SCARED STIFF 35 Stillman Street, Suite 121 San Francisco, CA 94107 Text copyright © 2013 by Sara Latta Cover and interior illustrations copyright © 2013 G.E. Gallas Foreword copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth McMahon, PhD All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems—without the written permission of the publisher. Young Adult Nonfiction Social SciencePsychology Library of Congress control number: 2013918451 ISBN: 978-1-936976-49-2 Cover design: Dagmar Trojanek Interior design: Tanya Napier Manufactured in the U.S.A. DOC 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 45XXXXXXXXX Connect with Zest! ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many thanks to the people at Zest Books, especially Daniel Harmon, who believed I could write about phobias and waited patiently to find out whether he was right, and Jeff Campbell, who asked all the right questions and made my words shine. Thanks to my husband Tony Liss, who stands with me at each dizzying precipice and helps me turn each fear into a challenge. DEDICATION To those who are afraid of things that go bump in the night, of high places and tight spaces, of things that slither and words that hurt: You are not alone. TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD INTRODUCTION: Phobias 101 ACROPHOBIA: Fear of Heights AGORAPHOBIA: Fear of Public or Open Spaces AILUROPHOBIA: Fear of Cats AQUAPHOBIA: Fear of Water ARACHNOPHOBIA: Fear of Spiders ASTRAPHOBIA: Fear of Thunderstorms ATAXOPHOBIA: Fear of Disorder AVIOPHOBIA: Fear of Flying BOTANOPHOBIA: Fear of Plants CHIROPTOPHOBIA: Fear of Bats CLAUSTROPHOBIA: Fear of Confined Spaces COULROPHOBIA: Fear of Clowns CYNOPHOBIA: Fear of Dogs DENTOPHOBIA: Fear of Dentists DIDASKALEINOPHOBIA: Fear of School ENTOMOPHOBIA: Fear of Insects EQUINOPHOBIA: Fear of Horses GEPHYROPHOBIA: Fear of Crossing Bridges HEMOPHOBIA: Fear of Blood KAKORRAPHIAPHOBIA: Fear of Failure KINEMORTOPHOBIA: Fear of Zombies KOUMPOUNOPHOBIA: Fear of Buttons MUSOPHOBIA: Fear of Mice or Rats MYSOPHOBIA: Fear of Germs NEOPHOBIA: Fear of New Things or Experiences NOMOPHOBIA: Fear of Being Out of Mobile Phone Contact NOSOCOMEPHOBIA: Fear of Hospitals NYCTOPHOBIA: Fear of Darkness OBESOPHOBIA: Fear of Becoming Fat OPHIDIOPHOBIA: Fear of Snakes ORNITHOPHOBIA: Fear of Birds PARASITOPHOBIA: Fear of Parasites PEDIOPHOBIA: Fear of Dolls PHOBOPHOBIA: Fear of Phobias POGONOPHOBIA: Fear of Beards PYROPHOBIA: Fear of Fire RADIOPHOBIA: Fear of Radiation SELACHOPHOBIA: Fear of Sharks SINISTROPHOBIA: Fear of Left-Handedness SOCIAL PHOBIA: Social Anxiety Disorder SOMNIPHOBIA: Fear of Sleep SPECTROPHOBIA: Fear of Mirrors SWINOPHOBIA: Fear of Pigs TAPHOPHOBIA: Fear of Being Buried Alive THANATOPHOBIA: Fear of Death TOPOPHOBIA: Fear of Performing TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA: Fear of Thirteen TRYPANOPHOBIA: Fear of Needles UROPHOBIA: Fear of Urination WICCAPHOBIA: Fear of Witches APPENDIX Overcoming the Fear Notes