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Preview San Francisco Bay Guardian 48.31

r a i s i n g h e l l s i n c e 1 9 6 6 the san francisco bay guardian | sfbg.com | april 30 - may 6, 2014 | Vol. 48, no. 31 | free tong’s a lot! opening up the shining Brit DJ legend takes on EDM divide P24 Sara Shelton Mann’s new dance work P31 Oakland rapper J.Stalin on his new release P23 o . o p m a h r . s e t y e b m a B o S:10.13” m r e h t . e T n i s s a B m . u c a l l . r . T o i a i y h b c a g B n k i c n . o r ö R j B y b a B l . l o D e . l t t o B s . r e p a e . S:11 n ” i D O x o b X e m i T d d . a e D r e v i l e D When you can get delivery from all of your favorite stores in 24 hours or less, a diversion is never more than a few clicks away. google.com/express 2 SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN opinion news food + drink the selector music arts + culture film classifieds 10198480 San Francisco Bay Guardian “Dad Time” 10198480_SFBayGrdn_Dad_M1.indd 1 4/25/14 10:52 AM Client Folder: DraftFCB/Huge/Google Bleed: N/A PROD: Job #: 10198480 Trim: 10.13”w x 11”h AD: Name: 10198480_SFBayGrdn_Dad_M1 Live: 10.13”w x 11”h AE: Date: April 25, 2014 10:51 AM Colors: 4C STUDIO: tp M1 B U Y T I C K E T S A T F E S T I V A L . S F F S . O R G WWiiddee sseelleeccttiioonn ooff cclloonneess aanndd sseeeeddss aavvaaiillaabbllee.. SSttoopp iinn ttooddaayy ttoo ggeett yyoouurr ggaarrddeenn ssttaarrtteedd!! 2366 San Pablo Avenue Berkeley, CA 94702 www.mybpg.com FFLLOOWWEERRSS // PPRREE--RROOLLLLSS // CCOONNCCEENNTTRRAATTEESS // EEDDIIBBLLEESS 510.540.6013 TTOOPPIICCAALLSS // CCLLOONNEESS // SSEEEEDDSS // AACCCCEESSSSOORRIIEESS opinion news food + drink the selector music arts + culture film classifieds ApRIl 30 - MAY 6, 2014 / SFBG.COM 3 INTEllIGENCE AIRBNB REG ONE FOR THE BOOKS SHIT SHOW Polish your reading glasses: Sat/3 marks the first ever California Last year, when we at the Guardian Bookstore Day, a party featuring readings, author and artist appear- were the only ones shouting about ances, and one-day-only, limited-edition book releases, taking place Airbnb’s tax evasion and illegal short- simultaneously at some 90 bookstores up and down the state. It’s term rentals, is was a lonely struggle. modeled on the mega-successful Record Store Day, natch. A dozen Then other journalists caught onto the bookstores in San Francisco have signed on, including Green Apple, story, Sup. David Chiu introduced his City Lights, Booksmith, Books Inc., and Borderlands. Check www. regulatory legislation a couple weeks cabookstoreday.com to find the celebration closest to you. Because ago, and the issue began to heat up. hey, what kind of party has Amazon thrown for you lately? This week it all became a full-blown shit show, with rival rallies at City Hall NOW READ THESE on April 29. Opponents of the legisla- tion are threatening a fall ballot mea- The 2014 Northern California Independent Book Awards were sure that would reinforce the short- announced last week, and must-read winners include Anthony Marra’s term rental ban in residential areas and A Constellation of Vital Phenomena (fiction), George Albon’s Fire give rewards to people who rat out their Break (poetry), Mary Roach’s Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Airbnb-using neighbors. Perhaps we Canal (nonfiction), Amy Stewart’s The Drunken Botanist (food should be careful what we wish for. writing) and Al Capone Does My Homework by Gennifer Choldenko (middle-grade readers). The NCIBA winners were determined by a coali- ANOTHER ONE tion of independent bookstores, see more at www.nciba.com BITES THE DUST SNAPSHOT: WHEEl mANY HAPPY RETURNS the Attic, the dank 24th Street dive It’s alive! The UC theatre — the phOtO BY @weAReA2B bar known for its decrepit vinyl booths, 1,460-seat Berkeley landmark, once Tag your Instagram photos #sfbgsnapshot for a chance to be featured a pervasive question- beloved for its killer repertory film pro- here in next week’s paper. Each week we’ll pick a new theme, and a new able smell, and, gramming, but closed since 2001 — favorite. Next week’s photo challenge theme: “streets,” in honor of our somehow, boat- will undergo an eight-month renovation upcoming Streets Issue. loads of charm, starting this summer and re-open as closed its doors a nonprofit live music venue in 2015. ClIPPERS OWNER RACISm for good last According to a press release sent out week. Those in by its new directors, Berkeley Music the know say owner How did people react to the racist comments allegedly Group, the venue will present “approx- Roger Howell (a former owner of Mad made by Los Angeles Clippers owner Don Sterling? imately 75 to 100 shows a year, Dog in the Fog) will be using his liquor featuring a culturally diverse range of president Barack Obama: “When ignorant folks license at the schmancy new Gashead local, national, and international artists want to advertise their ignorance, you don’t really Tavern on Mission. No word yet on performing music genres ranging from have to do anything, you just let ’em talk.” whether there will be DJs at that estab- lishment who play nothing but the Clash Americana to zydeco and everything Clippers players: Removed their warmup shirts in a in between.” Located just two blocks if you ask them, or bartenders who give silent protest so that Clippers team logos would not be displayed. from the Downtown Berkeley BART you endless bowls of Goldfish crackers, station, it will feature both touring and magic Johnson: “He shouldn’t own a team or a welcoming gang of hard-drinking local bands and musicians, as well any more. And he should stand up and say, regulars who cheer when you find your as comedy shows, a speaker series, ‘I don’t want to own a team any more.’ ” phone still at the bar after leaving it there the night before. RIP. and (yesss!) film screenings. Bonus: Snoop Dogg (in an online video addressing Sterling a full-service restaurant and bar, too. directly): “Fuck you, your mama, and everything Bookmark www.theuctheatre.org to connected to you, you racist piece of shit.” TECH HEAD stay posted on the latest. GOES FREE FlAPPING FANCY GlOBAl ECO-ACTIVISTS HONORED SGaunrb Farkanshci sCchoa-lbaals aellde gReadidlyu bmeOatn hei sC geiOrl - The Guardian’s Roaring ’20s-themed “Feathers and Fedoras” Six Goldman environmental prizes were awarded this week in San Francisco. The prestigious awards were given party last Friday at the de Young Museum drew a huge crowd of to Desmond D’Sa of South Africa, who organized a campaign to shut down a toxic waste dump; Ramesh Agrawal friend 117 times, but the man will not go vintage-lovers. Trio Zincalo of India, who led disenfranchised communities in a successful effort to seek information on industrial activities to jail. A jury found Chalal guilty of mis- performed old-time and shut down a proposed coal mine; Suren Gazaryan of Russia, who helped expose the illegal use of federally demeanor violence and battery charges, favorites and gypsy protected forestland; Rudi Putra of Indonesia, who is targeting palm oil plantations that have triggered massive and will serve three years probation, jazz, the flapper-at- deforestation; Helen Slottje of New York, who provided pro-bono legal assistance to help pass bans on fracking; spend 52 weeks in a domestic violence tired Decobelles and Ruth Buendía Mestoquiari who led indigenous people of Peru in a fight against large-scale dams that would program and perform 25 hours of dance troupe did a have displaced them. community service. The court through mean Charleston, out video evidence of the incident that and the de police had seized from Chalal’s home as Young’s daz- inadmissible. Chalal wrote on his blog, WESTERN HIPNESS FOllOW US FOR zling “Georgia “This was all overblown drama because O’Keefe and mORE INTEllIGENCE it generates huge volumes of page views Lake George” Missionites and other east-side San for the media given what I have accom- exhibit provided Franciscans are always bashing the @sfbg plished in the valley.” He then invoked a perfect artistic Outer Richmond and the Outer Sunset. Dubbed the Outerlands, its too foggy, San Francisco the “American Dream” and lamented backdrop. too far, too quiet, or too-blah to make the visit worthwhile. You know what? The Bay Guardian the cost to his soon-to-go-public com- Outerlands doesn’t need you anymore, Mission! They’ve got a brand new par- @sfbayguardian pany. Silicon Valley doesn’t have an klet at Simple Pleasures Cafe on 35th avenue. Soon they’ll have overpriced entitlement problem. Nope. coffee, Google buses, and white-washed ethnic food too! Avenues, represent. www.sfbg.com 4 SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN OpINION NewS FOOD + DRINk the SeleCtOR mUSIC ARtS + CUltURe FIlm ClASSIFIeDS Presented by: Bayview/Dogpatch Sunday Streets May 4, 2014 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday Streets creates miles of car-free streets for people to get out and be active in www.SundayStreetsSF.com diverse San Francisco neighborhoods. For a full list of activities taking place at the Tenderloin Sunday Streets, visit SundayStreetsSF.com/event-information. Additional Support: Did you know Sunday Streets is a volunteer driven event? The event would not be possible without the hundreds of volunteers who make Sunday Streets possible BIKE RENTALS & TOURS each year. Learn more Media Sponsors: or sign up at: SundayStreetsSF.com/ volunteer 2 5 A Little Confections Store by Recchiuti t h 807 22nd Street, Dogpatch, SF recchiuti.com A n n i v e r s a r y Spring Open Studios A Savory & Sweet Café by Recchiuti 801 22nd Street, Dogpatch, SF S h i p ya r d A rt i st s thelabcafesf.com Take A Bite Out Of Dogpatch. M ay 3 / 4 1 1 - 6 • AM PM Visit us during Sunday Streets for savory & sweet treats. FSHOOWLL UOS YWOU RU SSTR EOETNS! FbSruikenee., Mpvaaarlyke 4titn hg shipyardartists.com/sos Hunters Point Shipyard, SF @sfbayguardian m a k k nri e H y b o Co-presented by Bayview Opera House hot P opinion news food + drink the selector music arts + culture film classifieds April 30 - MAy 6, 2014 / SFBG.coM 5 opinion these Are the kinds of honest And direct questions sAn frAncisco should Be Asking its citizens. Don’t police the pot docs By AhimsA porter sumchAi Information Act — as well as fed- eral law protecting health infor- OPINION Senate Bill 1262 was intro- mation, by mandating physicians duced in the California Senate on Feb. report all MM recommenda- 21 by veteran legislator Lou Correa. It tions along with private patient is a medical marijuana bill designed to records. The Health Insurance regulate physicians, dispensaries, and Portability and Accountability Act cultivation sites via rigid government (HIPAA) requires patient authoriza- oversight. Sponsored by the California tion for disclosure of patient health Police Chiefs Association, SB 1262 information. HIPAA is a federal reg- promises to “provide a clear road map ulation, and MBC has no authority for the responsible implementation to evaluate HIPAA violations. of Proposition 215 in California since SB 1262 mandates a training voters approved it in 1996.” and certification requirement for The Compassionate Use Act of any doctor who recommends MM, 1996, which created Heath & Safety with a $5,000 fine for noncompli- Code 11362.5, ensures that seriously ance. I support SB 1262’s efforts to ill Californians have the right to establish standards for quality assur- obtain and use marijuana for medi- ance and testing of marijuana culti- cal purposes when the use is deemed vated for medical use, but even that appropriate and recommended by a section duplicates guideline-devel- physician. oped and adopted by the Attorney As a licensed physician with a General’s Office in 2008. registered medical practice in San Physicians are capable of regu- Francisco, I have reviewed the word- lating their practice standards with- ing of SB 1262. The bill is highly out law enforcement oversight and punitive, clearly seeking to punish SB1262 is opposed by the California doctors who recommend medical Medical Association, which issued marijuana (MM). SB 1262 concerns guidelines for physicians recom- me most because it duplicates and mending MM in 2004, which violates existing state and federal includes proper record-keeping and statutes that clarify physicians’ role annual examinations. in recommending MM. “Medical marijuana evaluation In the 2002 case Conant v. clinics are engaged in the prac- McCaffrey, the federal government tice of medicine, and physicians was enjoined by the US District are responsible for their patients,” The future of Piers 30-32 Court in San Francisco from pun- that 20-page Digest for Medical ishing physicians for recommending Marijuana Clinics affirms. MM. That ruling affirms physicians’ Marijuana remains listed in First Amendment right to make rec- Schedule 1 of the federal Controlled ommendations. Substances Act and has no accepted EDITORIAL It was good news for and the Port of San Francisco beneficial in an era of rising seas? SB 1262 requires the Medical medical use. The lack of dose response San Francisco when the Golden to launch a truly public process Would we accept a luxury condo Board of California to audit any phy- curve research conducted in large State Warriors withdrew a pro- for how to use Pier 30-32, the tower on the seawall lot to help sician who recommends MM more population-controlled trials coupled posal to build a new arena on largest remaining open stretch pay for this new open space? Or than 100 times a year. On April 2, the with the lack of standardized canna- Piers 30-32 and to instead build of the central waterfront, as well maybe the city would want to US Supreme Court struck down limits binoid profiling, potency, pesticide, it on private land in Mission Bay, as the adjacent Seawall Lot 330. float a bond and seek grants to on federal campaign donations under and microbiological testing make it sparing city residents a costly and Rather than simply reacting to help remove this bay fill and keep the auspices of First Amendment free difficult for the physician to offer dos- divisive fight sullied by millions big ideas hatched behind closed the seawall lot to a more limited speech rights. Thus, a SCOTUS prece- ing recommendations for MM short of dollars in political advocacy doors, the public could take part and public-interest use? dent was set that can be legally inter- of the adage “start low, go slow.” and propaganda. in a truly democratic process to These are the kinds of honest preted to defend a physician’s free The American Public Health The new location near the proactively shape this high-pro- and direct questions San Francisco speech right to authorize as many Association, American Academy intersection of 16th and Third file public property. should be asking its citizens. patients to use MM as deemed medi- of HIV Medicine, and many other streets is still close enough to Admittedly, there are challeng- The waterfront is an invaluable cally necessary. medical institutions join Americans the water to provide picturesque es to overcome, starting with the resource, and it shouldn’t be treat- SB 1262 establishes requirements for Safe Access — the largest mem- images for network television, but high cost of demolishing these ed as merely a liability because the for prescribing and record-keeping ber-based marijuana advocacy orga- without sparking concerns about aging piers, so it’s likely that the Port needs money. The same goes for physicians who recommend nization in the country — in pro- the city’s stewardship of coastal valuable Seawall Lot 330 will be for Seawall Lot 351 that was part MM in a bill sponsored by law moting safe and legal access to MM land held in trust for the people part of the equation, with its pure of the 8 Washington project that enforcement officials who lack med- for therapeutic uses and research. of California. The new site will profit potential used to help pay voters rejected, as well as Seawall ical or relevant education training. Polling shows Americans of all polit- have better public access once for whatever happens to the piers. Lot 337 that is part of the Giants Guidelines and accepted standards for ical stripes support medical mari- the Central Subway is completed, But how that balancing act is done proposal at Pier 48. recommending MM were developed juana, and SB 1262 would be a step and it could help encourage the would be for the public to decide. The views of the people of by licensed California physicians and backward that the public doesn’t teardown of Interstate 280 and Should we open up that San Francisco shouldn’t be after- adopted by the MBC on May 7, 2004. want to take. 2 its conversion into a multi-modal stretch of waterfront by not replac- thought to be avoided, as oppo- SB 1262 violates the California boulevard like Octavia, a good ing the piers, or replacing it with nents of Proposition B seem to law that protects the privacy of Ahimsa Porter Sumchai is a physician idea the city is now studying. a much smaller pier? Could it believe, but a creative resource that patient medical information — and former District 10 supervisorial Best of all, this provides a become an artificial wetland that could help shape the San Francisco The Confidentiality of Medical candidate. golden opportunity for the city is both pretty and ecologically of tomorrow. 2 6 SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN OPINION NEwS FOOD + DRINk ThE SELECTOR mUSIC ARTS + CULTURE FILm CLASSIFIEDS www.sfbg.com/mission-guide In association with the Mission Merchants: THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN | SFBG.COM An independent, locally owned and edited newspaper “IT IS A NEWSPAPER’S DUTY TO PRINT THE NEWS AND RAISE HELL.” Wilbur Storey, statement of the aims of the Chicago Times, 1861 Disorder returns to The Knockout PUBLISHER marke bieschke Disorder is back for one night only to satisfy your darkwave sells more bikes than any EDITOR steven t. jones and minimalist synth cravings, and it happens to be for a super special cause: to raise funds for a child’s Leukemia treatments. EDITORIAL SENIOR EDITOR, ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Three bands – Pixel Memory, PSSNGRS, Tremor Low – and other S.F. Bike Dealer... cheryl eddy three DJs – Omar Perez, Strange Ways, and misfailed – with NEwS EDITOR rebecca bowe MUSIc EDITOR emma silvers amazing raffle prizes like Dark Entries Records goodies, Benefit STAff wRITER joe fitzgerald rodriguez Brow Bar makeovers, tattoos and tons more. Donate in advance there must be a reason! cOLUMNISTS marcia gagliardi, jason henderson, jessica lanyadoo to gofundme.com/teamblixa and show your support on social cOPy EDITOR stewart applin media with #teamblixa and #fuckcancer. EDITOR AT LARGE bruce b. brugmann SELECTION, PRICE, SERVICE! cONTRIBUTING EDITORS kimberly chun, Monday, May 5 at 9:30pm @ The Knockout, 3223 Mission, SF | knockoutsf.com susan gerhard, johnny ray huston, lynn rapoport, j.h. tompkins cdOaNvTiRdI bBaUcToINnG, dwaRrITwEiRnS b roonbdegrrta ahvailma, , BBBBeeeerrrrnnnnaaaallll HHHHeeeeiiiigggghhhhttttssss garrett caples, michelle devereaux, CCCooolllllleeeccctttiiivvveee camper english, rita felciano, peter galvin, Home of the $5 Gram Joint! shawn gaynor, nicole gluckstern, HHoommee ooff tthhee $$55 GGrraamm JJooiinntt!! gary hanauer, dennis harvey, martin a. lee, *High Grade Cannabis sean mccourt, d. scot miller, ***GHHriieggahht SGGerrlaaeddceeti oCCnaannnnaabbiiss ryan prendiville, ben richardson, ***AGGwrreeeaastto mSSeeellee Eccdttiiioobnnles enmoirlmy asnav saogleo, mamonb,e mr astcth saudseswmaalnd,, V**iAAsitww oueerss wooemmbseeit eEE fddorii bbcolleeupssons, sVpeiscitia olsu &r winevbesnitteo rfyor coupons, michelle tea, andre torrez, sVpiseict ioalusr & w ienbvseinteto froyr coupons, sara maria vizcarrondo specials & inventory BENDER’S BaR INTERNS francisco alvarado, On-site bryan augustus, laura b. childs, LOounn-sgiete! Hybrid/City brian mcmahon, sabrina rubakovic ReLOolanux-n saginteed! May aRtiSt RSLemolauoxnk gaene.!d Kids Bikes ART RSemlaxo kaen.d of thE MoNth: Bikes ART DIREcTOR brooke ginnard Smoke. kebesnriSxaieEttmcycte aOT+aenNInnO ldTytNRaa hm wI IrB L+. LhUppU hToobSIaowrNTdtoeGRoea lAAsgdlTR,,rwO cTmaRaIhpaS ylathT pirtSsyhlh, at oeme citsmwiook r ndrgeua gerkswadaosm,pooo hnez, rym ,,i n , O3SO3SO3SFOa3p,FFOna33n pp,,ndeCn2l yd/eeCC22lon y9A/ionnnr 99AAi tnrd i7d htt9di i77vdehh 99i i4nvded S i44ntdddu1SSaittfiu11a.aaitt1ycfil a..sa11yyc(slW 0 staww((ss WWi00 to wwwa ii(Wont aa/ih 4((WWMnt //wch 44 MM l1Wawwce l11irWWagee5sdiir.geea55ssedssB)..la eelsssi6mBB))kyl oElii66mkk y4a oorEEn Re8y44a r2nnRRce88 yN)oao22c -NN))oaabogm5--Abtgnmm55aAA8tniL-iazn88i8LL--e9izHn 88de99mHHp5 d mEppma55m EEmraIemmiGrjIIdeuiGGjdiuaHcinaaHHcnalaT calTTf Sa rcfSSona.rOomnn..OOmna aRba aRRbimGs i mGGsre edrecediocciaomclam mdl mdiesinepsndpednaetnasiatosiraonyrns.y s. kWitchENi hlouRlS: oMoNW - fRi 6 pMh - 11EpMa • Satt 4poM - 1N0pM luke thomas, tom tomorrow Only individuals with legally recognized medical cannabis recommendations WWW.BENDERSBaR.coM and/or identification cards may obtain marijuana from a medical dispensary. PRODUCTION cREATIvE SERvIcES DIREcTOR bill evans ASSISTANT PRODUcTION MANAGER doran shelley BUSINESS cONTROLLER rachel liu SALES AND MARKETING Road Bikes Mountain Bikes ADvERTISING SALES MANAGER emily forster MARkETING MANAGER jackie andrews AccOUNT ExEcUTIvES jessica bates-smith, shauna casey, veronica guevara, tim hayman, clayton lamb, david lee, sam liss, sabrina shelton, jordan spiers, vs keith winston We’ve got more ADvERTISING SALES cOORDINATOR myeisha keys MAYWEATHER MAIDANA THE SAN FRANCISCO MEDIA CO. bikes on sale, in stock & 225 bush st., 17th floor MAY 3RD @ 6PM san francisco, ca 94104 $20 AT DOOR ready to ride than anyone PRESIDENT todd a. vogt THURSDAYS @ SLATE 3200 24th Street @ S. Van Ness ExEcUTIvE v.P. AND cfO pat brown ExEcUTIvE v.P. david ceccarelli 2925 16TH ST, SF 415-550-7510 else around! cIRcULATION DIREcTOR mike higgins djpurple.com Mon-Fri 11AM-2AM (cid:127) Sat-Sun 9AM-2AM EDITORIAL, BUSINESS (415) 255-3100 cIRcULATION (415) 359-2862 fAx (415) 437-3657, (415) 255-8955 DISPLAy/NATIONAL ADvERTISING (415) 255-4600 fAx (415) 487-2594 THURSDAY 5/01 AT 6Pm, FREE! fOUNDERS AND cO-PUBLISHERS, 1966-2012 bruce b. brugmann and jean dibble DJ FooDCoURT AnD HiS PALS RoCK/PoP/SoUL/CRAP TWBHUEESE HKS LASYNT .EF, VR1E7ARTNYHC WIFSLECODOON RBE,AS SYDF AG, YCU AAB RY9 D4SI1AA0NN4 F.( RICSAOSNPNCY0RI0SI3CG6OH 4 Tm 0©E9D6 2I)A 0P 1CU4OB B.L,Y I2S S2HA5EN D A miLLDiFoJo FnLoL ooBDWCiioLnLUGiR oTA TnP 8R PDESmYE,in n$T7SG: SUnS 5f/r2i LuuLCIfCERE’SR hAAMTMEE R( &n ESwuB LZIEMAInLAALn SDf) p,RESEnT V ALENCIA CYCLERY FRANCISCO mEDIA CO. LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION 9pM $8 ADV VASTuM, ApOCRYphOn, OR USE WITHOUT PERmISSION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THE SAN EVERYonE iS DiRTY $10 DOOR MAn AMOnG wOLVES FNREAWNSCPIASPCEOR B OAFY GGEUNAERRDAILA NC IWRACSU LAADTJIUODNI CINA TSEADN N FORVA.N 5C, I1S9C7O5 ,C AOSU AN TY. SATURDAY 5/03 7:30Pm, $8 sat EMAROLYD SSh OMwAY DAY NAISROSTTUI RBCEESLAE SCCSPKA O PINSNU SBSBUEILB EIFLSSOEH:U ECFNODHD REI N CAU TK1N 9TOSH9OU5ELR OIS CSRAIENT LAE AFRDTRC EmAHRNA E.CN ANIU SGCSCIOCNOmRE P IPFPULOTBERSLT IOAEC RRF LC IALIHBREIR TVO.AEFRS BY O,A FC K JoEL mURACWH i&LL TiFHoER LDoW RoLLERS $2E55-A9-R/$p3L1MY0 AwTLhILT-hED A SYIkEnAR ,CD RAIOnTCCEkER SpTASERA TD(YLY!I,V SEO)uL DJS AnD 1065 & 1077 Valencia (Btwn 21st & 22nd St.) (cid:127) SF mISASIUNE B. RADADN C$H2. FBOARC IKS ISSUSEUSE PS RAIROER ATVOA 1IL9A8B5L. EC UBRYR mEANITL CFOORP I$E5S POEF RT HE FoLLoWinG AT 10Pm, $5 DOnATIOn ALL pROCEEDS BEnEfIT kpOO 89.5 fM SALES 415-550-6600 (cid:127) REPAIRS 415-550-6601 GUARDIAN ARE AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE, LImITED TO ONE COPY EL SUPERRiTmo! LATE LATE ShOw PER READER. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THE CURRENT ISSUE OF THE 10pM $10 SpInnInG 60S SOuL 45S Mon-Sat 10-6, Thu 10-7, Sun 11-5 G$IA5UN AB, RYTDA mIKAAENI Lm A. ORNREOE AP TVEHARAILSNAO BONLN mEE A FCYR,O EWPEYI TA OHTF OT UEHATE C PGHEU RGAmURIADSRISADINOIA NON FO WFFI ECTEEHK,E LO YGR UI SFAOSRRUD E-. WCU/m RBoiAG/DEARn mCEáHSA LYL /ESALL KSAo/oHLiP K-HYoLPE SwphAITTEhnu DGRJRSD ELAnuY C OnkSIYwG, AhpLATDu SLO puALu Lp, AARnTDY valenciacyclery.com 3225 22nd ST. @ miSSion SF CA 94110 DISCOunT In SEMI-fORMAL ATTIRE 415-647-2888 • www.makeoutroom.com ELBO ROOM IS LOCATED AT 647 VALEnCIA nEAR 17Th opinion news food + drink the selector music arts + culture film classifieds April 30 - MAy 6, 2014 / SFBG.coM 7 opinion endorsements Jerry Brown for Governor, Left, and kamaLa harris for attorney GeneraL ap images photo of kamala harris by rich pedroncelli Guardian endorsements Campos for Assembly, Yes on Props. B and 42, re-elect Gov. Jerry Brown — our recommendations for the June 2014 primary election Governor fold, a goal we share and want to Jerry Brown support however we can. Editor’s Note: Election endorsements have been a long and proud part of the Guardian’s 48-year history of covering But on balance, we decided to politics in San Francisco, the greater Bay Area, and at the state level. In low-turnout elections like the one we’re There is much for progressives to give Brown our endorsement in expecting in June, your vote counts more than usual, and we hope our endorsements and explanations help you make criticize in Jerry Brown’s latest stint recognition of his role in quickly the best decisions. as governor of California. He has turning around this troubled state This week, we’re offering our endorsements mostly for the San Francisco, statewide, and congressional races. In stubbornly resisted complying with after the disastrous administration the coming weeks, we’ll weigh in on a few more races, including the East Bay contests in Assembly Districts 15 and federal court orders to substantially of Arnold Schwarzenegger — and in 18, and Alameda County Measure AA. reduce the state’s prison popula- the hope that his strong leadership tion, as well as shielding the sys- will lead to even greater improve- tem from needed journalistic scru- ment over his next term. While we nothing more than a war on com- rupting influence of money from paign donations from tobacco tiny and reforms of solitary con- don’t agree with all of his stands, we munities of color and on the poor,” politics through his work with interests, a possible conflict of inter- finement policies that amount to admire the courage, independence, he recently told a crowd at the Common Cause, Cressman has est. She also fought for tax equity torture. Brown has also refused to and vision that Brown brings to this Democratic Party convention in Los identified campaign finance reform between same-sex couples. The ban or limit fracking in California, important office. Whether he is sup- Angeles. “It is fundamentally time as the important first step toward Controller is tasked with keeping despite the danger it poses to porting the California High-Speed for drug policies that recognize and making the political system more watch on and disbursing state funds, groundwater and climate change, Rail Project against various attacks, respect the full dignity of human responsive to people’s needs. As a position we trust much more to irritating environmentalists and calling for state residents to live in beings. We can’t wait.” In his capac- Secretary of State, Cressman would Yee’s careful approach than Perez’s fellow Democrats. Even Brown’s greater harmony with the natural ity as a member of the UC Board be in a position to ensure greater questionable history. Vote for Yee. great accomplishment of winning world during the current drought, of Regents, Newsom recently voted transparency in our political system. passage for the Prop. 30 tax pack- or refusing to shrink from the against a higher executive compen- We also like Alex Padilla, a liber- treasurer age, which eased the state back challenges posed by global warm- sation package for a top-level admin- al Democrat who has been an effec- John chianG from financial collapse, sunsets too ing, Jerry Brown is the leader that istrator, breaking from the pack tive member of the California Senate. early and shouldn’t have included a California needs at this critical time. to align with financially pinched We’ll be happy to endorse Padilla in While serving as California’s elected regressive sales tax increase. Much university students. In Sacramento, November if he ends up in a runoff Controller, John Chiang displayed more needs to be done to address Lieutenant Governor Newsom seems to come off as more with Republican Pete Peterson, as the his courage and independence by growing wealth disparities and Gavin newsom “San Francisco” than in his may- current polling seems to indicate is refusing to sign off on budgetary restore economic and educational oral days, and we’re endorsing him likely. But for now, we’re endorsing tricks used by then-Gov. Arnold opportunity for all Californians. Gavin Newsom was mayor of against a weak field of challengers. Cressman — and the idea that cam- Schwarzenegger and some legislative For these reasons and others, San Francisco before he ascend- paign finance reform needs to be a leaders, insisting on a level of hones- it’s tempting to endorse one of ed to the position of Lieutenant secretary of state top issue in a state and country that ty that protected current and future Brown’s progressive challeng- Governor, and we at the Bay derek cressman are letting wealthy individuals and Californians. During those difficult es: Green Party candidate Luis Guardian had a strained relation- corporations have disproportionate years — as California teetered on the Rodriguez or Peace and Freedom ship with his administration, to Although the latest Field Poll shows influence over what is supposed to brink of bankruptcy, paralyzed by Party candidate Cindy Sheehan put it mildly. We disagreed with that he has only single-digit sup- be a democracy. partisan brinksmanship each budget (see “Left out,” April his fiscally conservative policies port and is unlikely to make the season, written off as a failed state by 23). We were and tendency to align himself November runoff, we’re endorsing controLLer the national media — Chiang and particularly with corporate power brokers Derek Cressman Betty yee retiring Treasurer Bill Lockyer were impressed by over neighborhood coali- for Secretary of somehow able to keep the state func- Rodriguez, tions. As lieutenant gov- State. As a The pay-to-play politics of tioning and paying its bills. an inspiring ernor, Newsom is tasked longtime Leland Yee and two other While many politicians claim leader who with little — besides advo- California Democrats has they’ll help balance the budget by is seeking stepping into the role of cate for smeared the Assembly. identifying waste and corruption, to bring governor, should he be remov- Amid the growls of impro- Chiang actually did so, identifying more called upon to do so ing the priety, a report by the $6 billion by his estimate that was Latinos — but has neverthe- cor- Center for Investigative made available for more productive and other less made some worth- Reporting has painted purposes. Now, Chiang wants to con- marginal- while contributions. Speaker of the Assembly tinue bringing fiscal stability to this ized con- Consider his stance John Perez, a leading volatile state and he has our support. stituencies on drug policy reform: candidate for Controller, into the pro- “Once and for all, it’s time with a similar brush. attorney GeneraL gressive we realize that the CIR revealed Perez raised kamaLa harris war on drugs is money from special inter- est groups to charities his Kamala Harris has kept the prom- lover favored, a lover ise she made four years ago to later sued for racketeer- bring San Francisco values into the ing and fraud. Attorney General’s Office, focus- Betty Yee represents ing on the interests of everyday an opportunity for a Californians over powerful vested fresh start. On the state’s interests. That includes strengthen- Board of Equalization ing consumer and privacy protec- she turned down cam- tions, pushing social programs to 8 SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN OpINION NewS FOOD + DRINk the SeleCtOR mUSIC ARtS + CUltURe FIlm ClASSIFIeDS opinion endorsements betty yee for controller reduce criminal recidivism rather well-heeled business and technology than the tough-on-crime approach interests pushing for the privatiza- that has ballooned our prison pop- tion of our schools. Tech and enter- usmeltoattrliteogmnag,e enre tla ewcnhidtiehnr gst htaoen bh$ie1gl8 pb bakinelelkipos nap neod- tcinahi anthrmtee erw nsitcn hcgoosmo flopsr ah lneuiacevrs100ai latyirv eae sp eutdhsuhecyian wtgio a807070100 nit She gave pimlep ilnem theenitr thhoem Aefsf,o ardnadb hlee Clpainreg Atoct ssuchpopolyls c monatyr aocptse,n f othr90 ew dhoicohr sc. hAanrdte 100100100r amnadr rtihage el eigna tlihzea tsitoante o.f same-sex dyooun,’ tc lheat rWtear istcinhgo foolrs 75’S usupcecrmesasnfu flo toels666675 t Harris has maintained her score numbers are often achieved oevpepno stihtiooung hto t thhaet dheaast hhu pret nhaelrt yin bspye pciuaslh nineegd os uatn udn edce50ornpoermfoicrmalliyn gd i504040 s- you a gift tthhee sotfafticeew aidne irmacpeo, ratnandt spheer sbpriencgtisv teo advaAnst angaetdio sntuald eendtus25c.ation advoca251919 te aAtosm pt helraeiw cfai ernsn te fwovreocrme tmoa nesn eartnv oedf fafiiscr estrth. eAW fsrthiacitaleen’ s DTmuieacnknt e ww Riinallvs ,ig ttachihne wpa rrmoivtaae10jt oiinzra shttieroorn nb mglohogov,l “-I.”f tinh ecroeu ins tmeruinchg tmhoe rpe owwoerrk o tfo w beea dltohnye Cina elidfourcnaitaio rna nspkse n4d8it 3nhg i,n a tshiteu nataitoi3.12.22.2on n cccaaarrrddd tttooo ignivdiinvgid tuhael sa avnerda gceo rCpaolriafotironnias na nad wlikee c taon s tehea Tnokr lParkospo.n704040 1 a3d fvoorc. aWtee f’do r0000 stronger voice in our legal system, more K-12 school dollars, but for Harris has our support. now, he’s the best c407040h oice. 704040 idnasvuer aJonncee scommissioner bfiooanrad mofa equa407040 lization707040 Wlegei’svlea tbiveee nc afroelelor wsiinncge Dhaisv ed aJoyns eosn’s Fmioenmab Mera o wf tahs en Seavner 704040F oruanr cfaisvcoor iBteo a207070r d . tthhero Suagchra hmise ntetorm Csi tiyn Cthoeu nCcailli faonrdn ia oLfe gSiusplaetruvries,o srhs,e a hnads 704040is ne etmhee dC amlioforer104040 n ia cLieagtiesdla htuisr ea,u atnond owmey’v ea nadlw paryosg arepspsrivee- ilenatdereersstheidp itnh apnar mtyo pv40100 oinligti clesg ainsldat io40100n values. He launched into his role as that is important to San Francisco. Iangosu wrainthc ea nC oemmmerigsesniocnye rre fgouulra tyioeanr s Tash hereer aartete am fpewts elaxscte 40100y petaior ntos, rseuqcuhi r10040e rneiqesu itroi nugs eh neaol tmh oinres uthraannc 2e 0c opmerpcae-nt mdaoyrse a enmdp tloo yliemrsi tt op ro40100e fsfcerri pptaiiodn s dicrku10040 g of premiums on profits and admin- co-payments. But she also notori- istrative costs, and he has continued ously tried to ban 3%ra30ves at public 3030 On your second date. to do what he can to hold down venues in 2010, a reactionary bill himeaplltehm iennsutirnagn cthe er avtaersi,o iunsc lcuodminpgo - thatB wuat st hreej eCcateldif oarsn 70oiva eBrloya brdro oafd .7070 nentMs oorf et hreec Aenfftolyrd, aJobnlee Cs ahreel dA chte.ar- Efiqt ufoarl iMzaati othna mn itghhet 100 Ljuegsti sblaet ua rbee. tt100100 er ings looking at whether Uber, Lyft, She’s a certified public accountant aconmd poathneier st raarne sapdoerqtuataitoenly n ientswuorerkd aexnpde wrtoisuel dto b trhineg s ttaht10060 aet’s f imnaainnc itaalx i10010060 ng to protect both their drivers and body, and we hope she continues the general public, concluding 30 CONTINUES O3030 N that these companies need to 9 PAGE 10 >> Instantly exchange sthelef -cinosvuerrea goer oovtehre trhweiisre beuxspinanesds . It p 20070 7070 gift cards for cash at any wrnfeoeaeagrrw snut aaleiak ndbti denoo ulaguds rtw o areneynn.a d tdlJht ooihemnry sei epssasm onudredeetn as apentn.rrtovd mes phso eecvr rhoee uadtsosi t gital Control Stri60100100 10010060100100 Coinstar Exchange kiosk. superintendent 7 Di30 3030 7- otof msc thoorollaskson 126470 7070 Now the thought really counts. O Tinhcius mrabceen its Tao cmri tTicoarll aoknseo,n a s IS100 100100 fteahrc eMe csa hara sshrttareolrln sTgcu hccohkoa. llA lcenhn eigneerv lfeersaotdm-- 10060 10010060 Available at A B ©2014 OUTERWALL INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. OUTERWALL AND COINSTAR AND THEIR ASSOCIATED LOGOSARE TRADEMARKS OF OUTERWALL INC. OR ITS ment banker and Harvard SUBSIDIARIES. ALL OTHER NAMES AND LOGOS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. THE THIRD PARTIES FEATURED ARE NOT SPONSORS OF OUTERWALL OR ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR ANY OF THEIR PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. PLEASE VISIT THE WEBSITES OF EACH THIRD PARTY FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. alum, Tuck is backed by opinion news food + drink the selector music arts + culture film classifieds April 30 - MAy 6, 2014 / SFBG.coM 9 Job Number: OUTER4008765 Headline: Tiffany’s Pub/Date: SF Bay Guardian Due Date: Safeway 4/25/2014 Trim, Safe, Bleed: 6.01” x 11” trim / -.25” safety / +.125” bleed Sign-offs: opinion endorsements dAvid cAmpos For Assembly, district 12 guardiaN phOTO by mike kOOzmiN BOARD OF eqUAlIzAtION: FIONA mA these groups, but usually only after new structures to house the police CONT>> being pushed to do so by grassroots crime lab and motorcycle unit. organizing and lobbying efforts. The Board of Supervisors in the tradition of her BOE prede- Campos correctly points out voted unanimously to place Prop. cessor Betty Yee in ensuring the that such lobbying is more diffi- A on the ballot, and a two-thirds state remains fair but tough in how cult in Sacramento, with its higher majority vote is needed for it to it collects taxes. stakes and wider range of compet- pass. Given that San Franciscans ing interests, than it is on the local can expect to be hit by a major Assembly, district 12 level. Chiu’s focus on always trying earthquake in the years to come, dAvid cAmpos to find a compromise often plays upgrading emergency infrastruc- into the hands of wealthy interests, ture, especially the high-pressure The race to replace progressive hero who sometimes just need to be water system that will aid the Tom Ammiano in the California fought and stopped. Fire Department in the event of a Assembly is helping to define We have faith in Campos and major blaze, is a high priority. this important political moment his progressive values, and we in San Francisco. It’s a contest believe he will skillfully carry on sF’s proposition b between the pragmatic neoliberal the work of Ammiano — who is yes politics of Board of Supervisors both an uncompromising pro- President David Chiu and the pop- gressive and an effective legislator As we report in this issue (see “Two ulist progressive politics of Sup. — in representing San Francisco’s views of the waterfront”), San David Campos, whom Ammiano values in Sacramento. Francisco’s waterfront is a valuable endorsed to succeed him. place targeted by some ambitious It’s a fight for the soul of San Assembly, district 13 development schemes. That’s a good Francisco, a struggle to define the phil ting thing, particularly given the need values we want to project into that the Port of San Francisco has for the world, and, for us at the Bay Incumbent Phil Ting doesn’t have money to renovate or remove crum- Guardian, the choice is clear. David any challengers in this election, but bling piers, but it needs to be carefully Campos is the candidate that we he probably would have won our regulated to maximize public benefits trust to uphold San Francisco’s pro- support anyway. After proving him- and minimize private profit-taking. gressive values in a state that desper- self as San Francisco’s Assessor, tak- Unfortunately, the Mayor’s ately needs that principled influence. ing a strong stance against corporate Office and its appointees at the Chiu emphasizes how the two landowners and even the Catholic Port of San Francisco have proven candidates have agreed on about Church on property assessments, themselves unwilling to be tough 98 percent of their votes, and he Ting won a tough race against negotiators on behalf of the peo- argues that his effectiveness at conservative businessman Michael ple. That has caused deep-pock- moving big legislation and forg- Breyer to win his Assembly seat. eted, politically connected devel- ing compromises makes him the Since then, he’s been a reliable opers to ignore the Waterfront most qualified to represent us in vote for legislation supported by Land Use Plan and propose Sacramento. Indeed, Chiu is a most San Franciscans, and he’s projects that are out-of-scale for skilled legislator with a sharp mind, sponsoring some good bills that the waterfront, property that San and if “getting things done” — the break new ground, including his Francisco is entrusted to manage prime directive espoused by both current AB 1193, which would for the benefit of all Californians. Chiu and Mayor Ed Lee — was our make it easier to build cycletracks, budget. Why let hundreds of mil- California’s important government All Prop. B does is require voter main criterion, he would probably or bike lanes physically separated lions of dollars languish unused? transparency laws, by expressly approval when projects exceed get our endorsement. from cars, all over the state. He also We need to reprioritize this money requiring local government agen- existing height limits. It doesn’t kill But when you look at the agen- called a much-needed Assembly to make good on our unfulfilled cies — including cities, counties, those projects, it just forces devel- da that Chiu and his allies at City committee hearing in November promises to homeless veterans. and school districts — to comply opers to justify new towers on the Hall have pursued since he came calling out BART for its lax safety with all aspects of the CPRA and waterfront by providing ample pub- to power — elected as a progres- culture, and we hope he continues proposition 42 the Brown Act. It also seeks to lic benefits, restoring a balance that sive before pivoting to become a to push for reforms at that agency. yes prevent local agencies from deny- has been lost. San Francisco’s water- pro-business moderate — we wish ing public records requests based front is prime real estate, and there that he had been a little less effec- proposition 41 This one’s important. Last year, on cost, by eliminating the state’s are only a few big parcels left that tive. The landlords, tech titans, yes Gov. Jerry Brown sought to gut the responsibility to reimburse local can be leveraged to meet the needs Realtors, and Chamber of Commerce California Public Records Act by agencies for cost compliance (the of the Port and the city. Requiring have been calling the shots in this Over a decade ago, Californians making it optional for government state has repeatedly failed to do so, the biggest ones to be approved by city, overheating the local economy voted to use hundreds of millions of agencies to comply with many of and local bureaucracies have used voters is the best way to ensure the in a way that has caused rapid dis- our dollars to create the CalVet Home the requirements built into this this as an excuse not to comply). city — all its residents, not just the placement and gentrification. and Farm Loan Program to help vet- important transparency law. The politicians and power brokers — is “Effective for whom? That’s erans purchase housing. But a reduc- CPRA and the Ralph M. Brown sF’s proposition A getting the best deals possible. what’s important,” Campos told us tion in federal home loan dollars, Act require government agencies yes during his endorsement interview, the housing crisis, and a plummeting to make records of their activities sF superior court Judge noting that, “Most people in San economy hurt the program. available for public scrutiny, and to Prop. A is a $400 million general dAniel Flores Francisco have been left behind Prop. 41 would repurpose provide for adequate notice of pub- obligation bond measure that and out of that prosperity.” $600 million of those bond funds lic meetings. Had the bill weaken- would cover seismic retrofits and Daniel Flores has an impressive Campos has been a clear and and raise new money to create ing these laws not been defeated, it improvements to the city’s emer- list of endorsers, including the consistent supporter of tenants, affordable housing rental units would have removed an important gency infrastructure, including Democratic, Republican, and workers, immigrants, small busi- for some of California’s 15,000 defense against shadowy govern- upgrades to the city’s Emergency Green parties of San Francisco — nesses, environmentalists — the vast homeless veterans. This would cost ment dealings, leaving ordinary Firefighting Water System, neigh- a rare trifecta of political party majority of San Franciscans, despite Californians $50 million a year, citizens and journalists in the dark. borhood police and fire stations, support. But don’t hold the GOP their lack of power in City Hall. which, as proponents remind us, is Prop. 42 is a bid to elimi- a new facility for the Medical nod against Flores, who was raised Chiu will sometimes do right by one-tenth of 1 percent of the state nate any future threats against Examiner, and seismically secure in the Excelsior by parents who 10 SAN FRANCISCO BAY GUARDIAN OpINION NewS FOOD + DRINk the SeleCtOR mUSIC ARtS + CUltURe FIlm ClASSIFIeDS

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