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Preview Sandwell Chronicle, January 26, 2017

Sandwell Thursday,January26,2017 Readbymorethan57,000people Pricewhensold70p ASDA DELIVERY VAN ACCIDENTAL CRUNCH CAUGHT ON CAMERA POLICE Twomaskedraiders targetGreggsshop AMANhasbeenleftfumingafterhiscarwas Hefoundhiscarhadbeenhitandmanaged generalmanageroftheGreatBridgestorebut damagedwhenanAsdadeliverydriverdrove tocatchaglimpseofthedeliveryvandriving no-onewaswillingtosortthesituation.” intoit–then,heclaims,ittookthecompany away. MrPeacocksaid:“ItriedtocalltheAsda nearlyamonthtosortthematterout. Mr Peacock, from Oldbury, immediately headofficevarioustimes.” TWOmaskedrobbersburstintoGreggs IanPeacockwasathisuncle’shouseonLion visitedtheretailgiant’sstoreinGreatBridge MrPeacocksaidhewaspromisedhewould bakeryinWednesburyandthreatenedto FarmEstateinOldburywhenheheardhiscar withhiscousinLukeMartindemandinganex- hearbackfromtheheadofficeatthesuper- hurtfemalestaffunlesstheyhandedover alarmgoingoff. planationaftertheincidentonDecember20. market chain various times but claims he cash. CCTVoftheincidentshowsanAsdavan However,heclaimed‘no-onewaswillingto neverreceivedacall. Themenweredressedindecoratorover- passingMrPeacock’sRenaultMegane,then sortthesituation’andhesaiditwassometime Headded:“It’scausedmealotofstressasit allsandhadtheirfacesalmostcompletely momentslaterheadingbackintheopposite beforeheheardbackfromAsdaheadoffice. wasoverChristmaswhenIwastryingtodeal coveredwhentheywentintotheUnion direction. Asdabossessaidtheincidentwas‘unaccept- withitallandIwasn’tgettinganywherewith Streetstoreataround7amlastFriday.The TheCCTVappearstoshowthevanstrug- able’andapologisedtoMrPeacockforanyin- headoffice.” robbersstolecashandlefttheshop.which glingtosqueezepastthecarandendsup convenienceandupsetcaused. AnAsdaspokesmansaid:“We’reverysorry hadnocustomersinside. hittingit,causingittobumpforward,before Mr Martin said: “The delivery manager foranyinconvenienceandupsetcausedbythis WardcouncillorElaineCostigan,said: “It’sterribleforthistohappeninWednes- drivingoff.MrPeacock,aged33,ranoutside apologisedtousandsaidthatthedrivershould matterandcanconfirmthatthecarhassince bury.ThereareCCTVcamerasoutsideso TheAsdavanandMrPeacock’scar ctourhiitsyMaleagramnegoafotfefr.hearingabangandhisse- chaalvlehestaodpopfefidcebuatndhegodibdanc’ktaannddswpeeraekttooldthtoe beenrepairedandreturnedtoMrPeacock.” IhPoopleictehecopnofilricmeeadrethaabttlehetoyacraetcehxathmeimni.n”g ‘Bigger and better’ pledge as events to expand CCTVaspartoftheirinvestigationbutan- yonewithinformationisurgedtocall101. CHOIR BOSTIN’ £200K Singerspreparing togounderground ACHOIRwillreallybesingingdeep intheheartoftheBlackCountrythis summer. Followingaconcertafewyearsago, FESTIVAL BOOST CradleyHeathMaleVoiceChoirisre- turningtoperformintheSingingCav- ernunderDudleyonJuly8. Audience members will be trans- portedbyDudleyCanalandTunnel Trustboatsforthehour-longconcert. Theboatdepartsat7pmandwillre- turntothetrust’sThePortalbasefor around9pm.Call01215576265. MUSIC Mott’sbassguitarist THEBlackCountryFestivalwillbecomebiggerandbet- Super – dog Clark is rescued ter under agreed plans to invest £200,000 in the event diesattheageof69 andspreaditoutacrossallfourauthorityareas. CoTuhnetrthyrBeee-eyreaFressctihveamlseawnidlltsheeemaeLdyen-ibgahstedanBdaltdiaFyesetvievnatl,s.mTohreeBpllaacnk, fToHrmEatRioSnPCafAterisaappuppepaylinwgasfoarbainn-- AofBMIoRtMttIhNeGHHoAoMp-leBOhaRsNdifeodunadgeerdm69e.mber whichwillseethreepeopleemployedtofocusontheevent’sexpansion, donedinsideaphonebox. Pete‘Overend’Watts,whowasbornin wpriilslebePgairntntherisshyiepamr.eItetwinagswaphpicrhovwedasahtethldeoBnlaMckonCdoauyn.tryLocalEnter- binusTlildhteeearorpniheero-nyweeaabsro-xfoolidunnQSdtuacihnffatooirnndesRdhoiuardpe YhdiuatrcAdelldleyTb,hypelDaYayoevuiddnogBnoDtwhuiedee.gsro,uwpri’tstebnesatnkdnopwron- Thefestival,whichstartedin2014,cel- West,inQuinton,Birmingham,last ThebassguitaristdiedonSundayof ebratestheregion’sbesttraditionsandat- ReportbyJudithHawkins Tuesday.Thepuppyhassincebeen cancer–almostayearafterthatofdrum- tractionsduringavarietyofeventsheldon namedClark,afterSupermanalias merDaleGriffin.Afterthegroupsplitin andaroundBlackCountryDayonJuly14. ClarkKent,whofamouslyemerged 1974,Wattswentontoformthebands All this has been achieved largely graphicalreachbyusingthetemplatedevel- fromphoneboxesasthelegendary MottandBritishLions. throughvolunteers,butbysettingathree- opedsuccessfullyinDudleythroughoutthe superhero. HealsoranalargeretrostoreinHer- yearbudgetof£200,000,threepaidstaff otherBlackCountrycouncils.” Ashockedmemberofthepublic eford,andwroteabook,TheManWho couldbeemployedtohelpexpandthefesti- Thereportcontinues:“Usingthesuccess wasalertedtoClark’splightafter HatedWalking,whichwaspublishedin val.Co-organiserofthefestival,SteveEd- oftheBlackCountryFestivalinDudleyas hearingwhimperingfrominsidethe 2013.HelivedjustoutsideRoss-on-Wye. wards,said:“Overthelastthreeyearsthe atemplateandthegrowthaspiredtofor phonebox.Theytookthepupback festivalhasbeenexpanding,buttohave 2017,theywillworkthroughout2017tode- home,andcalledtheRSPCA. INSIDE helpthroughtheLEPtomakeitevenbig- velopexistingrelationshipsandforgenew Jonathan Ratcliffe, RSPCA in- gerwillbeabsolutelyfantastic. oneswithcommunitygroups,businesses spector,said:“Physicallythedog OH YES IT IS! Identify andlocalcouncilsinSandwell,Walsalland is OK, however he was under- Wolverhamptonwithaviewtodeveloping standablystressedoutfrombeing “ItstartedinDudley,buteveryyear theBlackCountryFestivalinJulyinthese abandoned.Wehavenoideawhere PPAANNTTOO CCAASSHH we’veaddedeventsinneighbouringbor- areas,andwithaviewtoextendingthisfur- hecamefromashewasnotmicro- oughs, and we would like to add even therin2018.” chipped,andwedon’tknowhow more.”Businesseswillbeencouragedto The plan is for the festival to remain longhewastherefor–butheis sponsortheeventinordertoraisemoney, primarilyfocusedonDudleyin2017,with luckyasitiscoldandhedidn’thave whiletheBlackCountryConsortiumwill BlackCountrybrandedtowncentreenter- anyfoodorwater.He’sdefinitely alsoworkwithDudleyArtsCounciltohelp tainment,aLye-basedBaltiFestival,high ourbraveSuperdog. identifysourcesoffunding. profilevarietynights,businessshowcases, “Clark is now in the RSPCA’s ThereportpresentedbySarahMiddle- andextraBlackCountryBeerFestivals. careandifnoownercomesforward ton,chiefexecutiveoftheBlackCountry Thefestivalcommitteeandstaffwilluse thenwewillhopefullybeableto ConsortiumLtd,states:“Overthenext thisyear’sfestivaltoforgenewrelation- findhimalovingnewhome.” threeyearsBlackCountryFestivalCom- shipswithcommunitygroups,businesses Anyonewhohasanyinformation mitteebelievethattheycanextendthe andcouncilsinSandwell,WalsallandWol- abouthowClarkcametobeaban- successoftheBlackCountryFestivalin verhamptonwithaviewtoextendingthe donedshouldcontacttheRSPCA termsofnumberofevents,includingmore eventin2018.By2019,itishopedtherewill incompleteconfidenceon0300123 PAGE11 eventsthroughouttheyear,andthegeo- beeventsacrosstheregion. ClarktheStaffordshirebullterrierpuppy,foundinaphonebox 8018. £2. ! LOOK 60 There’s an “APP” for your Local CHEAPEST TAXI * FARES AROUND F S FROM RingBack:Wedeadringyouwhen1minuteaway searchforCountyCars searchforCountyCarsgpc TextBack:Wetextyourphonewhen1minuteaway 0121 505 5555 0121 522 2233 Book,Pre-BookandTrackYourTaxifromtheAPP **ddependdenttonmiilleage CONTENTS Museum lands £129k grant for mine Winnick airs 2 RHODES 4 fears over 17 LETTERS 7 A COLLIERY will be brought to life af- complete by February next year. It will planned renovations would genuinely 0 26, 2 AMREEMAO FROYC LUASN E 20-2214 tlaenrT dhtehede R aB a£lc1aec2ck9o ,u0Cr0os0eu ngCrtoarlynl iteL.riyv iwnga sM buusieltu amt itinnhscatltua cldloeaa tlai oc rnaen op fba aiert tmtroao nstpshfheee rtrruiecbd l itbgryha tmpiintw gpa, oyan nsydo, sinpcTernhedea somen u stsiheteeu .ma’ms oduepnut tyo fc htiiemf eJ ovniasitthoarns failures on ary FAST TICKET 33 tBhlea cTki pCtoonu nRtorya dc aotatlrpaict.t ioItn wasa sa ntyapmiceadl thhoew r mesitnoerarst iwone roef lao wpiet rceadg ein wtoh itchhe sshhoawfts. Wprioljseocnt wsialild m: e“aTnh teh ec ommupsleeutmio nis oafb lteh tios living wage nu TV 36 after the 1846 Dudley Racecourse which Costumed characters will tell the stories provide an immersive and thought-pro- ay, Ja PSPROORPTE RTY 63-4664 wCuaTslth ouerr iegg,ri nMaaneltld yif aroo nam nth dte hS sepi toDer.et paanrdtm Wenoltf sfoonr dofu Tstthhroeys .ef uwnhdoin wgo rhkaesd binee tnh ea wmainrdinegd into- vgdioavkye i lntifghe e ewmxap ase rlriieekanelc feso erfn otsrhe eo o upfr e wovphislaeitt oadrnasd y a-atnnod-- A WALSALL MP says not enough em- hursd CONTACT US Mwcoiullllsi eearulylmo iwns vaaicnstdiito onGr.sa Tltlhoe erbi erees a stIbomlrepa ttroioo vsnee mew oethrnket 3pasa9sr etmiscsuumslaeeurnlmyt sipm aapncrerelo sssssae ditd hb eyth tcahoteu tmnhtuerysye . uwTmehr’ees mimiTnahles.e ” wmourkseinugm a ablosvoe haa sB lmacuklt iC-mouilnlitorny psptleaoofypfe lrets hs eitnr u ntgahgteil oiBnnlgaa lct kol imCvioanukgne twernyad gaesr ,em lpeeaaevyt.iinngg nicle T TEETSee-DPmll::OI Ta00ROi11TlR:39S sI80:Aa42 Ln 33:d 51w 39e24ll05.c13h/ 0ro1n3i8c4le @353ex2p0r5essandstar.co.uk DRacecioursse Collieury wsill begein next dmonth a nd sshould tbe visaitor nutmbers iando agreed nthat the spound plamns to create a a1960s toywn. spwhueaaDrrsge aeuh fiv.ro irgDudme ruWd sr r iitaannhrtgneee i acPprk aerd,yic emMiobngePagnrt iwfeMso eoriindr nWk itaesahsrtlee sst rathH lhtleoo eN u lm£iosv8erai.t n2kho5gef, o E-mail: [email protected] Commons, he said ‘too many employees’ hr PHOTOGRAPHIC: Tel: 01902 319430 in the region are struggling to manage C E-mail: [email protected] on the wages they are paid. ell ATeDl:V 0E1R9T0IS2 I3N1G9:5 N7i3cola Cope be put back on track miHniem suamid :w “aI gaer, gaunedd tthhiesr we assh oouf lcdo ubres ae w E-mail: [email protected] introduced by the Labour government d PROPERTY: Colin Bailey when it was elected in 1997. Such a min- n Tel: 01902 313131 ext 3731 imum is absolutely essential to avoid a E-mail: [email protected] outright pay poverty, as what occurred S MOTORING: Jayne LaHiffe previously. However, in my view, such a legal minimum should not be considered Tel: 01543 465344 a maximum, as in some instances it is E-mail: [email protected] by employers; hence the reason for my CLASSIFIED: parliamentary question. Tel: 01902 317878 “While I accept that it is for employers E-mail: [email protected] DISUSED railway stations in Wil- Retail and leisure hub takes shape to decide on wages – apart of course from DISTRIBUTION: Paul Jones lenhall and Darlaston could be the legal minimum – the fact remains TEe-ml: a0i1l:9 p0.2jo [email protected] brought back to life as part of tthhea tB tloaock m Caonuyn termy,p alorey ereesc,e iivnicnlug dai nwga gine a revamp of the train network which makes it very difficult, particu- Sandwell in the Black Country, transport larly for those with families, to manage. chiefs have revealed. “Indeed, Theresa May, when she be- The plans to reopen Portobello sta- came Prime Minister, said she was con- 51-53 Queen Street tion in Willenhall and the station in cwehron eadr efi jursstt aabnodu tfo mreamnaogsitn agb.”out those Wolverhampton, WV1 1ES Darlaston are set out in the Black Country Local Enterprise Partner- Pensioners at Open Monday to Friday 9am-1pm and 2pm-5pm ship’s board papers. www.yourchronicle.com Transport bosses have said they still risk, fears MP need to secure funding for the project, which is part of a wider plan to rejuvenate transport across the region. Previous pro- posals to reopen Willenhall and Aldridge PROPOSED Government changes to stations are also still in the pipeline. benefits for people in supported housing The plans are being worked on by the will put Black Country pensioners at Transport for West Midlands, which wants risk, an MP has warned. to reopen the stations as part of a wider John Spellar has urged the Prime plan to recreate a rail line between Wolver- Minister to rethink plans for housing hampton and Walsall. benefit payments for people in sup- Councillor Roger Lawrence, the leader of ported housing to be capped in line with Wolverhampton council, who is the trans- Local Housing Allowance levels. port lead for the West Midlands Combined Critics have claimed the changes, due Authority, said: “These plans looking at to come in for 2019/20, would lead to reopening these stations are part of the many people being unable to afford to Transport for West Midlands proposals to live in sheltered housing. The Warley recreate the rail link between Wolverhamp- MP said: “Theresa May had an opportu- ton and Walsall with intermediate stops.” nity to ditch Iain Duncan Smith’s failed Freight Universal Credit scheme. “That she hasn’t shows she has the Currently passengers looking to get from same careless attitude as him.” He said Wolverhampton to Walsall or vice versa on it was the latest example of the Tories the train need to go through Birmingham. ‘piling misery on poorer communities’. A direct route between the two Black Coun- Leading choir in try authorities exists however it is only used for freight trains. It was open to pas- sengers until 1965, restored in 1998, then search of voices withdrawn again a decade later in 2008. The new St Matthew’s development taking shape in Walsall, set to be completed before the year’s end The rail station at Darlaston, previously WORK to revitalise Walsall town ity as the development has taken largest town centre Asda super- known as Darlaston James Bridge railway centre is gathering pace – with the shape and is expected to be finished store in the UK as well as a 1,000 A LEADING male voice choir in the station, was part of the line but closed in steel frame that will become a new this year. car park which opened in 2007. Black Country is looking for new blood, 1965 along with the line. retail and leisure development now Once finished, the site will offi- Council bosses touted the £25 requiring singers in all four sections. Darlaston Councillor Paul Bott said he in place. cially be referred to as The Quar- million project as a ‘major demon- Walsall Harmonic Male Voice Choir pro- would be supporting the scheme to get the Shop units at Market Square ter and consist of 55,000 sq ft of stration of confidence’ in Walsall as vides after-dinner entertainment and station reopened. in the St Matthew’s Quarter have new retails units including B&M a modern day retail location. Plans charity concerts for churches, commu- He said: “Me and Councillor Chris Bott been bulldozed ready for the site to and Poundland who have already for the second phase had to be re- nity groups and various organisations. are 100 per cent for it. I have seen it func- be transformed with the develop- signed pre-lets agreements to open thought when the listed Shannon’s As well as singers it is seeking a dep- tion in the past as a railway station when ment of 11 new units for retail and next spring. Ill had to be demolished due to a uty accompanist. A spokesman said: thousands used to use it. leisure use. The work is the second part of a fire in August 2007. The demoli- “Anyone interested can come along to “Residents will be able to commute to The vision shared by Walsall multi-million pound investment in tion work was originally supposed our practices on Monday nights at 8pm Birmingham and Wolverhampton so it will Council and developers St Modwen St Matthews Quarter. to begin in 2015 but eventually at the Chuckery Mutual Club, Beacon be a necessity and a vital link for the West is now closer to becoming a real- Phase One included building the started in April 2016. Street, Walsall, or phone 0121 502 5751, Midlands.” for further information.” GGBB GREAT BRIDGE Give Us A Call For Any Queries PPHONES Don’t Despair We’ll Repair ● Webuyandsellnewandused mobilephones● Unlockallmakes andmodels● Allrepairworkunder- taken● WalkinRepairCentre 58 Great Bridge, Tipton DY4 7EW Tel:0121 557 8899 BEFORE AFTER Pupils join Lowest amount of good grades in region NEWS IN BRIEF 3 campaign City rugby centre S SANDWELL’S secondary schools re- pected ‘floor standard’ of minus 0.5 set ment of a pupil across eight qualifi- must score at least a C grade at GCSE a corded the lowest proportion of pupils out by the Government. cations including mathematics and in English, maths, science, history or n over fatal achieving A*-C grades in both GCSE The Government has said that English, which are double-weighted, geography and a language. work is on target d English and maths across the Black secondary schools falling below the three further qualifications that count This year, the Government has said w Country. standard will be considered under-per- in the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) that secondary schools will be consid- e accidents theA c tiotyta’sl socfh 4o9o.l6s rpeecro rcdeendt ao fg rpaudpei lCs oinr forTmhiinsg y.ear’s league tables are the mtioenass uthrea,t acannd bteh rGeCe SoEtsh eorr aqnuya loifithcear- eerxepde cutendd eflro-pore rsftoarnmdianrgd aifn idt sb Pelroowg rtehses Ace nNtrEeW o nst adteer-oefl-itcht ep-alarty irnugg bfiye ludns ioinn ll C higThheer hinig thhees tt wpoer sfuorbmjeicntsg. area in the fipurspti lns oatc htoie vininclgu adte ltehaest pfirvoep oCr tgiroand eosf apPprroovgerdes esq 8u ilvoaolekns ta qtu tahliefi cpartoigorne.ss a 8u pspceorr eb aisn db eolfo wth em 9in5u pse 0r .5ce, natn cdo nthfie- Eatd tghbea setnodn oifs 2o0n1 t7a.rget for completion hro abcoAtlaoruca u ocPntwinssudnSsichedpeiAhneneriFerlgs tsdeSE s t ttTaihoth nthM Yae uetav ahrr beGerge uc g erappsha emyrarapao seseptdtdt oa ’Bubuypsiegaea clCeeanler n rrd oc.t fsaotEhcsr hhi sragrPtiosenaa oregysil m e bfnwsaaeaeatnearafandyyerl MatbBwhnolheTarde oc htrRukweeg S o5ChPA 8g orO .rAou8arg ncPmdprateeedrisrssye. st c mo ew8nny a, st wTs co oehfWrr epee owAsu bl pCvfeoieEllrors hwAaWa cctmoahhddiepeee vatmneoexsndy-- ammruetrneap AeatlstGahs,t cusAaCe.ri tdSneWt E mawhiht,niea atnsmhti tn ne thcnh8oalswt eud g 8d nabb ieauneewngeegdne n hs PEe sttacrhnhrodregaegl ilp rpniaepsrescehi shnmd e ic8 eeaai.pvannelsdde-- vasaspacncuhmhTdpoi oieecol volpm aemirtmcaoipohk eartienh eerasetve css efh er opionetfumd hvop ee wotitm lhfhs Ee’ese rner Bsecet anosstc.unhd cl ad,to tasf r s hwyptau rivstidhcmeoeh nattohhrtoyeesl trwdafheneisTentduh c hnl pepite ussirw n peic tivsasle isynort hsvhuhntaesaoel vtm yfii eesb,r a bbsetrte ehs odle.eyonirewre aea fcrzost ersltreeyho,sw a.sctteoh dmes cuplhanaotrdeoeesldrst SataBthhlnuoleIPe-dmutw re r r mMurwegnsagrvei&itablirmlhlsyBfi lseiem e fn r arlp Rcodecsiln tiucpualcr oigrdhteHrbeeyeatay sotso a .i omnC o pfInn linettute hsh cgbwa eher dC ifocadpsoeui niratndtnmydvitedo.i r veltns airwe o l lit Anoonow ,pv ftteiu3inhhtrGrhygee- nicle Thursda in TBhiremy inlgahuanmch Reoda dt.h eir campaign aspteodrt s1 1fa6c ihliotmiees,s Paetr sitims mAvoenr yh aFsi eclrdes- y, J wloirt hJ utlhiee Wmaebyobr, toofw Sna nledawde lCl oCuonucnilcloilr- dUevletloprmaen tfi off tC itwy Roialdl. be anu Steve Melia and the local police and a fire service. ry Pupils created eye-catching graph- Sandwell Council is run trying DirtRun 2 itchse t oc oemncmouurnaigtye cthoi ludsree nt,h pea rcernostss ianngds 6, 2 and underpass near the school. A 32-MILE running event start- 01 Cabinet member for highways ing and finishing at Himley Hall is 7 Councillor David Hosell said: “There planned for March 12. The DirtRun have been three road accident fatali- Black Country Ultra is in four eight- ties nearby in the last 12 months – not mile stages and can be tackled by in- outside the school, but close enough dividuals, relay pairs or teams of four. for road safety to be at the forefront It is being organised by Pulse Pur- of people’s minds and high on the suits with Dudley and Sandwell coun- school’s priorities. A BLACK Country MP has called Bridge crash lorry ripped in two cils and the Canal and River Trust. “The school is working with the for a Government review of how One of the sections involves run- council’s highways team, the fire ser- Sandwell Council is run after a re- ning through the nearly two-mile dvirc“eenT ahrneeda l wltyhin ean wpeaorrlsie c oeof f t rotoh amed a cskoaemf etpthyee.t icthioiln- poAr tr eaplolergt etod t fhrea ucodu nacnild’s m auisdcito cnodmumcitt.- NMeaTtrhhyee Sr ttroeanvce eCn asw nHiallol sTrpauiicnseen ienflu .Sntdosu rfborri dtghee. will see their designs made into road tee outlined allegations of council hous- Visit www.pulsepursuits.co.uk signs, and banners outside the school, es being given to relatives of Oldbury’s warning people to cross safely using Councillor Mahboob Hussain, the coun- £24k handed out the underpass or the crossings.” cil’s former deputy leader. Worried teachers and council high- It highlighted land deals concerning compul- to start-up firms ways staff are concerned by the num- sory purchase orders involving Mr Hussain and ber of people who still cross the A34 Councillor Babu Bawa. fwaenintdch itonhuget osunus bitnhwgea tyche –en ptdreeadslpe risettesr eitarhnvea rcterioo bsnes.iinngg MiBHdolaatlnhesd omsw Paetontl ei&cres . R hoawvlee yb Reeeng isr eMfePr rJeadm teos WMeosrt- SahwTamAarR dTws- eUcrePer e macwoomnaryp.d aeTndhi ees£ E 2n4in,t0r 0eB0p rireamnte inuagrn-- ris said he was ‘saddened’ by the allegations ing Awards, hosted by Entrepreneur- Rugby centre on and has demanded an independent review into ial Spark Powered by NatWest, were the governance of the authority. handed out at Birmingham Hatchery target for launch SaIjind aJ alveitdt,e rM tro M Loorcraisl wGroovteer tnhmate ntht eS seitcureattaiorny lasAt mWoendgn tehsde apyr.ize winners was Swoo- with Sandwell Council had ‘reached critical pos, a mobile payments systems com- point’. pany, which walked away with £4,000. A NEW state-of-the-art rugby union “Many residents of Sandwell, and myself, Football Road Trips, which creates centre on derelict playing fields in have lost faith and trust in the council, and feel road trips to European football cities, Edgbaston is on target for completion that urgent intervention is required. also secured £4,000. at the end of 2017. “The council tax payers of Sandwell deserve Persimmon Homes Central with much more than this.” £3m redesign Bournville Rugby Club is developing Trust the facility on the former Avery and to create 11 jobs M&B recreation grounds in the Sum- Mr Morris asks Mr Javid ‘to commission an merfield area. It will include a new independent review’ of the council with a view A HOUSING firm is creating dozens pavilion, 3G all-weather sports pitch to making ‘a series of recommendations for im- of jobs as part of a £3 million project and two other grass pitches. proving the efficiency and effectiveness of the to transform frontline services for In addition to the sports facilities, council’. customers. Persimmon has created 116 new He added that the review would help to re- Bromford is creating 11 jobs in homes at its Avery Fields develop- store trust. places such as Dudley, Walsall and ment off City Road. Mr Hussain has accused the council of at- Sandwell, after undertaking a radical Persimmon Homes Central director tempting to smear his character and said: “I redesign of the way it delivers services. Neil Williams said: “The scheme has will co-operate fully with any investigation as I To do this it has introduced a new bweoernk ipnlagn ncleods eolvye rw ai tnhu mBbiremr oinf gyheaamrs haCveo udnocniel nleoatdheinr gC woruonncgil.l”or Steve Eling said The lorry’s trailer was ripped in two after it hit the bridge. Drivers and rail passengers faced delays wroillel w– otrhke onne ifgahrb somurahlloeord p caotcahches, wcohvo- City Council’s planning team.” he was surprised not to have been contacted DRIVERS and train passengers damage. The lorry smashed into fected by the smash as the A4026 ering around 175 homes within a close directly by Mr Morris. He said: “The fact the faced delays after a lorry ploughed the crossing, which is marked as a Blake Street in Four Oaks was proximity rather than over 500. Police out to catch council has published the outcome of these in- into a rail bridge, ripping its trail- low bridge, at about 7.30am. The closed between Lichfield Road Education site opens vestigations and is reporting them to our audit er in half. truck’s trailer was torn in two by and Little Aston Lane while work committee, which is open to the public and Services on the Cross City rail the force of the impact. to remove the lorry and check the egg-throwing yobs media, shows that our governance systems are line between Lichfield and Red- Birmingham New Street bridge took place. A REFURBISHED higher education robust and working as they should be.” ditch were disrupted after the tweeted: “Due to a vehicle striking The driver of the lorry was not centre will be opened at Halesowen Council chief executive Jan Britton said: ‘bridge strike’ in Blake Street, a bridge at Butlers Lane, services hurt. A Network Rail spokesper- College. It comes as the number of PATROLS have been stepped up by “The council has carried out exhaustive inter- Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield. are affected on @LondonMid- son said: “Although our bridges adults wanting to pursue a university police in Tipton following reports of nal investigations into these matters. These London Midland, which runs land.” Trains were running as are strong, when an incident like level course has increased recently. yobs throwing flour and eggs. were allegations made publicly. services on the line, told pas- normal shortly after 10am after this occurs they need to be safety The newly refurbished Access Cen- Officers have checked the Farmer “We have investigated them thoroughly and, sengers to expect delays as en- the bridge was deemed safe by checked before they can be fully tre will be officially opened at 11am by Way Estate over the past two days. where appropriate, we have referred them to gineers checked the bridge for engineers. Motorists were also af- reopened.” Camilla Phillips MBE this Saturday. No further issues have been reported. the police or the council’s monitoring officer.” S hab’z Concept NEW YEAR SALE NOW ON UPTO Barbers BLINDS 50% OFF ‘THE COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALISTS’ ALLBLINDS KITCHENS | BATHROOMS | BEDROOMS Estsince1997 www.idealhomecare.co.uk Specialisinginalltypesofhaircutting Vertical&RollerBlinds 10REASONSTOHAVE EuropLeoavne&alAlsf••reC•orHHhGW•vooiCePemtelOndaaaTe.taBtrlrAotsSsleaeiwole.bnbrfPrcenirbv.euflSosi&retScmoHa£eNhDm4anaAe£eiv.wvrs55e£ia0.gB5i0£nl.o5a0s0r.b00nl0e NeFFwerCeahetisulodreefSsaCahFsfeaiotrttygenedfabr•••A••Fi5WVCRCclReouosonsYmrnoveosdaeEtEeinndaVrAasvneTEoan•rRBvtaeoPwlcPitarnlikyGeadsianRslUHtasfoaeodorAvbfBORaBalleyiAinlWNdaNsinbTdEoElweEs 987654.3.2.1A......GNAaiNWaWsndLFVanlFrIilcaeeCneeRasdarlrsIkusmEuEgcSphiDetsdgIbaeEreCaviminlobnanerfyEchejeiRnngeatshsbooedAhcjfituoumodtogtitypitrselrtciLaiomeiheepsinctenpuytmrelogdayeessrolHr,oenprosaofr(etefsafsveotnoaddOliwigeqegrnlenecmydecuenogsds,hMtilerti.aforerosgakrareitlrcoeocbnydmEcttrmsscl,vrChivo,eoise1ioeCcismphmcsn0rfieglaeertet0euAapoisn,nd)wsmsrmlwsdetRhofobt,rtevoaefooibEneftldmtuifirgtihsoshtn,2teoreedibr8ersinwousgcphy,iohhtrnleodwomtooajilfyoentremoosrcgwrkpute,otyrnpoaorodlprnjauyeasds,ct,tiwteot,irnleeinssg, 345CapeHillHighStreet, Open: FREE 0800 5875279 10.Qualityproductsatrealisticprices (3h0oSum7re9Fteh6ew8Piackr1kB5in62g6a38tPAB2s2da)MFroSinu--SnTadhtauy9r.31s009aa.mm30--a76m.3p-0m7ppmm Failtltibnlginodns OpenSevenDaysaWeek COlpoesnedinWgeTdimaneds:SMuno,nO-tFhreir1T0iammes-B4pymA,pSpaotiunrtdmaeyn1t0am-2pm TThheeHHoommeeIImmpprroovveemmenttSSpeciialliistt Call: 01214293169 Tel:01215885737 OPEN 7DAYS Establishedover25years FREEHomeQuote.FASTDelivery 5 Hall Green Road, Stone Cross, West Bromwich, B71 3JS Care workers face job uncertainty Leader vows 4 THEBESTOF PETER to ‘clear the 7 201 RHODES uMnOceRrEtatinhafnut1u0r0escaarteawcooruknecrisl-raurenfsaocciniagl iTnhgetchoousnecwilhsoayhsatvheecroemareeonuotiodfehasosypeittaals. aSraendnwoeclolmCopuunlscoilr’ysJroebdsunPdroamnciiseese.mUpnldoeyr- swamp’ over 26, carAetsoetravliocfe1.35frontlinestaffatSandwell twohhaotwarmeaasnsytraofflecsowulidllbbeemgooivnegd,itfoa.ny,or epelosyaerdeionffoetrheedrtrroaliensin.”gbeforebeingrede- y Council’sShortTermAssessmentand Leaderssaytherewillbeno‘compul- Theauthoritysaidthattherestructure ar ANYONE taking bets on President Re-enablementservicearebeingmadeto soryredundancies’aspartofthemove. toSTARisstillin‘consultation’andno fraud claims u Trump not completing his first four-year re-applyfortheirjobs. Councillor Ann Shackleton, cabinet finaldecisionhavebeenmade. an term?I’mnottalkingaboutassassination Thecash-strappedauthoritysaysthose member for social care, said: “We are ASTARcareworker,whowishednot J orimpeachmentbutTrumpsimplygetting unsuccessfulwillberedeployedintooth- restructuringtheserviceandstaffare nottobenamedsaid:“Ithinkitisdis- y, fedup.Today,heisthestaroftheworld. ersacrossthecouncil. being asked to apply for new roles as gustingtheyaremakingusreapplyfor sda Teormheorraocwtuhalelywhilalsd,ishcoowvemrhuocwhmlittolenepyowhe- OSTARprwovidescarefnoradultseinclud-rpartofthawtrestructureh. Howeveorthere ourjsobs.” tabbAennShacdkleton TvoHwEedletaodeprroovfeStahnadtwtehlelCauotuhnocriiltyhaiss ur islosing,howheandhisfamily’severy ‘notoverrunwithcrooks’afteranew h moveandeverycarelesswordorTweetis report detailed allegations of fraud T doggedbythepressandsocialmedia. andmisconductagainstcouncillors. e CouncillorSteveElingsayshewill nicl pygoAut-asRrhdEosAtsDahtEoPRurte:as“siDdkose,nnatiflTdsr,uodmmupec,bkw!o”dillythtaekbeosda- ‘wclrTeoahnregtdlhaoetinessgwtaartemtphpoe’rtfcootloulontwhciienl.aguctlhaoimritsyo’sf hro THATgreatsocialobserverWillSelfsug- dog in face given jail amuadtittercsomthmatithteaedcbieteendsaubnjuemctbteoraonf C gestswaspishlythattheArmyshouldbe internalinvestigation,twoofwhich ell sacnrdaptrpaeindinagndtoreapllla3c0emdiblliyongivBirnitgiswheaadpuoltnss. hPaodlicbee.enreferredtoWestMidlands w Anassaultrifleineveryhome.Whatcould Theyincludeallegationsofcouncil d possiblygowrong? housesbeinggiventofamilymembers n offormer deputyleaderCouncillor Sa weSeOkMinEcOluNdEingg:a“vYeoumgeoddoirwenctitohnastrothaids MacacuhsbeodobMHruHsusasisna.inTahnedrCepoourntcialllosor wheretheoldpubusedtobe.”Canthere BabuBawaofbeinginvolvedinques- beasingleroadinEnglandthatdoesnot ReportbyJudithHawkins tionablelanddealsviaacompulsory fitthatdescription?Wearealandoflost puIrtchaalssoeoarlldeegresscthheamteC.ouncillorIan pubs. A THUG has been locked Jonesremovedaplotofcouncil-owned TOmysurprise,Ihavethesupportof up for repeatedly stabbing alanmdefmrobmerauofctCioonusnociiltlocoruMldobheasmomldatdo atleastonereaderwhobelieveshuman hispetdoginthefaceand Rouf’sfamilyatundervalue. needsshouldbegivenpriorityoverwild- thentryingtohideherfrom CouncillorElingsaid:“Theallega- life when it comes to turning Swansea policeinaconfinedspace. tionsinthisreportwillunderstand- lBaagyooinnt.oHaevsaasytse:l“eWcthriecnityt-hgeenweardaitniognbtiirddasl Michael Bailey, of Tividale, atoblryeacsasuusreeathleotpuobflicconthceartnS.aIndwwaenltl have waded away, within a few months launched a savage attack on Councilisnotoverrunwithcrooks. thenewenvironmentwillberecolonised Lucky after she urinated on a “Iwanttomakeitclearthatmy withnewspecieswhichlikethenewcon- bagofmarijuanaathishome. aimistocleartheswampandensure ditions.” The54-year-oldpunchedherin that any allegations of misconduct thefaceandbodyandthenstabbed andfraudulentbehaviourarethor- YOU have hernumeroustimesintheface. oughlyinvestigatedandactedupon.” pprobably spot- Officerswerecalledaftertheat- The report said that during the tted the tiny tackwasoverheardbutBaileytold council’s investigation indicators pproblem with themthedoghadrunoff. were found ‘that suggest potential the statue of However, following a search of collusionandfraudulentpractice’. Cilla Black un- thehouseinDaleTerraceofficers, veiled in Liver- discoveredthefrighteneddoghad Brum hat in ring pool.Inaclas- beenboardedupbehindthewashing sicexampleof machineandunderneathakitchen the Emperor’s worktop. to host Games new clothes, Baileywasjailedfor12weeksfor localpeopleapplaudedtheunveilingwith- causingunnecessarysufferingtothe outdaringtopointoutthatitdoesn’tlook dogthroughphysicalviolenceand BIRMINGHAM’S bid for the 2026 evenvaguelylikeCilla. theinflictionofbluntforcetrauma. CommonwealthGamesisnowoutof Steps Lucky’seyeswereclosedandswollenbythesavageattackfromherowner thestartingblocks,withthelaunch READERSmayberemindedofthecel- ofplanstodrawupafeasibilitystudy. ebrated“blackDiana,”thestatueofthe Hewasalsofoundguiltyoffailing BirminghamCityCouncilhasap- princessinblackgraniteandunveiledin totakereasonablestepstoensure pointedOriginSportsGrouptocarry 2000.ItlooksnothinglikePrincessDibut thattheneedsofthedogweremet, outthestudyduringthefirstquarter bears a passing resemblance to Denis byfailingtomeetherneedtobein ofthisyear,withafinalreportdueby Nordenwithouthisspecs.Itstandsout- anappropriatebodycondition. April. sideafuneraldirectorsinWalsall.Unlike BaileywassentencedatBirming- LeadingapanelestablishedbyOri- theScousers,Walsallfolkhaveneverkid- hamMagistrates’Courtafterbeing ginisAlanPascoeMBE,whowasvice dedthemselvesit’sagoodlikeness.“De- foundguiltyinhisabsenceatthe chairmanoftheLondon2012Olympic monic,”wasoneFacebookuser’sopinion. samecourtinNovember. andParalympicGames. Baileywasdisqualifiedfromkeep- HehasworkedoneveryCommon- ROLFHarrisisontrialforsexcrimes inganimalsforlifeandwasordered wealth Games since 1992, helping withthejurytoldondayoneofhispre- topaya£115victimsurchargeover manycitieswiththeirwinningbids. viousconvictions.Heisgivingevidence theincidentonJune18lastyear. CouncillorIanWard,deputyleader viaavideolinkfromprison.Ifonetrialcan RSPCAinspectorStevenMorrall, of Birmingham City Council, said: beginwithtotaldisclosure,whycan’tthey whoinvestigated,said:“Theofficers “Throughthefeasibilitystudy,we’ll all?Manyarealegalgamewhereevery- searched the house and initially know what is needed to make the oneincourt,exceptthejury,knowsthe couldn’t find the dog – but then gamesworkandbecomeasuccess.” defendantisaserialvillainwithacriminal theyheardthedogmakeasound record,butallconspiretopretendit’sthe inthekitchen.Theydiscoveredher Mayor campaign firsttimethey’veseenhim. behindthewashingmachineunder theworktop. launch by ex-MP Don’t miss Peter “Thiswasaparticularlybrutalat- tack,whichleftthehereyessoswol- Rhodes every Mon- lenthattheywerealmostclosed. LABOUR’S West Midlands mayor Ontopofthis,shewasalsoverythin hopefuldescribedhimselfasa‘recov- day to Friday in your asaresultofneglect.” ering’ Westminster politician. Siôn Luckymadeafullrecovery,but Simon,anMEPandformerBirming- Express & Star waslateridentifiedbyapolicedog hamMP,saidhewas‘poacherturned legislationofficerasabannedbreed gamekeeper’asheattackedthecoun- andputdown. Theextentoftheinjuriescausedtothedog Luckywashiddeninatinyspaceundertheworktop try’sLondon-basedpoliticalsystem. IMPORTANT NOTICE Affordable windows, doors and conservatories £249 £6,490 CREMATIONS IN SANDWELL Windows12x12fitted Conservatories3x3from BackDoor Patio Doors YOUMAYBEAWARETHATSANDWELLCOUNCILAREOFFERING FAMILIESAVERYBASICFUNERALSERVICEATACOSTOF£1595. £349 £649 from from WHENWEATCOLLYER&MCBRIDEFUNERALDIRECTORS WHOHAVEBEENSERVINGOURFAMILIESANDTHELOCAL COMMUNITYFOROVER100YEARS,OFFERAMUCHMORE SUPERIORANDPERSONALSERVICEFOR£1395 SOME£200LESS. PLEASECALLFORMOREINFORMATION Composite TEL- 0121 588 5377 FrenchDoors frontdoor 24 HOUR SERVICE £649 from £699 from BRANCHESAT wwwwww.wwoollvveerrhhaammptonwindows.ccoo.uukk || CCaallllnnooww007777110044334223/01902827879 WESTBROMWICH-PERRYBARR-HANDSWORTH Land work Big Apple fans ap-peel for Grannies’ visit NEWS IN BRIEF 5 for Metro Holocaust day S START spreading the news . . . the sponsorship to help fund the trip. minster, on February 4, The Steps, a Dancing Grannies have decided to Member Deb Nicholls said: “The plan Bridgnorth, on February 9, 10 and n extension have a rest from the Edinburgh is to take America by storm. We aim 11, Gatehouse Theatre, Stafford, on memorial call d Fringe this year and pop over to the to flashmob in New York this summer February 18, Core Theatre, Solihull, w Big Apple. as the Americans keep asking when on March 4. e welcomed CoTuhnet rGy rcaonmneiedsy, aalcsto t khne oFwiznz aosg sB, lwacilkl waned a ar el ecgo mtoi ngge to tvheerr. eI ts’oll wcoes ta raen l oaorkm- favTohuer ittoeu rc hwairlla fcetaetrusr, ei nsocmlued ionfg t htehier PNEatOioPnLaEl Haroel oincavuitsetd M toe cmoomrmiale mDoarya itne ll C SctehoxAmetNe enDdpsW rioownEpo oLorskLfe tdth coeo m uMclnueicldatirlila-l monlradisnl lMdioh enaat vhreoep aofdwruo nemoldf- bmonfmGafeur eni almNjrslen i teteowntowrnii ohnes utoYsgpr’ s oe aua droctrrakrp eetno l qhcecsaueies mti etytroosoh .nst neTs ths gu phoa ffocmervfni o eoaomdm nlr voim e ntiv Ahee tetwehmd h fiaeseaeondt .rlsr liueo3ctemwah0tn0ess- mSaGainlrurrugCoace luklnfaaoon d nsOIrdyite e sn rbsApte eohrn teGonoednus r otaSMhbirnenoosiedoemhd ksiPil espaear d.ntciTt xdutthh hosrieene r ip e w rFBAen iiraptzntfhlhrzoyerior wlagmt.pio sne u st rhFhrhfaioooenvrrwiger-- ieGtCaanrrsnorigs dbnaw a unatme etnnblesladii t degab, sEistagc, o naaia atnetd hnnen greFsetss wetAM.Kar B FstrirkAdh oaaese,rp n,t w EpctdMheiuh cr Mrokac oW ageravlstsrlais eseyC ‘id nionlan an CedfuB oahSKn abeosecrranehrbatger--,, aBqw uihcTAreaemt hnrcieiednen rlgmgeec hmeSeoamrfuo merinbtme eyeomr ,onw snea iomFtylf lr bttbiwhdrheaeaei nh ly lpC,ec uJeloadb.aul nlsininoucc aictlhraf eynHea 2Bloti7uuga.hrsneet- hronicle T wCWooeTmrdkhnbieeni nsgbe Mudor niAyd bultaeotnhh Bodarrl ifie tMoyrlf,e eiWyts r Hecosli etll a.AMrilnildigal anvnecdges-, BUS-bouond – the Dyancing Grasnnies cNoaw the Frizzogse are loodking for maances at tshe Rose Thetatre, Khidder- hittp:/e/www.thvefizzogse.com s stCFhuoherdov aiirYyv oW,o uraisntn’hg d t N ePpsooet ireNmftoa ormLnmaeiea,u snKr,e ciepanstog ee Ef trrNdoywmy aaf rnrtodhdm’aes hursda detisautisoend ffroormm eorv eSrgoruotwh nS atarfefaosr dosfh tihree HWaanyds sgwraomrtmh aarn sdc hKoionlgs . ETdhwe acredr’esm Foinvye y, J aRta iBlwaganya lliln eS.t Wreoetr,k T sitpatrotend a onnd t shheo luinlde Hstaretsa atr 1pimn agnd aodmnis siconr isa frseeh. anu take two weeks. The ground clearance a will mean engineers can then carry ry out comprehensive structural and en- take lead from roof death adjourned 2 virIotn ism aennttiacli psautrevde yths.e construction of 6, 2 the 6.8-mile route will begin during AN inquest opened on a man who 01 2019 and the route will open for pas- died after his car ‘left the road’ and 7 senger service in 2023. crashed into parked vehicles. Councillor Paul Moore, Sandwell’s Alexandru Catalin Neagu, aged 26, cabinet member for regeneration and originally from Romania, but living economic investment, said: “We have in Sabell Road, Smethwick, died on been pushing for this much-needed January 2. His car left the Walsall to extension to the Midland Metro West Bromwich Road and crashed into through the West Midlands Combined A YOUNG boy was left scared by Brave Tommy on the ball for Albion parked vehicles and walls, coming to Authority. two thieves who scaled a roof to rest in a garden. “I am delighted to see this initial steal lead. The youngster thought He was declared dead at the scene. ofgornre- ataht s eco-hpgeprmooruetn utdhn aiwtti weosri klfl o uirsl t Sitmaankaditnewlgye l bpl rlaainncdge tinhteo hciusl proriotsm wine Mreo ugnotbinagt tetno Sbtrreeeatk, Otwaatlh sw earitd phjao ssuesrerninoegude srd siun weju etrroei e atsan. k Toehnneg t ooini nhqgous eipnsit-- the rest of the Black Country.” West Bromwich. vestigation until March 6. WeCdonuensbcuilrlyo rto wnE lleaaind em emCboesrt,i gsaaind:, HaSnecaonc kM, c2N0a, mclaimrab, eadg eodn 2to3 ,t ahned p Nroaptehratny Family fun day at f“oTr“h IWet ’esMd ngeetrrseoba ute rxytto.e nsseieo nt hisis gcoloeda rnaenwces awnodr tshw oifp edda mleaagde w ino rtthhe £p5r0o,c ecsasu.sing £200 leather museum work being carried out now to prepare As the pair struck on December 30, the boy for construction work that’s expected and his mother were inside, listening to the to start on the route in a couple of banging outside. The offenders were later seen PUPPET shows, walkabout enter- years’ time.” fleeing the scene by neighbours. tainers and face painting will all be on Prosecutor Mark Cooper told Dudley Mag- offer at a holiday workshop in Walsall. Inquest opens on ihsoturastee ws aCs otuorldt: b “yT hheer sfeomn athlea to hcceu hpeaanrtd onfo itshees plaTche ea tE Wasatlesra lFl Lameaitlhy eFr uMnu Dseauym t,a Lkiets- outside and he thought somebody was trying to tleton Street West, on April 17 from man hit by car ge“t Sinhteo thhies nb ehderaorodm s.everal loud crashes. The 10.30am to 4pm. defendants jumped from the roof and were seen Admission is free, though some of by neighbours and members of the public run- the activities will incur a charge. AN inquest has been opened on a man ning away from the scene. Police were called For more information visit www. who was killed after being hit by a car and shortly after they arrived they detained the walsall.gov.uk/leathermuseum or call on New Year’s Eve. defendants in a neighbouring area.” 01922 652288. Telhat Mahmood Sadiq, from Weapon Hippodrome stages Blakeley Hall Road, Oldbury, was kthilel ejdu nacfttieorn w oaf lWkionlgv eirnhtoa mthpeto rno aRdo aadt adHmeis ssiaoinds MwchNena mhaer aw ams aadrer esfutelld ,a ancdc efprtainnkg new ballet production South and Hagley Road West while that he and others had taken the lead and had traffic lights were on green. planned to sell it on. A NEW adaptation of the ballet movie oTal atdTiv mhheareend dh pbreueianebrnk iini nang sgH k wtaehdgaels ter oyet o .lReldao vatedh teWh e4e 3sAt- myaefbtaeerrr- htaona MSm tohefc aeRfNefmotna.aa smHd iv,Kaa eWrna awcue osearcta,nk Bpdd dor eneoHfnm.eainnweddciic onahc gkc, hb, MaobrtochgNte hp ao lemof afpa doBresaidsr, e mgssusiainilintdgyg-: BTphraihTromemdh .Ruiencergtedih oSwanhmi lolb e Hbys e iip sMpp hoeaedrtaftrodhorimenmwgea ntnBoec oxeButsi rrmonmfoe in tnhtaghet- Mr Sadiq hit his head on the wind- “He moved up to West Bromwich around two and in the summer. sbcerfeoerne hane df ewlla osf fc aarnrdie dh iot nh iist sh beoandn oent Mmoidnltahnsd asg too. Htrey aacntdu asltlayr mt aofvreeds hu pa fttoe rth gee Wttiensgt Five-year-old Tommy Brown at the West Bromwich Albion match against Sunderland 11T, ahned fi trhset srhuonw i sr eftruormn sF ferbormu aJruyly 7 1 t9o, a kerb. Black Country Coroner Zafar involved in criminal activity. A BRAVE five-year-old who has the match ball by The Albion is currently using NHS-provided to 22. Mr Siddique adjourned the inquest ”He saw an opportunity. It was an impulsive endured multiple amputations Foundation’s disability manager ones. Tickets for the shows cost from until February 14 for further police decision. He feels disappointed in himself. He delivered the match ball to the Paul Glover after he heard about “Why shouldn’t he have the £19.50 and are available via 0844 338 investigations. was struggling for money at the time. He en- Premier League plinth at the lat- Tommy on social media. best that money can buy, so he 5000. Brum TV station tered his plea at the earliest opportunity and est West Bromwich Albion game. On watching her son’s starring can run around and play with Classic car show at NEC has co-operated fully with the police.” The Hawthorns fell in love with role at the game, mother Julie other children?” added Julie. He was given a 12-month community order young Tommy Brown as he made said: “It made me cry. And he In March 2012, Tommy con- launches on Sky with a 15-day activity requirement, ordered his way out on to the pitch to do loved it. We are very grateful for tracted the ‘B strain’ of meningo- THE Birmingham National Exhibi- to carry out 80 hours of unpaid work and to the honours before the match everyone at the club for making us coccal meningitis and septicaemia. tion Centre plays host to the UK’s pay £125 compensation and an £85 victim sur- with Sunderland on Saturday. so welcome.” The disease was so aggressive and fastest growing classic car event from TV channel Made in Birmingham has charge. Walsall-born Tommy has shown The family live on the Beech- extensive that he was given only March 31 to April 2. launched on Sky Guide 117. Vaughan Whistance, for Hancock, said his great courage during his recovery dale estate in Walsall, and neigh- a five per cent chance of survival. The Practical Classics Classic Car Viewers outside the transmission client also pleaded guilty at the earlier oppor- and his family are now fundrais- bours and friends are helping To make a donation to Tommy’s and Restoration Show features barn area can tune in manually by follow- tunity. He will be sentenced following his trial ing to buy him better prosthet- them in their fundraising efforts Go Fund Me page go to www.go- finds and special project restorations ing the link https://www.madeinbir- for possession of an offensive weapon, which ics. He was nominated to deliver to get him better prosthetics. He fundme.com/qpj3as and a classic car auction sale. mingham.tv/info/tune-us-in/ will take place on March 8. A.OAKES WINTER SALE THIS SATURDAY 9 AM TO 5.30 PM Footwear Cushions Model Railways LADIES’ FLUAsTu SaLllIyP £-O7N.9 9sizes 4 to 8 VTaHrIioSu SsA CTUUSRHDIAOYN 7S0 U%s uOaFlFly ££14..4999 RAILROAUDs PuaUlLlyL M£2A1N.9 C9OACHES THIS SATURDAY 70% OFF £2.39 Bigger Menswear THIS SATURDAY 70% OFF £6.59 MEN’S Long Sleeve Button Down LADIES’ SLIPPERS sizes 4 to 8 SHIRTS in check design GRAHAM FARISH ‘N’ GAUGE Usually £9.99 Usually £12.99 Various 3 pack Wagons THIS SATURDAY 70% OFF £2.39 THIS SATURDAY 70% OFF £3.88 Usually £48.95 THIS SATURDAY 70% OFF £14.68 Ladies’ Nightshirts MEN’S SUITS 48 to 60 Chest Ends of Ranges 48 to 60 BACHMANN WAGONS CONFLATS Ladies’ Cotton NIGHTSHIRTS Usually £99.99 37 981 etc. Usually £10.99 THIS SATURDAY 70% OFF £29.99 Usually £49.95 THIS SATURDAY 70% OFF £3.30 THIS SATURDAY 70% OFF £14.95 CUSTOMER MEN’S CAR COATS 2XL & 3XL Est. 1905 CAR LadieUss’ uFalelleyc £e1 3P.Y9J9AMAS THIS SATUURsDuaAlYly 7£05%1. 9O9FF £15.99 For more 70% PARK THIS SATURDAY 70% OFF £4.20 MEN’S PADDED GILETS 2XL to 5XL Train Offers Usually £25.99 www.aoakes.co.uk 174 / 180 Vicarage Road, Near Oldbury B68 8JB Ladies’ Bras THIS SATURDAY £7.99 0121 552 1684 Red or Cream Bras, various sizes MEN’S JOG PANTS 2XL & 3XL Hornby 2017 Catalogue & Hornby Normally £5.99 Usually £14.99 Magazine for Mon to Sat 9am - 5.30pm Wed 9am - 12.30pm THIS SATURDAY 70% OFF £1.80 THIS SATURDAY 70% OFF £4.49 £9.90 6 IN MY VIEW with Mark Andrews 7 Sweet man 1 0 2 6, y 2 who put ar u n a J his town y, a d s ur on the map h T e cl oni YOU would need a heart of stone not to CBaroness Heiyhoet Flint cyollects he r OBaE in 2008mWith her fribend and foarmer Wolsves and Esngland baoss Grahdam TayloroHeyhroe Flin t in thae World Cnup winningd year of 73 r laugh at Amber Rudd’s speech to the Ch Conservative Party conference in Bir- ell mWieAnsgpth pMaamirdel naltnalyds, ts Pay oelapicrr eob faeessi nsago ‘ hr raetocefo inrdpcehiddyes nibct’sy. w called Joshua Silver – sounds more like d he should be in Pirates of the Caribbe- San aHno mtoe m See –c rteotoakry o sffaeindc aen adt scoamlleedt htihneg pthoe- a sporting trailblazer lice. He hadn’t actually heard the speech, but we don’t what little details like that to get in the way of a bit of pompous virtue signalling, do we? Anyway, the good news is that the crime rate is obviously so low in the West Midlands that the Old Bill found time to investigate. They concluded that no crime had been committed, which you might think might would be the end of the matter, but in the strange world of “hate” legislation it is never that simple. If you’re “They suddenly realised there was a woman found guilty it’s a crime, but if you’re in- As tributes are paid following applying. The MCC held a referendum on fe- nocent it is recorded as a “hate incident”. the death of Baroness Heyhoe male members and after a second referendum This sort of thing would normally make it got through. me livid. But this is the Home Secretary, Flint, HEATHER LARGE looks “I was there the day the vote was passed the figurehead for the establishment back on her life and legacy at Lords, it was just amazing. She has been a which created all this nonsense. Poet- great role model.” ic justice is the phrase which springs to Later Baroness Heyhoe Flint became a suc- mind. SHE was known for being a proud cessful journalist – working for the Express & n n n Wulfrunian with a heart of gold and Star and as sports editor on the Wolverhamp- BY the way, the definition of “hate ton Chronicle – and an award-winning after crimes” on a poster in my local library in- a trailblazer for women’s sport. dinner speaker. cludes “anything that is offensive to your But to her beloved football club, Bar- After Sir Jack took over Wolves in 1990, Bar- family.” I take it mother-in-law jokes are oness Heyhoe Flint will always be “Our oness Heyhoe Flint became heavily involved in out, then? Rachael – warm, witty, hugely competent the club’s public relations department, From n n n and irreplaceable.” 1997 to 2003 she served as a director at Sir MANY people in the Black Country will As Wolves mourn the loss of their vice-pres- Jack’s request, later being made a vice-pres- be saddened to hear of the death of Dud- ident tributes have flooded in from the world ident. ley confectioner Ted Gray, aged 81. of sport for one of England’s finest female She was President of the Lady Taverners Ted, who worked full time until the cricketers. And there was an outpouring of from 2001 to 2011 and a Deputy Lieutenant age of 76, was one of the old school, a grief from across Wolverhampton – the city of the West Midlands. In 2008 she received her type of businessman you rarely find to- she loved and called home. OBE from the Prince of Wales and two years day. A small, quietly spoken man with a Her son Ben says Wolverhampton and later was inducted into the ICC Cricket Hall proper Black Country accent, he never Wolves meant everything to the 77-year-old. of Fame. had any big ambitions or grandiose ex- “She, the club and the city were intrinsically Honoured pansion plans, he just liked sweets and linked,” he said. wanted to carry on his family tradition. Gruelling In 2011 she was honoured by her home city His tiny, beautifully chaotic office was by being granted the Freedom of Wolverhamp- stacked high with precarious piles of pa- Baroness Heyhoe Flint was still a familiar ton. She was also inducted into Wolverhamp- per, the walls festooned with sepia pic- and much-loved face at Molineux up until her At the Molineux home of her beloved Wolves, where she served as vice president ton’s Sporting Hall of Fame. tHfsaauesecrAnse tussosliem v ry acei.on hd fjgr o o wfumnruriitnacshnaltiinrnl’isas g twtr i,eot ahlnIul ek cra ietnctamg ont mehcdmiespis tbatomane nyrdo ’cedsfeel ei vhesoeiltsi,rfn t goauthn rnyaey-. rtisdnhpeir ce“iteWe Seccnh tlohtuoel evrb ir,lwe l ihsnone’owen mccstnohs e n.tag otaSrri inuhnetdeyevul eilawanirwnnygaga d stg y soaca,c om rhtpmaaeerkidn moeuw u oulahdern . eksisnteluey epes nthwp ,oie obn rrowttkeeta trrodse moseatf- Cvater BSroshphcoakoermrne wtr po feartnnnoo tdJnm u oG Gnanenei ort 1elofsfa 1r pr He1llyay9i yg H3a h9gae e yStp ohaci nhvoPeodoE,to lat lath lte peerau rofcp oltheirale mu irengsex hrdRc teeWo lPvmloeeEllda--. sinsnhoa rBempe asrdetor iov fltolnih drce eirhsn eswegd r ioHshtmeeeeldrefy .nhhw’iosmit eth ew Fatihmltihen itppn ll aba1yte9ficon7ar0gmm. a eY mt eotaa hrmjeos arl fikaretore slaert asmthp leiB“oen Srgsegthehnssneem dtswwoaa i anainsdsssa : thjjy euui“ rpssaAmt tba maosnl o udoguttfi m tv ohthih.fnee Serg pl h soeopeivovem epwer psrloaeo lfste n h hh a,te eah ag rdilyr nw feeawgaaamsryto s slnipi l ktbdeyher.uesi rthnof euktnor-l, boastful soundbites that would make my of the table or top of the table. For 30 years it oping women’s cricket, captaining England woman to be admitted to the MCC when her ing about other people, not herself. It was job easier. Teddy Gray’s shops were sell- was the mainstay of her life,” added Ben. during a career which spanned two decades, playing career ended and in 2004 she became almost impossible for me to keep track of ing the classic sweets in jars long before Wolves club secretary Richard Skirrow said: and leading her country to victory in the 1973 the first woman elected to the full commit- everything she was doing.” it became fashionable, and even today “We have lost a really special lady. I’ve known World Cup. tee. She later became the first woman to be Huge crowds are expected at Baroness Hey- there is something unmistakably welcom- her well for over 20 years. You felt you knew During her first House of Lords speech inducted into the International Cricket Coun- hoe Flint’s funeral on February 8. A funeral ing about them that the new pretenders her well from the first meeting as she was such in 2011, she said: “My challenges in sport cil’s Hall of Fame. cortege will leave Molineux at 2pm and make can’t quite emulate. a warm and engaging person. Rachael was a began with garden cricket aged seven with my Ben added: “Women’s cricket was an un- its way to St Peter’s Church. Some fans will be It is often hard to explain to outsiders bundle of energy; tireless, always on the move brother and his friends. known sport then, and under-funded, which is able to attend church, but via a ballot. Num- what makes the Black Country special, and always, it seemed, happy. “I wasn’t allowed to bat for three years be- where her wonderful friendship with Sir Jack bers will be limited due to the amount of peo- but this unassuming little man had it in “Her many achievements will be well docu- cause girls don’t play cricket. When I did even- Hayward started. There was a lot of bigotry in ple expected to pay their respects. spades. mented and for her charity fundraising alone tually get to bat, the boys couldn’t get me out sport then and she faced real barriers. But she To apply for a place, email fans@wolves. World famous in Dudley, that’s what he she should perhaps have been more highly for three days, so in the middle of June they was a trailblazer. co.uk with Rachael Heyhoe Flint in the sub- was. A proper Black Country mon who decorated but, at Wolves, she’ll just always be decided it was the football season.” “She applied to the MCC under the radar ject line, and include a name, address and sup- wouldn’t have had it any other way. “our Rachael” – warm, witty, hugely compe- It was while playing cricket that she became as R.Flint. As the MCC started to process her porter number. It will be family flowers only tent and irreplaceable.” friends with Sir Jack Hayward when he spon- application they thought she was a bloke. at the funeral. 25 up to % Wooden HUGE Concrete FREE Summer FREE LogCabins VIEW SWW Sheds RANGE Garages FITTING Houses FITTING &GardenRooms ONLINE A off FULLTONGUE&GROOVE II NNN L selected pproductts ETTTT OldBuildingsRemoved EE AsbestosDisposal BaseLayingService R FreeQuotations Pricesfrom DOenlliyvery D&eFliitvteerded Fittedpricesfrom Fittedpricesfrom Fittingserviceavailable 6ftx4ft £239£274 SingleGarage £1599 7ftx5ft £599 WVeitrhaonudtah WallLog44mmT&G CCOONNCCRRETEGARAGEROOF 7ftx5ft £269£309 16ftx8ft 8ftx6ft £725 WVeitrhaonudtah DoubleGlazed REPLACEMENTSERVICE 8ftx6ft £299£344 D16ofutbxle16Gftarage £3099 8ftx8ft £789 IVnecrlaunddeash InsulatedOptions Huge Range Made To Measure Service Lined & Insulated Options Quality At Competitive Prices Showsite(open7days):TildasleyStreet, Visitourwebsite: Callusnow: WestBromwichB709SJ(NexttoStaples) www.bettabuildings.co.uk 01215534682 LpmwWiwvwtio eeasyEww riyi wt ew eaatoi ernsrtro,tro es rttewl lkchwod hooei anetnbvitorcgee s e th rk th lf amsgieweftnieoer avetpN,ede l twyInoHeoc u ebhhSabrreea yde fiiddvna s h,eet lg nhss ba bekoaovuf estdsiite n omev icnwn gilpsae htriecratnoer der t ins wsjsbhseotioyieosvbo h .rtets nthkDhr o w. aoopouatfsh, r evotiew nuhiurisngeeer- gwtbmftisohoa aoeh apMcscdatrk o yttegmwtm o prilra aundopesrcu o lstteahppnhadi aognado vranet,.ft n snitaAIeedchot s u id-cw tsroloosha naioo er ssemkk . s mienhtnWedhaooo t hadwmemnto a ec eihso splnpefeomnertisamto o praaapm edlnlwlasmted ihaa wn uayaiI enh c brfdfhgeerreu r o betaeadamlec fbbhfsfr ooouoteasrhouurrieddyeett. Rper£Tpav3eEiIea0sho: rl, e.8yRw 3otapBo4hnuL.ee1nl p 5dwTw tiohkypolnoi tddk os haeneptre efPltup.f ooulep odspt usyhurm saAh ntpokof- DLAISRCAGLLOINESTAULLATNIONSTPROSJECT MOTANHNEOAGREEDNDEDFRROSOFPMLJSAATCN•AEURCDoTAmBTRpOEYo•sFFW2iItONe0inRI1DdS7ooEHowrss 7Sandwell C Of course this showed our important vis- hospital and reheated before being given to Without the help of the h itors that everything was fine and that no the patients. Surely in this day and age we following it could not have •Porches r problems existed, as it probably still does deserve better than this. been possible – Asda stores on Fhnooswup.i t aTnlw, Iod cyoemarrpsal aaignioe sdw haebenou mt yLth weE iffeo Towda, Tsb uinEt RLCESraNd lHeTyA LHOEeSat hTHE EDITOR btTowofoihnfptioh,tc o tecGnhso,e,r m seCcaefhoat -otcBoootpro ls iurUd, iscgen leswui o,ba intnshp ,dS ep ttoTuripenbipelsset-,, ••WCoi•nndPsoaewtrivo&aDtoDorooieorssr icle Th record of jmarosn eayn tdh epyl ahsatvice sbaavgesd wovitehr Repairs urs nearly £10k SaPndwOell CShroTnicle, EMAIL tpthoo epu pysi,e eatshr ,e al naladddi eyhs w awnhhdooe d dko nntihattteeemdd •Fascias/Guttering day, J Chronicle Editorial, sandwell.chronicle@ her birthday money and do- •BuildingWork a 51-53 Queen Street expressandstar.co.uk nations given to us, and of nu OmlwrscaTiueolkohN uclpueloeCne p rp tcbhio ttotgerryii oaothio tsfevnAnha tde lmsasf T sn daauuoiokupsncssf tri daaoiST tnaltnlahii g opgnrt wnttehotaohnaou ennIe ne gd p rSwdha Coelen oeousorntuiupsfmghuulllrhdyee---l HtLethnteuormsW absoheslvore unrthlupdam mb bepet wiobrn.r ,itT eWhf eVaao 1nE dd1 EiMtSlonUr rSeTbs’ einrtcvleeusd tehg dne armigoesh,t atod dciroaenssdse wannssde tleeualteteprhseoy.ne cswubthooosh uTI(Re.tgS Aot rIBheoc pA svneoLtmepBeh ue pTer raEtnoyeiaohnpLfto lu ek k t pmOoaBs i lnplnyneryEygoudd .Ewhualb yBLen hl aiailEcocslorhl Eety hwef.rderc)hslokp om B i wtg a tifinhvtohkeer Window WarehEsotablisuhedovser20eyears Ltd •MMisIPNteEDCAdLFC-IREuEONpOMTFUnits ary 26, 2017 rounding districts. The amount raised was a Rare gent in record £9,555. 51. This was fantastic. COVERAGE of Sandwell have been significantly cut footie world unTtehearn kcos llteoc tmoresm abnerds ,d vriovl-- aTnrdu sWt’es sptl aBnir tmo irnegvhieawm aNvaHilS- oGvoevre srinxm yeenatr sa auss tae rrietsyu lpt oolf- 97 Park Lane, Langley, Oldbury B69 4LP ers who gave their time able bed space when the icies. In England, 400,000 THE sudden death of Gra- and efforts on very cold and new Midland Metropolitan fewer people are now receiv- ham Taylor has cast a long Website:www.window-warehouse.com Email:[email protected] seovmIe nweitnoiugmsld.e sa lwsoe tli kaen tdo wthinandky Hmostnaoe stnhepto iiotsoapfn li sttoahocl eipaa edlin mmcsa pirsaesoci mtos neiotrsfsv aitcnhetdoes sianodgcNd iesaeodlw c i tcaoafl u rcCena odrupeirnn tecghci ale nfpTr toia,n mx t2, o 0a t0nhb5dee. sfcohaoratedbdoa whlla , sao nvsuedrd a d tmehnaeln ya wggooenrrle dt.h aotf TVISEITLOUERSPHOHWROOONMOEPE:NIN0GH1OU2RS:1Mon5-Fri48am4-6pm2Sat28am2-1p2m everyone who supported our on preventing speedy dis- the Better Care Fund, are He was a no nonsense iesv venertys mthurcohu gahppouretc i2a0t1e6d,. it chTarhgee olfa spta ttiernutsst. meeting mnoatj oard ceuqtusa tthea tto h raevme eadlrye athdye tsyppeect otfo btlhoek eg atmhaet, hgaisv et imree- YOURLARGELOCALTAXIFIRMNOWHASANAPP FIXEDFARES There will be a Gala received a report of the lack taken place, let alone meet in the Midlands brought TO&FROM 2E7v,e anti nBgr ooonk F Srtirdeaeyt, CJaonmumaruy- ocaf pfaucnitdyi ntog parnedv esnotc hiaols pciatrael iTnrcurseta sisi nsge nnsiebeled st.o SreWviBeHw sjoubc cdeosnse t aot Vthilela W aonldve as. good AIRPORTS nity Centre, Tipton, when admissions and heard that the bed capacity needed for Unfortunately his inter- BOOKINADVANCE we will be presenting dona- up to 10 patient discharges the new hospital but the pri- national career faltered but CALLNOWON tions to various charities. a day are delayed await- vate finance business case despite this he held his head 01215555151 Full details of the event ing packages of care from for building the new hospi- up high. DOWNLOAD NOW will be available from the Sandwell Council. tal with a major reduction in A nice genuine bloke centre. Up to 18 patients a day acute beds now increasingly in football, and in today’s BARRY R WHITEHOUSE are waiting in hospital for appears as an act of folly. game, as rare as chicken’s Patron nursing home places. John Caffrey, Secretary teeth. 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Drivers face fuel price lottery WbSeeeersvnticreBecJioorgmunrininsageldh’sabVmyaltuHheeoisn2p0Hi1tea7alslHthehcaaalvtrhee e SandwellCouncil’stradingstandardsteamhasrevealed. Awards.Bothsetsofclinicianshave cl Tradingstandardsofficersvisitedtakeaways,butchers’shops,su- demonstrated their excellent work hroni pdiesNrhmiensaeatrnekedent1s1saaomnfdpthlreeesmswtwaeuerrereatfnaoktusennsdeotloflinrbaegwmgoaisan-dtdemfsrceorazibetenadnm–dethadtei,syhacucetrsur.aiellsyacnondtoatinheedr ihtnreaTainlmhtsehfpocRrraomhrveeeiu.ndmgitavstasoleluoregvyiacDensde,pweafhrfiticcmhieemnncteyahnainss ellC Exhibition liasmSaubcbrosirmtimtiunutaitlotoonfnfo.efnocneeumnedaetrfSorecatnioonth1e4r npaigItnhietnaadttsdtinhtioeohnloo,nstgpheietratlhesaatmvoe’bsteocmosntoasnuyitltooavrneedtrs-. w oftheFoodSafetyAct1990.Theof- visitGPsurgerieseveryweektosee d to focus on fenceisfraudbydeceivingaconsumer patientsinthecommunityandensure n intobuyingsomethingtheydidnot theyhaveallthesupportthatthey Sa south Asia wfaolasrnootfsotaervneesxcphtehecaetp.ebBruysmisnueeabstss,timtthuoetninoegfyfeganoncadet needrightatHhoomlei.stic createsunfaircompetition. Professor Karim Raza from the Offendersmayfacefinesofupto Rheumatologyteam,said:“Theen- THE Library of Birmingham has £20,000and/orimprisonmentforupto tire Rheumatology team at SWBH beenawardedmorethan£90,000in sixmonthsiftheyareprosecutedina aredelightedtohavebeenshortlisted a National Lottery Heritage bid to magistratescourt.TradingStandards forthisimportantaward.Theteam stageamajorexhibitionandpublic investigations into the offences are pridesitselfonholisticmultidiscipli- programmecelebratingSouthAsian continuing. narycare,underpinnedbyastrong culture. Choice researchtraditionandaredelighted The Documenting Histories pro- thattheHSJjudgingpanelhaverec- jectisapartnershipcelebratingthe Cabinetmemberforpublichealth ognisedthis.” importantroleSouthAsianculture andprotection,CouncillorPreetGill Themultiaward-winningFINCH hasplayedinformingBirmingham’s said:“Clearlyit’sunacceptablethat teamimpressedthejudgeswithits historyandidentity.Attheheartof ourofficershavefoundbusinessessell- constanteffortinensuringpatients theprojectisamajorexhibitionwhich inglambandmuttonasgoat.It’sim- MotoristsfillupatthepetrolpumpsattheAsdasuperstoreinBrickhouseLaneSouth,GreatBarr havetherighttreatmentforconti- willopeninJuly,drawingonbothli- portantthatconsumersknowexactly nenceconditionswithouthavingto braries’ rich collections, supported whattheyarepurchasingsothatthey THE cheapest and most expensive accordingtothefigures.Forunleaded, presidentoftheBlackCountryCham- travelfarfromtheirhome. byaprogrammeofcomplementary canmakeaninformedchoiceabout petrolstationsinSandwellhavebeen thiswascloselyfollowedbyMorrisons berofCommerce,said:“Ithinkprices Kelly Stackhouse, lead nurse for eventsandworkshopsduring2017. whattheyeat.Everyonehastheright revealedwithdriversfacingalottery onTrouseLane,Wednesbury,which willgoupbecauseofafewfactors. the FINCH team, added: “We are ThiswillexploreBritain’sSouth toknowexactlywhattheyareeating.” offuelcostsatthepumps. offereditat£1.157perlitreandthey Firstly the oil companies produc- honouredtobeshortlistedandit’s Asianheritage,examiningthecontri- Trading Standards and licensing Thefiguresfromaweeklongpetrol alsooffereddieselat£1.177perlitre. ingtheoilhavereducedthesupply, suchanachievementtogetourwork butionmadebySouthAsianpeopleto managerBobCharnleysaid:‘‘It’sour pricewatchshowSandwellisoneof Themostexpensivegarageproved meaningthereislesstofillahigher recognised. BirminghamandtheUK. jobtoensurethatfoodiscorrectlyde- thebestplacestofillupintheBlack tobeinRowleyRegiswhereunleaded demand. “The quality of life for patients CouncillorIanWard,deputyleader scribedandlabelled.Wewillspeakto Country.AsdaonQueslettRoadin petrolispricedat£1.209,although “Also,withBrexit,thecurrencyhas usingourservicehasvastlyimproved. of Birmingham City Council, said: alltheoffendingbusinessesandtake GreatBarr,provedtobethecheapest PetrolPrices.com didn’t confirm devaluedwhichmeansthepricewe Importantly,thecontinuednational “Ourcity’sgreateststrengthisthe anyappropriateenforcementaction intheareaforunleadedpetrol,cost- whichgaragethatwas.NinderJohal, payforoilismore.Themajorityofthe recognitionmeanswearereaching energy,creativityanddiversityofits necessarytoensuretheycomplywith ingjust£1.147perlitre.Itwasalso memberoftheBlackCountryLocal moneywepayforfuelistaxationby outtomorepeoplesotheydon’tsuf- people.” therulesinthefuture.’’ cheapestfordieselat£1.177perlitre, Enterprise Partnership and former theUKgovernment.” ferinsilence.” Make the RIGHT decision this Winter and give RYDALE a ring.... WINTER 3O2unrd SALE 2017 Cleaning Services now available Windows, Doors, Conservatories, to restore all your uPVC Orangeries, Porches, Fascias products.Guttering and Driveways cleaning and Soffit Boards available Nodepositsorstagepayments, Visitoneofthelargest Supplied & Fitted... Repair Service youonlypaywhentheinstallation conservatoryandwindow across the Midlands Available hasbeencommpleted shrowroomsintheUK ULTIMATESECURITYGUARANTEE Ryooeeuprlaccoenstheerveaxtoisrtyinagnrdoocfreoantea Everywindowandconservatoryiscustommadetothemostrigorousqualitystandardsyouwillfindinthe vveryRRoysndeharAAiigloLehLutssaplekyrcoeGudsruuieatccyrtuasrnitteyed comfortableenvironmentanda industry.NoothercompanyintheareahasmoreexperienceandknowhowthanRydale,andthat’swhywe Fulrledqeutaeisltson roomyoucanuseallyearround havebeeninbusinessformorethan30years. MASSIVE DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ON FEBRUARY INSTALLATIONS OpenWeekdays:9amto5.30pm FREEPHONE08009176060 www.rydalewindows.co.uk LongLane,Blackheath,HalesowenB629LS Saturday:9amto4pmSundayClosed Growing Bevan in move 9 S across the Black Country a n d w e ll C h r o HALESOWEN-BASED trans- n port services company The ic Bevan Group has opened le its new headquarters in T Wednesbury. h thTe hWe eodpnenesinbgu royf tOhne en eiwnd suistetr oianl ursd estate in December capped the ay company’s 40th year in business , J and came after a £500,000 refit. a The group has grown to employ nu more than 300 people, 180 of them a across its previous head office in Hale- ry sowen and at a second base in Oldbury. 2 cluTdhees an 1e7w, 0b0a0s seq ifnt fWacetodrnye asbnudr 5y, 0i0n0- 6, 2 sq ft of offices. Growth within Bevan’s 01 aftercare division was the key driver 7 behind the move to a new headquar- The HQ at Wednesbury One, which marked 40 years for the firm when it opened ters. Turnover for the aftercare oper- ation, which maintains and repairs commercial vehicle bodies and ancil- laries, has shot up from £1.3 million to £6.3m in just three years. Graphics This achievement, coupled with con- tinued expansion within its rigid truck and van bodybuilding, graphics (vehi- cle livery) and passport operations, saw Bevan claim 15th spot on a recent list of the Black Country’s top 50 fast- est-growing companies. The move was completed shortly before Christmas and the new site is located, close to Junction 9 of the M6. Inside Bevan Group’s huge new headquarters in Wednesbury Bevan has retained the production facility in Amber Way, Halesowen, cranes, tail-lifts and roller shutter 2013 we had four people in the office which had served as its head office doors, as well as bodywork of all kinds. and 11 vans out on the road. since 2006 and is now undergoing a They are managed by a team of 27 “I recognised, however, the huge major facelift, as well as a second base operations controllers located at the potential to expand the operation in Blakeley Hall Road, Oldbury. new headquarters, where four of the by providing customers with a com- The aftercare division’s 44 field- main bays in the factory have also prehensive portfolio of fast, efficient based engineers provide commercial been assigned to aftercare. maintenance and repair services, un- vehicle operators nationwide with Simon Dryburgh, who was recently dertaken either at their premises or, planned and emergency support cov- promoted from general manager to di- should the need arise, at the roadside, ering ancillary equipment such as rector, said: “When I joined Bevan in on a 24/7 emergency call-out basis.” GOLD PRICES THE BARGAIN PRICES ON HHHIIIGGGHHHEEESSSTTT IIINNN YYYEEEAAARRRSSS CONSERVATORIES & ORANGERIES TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET 9ct Gold £10.75 Full Sovereign 18ct Gold £21.50 £220 22ct Gold £26.28 Full Kruggerand £940 (price as of 24.1.17) Best rates and pay no commission on all foreign currency EUROS U.S. DOLLARS We sell £1 = 1.13 We sell £1 = 1.215 We buy £1 = 1.21 We buy £1 = 1.30 Price Paid 24.1.17 Price Paid 24.1.17 Add an extra dimension to Highly skilled craftsmen are your home ready to take on any repair project, or simply a service of a with a stunning treasured timepiece... conservatory Simply pop in and we will give you or orangery. a FREE estimate. Affordable luxury can be yours. Contact us now for your quotation. BUY We are now able Written quotations ★ Gold & Silver Jewellery to orderANY Rolex Wristwatch at on request. ★ Watches MASSIVE ★ Diamond Rings DISCOUNTS! Tel: 01902 917095 • 07884 187830 ★ Pre-Owned Rolex’s Each watch will ★Jewellery Repair come with a 2 Year Guarantee. & Cleaning Services ADDITIONAL OFFER: ★ Replace Missing Diamonds Now is the time to buy quality windows at AFFORDABLE PRICES!! ★ Watch Servicing & Batteries 6 Flat PVCu Windows at Only £1,200 5 sided Bays from ONLY £800 SELL 1155 MMaarrkkeett PPllaaccee,, WWeeddnneessbbuurryy WWSS1100 77AAYY FENSA Prestige Windows, Doors and Conservatories Ltd. FindusonFacebookat TTeell:: 00112211 555566 66886688 Registered Company Unit 3 Romney House Industrial Estate, Wolverhampton Street, Darlaston WS10 8UB BowjanglesMidlands wwwwww..jjeewweelllleerrssmmiiddllaannddss..ccoo..uukk 10 7 1 0 2 6, 2 y ar u n a J y, a d s ur h T e cl ni o r h C ell w d n a S Pictureof9Lockstakeninthe1950s ThebluelinefromtopleftgoingdowninastraightlineandthenacrossanduptothetoprightinanLshapeistheproposedcanal ‘Rebirth’ of canal line AN historic canal line which was Projectorganiserssaidthecanalwouldpro- merstretchofcanalweretoberevived.Project buriedmorethanhalfacenturyago videnumerousbenefitstothecommunity,such organiserssaytheplansareonlyproposalsatthe couldbebroughtbacktolifeaspart ashealth,wellbeing,heritageandeducation.But moment.Threemeetingshavebeenheldwith someresidentsprotested,claimingthenewcanal residentssinceMarchtogaugetothereactionof ofa£7.5millionrestorationproject. wouldincreaseanti-socialbehaviourandrodent communitieslivingnearby. The Bradley Arm Canal which runs populationaroundnearbyhomes. The latest one was held at Tipton Sports through Wolverhampton,Walsall and Theformercanalline,whichwasclosedin AcademySocialClubwhereheatedexchanges Sandwell,couldonceagaincarryboatsif 1954,stretchesaround1.5milesfromBradley betweenresidentstookplace.Onewomanfrom plansaregivenapproval. LaneinBilstontoBilstonRoadinTipton.Cash AndrewRoadinTipton,whowasagainstthe Theproposalsmovedastepforwardwhen todelivertheprojectwouldbyfundedbythe proposalsbutwishednottobenamed,said:“I theywereshowntoresidentsatameetingheld HeritageLotteryFund.OrganisersfromtheIn- amagainsttheproposalsbecausetheparticular byprojectorganisers whosaythefeedbackhas landWaterwaysAssociationwouldhavetoapply rowofhouseswherewelivewouldbeliterally10 Picturewasondisplayofthe been‘around60to70percent’infavour. forthefunds.TheWednesburyOakLoopCanal feetfromthecanal. StephenBurtfromtheCanal&RiverTrust Ironworksinthe1800s wouldjoinupwiththeWalsallCanalifthefor- “Ithinkanti-social-behaviourwouldalsobe andWestMidlandsWaterwaysPartnership Carppet Warehouse C&T DOORS & SALE WINDOWS Ltd NOONW JANUARY SALE NOW ON CAOLVLEARREEDA..S. Ufrno1gmla£ze3d2/4G9lazeF3dULULpYvcFIDToToErDs ••••ASLVailtnlrmysipiltneofarcctokeamrfiflpto£teoe4trds.7inwf7rgioptfhmreiorn£ms24q4.£7u2ha70orpueperemrsresptqraemcketreRoOSlVDlAsLEEMORiLnCEI3VSAD0EtL00AoRLcYYYk 3mtrx3mtr EDWARDIAN •Carpetsbleachcleanablefrom£4.99sqyard CONSERVATORY •Endofrollcarpetsfrom£15.00 from£4500 LSAPNEDCLIAORLD NEWOFFER RATES French/PatioDoors FULLYFITTED £649 from FULLYFITTEDwithin2weeksForaserviceyoucantrust MANYMOREDESIGNSAVAILABLE 0121 572 0202 •NewImproved10PointClawLock•SteelReinforced Unit14,NewSwanLane,WestBromwichB700PG www.candtdoorsandwindows.co.uk OpeningTimes:Mon-Sat9am-6pmSunday10am-4pm Tel:07759536818or01902842706 01214391980 email:[email protected] A B TYRESltd 07845880520 UNBEATABLE NEVERBEATENONQUALITY PRICESONTYRES NEW&PARTWORNTYRES ALLSIZESINSTOCK Buyany2tyresandget 50%OFF YOURWHEEL ALIGNMENT 2WHITEHALLROADGREATBRIDGETIPTONDY47EX 3pWceAwSa£rd3r9o9b.9e9set 4F’6o”amCliDoivMaenmSoerty BICYCLE REPAIRS NOW£149.99 Was£699.99 AT HOME OR WORK Now£199.99 fullyfactoryassembledavailable in8differentcolours. storageoptionsavailable COLLECTION&DELIVERY Wesupplyandfitcarpets,wewillcomeoutandmeasureand giveyoufreeestimates.WEWILLBRINGTHESAMPLESOUT MOBILEBICYCLEREPAIRS&SERVICING TOYOUIFYOUCAN’TGETINTOTHESHOP. CALLEDDIEGROUT 33BirminghamStreet, 07836678221 OldburyTownCentreB694DY 01215444449 Email:[email protected] www.capricorninteriors.co.uk OpenMon-Sat10am-5.30pm Sunday11am-3pm SmallDepositSecuresPrice www.bike-medicwestmids.com

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