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Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2006, 47, 561-564 DOT: 10.1111/j.1467-9450.2006.00564.x Contents of Volume 47, 2006 AKRAMI, N., EKEHAMMAR, B. and ARAYA, T. Category and stereotype activation revisited $13—522 ALLWOOD, C. M., GRANHAG, P. A. and JONSSON, A.-C. Child witnesses’ metamemory realism 461-470 ALMKVIST, O., see TALLBERG, I.-M. ALUJA, A., DEL BARRIO, V. and GARCIA, L. F. Do parents and adolescents differ in their perceptions of rearing styles? Analysis of the EMBU versions for parents and adolescents 103-108 ALUJA, A., DEL BARRIO, V. and GARCIA, L. F. Comparison of several shortened versions of the EMBU: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses ANDERSEN, R., see LA COUR, P. ANDERSSON, J., see DANIELSSON, H. ANDERSSON, K., see DANIELSSON, H. ARAYA, T., see AKRAMI, N ASTAN, G., see GENCOZ, T. AUNIO, P.. HAUTAMAKI, J., HEISKARI, P. and VAN LUIT, J. E. H. The Early Numeracy Test in Finnish: Children’s norms 369-378 BAKAGIANNIS, S. and TARRANT, M. Can music bring people together? Effects of shared musical preference on intergroup bias in adolescence 129-136 BARNEKOW-BERGKVIST, M., see SODERFIJELL, S. BARTHELOM, E., see RADEBORG, K. BESKOW, J., see LIDESTAM, B. BINDER, P.-E., see MOHAUPT, H. BJORKLUND, F., see ROHNER, J. C. BOEKAERTS, M., see HIJZEN, D. BOMAN, E., see ENMARKER, I. BREIVIK, K. and OLWEUS, D. Children of divorce in a Scandinavian welfare state: Are they less affected than US children? BRENNEN, T., see WANG, C. E. BURY, A. S., see FISK, J. E. CARLSTEDT, B., see PALLESEN, S. DALGARD, O. S., THAPA, S. B., HAUFF, E., MCCUBBIN, M. and SYED, H. R. Immigration, lack of control and psychological distress: Findings from the Oslo Health Study DANIELSSON, H., RONNBERG, J., LEVEN, A.. ANDERSSON, J.. ANDERSSON, K. and LYXELL, B. The face you recognize may not be the one you saw: Memory conjunction errors in individuals with or without learning disability DE RAEDT, R. Does neuroscience hold promise for the further development of behavior therapy? The case of emotional change after exposure in anxiety and depression DEL BARRIO, V., see ALUJA, A. DYBDAHL, R., see KARLSEN, E. EBELING, H., see PENNINKILAMPI-KEROLA, V. EKEHAMMAR, B., see AKRAMI, N. ELKLIT, A., see GUDBMUNDSDOTTIR, H. S. ELOVAINIO, M., see HEPONIEMI, T. ENDESTAD, T., see MELINDER, A. ENGELSEN, B. A., see GRAMSTAD, A. ENMARKER, I., BOMAN, E. and HYGGE, S. Structural equation models of memory performance across noise conditions and age groups 460 FELDT, T., see KINNUNEN, U. FINNBOGADOTTIR, H., see GUDJONSSON, G. H. FISK, J. E., BURY, A. S. and HOLDEN, R. Reasoning about complex probabilistic concepts in childhood 497-504 FORTES-FERREIRA, L., PEIRO, J. M.,. GONZALEZ-MORALES, M. G. and MARTIN, I. Work-related stress and well-being: The roles of direct action coping and palliative coping 293-302 © 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 The Scandinavian Psychological Associations. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA. ISSN 0036-5564 562 Contents of Volume Scand J Psychol 47 (2006) GARCIA, L. F., see ALUJA, A. GENCOZ, T. and ASTAN, G. Social support, locus of control, and depressive symptoms in hemodialysis patients 208 GONZALEZ-MORALES, M. G., see FORTES-FERREIRA, L. GRAF, PB, see UTTL, B. GRAMSTAD, A., ENGELSEN, B. A. and HUGDAHL, K. Dichotic listening with forced attention in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: Significance of left hemisphere cognitive dysfunction GRANHAG, P. A., see ALLWOOD, C. M. GUDJONSSON, G. H., SIGURDSSON, J. F., FINNBOGADOTTIR, H. and JAKOBSDOTTIR SMARI, U. The relationship between false confessions and perceptions of parental rearing practices GUDMUNDSDOTTIR, D. B., see GUDBMUNDSDOTTIR, H. S. GUPMUNDSDOTTIR, H. S., ELKLIT, A. and GUDMUNDSDOTTIR, D. B. PTSD and psychological distress in Icelandic parents of chronically ill children: Does social support have an effect on parental distress? 312 HAKANSSON EKLUND, J. Empathy and viewing the other as a subject 409 HANSON, C., see WIDE BOMAN, U. HAUFF, E., see DALGARD, O. S. HAUTAMAKI, J., see AUNIO, P. HEISKARI, P., see AUNIO, P. HEPONIEMI, T., RAVAJA, N., ELOVAINIO, M., NAATANEN, P. and KELTIKANGAS-JARVINEN, L. Experiencing positive affect and negative affect during stress: Relationships to cardiac reactivity and to facial expressions HERLITZ, A. and KABIR, Z. N. Sex differences in cognition among illiterate Bangladeshis: A comparison with literate Bangladeshis and Swedes HESSEN, E., NESTVOLD, K. and SUNDET, K. Neuropsychological function in a group of patients 25 years after sustaining minor head injuries as children and adolescents HIJZEN, D., BOEKAERTS, M. and VEDDER, P. The relationship between the quality of cooperative learning, students’ goal preferences, and perceptions of contextual factors in the classroom HJELMQUIST, E., see WIDE BOMAN, U. HOCHWALDER, J. A psychometric assessment of a Swedish translation of Shafer’s personality scale HOLDEN, R., see FISK, J. E. HOLGERSEN, H., see MOHAUPT, H. HOLMEN, T. L., see STORKSEN, I. HOLTE, A., see WANG, C. E. HUGDAHL, K., see GRAMSTAD, A. HYGGE, S., see ENMARKER, I. IVANOUW, J. Stimulus affectivity of the Danish Word Association Test as measured by response heterogeneity and Rasch scaled number of prolonged reaction times JAKOBSDOTTIR SMARI, U., see GUDJONSSON, G. H. JENSEN, H. H., see MORTENSEN, E. L. JOHANSSON, H., see SODERFJELL, S. JOHNSEN, T. B., see PALLESEN, S. JONSSON, A.-C., see ALLWOOD, C. M. JORGENSEN, M. M. and ZACHARIAE, R. Repressive coping style and autonomic reactions to two experimental stressors in healthy men and women JULIUSSON, A. Optimism as modifier of escalation of commitment JUUJARVL, S. The ethic of care development: A longitudinal study of moral reasoning among practical-nursing, social-work and law-enforcement students KABIR, Z. N., see HERLITZ, A. KARLSEN, E., DYBDAHL, R. and VITTERS®, J. The possible benefits of difficulty: How stress can increase and decrease subjective well-being KELTIKANGAS-JARVINEN, L., see HEPONIEMI, T. KERESTES, G. and MILANOVIC, A. Relations between different types of children’s aggressive behavior and sociometric status among peers of the same and opposite gender © 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 The Scandinavian Psychological Associations. Scand J Psychol 47 (2006) Contents of Volume 563 KINNUNEN, U., FELDT, T., GEURTS, S. and PULKKINEN, L. Types of work-family interface: Well-being correlates of negative and positive spillover between work and family 149-162 KORKMAN, J., SANTTILA, P. and SANDNABBA, N. K. Dynamics of verbal interaction between interviewer and child in interviews with alleged victims of child sexual abuse 109-119 KORSNES, M. S. and MAGNUSSEN, S. Fast perceptual priming in the left and right hemispheres 85-91 LA COUR, P. and ANDERSEN, R. Neuropsychological assessment with the Visual Gestalt Test: Psychometric properties and differential diagnostic probabilities LARSSON, G. The Developmental Leadership Questionnaire (DLQ): Some psychometric properties LEPPERT, J., see SODERSTROM, S. T. LEVEN, A., see DANIELSSON, H. LIDESTAM, B. and BESKOW, J. Motivation and appraisal in perception of poorly specified speech 93-101 LINDWALL, M. and MARTIN GINIS, K. A. Moving towards a favorable image: The self-presentational benefits of exercise and physical activity 209-217 LINNET, J., ROJSKJAER, S., NYGAARD, J. and MAHER, B. A. Episodic chasing in pathological gamblers using the Iowa gambling task 43-49 LUNDQVIST, L.-O. A Swedish adaptation of the Emotional Contagion Scale: Factor structure and psychometric properties 263-2 LYXELL, B., see DANIELSSON, H. MAATTA, S., STATTIN, H. and NURMI, J.-E. Achievement strategies in peer groups and adolescents’ school adjustment and norm-breaking behavior MAGNUSSEN, S., see KORSNES, M. S. MAGNUSSEN, S., see MELINDER, A. MAHER, B. A., see LINNET, J. MARTIN, I., see FORTES-FERREIRA, L. MARTIN GINIS, K. A., see LINDWALL, M. MCCUBBIN, M., see DALGARD, O. S. MELINDER, A., ENDESTAD, T. and MAGNUSSEN, S. Relations between episodic memory, suggestibility, theory of mind, and cognitive inhibition in the preschool child MIETTUNEN, J., see PENNINKILAMPI-KEROLA, V. MILANOVIC, A., see KERESTES, G. MOHAUPT, H., HOLGERSEN, H., BINDER, P.-E. and NIELSEN, G. H. Affect consciousness or mentalization? A comparison of two concepts with regard to affect development and affect regulation MOLANDER, B., see SODERFJELL, S. MOLLER, A., see WIDE BOMAN, U. MORTENSEN, E. L., JENSEN, H. H., SANDERS, S. A. and REINISCH, J. M. Associations between volume of alcohol consumption and social status, intelligence, and personality in a sample of young adult Danes NAATANEN, P., see HEPONIEMI, T. NESTVOLD, K., see HESSEN, E. NIELSEN, G. H., se MOHAUPT, H. NILSSON, L.-G., see SODERFJELL, S. NORDHUS, I. H., see PALLESEN, S. NURMI, J.-E., see MAATTA, S. NYGAARD, J., see LINNET, J. OLWEUS, D., see BREIVIK, K. PALLESEN, S., NORDHUS, I. H., CARLSTEDT, B., THAYER, J. F. and JOHNSEN, T. B. A Norwegian adaptation of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire: Factor structure, reliability, validity and norms PEIRO, J. M., see FORTES-FERREIRA, L. PENNINKILAMPI-KEROLA, V., MIETTUNEN, J. and EBELING, H. A comparative assessment of the factor structures and psychometric properties of the GHQ-12 and the GHQ-20 based on data from a Finnish population-based sample PETTERSSON, R. P., see SODERSTROM, S. T. PULKKINEN, L., see KINNUNEN, U. RADEBORG, K., BARTHELOM, E., SJOBERG, M. and SAHLEN, B. A Swedish non-word repetition test for preschool children © 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 The Scandinavian Psychological Associations. 564 Contents of Volume Scand J Psychol 47 (2006) RAVAJA, N., see HEPONIEMI, T. REINISCH, J. M., see MORTENSEN, E. L. REKVE, D., see THOMSEN, S. R. RISE, J., see THUEN, F. ROHNER, J. C. and BJORKLUND, F. Do self-presentation concerns moderate the relationship between implicit and explicit homonegativity measures? 379-385 ROJSKJAER, S., see LINNET, J. RONNBERG, J., see DANIELSSON, H. ROYSAMB, E., see STORKSEN, I. SAHLEN, B., see RADEBORG, K. SANDERS, S. A., see MORTENSEN, E. L. SANDNABBA, N. K., see KORKMAN, J. SANTACRUZ, P., see UTTL, B. SANTTILA, P., see KORKMAN, J. SIGURDSSON, J. F., see GUDJONSSON, G. H. SJOBERG, M., see RADEBORG, K. SODERFJELL, S., MOLANDER, B., JOHANSSON, H., BARNEKOW-BERGKVIST, M. and NILSSON, L.-G. Musculoskeletal pain complaints and performance on cognitive tasks over the adult life span 349-359 SODERSTROM, S. T., PETTERSSON, R. P. and LEPPERT, J. Prediction of driving ability after stroke and the effect of behind-the-wheel training 419-429 STATTIN, H., see MAATTA, S. STORKSEN, I., ROYSAMB, E., HOLMEN, T. L. and TAMBS, K. Adolescent adjustment and well-being: Effects of parental divorce and distress STORSETH, F. Changes at work and employee reactions: Organizational elements, job insecurity, and short-term stress as predictors for employee health and safety SUNDET, K., see HESSEN, E. SYED, H. R., see DALGARD, O. S. TALLBERG, I.-M., WENNEBORG, K. and ALMKVIST, O. Reading words with irregular decoding rules: A test of premorbid cognitive function? TAMBS, K., see STORKSEN, I. TARRANT, M., see BAKAGIANNIS, S. THAPA, S. B., see DALGARD, O. S. THAYER, J. F., see PALLESEN, S. THOMSEN, S. R. and REKVE, D. The relationship between viewing US-produced television programs and intentions to drink alcohol among a group of Norwegian adolescents THUEN, F. and RISE, J. Psychological adaptation after marital disruption: The effects of optimism and perceived control TLAUKA, M. Orientation dependent mental representations following real-world navigation TLAUKA, M. Updating imagined translational movements UTTL, B., GRAF, P. and SANTACRUZ, P. Object color affects identification and repetition priming VAN LUIT, J. E. H., see AUNIO, P. VEDDER, P., see HIJZEN, D. VITTERSQ, J., see KARLSEN, E. WANG, C. E., BRENNEN, T. and HOLTE, A. Decreased approach motivation in depression WENNEBORG, K., see TALLBERG, I.-M. WIDE BOMAN, U., HANSON, C., HJELMQUIST, E. and MOLLER, A. Personality traits in women with Turner syndrome 219-223 YAMAGUCHI, M. Orthogonality is not a panacea: Backpropagation and “catastrophic interference” 339-344 ZACHARIAE, R., see JORGENSEN, M. M. © 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 The Scandinavian Psychological Associations.

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