura/MLS of1ppmvofstratosphericwatervapourcouldpromoteden- (2004–2014)observationspredominantlypositivechangesin itrification,thepermanentremovalofnitrogenspeciesfrom the potential temperature range 350 to 1000K. The linear thestratospherebysolidpolarstratosphericcloud(PSC)par- changesinwatervapourderivedfromEnvisat/MIPASobser- ticles. In fact, during the two Arctic winters 2009/10 and vationsarelargelyinsignificant,whilethosefromAura/MLS 2010/11 the strongest denitrification in the recent decade are mostly significant. For the temperature neither of the was observed. Sensitivity studies along air parcel trajecto- two instruments indicate any significant changes. Given the ries are performed to test how a future stratospheric wa- strong inter-annual variation observed in water vapour and ter vapour (H O) increase of 1ppmv or a temperature de- particular temperature the severe denitrification observed in 2 crease of 1K would affect PSC formation. We perform our 2010/11 cannot be directly related to any changes in water studybasedonmeasurementsmadeduringtheArcticwinter vapourandtemperaturesincethemillennium.However,the 2010/11.Airparceltrajectorieswerecalculated6daysback- observations indicate a clear correlation between cold win- ward in time based on PSCs detected by CALIPSO (Cloud tersandenhancedwatervapourmixingratios.Thisindicates AerosolLidarandInfraredPathfindersatelliteobservations). aconnectionbetweendynamicalandradiativeprocessesthat The sensitivity study was performed on single trajectories govern water vapour and temperature in the Arctic lower as well as on a trajectory ensemble. The sensitivity study stratosphere. shows a clear prolongation of the potential for PSC forma- tion and PSC existence when the temperature in the strato- sphereisdecreasedby1Kandwatervapourisincreasedby 1ppmv.Basedon15yearsofsatellitemeasurements(2000– 1 Introduction 2014) from UARS/HALOE, Envisat/MIPAS, Odin/SMR, Aura/MLS, Envisat/SCIAMACHY and SCISAT/ACE-FTS Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) form in the polar winter it is further investigated if there is a decrease in tempera- stratosphere at altitudes between 15 to 30km. PSCs consist ture and/or increase of water vapour (H O) observed in the of liquid and solid particles and have been classified into 2 polar regions similar to that observed at midlatitudes and three different types based on their composition and physi- calstate:(1)supercooledternarysolutions(STS),(2)Nitric PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. 102 F.Khosrawietal.:SensitivityofPSCstoH Oandtemperaturechanges 2 AcidTrihydrate(NAT)and(3)ice.TheformationofPSCsis that very large ozone losses will occur more frequently in stronglytemperaturedependent.LiquidPSCcloudparticles the future in the Arctic and that the recovery of the ozone (STS)formbythecondensationofwatervapour(H O)and layerwillbedelayedbymorethanadecadeduetoincreased 2 nitric acid (HNO ) on the liquid stratospheric background greenhousegasconcentrations(e.g.Austinetal.,1992;Shin- 3 sulfate aerosol particles at temperatures 2–3K below the delletal.,1998;Eyringetal.,2010;SPARCCCMVal,2010). NAT existence temperature T (∼195K at 20km) while Water vapour is one of the most important greenhouse NAT for the formation of solid cloud particles (ice) much lower gases and plays a key role in the chemistry and radia- temperaturesarerequired,usually3–4Kbelowtheicefrost tive balance of the upper troposphere and lower strato- pointT (∼185Kat20km)(e.g.Carslawetal.,1994;Koop sphere (UT/LS). Several studies have been performed in ice et al., 1995). The formation of the liquid STS particles is the past investigating stratospheric water vapour trends us- quite well understood, however, the exact formation mech- ing in situ and remote-sensing measurements (e.g. Oltmans anism of NAT and ice PSC particles still leaves some unre- et al., 2000; Rosenlof et al., 2001; Hurst et al., 2011; solvedquestionsandisstillanactiveareaofresearch. Hegglin et al., 2014). Rosenlof et al. (2001) combined 10 Progress in understanding PSC particle formation pro- data sets covering the time period 1954–2000 and found a cesseshasbeenmaderecentlyintheframeoftheEuropean 1%yr−1 (0.054ppmvyr−1) increase in lower stratospheric project RECONCILE (Reconciliation of essential process watervapourin themid-latitudes.Long-termballoon-borne parameters for an enhanced predictability of Arctic strato- measurementsatBoulder,Colorado(40◦N/105◦W)indicate spheric ozone loss and its climate interactions) (von Hobe anincreaseoflowerstratosphericwatervapourabundances, etal.,2013).Forexample,CALIPSOmeasurementsforthe onaverageby1ppmv,duringthelast30years(1980–2010) Arcticwinter2009/10presentedbyPittsetal.(2011)showed (Scherer et al., 2008; Hurst et al., 2011). Recently, Hegglin thatwidespreadNATformationoccurred,albeitinlownum- et al. (2014) analysed a merged satellite time series span- ber densities, before ice clouds had been formed at tem- ning from the late 1980s to 2010, which did not confirm peratures well above T . Further, lidar measurements per- the findings from the Boulder data set, arguing the repre- ice formed during recent years have also indicated that there sentativeness of these data on a larger spatial scale. In the must be a formation mechanism for NAT PSCs above the lowerstratospherenegativechangesweredominating,while ice frost point T without ice particles necessarily serving positive changes were found only in the upper part of the ice asanucleationkernelforNATparticles.UntiltheRECON- stratosphere. The decrease in the lower stratosphere was at- CILE project, the only known pathway to form NAT was tributed to a strengthened lower stratospheric circulation. A through heterogeneous nucleation on ice particles, forming decisiverolehereplayedapronounceddropinwatervapour NATcloudsdownstreamofmountainwaveiceclouds(Luo in2000(alsoknownasthemillenniumdrop)(Randeletal., etal.,2003;Fueglistaleretal.,2003;Höpfneretal.,2006). 2006;Schereretal.,2008;Solomonetal.,2010;Urbanetal., Heterogeneous nucleation on particles such as meteoric 2012),thatfirststartedtorecoverin2004to2005.Thisdrop smokehasbeensuggestedtobeapotentialpathwayforNAT wascausedbyareducedtransportofwatervapourfromthe formation (Bogdan et al., 2003; Voigt et al., 2005). Hoyle troposphereintothestratosphereinresponsetoacoldertrop- etal.(2013)performedboxmodelsimulationsalongairpar- ical tropopause. The temperature decrease has been due to celtrajectoriesbasedontheobservationsbyCALIPSOmade variationsoftheQBO(quasi-biennialoscillation),ENSO(El duringtheArcticwinter2009/10applyinganewparameteri- NiñoSouthernOscillation)andtheBrewer-Dobsoncircula- sationforheterogeneousNATnucleation,assumingNATfor- tion that collectively acted in the same direction lowering mation on particles as e.g. meteoric smoke. The CALIPSO thetropopausetemperatures.In2011suchadrophappened observationswerewellreproducedbythemodelsimulations again,howevermoreshort-lived(Urbanetal.,2014). applyingthisnewparameterisationthusindicatingthatNAT Dessler et al. (2014) analysed satellite data together with nucleation on other particles than ice is possible. Further, a trajectory model. They did not see any firm evidence of boththemodellingstudybyHoyleetal.(2013)andtheone trends (neither positive nor negative) in the data since the by Engel et al. (2013) using the Zurich Optical and Micro- mid1980s.However,theycannotruleoutthatatrendexists physicalboxModel(ZOMM)showedthatsmall-scaletem- that is just too small to be identified given the large inter- peraturefluctuationsusuallynotrepresentedinmeteorologi- annualandinter-decadalvariability.Gettelmanetal.(2010) caldataneededtobeconsideredtoreproducetheCALIPSO presented model simulations of 18 coupled Chemistry Cli- observations. mateModels(CCMs)inthetropicaltropopauselayer(TTL). Denitrification,thepermanentremovalofHNO bysedi- Themodelssimulatedecreasesinthetropopausepressurein 3 mentingpolarstratosphericcloudparticles,limitsthedeacti- the 21st century, along with ∼1K increases per century in vationprocessoftheozonedestroyingsubstancesinspring- coldpointtemperatureand0.5–1ppmvpercenturyincreases time and thus leads to a prolongation of the ozone destroy- inwatervapourabovethetropicaltropopause. ingcycles.Stratosphericcoolingcausedbyincreasinggreen- Anychangesinatmosphericwatervapourbringimportant house gas concentrations will have significant implications implicationsfortheglobalclimate.Increasesinstratospheric ondenitrificationandozoneloss.Modelsimulationspredict watervapourcoolthestratospherebutwarmthetroposphere. Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,101–121,2016 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/101/2016/ F.Khosrawietal.:SensitivityofPSCstoH Oandtemperaturechanges 103 2 Boththecoolingofthestratosphereandtheincreaseinwa- Chartography (Envisat/SCIAMACHY), the SCISAT Atmo- ter vapour enhance the potential for the formation of polar sphericChemistryExperimentFourierTransformSpectrom- stratosphericclouds.Morethanadecadeagoitwasalready eter (SCISAT/ACE-FTS) and the UARS Halogen Occul- suggestedthatacoolingofstratospherictemperaturesby1K tation Experiment (UARS/HALOE) are used. A short de- oranincreaseof1ppmvofstratosphericwatervapourcould scription of these satellite instruments will follow below. promotedenitrification(Santeeetal.,1995;Tabazadehetal., A detailed intercomparison of water vapour derived from 2000).DuringthetwoArcticwinters2009/10and2010/11, these instruments can be found in Hegglin et al. (2013). the strongest denitrification in the recent decade was ob- Forperformingcasestudiesalongairparceltrajectoriesthat served (Khosrawi et al., 2011, 2012). In the latter winter, are based on PSC measurements we apply measurements denitrificationledalsotosevereozonedepletionwithamag- fromtheCloud-AerosolLidarwithOrthogonalPolarization nitude comparable to the Antarctic “ozone hole” (Manney (CALIOP)onboardofCALIPSO(Cloud-AerosolLidarand etal.,2011;Sinnhuberetal.,2011;Arnoneetal.,2012;Kut- InfraredPathfinderSatelliteObservations). tipurathetal.,2012;Hommeletal.,2014). In this study, the correlation between observed water 2.1 Odin/SMR vapour variability and the recent temperature evolution in the Arctic together with PSC observations are considered Odin/SMR was launched on 20 February 2001 and it ob- to investigate a possible connection between the increase serves the thermal emission of trace gases from the Earth’s in stratospheric water vapour and polar stratospheric cloud limb.Odincarriestwoinstruments,theOpticalSpectrograph formation/denitrification. This study aims at (1) performing and Infrared Imaging System (OSIRIS) (Llewellyn et al., a sensitivity study on how an increase in water vapour and 2004) and the Sub-Millimetre Radiometer (SMR) (Frisk decrease in temperature will affect PSC formation and ex- et al., 2003). Observations by Odin/SMR were performed istence and (2) on assessing the H O variability during the in a time-sharing mode with astronomical observations un- 2 15-yearperiod2000–2014. til 2007 and solely in aeronomy mode thereafter. In aeron- omymode,varioustargetbandsarededicatedtoprofilemea- 1. Asensitivitystudyisperformedtoinvestigatewhatef- surementsoftraceconstituentsrelevanttostratosphericand fect changes in water vapour and temperature (due to mesosphericchemistryanddynamicssuchasO ,ClO,N O, 3 2 atrendorvariability)wouldhaveonPSCformationand HNO , H O, CO, HO and NO, as well as minor isotopo- 3 2 2 occurrence. Therefore, air parcel back trajectories are logues of H O and O (e.g. Murtagh et al., 2002). Strato- 2 3 calculatedaccordingtoPSCobservationsbyCALIPSO sphericmodemeasurementswereperformedeverythirdday during the Arctic winter 2010/11. On the basis of this until April 2007 and every other day thereafter. A typical trajectory ensemblethe increasein time theair parcels stratospheric mode scan covers the altitude range from 7 to would be exposed to temperatures below TNAT or Tice 70km with a resolution of ∼1.5km in terms of tangent al- alongthetrajectoriesareconsideredforawatervapour titudebelow50kmandof∼5.5kmabove.Usually,thelat- increaseofupto1ppmvandatemperaturedecreaseof ituderangebetween82.5◦Sand82.5◦Nisobserved(Urban upto1Kinthestratosphere. etal.,2005b,a).Watervapourmeasurementsarederivedby Odin/SMR in several different bands in the sub-millimetre 2. Measurementsfromseveraldifferentsatellitestogether range. Here, level-2 data from the 544.6GHz band of ver- with temperatures from ECMWF are used to inves- sion 2.0 for the lower stratosphere are used (Urban et al., tigate water vapour trends and variability in the po- 2007,2012;Urban,2008). lar stratosphere. So far trend studies in stratospheric water vapour have focused on the tropics and mid- 2.2 Aura/MLS latitudes. Here, for the first time such an analysis has beenperformedforthepolarstratosphere.Weusesatel- MLS on board Aura is part of the NASA/ESA “A-train” litemeasurementsthatwerederivedforthe15-yearpe- satelliteconstellation.MLSwaslaunchedinJuly2004andis riod2000–2014. anadvancedsuccessoroftheMLSinstrumentontheUpper AtmosphereResearchSatellite(UARS)thatwaslaunchedin 2 Satellitedata 1991andprovidedmeasurementsuntil1999.MLSisalimb sounding instrument that measures the thermal emission at To investigate a possible water vapour trend as well as millimetre and sub-millimetre wavelengths using seven ra- water vapour variability in the polar lower stratosphere, diometerstocoverfivebroadspectralregions(Watersetal., satellite observations of water vapour from the Odin Sub- 2006). Measurements are performed from the surface to Millimetre Radiometer (Odin/SMR), the Aura Microwave 90km with a global latitude coverage from 82◦S to 82◦N. LimbSounder(Aura/MLS),theEnvisatMichelsonInterfer- Global water vapour measurements are derived from a line ometer for Passive Soundings (Envisat/MIPAS), the Scan- close to the 183GHz band (Lambert et al., 2007). Version ning Imaging Absorption spectrometer for Atmospheric 3.3dataisusedinthisstudy(Hurstetal.,2014). www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/101/2016/ Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,101–121,2016 104 F.Khosrawietal.:SensitivityofPSCstoH Oandtemperaturechanges 2 2.3 Envisat/MIPAS 2.5 SCISAT/ACE-FTS MIPAS is a middle infrared Fourier transform spectrometer TheACEmissionwaslaunchedon12August2003on-board and was launched in March 2002 on board Envisat. MIPAS theSCISATsatellite.SCISATisaCanadian-ledsatellitemis- wasoperationaluntilthesuddenlossofcontactwithEnvisat sionandcarriestwoinstruments,theACEFourierTransform on 8 April 2012. MIPAS measured the atmospheric emis- Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) and the Measurement of Aerosol sion spectrum in the limb sounding geometry. MIPAS op- ExtinctionintheStratosphereandTroposphereRetrievedby erated in its nominal observation mode from June 2002 to Occultation(ACE-MAESTRO).ACE-FTSisasolarocculta- March2004,thusapproximately2years.Measurementsdur- tioninstrumentandhasbeenprovidingmeasurementssince ingthistimeperiodwereperformedinitsfullspectralresolu- 2004 (Bernath et al., 2005). Measurements are performed tionmeasurementmodewithadesignatedspectralresolution duringsunriseandsunset(resultingin15sunriseand15sun- of 0.035cm−1. Measurementswere performedcovering the setmeasurementsperday).Aseasonallyvaryingcoverageof altitude range from the mesosphere to the troposphere with theglobeisprovided,withanemphasisonmid-latitudesand a high vertical resolution (about 3km in the stratosphere). thepolarregions.TheACE-FTSmeasurementsprovidever- After a failure of the interferometer slide at the end of tical profiles of more than 30 atmospheric species as well March2004,MIPASresumedmeasurementsinJanuary2005 as temperature and pressure. The 14 baseline atmospheric withareducedspectralresolutionof0.0625cm−1,butwith species measured by ACE-FTS are O , H O, HCl, CCl F, 3 2 3 improvedspatialresolution.DataproductsofMIPASareup CCl F , CH , HF, N O, CO, NO, NO , HNO , ClONO , 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 to 30 trace species, e.g. H O, O , HNO , CH , N O, NO and N O (Boone et al., 2005). ACE-FTS version 3.5 data 2 3 3 4 2 2 2 5 as well as temperature (Fischer and Oelhaf, 1996; Fischer havebeenusedinthisstudy. et al., 2008). Here, the MIPAS data version V5H_H2O_20 andV5R_H2O_220/221derivedwiththeIMK/IAAretrieval 2.6 UARS/HALOE processor covering the periods 2002–2003 and 2005–April 2011/May2011–2012,respectively,havebeenused(updated The Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) was versionoftheretrievalasdescribedinMilzetal.,2009;von launched aboard the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite Clarmannetal.,2009). (UARS). HALOE is as ACE-FTS a solar occultation in- strument (Russell et al., 1993). The geometry of the UARS 2.4 Envisat/SCIAMACHY orbit (57◦ inclination, circular at 585km with orbit period of 96min) results in 15 sunrise and 15 sunset measure- SCIAMACHY was launched on board Envisat in March mentsdaily.Measurementsbetween80◦Nand80◦Sinabout 2002andwasinoperationfromAugust2002untilthesudden 45daysareperformed.HALOEwaslaunchedinSeptember lossofcontactwithEnvisaton8April2012.SCIAMACHY 1991andprovidedmeasurementsuntil2005,thusoveratime observed electromagnetic radiation upwelling from the period of 14 years (Harris et al., 1996). Therefore, HALOE Earth’s atmosphere in three measurement modes: occulta- providesthelongestsatellitedatasetthoughitisnotusedto tion, nadir, and limb geometry. The instrument and mission itsfullextentinthisstudysincewefocusonmeasurements objectivesareprovidedbyBurrowsetal.(1995)andBovens- obtainedsincethemillennium.HALOEVersion19dataare mann et al. (1999). In this study, measurements of the scat- usedinthisstudy. tered solar light in limb viewing geometry are used. In this geometry,theinstrumentscannedthehorizonin3.3kmsteps 2.7 CALIPSO/CALIOP from−3to92km(0to92kmsinceOctober2010).Thisver- ticalsamplingandtheinstantaneousfieldofview(∼2.6km CALIPSOispartoftheNASA/ESA“A-train”satellitecon- in vertical direction at the tangent point) resulted in a ver- stellation and has been in operation since June 2006. Mea- tical resolution of typically 3–4km. Envisat was in a Sun- surements of PSCs are provided by CALIOP (Pitts et al., synchronousorbitwithaninclinationof98◦.Thisresultedin 2009). CALIOP is a two-wavelength, polarisation sensitive global coverage for SCIAMACHY limb measurements be- lidar.Highverticalresolutionprofilesofthebackscatterco- ingachievedwithin6daysattheEquatorandlesselsewhere efficientat532and1064nmaswellastwoorthogonal(par- (Gottwaldetal.,2006).SCIAMACHYtargetspeciesareO , allel and perpendicular) polarisation components at 532nm 3 BrO, OClO, ClO, SO , H CO, NO , CO, CO , CH , H O, areprovided(Winkeretal.,2007;Pittsetal.,2007).Theli- 2 2 2 2 4 2 N O,aerosolandclouds.Inthelimbviewinggeometrywa- darpulserateis20.25Hz,correspondingtooneprofileevery 2 tervapourisretrievedatabout10to25kmaltitudefromthe 333mhorizontally.TheverticalresolutionofCALIOPvaries near-infrared spectral range (1353–1410nm). Here, we use withaltitudefrom30minthelowertroposphereto180min SCIAMACHYwatervapourfromdataversion3.01.TheIUP the stratosphere. For the PSC analyses, the CALIPSO pro- Bremen water vapour retrieval algorithm V3.01 follows the file data are averaged to a resolution of 180m vertically retrieval concept presented in Rozanov et al. (2011) for V3 and 5km horizontally. The determination of the composi- andthenewdatasetisdescribedinWeigeletal.(2015). tion of PSCs is based on the measured aerosol depolarisa- Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,101–121,2016 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/101/2016/ F.Khosrawietal.:SensitivityofPSCstoH Oandtemperaturechanges 105 2 tionratio(ratioofparallelandperpendicularcomponentsof in PSC detection between both instruments are caused by 532nmbackscatter)andtheinversescatteringratio(1/R ), the different measurement principle (active lidar in the vis- 532 where R is the ratio of the total to molecular backscat- iblevs.passivespectroscopyintheinfraredspectralregion). 532 ter at 532nm (Pitts et al., 2007, 2009). Using these two CALIPSO generally detects PSCs in a greater fraction than quantities,PSCsareclassifiedintoSTS,waterice,andthree MIPAS.ThiscanbeexplainedbythepatchiernatureofPSCs classesofliquid/NATmixtures(Mix-1,Mix-2andMix-2en- in the Arctic and the different spatial resolutions of the two hanced). Mix-1 denotes mixtures with very low NAT num- instruments, which makes the clouds more likely to be de- ber densities (from about 3×10−4 to 10−3cm−3), Mix-2 tectedbytheCALIPSOlidar(Höpfneretal.,2009).TheArc- denotes mixtures with intermediate NAT number densities tic winter 2010/11 has been well analysed, especially with of(10−3cm−3),andMix-2enhanceddenotesmixtureswith respecttoozoneloss(Manneyetal.,2011;Sinnhuberetal., sufficiently high NAT number densities (>0.1cm−3) and 2011;Arnoneetal.,2012;Kuttipurathetal.,2012;Hommel volumes(>0.5µm3cm−3)thattheirpresenceisnotmasked etal.,2014)whilethedynamicalperspective,thustheexcep- by the more numerous STS droplets at temperatures well tional dynamical conditions of this winter so far were only below T . In addition, intense mountain-wave induced discussedindetailbyHurwitzetal.(2011). NAT ice PSCs are identified as a subset of CALIPSO ice PSCs through their distinct optical signature in R (Pitts et al., 532 4 Sensitivitystudies 2011). The sensitivity study is performed based on measurements ofPSCsbyCALIPSOduringtheArcticwinter2010/11.The 3 Arcticwinter2010/11 basicapproachisdemonstratedonsingletrajectories,butthe finalresultsrelyonastatisticalassessmentofatrajectoryen- TheArcticwinter2010/11wasoneofthecoldestinthelast semble. Based on the PSCs observed by CALIPSO during 2decades(Manneyetal.,2011;Sinnhuberetal.,2011).The the Arctic winter 2010/11 air parcel trajectories were cal- 2010/11winterwascharacterisedbyananomalouslystrong culated 6days backwards with the NOAA HYSPLIT (Hy- vortexwithanatypicallylongcoldperiodthatwaspersistent bridSingleParticleLagrangianIntegratedTrajectoryModel) from mid-December to mid-March (Manney et al., 2011). model based on GDAS (Global Data Assimilation System) The polar vortex formed at the end of November 2010 and analyses1.GDASanalysesareprovidedbytheNationalCen- remainedstableuntiltheendofApril.Thelongcoldperiod, ter for Environmental Predictions (NCEP) four times a day lastingover4months,wasinterruptedbyshortwarmerperi- (00:00, 06:00, 12:00 and 18:00UTC) with a horizontal res- odsinthebeginningofJanuary,FebruaryandMarchdueto olution of 1◦×1◦ on 23 pressure levels (1000 to 20hPa). minorwarmings.InFebruaryandMarch,temperatureswere Anisentropicmethodwasusedforthecalculationofvertical colder than in previous years of the last decade. The final motion.ThetrajectorieswerestartedforeachPSCdetection warmingduringthe2010/11Arcticwinteroccurredinmid- atthreedifferentaltitudes,correspondingtothebottom,mid- April,thuslaterthanusual(Arnoneetal.,2012;Kuttipurath dleandtopofthecloud. etal.,2012). TheArcticwinter2010/11hasbeenchosenforthesensi- ThePSCseasonduringthe2010/11wintercanbedivided tivitystudybecauseitwasoneofthecoldestArcticwinters into four PSC phases according to the four cold phases that leading to a high number of PSC occurrences. This makes occurred over the 4-month period from December 2010 to the statistics more reliable than if we would have chosen March 2011. The time periods of these four phases and the awarmerwinterwithlessPSCoccurrences.DuringtheArc- PSCtypesthatoccurredduringeachphasewerederivedfrom tic winter 2010/11 PSCs were detected by CALIPSO on CALIPSOobservationsandareasfollows(Khosrawietal., 47 days on 259 orbit tracks. In total, 738 trajectories were 2012):(1)23December2010to8January2011:STS,Mix calculatedbasedontheCALIPSOobservationsandconsid- 1/2 and ice clouds. (2) 20–28 January 2011: mainly Mix-1 eredforthesensitivitystudyonthetrajectoryensemble.For andMix-2withsomeSTSandice.(3)5–27February:STS, the sensitivity study on single trajectories we selected two Mix-1 and Mix-2 as well as ice clouds. (4) 5–19 March: trajectories, one trajectory where temperatures below T NAT STS clouds (Note: no CALIPSO data are available from 8 werereached,butnotbelowT andonewheretemperatures ice to13March). belowboth,T andT ,werereachedalongthetrajectory. NAT ice Agraphicpresentationofthetemporalevolutionoftime, Figure 1 shows a map with locations where the trajectories V , T −T and several trace gases during this winter PSC NAT were started according to the PSCs detected by CALIPSO, can be found in Arnone et al. (2012) and Kuttipurath et al. colourcodedbythefourcoldphasesduringtheArcticwin- (2012).Arnoneetal.(2012)performedasimilaranalysison ter 2010/11. PSCs were observed around Greenland during PSCoccurrenceaswedid,butusedMIPASobservationsfor Phase 1, during Phase 2 PSCs were observed over Russia PSC detection. They also derive four PSC phases from MI- and during Phase 3 over the entire Arctic. During Phase 4 PAS,howeverwithsomewhatdifferenttimeperiodsforeach phase as the ones we derive from CALIPSO. Differences 1http://ready.arl.noaa.gov/HYSPLIT.php www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/101/2016/ Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,101–121,2016 106 F.Khosrawietal.:SensitivityofPSCstoH Oandtemperaturechanges 2 111111155555550000000oooooooWWWWWWW Table 1. Time periods when T1 and T2 were below the NAT and 1111111 2222222 0000000ooooooo WWWWWWW 111111188888880000000oooooooWWWWWWW iwceertehrdeesrhivoelddtfeomrpHe2raOtumreixailnogngratthioesboacfk5,tr5a.j5e.ctaonrdy.6TpNpAmTvanfodrTtihcee trajectorystartedon26February2011at00:00UTC(Case1).Only increasesinwatervapourwereconsidered. 9999999ooooooo0000000WWWWWWW 77777770000000oooooooNNNNNNN 111111155555550000000EEEEEEEooooooo H2O T1<TNAT T2<TNAT T2<Tice WWWWWW000000666666 60W ooooooo 33333330000000WWWWWWWooooooo ++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ++++8888888++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0000000++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ooooooo++++++++++++++++++++NNNNNNN++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9999999ooooooo0000000EEEEEEE ooooooo 120E 111111222222000000EEEEEE c(T1oN9rAd9Ti3na)g(556npa.d5tpnomTdtivchH)eeawpneasrroeanmc(444aahe012ln)tcedurliMasateatiduoefnrossrb(222o5he000f)rpgMpemrarv(t1i(9aty8np8d(i)h–––c,M)arlaewuspeaertsecbrtievmregilxey-r. ++++ ingratioduringpolarwinter)andforincreasedwatervapour mixingratiosof5.5and6ppmv,respectively.Alongthetra- 0000000ooooooo 6666666 0000000ooooooo EEEEEEE jectorytemperaturesdroptwicebelowTNAT (att =−140to −100h, temperature range T , and at t =−20 to 0h, tem- 33333330000000oooooooEEEEEEE 1 perature range T ) but temperatures did not reach T . The 2 ice Figure1.Startpointswherethebacktrajectorieswerestartedac- temperaturerangeT correspondstothetimeperiodwhena 2 cording to the PSCs observed by CALIPSO during the four cold PSCwasmeasuredbyCALIPSOonthatday.Thetempera- phasesduringthe Arcticwinter2010/11(Phase 1:23December– turedropssufficientlylowbelowT toallowSTSforma- NAT 8January(magenta),Phase2:20–28January(green),Phase3:5– tion, which is in agreement with the CALIPSO observation 27February(blue)andPhase4:5–18March(cyan)). at 20km (Fig. 2). Although ice was measured on that day, theicelayerwaslocatedinthemiddleofthePSC,between 21and23km.Thetrajectoryconsideredherewasstartedat only a few PSCs were detected which were located around 20km,thusatthebottomofthePSCandthereforebelowthe Greenland2. icelayer(Fig.2).WithincreasingH OmixingratiotheT 2 NAT threshold temperature is higher and temperatures can more 4.1 Sensitivitystudiesonsinglebacktrajectories easily drop below T . However, a slight prolongation of NAT 4.1.1 Case1:sensitivitytoH2Oenhancements temperatures below TNAT is found only for the temperature range T (Table 1). Although the effect on T seems to 1 NAT Figure 2 shows the CALIPSO measurement on 26 Febru- be insignificant in this example, the effect on Tice seems to ary 2011 around 00:04UTC. A PSC was measured at alti- be more significant. Temperatures did not drop below Tice tudesbetween16and24km(between76◦N,61◦Eto70◦N, butcameveryclosetotheTice thresholdwhenwatervapour 49◦E). The PSC was located east of Novaya Zemlya and mixing ratios were increased. Therefore, another trajectory was composed of all kinds of PSC particles but mainly of has been chosen, one where Tice was reached along the tra- STS with a thick ice layer in between (Fig. 2). Based on jectoryusingawatervapourmixingratioof5ppmv(typical the PSC observed on 26 February 2011 air parcel trajecto- water vapour mixing ratio during polar winter). This trajec- ries were calculated 6days backwards with the HYSPLIT toryisdiscussedinthefollowingsection. model.Thetrajectorieswerestartedat00:00UTCat20,22 and24km(startedat71◦N,61◦E)andendedat20February 4.1.2 Case2:sensitivitytoH2Oenhancementsand at00:00UTC.Duringthecourseofthe6daysthetrajectories additionalcooling followedthecircularflowwithinthepolarvortexandthusthe Figure 4 shows the CALIPSO measurement on 23 January airmassesweretransportedtwicearoundinthepolarregions 2011. A PSC was measured over Russia at altitudes be- (seeFig.S3intheSupplement). tween16and23km(80◦N,139◦Eto66◦N,105◦E).Based Figure3showsthetemperaturealongthetrajectorystarted on the PSC measured on 23 January 2011, back trajecto- at 20km (black line) together with the threshold temper- rieswerecalculatedwithHYSPLIT6daysbackwardsstart- atures for T and T (red solid and dashed line, re- NAT ice ingat20:00UTCatthreedifferentaltitudeswithinthePSC, spectively). The threshold temperatures were calculated ac- namelyat18,20and22km(startedat72◦N,113◦E).During 2Note: no CALIPSO observations are available from 8 to the course of the 6 days the trajectories followed the circu- 13March. larflowwithinthepolarvortexandthustheairmasseswere Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,101–121,2016 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/101/2016/ F.Khosrawietal.:SensitivityofPSCstoH Oandtemperaturechanges 107 2 Figure2.CALIPSOPSCcompositionforthePSCmeasuredalongtheorbittrackstartingat25February2011,23:56UTC.Shownisthe compositionforthemeasurementon26February2011at00:04UTCandtheGEOS-5temperaturesandgeopotentialheightfields(ingpkm) at30hPaat12:00UTC(bottom).ThewhitelinemarkstheCALIPSOorbittrack. transportedtwicearoundinthepolarregions(seeFig.S4in T are below T and T become much longer, as can be 2 NAT ice the Supplement). As in the previous example, the PSC was seen from Table 2. Further, the effect becomes more pro- composedofallkindsofPSCparticles,butSTS,Mix2en- nounced for T as can be expected, but there seems to be ice hanced(liquid/NATmixturewithintermediateNATnumber alsoanincreaseinT belowT duetostrongtemperature 2 NAT densitiesof10−3cm−3)andsomeiceinbetweenwasdomi- coolingalongthetrajectory. nating(Fig.4). Figure 5 shows the temperature along the trajectory 4.2 Sensitivitystudiesonbacktrajectoryensemble (black)thatwasstartedat18kmaswellasthethresholdtem- Thebacktrajectoryensemblewascalculatedstartingatdates peraturesforT andT (redsolidanddashedline,respec- NAT ice and times when PSCs were measured by CALIPSO during tively).AsinthecasediscussedinSect.4.1.1,thethreshold the Arctic winter 2010/11. For each PSC measurement, tra- temperatureswerecalculatedfor5ppmv(typicalwatermix- jectories were calculated 6days backward in time at three ingratioduringpolarwinter(Achtertetal.,2011,andrefer- differentaltitudes,correspondingtothetop,middleandbot- ences therein, Khosrawi et al., 2011) and for increased wa- tom of the cloud. In total 738 trajectories were calculated. tervapourmixingratiosof5.5and6ppmv(middleandbot- During the course of the 6 days the trajectories in general tom panel). In this case, the temperatures drop twice below T along the trajectory, at t =−135 to −105h (temper- followed the circular flow within the polar vortex and thus NAT ature range T ) and t =−45 to 0h (temperature range T ). theairmassesweretransportedonceorseveraltimesaround 1 2 inthepolarregions.ThetemperaturethresholdsforPSCfor- TemperaturesduringthesecondtimeperiodwithT <T 2 NAT mationencounteredalongthetrajectoriesderivedwithHYS- were colder and even reached T . The time periods where ice PLIT are in good agreement with the corresponding PSC temperatureswerelowerthanT areprolongedwhenthe NAT typesmeasuredbyCALIPSO. atmosphericwatervapourmixingratioisincreased(Table2). Using the entire trajectory ensemble the total time (sum For example, while the T temperatures did not reach be- 1 over all 738 trajectories) where the temperature was be- low T under normal stratospheric conditions, tempera- NAT low T and T , respectively, was estimated applying turesreach15and30hbelowT withanincreaseinH O NAT ice NAT 2 an H O mixing ratio of 5ppmv (same as in Sect. 4.1.1 mixing ratio of 0.5 and 1ppmv, respectively, thus allowing 2 and 4.1.2, typical water vapour mixing ratio for the Arc- STSandNATPSCformationandexistenceduringalonger tic polar lower stratosphere (Achtert et al., 2011, and refer- timeperiod. ences therein, Khosrawi et al., 2011) and observed by the The effect becomes even stronger when additionally the satellite instruments considered in this study). This calcula- temperatureisdecreased(Fig.6).TimeperiodswhereT or 1 tion was repeated applying a H O increase of 0.25–1ppmv 2 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/101/2016/ Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,101–121,2016 108 F.Khosrawietal.:SensitivityofPSCstoH Oandtemperaturechanges 2 Table2.TimeperiodswhenT1andT2arebelowtheNATandicethresholdtemperaturealongthetrajectory.TNATandTicewerederivedfor H2Omixingratiosof5,5.5.and6ppmvforthebacktrajectorystartedon23January2011at20:00UTC(Case2).Watervapourincreases (Case2a)aswellasanadditionaltemperaturecoolingby1K(Case2b)areconsidered. Case2a Case2b H2O T1<TNAT T2<TNAT T2<Tice T1<TNAT T2<TNAT T2<Tice (ppmv) (h) (h) (h) (h) (h) (h) 5 10 38 – 45 35 20 5.5 25 41 15 45 42 22 6 30 44 20 >45 47 25 ((cid:49)H O=0.25ppmv, as in Sect. 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, according decreasedby0.5K.Foreach0.5Kcoolingthetimewillbe 2 totheestimatedtrendsfromRosenlofetal.,2001andHurst increasedby∼4000h(Fig.7andtablesintheSupplement). etal.,2011)aswellasadecreaseintemperatureby0.5and Temperatures below T are rarely reached in the Arc- ice 1K. Additionally, the calculation was repeated for a water tic. However, the Arctic winter 2010/11 was exception- vapourdecreaseof0.25ppmvtoalsoinvestigatewhattheef- ally cold and temperatures below T were reached along ice fectofanoppositechangewouldbe,whichcouldresultfrom several trajectories. Under typical stratospheric conditions the natural H O variability. To quantify the effect a change (H O=5ppmv) temperatures were below T for 571h 2 2 ice in H O mixing ratio and a decrease in temperature would (Fig. 9). If the H O abundance in the stratosphere is 2 2 have,wecalculatedtheenhancementintimethatwouldre- 0.25ppmv less (thus 4.75ppmv) than the total time where sult when the temperatures would be exposed accordingly thetemperaturesarebelowT decreasesto340h,231hless ice longertotemperaturesbelowT andT . than under the reference stratospheric conditions (Fig. 10 NAT ice Theresultsofthesensitivitystudywiththetrajectoryen- and the Supplement). If the H O mixing ratio increases by 2 semble are summarised in Figs. 7 and 8 for T and in 0.25ppmv, from 5 to 5.25ppmv, temperatures below T NAT ice Figs.9and10forT .InFigs.7and9thetotaltimethetem- would persist 299h longer than for reference conditions. If ice peratureisbelowT andT ,respectively,isgivenwhile water vapour increases further from 5 to 5.5 or 6ppmv, the NAT ice inFigs.8and10theadditionaltimeisgivenwhenthetem- timewheretemperaturesarebelowT willincreaseby669 ice perature would be below T and T , respectively, if the and 1728h, respectively. Thus, the higher the water vapour NAT ice H O mixing ratio would increase and temperature decrease gets in the stratosphere the stronger the impact of a further 2 (seealsotablesinSupplement).Thecalculationofextraex- increasewillbe.Thesamebehaviourisfoundwhenthetem- posuretimetoT andT wasdoneassumingHNO mix- perature in the stratosphere is cooled by 0.5 to 1K. In the NAT ice 3 ingratiosof7,5and3ppmvwhichcorrespondstothecon- extreme case when H O mixing ratios would increase by 2 ditionsinthepolarlowerstratosphereatthebeginningofthe 1ppmv and the temperature would decrease by 1K the to- winterandlaterinthewinterwhenHNO hasbeentakenup tal time where temperatures are below T would increase 3 ice by the PSCs and HNO has been permanently removed by from571to6789h,thusby∼6000hwhichcorrespondsto 3 sedimentingPSCparticles(denitrification). anenhancementbyafactorof12. For the reference conditions (normal stratospheric winter conditions,beginningofthewinter,thusprevailinggasphase abundancesof5ppmvH Oand7ppmvHNO )temperatures 2 3 5 Watervapourandtemperaturevariability wereintotalbelowT for43512h(Fig.7).Note:totaltra- NAT (2000–2014) jectorytimeis107010h(738trajectories×145h).IfHNO 3 decreases during the course of the winter to 5ppbv the air Intheprevioussectionwedemonstratedthatawatervapour will be ∼3600h less exposed to temperatures below T . NAT increaseandtemperaturedecreasewouldincreasethepoten- If HNO will further decrease to 3ppbv the total time will 3 tialforPSCformation.Morethanadecadeagoitwasalready be ∼5000h less than during reference conditions. On the suggestedthatacoolingofstratospherictemperaturesby1K other hand, if in the future H O increases and the tempera- 2 oranincreaseof1ppmvofstratosphericwatervapourcould turedecreasesinthestratosphere,thetotaltimewheretem- promotedenitrification(Santeeetal.,1995;Tabazadehetal., perature falls below T will increase independent of the NAT 2000).DuringthetwoArcticwinters2009/10and2010/11, HNO abundance(3,5or7ppbv)inthestratosphere(Fig.8). 3 the strongest denitrification in the recent decade was ob- Any H O increase of 0.25ppmv will result in 1500h more 2 served(Khosrawietal.,2011,2012). where the temperature along the trajectories will be below Here, we investigate the variability of Arctic water T . The effect is much stronger when the temperature is NAT vapour and temperature since the new millennium to see if there is a connection to the severe denitrification ob- Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,101–121,2016 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/101/2016/ F.Khosrawietal.:SensitivityofPSCstoH Oandtemperaturechanges 109 2 Hysplit_389574_1, HO = 5.0 ppmv ticitydata.Datawithinhighequivalentlatitudes,i.e.between 2 T T 70to90◦N,weresubsequentlybinnedintomonthlyandzon- 1 2 205 K] ally averaged time series. Finally the resulting time series ure [ 200 were de-seasonalised to make variability on inter-annual to at decadalscalesmorevisible.Foragivenmonthamulti-year mper 195 T_NAT averagewascalculatedfromtheindividualmonthlyaverages e T whichwasthensubtractedfromthelatter.Themulti-yearav- 190 T_ICE erages were based on the entire time period covered by the −140 −120 −100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 individualdatasets. Time [h] Figure 11 shows the de-seasonalised time series for tem- perature (upper panel) and water vapour (lower panel) cov- Hysplit_389574_1, HO = 5.5 ppmv 2 ering the time period 2000–2014 averaged over the poten- T T 205 1 2 tial temperature range 475–525K (∼18–22km). Tempera- K] ure [ 200 tEunrveisiantf/oMrmIPaAtiSonainsdpSroCvIiSdAedT/bAyCEE-RFAT-SI;ntfeorirmw,aAteurrav/MapLouSr, at per 195 T_NAT there is in addition also data from UARS/HALOE and En- m e visat/SCIAMACHY.Intermsoftemperaturethereisavery T 190 T_ICE good agreement among the different data sets. The overall variability is dominated by the winter season. Strong inter- −140 −120 −100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 annual variability can be found for this season with pro- Time [h] nouncedcoldandwarmeventsthatshowabsoluteanomalies Hysplit_389574_1, H2O = 6.0 ppmv of more than 10K. For water vapour there is more scatter T1 T2 andlessconsistencybetweentheindividualdatasets.Devi- 205 K] ationsexceedoccasionally0.5ppmv,whichisatypicallevel ure [ 200 of uncertainty of these observations (Hegglin et al., 2013). perat 195 T_NAT Unliketemperaturethewatervapourvariabilityisnotasap- m parently dominated by the winter season. The pronounced e T 190 T_ICE events seen in temperature can be still observed in water vapourinananti-correlatedsense,butnotasobvious.There −140 −120 −100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 are indications of a substantial decrease throughout 2003, Time [h] howevernotinalldatasets.Asimilarfeaturecanbeobserved Figure3.Temperaturehistoryofthebacktrajectorycalculatedwith in2011.Likewisethereareindicationsofanincreasein2006 HYSPLITbasedonthePSCmeasuredbyCALIPSOon26Febru- and2007.Overallthisdemonstratessignificantchangesover ary2011(backtrajectorystartedat20kmat00:00UTC).Top:for shorttimeperiods. a typical H2O mixing ratio of 5ppmv in the polar lower strato- Figure12isofthesamekindasFig.11howeveritconsid- sphere,middle:foranH2Oenhancementof0.5ppmv(5.5ppmv), ers the potential temperature range between 525 and 825K bottom: for an H2O enhancement of 1ppmv (6ppmv). The NAT (∼22–28km).Pleasenotethattherearenowatervapourdata existencetemperatureTNATandiceformationtemperatureTiceare fromEnvisat/SCIAMACHYavailablehere.Fortemperature givenassolidanddashedlines,respectively.Temperaturesdropbe- very similar characteristics can be observed as in Fig. 11. low the NAT formation temperature at time periods t=−140 to Thisisalsotrueforwatervapour.Thescatterissomewhatre- −100h and t=−20 to 0h. The temperature ranges during these ducedprovidingaclearerpictureoninter-annualtodecadal time periods are denoted by T1 and T2, respectively (grey solid variability.Inparticularthevariationsintheaftermathofsud- lines). denstratosphericwarmingsinearly2009and2013arevery pronouncedhere(LabitzkeandKunze,2009;Orsolinietal., 2010). servedinthepastyears.Forthatweusedobservationsfrom Visually, both Figs. 11 and 12 do not indicate any ob- UARS/HALOE,Odin/SMR,Envisat/MIPAS,SCISAT/ACE- vious linear changes in temperature or water vapour over- FTS,Envisat/SCIAMACHYandAura/MLSaswellasERA all.Toinvestigatethisaspectmorerigorouslyweperformed interim reanalysis data. In a first step these data sets were separately a regression analysis of the Envisat/MIPAS and interpolatedontoaregularpotentialtemperaturegridwitha the Aura/MLS time series. The selection of these two data resolutionof25K.Temperatureandpressuredataneededfor sets was based on their extensive and regular observational theconversionfromthenativeverticalcoordinatetopotential coverage. The regression model considered an offset, a lin- temperature were taken from the individual data sets them- ear term, periodic variations of 3, 4, 6 and 12 months as selves.Thenforeveryprofiletheequivalentlatitudeasfunc- well as the QBO in the form of Singapore winds at 50 and tionofaltitudewasderivedfromERAinterimpotentialvor- www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/101/2016/ Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,101–121,2016 110 F.Khosrawietal.:SensitivityofPSCstoH Oandtemperaturechanges 2 Figure4.CALIPSOPSCcompositionforthePSCobservationalongtheorbittrackstartingat23January2011,19:52UTC.Shownisthe compositionforthemeasurementon23January2011at20:03UTC(top)andtheGEOS-5temperaturesandgeopotentialheightfields(in gpkm)at30hPaat12:00UT(bottom).ThewhitelinemarkstheCALIPSOorbittrack. 30hPa3. In addition the model considered autocorrelation showninFig.14,thatconsidersasFig.11thealtituderange effects and a possible offset between the MIPAS full and between 475–525K potential temperature. The individual reduced resolution data (von Clarmann et al., 2010; Stiller data points shown here are averages over January, February etal.,2012).Figure13showsthelinearchangeestimatesfor andMarch.BothforEnvisat/MIPASandAura/MLSthecor- watervapour(leftpanel)andtemperature(rightpanel).Even relationissubstantial,withcorrelationcoefficientsof−0.65 though the two data sets cover slightly different time peri- and−0.87,respectively.Thisclearlyindicatesaconnection ods they indicate largely positive changes in water vapour betweentheprocessesthatgovernwatervapourandtempera- inthealtituderangebetween350and1000Kpotentialtem- tureinthepolarlowerstratosphere,asthesubsidenceinside perature.Thechangeinabsolutetermsistypicallylargerfor the polar vortex, sudden stratospheric warmings and radia- Aura/MLS than for Envisat/MIPAS, just at the lowest alti- tive cooling. A corresponding figure for the altitude range tudesthebehaviourisopposite.ForEnvisat/MIPASthelin- between525–825KisprovidedintheSupplement.Therethe ear changes are mostly not significant at the 2σ uncertainty correlationislessstrong. level. The only exception is the altitude range between 375 Figure 15 shows the altitude time evolution of water and450K.ForAura/MLSsignificanceisvisibleatmoreal- vapourinthepolarregionsderivedfromEnvisat/MIPASob- titudes, yet there is a number of altitude levels where the servationsforthetimeperiod2002–2012.Differencesinthe changes are close to insignificance. At 1000K the regres- downward transport of water vapour from year to year are siondidnotconverge.TheEnvisat/MIPAStemperaturetime clearly visible during the time period 2002–2012. E.g. the series shows largely negative changes that roughly increase transport of high H O mixing ratios (e.g. 6ppmv) reaches 2 withaltitude.Howevernoneofthesechangesaresignificant muchfurtherdownintothelowerstratosphere(to20kmand atthe2σ level.ThesameistruefortheAura/MLStempera- even below) during the Arctic winters as 2006/07, 2007/08 tures,wherethetrendestimatesaremoreclosetozero.Sim- and2010/11thaninotherArcticwinters. ilar results are derived when instead of all seasons only the winter months DJF (the predominant time for PSC forma- tion)isconsidered(seeSupplement). 6 Discussion As noted earlier water vapour and temperature show Inthepresentworkwewerefocusingonthepolarregionsto a clear anti-correlation, e.g. enhanced water vapour mixing understandhowwatervapourandtemperaturechangesinthe ratiosoccurincoldwintersandviceversa.Thisconnectionis lowerpolarstratosphereaffectPSCformationwhicheventu- 3http://www.geo.fu-berlin.de/met/ag/strat/produkte/qbo/index. ally can also have an impact on denitrification. The influ- html ence of water vapour and temperature on PSCs is two-fold. Atmos.Chem.Phys.,16,101–121,2016 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/101/2016/

in a time-sharing mode with astronomical observations un- til 2007 and solely in aeronomy mode thereafter. In aeron- omy mode, various target bands are dedicated to profile mea- surements of trace constituents relevant to stratospheric and mesospheric chemistry and dynamics such as O3, ClO, N2O,.
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