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Searches for very rare decays to purely leptonic final states at LHCb 3 1 0 2 Mathieu Perrin-Terrin∗† n CPPM,Aix-MarseilleUniversité,CNRS/IN2P3,Marseille,France a J E-mail: [email protected] 8 2 We present a review of the searches for very rare decays to muonic final states performed at ] x LHCbusing1.0 fb−1 ofppcollisionsat7 TeVcentreofmassenergy. Flavourchangingneutral e current processes, such as B0 →µ+µ− and B0 →µ+µ−µ+µ− are highly suppressed in the - (s) (s) p Standard Model (SM). Such decays therefore allow contributions from new processes or new e h heavy particles to significantly modify the expected SM rates. Charged lepton flavour violating [ processes, such as the neutrino-less τ−→µ−µ−µ+ decay, have vanishingly small decay rates 1 intheSM,butcanbesignificantlyenhancedinextendedmodels. Wereportthelatestresultson v thesechannelsfromLHCb. 5 7 5 6 . 1 0 3 1 : v i X r a 36thInternationalConferenceonHighEnergyPhysics, July4-11,2012 Melbourne,Australia ∗Speaker. †onbehalfoftheLHCbCollaboration. (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. http://pos.sissa.it/ SearchesforveryraredecaystopurelyleptonicfinalstatesatLHCb MathieuPerrin-Terrin 1. Introduction ThesearchesforB0 →µ+µ−,B0 →µ+µ−µ+µ−andτ−→µ−µ−µ+performedbyanalysing (s) (s) 1.0 fb−1 ofppcollisionsrecordedin2011withtheLHCbdetector[1]arepresented. Thethreede- caymodesbeingpurelymuonic,theanalyseshavesimilarities. Theyalltakeadvantageoftheeffi- cientmuonictriggerlines[2],thatforinstanceallowtotriggereventswithamuonoflowtransverse momentum (down to 0.5 GeV for di-muons), and reach an efficiency of 90% for di-muon signal. In addition, high rejections of combinatorial backgrounds are achieved using the excellent track- ing performances (e.g. the resolution on the momentum is δp ∈[0.4,0.6]for p∈[5;100]GeV). p Finally physical backgrounds, where hadrons are misidentified as muons, are reduced with the particlesidentificationdetectorsthatyieldanefficiencyforidentifyingmuonof97%formisiden- tificationrateofpions(kaons)intomuonsbelow3(5)%. Toavoidunconsciousbias,theeventsfor whichtheB0 orτ masscandidatesliewithinthreemassresolutionsoftheexpectedmeanarekept (s) hiddenuntilallcrucialchoicesfortheanalysisweremade. 2. SearchesforB0 →µ+µ− (s) Within the Standard Model (SM), B0 → µ+µ− are rare processes as they occur only via (s) loop diagrams and are helicity suppressed. The amplitudes contributing to the branching frac- tion (B) can be expressed in terms of the scalar (c ), pseudoscalar (c ) and axial vector (c ) S P A Wilson coefficients in a general approach [3]. Within the SM, c and c contributions are neg- S P ligible while c is calculated with a few percent accuracy [4] and leads [5] to a prediction of A B(B0→µ+µ−) = (3.2±0.2)×10−9 and B(B0→µ+µ−) = (1.0±0.1)×10−10. Mod- s SM SM els beyond the SM could contribute to these Wilson coefficients and change significantly the B. For instance, within the Minimal Supersymmetric SM (MSSM) in the large tanβ approxima- tion[6],cMSSM∝tan3β/M2,whereM denotesthepseudoscalarHiggsmassandtanβ theratioof S,P A A Higgsvacuumexpectationvalues. TheLHCbexperimentsetsthemostrestrictiveupperlimits[7], B(B0→µ+µ−)<1.4×10−8 and B(B0→µ+µ−)<3.2×10−9 at 95% C.L. The present paper s expoundstheupdateofthisanalysisusingthefull2011dataset.1 The strategy of the analysis is to derive the expected numbers of events of background and signalforagivenB hypothesisandtocomparethesenumberstotheobservedoneswiththeCLs method[9]. ThemethodprovidesCL (CL ),ameasureofthecompatibilityoftheobserveddis- s+b b tribution with the signal plus background (background only) hypothesis, and CLs =CLs+b/CLb whichisusedtosetupperlimitsontheB. ForagivenB,thenumberofeventsisobtainedbyscalingtheyieldsobservedinthreecontrols channels,B0→J/ψφ,B0→K+π−andB+→J/ψK+,bytheratiooftheBhypothesistothecontrol s channelB. Thescalingfactorcorrectsalsoforthedifferentefficienciesbetweensignalandcontrol channelsandfordifferentintialstatesusing f /f measuredatLHCb[10]. s d To improve the sensitivity of the analysis, a selection which reduces the backgrounds is ap- plied. Backgrounds stem from combinatorics where the two muons come from two different b- mesonsandfrompeakingbackgroundfromB0 →h+h(cid:48)−(hstandingforK+orπ+)wherehadrons (s) 1Sincethen,theanalysishasbeenupdatedleadingtothefirstevidencefortheB0→µ+µ−decay[8]. s 2 SearchesforveryraredecaystopurelyleptonicfinalstatesatLHCb MathieuPerrin-Terrin 2 2 c c V/ LHCb V/ LHCb e BDT>0.5 e BDT>0.5 M6 M6 4 Bs0fi m +m - 4 B0fi m +m - 2 2 r r e e p4 p4 s s t t n n e e v v E E 2 2 0 0 5350 5400 5250 5300 m (MeV/c2) m (MeV/c2) m m m m Figure1:Distributionofselectedcandidates(blackpoints)inthe(left)B0→µ+µ−and(right)B0→µ+µ− s masswindowforBDT>0.5,andexpectationsfor,fromthetop,B0→µ+µ−SMsignal(gray),combinatorial s background(lightgray),B0 →h+h(cid:48)−background(black),andcross-feedofthetwomodes(darkgray).The (s) hatchedareadepictstheuncertaintyonthesumoftheexpectedcontributions. areidentifiedasmuons. Thefirsttypeofbackgroundisreducedbycuttingontopologicalandkine- maticalvariablesandonacombinationofthemobtainedwithaBoostedDecisionTree(BDT).This selectionhasanefficiencysimilaronthesignal, normalisationandcontrolchannels. Thepeaking backgroundisreducedusinginformationfromtheparticleidentificationdetectors. After this selection, events are classified in bins of the di-muon invariant mass and bins of a topological variable built with a second BDT. In each bin the expected numbers of signal and background events are derived. The signal mass shape is assumed to be a Crystal Ball shape, where the mean and the resolution are obtained on data while the transition point is derived from simulations. The BDT shape is obtained on data by extracting with a fit to the mass distribution, ineachBDTbin,theyieldsofB0 →h+h(cid:48)−. Forthecombinatorialbackground,themassandthe (s) BDT shape are obtained simultaneously by interpolating, in each BDT bin, the mass side-bands into the signal regions with an exponential function. Finally, the peaking background BDT shape isassumedtobethesameasthesignalone(correctingfortriggerbias)andthemassshapeistaken from simulations. The total number of peaking backgrounds is derived by a data driven method. The observed data and the expected distributions for the SM signal and background components areshowninFigure1. Thecomparisonofthedistributionsofobservedeventsandexpectedbackgroundeventsresults in a p-value (1−CL ) of 18% (60%) for the B0→ µ+µ− (B0→µ+µ−) decay, where the CL b s b valuesarethosecorrespondingtoCL =0.5. Noexcessbeingobserved,upperslimitsaresetand s+b reportedinTable1. TheexpectedandobservedCLsvaluesareshowninFig.2fortheB0→µ+µ− s andB0→µ+µ− channels,eachasafunctionoftheassumedB. Assumingthesamesensitivityfortheanalysis,prospectforthediscoveryoftheB0→µ+µ− s decay can be derived. Figure 3 shows the value of B(B0→µ+µ−) for which a 3 σ evidence of s thedecaycouldbeobtainedasafunctionoftheintegratedluminosity. Thisextrapolationtakesinto accounttheincreaseofenergyatthecenterofmassto8TeVandthealreadyobserveddatapattern for2011. 3 SearchesforveryraredecaystopurelyleptonicfinalstatesatLHCb MathieuPerrin-Terrin s 1 s 1 L L C C LHCb LHCb 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 B(B0 fi m + m -) [10-9] B(B0 fi m + m -) [10-9] s Figure2: CLs asafunctionoftheassumedB for(left)B0s→µ+µ−and(right)B0→µ+µ−decays. The longdashedblackcurvesarethemediansoftheexpectedCLs distributionsforB0s→µ+µ−,ifbackground and SM signal were observed, and for B0→µ+µ−, if background only was observed. The yellow areas cover,foreachB,34%oftheexpectedCLs distributiononeachsideofitsmedian. Thesolidbluecurves aretheobservedCLs. Theupperlimitsat90%(95%)C.L. areindicatedbythedotted(solid)horizontal linesinred(darkgray)fortheobservationandingrayfortheexpectation. Mode B0→µ+µ− B0→µ+µ− s Limit at90%C.L. at95%C.L. at90%C.L. at95%C.L. Exp. bkg+SM 6.3×10−9 7.2×10−9 Exp. bkg 2.8×10−9 3.4×10−9 0.91×10−9 1.1×10−9 Observed 3.8×10−9 4.5×10−9 0.81×10−9 1.0×10−9 Table1: ExpectedandobservedlimitsonB(B0 →µ+µ−). (s) -9]101112 -) [10 Projection from 1 fb-1 m+ 9 m 8 0fi Bs 7 B( 6 5 4 time integrated SM 3 2 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Luminosity [fb-1] Figure 3: B at which the B0→ µ+µ− decay would be observed at 3σ as a function of the integrated s luminosity. The black plain line is the median of the B distribution giving a 3σ observation. The yellow areascover, foreachintegratedluminosity, 34%oftheB distributiononeachsideofitsmedian. Thered horizontalbandrepresentsthetimeintegratedSMpredictionforB(B0→µ+µ−)[11]. s 3. SearchesforB0 →µ+µ−µ+µ− (s) The decays of B0 mesons to four muons are strongly suppressed in the SM and, for B0, (s) s mainly occur via the resonant mode B0→ J/ψ(µ+µ−)Φ(µ+µ−) for which the B is estimated s to be (2.3±0.9)×10−9 [12]. In the SM, the B of the non-resonant modes are predicted not toexceed10−10 [13],butcouldreceivenonnegligiblecontributionsfrommodelsbeyondtheSM. ThesedecaymodeshavethereforepotentialfordiscoveringphysicsbeyondtheSMandreassessing thehyper-CPanomaly[14]. 4 SearchesforveryraredecaystopurelyleptonicfinalstatesatLHCb MathieuPerrin-Terrin Figure4:ObservedinvariantmassdistributionoftheB0 →µ+µ−µ+µ−candidates.Theblue(red)dashed (s) areaistheB0(B0)masswindow. s The searches are implemented with a cut and count analysis. Similarly to the B0 → µ+µ− (s) analysis, a control channel, B0→ J/ψ(µµ)K∗0(K+π−), is used to derived the number of signal eventscorrespondingtoaB hypothesis. Theselectionisdesignedtobesimilarforthesignaland the normalisation channel. The four muon candidates are required to be made of tracks with a goodparticleidentificationandtohaveanimpactparametersignificance(IPS)withrespecttothe primary vertex larger than 16. The candidate should also form a vertex with a χ2 per degree of freedomsmallerthan6andhaveanIPSsmallerthan9. Resonantcandidatesarevetoedwhentheir di-muonsinvariantmassesliearoundthemassesoftheJ/ψ andΦ. The only relevant source of background is the combinatorial one. The expected number of these events is obtained by interpolating the side-bands and yields to 0.38+0.23 (0.30+0.22) events −0.17 −0.20 intheB0(B0)masswindow. TheobservedpatternisshowninFigure4andiscompatiblewiththe s background expectation. Using the CLs method [9] the first limits on these two processes are set toB(B0→µ+µ−µ+µ−)<1.3×10−8 andB(B0→µ+µ−µ+µ−)<5.4×10−9 at95%C.L.. s 4. Searchforτ−→µ−µ−µ+ In the SM the lepton flavour violation (LFV) decay τ−→ µ−µ−µ+ is almost completely suppressed,whilemanytheoriesbeyondtheSM[15]predictanenhancedLFVandinparticularin theτ sector,raisinginsomecasesB(τ−→µ−µ−µ+)toanexperimentallyobservablelevel. The analysis strategy is similar to the one used for the searches of B0 → µ+µ−. The main (s) backgroundprocessesconsistoflongdecaychainsofheavymesonswiththreerealormisidentified muons in the final state. The dominant contribution in these processes is coming from D−→ s η(µ+µ−γ)µ−ν ,andistreatedseparately. µ After a loose selection based on the kinematics of the decay, the three muon candidates are classified in bins of invariant mass and of two multivariate operators combining information of the topology of the candidates and of the particle identification of the tracks used to form them. The three variables line shapes are determined for the signal with data driven methods and for the background by interpolating from the mass side-bands or with simulated data for D−→ η(µ+µ−γ)µ−ν . The signal yield corresponding to a B hypothesis is obtained by nor- s µ malisingtoD−→Φ(µ+µ−)π−. s 5 SearchesforveryraredecaystopurelyleptonicfinalstatesatLHCb MathieuPerrin-Terrin Figure 5: (left) Observed invariant mass distribution of the τ−→µ−µ−µ+ candidates in the most signal likemergedbins. Thesolidlineisthefittothedataofthesumofthecombinatorialexponentialcontribution (dashed red line) and of the D−s →η(µ+µ−γ)µ−νµ one (dashed green line). (right) CLs as a function of the assumed B. The long dashed blue curves are the medians of the expected CLs distributions for τ−→µ−µ−µ+ ifbackgroundonlywasobserved. Theyellow(green)areascover,foreachB,34%(48%) oftheexpectedCLsdistributiononeachsideofitsmedian. ThesolidblackcurvesaretheobservedCLs. TheobserveddatatogetherwiththebackgroundexpectationsareshowninFigure5. Thecom- patibilityofthedatatothebackgroundorbackgroundplussignalhypothesisarecomputedwiththe CLs method[9]. Theobserveddataarecompatiblewiththebackgroundonlyhypothesis. Figure5 shows the CLs as a function of the assumed B. An upper limit is set at B(τ−→µ−µ−µ+)< 7.8(6.3)×10−8 at95(90)%C.L.whichisthefirstlimitofaLFVτ decaysetatahadroncollider. References [1] LHCbCollaboration,JINST3,S08005(2008). [2] R.Aaij,etal.,arXiv:1211.3055 [3] C.Bobethetal.,Phys.Rev.D64(2001)074014. [4] G.BuchallaandA.J.Buras,Nucl.Phys.B548(1999)309. [5] A.J.Buras,arXiv:1012.1447;E.Gamizetal., Phys.Rev.D80(2009)014503;A.J.Buras,Phys.Lett. B566(2003)115,A.J.Burasetal., Eur.Phys.J.C72,2172(2012). [6] L.J.Halletal.,Phys.Rev.D50(1994)7048;C.Hamzaouietal.,Phys.Rev.D59(1999)095005; C-S.Huangetal.,Phys.Rev.D59(1999)11701;S.R.ChoudhuryandN.Gaur,Phys.Lett.B451, (1999)86;K.S.BabuandC.F.Kolda,Phys.Rev.Lett.84(2000)228. 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