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Risk Intelligent Supply Chains: How Leading Turkish Companies Thrive in the Age of Fragility PDF

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Business H A Advance Praise: K “... amazingly timely and lucidly written … a must-read for supply chain specialists …” S —Michael L. Pinedo, Julius Schlesinger Professor of Operations Management, Leonard N. Stern School Ö of Business, New York University Z “… Professor Haksöz masterfully scores the four necessary voices of evermore critical risk intelligent supply chains (RISC) through his innovative and actionable I-Quartet Model—Integrator, Inquirer, Improviser, and Ingenious.” R —Brian W. Hagen, PhD, Managing Director of Decision Empowerment Institute I “… offers important new insights into how to best manage supply chain risk in these times of global S uncertainty.” —Fatih Birol, PhD, Chief Economist and Director of Global Energy Economics, International Energy K Agency I “… illuminates both theoretical and implementation questions applicable to a wide cross-section of N industries and companies worldwide.” —Ömer S. Benli, Associate Dean, College of Business Administration, California State University, T RISK Long Beach E “… excellent and thought provoking… a must read for practitioners and academicians.” —Vinod Singhal, Brady Family Professor of Operations Management, Scheller College of Business, L Georgia Institute of Technology L I NTELLIGENT I “… useful not only to managers and business students in Turkey, but also to those in other emerging G markets and MNCs seeking to enter such markets.” —Vishal Gaur, Professor of Operations Management, The Johnson School, Cornell University E “… a strong contribution … excellent resource …” N —Seth Hoffman, Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, American Investment Services, Inc. SUPPLY T “I recommend the book to all practitioners.” —Zafer Kurtul, CFA, CEO and Board Member, Sabancı Holding, Turkey S “… I really enjoyed reading this book and strongly recommend it for everyone working in this field.” —İhsan Sabuncuoğlu, Professor and Chair, Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University, Turkey U CHAINS P “… I find I-Quartet model appealing to emerging as well as developed markets.” —İlhan Bağören, CEO, Telenity, Inc. P “… achieves the impossible masterfully by distilling the wisdom of risk intelligent supply chains for the L rest of us!” Y —Erhan Kutanoğlu, Associate Professor of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin How Leading Turkish Companies Thrive C “… a good reference for risks in supply chains and addressing these in real life.” —Metin Çakanyıldırım, Associate Professor of Operations Management, Navin Jindal School of H in the Age of Fragility Management, The University of Texas at Dallas A “This gripping book should be kept under the hand of every manager.” —Ender Yılmaz, Treasury Operations Vice President, Akbank, Turkey I N ÇAĞRI HAKSÖZ K14526 S ISBN: 978-1-4665-0447-9 90000 www.crcpress.com 9 781466 504479 w w w. c r c p r e s s . c o m K14526 mech white.indd 1 3/8/13 2:33 PM RISK INTELLIGENT SUPPLY CHAINS How Leading Turkish Companies Thrive in the Age of Fragility Praise for Risk Intelligent Supply Chains “This is an amazingly timely and lucidly written book focusing on a topic of extreme importance. Even though this book is dealing primar- ily with Turkish industries, it is a must-read for supply chain specialists anywhere in the world.” —Michael L. Pinedo, Julius Schlesinger Professor of Operations Management, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University “Like a great classical composer, Professor Haksöz masterfully scores the four necessary voices of evermore critical risk intelligent supply chains (RISC) through his innovative and actionable I-Quartet model— Integrator, Inquirer, Improviser, and Ingenious. Supply chain executives, take note!” —Brian W. Hagen, Ph.D., Managing Director of Decision Empowerment Institute “Through a number of fascinating case studies of some of Turkey’s most successful companies, this book offers important new insights into how to best manage supply chain risk in these times of global uncertainty.” —Fatih Birol, Ph.D., Chief Economist and Director of Global Energy Economics, International Energy Agency “Çağrı Haksöz has written an important and original book. Risk Intelligent Supply Chains is a pioneering study that clearly elucidates the interrelated issues of risk and supply chains. In this timely and well-written book, Haksöz competently shows how leading Turkish companies manage risk in their supply chains. Çağrı Haksöz combines a deep understanding of supply chains and Turkish industry to produce an outstanding book that illuminates both theoretical and implementation questions applicable to a wide cross section of industries and companies worldwide.” —Ömer S. Benli, Associate Dean, College of Business Administration, California State University, Long Beach “This is an excellent and thought-provoking book. Çağrı makes a com- pelling case for why top management should proactively manage sup- ply chain risks to survive in a global and intensely competitive market. The operationalizing of the concept of risk intelligent supply chain is very clear and rational and provides a framework that managers can use to develop supply chain risk management capabilities. The case studies of Turkish companies provide actionable takeaways in managing supply chain risk. It is a must read for practitioners and academicians.” —Vinod Singhal, Brady Family Professor of Operations Management, Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology “Risk Intelligent Supply Chains is a thoughtful and timely book dealing with the topic of supply chain risk management in the context of emerg- ing markets, interspersed with compelling data, metaphors, examples, and case studies. The strategic framework proposed is thought provok- ing and worthy of reflection by supply chain strategists. In presenting his thesis and field research, Çağrı Haksöz tells us insightful stories about managing risk in supply chains in emerging markets. The case studies and ideas presented in this book will be useful not only to man- agers and business students in Turkey but also to those in other emerg- ing markets and MNCs seeking to enter such markets.” —Vishal Gaur, Professor of Operations Management, The Johnson School, Cornell University “Professor Haksöz has made a strong contribution to the study and prac- tice of risk management. He presents a coherent framework for approach- ing the myriad risks faced by enterprises competing in an increasingly interdependent global marketplace. The analogies he draws between adaptive supply chains and natural ecosystems display his profound understanding of these complex processes. The connections to art, music, history, and philosophy are similarly insightful. Finally, the examples of I-Quartet in practice at leading Turkish companies provide concrete con- text for application of his theoretical model. Risk Intelligent Supply Chains is an excellent resource for students, academics, and practitioners.” —Seth Hoffman, Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, American Investment Services, Inc. “Supply chain management is one of the key concepts that improve the competitive advantage of a company substantially. Moreover, it is one of the most critical areas in management that determine the suc- cess and failure of a company in today’s highly competitive and volatile environment wherein information moves very fast. Companies have to find ways to improve customer services while at the same time bring down costs. Corporate management also needs to work on risk man- agement issues throughout the company involving all the operational processes and financial issues. This book introduces the Risk Intelligent Supply Chain model (I-Quartet model), which I found very applicable and useful. The model is explained in detail throughout the book, and the various roles that a risk intelligent supply chain plays under differ- ent conditions and their interrelations are examined. These four roles are Integrator, Inquirer, Improviser, and Ingenious and are explained in the book in a very innovative and practical way. The last part of the book consists of case studies from Turkish companies. This part is writ- ten in an interview format, which improves the clarity of the concepts. Part 3 also helps readers familiarize themselves with the various indus- tries covered in the book. I recommend the book to all practitioners.” —Zafer Kurtul, CFA, CEO and Board Member, Sabancı Holding, Turkey “There are lots of books and proceedings on supply chains. But this book is different in the sense that it brings the concepts of fragility and resil- ience to the attention of the scientific community. It answers the question of how to become a risk-aware supply chain. I really enjoyed reading this book and strongly recommend it for everyone working in this field.” —İhsan Sabuncuoğlu, Professor and Chair, Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University, Turkey “While global corporations have been snatching Turkish executives to tap into their expertise in dealing with geostrategic fragility, Professor Haksöz finds a way to analyze their innovative techniques to develop a unique model for risk intelligence. As an executive managing U.S., Turkish, and Indian operations, I find the I-Quartet model appealing to emerging as well as developed markets.” —İlhan Bağören, CEO, Telenity, Inc. “Coming from an operational and quantitative background, I found Çağrı Haksöz’s original look at strategic supply chain risk management revealing, informative, and full of actionable lessons. Risk Intelligent Supply Chains with its Turkish backdrop is captured vividly and skill- fully, bringing together such disparate and diverse areas as history, art, nature, politics, literature, music (my favorite), and, of course, busi- ness. Breaking away from the books that focus on one thing at a time, Haksöz’s observant mind and his cross-cultural upbringing produce a creative way of integrating ideas, research, teaching, and arguably more importantly, practice. Reading the refreshing, Charlie Rose-style con- versations with executives, I no longer wonder why the Turkish economy is thriving at a time and in a region where crisis and stagnation are the norm, showing the underpinnings of the good old method of achiev- ing prosperity, one company, one sector, one citizen at a time. In fact, I would argue that Haksöz’s book is a counterexample to the impossibility of teaching wisdom: he achieves the impossible masterfully by distilling the wisdom of risk intelligent supply chains for the rest of us!” —Erhan Kutanoğlu, Associate Professor of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, University of Texas at Austin “Haksöz’s book is a good reference for risks in supply chains and addressing these in real life. The book has two main sections: theory and practice. The practice section has the refreshing approach of pre- senting interviews with supply chain executives and thereby provides us with unfiltered information that cannot be found anywhere else. This approach and information differentiate the book from others. The book focuses on supply chains of companies headquartered in Turkey. Hence, it is relevant for professionals working at or with Turkish com- panies or in other emerging markets.” —Metin Çakanyıldırım, Associate Professor of Operations Management, Navin Jindal School of Management, The University of Texas at Dallas “In a quickly getting smaller world with intense and complex relations among companies and suppliers and partners, the largest risk is not to have the intelligence of risk. To understand all dimensions of risks in a complex supply chain and to manage them—while taking care of financial, physical, and geographical conditions—now need the Risk Intelligent Supply Chains (RISC) mind-set. In the presence of intense data flow, today’s world now has more unknown and unknowable risks because of global warming, long-term and wide-based financial crises, wars, etc. More capacity is needed to understand and interpret this data flow and take the necessary steps to manage global risks. Based on Professor Haksöz’s observations of natural ecosystems starting from childhood and his belief in the historical upbringing of Turkish peo- ple—honed during migratory journeys from Central Asia to Turkey— demonstrate how Turkish companies understand and manage risks to create the sixteenth largest economy of the world. This gripping book should be kept under the hand of every manager.” —Ender Yılmaz, Treasury Operations Vice President Akbank, Turkey RISK INTELLIGENT SUPPLY CHAINS How Leading Turkish Companies Thrive in the Age of Fragility ÇAĞRI HAKSÖZ CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2013 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S. Government works Version Date: 20130214 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4665-0448-6 (eBook - PDF) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. 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