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Thursday, December 27, 2012 OPEN LETTER TO CLAYTON HANNA, GERMAINE TRUST OPEN LETTER TO CLAYTON HANNA ADMINISTRATOR, ST GERMAINE TRUST On or about November 10, 2012 some of us read a short notice on the NESARA website inviting us to apply for a 'grant' from the St Germaine Trust. Readers were instructed to send an email to you personally and to include information such as our name, address, phone, email address and the reason(s) why we were applying for the grant. These were the This invitation to apply only instructions given. Nothing else. for a grant was only on the website for a day or two. Recently another post was on the NESARA website to complete a 'grant application' for receipt of funds, again from the St Germaine Trust. Unlike the application on November 10th, which was done via an email to you direct, this application was to be completed on a website host, 'surveymonkey.com.' This invitation to apply was on or about December 23 and 24, 2012 and it is still posted on the NESARA website. Some of us who had applied on or around Nov 10th via an email also applied on Dec 23 or 24, as we did not know if these were applications for two different 'grants' under the St Germaine Trust, or if both are applications for the exact same 'grant.' Some of us are acquainted with a woman who claims to have the information on all those who have applied for funds from the Trust. She says that she is working for you processing the applications for the St Germaine Trust. This woman states that the applications made at surveymonkey.com website are going to her the direct. Some of us were told by this woman that if our names showed up more than once for having applied to receive funds from the St Germaine Trust, that we would be considered as 'double dipping,' and our names would be removed and we would not receive any funds from the Trust. In our search for more information on the Trust and how it is supposed to be distributed and when, we cannot seem to find any information that breaks down as to whether there are numerous different 'grants' to be funded (perhaps under various different names) or if it is just one grant. We would like to ask you to consider clarifying these questions for us. Most of us would not think to 'double dip' and, should our applying for the above two 'grants' be considered as that, then we would respectfully request that one of those applications be simply deleted. Thank you, Mr. Hanna, for your time and consideration. Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:49 PM 25 comments: 1. AnonymousDecember 27, 2012 at 10:26 PM I was one of those who applied twice, not because I wanted to double dipped but because the whole thing was confusing, also, the monkey website was asking for a donation so I was skeptical about the veracity of the whole thing Reply 2. skyblissDecember 27, 2012 at 10:54 PM Wow, I never thought about that catch as double applying. When I was reading it first time in November, it looked so real. Mr. Hanna, you should think about us here way better, lol... skybliss Reply 3. AnonymousDecember 27, 2012 at 10:59 PM In all honesty, I never had any sort of confirmation letting me know if my application had been received. Numerous people were claiming to have gotten a phone call. Since I had no confirmation that my application had been received or had not received a phone call, I figured I had missed the original cutoff time. When it was replayed I applied again. I had no intention of double dipping. I was just in a financial crisis and wanted to make sure I was included. I am sure many other people were as desperate as I was. I hope this can be resolved without hurting people who are in need. Thank you for your consideration. Reply 4. mustangDecember 27, 2012 at 11:23 PM Anybody who has ever worked accounts receivable knows duplicate payments kick out and are rejected, so what's the big deal? Only process one,kick the others out as duplicates. Computers were doing this 35 years ago and this is a problem? Reply 5. AnonymousDecember 28, 2012 at 12:13 AM I applied in November, but I thought the Application for December was for an updated application so I filled it out. I was not trying to apply twice for the same grant. The instructions were not very clear. Please do not remove our names. Thank You, Michaela Q. Reply 6. AnonymousDecember 28, 2012 at 3:48 AM Also, for those who mistakenly applied again for another member of the same household (one grant per household), simply deleting records with duplicate addresses would solve all of these issues (both duplicate names & duplicate addresses). Reply 7. AnonymousDecember 28, 2012 at 3:59 AM As a co-worker with the spiritual entities that are attempting to resolve many issues, the non responsiveness of individuals who have claimed responsiblity for certain active projects is both regretable and disheartening. If the active managers of any project continue to dishonor their duty to maintain communication to those that were requested to initiate contact, then please remember that the Creator has arranged for specific entities to dispense Karmic decisions to those who refuse to perform in accordance with their voluntarily chosen request to undertake an assignment. In short, Do All That you Promise To Do, else do not contract or obligate yourself. Some say this is the essense of the Spiritual LAW, yet, although an important fragment, it is merely a true component within the whole. Please do all that you are permitted to do. DE Reply 8. AnonymousDecember 28, 2012 at 9:25 AM Double dipping? never thought of doing that. I did appled 2 times because the first time the page went off before I finished. so I redone it. Reply 9. AnonymousDecember 28, 2012 at 10:05 AM Maybe you guys need to do a background search on Clayton Hanna along with the surveymonkey website. Reply 10. AnonymousDecember 28, 2012 at 10:06 AM I don't know of anyone who received a response from the first submission. You would have to think that it wasn't received. The only reason tens of thousand submitted again is because they didn't receive a response like a few others did. Are those tens of thousands all booted ? Reply 11. AnonymousDecember 28, 2012 at 10:09 AM A simple auto-responder would have sufficed to tell everyone that their form has been received and then no one would have submitted more than once. Reply 12. dc mannDecember 28, 2012 at 10:57 AM I filled out the most recent one, for the u.s. that is and had no problems once submitted. I have heard that if ya dont get an email or call it is a good thing being that there wasnt a problem with the filling out of the application. I feel as though one wouldnt be dismissed from the app. if 2 were received, Just delete one! :) Of course, time will tell. Reply 13. AnonymousDecember 28, 2012 at 11:01 AM I also applied on Surveymokey, I never got a phone call or email. How long am I expected to wait. With no confirmation what so ever, I am starting to feel this is all dis information, they were trolling for our info. Now i wonder what list my name is on. Was it all just a scam to get our details for to put that info on a list. December is almost over, I thought it was suppose to be released before Christmas, well nothing has come of my application. We we all duped again? Reply 14. [email protected] 28, 2012 at 11:49 AM I wish to be able to provide for my family, my fiance, my daughter, my mother my father, my brothers, my ailing relatives and all of those that I hold dear to my heart. I also wish to be able to mentor to those who are in need of help in a fashion that includes hunting,fishing,camping,and most of all GOD. I was fortunate to grow up with these basic things which have sustained me. If only I had the ways and means,I would make this world a little better. If you could grant me this wish, I would give my heart and sole for the betterment of this world. A fishing camp on the coast and a hunting camp out in hill country and nothing better than to die with a smile on my face , just knowing that I made a difference. Reply 15. AnonymousDecember 28, 2012 at 12:29 PM I contacted Clayton Hanna at the email address he gave us regarding the application process. He never replied. Hmm. Considering the most recent post regarding the St.Germaine Trust (i.e. "Change is on the Horizon"), apparently this is under control of all the uber wealthy anyway who want to kill and control us. And now they know who and where we are. This whole process has seemed to be a little too elusive and confusing. Seems like setting up an actual web site with FAQ's along with the application process would have been the prudent thing to do--at least that's what a ligitimate organization would do. Reply 16. Peter BollingerDecember 28, 2012 at 12:58 PM I applied as well not knowing the difference. Reply 17. dc mannDecember 28, 2012 at 1:47 PM You are not suppose to get an email or call as I understand it, That happens only if there were corrections to be made on the app. itself. I really do not thing John M. would of posted the Germain app. if he thought for one second it was b.s. I know it is very hard in the waiting, hang in there folks! :) P.S. "They" Dont need your info. "They" know who you are and all about you already. Reply 18. AnonymousDecember 28, 2012 at 3:56 PM I sent in My app. to Hanna and received an E/mail response. I was pleased with the content of that E/mail. Reply Replies 1. AnonymousDecember 29, 2012 at 11:23 AM Since you received an email response, can you not share something of its contents to ease and appease the minds of the rest of us? Was this from Clayton himself, or someone representing Clayton? Did you request a response? Why do you suppose you received an email response and the rest of us did not? Will you share with us what 'pleased' you about that email's content? I'm sure any of the rest of us who would have volunteered such information as you have about having received a response would be more than willing to share such information with others rather than making such a slight reference, considering everyone's concern here. Thanks. Reply 19. AnonymousDecember 28, 2012 at 4:16 PM Does anybody at Nesara New & Forums know this Clayton Hanna guy? I always thought the informatin on this site was clean and "vetted." I too applied twice, because I thought Clayton had "lost" some of the information on his server. As previous writer above stated, a simple "auto responder" would have saved all this drama, because people need to know their emails have been "acknowledged!" Then, no need for people to panic, because someone was not professional enough to let them know that their application was received. This is truly unbelievable; and then too, a computer should be able to kick out a duplicate application. No one should be kicked out, because no one here was trying to "double dip." That is purely wrong thinking, and this needs to be ADDRESSED immediately and assure everyone that everything is o.k. Reply 20. AnonymousDecember 29, 2012 at 2:37 PM just a note, I received an email from Mr. Clayton encouraging me to resend the grant application on the surveymonkey web site in order to expedite the process of the application. Reply 21. sdlralfusDecember 29, 2012 at 5:03 PM I applied In Nov with no response, then again when I heard of it "opening" on Dec 21st. I got a response back that day saying "go to survey monkey site. I was having issues submitting my "survey", so I emailed Clayton letting him know I could not submit my Application. I received a response back the very next day (Dec.22) about one of the fields being corrected. I was surprised to get such a quick response back....but nothing since.... From: Clayton ZHanna To:; Subject: Re: Grants, c/o Clayton Hanna Sent: Sat, Dec 22, 2012 5:42:04 AM One of the fields was fixed. Please try it again and make sure every question has an answer. From: To: Clayton ZHanna Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 3:15 PM Subject: Re: Grants, c/o Clayton Hanna Good Afternoon. I went to the link and answered the 3 questions on the screen. But when I go to submit the information, a red line saying " This question requires an answer." pops up on the top. Please help if you can. Thank You. -me- From: Clayton ZHanna To: Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 1:42 PM Subject: Re: Grants, c/o Clayton Hanna Thank you for your Grant Application. Our application procedures have changed, to expedite processing. Please go to the following links to submit your application- USA: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7TYL3Q7 INTERNATIONAL: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7PVSJW8 Thank you for your cooperation, and apologies for any inconvenience. Grant Facilitator Reply 22. AnonymousJanuary 15, 2013 at 2:33 AM My name is Clayton Hanna. I am writing to to dispel all the rumors and miss- information and confusion about this grant program. Someone who volunteered to help to process the thousands of grant requests told me to set up on Survey Monkey to process requests faster, which did not work. She told people that duplicate requests would get people deleted - not true. The duplicate only would be deleted. On January 7th,2013 the Grant Program Administrator closed the program because the government had not released the necessary funds. As of today the funds are not released, but should be released "soon". The Administrator also said it was their intention to re-open the grant program later this year, but not until the funds were in the bank. First - this grant program is real , but is NOT connected to any of the 77 other "prosperity" programs. I believe the NESARA farm claims program is one of those. Nobody asked for permission to post this program on any site. Yes many people are upset, and that is understandable. I have answered hundreds of emails from people inquiring as to when the grants will be sent out. I do not know. The grants will be sent out SAP after the funds are released. The grant organization has to pay the taxes on every grant BEFORE the grants can be paid. The grant packages will be delivered by courier. Originally the grant organization said only one grant per household would be accepted. A law was passed in Hawaii allowing numerous people to live in a single household because of the limited amount of space and housing on the Hawaiian Islands. a similar problem exists in Canada, the USA and many other countries. Numerous people in a single address can all request a grant. Grant requests are being processed as quickly as possible. I do not have time to reply to all the web sites carrying miss-information about this grant program to correct the incorrect information people have. An auto-responder system was not established by myself as I do not know how to do that. The grant organization did not set up a web site because if they told anyone the amount of the grant, or when it would be sent out, that is considered an

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