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Saturation of resistivity and Kohler's rule in Ni-doped La$_{1.85}$Sr$_{0.15}$CuO$_{4}$ cuprate PDF

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Preview Saturation of resistivity and Kohler's rule in Ni-doped La$_{1.85}$Sr$_{0.15}$CuO$_{4}$ cuprate

Saturation of resistivity and Kohler’s rule in Ni-doped La Sr CuO cuprate 1.85 0.15 4 A. Malinowski,1 V. L. Bezusyy,1,2 and P. Nowicki1 1Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, al. Lotniko´w 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland 2International Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures, ul. Gajowicka 95, 53-421 Wroclaw, Poland (Dated: January 11, 2017) WepresenttheresultsofelectricaltransportmeasurementsofLa1.85Sr0.15Cu1−yNiyO4thinsingle- crystal films at magnetic fields up to 9 T. Adding Ni impurity with strong Coulomb scattering 7 1 potential to slightly underdoped cuprate makes the signs of resistivity saturation at ρsat visible in themeasurementtemperaturewindowupto350K.Employingtheparallel-resistorformalismreveals 0 2 that ρsat is consistent with classical Ioffe-Regel-Mott limit and changes with carrier concentration n ndecarseaρssiantg∝th1e/ir√enff.ecTtivheercmoonpceonwterratmioenasausrenm=en0t.s15shoyw. tThahteNcliastseincadlsutnomloocdailfiizeed mKoobhilleer’scarrurileersis, a fulfilled for magnetoresistance in the nonsupe∼rcondu−cting part of the phase diagram when applied J tothe ideal branch in theparallel-resistor model. 0 1 PACSnumbers: 74.72.Gh,74.25.F-,74.25.fg,72.15.Lh ] n Increasing evidence for well-defined quasiparticles in cay)rate1/τ,theDrudepeakiscenteredatω=0regard- o underdoped cuprates seems to corroborate a view that less of how strong scattering becomes [2, 23]. Electron- c - they are normal metals, only with small Fermi surface. electroninteractionsmakeτ frequency-dependentbutfor r Fermi-Diracstatisticunderlyingthequantumoscillations Fermi-liquid-like ω2 dependence σ(ω) still peaks at ω=0 p u [1],single-parameter-quadraticinenergyω andtemper- (Ref. [2]). Thus large impurity-induced ρres may fa- s atureT -scalinginopticalconductivityσ(ω,T)(Ref.[2]), cilitate approach to Ioffe-Regel-Mott limit in dc (ω=0) t. T2 resistivity behavior extending over substantial T- LSCO transport at lower T before the spectral weight is a region in clean systems [3] and fulfillment of typical for transferred to higher-energy excitations at larger T. Ni m conventional metals Kohler’s rule in magnetotransport impurityisagoodcandidatebecauseitsstrongCoulomb - [4] are observations in favor of Fermi-liquid scenario. scatteringpotentialintheCuO planesallowstoachieve d 2 n On the other hand, in cuprates with significant dis- large ρ at moderately high T [28, 29]. o order manifested by large residual resistivity ρ , pure In this paper we report transport and thermopower res c T2 resistivity dependence has not been reported so far measurements on slightly underdoped x=0.15 LSCO [ as for Bi2Sr2CuO6+δ [3, 5, 6] or observed only at rela- with added Ni impurity. The obtained ρsat corresponds 1 tively narrowdoping- and T-regionas in La2−xSrxCuO4 totheclassicalvalueforsmallFermisurfaceandchanges v (LSCO) [3, 7]. The clear violation of Kohler’s scaling as 1/√n. The Fermi-liquid quasiparticle picture holds 8 in underdoped LSCO and YBa Cu O [8, 9] (although in the nonsuperconducting part of the phase diagram, 2 3 7 6 not necessarily meaning breakdown of Fermi-liquid de- as revealed by ρ T2 dependence and classical Kohler’s 5 ∝ scription [10]) has served almost as a hallmark of their rule for magnetoresistance, both hidden under the large 2 peculiar normal-state properties for two decades. resistivity of the system. 0 . In contrast to overdoped cuprates where large cylin- The 4-point transport measurements were carried 1 drical Fermi surface yields a carrier density n=p+1 (p out on the c-axis aligned single-crystal films grown on 0 being doping level) [11–13], the total volume of Fermi isostructural LaSrAlO substrate by the laser ablation 7 4 1 surface in underdoped systems is a small fraction of the method from the polycrystalline targets [30, 31]. The : firstBrillouinzoneandcorrespondston=pthroughLut- thermopower, which is not sensitive to the grain bound- v tinger’stheorem[14–17]. Thissmallnshouldbereflected aries and porosity effects in cuprates [32], was measured i X in zero-field transport. In normal metals, resistivity ρ on the samples cut from the targets. r saturates in the vicinity of Ioffe-Regel-Mott limit ρIRM Figure 1 shows the systematic change in ρ(T) with a whereelasticmeanfreepathlmin becomescomparableto Ni, from superconducting y=0 specimen with midpoint interatomicdistance[18,19]. Incuprates,however,signs T =34.6K to y=0.08one exhibiting insulating behavior C of saturation are seen at ρsat much larger than ρIRM atlowT. InhighT,a changeofslope in portionof ρ(T) calculated from the semiclassical Boltzmann theory [20– curves that increases with T foreruns the approaching 23]. Moreover, ρ(1000 K) ( ρsat) in LSCO changes saturation. Variation of dρ/dT, visible even in the y=0 ∼ as 1/x, while for n x (Ref. [24]) the theory predicts data, authenticates the slope decreasing that becomes ∝ ρsat 1/√x. more pronounced with increasing y, as can be seen in ∝ Theabovecanbeexplainedbybreakdownofthequasi- Fig.2(a). Resistivityinthisregionisdescribedextremely particle picture due to strong inelastic scatteringat high well by the parallel-resistor formula T manifested by disappearing of a Drude peak in σ(ω) (Refs. [23, 25–27]). In systems where impurity scatter- 1 1 1 1 1 = + = + . (1) ing dominates the carrier relaxation (quasiparticle de- ρ(T) ρ (T) ρ a +a T +a T2 ρ id sat 0 1 2 sat 2 1.0 y=0 1.0y=0.02 1.0y=0.03 5 1.0 y=0. 04 1.0 y=0. 06 1.0 y=0 .08 m/K) y=0.0 4 y=0.035 m) 2 /350 K00..68 00 ..68 0 .8 0.8 0 .9 0 .9 m c2 y(=a0.)02 m c (b) K350 00..24 0.4 0.6 0.6 00..78 -3 (10 y=0.06y=0 (res1 / 0.00 1503000.20 150300 0 150300 0 150300 0 1503000.80 150300 dT T (K) T (K) T (K) T (K) T (K) T (K) / y=0.08 1 y=0.08 d1 0 m) 0.00 0.03 0y.06 0.09 100 200 300 0 0.04 0.08 c2 T (K) ) y (m1350K cm)1 (c) -2 m K 6 (d) y=0 small c 0 m FS 0 100 200 300 2 ( m 4 T (K) 1/ 5 n - 0 FizIeGd.r1e.sis(tCivoitloyrfoonrlianes)erTieesmopfeLraat1u.8r5eSdr0e.p15eCndue1−ncyeNioyfOn4orsmpeacl-- sat l a FrgSe a (122 imens. Their resistivities at T=350K are depicted in lower 0 0 inset. Upper inset shows the fits of Eq. (1) to 150K-350K 0 0.04 0.08 5 10 15 data for selected specimens. y 1/n FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) Temperature derivatives of La1.85Sr0.15Cu1−yNiyO4 resistivity. The dashed horizontal The ρ term is the ideal resistivity in the absence of line is a guide to the eye. (b) The increase in residual re- id saturation [19] and the additive-in-conductivity formal- sistivity of the samples with the smallest ρres for a given y. Thelines show theunitarity limit assuming n=0.15 y (thick ism stems from existence of the minimal scattering time − line) and - forcomparison -n=0.15 (thinline), n=0.15 0.7y τmin, equivalent to Ioffe-Regel-Mott limit, which causes (dashed line) and hypothetical n=0.15 2y (dotted line−). (c) the shunt ρsat to always influence ρ in normal metals The product ρsat√n with the arithm−etic mean (ρsat√n)av [33, 34]. The formula was used for overdopedLSCO [35] (red dot) for the 32 measured samples. Solid lines show the butwiththelarge-Fermi-surfaceρ value[34]asafixed sat expectedy-dependenceforsmallandlargeFermisurface. (d) parameter. The excellent fits of Eq. (1) with all free pa- The parameter a2 as a function of inverse carrier concentra- rameters including ρsat to ρ(T) in 150 K-350 K interval tion (open circles). Solid circles mark the normalized values aredepictedinupperinsettoFig.1. Extendingthefitin- an2 =a2(ρsat√n)av/(ρsat√n)andsolidlineisthelinearfitto tervaldownwardsto lowerT for small y does not change them. significantly the obtained fitting parameters, which are presented in Fig. 2(b-d). The Ni-induced residual resistivity, calculated as the Fermi level EF and the carriers from the energy in- 1/ρres=1/ρsat+1/a0, accelerates with y such that at terval Wσ are responsible for conduction. In addition, a large y substantially exceeds s-wave scattering unitarity shift bWD between the centers of WD and Wσ bands is limit ∆ρ =(~/e2)(y/n)d for n=0.15=const, depicted assumed. The best fits of the formula determining S in res as thin solid line in Fig. 2(b). Here, d=c/2= 6.6˚A the model (Eq. (1) in Ref. [40]) are shown as thick lines ∼ is the average separation of the CuO planes in the in Fig. 3. The discrepancies at low T come from the 2 La1.85Sr0.15Cu1−yNiyO4 films [31]. To find the actual limitations of the model derivated under the assump- n(y) dependence we carried out the thermopower mea- tion WD ∼= kBT. Above y=0.15, the model also fails surements. for larger T, well above Tmax (WD > 380 meV, while Ni doping increases the positive Seebeck coefficient S, kBT ∼= 26 meV at 300 K). For y=0.17 and y=0.19, S as canbe seenin Fig.3. Taking into accountthe univer- changes as 1/T above 250 K, consistent with the ∝ ≈ sal correlation between S(290K) and hole concentration formulaS(T)=(kB/e)(Ea/(kBT+const)indicativeofpo- fulfilled in most of cuprate families [36–38], this strongly larons. ThethermalactivationenergyEa estimatedfrom suggests decreasing of carrier density with y. The S(T) the best fit for y=0.19, Ea=32.4 0.2 meV, is in good ± curvesinLa1.85Sr0.15Cu1−yNiyO4 retainthe specific fea- agreement with Ref. [41]. tures of thermopower in underdoped cuprates: the ini- At region of interest corresponding to high T, the tial strong growth of S with increasing T is followed asymmetrical narrow-band model works very well. The by a broad maximum and subsequent slight decrease in obtained asymmetry factor b = (0.06-0.08), although − S [39]. We find that the phenomenological asymmet- very small, is essential for good fits. The ratio F of n to rical narrow-band model [40] describes the experimen- the total number od states n is slightly above half- DOS tal S(T) curves very well at high T, above their maxi- filling (0.51-0.53) and thus consistent with the sign of S mum at T . In this model, a sharp density-of-states and in good agrement with literature data for x=0.15 max peak with the effective bandwidth W is located near LSCO [40, 42]. The Fermi level, E =(F–0.5)W –bW , D F D D 3 surfacewiththeheight2π/dandtakingIoffe-Regel-Mott S kB Ea const condition as lmin≈a (i.e. kFlmin≈π, see Ref. [46, 47]), e kBT where a is the lattice parameterin CuO2 plane,one gets ρsmall=(√2π~/e2)d/√n=0.68/√n mΩcm [26]. This is 100 IRM clearlydistinguishablefromthe largeFermisurfacecase, ) K ρlarge=0.68/√1+n, inapplicable to the system. A sim- / IRM V ple formal statistics for all 32 measured samples shows S ( 0.60.0 yNi 0.1 0.2 y=0 tthioantwthitehpmroedanuc=tmρseadti√annafnordnze=ro0.1sk5e−wynehsass[4a8]d.istribu- ∼ 0.01 0.09 WD0.4 0.02 0.11 Thepreciselocationofthelarge-to-smallFermisurface W/ 0.03 0.13 transitiononthe phasediagramofcupratesisstillunder 10 0.2 0.04 0.15 0.05 0.17 debate. Inthe bismuth-basedfamily,the expectedlinear 0.0 0.06 0.19 relationshipbetweennestimatedfromT andfromLut- C 0 100 200 300 400 tingercountisobtainedonlyassuminglargesurfacefrom overdoped specimens down to p=0.145 inclusive [49]. In T (K) ∼ La1.85Sr0.15Cu1−yNiyO4,Nidopingeffectivelymovesthe FIG. 3. Temperature dependence of Seebeck coefficient for systemtowardssmallerpbutthe smoothevolutionofall La1.85Sr0.15Cu1−yNiyO4 fromy=0(bottom)toy=0.19(top). the fitted ρ(T) parameters down to y=0 points toward The solid lines for y 0.15 and the dashed ones for y>0.15 ≤ smallFermi surfaceat p=0.15. This finding is consistent are the best fits to the model from Ref.[40]. The thin solid withrecentHallmeasurementsinYBa Cu O indicating lineisthebestfitofthermally-activatedtransportformulafor 2 3 y thatFermi-surfacereconstructionwithdecreasingdoping y=0.19. Inset: TheWσ/WD ratioasafunctionofNidoping. ends sharply at p=0.16 (Ref. [16]). Dotted line is thebest linear fit between y=0.02 and 0.15. The T-linear coefficient in Eq. (1) for three y=0 samples α =0.93-1.0 µΩcm/K is identical as that at 1 crossesthe conduction-bandupper edge at y 0.15. The ncr=0.185 0.005where a changein LSCO transportco- ≈ ± band-filling F does not show any obvious y-dependence. efficients was found when tracked from the overdoped This means that Ni does not change n in the system side[35]. Evidently,α1 isnotsensitivetodisappearingof (provided n remains constant). The primary effect the antinodal regions during degradation/reconstruction DOS ofNidopingappearstobelocalization ofexistingmobile of large Fermi surface into arcs/pockets. The linear-in- carriers,as revealed by decreasing of Wσ/WD ratio with T scattering is anisotropic in CuO2 plane [50] and its increasing y (inset to Fig. 3). The ratio extrapolates to maximal level at (π,0) for α1=1 µΩcm/K is compara- zero at y=0.22 0.02, resulting in the average ”localiza- ble [35] with Planckian dissipation limit [51, 52]. De- ± tion rate” ∆n/∆y=0.7 0.1 hole/Ni ion. Employing the coherence of quasiparticlestates beyond this limit seems ± simple two-band model with T-linear term [43], where tobeplausibleexplanation[35]ofnegligibleroleofantin- half-width of the resonance peak Γ corresponds to the odalstatesin the conductivity. While α1 vanishes forall range of delocalized states, results in the similar phys- specimens with y>0.035, the T2-coefficient a2 changes ical picture. We found that Γ starts to decrease with linearlywith1/n(compareRef.[3])inthe wholestudied increasing y above 0.07 and approaches zero for y=0.17 y range (Fig. 2d). When extrapolated outside accessi- (Ref.[31]). Theresultsareconsistentwithmeasurements ble n, a2 approaches zero at ncr=0.167 0.009. With ± of local distortion around Ni ions suggesting trapping such estimated error, the result means that strictly lin- hole by each Ni2+ [44] to create a well-localized Zhang- ear ρ(T) dependence (albeit masked by ρsat) in LSCO Rice doublet state [45], albeit indicate a slightly lower is observed from the underdoped side only at optimum ∆n/∆y. doping. Interpreting this as an indication of (antiferro- Havingestablishedthe effective mobilecarrierconcen- magnetic) Quantum Critical Point remains speculative tration n∼=0.15−y, we can revert to Fig. 2b. As indi- since a2 diverges at such a point [53–56]. cated by thick solid line, scattering in the samples with After using the parallel-resistorformalism in the zero- the smallest ρ is in the unitarity limit for nonmag- field transport description, we will employ it to anal- res netic impurity. Even assuming ∆n/∆y=0.7 (and uni- ysis of magnetoresistance in the sections below. In tarity limit), at most only 20% of increase in ρ for thestronglyoverdopedcupratesmagnetoresistanceobeys res y=0.08 can be attributed to scattering on magnetic mo- Kohler’s rule [9]. The relative change of resistivity in ments. Thus, while our previous finding of spin-glass magnetic field B, ∆ρ/ρ , is a unique function of B/ρ , 0 0 behavior in the system [30] undoubtedly indicates that where ρ ρ(B=0T). In recent re-analysis of x=0.09 0 ≡ the magnetic role of Ni ions in the spin-1/2 network of LSCO data from Ref. [9], the modified Kohler’s rule was the CuO planes cannot be neglected, the scattering on proposed[4]. The isotemperature transverse magnetore- 2 Ni has a predominantly nonmagnetic origin [28]. sistancevs. B/ρ curvesappearedtocollapseontosingle 0 InFig.2cweshowthatthefittedρ agreesunexpect- curve when ρ is replaced by ρ ρ . Here, we propose sat 0 0 res − edlywithρ calculatedfromBoltzmanntheoryforthe an alternative approach for considering the large LSCO IRM smallFermisurfacewithnholes. Assumingacylindrical resistivity in the magnetoresistance analysis. 4 -6-20a, a (10 T).TMRLMR133 (a)100T(1K5)0 y2=000.24606-7 -2 a (10T)ORB -4 / (10)0120 5a6BL0M (KT2Ra4)111102T406 00MK0000R -5 1/(0) (10)idid002468 (b) y[B=/0.id0(70,)]2 3y=0.06 TTTTTTTTTTT===========111111111221234567890100000000000KKKKKKKKKKK -4 /(-) (10)orb0res024 TTTTTTTTTTT===========111111111221234567890100000000000KKKKKKKKKKK (c) -5y/ (10)=orb0 024(0B0/.00)26 [1201501 T 1K/0(m K0.5cm)]2 50 100 150 200 250 0 5 10 15 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 2 4 2 2 6 2 T (K) [B/ id(0)] [10 T/(m cm)] [B/( 0- res)] [10 T/(m cm)] FIG. 4. (Color online) Magnetoresistance of y=0.06 specimen. (a) The temperature dependence of the coefficients aTMR and aLMR. The orbital part aORB (open symbols) and the result of its 5-point adjacent-averaging (solid symbols) are depicted in left inset. Right inset shows B2-fits to TMR data at selected T. (b) Kohler scaling for the ideal branch, together with that of y=0.07 specimen for which abscissa scale is enlarged 3 times. (c) Scaling approach from Ref. [4] and direct Kohler’s-rule scaling attempt in inset. At the lowest temperatures down to 2 K, all non- trajectories of those scattered against impurities. superconducting samples exhibit large and negative in- The OMR analysis reveals that Kohler’s rule in non- plane (I ab) magnetoresistance, both in the transverse superconductingspecimensisfulfilledintheidealbranch k (TMR, B ab) and longitudinal (LMR, B ab) configura- of the parallel-resistor model where the influence of the tion [TMR⊥(B=9T) 5 10−2 at 2 K] [31].kIn the follow- shunt ρ is eliminated [Fig. 4(b)]. Interpreting the ≈ × sat ing,wefocusonthehigh-T regionwhere,forthewholey modelinthespiritoftheminimalτ leadstotheassump- 0 range studied, magnetoresistance in both configurations tion that ρ is field-independent, at least in the weak- sat is positive and two orders of magnitude smaller than in field regime (where actually observed OMR B2 depen- the low-T region. The typical field dependence of re- dence is expected). Fitting of Eq. (1) to ρ(T∝) measured sistivity at various temperatures is displayed for y=0.06 at various fields up to 9T does not reveal any system- specimen in the right inset to Fig. 4(a). Above 35 K, atic change of ρ with B [58]. With ρ (B)=ρ (0), sat sat sat ρ increases as B2. Below 60 K, the positive TMR be- OMR of the ideal branch, ∆ρ /ρ (0) can be calculated id id gins to decrease with decreasing T and smoothly evolves from the measured quantities employing only one fit- into negative one at low T. Similar behavior is observed ting parameter ρ (0). The obtained ∆ρ /ρ (0) vs. sat id id forLMR,whichconstitutesasignificantportionofTMR [B/(ρ (0)]2 curves from 110 K up to T =210 K col- id up (beingequalto60%ofTMRatT=150Kasanexample) lapseto a single temperature-independentline, spanning and thus may not be ignored in the analysis. To obtain 50% of T [57]. The similar result was obtained for up the orbital part, OMR, at T>35 K, we fitted ρ(B) with y=0.07 specimen. Closer to the superconducting region the form [∆ρ(B)/ρ(0)]TMR,LMR=aTMR,LMRB2 and next of the phase diagram, for y=0.04, the scaling interval in calculated aORB =aTMR−aLMR. The extracted coeffi- ρid(B,T) is much smaller (140K-160K) but larger dif- cients are displayed in Fig. 4(a). A reliable and precise ference between ρ and ρ 0.3ρ emphasizes the sat res sat comparisonofthe variouspossible OMRscalingrequires difference between the possible≈OMR scalings and the moderate numerical smoothing without alternating the scaling approach illustrated in Fig. 4(c) fails completely. a vs. T dependence [leftinsetto Fig.4(a)]. Employ- ORB Concluding, the signs of resistivity saturation both at ing the smoothed a coefficients, a , OMR at any ORB orb the value ρ and with n-dependence from Boltzmann field B can be calculated as OMR=a B2. IRM orb theory reflectmetallic-like characteroftransportdespite Clearly,Kohler’sruleinLa1.85Sr0.15Cu1−yNiyO4 isvi- smallvolume ofFermisurfaceandstrongdisorderinun- olated when applied directly to the measured OMR of derdoped LSCO. A fully quantum-mechanical explana- the specimen [inset to Fig. 4(c)]. Modification of the tion of saturation is still lacking [26, 46, 59–61]. Evi- rule in the way describedinRef. [4]does not leadto any dentlyhowever,strongelectron-electroninteractions[62] reasonable scaling range [57]. The ∆ρorb/(ρ0 ρres) vs. do not invalidate the ρIRM limit [27]. The Ni-induced [B/(ρ0 ρres)]2 lines collapse one onto anothe−r between order-of-magnitude increase of a0/ρsat ratio leaves the 180 K a−nd Tup=200 K, spanning only 10%of Tup. Let’s resulting ρsImRMall√n intact. The revealed omnipresence notethattheexistenceofsuchascaling-wherethewhole ofτmin eveninbadmetalspoints towardsuniversalityof absolute resistivitychangeinfield, ∆ρ , is relatedonly theIoffe-Regel-Mottcriterion[46]ratherthanaccidental- orb toT-dependentρel-ph ρ0 ρres part-wouldmeaninthe only agreement between ρIRM and saturation [27]. ≡ − classicalpicturethatthefieldactsbetweenthescattering The known huge increase of ρ in LSCO outside our eventsonlyonthesecarriersthatscatteragainstphonons T-measurement window means the breakdown of quasi- duringthesubsequentscatteringeventanddoesnotbend particle description. At lower T, the transport in 5 La1.85Sr0.15Cu1−yNiyO4hasacoherentdescriptioninthe In summary, the typical for normal metals framework of Fermi-liquid theory, where Kohler’s rule is parallel-resistor formalism, employed for analysis of derivedunder single-relaxation-timeapproximationwith La1.85Sr0.15Cu1−yNiyO4 transport, reveals resistivity the assumption of small τ-anisotropy over Fermi sur- saturationat the value expected from Boltzmanntheory face [63, 64]. Fulfillment of the rule when ρ is changed for the small Fermi surface and fulfilment of unmodified 0 bychangingtemperatureindicatesnearlyT-independent Kohler’s rule in the nonsuperconducting part of the frequency distribution of the phonons involved [65] and phase diagram. isconsistentwithFermi-arclengthincupratesbeingcon- stant[66,67]ratherthandecreasingwithdecreasingtem- perature [68]. Ni doping can restore antiferromagnetic ACKNOWLEDGMENTS fluctuations[30,69]thatgiveadditionalT-dependencein nearly-antiferromagnetic-metals magnetoresistance via correlationlengthξ (T),OMR ξ4 (T)ρ−2 (Ref.[64]). This researchwas partiallyperformedin the NanoFun AF ∝ AF 0 ThusfulfillmentofconventionalKohler’srulesuggestsT- laboratory co-financed by the ERDF Project NanoFun independent ξ within the framework of this theory. POIG.02.02.00-00-025/09. AF [1] S. E. Sebastian, N. Harrison, M. M. Altarawneh, [15] N.Bariˇsi´c,S.Badoux,M.K.Chan,C.Dorow,W.Tabis, R. Liang, D. A. Bonn, W. N. Hardy, and G. G. Lon- B. Vignolle, G. Yu,J. Beard, X. Zhao, C. Proust, et al., zarich, Phys. Rev.B 81, 140505 (2010) Nat. Phys. 9, 761 (2013) [2] S. I. Mirzaei, D. Stricker, J. N. Hancock, C. Berthod, [16] S. Badoux, W. Tabis, F. Lalibert´e, G. Grissonnanche, A.Georges,E.vanHeumen,M.K.Chan,X.Zhao,Y.Li, B. Vignolle, D. Vignolles, J. B´eard, D. A. Bonn, W. N. M. 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