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Preview Revision of Ylasoia Speiser, 1920 (Insecta: Diptera: Bombyliidae: Lomatiinae)

PROC. BIOL. SOC. WASH. 106(3), 1993, pp. 450-454 REVISION OF YLASOIA SPEISER, 1920 (INSECTA: DIPTERA: BOMBYLIIDAE: LOMATIINAE) Marcia Souto Couri and Carlos Jose Einicker Lamas — Abstract. Ylasoia Speiser, 1920 is redescribed and the known neotropical species, are revised, based on examination of the types. Y. abbreviata (Wie- demann), 1830 and Y. caloptera (Macquart), 1834 are synonymized with Y. pegasus (Wiedemann), 1828, the type species ofthe genus. Speiser (1920) erected the genus Ylasoia Painter & Painter (1974) made notes and to include three south neotropical species: redescriptions on the types ofthe three spe- Y. abbreviata (Wiedemann), 1830, Y. cal- cies. optera (Macquart), 1834 and Y. pegasus The study of a material of Ylasoia spp. (Wiedemann), 1828. The generic name was deposited at Museu Nacional (Rio de Ja- proposed as an anagram of the Australian neiro) collection, showed that some specific genus Alysoia Rondani, 1863, one of the characters cited in literature vary greatly genera segregated from Comptosia Mac- when a long series is examined. quart, 1840 by Rondani (1863), based Examination ofthe types and direct com- mainly on wing venation—number of sub- parisons with material at hand enabled a marginal cells and cross veins (both genera revision ofthe species and redescription of have two sub-marginal cells). Edwards the genus. (1930) statedthattoo much importance was placed on this character and that the genera Ylasoia Speiser previouslyincluded in Comptosia shouldbe Ylasoia Speiser, 1920:213-214.-Hull. reunited. Speiser (1920) nevertheless char- & 1973:307, 356.-Painter Painter, 1974: acterized Ylasoia on other characters, com- 107.-Painteretal., 1978:29. pared it with Alysoia, and mentioned that these two genera were probably closely re- Type species. —Anthrax pegasus Wiede- lated. mann, 1828 (orig. desig.) Bowden (1971), Hull (1973), and Even- Redescription. —hength, 12-17 mm. huis (1980) have discussed the classification Head: Eyes holoptic in male, separated at of Comptosia group. The first and the last anterior ocellar level by a distance about papers treated the Australian genera. twice ocellar diameter; face convex, slightly Hull (1973) gave a detailed description of pronounced in profile; scape rectangular, 3- Ylasoia and stated that the genus "seems to 4 times the length of pedicel, with dark be nearer the Australian genus Oncodosia brownpile, pedicelglobular, short, with pile Edwards, than to the South American gen- asin scape; flagellomerelong,bare, 5-6 times era like Lyophlaeba Rondani." He exam- the length ofpedicel; palpus broad basally, ined a series of Y. pegasus from Brazil and 1-segmented; proboscis dark brown, short, according to him, two ofthe three Ylasoia not extended beyond oral margin. Thorax: species may perhaps be subspecies. Scutum velvety black, with two brown lon- Since the original description, no more gitudinal stripes anteriorly extended to 0.75 species have been included or described in of it, bare dorsally, and with black bristles this genus. laterally; scutellum velvety black, with some VOLUME 106, NUMBER 3 451 black lateral bristles; pleura light brown, ka- Ylasoia caloptera Speiser, 1920:215.— tepistemum with bristles in upper third; Painter & Painter, 1974:110-112.- anepimeron with pile in apical third of in- Painter et al., 1978:29. & ferior half; meron bare; metepimeron with Ylasoiapegasa Painter Painter, 1974:112- pile in the upper extremity near posterior 113. spiracle; halter dark brown, long; knob yel- low at dorsal apex and totally yellow ven- Holotype.—(Fig. 2). Female: A. pegasus trally. Legs: Brown with black bristles and m./ Mus. rog. Berol. [handwritten label]. few black scales; hind femur at anteroven- Anthrax pegasus Wiedemann. Holotype tral surface with 4-5 bristles at apical third; [rose label]. Pegasus/ coll. Wiedem. (Fig. 3). claws dark brown; pulvilli 0.65 from the Deposited at Naturhistorishes Museum, length of claws. Wing: Brown with an an- Wien. The specimen lacks both flagello- terior white and posterior hyaline sub-me- meres, both fore legs, left middle leg and dian transverse band, otherwhite orhyaline the tarsi ofthe hind leg. variable areas in cells; anal and axillary cells Diagnosis. —Wing with the white/hyaline with a big hyaline area, (some males with transverse band reaching posterior margin darker marks) (Fig. 1); 2 sub-marginal cells or not; hyaline areas at anal and axillary <R3 and R4); 3rd posterior cell (2nd M2) cells with variable extensions, sometimes narrowed marginallyforavariable distance; faint, specially in some males, elongated hy- fringe of wing brown, longer and darker at aline area distal half of second basal cell anterior margin, specially near base. Ab- present or not; other hyaline areas variable. domen: Long, as wide as thorax; tergites (Figs. 1,2,5 and 7). Male genitalia (Fig. 4) concolorous with thorax; sparse pile dor- in lateral view with basistylus linear ovate; sally and more evident laterally. dististylus long, hooklike apically; aedeagus Female: Similar to male, except for eye sclerotized, large in base; epandrium tri- distance, which is about 3 times ocellar di- angular; cerci long. ameter. Material examined. —{dQposiiQd at Mu- seu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro): BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: P090S de Caldas, Morro S. Ylasoia pegasus (Wiedemann) Domingos, 1 $, 15 Sep 1968, J. Becker, O. Anthrax pegasus Wiedemann, 1828:298.— Roppa e O. Leoncini; Morro do Ferro, 3 6, Walker, 1849:264.-Speiser, 1920:214.- 29-30 Mar 1964, 3 5 and 1 2, 27 Jan 1965, Hull, I973:356.-Painter&Painter, 1974: 1 5 and 3 9, 22 Mar 1966, 1 $, 24 Mar 1966, 112. J. Becker, O. Roppa e O. Leoncini; Cam- Anthrax abbreviata Wiedemann, 1830: buquira, 2 9, Dec 1933, A. Marques, 1 9, 637.-Osten-Sacken, 1887:140.-A1- Feb 1942, H. S. Lopes, Cambuquira, 1 6, drich, 1905:228.-Speiser, 1920:215.- Feb 1941, Lopes & Gomes; Serra do Caraga, & Painter Painter, 1974:109. Santa Barbara, 1 S, Feb 1976, H. S. Lopes. Lomatia caloptera Macquart, 1834:612.— Sao Paulo: Ypiranga, 2 9 e 2 6, Mar 1936, Speiser, 1920:215. Santos, Leme, Fazenda Graminha, 1 9, Al- Comptosia caloptera Macquart, 1834:412.— ceu e Santos; Rio Grande do Sul: Pelotas, Painter & Painter, 1974:1 10. 1 9, Mar 1957, C. Biezanko (MNRJ); Rio — Ylasoia pegasus Speiser, 1920:214. Hull, de Janeiro: Friburgo, 2 S and 2 9, Feb 1933, 1973:358, figs. 148, 367, 659, 670, 985, C.F.M.L., 2 S, Feb 1932, Prof M.-L.; Nova 986, 987.-Painteretal., 1978:29. Friburgo (900M), 2 6, Jan 1946, Wigod., Ylasoia abbreviata Speiser, 1920:215.— Ilatiaia, 1 9, 18 Feb 1933, 1 6, Feb 1959, Painter & Painter, 1974:109-110.- W. Zikan; Itaguay, Serra da Caveira 600M, Painter et al., 1978:29. 1 6 and 1 9, 25 Feb 1948, W. Zikan; Pe- PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 452 Hoiotype 0,5 cm "^US Scd* 0,5 cm z:/^^^ ^ HO LOTyf£ '^. (Jet. J.E. Chainey, 1981 . 0,5 Figs. 1-8. 1-4, Ylasoia pegasus, 1, Wing ofhoiotype; 2, hoiotype; 3, labels ofhoiotype; 4, male genitalia; 5-6, Ylasoia abbreviata, 5, hoiotype; 6, labels of hoiotype; 7-8, Ylasoia caloptera, 7, hoiotype; 8, labels of hoiotype. ' VOLUME 106, NUMBER 3 453 tropolis, Le Vallon, Alt. Mosella, 1 6, 24 Acknowledgments Jan-23 Feb 1958, D. Albuquerque. We are verygratefulto Dra. R. Contreras- Comments.—Although some characters, Lichtenberg (Naturhistorishes Museum, such as the position ofcrossvein r-m in re- Wien), Dr. H. Schumann (Museum fiir Na- lation with discal cell; length of ending of turkunde der Humboldt-Universitat, Ber- first posterior, anal and third posterior cells lin) and Dr. J. Chainey (The Natural His- and width of axilla&ry and anal cells, men- tory' Museum, London) for the loan oftype tioned by Painter Painter (1974) as di- material, to Dr. Neal Evenhuis (Bishop Mu- agnostic ones were observed in the types of seum, Honolulu) for the review of the the three species, considerable variation is manuscript and also to Dr. S. Fragoso (Mu- evident when a series is examined. In ad- seu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro) for the pho- dition, the examined specimens show a tographs. combination ofother characters mentioned as distinct, especially the patterns of wing Literature Cited coloration. Hull's (1973:495, fig. 367) illustration of Aldrich, J. M. 1905. Catalogue of North American Y. pegasus wing shows also another pattern Diptera.—Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collec- of coloration, differing from the holotype. tions, XLVI:679 pp. On the other hand, the male genitalia as Bowden, J. 1971. Notes on some Australian Bom- byliidae in the Zoological Museum. Copenha- illustrated in fig. 985 (p. 568) is very similar gen (Insecta, Diptera).—Steenstrupia 1:295-307. in all material we dissected, and there is no Edwards, F. W. 1930. Bombyliidae, Nemestrinidae, reason to treat them as separate species. Cyrtidae. in British Museum (Natural Historv), The holotypes of Y. abbreviata and Y. Diptera ofPatagonia and South Chile 5(2):162- 197, London. caloptera (Fig. 5 and Fig. 7), here synony- Evenhuis. N. L. 1980. Studiesin Pacific Bombyliidae mized with Y. pegasus, were also examined: (Diptera) V. Notes on the Comptosia group of the Australian region, with Key to genera and Ylasoia abbreviata: Male. "Brasil V. Olf descriptions of new genus and three new spe- [Brasil, von Olfers] / abbreviata Wied. cies.—Pacific Insects 21(4):328-334. [handwritten labels]. Typus [red label]. Hull, F. M. 1973. Beeflies ofthe world. The genera Zool. Mus. Berlin. 1612. (Fig. 6). Depos- ofthe family Bombyliidae.—United States Na- ited at Berlin Museum. The specimen is tional Museum Bulletin 286:1-687. in good condition except abdominal seg- Macquart, J. 1834. Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Dipteres. Tome premier. Diptera 1:578 pp.. in ments beyond the sixth are missing. Wie- N. E. Roret, ed.. Collection des Suites a Buffon. demann (1 830) incorrectly specifies Mex- Paris. ico as the type locality. Osten-Sacken. C. R. 1887. Diptera. Vol. I. Pp. 129- Ylasoia caloptera: Male. Comptosia / fas- 160, 161-176, 177-208, 209-216. pi. 3, in F. D. Godman & O. Salvin. eds.. Biologia Centrali cipennis I 6 Macq. [handwritten labels]. BM Americana. Zoologia-Insecta-Diptera 1:378 pp., Brazil ? / ex Bigot coll. / 1960 - 539. 6 pis. London. HOLOTYPE ? ? / Comptosia / caloptera Painter. R. H.. & Painter. E. M. 1974. Notes on. and Macquart / det. J. E. Chainey, 1987 redescriptions of types of South American [handwritten labels]. Ylasoia / caloptera SBtoamtbeyslMiuisdaeeum(sDi.p—teRrae)seianrEcuhrPoupbelaincaatniodnUsnKiatne-d I (Mq.) / Det. R. H. Painter [19]60 [hand- sas State University Experiment Station 168:1- written labels; this label with left wing 322. glued to comer]. Type ? [red circle label]. . .&J.Hall. 1978. FamilyBomb\liidae: Holotype ? [red circle label]. (Fig. 8). De- 1-92. A catalogue of Diptera of the Americas posited at The Natural Histor\ Museum, south of the United States. Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo. London. The specimen lacks its head, the Rondani, A. C. 1863. Diptera exotica revisa el an- fore and middle pair of legs, and part of nolala.—Modena, 99 pp. the thorax has been eaten. Sp)eiser. P. 1920. Zur Kennlnis der Diptera Orthor- 454 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON rhapha Brachycera.—Zoologische Jahrbucher Departamento de Entomologia, Museu (Abteilung fur Systematik) 43:195-220. Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Walker, F. 1849. List ofthe specimens ofdipterous Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista, Sao Cristo- insects in the collection ofthe British Museum vao, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. CEP 20.940-040 2:231-484; 4:689-1 172. London. Wiedemann, C. R. W. 1828. Aussereuropaische Brasil. zweifliigelige Insekten Lxxxii + 608 pp., 7 pis. 1830. AussereuropaischezweifliigeligeInsek- . ten 2:XII + 684 pp., 5 pis.

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