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JPRS-CST-91-003 1©7 JANUA RY 1991 FOREIGN Broapcast INFORMATION SERVICE PRS Report— Science & Technology China Remote Sensing Systems, Applications Science & Technology China Remote Sensing Systems, Applications IPRS-CST-91-003 CONTENTS January 199 Short Introduction to Nation’s Remote Sensing Units //A/UANJING YAOGAN, No 1, Feb 90 Domestic Airborne Remote-Sensing System, Applications in Monitoring Natural Disasters He Ainnian; HUANJING YAOGAN, No 3, Aug 90 Applications of Imagery From Experimental Satellites Launched in 1985, 198¢ ku SUXING HUANJING ) LOGAN, N § dug WW Y Current Status, Future Prospects for Domestic Remote-Sensing-Satellite Ground Station Wane Xinmin, HUANJING YAOGAN. No 3) due 9O 5 Radar Remote-Sensing Technology Used to Monitor Yellow River Delta [Zhu Xiaodong, ZHONGGUO DIANZI BAO. Y¥ Dec 90 JPRS-CST-91-003 17 January 1991 Short Introduction to Nation’s Remote Sensing project) to search for metal ore in the State of Utah, Units application research of remote-sensing techniques at 9IFEOIOIA Bevjing HUANJING YAOGAN [REMOTE Tengchong, integrated remote-sensing study of environ- SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT] in Chinese Vol $ mental pollution in the Tianjin-Bohai region, and apphi- No 1, Feb 90 p 81 cations of remote-sensing techniques in geological explo- ration, study of geological structure of coal fields, [Text] The Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics engineering geology, hydrology, oceanography, ocean- Under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) waler measurements, agriculture and forestry, detection of forest fires, and in exploration of geothermal energy This institute is engaged in research on infrared physics sources and underground water resources. Its major and infrared optoelectronic technology, with particular achievements include the design of seven different aerial emphasis on photoelectric remote sensors. The following scanners with specific performance requirements, a very- research laboratories of this institute are involved in high-resolution multi-channel radiometer for meteoro- remote sensing research: the aerial infrared remote- logical satellites, a satellite infrared zenith sector, and sensing research lab, the space infrared remote-sensing four ground-object spectrometers from the visible-light research lab, the infrared photoelectric detector research band to the infrared band; the technical performance lab, the charge-coupled-device and special photoelectric parameters of this equipment are comparable to those of device research lab, the heat-sensitive sensor research similar products developed by other countries. lab, the infrared optical thin-film and transparent mate- rial research lab, and the miniature cooling technology Currently, the institute has been tasked to develop a research lab. In addition, an infrared physics research practical aerial remote-sensing system, a multi-channel laboratory and a research office for developing new scanner covering the visible-light band and the infrared infrared detector materials have also been established. band, a special-purpose scanner, an imaging spectrom- The main research activities of this institute include: eter, an aerial remote-sensing magnetic tape pre- interaction between infrared radiation and matter, pho- processing system, a high-resolution multi-channel toelectric physics, infrared detection and tracking, detection system for geostationary meteorological satel- infrared heat imaging devices, infrared measurement lites, and a detection system for sun-synchronous mete- techniques for temperature and humidity, infrared orological satellites to measure vertical atmospheric alarms, and development of new materials which have parameters; it has also beei tasked to study the applica- potential applications in infrared detectors. The institute tion of infrared remote-sensing techniques in geological has ueveloped a number of remote-sensing components, exploration and oil exploration. e.y., infrared detectors at different bands, which are compatible with other system components. It has also (Text furnished by Shanghai Institute of Technical Phys- established a highly qualified remote-sensing technical ics.) team which consists of 48 senior-level and 140 middle- level research personnel. The Guangzhou Geological New-Technology Research To carry out its tasks, the institute has the following Institute Under CAS pieces of major equipment: an IP 8500 image processing This institute has a remote-sensing geological research system which uses a MICRO VAX-750 computer as the office whose primary objective is to study earth mineral host, an ARIES III aerial remote-sensing magnetic tape resources (solid and liquid) and the environment. This pre-processing system which uses a PDP1 1/24 computer office was established in 1977, and consists of five host, an optical-transfer-function measurement system, research groups: the gold resource group, the solid min- an optical spectrum calibration unit, a multi-channel eral products group, the gas and oil resource group, the analog tape drive, a digital tape drive, a solar simulator, a coelostat, an infrared scanner performance evaluation environment group, and the remote-sensing theory and system group. It is staffed by 30 technical personnel system, and a satellite-borne instrument environment test unit. (eight senior-level and nine middle-level) with strong research capabilities. It has participated in the integrated The institute has also developed a number of new remote-sensing tests at Hami, Tengchong, Ertan, systems and devices on its own, which include: the Ningwu, and Guangzhou, and has applied remote- detection system for the “Feng Yun |” (FY-!) meteoro- sensing techniques in the exploration of gold, oil, and gas logical satellite, the very-high-resolution multi-channel in Xinjiang Province, and the exploration of gold in radiometer and satellite optical horizon, the multi- western Guangdong Province and Hainan Province. spectral scanner and high-resolution aerial scanner, the Currently, it has undertaken 10 major projects spon- scanner for detecting forest fires, the infrared fine- sored by the National Natural Science Fousdation, the resolution spectral scanner, the scanner for monitoring National Office of Critical Programs, the Provincial ocean-surface pollution, the push-broom type aerial Foundation, and the Lateral Development Office. Over scanner. Other contributions of the institute include: the past 10 years, this office has accumulated a large application of infrared micro spectroscopy in geological body of optical spectrum data and remote-sensing data exploration, application of fine-resolution spectroscopy on China’s major rock formations and mineral in an aerial remote-sensing project (a joint Sino-U:S. resources; its research accomplishments have won JPRS-CST-91-003 ~ 17 January 1991 numerous awards, and many of its technical papers have (Text furnished by Xinjiang Geographical Research been presented at overseas conferences and published in Institute.) foreign publications. Domestic Airborne Remote-Sensing System, This office is equipped with indoor and outdoor test Applications in Monitoring Natural Disasters instruments for ground-object spectral research, remote- 9I1FEO101P Reijing HUANJING YAOGAN [REMOTE sensing image processing instruments, microprocessors, SENSIN ENVIRONMENT] in Chinese Vol 5 ana ground-object data banks. The H-10 and H-20 No 3, du. A) pp 187-194 [MS received 26 Mar 90] ground-object spectral radiometer developed by this office has been widely used in scientific research and [Articie by He Xinnian [0149 2946 1628] of the Institute production, and has been favorably received by the of Remote Sensing Application, Chinese Academy of users. Sciences, Beijing; presented at the 11th Asian Confer- ence on Remote Sensing} (Text furnishe Guangzhou New-Technology Research Inst’ tut [Text] Abstract The Xinjiang Geographical Research Institute Under This article describes the current situation of natural CAS disasters in this country, and discusses the unique fea- tures of airborne remote sensing. In particular, it biiefly In 1979, this institute established a remote-sensing appli- discusses the important role of remote sensing in disaster cations research office which today has 16 (three senior- prevention, mitigation and rescue, as well as in assessing level and four middle-level) technical personnel. Its the damages and effects of natural disasters. It also primary tasks include theoretical research of remote- describes the technical capabilities of China's high- sensing applications, remote-sensing survey of regional altitude airborne remote sensing system and illustrates resources, and environmental research. This office has the application of this system in monitoring floods and various equipment for image processing, interpretation forest fires. and mapping which are used in resource exploration and environmental research; it also has a number of field I. Monitoring of Natural Disasters spectrometers (0.4-2.5 jsm) and equipment for computer Natural disaster 1s an unpredictable natural phenom image analysis and graphics. The major tasks undertaken enon which causes enormous damage to human lives and by this office include: survey of resources in the Bosten properties, and may even threaten human survival. Its (Bagrax) Hu region, selection of optimum frequency development is not only dictated by the laws of nature band for ground-object remote sensing in Xinjiang Prov- but also strongly affected by human activities. In recent ince, aerial remote-sensing tests and mapping along the years, the explosion of world population and the uncon- Tarim River, application of spectral data in the study of trolled development and exploitation of natura. desert formation, construction of 1:1,000,000-scale land- resources have caused further damage to the fragile use map of Xinjiang Province from satellite images, ecological environment, and upset the global equilib- application of remote-sensing techniques for gold explo- rium of the natural cycle; as a consequence, the occur- ration in the Tuoliyiyibi Lake region of Xinjiang Prov- rence of disasters has intensified. Statistics show that ince, application of filtering techniques to extract geo- losses to the world economy caused directly and indi- logical structure information, conducting a detailed land rectly by natural disasters have reached $85-120 billion. survey of Hejing County using SPOT images, conducting soil and resource survey along the Aksu River basin for China is a country that suffers considerable damage from improving land use, establishing an automated soil iden- natural disasters; in 1989, direct losses to its economy tification and classification system and a mapping expert caused by natural disasters totaled 52.5 billion yuan, and system, and conducting research of optical processing indirect losses were estimated to be three to five times of techniques and theory of integrating multiple remote- that amount. Table | shows China’s annual losses due to sensing data. natural disasters estimated from statistical data.' Table 1 Type of disaster Food loss (100 miilion kg) Direct loss to the economy (in 100 million yuan) Nature of disaster _ i Statistics for each category | Subtotal OO Drought 400-500 150-200 | jemmanatocle dineeses Flood 200 150-200 | Oe + —— Tidal storm 5-10 420-510 Hail and ice 30-50 Forest fire me 50-100 i Earthquake | Earth-related disaster JPRS-CST-91-003 17 January 1991 —<—<— —$— ———_—____—_ iaiasmsinieecinaaiiamen Type of disaster Food loss (100 million kg) | Direct loss to the economy (in 100 million yuan) Nature of disaster —— —_ sicoensianalen ie edaiebidimastgmivoalariciagimtdiieeaiaeaaniaiapiencestgaicin ; | : | Statistics for each category f Subtotal NEE eeeEeEE—————— ~-4-—— ee. ote + Avalanche, mud slide §-10 20-30 | ee oe —-- + - — ae + -— + il erosion 30-50 20-30 80-100 —_—— eS —______— + + Sand storm and desert 5-10 20-30 invasion | os —- —- a a —_——~ —r t~ Secondary disaster caused 10-20 by human activities —-——— ee —— — —- ——- — _ ——— — t + - Diseases, insects, rats, 20-30 10-15 10-15 Biological disaster weeds on pnp + Total 695-780 510-640 $ 10-640 Natural disaster has become one of today’s most impor- and locating the fires and transmitting images of the fire tant issues because of the enormous economic losses it scenes in real time. From 1987 to 1989, the State Science inflicts; disaster prevention and mitigation is now con- Commission organized a test team with members from sidered by every country around the world as one of the the Ministry of Water Resources, CAS, and the State most urgent tasks. The topic of fighting against disasters Bureau of Surveying and Cartography to conduct tests of and disaster prevention has had a several- rea!-time aerial monitoring and transmitting of the thousand-year-long history, but in the past man had images of floods along the Yongding River, the Yellow always been a passive victim because the natural phe- River, and the Yangtze River using microwave radars nomena associated with disasters were never well under- and television photographic techniques. In 1978, air- stood. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the borne remote-sensing techniques were used to survey development of science and technology, particularly damages caused by caterpillars in the pine forest around aerospace technology, has enabled us to observe our the Yunnan Tengchong region; during the Seventh 5 environment from a vantage point away from earth; this Year Plan, wide-area remote-sensing surveys were con- new ability has revealed a series of natural phenomena ducted to determine the state of soil erosion around the never before understood by man, and for the first time it Huangtu highlands. In recent years, numerous tests have has presented us the possibility of taking active measures been conducted to monitor ocean pollution in the Bohai against natural disasters. In applying remote-sensing and Huanghai area, and airborne microwave radiome- technology, the United States has developed the capa- ters have been used to monitor ice formation in the bility to accurately forecast hurricane movement by Bohai region; these tests have provided a large amount of flying an airplane into the storm to pinpoint the eye of scientific data which are used to ensure the safety of the hurricane; accurate weather forecast has been made ocean transportation and offshore oil-drilling platforms possible by using multi-band microwave radiometers to measure the moisture content in the clouds and the The above discussion shows that remote-sensing tech- vertical pressure and temperature gradients. In 1962, the niques have been successfully applied in this country for U.S. Department of Agriculture began research on monitoring disasters; significant progress has also been infrared airborne remote-sensing techniques for made in methodology research, equipment develop- detecting and mapping forest fires. In 1983, the Bureau ment, system development, and in building a capable of Forestry and NASA invested $77,000 to conduct a remote-sensing research team. Therefore, China now has feasibility study of a next-generation fire-detection the technical capability to make a substantial contribu. system; from 1984 to 1985, $300,000 were invested to tion in disaster prevention and mitigation, and in proceed with the preliminary design, and a total of fighting against disasters $1.698 million has been allocated for building the new system. During the 1980's, the French Matra Co. devel- oped a three-channel, infrared scanning fire-detection II. The Role of Airborne Remote Sensing in Disaster system, which has been successfully used in monitoring Mitigation forest fires in the Mediterranean. In this country, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) The wide variety of natural disasters span large dimen- and Heilongjiang Province began research in the 1970's sions in both space and time. For example, disasters on airborne remote-sensing techniques for detecting which occur unexpectedly such as earthquakes may last forest fires; they developed the capability of taking only several seconds; on the other hand, drought can last photographs of the fire scenes through smoke and fog. several months or years, and soil erosion and desert After the big 1987 Daxing Anling fire, CAS, with the invasion can continue for several years or several centu- support of the State Planning Commission, developed an ries. There are many factors that affect the occurrence airborne remote-sensing system for real-time monitoring and development of natural disasters. At the present of forest fires; this system has the capability of detecting time, man has not been able to prevent disasters from JPRS-CST-91-003 17 Janvary 1991 occurring, but he is able to predict them to a certain | Collection | | Determination| degree; this ts where remote sensing can play an impor- of disaster | of di. saster || tant role. information | | location | Remote-sensing information includes spaceborne, air- : | borne, and ground-based environmental! information: these complementary information sources provide a multi-dimensional information network. Specifically, Transmission | the widely used airborne remote-sensing technique can of disaster | play an important role in mitigating natural disasters information because of its versatility, mobility, high resolution, and am high operating efficiency | Processing disaster| (1) Disaster Prevention | information and |! The occurrence and development of natural disasters making decisions obey certain laws of nature; for example, the formation and movement of hurricanes, the precursors of earth- quakes, the abnormal temperature variations associated with forest fires, and the occurrence of floods and mud Figure | slides are all governed by some natural laws. By using remote-sensing techniques to collect and analyze the sublayers from coilapsing; remote-sensing techniques information on the time-space characteristics and spec- can plan an active and effective role in these areas for the tral characteristics of natural disasters, it is possible to purpose of disaster mitigation and prevention predict them to a certain degree and issue warnings (2) Guarding Against Disasters accordingly. In 1975, the heavy rain brought by an intensity-4 hurricane caused two large water dams to Certain types of disasters, particularly those that occur collapse, and the resulting 10-m-high flood killed more unexpectedly, are very difficult to guard against, but than 100,000, destroyed more than 15 million mu of their effects can be greatly mitigated if the actual condi- farm land, and cut off railroad transportation in the tions of the disasters can be closely monitored and province. On the other hand, in July 1981, during the evaluated. Remote-sensing techniques have unique flood of the Yangtze River (along the Jingjiang section), capabilities in performing real-time monitoring of nat- the arrival of the river crest was accurately predicted; as ural disasters a result, flooding of 600,000 mu of farm land and An airborne remote-sensing disaster-monitoring system relocation of 400,000 people were avoided; the saving in generally consists of four main segments as shown in relocation costs aione was more than 100 million yuan Figure | , As a means of achieving the goal of disaster prevention. 1. Collection of Disaster Information remote-sensing techniques can be used for engineering construction, land-use planning, and scientific explora- Table 2 lists a variety of remote sensors designed to tion of natural resources. For example, in selecting collect different types of disaster information. These construction sites for large hydroelectric and nuclear sensors cover a wide electromagnetic band including the power plants, the geological stability of the soil structure ultraviolet band, the visible band, the laser band, the must be considered; in land use, care must be taken to infrared band, and the microwave band. They can effec- avoid salt accumulation and desert invasion; in devel- tively measure the space, time and spectral characteris- oping underground resources, precautions must be taken tics of different types of disasters to provide the neces- to prevent the ground surface from sinking and the sary information for disaster analysis Table 2 a — Dh ctrl | Disaster type 7 —$<—<—$—$—$ —$____,— ——-——___— ———— + 1 . Measure- | Flood | Drought Fire | Disease Atmo- Ice and Mud Soil ero- Farth- | Rats, | Poll ment tech- | | and spheric snow slide sion quake | weeds | tion nique | | insects storm + —+-- a a an + + + + + Color x x x x K x x K x x infrared | | picture | | pick-up | | | + —— ——- — + + + t t Television | x x K K K K K x x | x K picture | pick-up i= | | j I iz , | _—_ | JPRS-CST-91-003 17 January 1991 _Ta2b (Colntienue d) a — a Dieser ope = T — T > —— . T i ae ee _ Measure- | Flood Drought | Fire _ Disease Atmo- Ice and | Mud | Soil ero- Earth Rats, Pollu- ment tech- | and spheric snow |= Slide = |_—s Sion quake weeds tion nique | insects storm | — + — ene eee Tt —— nt Multi- | x x x x K x | x x spectrums | scanning =| i —— + —— + +4 ——__—_—_____+— a ee Microwave | x x x x x x | x radar —+— + + +— + + — --— 4 -____+--_-- a nn Se Microwave | x K x x radiometer | | - + t too pt Hp HS +H Spectrom- | K K K eter t t + — at —————— oy — Se a — Laser fluo- | x x rimetry | i | } 1 | | j | it 2. Determination of Disaster Location disaster command center, or sent directly to the ground receiving station. The transmission distance depends on The location of disasters is very difficult to determine if the earth curvature, the transmitter power, and the it occurs in the ocean, the forest or desert, or under sensitivity of the receiver, for example, at an altitude of low-visibility conditions, because there are no landmarks 7,000 m, the transmission distance is 250 km. for identification. To determine the disaster iocation accurately in these situations would require the use of (B) Quasi-Real-Time Transmission advanced positioning systems such as the GPS, the In this mode, the collected information is first recorded LORAN-C, the XMS, the TRANSIT, the TACAN, and on a storage medium (film, magnetic tapes or disks, etc.) the GEOSTAR. Of these systems, the GPS has the and then transmitted to the receiving station at the greatest potential in terms of practicality and future appropriate time. For example, the flood pictures col- development. It is a continuously operating global posi- lected by synthetic-aperture radar are transmitted in tioning system which consists of 18 active satellites and quasi-real time; typically, the time delay is approxi- three back-up satellites in six different orbit planes. By mately 3-5 hours. collecting the navigation signals transmitted by the GPS (C) Record and Playback and using the pseudo ranges from four oft he satellites, it is possible to determine the location of the disaster area In this mode, the medium containing the collected in a three-dimensional coordinate system; the real-time information is retrieved in the air or dropped to the positioning accuracy is of the order of several meters or ground, and then delivered by airplanes or automobiles. better. 4. Processing of Disaster Information and Another type of practical positioning ‘system is the Decision-Making airborne inertial navigation system (e.g., the U.S. LIT- The processing of disaster information consists of the TON-72); it can provide real-time latitude and longitude following functions: data input, format conversion, coordinates with a resolution of 6 seconds. Although the mathematical operations, feature extraction, display, inertial navigation system typically has a positioning recording, and synthesis of multiple information and error of tens to hundreds of meters because of timing alignment; these functions are carried out using various drift, it can st'll meet most of the requirements of disaster information systems, disaster models, expert disaster monitoring and location. systems, and command-support and decision-support systems. To achieve effective disaster mitigation 3. Transmission of Disaster Information requires the capabilities of high-capacity, high-speed and real-time processing, information extraction and :nter- Generally, the transmitted information include pictures pretation, and map synthesis; in recent years, a number of disaster scenes, environmental data from remote of hardware systems and parallel-processing techniques sensors, and various data, reports, commands, and voice have been developed. In addition, disaster-fighting capa- for disaster prevention and mitigation. The total infor- bility is further enhanced by using computer-aided deci- mation content transmitted can be as high as a billion sion-making techniques which make use of the disaster bytes. There are three different modes of transmission. background data bank, the financial information system, the environmental information system, and the disaster (A) Real-Time Transmission information management ~~ In this mode, the collected information is immediately (3) Disaster Relief q ° converted into electrical signals (e.g., television signals or digital signals) and transmitted via satellite micro- With the support of the information systems, remote- wave relays and wired communications network to the sensing techniques can be used to collect the information JPRS-CST-91-003 17 January 1991 for determining the magnitude and development trend maintain; there are also provisions for testing the hard- of the disaster nd taking the appropriate disaster-relief ware and software for quick diagnosis and trouble- measures, commanding and coordinating the disaster- shooting; 4) the remote sensors cover a sufficiently wide relief team, allocating relief materials, and planning spectrum to collect information on various ground evacuation routes for personnel and materials. objects and earth resources, as well as biological and environmental data; the system also has the capability of real-time collection, dynamic analysis, rapid processing (4) Disaster Assessment and dissemination of information; 5) the system uses Assessing the losses to disasters is a complicated microcomputers to perform centralized monitoring and problem; remote-sensing techniques are very useful tools recording; by programming the computers, it 1s possible for obtaining scientific and objective assessment. By to perform different operations and to collect multi-band analyzing the remote-sensing data, it 1s possible to accu- and multi-phase information to meet different require- rately determine the disaster location and estimate the ments; 6) the system uses state-of-the-art technologies damage of the disaster. In this country, the annual such as imaging spectrometers; laser remote sensors; and insurance payout for disasters totals 5.9 billion yuan, a ultra-high-capacity, ultra-high-speed storage and pro- large portion of which is due to the lack of scientific cessing units. information. During the construction of the Longtan power plant, the use of remote-sensing techniques In short, the successful development of this airborne reduced the payout for flood losses by 100 million yuan remote-sensing system indicates that China’s remote- Remote-sensing techniques also play an important role sensing technology has reached a new stage wherein in assessing the effect of disasters on the ecology and 1n different technologies can be united and integrated into an effective system design planning the economic recovery and community recon- struction efforts after the disaster IV. Applications of the Airborne Remote-Sensing Ili. Airborne Remote-Sensing System’® Disaster-Monitoring System In an effort to apply airborne remote-sensing technology Because of the unique features of airborne remote in disaster monitoring, two systems have been developed sensing, a majority of industrialized nations have devel- within a 2-year period: the real-time forest oped various advanced airborne remote-sensing systems fire-monitoring system and the flood-monitoring systen For example, the United States has a system which uses high-altitude airplanes such as the U-2 and the SR-71 equipped with 22 different types of remote sensors and (1) Real-Time Forest-Fire-Monitoring System associated control and recording systems; the Soviet After the disastrous forest fire which took place in Ma Union has a system which uses large airplanes such as 1987 in the Daxing Anling area, a real-time tores the AN-30 and the TU-134 equipped with visible fire-monitoring system was developed, its main , infrared and microwave remote sensors; Australia and Capad| ities are: a) real-time fire detection, b) real-tsme detern France have also developed airborne remote-sensing nation of fire location, c) real-time transmission systems equipped with a variety of remote sensors disaster information, and d) real-time information pro- In this country, research in remote-sensing technology cessing. Its system block diagram 1s shown in Figure began in the 1970's. During the Sixth 5-Year Plan, the A three-channel scanner is used for fire detection, 11 development of a series of remote-sensing instruments covers the visible band (0.4-0.7 tm) and the infrared and the application of these instruments established a band (3-5 um and 8-14 pm). solid foundation for future development. During the Seventh 5-Year Plan, strong support was provided by the The fire location information which includes the lati- State to develop a “high-altitude airborne remote-sensing tude, longitude of the fire region, the altitude of the system” and to carry out basic research in remote- airplane and time 1s provided by the inertial navigation sensing technology; the airborne remote-sensing system system and its displayed and transmitted along with is an all-weather, multi-functional system which covers a images of the fire scene wide spectrum including the ultraviolet band, the visible band, the laser band, the infrared band, and the micro- Images of the fire scene are transmitted via television wave band signals which are automatically tracked by the ground receiving antenna. The maximum transmission distance The unique features of China’s airborne remote-sensing is 250 km, long-distance transmission can be accom- system are as follows: |) it has state-of-the-art remote plished using microwave-relay-type communications sensors and system performance; 2) it 1s a practical! Satellites system which can be used for various applications such aS mapping, regional planning, resource exploration An IBM-PC microcomputer and a high-speed image- environmental survey and disaster monitoring, 3) spe acquisition unit, the FG-100, are used to collect the cial efforts are made in designing the system components fire-scene images, and a computer program is used to to achieve high reliability, interchangeability, and stan- determine the fire location and plot it on a map; the dardization, so that they are easy to operate and to latitude and longitude coordinates are also printed out JPRS-CST-91-003 17 January 1991 Communications wv satellite Repeater Hard ) copy Ux I EO agnetic 33 irey Storage || E> —* b©e ooO c Infra- Proces- Video k + = red si; ng syn-° = trhanrse- Qw hq Diisc play vvs0e scanner unit thesis oe =~ T Image “tecor in t_ nage C Micro recordin, g amer’ :o mpute-r “0c e 30 f Be 7 O-r li nertia7 l 2} : . 1 7 Ow Moone pt pe = Display Monitor-~ Image Print- Swf : ; y ing record ing Ground receiving and Airborne system _re-transmission station Remote sensor Disaster area an A tS ay, ti Figure 2. Airborne Remote-Sensing System for Real-Time Forest-Fire Monitoring Test results show that this system is capable of detecting airplane has landed, the coherent images are converted a fire several square meters in size from an altitude of by a radar-optical processor into video images and 10,000 m; it has a scan width of 21 km from an altitude recorded on film; at the same time, they are CCD of 9,000 m, covering an area of 10,000 square meters per [charge-coupled device] converted into video signals hour. Thus, the cost is only a fraction of a yuan per which can be recorded or modulated for long-distance square meter. transmission. (2) Flood-Monitoring System The two monitoring systems have been tested at the Yongding River in 1987, at the Yellow River in 1988, 1. Real-Time Flood-Monitoring System and at the Jingjiang section of the Yangtze River in 1989; both systems received a citation from the National The system block diagram is shown in Figure 3. It has a Flood-Prevention and Control Center for their out- television camera and a true-aperture side-looking radar standing test results. In August 1989, clear radar pictures (K-band, resolution 20 m); the images are formed by a of the Yangtze River flood scenes were obtained for the fiber-optic device and recorded on magnetic tapes. The first time by a Chinese-built side-looking radar under signals are modulated and then transmitted to the nighttime and adverse weather conditions. ground via the airborne antenna system. The received signals are demodulated, recorded, and displayed; they V. Development Trend of Airborne Remote-Sensing can be re-modulated and transmitted via a microwave- Syste and Its Potential Application in Disaster relay-type communications satellite. Mitigation With the development of space technology, the design 2. Quasi-Real-Time Flood-Monitoring System trend of modern remote sensors is toward an increasing This system uses a synthetic-aperture side-looking radar number of bands and higher resolution. For example, the (X-band, resolution 10 m, scanning width 35 km). The U.S.-built AIS and AVIRIS imaging spectrometers have coherent images collected by the receiver are first 128 and 224 bands, respectively and a resolution of 10 recorded on film by the onboard recorder. After the m. CAS’s Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics has JPRS-CST-91-003 17 January 1991 Airborne Ptruea-ape]rtu re radar Inertial navigation Oto,raphic [ Dis- - >S vntthneettiicc-- aperture radar Sifcg nal Antenna t 2a} {qu‘Teen- ch| |aPotweer ! ced ws =& %. Diippll exe — {I rlatteio n 2—s> =03 Raotdui-c h} friee r | io7C ow> o <wccR3oeoe *vSqc w oaKlee} Q7 PbSo'axsy7s vatear sicoonn - >= ra e E elemetry | [j== 5 | _ Low-noi. se a Motio. n | | i|d Read lrecept 101 n ly OQ conerent receiver! | compensation! vr Satellite or {r ‘gvnchronized| microwave relay idemodulation,; ,|Display and record bpt icaSls pP SCSNessss es ia|l c cnvCeCrDs ioox d Film De- Out- \ recor&d enie ng| modu- Dut ] ijation Poets oneees, © {Disp y] coMnosstariuc neil ons Acnotnetnrnoal| | Raeco rd Ground receiving and ré-C&Sansmission station Figure 3. Airborne Remote-Sensing System for Flood Monitoring developed a 71-band imaging spectrometer. Its potential multiple band, and multi-factor analysis, and the estab- application in resource exploration has attracted a great lishment of information systems, knowledge bases, deal of attention from the remote-sensing community. model bases, and expert systems. The larger number of bands and higher resolution result The recent development in remote-sensing technologies in significantly increased information capacity. For has further enhanced its potential application in disaster example, the information capacity of the imaging spec- mitigation. It is suggested that during the 1990's, we trometer exceeds 4 megabytes per second, or 14,000 should concentrate our efforts in building a multi-level megabytes per hour. Ultra-high-capacity, ultra- remote-sensing disaster-monitoring network, estab- high-speed recording systems, interfaces, and processing lishing a national disaster center to coordinate and techniques are also being developed; the conventional Organize disaster-mitigation activities, promoting the VHS recording system has a capacity of 5,400 mega- research and development of national disaster- bytes, and its recording density is as high as 50,000 bits information systems and decision centers for disaster per inch. Significant progress is also being made in the assistance, and establishing airborne rescue teams. The development of various real-time high-speed processing goal is to establish a highly mobile, highly responsive techniques such as multi-channel parallel-processing and disaster-monitoring-and-rescue system with remote optical-digital-computer processing techniques. sensing as its core element The sudden surge in information capacity and the demands of real-time monitoring have stimulated rapid References development of information transmission technology. 1. Sun Guangzhong, “Analysis of Natural Disasters in The development trend of modern airplane-to-ground China,” “‘Natural Disasters in China,”’ Academic Pub- transmission is toward miniaturization, digitization, lishing House, 1990 enhanced interference-rejection capability, narrow bandwidth and increased transmission distance. There is 2. Tong Qingxi, Foreword to “Aerial Remote-Sensing little doubt that this trend will also extend to transmis- Systems and Their Applications,” Edited by the Remote sion between airplane, satellite and ground. Sensing Joint Center of the Chinese Academy of Sci- ences, Energy Sources Publishing House, 1989 The increased types of information sources in remote sensing also has accelerated the development of tech- 3. He Xinnian, “High-Altitude Airborne Remote- niques in alignment, combination, multiple time-phase, Sensing System,” ibid.

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