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SCHUR Q-FUNCTIONS AND THE CAPELLI EIGENVALUE PROBLEM FOR THE LIE SUPERALGEBRA q(n) ALEXANDERALLDRIDGE,SIDDHARTHASAHI,ANDHADISALMASIAN Abstract. Letl:=q(n)×q(n),whereq(n)denotes thequeerLiesuperalge- 7 bra. The associative superalgebra V of type Q(n) has a leftand right action 1 of q(n), and hence is equipped with a canonical l-modulestructure. We con- 0 sideradistinguishedbasis{Dλ}ofthealgebraofl-invariantsuper-polynomial 2 differential operators on V, which is indexed by strict partitions of length at n mostn. We show that the spectrum of the operator Dλ, whenitacts onthe algebra P(V) of super-polynomials on V, is given by the factorial Schur Q- a J functions of Okounkov and Ivanov. This constitutes a refinement and a new proofofaresultofNazarov,whocomputedthetop-degree homogeneouspart 2 of the Harish-Chandra image of Dλ. As a further application, we show that 2 theradialprojectionsofthesphericalsuper-polynomials(correspondingtothe diagonal symmetric pair (l,m), where m := q(n)) of irreducible l-submodules ] T ofP(V)aretheclassicalSchurQ-functions. R . h t a m 1. Introduction [ LetG/K be a Hermitian symmetric space oftube type. The Shilov boundary of 2 v G/K is of the form G/P =K/M, where P =LN is the Siegel parabolic subgroup 1 and M =L∩K is a symmetric subgroup of both K and L. Let l, m, and n be the 0 complexified Lie algebras of L, M, and N, respectively. We set V :=n and regard 4 V as an L-module. In this setting, V has a natural structure of a simple Jordan 3 algebra. 0 . ThepolynomialalgebraP(V)decomposesasthe multiplicity-freedirectsumof 1 simple L-modules V , indexed naturally by partitions λ. In this situation one has 0 λ natural invariant “Capelli” differential operators of the form ϕk∂(ϕ)k, where ϕ is 7 1 the Jordan norm polynomial. The spectrum of these operators was computed by : KostantandSahi[11,12],andacloseconnectionwithreducibilityandcomposition v factors of degenerate principal series was established by Sahi [17, 20, 18]. i X Sahi showed [19] that the decomposition of P(V) in fact yields a distinguished r basis {D }, called the Capelli basis, of the subalgebra of L-invariant elements of a λ the algebra PD(V) of differential operators on V with polynomial coefficients. Moreover,thereisapolynomialc ,uniquelycharacterizedbyitsdegree,symmetry, λ and vanishing properties, such that D acts on each simple summand V by the λ µ scalar c (µ). The problem of characterizing the spectrum of the operators D is λ λ referred to as the Capelli eigenvalue problem. InfactSahi[19]introducedauniversalmulti-parameterfamilyofinhomogeneous polynomials that serve as a common generalization of the spectral polynomials c λ across all Hermitian symmetric spaces of rank n. Later, Knop and Sahi [10] stud- ied a one-parametersubfamily of these polynomials, whichalreadycontains allthe spectral polynomials. They showed that these polynomials are eigenfunctions of a class of difference operators extending the Debiard–Sekiguchi differential opera- tors. It follows that the top degree terms of the Knop–Sahi polynomials are Jack polynomials,whichforspecialchoicesoftheparameterbecomesphericalfunctions. 1 2 ALLDRIDGE,SAHI,ANDSALMASIAN ThesepolynomialswerelaterstudiedfromadifferentpointofviewbyOkounkov and Olshanski, who referred to them as shifted Jack polynomials. Subsequently, supersymmetricanalogsof the Knop–Sahishifted Jackpolynomi- als wereconstructedby Sergeevand Veselovin [25]. More recently,two ofus (Sahi and Salmasian [21]) have extended this circle of ideas to the setting of the triples (l,m,V) of the form (gl(m|n)×gl(m|n),gl(m|n),Mat (C)), m|n (1.1) (gl(m|2n),osp(m|2n),S2(Cm|2n)). In each of these situations one has, once again, a natural Capelli basis of differ- ential operators, and [21] establishes a precise connection to the abstract Capelli problemof HoweandUmeda [6]. Itis further shownin Ref.[21] thatthe spectrum of the Capelli basis is given by specialisations of super analogues of Knop–Sahi polynomials, defined earlier by Sergeev and Veselov [25]. In the case of the triple (gl(m|n)×gl(m|n),gl(m|n),Mat (C)), these results follow from earlier work of m|n Molev [15], however the case (gl(m|2n),osp(m|2n),S2(Cm|2n)) is harder and re- quires new ideas. TheLie superalgebrasgl(m|n)andosp(m|2n)areexamplesofbasicclassicalLie superalgebras. Such an algebra admits an even non-degenerate invariant bilinear form and an even Cartan subalgebra, and many results for ordinary Lie algebras extend to this setting, see for instance Ref. [2], where spherical representations for the corresponding symmetric pairs are studied. In this paper, we show that the ideas of Ref. [21] can actually be extended to non-basic Lie superalgebras. More precisely, we consider the case of the queer Lie superalgebra q(n), usually defined asthe subalgebraofgl(n|n)ofmatrices commutingwith anodd involution[9]. For the present purposes, it is convenient to work with a slightly different realization of q(n), which we describe below. Let E be the C-algebra generated by an odd element ε, with ε2 = 1; thus as a superspace, E ∼= C1|1 ∼= C⊕Cε. Let A be the associative superalgebra of n×n matriceswithentriesinE. ThenA istheassociativesuperalgebraoftypeQ(n),and q(n)isisomorphictoA regardedasaLiesuperalgebraviathegradedcommutator [x,y]:=xy−(−1)|x||y|yx. In fact A is also a Jordan superalgebra via the graded anticommutator, and an A-bimodule via left and right multiplication. This bimodule structure induces a q(n)×q(n)-module structure on V :=A. Inthispaper,weconsidertheCapellieigenvalueproblemforthe“diagonal” triple (1.2) (l,m,V):= q(n)×q(n),q(n),A . We establish a close connection wi(cid:0)th the Schur Q-func(cid:1)tions Qλ and their inho- mogeneous analogues, the factorial Schur Q-functions Q∗, which were originally λ defined by Okounkov and studied by Ivanov [7]. Our main results are as follows. From [4] it is known that the space P(V) of super-polynomials on V decomposes as a multiplicity-free direct sum of certain l-modules V , which are parametrized λ by strict partitions λ of length at most n. It follows that P(V∗) decomposes as a directsumofthecontragredientl-modulesV∗. InSection4.3,wedescribeacertain λ even linear slice t∗ to the M-orbits on V∗. If p is an m-invariant super-polynomial on V∗ then it is uniquely determined by its restriction to t∗. This restriction is an ordinary polynomial and we call it the m-radial part of p. Theorem 1.1. For every λ, the l-module V∗ contains an m-spherical super-poly- λ nomial p∗, which is unique up to a scalar multiple. Moreover, up to a scalar, the λ m-radial part of p∗ is the Schur Q-function Q . λ λ SCHURQ-FUNCTIONSANDCAPELLIEIGENVALUESFORq(n) 3 This is proved in Theorem 4.5 below. Now consider the algebra PD(V) of polynomialcoefficientdifferentialoperatorsonV. Ithasanl-moduledecomposition PD(V)∼= Vµ⊗Vλ∗ ∼= Homl(Vλ,Vµ), λ,µ λ,µ M M and we write D for the differential operator corresponding to the identity map λ id ∈ Hom(V ,V ). The D are the Capelli operators, and they form a basis Vλ l λ µ λ for the l-invariant differential operatorsacting on P(V). The operator D acts on λ each irreducible component V of P(V) by a scalar eigenvalue c (µ). µ λ Theorem1.2. TheeigenvaluesoftheCapellioperatorD aregivenbythefactorial λ Q-function Q∗. More precisely for all λ,µ, we have λ Q∗(µ) c (µ)= λ . λ Q∗(λ) λ This is proved in Theorem 3.8. In fact, Theorem 1.1 follows from the latter theorem: in order to prove Theorem 1.1, we exploit the relation between spher- ical vectors and the spectrum of the Capelli operators. More precisely, the top degreehomogeneouspartof the factorialSchur Q-functionis anordinarySchurQ- function,andweusethiskeyconnectiontoproveourtheoremaboutthem-spherical polynomial. Compared to the cases considered in (1.1), the situation in (1.2) is more com- plicated. First, since the Cartan subalgebra of q(n) is not purely even, the highest weight space of an irreducible finite dimensional q(n)-module is not necessarily one-dimensional. Second,unlikethe basicclassicalcases,the tensorproductoftwo irreducible q(n)-modules is not necessarily an irreducible q(n)×q(n)-module, and sometimes decomposes as a direct sum of two modules which are isomorphic up to paritychange. Third,them-sphericalvectorsinP(V)arepurelyodd,whereasthe m-spherical vectors in P(V∗) are purely even. These issues add to the difficulties that arise in the proofs in the case of the symmetric pair in (1.2). In[24,Theorem3],Sergeevintroducedtheq(n)-analogueoftheHarish-Chandra isomorphism (1.3) η :Z(q(n))−→P(h¯0), where h¯0 denotes the evenpartof the Cartansubalgebraofq(n). Theorem1.2 can be reformulatedin termsof the map η, as follows. The imageofη canbe naturally identified with the space of n-variable Q-symmetric polynomials (see Section 3.2). Wedenotetheactionsofthefirstandsecondfactorsofl=q(n)×q(n)onP(V)by L and R, respectively. Since the typical “̺-shift” for the Sergeev Harish-Chandra isomorphismisequaltozero,weobtainthefollowingreformulationofTheorem1.2. Theorem 1.3. For every Capelli operator D , there exists a unique z ∈Z(q(n)) λ λ such that L(z )=D . Furthermore, λ λ Q∗(µ) η(z ) (µ)= λ . λ Q∗(λ) λ (cid:0) (cid:1) We now describe the relation between our work and the work of Nazarov [16]. The main result of Nazarov is the construction of certain Capelli elements (which he calls C ) in the centre of the universal enveloping algebra of q(n). Now let λ S:U(q(n))−→U(q(n)) denote the canonical anti-automorphism of the enveloping algebra U(q(n)) obtained by extending the map q(n) −→ q(n), x 7−→ −x. We remarkthatfromthepropertiesoftheoperatorsC andtheuniquenessofthez it λ λ followsthatz andS(C )differonlyuptoascalar. Theprecisevalueofthis scalar λ λ 4 ALLDRIDGE,SAHI,ANDSALMASIAN can be computed as follows. Let n be the number of shifted standard tableaux of λ shape λ. It is known [14, III, Section 7, Examples] that |λ|! λ −λ i j (1.4) n = . λ λ !···λ ! λ +λ 1 ℓ(λ) i j 16i<Yj6ℓ(λ) From Theorem 1.2 as well as a result of Nazarov’s [16, Proposition 4.8] which shows that the top-degree homogeneous part of the Harish-Chandra image of C λ is a scalar multiple of Schur’s Q-function Q , we obtain the following statement, λ which is proved in Theorem 4.9. Theorem 1.4. With z as in Theorem 1.3, we have λ (−1)|λ|n2 z = λ S(C ). λ (|λ|!)22ℓ(λ) λ Foreveryz ∈Z(q(n)),wehaveη(z)(µ)=η(S(z))(−µ). Thus,theabovetheorem implies the following corollary. Corollary 1.5. The Harish-Chandra image of the operator C is given by λ (−1)|λ||λ|! η(C ) (µ)= Q∗(−µ). λ n λ λ Since the top homoge(cid:0)neous p(cid:1)art of Q∗ is Q , the above corollary is a strength- λ λ ening of Nazarov’s result [16, Proposition 4.8]. We would like to mention that the polynomials Q also occur in a different λ scenariorelatedtotheLiesuperalgebraq(n). In[23,Theorem1.7],Sergeevshowed that the radial parts of the bispherical matrix coefficients on q(n) × q(n), with respecttothe diagonalandtwisted-diagonalembeddingsofq(n)inq(n)×q(n),are SchurQ-polynomials. Itwillbeinterestingtoexplorepossibleconnectionsbetween our work and Sergeev’s result. Let us now give a brief synopsis of our paper. In Section 2, we realise the Lie superalgebras relevant to us in terms of supermatrices. In Section 3, we identify the actionof l on P(V), construct the Capelli basis, and determine the eigenvalue polynomials (Theorem 3.8). Finally, in Section 4, we study the open orbits in V and V∗, show the existence of m-invariant functionals for the simple summands of P(V), and prove that the spherical polynomials thus defined are the classical Schur Q-functions (Theorem 4.5). Acknowledgements. This work was initiated during the Workshopon Hecke Al- gebrasandLieTheory,whichwasheldattheUniversityofOttawa. Thesecondand third named authors thank the National Science Foundation, the Fields Institute, and the University of Ottawa for funding this workshop. The authors thank Vera SerganovaandWeiqiangWangforstimulatingandfruitfulconversationsduringthe workshop, which paved the way for the present article. We also thank Alexander Sergeev for bringing Ref. [23] to our attention. The first named author gratefully acknowledges support by the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsge- meinschaft DFG), grant nos. AL 698/3-1 and ZI 513/2-1, and the Institutional Strategy of the University of Cologne in the Excellence Initiative. He also wishes to thank the University of Ottawa and the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Cologne for their hospitality during the preparation of this article. The third named author’s research was supported by a Discovery Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. 2. Lie superalgebras The triple (l,m,V) given in Equation (1.2) can be realized inside the Lie super- algebra q(2n), which can be further embedded inside gl(2n|2n). This provides a SCHURQ-FUNCTIONSANDCAPELLIEIGENVALUESFORq(n) 5 concrete realization which allows us to express the Lie superalgebras of interest as 4n×4nmatrices. Inordertodescribethisconcreterealization,itwillbeconvenient toconsiderthreecommutinginvolutionsofthe algebragl(2n|2n). To this end,first we equip the space Mat4n×4n(C) of 4n×4n complex matrices with a Lie super- algebra structure isomorphic to gl(2n|2n). Instead of supermatrices in standard format, we prefer to consider those of the shape A B (2.1) x= , A,B,C,D ∈gl(n|n). C D (cid:18) (cid:19) Equipped with the signed matrix commutator, the space of such matrices forms a Lie superalgebrag isomorphicto gl(2n|2n), the isomorphismbeing givenby conju- gation by the 4n×4n matrix I 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I := , 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I e   where I := I denotes the n×nidentity matrix. Next let σ,ϕ, and θ be three n×n involutions on g, given respectively by conjugation by matrices I 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Σ:=  , Φ:=  , Θ:= . 0 0 −I 0 0 0 0 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 −I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0       It is straightforward to verify that ΣΦ= ΦΣ, ΦΘ= ΘΦ, and ΣΘ = −ΘΣ, hence the involutions σ,ϕ, and θ commute with each other. 2.1. The involution σ. The subspace gσ of fixed points of σ equals gl(n|n)× gl(n|n) with elements of the form A 0 where A,D ∈gl(n|n). 0 D (cid:18) (cid:19) The subspace g−σ of fixed points of −σ consists of matrices of the form 0 B where B,C ∈gl(n|n). C 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) Thus, as a super-vector space, g−σ = g−σ ⊕g−σ where g−σ are respectively the + − ± spaces of 4n×4n matrices of the form 0 B 0 0 and 0 0 C 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) with B,C ∈gl(n|n). In fact g−σ are the ±2-eigenspaces of ad(Σ), where we think ± of Σ as an element of g. Therefore g−σ are abelian subalgebas of g, and together ± with gσ they form a Z-grading of g. The action of gσ on g−σ is given explicitly by + 0 AB−(−1)|B||D|BD (2.2) x,v = , 0 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) for all homogeneous (cid:2) (cid:3) A 0 0 B x= ∈gσ, v = ∈g−σ. 0 D 0 0 + (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) Inwhatfollows,wesetU :=g−σ andidentifyitasasuper-vectorspacewithgl(n|n), + via the map 0 B (2.3) gl(n|n)−→U :B 7−→ . 0 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) 6 ALLDRIDGE,SAHI,ANDSALMASIAN 2.2. The involution ϕ. The involution ϕ induces the parity reversing automor- phism of C2n|2n, and therefore the subalgebra gϕ of fixed points of ϕ is isomor- phic to q(2n). It consists of all x ∈ g as in Equation (2.1) such that the blocks A,B,C,D ∈q(n). Furthermore, l:=gϕ,σ ∼=q(n)×q(n). We define V :=gϕ∩U. Then it is clear that [l,V]⊆gϕ∩[gσ,g−σ]⊆gϕ∩g−σ =V. + + The restriction of the map defined in Equation (2.3) yields an identification of V with a subspace of gl(n|n) which carries the structure of q(n). 2.3. The involution θ. Thealgebragσ,θ offixedpointsofbothσ andθ isisomor- phic to gl(n|n), and realised by supermatrices A 0 (2.4) , A∈gl(n|n). 0 A (cid:18) (cid:19) FromEquation (2.2), it follows that the actionof gσ,θ on U is precisely the adjoint action of gl(n|n). Furthermore, m:=lθ =gϕ,σ,θ ∼=q(n). It is realised by supermatrices of the form as in Equation (2.4) where in addition A ∈ q(n). Moreover, the action of m on V is precisely the adjoint action of q(n). For the followinglemma, lete∈V ⊆U be the element correpondingto the matrix 0 I 2n×2n , 0 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) and set s:=l−θ =gϕ,σ,−θ. Lemma 2.1. Let p:gσ −→U be the linear map defined by x7−→x·e. (i) The map p is a surjection onto U with kernel gσ,θ. Its restriction to gσ,−θ is a linear isomorphism. (ii) The restriction of p to l is a surjection onto V with kernel m. Its restriction to s is a linear isomorphism onto V. (iii) Equipped with the binary operation (x·e)◦(y·e):=[x,[y,e]] for x,y ∈gσ,−θ (respectively, x,y ∈s) the super-vector space U (respectively, V) becomes a Jordan superalgebra. Proof. Parts(i)and(ii)followfromstraightforwardcalculations. For(iii),itsuffices to prove the statement for U. Note that according to Equation (2.2), we have 0 2A A 0 x·e= , ∀x= ∈gσ,−θ. 0 0 0 −A (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) Thus, a direct calculation shows that up to normalization, A ◦ B coincides for A,B ∈U with the super-anticommutator AB+(−1)|A|·|B|BA. (cid:3) 3. The eigenvalue polynomials 3.1. The action of l on polynomials. Let P(V) denote the superalgebra of super-polynomials on V. Recall that P(V) is by definition isomorphic to S(V∗). As gσ acts on V, we obtain an induced locally finite gσ-action on P(V∗)=S(V). Similar statements apply to P(V). We shall identify this action in terms of dif- ferential operators. To that end, we consider the complex supermanifold A(V), defined as the locally ringed space with underlying topological space V¯0 and sheaf SCHURQ-FUNCTIONSANDCAPELLIEIGENVALUESFORq(n) 7 ofsuperfunctionsOA(V) :=HV¯0⊗ (V¯1)∗,whereHdenotesthesheafofholomorphic functions. There is a natural inclusion V V∗ −→Γ(OA(V)) (Γ denoting globalsections), allowingus to identify linear forms onV with certain superfunctions on A(V). In particular, P(V) is a subsuperalgebra of Γ(OA(V)). RecallthatonasupermanifoldX,thevectorfieldsonX,definedonanopenset O ⊆X of the underlying topologicalspace, are defined to be the superderivations 0 of O | [1, Definition 4.1]. For any homogeneous basis (x ) of V, the dual basis X O a (xa)isacoordinatesystemonA(V),and[1,Proposition4.5]thereareunique(and globally defined) vector fields ∂ on A(V) of parity |xa|, determined by ∂xa ∂ (xb)=δ , ∀a,b. ∂xa ab The linear action of l on V determines, for v ∈l, vector fields av on A(V) by (3.1) a (xb)=−v·xb, ∀b. v The sign stems from the fact that these are the fundamental vector fields for a Lie supergroupactiononA(V),asweshallseelater. Byconstruction,foranyv ∈l,the actionof−a onP(V)coincideswiththeactionofv definedinthefirstparagraph v of this subsection. We now make this action explicit. Let (e ,ε ) be the standard basis of k k k=1,...,n Cn|n. A homogeneous basis of the super-vector space V ∼=q(n) is determined by E 0 0 E u := kℓ , ξ := kℓ , kℓ 0 E kℓ E 0 kℓ kℓ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) where k,ℓ=1,...,n and E are the usual elementary matrices. Then kℓ u (e )=δ e , u (ε )=δ ε , kℓ j ℓj k kℓ j ℓj k ξ (e )=δ ε , ξ (ε )=δ e . kℓ j ℓj k kℓ j ℓj k Let (ukℓ,ξkℓ) be the dual basis of q(n)∗ =V∗. This determines vector fields ∂ ∂ , ∂ukℓ ∂ξkℓ on A(V) by the recipe given above. Moreover,let (a ,α ) and (b ,β ), respectively, be the copies of (u ,ξ ) in kℓ kℓ kℓ kℓ kl kℓ the first and secondfactor of l=q(n)×q(n). By Equation (2.2), as a module over the second factor, V is isomorphic to Cn⊗(Cn|n)∗ where q(n) acts on Cn|n in the standard way. Hence, the second factor acts on V∗ as on Cn⊗Cn|n: b (upq)=δ upk b (ξpq)=δ ξpk, kℓ ℓq kℓ ℓq β (upq)=δ ξpk β (ξpq)=δ upk. kℓ ℓq kℓ ℓq It follows that n n ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ (3.2) −a = upk +ξpk , −a = ξpk +upk . bkℓ ∂upℓ ∂ξpℓ βkℓ ∂upℓ ∂ξpℓ p=1 p=1 X X Similarly, the first factor of l acts on V as on Cn|n⊗Cn, and hence on V∗ as on (Cn|n)∗⊗Cn. Reasoning as above, this implies n n ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ (3.3) −a = upℓ +ξpℓ , −a = −ξpℓ +upℓ . akℓ ∂upk ∂ξpk αkℓ ∂upk ∂ξpk p=1 p=1 X X We will presently decompose the l-module P(V). To that end, we introduce a labelling set. Let Λ be the set of partitions, that is, of all finite sequences λ = 8 ALLDRIDGE,SAHI,ANDSALMASIAN (λ ,...,λ ) of non-negative integers λ such that λ > λ > ··· > λ . Here, we 1 m j 1 2 m identify λwithanypartition(λ ,...,λ ,0,...,0)obtainedfromλ byappendinga 1 m finite number of zerosatits tail. If λ canbe written in the form (λ ,...,λ ) where 1 ℓ λ > 0, then we say λ has length ℓ(λ) = ℓ. Let Λℓ ⊆ Λ be the set of partitions of ℓ length ℓ(λ)6ℓ. We also set|λ|:=λ +···+λ if ℓ(λ)6ℓ. A partitionλ of length 1 ℓ ℓ(λ)=ℓ is called strict if λ >···>λ >0. The set of all strict partitions will be 1 ℓ denoted by Λ , and we write Λℓ for the set of strict partitions of length at most >0 >0 ℓ; that is, Λℓ :=Λℓ∩Λ . >0 >0 For every strict partition λ such that ℓ(λ) 6 n, let F be the q(n)-highest λ weightmodulewithhighestweightλ ε +···+λ ε ,wheretheε arethestandard 1 1 n n i characters of the even part of the Cartan subalgebra of q(n). For every strict partitionλ,setδ(λ):=0whenℓ(λ)iseven,andδ(λ):=1otherwise. Wenowdefine an l-module V as follows. It is shown in [4, Section 2] that, as an l-module, the λ exterior tensor product (F )∗ ⊠F is irreducible when δ(λ) = 0, and decomposes λ λ into a direct sum of two irreducible isomorphic l-modules (via an odd map) if δ(λ)=1. Following the notation of Ref. [4], we set 1 V := F )∗⊠F , λ 2δ(λ) λ λ that is, we take V to be the irreducible(cid:0)component(cid:1)of (F )∗⊠F that appears in λ λ λ the decomposition of the super-polynomial algebra over the natural (q(n),q(n))- module (see Proposition 3.1). The l-module V is always of type M, that is, it is λ irreducible as an ungraded representation. It follows that in the Z -graded sense, 2 (3.4) Homl Vλ,Vµ =δλµ·C, whereapriori,Homldenotesthese(cid:0)tofall(cid:1)l-equivariantlinearmaps(ofanyparity). In particular, all non-zero l-equivariant endomorphisms of V are even. λ Proposition 3.1. Under the action of l, Pk(V) decomposes as the multiplicity- free direct sum of simple modules V , where λ ranges over elements of Λn which λ >0 satisfy |λ|=k. Proof. Recall that P(V)∼=S(V∗) as l-modules. The proposition follows from the descriptionofthe actionsofthe left andrightcopiesof q(n)onV givenabove,and the results of [4, Section 3]. (cid:3) 3.2. Invariant polynomial differential operators. On a complex superman- ifold X, the differential operators on X defined on an open set O ⊆ X of the 0 underlyingtopologicalspacearegeneratedasasubsuperalgebraofthe C-linearen- domorphisms of OX|O by vector fields and functions. This gives a C-algebra sheaf D that is an O -bisupermodule, filtered by order. X X Here,adifferentialoperatorisoforder 6nifitcanbeexpressedasaproductof some functions and at most n vector fields. A differential operator of order 6n is uniquely determinedby itsactiononmonomialsoforder6ninsomegivensystem of coordinate functions. This follows in the usual way from the Hadamard Lemma [13, Lemma 2.1.8] and implies that D is locally free as a left O -supermodule. X X For the supermanifold A(V), we have a C-superalgebra map ∂ :S(V)−→Γ(DA(V)). It is determined by the linear map which sends any homogeneous v ∈ V to the unique vector field ∂(v) such that (3.5) ∂(v)(µ)=(−1)|µ||v|µ(v) for all homogeneous µ∈V∗. If (x ) is a homogeneous basis of V, then a ∂ ∂(x )=(−1)|xa| . a ∂xa SCHURQ-FUNCTIONSANDCAPELLIEIGENVALUESFORq(n) 9 The image of ∂, denoted by D(V), is the superalgebra of constant-coefficient dif- ferential operators on V. The map (3.6) P(V)⊗D(V)−→Γ(DA(V)):p⊗D 7−→pD is an isomorphism onto a P(V)-submodule of Γ(DA(V)) denoted by PD(V). In- deedPD(V)isasubsuperalgebra,thealgebraofpolynomial differential operators. As l acts by linear vector fields, we have the bracket relation [−a ,p]=−a (p)=x·p, ∀x∈l,p∈P(V). x x The bilinear form (3.7) Pk(V)⊗Dk(V)−→C:p⊗D 7−→Dp is a non-degeneratepairingwhichis l-equivariant,andthereforeresults ina canon- ical l-module isomorphism Dk(V) ∼= Pk(V)∗. Hence the following corollary to Proposition 3.1 holds. Corollary 3.2. The space PD(V)l of l-invariant polynomial differential operators decomposes as follows: PD(V)l = V ⊗(V )∗ l. λ λ λ∈MΛn>0(cid:0) (cid:1) There is a natural l-equivariant isomorphism Vλ ⊗(Vλ)∗ ∼= EndC(Vλ), so the identity element id of V determines an even l-invariant polynomial differential Vλ λ operator D ∈PD(V)l. λ That is, if (p ) is a homogeneousbasis of V ⊆P(V) and (D ) is its dual basis for j λ j (V )∗ ⊆D(V), then λ (3.8) D := p D . λ j j j X Schur’sLemmaimplies thatfor everyµ∈Λn>0, there isa complexscalarcλ(µ)∈C such that D acts by the scalar c (µ) on V ⊆P(V). λ λ λ Corollary 3.3. The operators D , where λ ranges over Λn , form a basis of the λ >0 space PD(V)l of l-invariant differential operators. Moreover, c (λ) = 1, while λ c (µ)=0 whenever |µ|6|λ| and µ6=λ. λ Proof. The first statement follows from Corollary 3.2 and Equation (3.4). Since the order of the operator D is 6 |λ|, it vanishes on Pk(V) for k < |λ|. Next λ assume k =|λ| =|µ|. If λ6=µ and D does not vanish on V , then the restriction λ µ of the bilinear form (3.7) to V ×(V )∗ will be a nonzero l-equivariantform, hence µ λ Vλ ∼=Vµ, which is a contradiction. It remains to compute the actionof D on V . Let (p ) and D denote the dual λ λ j j bases of V and (V∗). Then D p = p D p = p δ =p for every i. (cid:3) λ λ λ i j j j i j j ij i To determine c (µ) (which will bPe done in thePnext subsection), we first need λ to see that it extends to a Q-symmetric polynomial. To that end, let Γ denote n the ring of Q-symmetric polynomials, that is, n-variable symmetric polynomials p(x ,...,x ) such that p(t,−t,x ,...,x ) does not depend on t. (For n = 1, the 1 n 3 n latter condition is vacuous.) Proposition 3.4. For all λ∈Λn , there exists a polynomial q∗ ∈Γ of degree at >0 λ n most |λ| such that c (µ)=q∗(µ) for all µ∈Λn . λ λ >0 10 ALLDRIDGE,SAHI,ANDSALMASIAN Proof. RecallthatLandR, respectively,denote the actions ofthe firstandsecond factor of l = q(n)×q(n) on P(V). As P(V) is the multiplicity-free direct sum of simple modules of the universal enveloping algebra U(l)= U(q(n))⊗U(q(n)), it follows that L(U(q(n))) and R(U(q(n))) are mutual commutants in PD(V) (this double commutant property is also mentioned in [4]). In particular, we have PD(V)l ⊆R(U(q(n))). As R is faithful, it follows that in fact PD(V)l =R(Z(q(n))), whereZ denotesthecentreofU. Thelatterstatementalsofollowsfromtheexplicit construction of the Capelli operators in the work of Nazarov [16]. Furthermore, the simple module V occuring in the decomposition of P(V) is λ containedinthe externaltensorproduct(F )∗⊠F . By Sergeev’sHarish-Chandra λ λ isomorphism for q(n) [24, Theorem 3] (see also [5, Theorem 2.46]), for any u ∈ Z(q(n)), there exists a Q-symmetric polynomialq∗ ∈Γ such that for allλ∈Λn , u n >0 u acts on F by q∗(λ). λ u Fix λ ∈Λn . Then the order of D is 6 |λ|. As L is faithful, there is a unique >0 λ z ∈ Z(q(n)) such that L(z ) = D . Since q(n) ⊆ l acts by linear vector fields, λ λ λ z lies in the |λ|-th part of the standard increasing filtration of U(q(n)). Then λ q∗ :=q∗ has degree at most |λ|, see [24, 5]. The assertion follows. (cid:3) λ zλ Definition 3.5. We call q∗ the eigenvalue polynomial of D for λ∈Λn . λ λ >0 3.3. Schur Q-functions. Our next goal is to identify the eigenvalue polynomials q∗ ∈ Γ . We first recall the definitions of certain elements Q of Γ , called the λ n λ n Q-functions of Schur, and their shifted analogues, the factorial Q-functions Q∗ λ originally defined by Okounkov,see Ref. [7]. Given a sequence (a ) of complex numbers, we define for any non-negative n n>1 integer k the kth generalized power of x by k (x|a)k := (x−a ), i i=1 Y where we set (x|a)0 =1. For every λ∈Λn , we set >0 ℓ(λ) x +x F (x ,...,x |a):= (x|a)λi i j. λ 1 n x −x i j iY=1 i6Yℓ(λ) i<j6n We now define 2ℓ(λ) Q (x ,...,x |a):= F (x ,...,x |a). λ 1 n (n−ℓ(λ))! λ σ(1) σ(n) σX∈Sn We remarkthat Q (x ,...,x |a) canbe expressedas aratioof anantisymmetric λ 1 n polynomial by the Vandermonde polynomial, and therefore it is also a polynomial. Two special cases of interest are Q (x ,...,x ):=Q (x ,...,x |0), λ 1 n λ 1 n where 0:=(0,0,0,...), and Q∗(x ,...,x ):=Q (x ,...,x |δ), λ 1 n λ 1 n where δ :=(0,1,2,3,...), called,respectively,the Schur Q-function,andthe facto- rial Schur Q-function. Proposition 3.6. Let λ∈Λn . >0

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