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Second Language Teaching TOPICS IN LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS Series Editors Thomas A. Sebeok and Albert Valdman Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana VOLUME 8 CONTEXTS OF COMPETENCE Social and Cultural Considerations in Communicative Language Teaching Margie Berns THE DYNAMIC INTERLANGUAGE Empirical Studies in Second Language Variation Edited by Miriam R. Eisenstein FRENCH AND CREOLE DISCOURSE, Second Edition Edited by Albert Valdman THE GRAMMAR OF DISCOURSE, Second Edition Robert E. Longacre ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL BILINGUAL EDUCATION The Role of the Vernacular Edited by Beverly Hartford, Albert Valdman, and Charles R. Foster LINGUISTICS AND LITERACY Edited by William Frawley LITERACY IN SCHOOL AND SOCIETY Multidisciplinary Perspectives Edited by Elisabetta Zuanelli sonino THE RELATION OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED LINGUSTICS Edited by Olga Miseska Tomic and Roger W. Shuy Second Language Teaching A View from the Right Side of the Brain by MARCEL DANESI University of Toronto, Canada SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS :MEDIA, B.V. A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-1-4020-1489-5 ISBN 978-94-010-0187-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-010-0187-8 Printed an acid-free paper An Rights Reserved © 2003 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2003 Softcover rl9>rint of the hardcover 1s t edition 2003 No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface IX Chapter 1 The Second Language Teaching Dilemma 1 Introduction The SLT Dilemma 2 The "Method Response" 4 Grammar-Translation Pedagogy 4 The Direct Method 6 The Reading and Oral Methods 8 The Audiolingual Method 9 The Cognitive-Code Method 11 Post-Method Responses 12 Communicative Language Teaching 13 Humanistic and Neurolinguistic Methods 14 The Proficiency Movement 15 Some Issues 16 Acquisition vs. Learning 16 Universal Grammar Theory 17 The Critical Period Hypothesis 20 The Role of Culture 20 The Foray into the Neurosciences 22 Chapter 2 Looking to Brain Research for Insights 24 Introduction 24 The Brain 25 The Cerebrum and the Cerebellum 26 The Brain Stem 28 Neuronal Structure 29 Memory 31 Historical Background 31 Cerebral Dominance Theory 33 Complementary Hemisphericity Theory 34 Recent Trends 36 vi CONTENTS The Neurolinguistic Methods 37 Suggestopedia 37 Total Physical Response 40 The Natural Approach 41 Neurolinguistic Questions 42 The SLA = NLA Hypothesis 43 The CPH Issue 43 The Role of the RH in SLA 44 UGTheory 45 Chapter 3 Making Second Language Teaching "Brain-Compatible" 48 Introduction 48 Two Modal Principles 50 The Modal Flow Principle 51 The Modal Focusing Principle 55 The Contextualization Principle 57 Cultural Contextualization 58 Practical Contextualization 58 The Conceptualization Principle 61 Concrete Concepts 62 Abstract Concepts 63 Implications 64 Revamping Contrastive Analysis 68 Chapter 4 Fine Tuning the Brain for Language Acquisition 72 Introduction 72 Conceptual Competence 72 Neuroscientific Research on Metaphor 77 Conceptual Metaphor Theory 78 Extending the Theory 86 Revisiting the SL T Dilemma 89 Conceptual Systems in Contact 91 A Conceptually-Based CA 92 Practi cal Imp Ii cations 97 CONTENTS vii Chapter 5 Activating the Brain in the Classroom 102 Introduction 102 Repertoire of Techniques 104 Structural Techniques 105 Visual Techniques 110 Ludic Techniques 111 Humor Techniques 115 Role-Playing Techniques 117 Organizational Issues 118 Selecting an Appropriate Technique 118 Integrating Linguistic, Communicative, and Conceptual Systems 125 Concluding Remarks 126 Glossary and Abbreviations 127 Cited Wodes and General Bibliography 141 Index 169 PREFACE At no other time in the history of education have teachers of languages been so knowledgeable about what to do in the classroom, or have had so many advanced tools at their disposal to help their students learn-from expertly-designed text books to technologically-sophisticated devices such as CD-ROMs. Yet, despite the many strides that teachers have made over the years, and notwithstanding the many sophisticated tools that they have at hand today, only a small fraction of students eventually achieve native-like proficiency at the end of a course of study. Why? This question has bothered me throughout my professional life as a teacher of second languages. Disenchanted with existing methodologies, in the mid-1980s I ventured to seek insights from the domain of the neurosciences, thinking at the time that my theoretical adventure would probably turn out to be an unproductive one. To my surprise, it changed my view of learning drastically, allowing me to take charge of my classroom and to turn it into a veritable "field lab." Hence, the reason for this book. I have written it, simply, to communicate to my teacher colleagues the important pedagogical insights that I believe can be gained from an excursion into the neuroscientific domain. Incidentally, my interest in the neurosciences brought me, in 1986, in contact with neuropsychologists and special education teachers working with brain damaged children in Italy. From ensuing collaborative research on how to design teaching materials for such children, Bimodality Theory emerged-the view that the two primary modes of learning, the experiential and the analytical, must be ac tivated in specific ways for such children (e.g. Danesi 1986 and D'Alfonso, Danesi, De Lellis, and Mastracci 1986). To my surprise, various Italian educators adopted Bimodality Theory shortly thereafter as a general framework for developing teach ing curricula for handicapped children in school (D'Alonzo 1993). By the late 1980s, various second language teachers in Italy and North America started assess ing the implications of Bimodality Theory critically for second language teaching in general (e.g. Lombardo 1988, Nuessel and Cicogna 1992, Pallotta 1993, Sche none 1994), and a number of doctoral students began investigating its principles empirically as potential constructs for second language acquisition (e.g. Arno 1993, Curro 1995, Smor Forster 1995). Incidentally, when the term bimodality was pro posed in 1986, I was not aware of the fact that it had already been in use among neuroscientists as a synonym for Complementary Hemisphericity Theory (e.g. Dunn 1985). I was also not cognizant of the fact that the term was employed by Laurence Ridge, a professor of mathematical education at the University of To ronto, five years earlier in 1981. Ridge's use of the term in that year was, to the best of my knowledge, the first time it was so utilized in the educational literature. x PREFACE Bimodality Theory hardly stands alone as a "neuroscientifically-based pro posal" for second language teaching. Interest among practitioners in brain research started, actually, in the late 1960s, right after linguist Eric Lenneberg published his widely-influential 1967 study, The Biological Foundations of Language, in which he put forward the hypothesis that there is a biologically-limited period for acquir ing language that starts at birth and ends at adolescence. Neuroscientific research on the implications that Lenneberg's hypothesis had for the second language teach ing profession at large was started almost immediately. Decades later, the time has come to ask ourselves if the fuss over the neurosciences has been worthwhile. Can knowledge about the brain truly inform not only the way we teach children with learning problems, but also the way we teach normal students in typical classroom situations? And what does it mean to say that a teaching approach is "brain compatible?" These are the kinds of questions I will address in this book. However, from the outset I must make it clear that I will only address them, not attempt to answer them, simply because there is no empirical way to demonstrate that a spe cific teaching procedure is capable of activating a certain part of the brain-unless we put our students through a PET scan as we teach them something! And even if it could be shown that a certain part is activated, in response to a specific instruc tional stimulus, what would that truly mean, given that surprisingly little is known about the nature of the link between brain physiology and mental functions? Never theless, it is my cautious opinion that the foray into the neuroscientific domain on the part of practitioners in the last three decades or so has been a fruitful one. If nothing else, it has forced us to look more attentively and critically at the condi tions we create in our classrooms and at the theoretical suppositions underlying new instructional practices or teaching syllabi proposed by educators. Good teach ing is largely an art, and thus shaped mainly by hunches about what to do that come essentially from experience. But these hunches can certainly be confirmed or re fined greatly by knowledge about how the brain acquires language. I have used the manuscript of this book with prospective high school teachers of second languages over the last few years. Several of its parts are reworkings of previously-published research, supported by various grants from the Social Sci ences and Humanities research Council of Canada, to whom I am very grateful. These have been integrated into the present book without hopefully compromising its coherence. Lacking from the present treatment are the actual data and the analy ses of the studies that support Bimodality Theory. Readers can examine these first hand themselves by consulting the relevant references in the bibliography provided at the back. This volume has not been designed as a "research monograph," but rather as a "neuroscientific essay" on the principles that in my opinion should form the basis of "informed" second language teaching. I have written it with a particular view in mind-a view "from the right side of the brain," so to speak. Therefore, although it has all the typical features of other methodology books, such as historical accounts of language teaching trends, synopses of the main learning theories, overviews of suitable techniques, etc., it provides a different framework for viewing them. I must warn readers from the outset about what not to expect from this book. First, they will not frod in it an in-depth treatment of neuroscience or neurolinguis- PREFACE xi tics proper. Relevant introductory manuals in these fields are listed in the bibliog raphy at the back, which contains not only cited works, but also those dealing gen erally with neuroscience and second language learning and teaching. Second, read ers should not expect to [rod a prescription in it of how to teach a language me thodically. Brain research is useful only in providing insights, not overarching solu tions. I will, however, discuss in some detail the implications that Bimodality The ory would seem to hold in store for language teaching practices. Whether readers agree or disagree with any or all of my comments, is beside the point of this book. My only hope is that they will be stimulated by it to know more about brain compatible second language teaching. That and that alone will have made its writ ing worthwhile, for I believe that such knowledge can form the basis for developing pedagogy that will lead to enhanced learning outcomes for students today. I would like to thank my students at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Educa tion, the University of Toronto, the University of Perugia, and the University of Lugano. Their critical responses to Bimodality Theory, along with the many enthu siastic classroom discussions that I have had with them over the years, have en couraged me to write this manual for a broader audience. A special thanks goes out to those teachers and researchers who have become interested in Bimodality The ory, and who have become both its most enthusiastic supporters and its most effec tive critics. The many suggestions they have made to me over the years have been incorporated into this book. lowe a special debt of gratitude to the late Thomas A. Sebeok and to Professor Albert Valdman of Indiana University for the unwavering support they have always given to my ideas, and for inviting me to synthesize them in book form. Most of the content of this book has, in any case, been inspired by their truly pivotal work in linguistics, education, and semiotics. As a graduate stu dent at the University of Toronto in the late 1960s I came under the spell of their writings. These have left an indelible mark on my own research and writing. Last but not least, I must thank my family, Alexander, Sarah, Lucia, Danila, Christopher, and Danilo for having been tolerant and patient with me as I worked on this book. I know I have been grumpy and absent-minded in the process. I dedi cate this book to them. Marcel Danesi University of Toronto, 2003

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