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Preview Secure SWIPT Networks Based on a Non-linear Energy Harvesting Model

Secure SWIPT Networks Based on a Non-linear Energy Harvesting Model (Invited Paper) Elena Boshkovska, Nikola Zlatanov, Linglong Dai, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, and Robert Schober Abstract—We optimize resource allocation to enable com- dependent which limits the mobility of the wireless devices. munication security in simultaneous wireless information and More importantly,the intermittentand uncontrollablenatureof power transfer (SWIPT) for internet-of-things (IoT) networks. these natural energy sources is a major obstacle for providing The resource allocation algorithm design is formulated as a stablewirelesscommunicationsviatraditionalEHtechnologies. 7 non-convex optimization problem. We aim at maximizing the 1 total harvested power at energy harvesting (EH) receivers via Recently, wireless energy transfer (WET) has attracted sig- 0 the joint optimization of transmit beamforming vectors and the nificant attention fromboth academia and industry [3]–[11], as 2 covariance matrix of the artificial noise injected to facilitate a key to unlock the potential of IoT. Generally speaking, the secrecy provisioning. The proposed problem formulation takes WETtechnologycanbedividedintothreecategories:magnetic n into account the non-linearity of energy harvesting circuits and resonant coupling, inductive coupling, and radio frequency a J the quality of service requirements for secure communication. (RF)-based WET. The first two technologies rely on near-field To obtain a globally optimal solution of the resource allocation magneticfieldsanddonotsupportanymobilityofEHdevices, 6 problem, we first transform the resulting non-convex sum-of- 2 due to the short wireless charging distances and the required ratios objective function into an equivalent objective function in alignmentofthemagneticfieldwiththeEHcircuits.Incontrast, parametric subtractive form, which facilitates the design of a ] RF-based WET technologies [3]–[11] utilize the far-field of T noveliterativeresourceallocationalgorithm.Ineachiteration,the electromagnetic(EM)waveswhichenablesconcurrentwireless semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation approach is adopted .I to solve a rank-constrained optimization problem optimally. Nu- charging and data communication in WET networks over long s merical results reveal that the proposed algorithm can guarantee distances (e.g. hundreds of metres). Moreover, the broadcast c communication security and provide a significant performance nature of wireless channels facilitates one-to-many wireless [ gainintermsoftheharvestedenergycomparedtoexistingdesigns chargingwhicheliminatestheneedforpowercordsandmanual 1 which are based on the traditional linear EH model. recharging for IoT devices. As a result, simultaneous wireless v information and power transfer (SWIPT) is expected to be a 1 I. INTRODUCTION key enabler for sustainable IoT communication networks. Yet, 7 In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), it is expected the introduction of SWIPT to communication systems has led 8 that 50 billion wireless communication devices will be con- to a paradigm shift in both system architecture and resource 7 nected worldwide [1]. Smart physical objects equipped with allocation algorithm design. For instance, in SWIPT systems, 0 sensors and wireless communication chips are able to collect one can increase the energy of the information carrying signal . 1 and exchange information. These smart objects are wirelessly to increase theamountofRF energyharvestedat thereceivers. 0 connectedtocomputingsystemstoprovideintelligenteveryday However, increasing the power of the information signals may 7 services such as e-health, automated control, energy manage- also increase their susceptibility to eavesdropping, due to the 1 ment(smartcityandsmartgrid),logistics,securitycontrol,and higher potential for information leakage. As a result, both : v safety management, etc. However, the limited energy storage communication security concerns and the need for efficient i capacity of battery-powered wireless communication devices WET naturally arise in systems providing SWIPT services. X severely limits the lifetime of wireless communication net- Nowadays, various types of cryptographic encryption algo- r works. Although battery replacement provides an intermediate a rithms are employed at the application layer for guaranteeing solution to energy shortage, frequent replacement of batteries wireless communication security. However, secure secret key can be costly and cumbersome. This creates a serious per- management and distribution via an authenticated third party formance bottleneck in providing stable communication ser- is typically required for these algorithms, which may not be vices. On the other hand, a promising approach to extend realizable in future wireless IoT networks due to the expected the lifetime of wireless communication networks is to equip massive numbersof devices. Therefore, a considerableamount wireless communication devices with energy harvesting (EH) of work has recently been devoted to information-theoretic technology to scavenge energy from external sources. Solar, physical (PHY) layer security as a complementary technology wind, tidal, biomass, and geothermal are the major renewable to the existing encryption algorithms [12]–[17]. It has been energysourcesforgeneratingelectricity[2].Yet,theseconven- shown that in a wire-tap channel, if the source-destination tional natural energy sources are usually climate and location channel enjoys better conditions compared to the source- eavesdropper channel [12], perfectly secure communication E. Boshkovska and R. Schober are with Friedrich-Alexander-University betweenasourceandadestinationispossible.Hence,multiple- Erlangen-Nu¨rnberg(FAU),Germany.LinglongDaiiswithTsinghuaUniversity, antenna technologyand advanced signal processing algorithms Beijing,China.L.DaiissupportedbytheInternationalScience&Technology Cooperation Program ofChina (Grant No. 2015DFG12760) and the National have been proposed to ensure secure communications. Specif- Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61571270). D. W. K. Ng ically, by exploiting the extra degrees of freedom offered by is with The University of New South Wales, Australia. N. Zlatanov is with multipleantennas,theinformationbeamscanbefocusedonthe Monash University, Australia. R. Schober is supported by the AvH Profes- desiredlegitimatereceiverstoreducethechanceofinformation sorshipProgram oftheAlexander vonHumboldtFoundation. D.W.K.Ngis leakage. Besides, artificial noise can be injected into the com- supportedunderAustralianResearchCouncil’sSchemeDiscoveryEarlyCareer Researcher Awardfundingscheme(project numberDE170100137). munication channel deliberately to degrade the channel quality RF wave RF energy harvesting receiver Information signal Information receiver AArrttifificiciaial ln noiosiese E(nPeortgeyn thiaalr veeasvteinsgd rroepcpeeivre 2r )2 Papsassivse f iRlbteFarn-tdo -DC power convReecrsciritcoifunyiitng Output to load Base station Energy harvesting receiver 1 Fig.2. Blockdiagram ofanER. (Potential eavesdropper 1) Fig.1. ASWIPTmodelwithanactiveIRandJ =2ERs.TheERsharvest wireless energyfromtheRFsignalandaretreated aspotential eavesdroppers To guarantee communication security, the ERs are treated as bythebasestation. potential eavesdropperswhich has to be taken into account for resourceallocationalgorithmdesign.WeassumethatN >N T R for the following study. The signals received at the IR and ER of eavesdroppers. These concepts have also been extended to j ∈{1,...,J} are modelled as SWIPT systems to provide secure communication. In [17], beamforming was studied to enhance security and power effi- y = hH(ws+v)+n, and (1) ciencyinSWIPTsystems.Theauthorsof[18]proposedamulti- y = GH(ws+v)+n , ∀j ∈{1,...,J}, (2) objective optimization framework to investigate the non-trivial ERj j ERj tradeoffbetweeninterference,totalharvestedpower,andenergy respectively,where s∈C and w∈CNT×1 are the information consumption in a secure cognitive radio SWIPT network. symbol and the corresponding beamforming vector, respec- However,theresourceallocationalgorithmsdesignedforsecure tively. Without loss of generality, we assume that E{|s|2}=1. SWIPT systems [17], [18] were based on a linear EH model v ∈ CNT×1 is an artificial noise vector generated by the BS which does not capture the highly non-linear characteristics to facilitate efficient WET and to guarantee communication of practical end-to-end WET [19]–[22]. In particular, existing security. In particular, v is modeled as a random vector with resource allocation schemes designed for the linear EH model circularly symmetric complex Gaussian distribution may lead to severe resource allocation mismatches resulting in performance degradation in WET and secure communications. v∼CN(0,V), (3) These observations motivate us to study the design of efficient resourceallocationalgorithmsforsecureSWIPTsystemstaking where V∈HNT,V(cid:23)0, denotes the covariance matrix of the into account a practical non-linear EH model. artificial noise. The channel vector between the BS and the IR is denoted by h∈CNT×1 and the channel matrix between the II. SYSTEMMODEL BS and ER j is denoted by G ∈ CNT×NR. n ∼ CN(0,σ2) j s Inthissection,wefirstintroducethenotationadoptedinthis and n ∼ CN(0,σ2I ) are the additive white Gaussian paper.Then,wepresentthedownlinkchannelmodelforsecure noisesE(RAjWGN) at thes INRRand ER j, respectively, where σ2 communication in SWIPT systems. s denotes the noise power at each antenna of the receiver. A. Notation C. Energy Harvesting Model We use boldface capital and lower case letters to denote matrices and vectors, respectively.AH, Tr(A), Rank(A), and Figure 2 depicts the block diagram of the ER in SWIPT det(A) represent the Hermitian transpose, trace, rank, and de- systems. In general, a bandpass filter and a rectifying circuit terminantofmatrixA,respectively;A≻0andA(cid:23)0indicate are adopted in an RF-ER to convert the received RF power to that A is a positive definite and a positive semidefinite matrix, direct current (DC) power. The total received RF power at ER respectively;I is the N×N identity matrix;[q] returnsa j is given by N m:n vector with the m-th to the n-th elements of vector q; CN×M denotesthesetofallN×M matriceswithcomplexentries;HN P =Tr (wwH +V)G GH . (4) ERj j j denotesthesetofallN×N Hermitianmatrices.Thecircularly (cid:16) (cid:17) symmetriccomplexGaussian(CSCG)distributionisdenotedby IntheSWIPTliterature,forsimplicity,thetotalharvestedpower CN(m,Σ) with mean vector m and covariance matrix Σ; ∼ at ER j is typically modelled as follows: indicates “distributed as”; E{·} denotes statistical expectation; |·|representstheabsolutevalueofacomplexscalar.[x]+ stands ΦLinear =η P , (5) for max{0,x} and [·]T represents the transpose operation. ERj j ERj where 0 ≤ η ≤ 1 denotes the energy conversion efficiency j B. Channel Model of ER j. From (5), it can be seen that with existing models, Afrequencyflatfadingchannelfordownlinkcommunication the total harvested power at the ER is linearly and directly is considered. The SWIPT system comprises a base station proportionalto the received RF power. However, practical RF- (BS), an information receiver (IR), and J energy harvesting based EH circuits consist of resistors, capacitors, and diodes. receivers(ER), as shownin Figure 1. The BS is equippedwith Experimental results have shown that these circuits [19]–[21] N ≥1 antennas. The IR is a single-antenna device and each introduce various non-linearities into the end-to-end WET. In T ER is equipped with N ≥ 1 receive antennas for EH. In the order to design a resource allocation algorithm for practical R considered system, the signal intended for the IR is overheard secureSWIPT systems,weadoptthenon-linearparametricEH by the ERs due to the broadcast nature of wireless channels. modelfrom[22], [23]. Consequently,thetotalharvestedpower whereQ denotestheinterference-plus-noisecovariancematrix j 30 for ER j. Hence, the achievable secrecy rate of the IR is given by [14] 25 + mW) Rsec = R−m∀ajx{RERj} . (10) er ( h i ow20 III. OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMAND SOLUTION p ed In the considered SWIPT system, we aim to maximize the est total harvested power in the system while providing secure v15 har communication to the IR. To this end, we formulate the otal Parametric non-linear model resource allocation algorithm design as the following non- T10 Measurement data convex optimization problem assuming that perfect channel Traditional linear model state information is available 1: Problem 1. Resource Allocation for Secure SWIPT: 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 J Received RF power (mW) maximize Ψ (11) V∈HNT,w ERj Fig. 3. A comparison between experimental data from [19], the harvested j=1 X powerforthenon-linearmodelin(6),andthelinearEHmodelwithηj =0.8 subject to C1: kwk2+Tr(V)≤P , in(5). 2 max wHHw C2: ≥Γ , Tr(VH)+σ2 req s at ER j, ΦERj, is modelled as: C3:RERj ≤REToRl, ∀j, ΦERj = [ΨER1j−−ΩMjΩj], Ωj = 1+ex1p(a b ),(6) Constants Pmax and ΓreCq4in:cVons(cid:23)tra0in.ts C1 and C2 denote the j j j maximum transmit power budget and the minimum required M where Ψ = j (7) signal-to-interference-plus-noiseratio(SINR)attheIR,respec- ERj 1+exp −a (P −b ) tively. Constant RTol > 0 in C3 is the maximum tolerable j ERj j ER data rate which restricts the capacity of ER j if it attempts to (cid:16) (cid:17) isasigmoidfunctionwhichtakesthereceivedRFpower,P , decode the signal intended for the IR. In practice, the BS sets astheinput.ConstantMj denotesthemaximalharvestedpoEwRejr log2(1+Γreq)>REToRl >0, to ensure secure communication2. at ER j when the EH circuit is driven to saturation due to Constraint C4 and V ∈ HNT constrain matrix V to be a an exceedingly large input RF power. Constants a and b positive semidefinite Hermitian matrix. It can be observed that j j capture the joint effects of resistance, capacitance, and circuit the objective function in (11) is a non-convex function due to sensitivity.Inparticular,a reflectsthenon-linearchargingrate its sum-of-ratios form. Besides, the log-det function in C3 is j (e.g.steepnessofthecurve)withrespecttotheinputpowerand non-convex. Now, we first transform the non-convex objective b determinestotheminimumturn-onvoltageoftheEHcircuit. function into an equivalent objective function in subtractive j In practice, parameters a , b , and M of the proposed model form via the following theorem. j j j in (6) can be obtained using a standard curve fitting algorithm Theorem1. Suppose{w∗,V∗}istheoptimalsolutionto(11), for measurement results of a given EH hardware circuit. In then there exist two column vectors µ∗ = [µ∗,...,µ∗]T and Figure3, weshowanexampleforthecurvefittingforthenon- 1 J β∗ =[β∗,...,β∗]T such that{w∗,V∗} is an optimalsolution linearEHmodelin(6)withparametersM =0.024,b=0.014, 1 J to the following optimization problem and a=150. It can be observedthat the parametric non-linear modelcloselymatchesexperimentalresultsprovidedin[19]for J thewirelesspowerharvestedbyapracticalEHcircuit.Figure3 maximize µ∗ M −β∗ 1+exp −a (P −b ) , alsoillustratestheinabilityofthelinearmodelin(5)tocapture V∗∈HNT,w∗∈F j j j j ERj j thenon-linearcharacteristicsofpracticalEHcircuits,especially Xj=1 h (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1)((cid:17)1i2) in the high received RF power regime. whereF isthefeasiblesolutionsetof (11).Besides,{w∗,V∗} also satisfies the following system of equations: D. Secrecy Rate β∗ 1+exp −a (P∗ −b ) −M = 0, (13) Assumingperfectchannelstateinformation(CSI)isavailable j j ERj j j at the receiver for coherent detection, the achievable rate µ(cid:16)∗ 1+ex(cid:0)p −a (P∗ −b(cid:1)(cid:17)) −1 = 0, (14) (bit/s/Hz) between the BS and the IR is given by j j ERj j wHHw and P∗ =(cid:16)Tr (w∗((cid:0)w∗)H +V∗)G G(cid:1)(cid:17)H . R = log2 1+ Tr(HV)+σ2 , (8) ERj j j s (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Proof: Please refer to [24] for a proof of Theorem 1. (cid:4) where H=hhH. On the other hand, the capacity between the BS and ER j 1Inthesequel, since Ωj does notaffect the design oftheoptimal resource for decoding the signal of the IR can be expressed as allocation policy, with a slight abuse of notation, we will directly use ΨERj torepresent theharvested poweratERj forsimplicity ofpresentation. REQRjj == lGogHj2VdeGt(jI+NRσ+s2INQR−j≻1G0Hj,wwHGj), (9) sperco2rbeIlnceymthreaistceofenisassibdiboelureen.ddepdrobbelelomwfobrymRulsaetcio≥n,wloegc2a(n1g+uaΓrarneqte)e−thRatTEthoRela>ch0ieivfabthlee ITERATIVERESOURCTEAABLLLEOICATIONALGORITHM. Proof: Please refer to AppendixA in [25] for the proof. (cid:4) Now, we apply Proposition 1 to Problem (15) by replacing constraint C3 with constraint C3 which yields: Algorithm Problem 3. Equivalent Formulation of Problem (15) 1: InitializethemaximumnumberofiterationsLmax,iterationindexn=0, µ,andβ J 2: repeat{OuterLoop} ∗ ∗ maximize µ M −β 1+exp −a (τ −b ) 3: Solvetheinnerloopproblemin(18)viasemidefiniteprogramrelaxation j j j j j j afortrifigciivaelnno(µisen,cβovna)riaanncdeombatatrinixtVhe′intermediate beamformer w′ and W,V∈HNT,τ Xj=1 h (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:17)i subject to C1,C2,C4,C5,C7, 4: if (20)issatisfiedthen 5: return Optimal beamformer w∗ =w′ and artificial noise covari- C3:GHWG (cid:22)α Q , ∀j, ancematrixV∗=V′ j j ER j 6: else C6: Rank(W)=1. (17) 7: Updateµandβ according to(19)andn=n+1 8: endif The non-convexity of (17) is now only due to the rank 9: until(13)and(14)aresatisfied orn=Lmax constraint in C6. We adopt semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxationtoobtainatractablesolution.Specifically,weremove the non-convexconstraint C6 from (17) which yields: Therefore, for (11), we have an equivalent optimization Problem 4. SDP Relaxation of Problem (17) problem in (12) with an objective function in subtractive form J with extra parameters (µ∗,β∗). More importantly, the two ∗ ∗ maximize µ M −β 1+exp −a (τ −b ) problems have the same optimal solution {w∗,V∗}. Besides, W,V∈HNT,τ j j j j j j the optimization problem in (12) can be solved by an iter- Xj=1 h (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:17)i subject to C1,C2,C4,C5,C7, ative algorithm consisting of two nested loops [24]. In the iµinnn=tehre[lµooo1u,pte.,r.t.hl,oeµoopJp,]Ttwimeainzfidantidβonth=pero[oβbp1lte,imm..a.il,n(βµ(J1∗]2T,)β,f∗ios)rssgoailtvviesefndy.i(nµTg,hβtehn)e,, ✭CC36✭::✭GRHj✭aWn✭k(G✭Wj✭)(cid:22)✭=α✭1ER. Qj, ∀j, (18) system of equations in (13) and (14), cf. Algorithm 1 in Table Infact,(18)isastandardconvexoptimizationproblemwhich I. can be solved by numerical convex program solvers such as Sedumi or SDPT3 [26]. Now, we study the tightness of the A. Solution of the Inner Loop Problem adopted SDP relaxation in (18). Ineachiteration,inline 3 ofAlgorithm1, wesolve aninner loop optimization problem in its hypograph form: Theorem 2. For Γreq > 0 and if the considered problem is feasible, we can construct a rank-one solution of (17) based Problem 2. Inner Loop Problem on the solution of (18). J ∗ ∗ Proof: Please refer to the Appendix. (cid:4) maximize µ M −β 1+exp −a (τ −b ) W,V∈HNT,τ j j j j j j Therefore, the non-convexoptimization problem in (15) can Xj=1 h (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:17)i be solved optimally. subject to C1: Tr(W+V)≤P , max C2: Tr(WH) ≥Tr(VH)+σ2, B. Solution of the Outer Loop Problem Γ s req In this section, an iterative algorithm based on the damped C3,C4, Newton method is adopted to update (µ,β) for the outer C5: Tr (W+V)G GH ≥τ ,∀j, loop problem. For notational simplicity, we define functions j j j ϕ (β )=β 1+exp −a (P −b ) −M andϕ (µ )= C6: Ra(cid:16)nk(W)=1, C7:(cid:17)W(cid:23)0, (15) j j j j ERj j j J+i i µi 1+exp (cid:16)−ai(PER(cid:0)i−bi) −1,i∈(cid:1)(cid:17){1,...,J}.Itisshown where W = wwH is a new optimization variable matrix in(cid:16)[24] that(cid:0)the unique optim(cid:1)a(cid:17)lsolution (µ∗,β∗) is obtained if and τ = [τ ,τ ,...,τ ] is a vector of auxiliary optimization and only if ϕ(µ,β) = [ϕ ,ϕ ,...,ϕ ]T = 0. Therefore, in 1 2 J 1 2 2J variables. The extra constraint C5 represents the hypograph of the n-th iteration of the iterative algorithm, µn+1 and βn+1 the inner loop optimization problem. can be updated as, respectively, We note that the inner loop problem in (15) is still a non- convex optimization problem. In particular, the non-convexity µn+1 = µn+ζnqnJ+1:2J and βn+1 =βn+ζnqn1:J, arises from the log-det function in C3 and the combinatorial where qn = [ϕ′(µ,β)]−1ϕ(µ,β) (19) rank constraint C6. To circumvent the non-convexity, we first introduce the following proposition to handle constraint C3. and ϕ′(µ,β) is the Jacobian matrix of ϕ(µ,β). ζn is the largest εl satisfying Proposition 1. For RTol > 0,∀j, and Rank(W) ≤ 1, ER constraint C3 is equivalent to constraint C3, i.e., kϕ µn+εlqn ,βn+εlqn k J+1:2J 1:J C3⇔C3: GHWG (cid:22) α Q , ∀j, (16) ≤(1−ηεl)kϕ(µ,β)k, (20) j j ER j (cid:0) (cid:1) where αER = 2RTEoRl −1 is an auxiliary constant and C3 is a where l ∈ {1,2,...}, εl ∈ (0,1), and η ∈ (0,1). The damped linear matrix inequality (LMI) constraint. Newton method converges to the unique solution (µ∗,β∗) satisfying the system of equations (13) and (14), cf. [24]. TABLEII SIMULATIONPARAMETERS Systembandwidth 200kHz Minimum required secrecy rate Carriercenter frequency 915MHz z)8 N = 6, proposed optimal scheme H T Transceiverantenna gain 10dBi s/ N = 5, proposed optimal scheme Numberofreceive antennas NR 2 bit/7 T Noisepowerσ2 −95dBm e ( MBfaSda-ixntoigm-EudRmistrtirbauntsiomnitpowerPmax 3R6icidaBnmwithRician factor 3dB crecy rat56 e s m 4 e st y 4 NT = 6, proposed optimal scheme ge s3 Bm)2 NNTT == 65,, bparospeolisneed s ochpetimmael scheme Avera2 d N = 5, baseline scheme er ( T 1 w0 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 p d Minimum required SINR (dB) e est-2 Performance gain arv Fig. 5. Average systemsecrecy rate(bit/s/Hz) versus the minimumrequired al h-4 SINR(dB). ot ge t-6 a er algorithm compared to the baseline scheme. This is due to the v A-8 fact that resource allocation mismatch occurs in the baseline scheme as it does not account for the non-linear nature of the EH circuits. 5 10 15 20 25 30 Minimum required SINR (dB) Figure5illustratestheaveragesystemsecrecyrateversusthe minimum required SINR Γ of the IR for different numbers req Fig. 4. Average total harvested power (dBm) versus the minimum required of transmit antennas, N . The average system secrecy rate, T SINR(dB). i.e., C , increases with increasing Γ . This is because the sec req maximumachievablerateoftheERsfordecodingtheIRsignal is limited by the resource allocation to be less than RTol = IV. RESULTS 1 bit/s/Hz. Besides, although the minimum SINR requirEemRent In this section, simulation results are presented to illustrate increases in Figure 5, the proposed optimal scheme is able to the performanceof the proposedresource allocationalgorithm. fulfill all QoS requirements due to the proposed optimization We summarize the most important simulation parameters in framework. Table II. In the simulation, the IR and the J = 10 ERs are located at 50 meters and 10 meters from the BS, respectively. V. CONCLUSIONS The maximum tolerable data rate at the potential eavesdropper Inthispaper,aresourceallocationalgorithmenablingsecure issettoREToRl =1bit/s/Hz.Forthenon-linearEHcircuit,weset SWIPT in IoT communication networks was presented. The Mj = 20 mW which corresponds to the maximum harvested algorithm design based on a practical non-linear EH model power per ER. Besides, we adopt aj =6400 and bj =0.003. was formulated as a non-convex optimization problem for the In Figure 4, we study the average total harvested power maximization of the total energy transferred to the ERs. We versusthe minimumrequiredreceive SINR, Γreq, at the IR for transformedtheresultingnon-convexoptimizationprobleminto different numbers of transmit antennas and resource allocation two nested optimization problems which led to an efficient schemes. As can be observed, the average total harvested iterative approach for obtaining the globally optimal solution. powerdecreaseswithincreasingΓreq.Indeed,tosatisfyamore Numerical results unveiled the potential performance gain in stringent SINR requirement,the direction of information beam EH brought by the proposed optimization and its robustness hastobesteeredtowardstheIRwhichyieldsasmalleramount against eavesdropping for IoT applications. ofRFenergyforEHattheERs.Ontheotherhand,asignificant EH gain can be achieved by the proposed optimal scheme APPENDIX-PROOF OF THEOREM2 when the number of antennas equipped at the BS increases. In To start with, we first define τ∗ as the optimal objective fact, additional transmit antennas equipped at the BS provide value of (18). When Rank(W) > 1 holds after solving (18), extraspatialdegreesoffreedomwhichfacilitateamoreflexible an optimal rank-one solution for (18) can be constructed as resourceallocation.Inparticular,theBS cansteer the direction follows[27].Foragivenτ∗,wesolveanauxiliaryoptimization of the artificial noise and the information signal towards the problem: ERsaccuratelytoimprovetheWETefficiency.Forcomparison, we also show the performance of a baseline scheme. For the minimize Tr(W) (21) baseline scheme, the resource allocation algorithm is designed W,V∈HNT based on an existing linear EH model, cf. (5). Specifically, we subject to C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C7. optimize w,V to maximize the total harvested power subject tothe constraintsin (11). Then,thisbaselineschemeisapplied It can be observed that the optimal solution of (21) is also forresourceallocationintheconsideredsystemwithnon-linear an optimalresource optimalresource allocation policy for (18) ERs. 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