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Preview Reviews in American History 2009: Vol 37 Index & Table of Contents

AUTH(¢ R-TITLE-REVIEWER INDEX FOR VOLUME 37 (2009) No. 1 ( March): 1 The Bay of Pigs, 279 No. 2 (J une): 161 Beiler, Rosalind J., 168 No. 3 (September Benemann, William, 338 No. 4 (D ecembe! Bitterly Divided: The South’s Inner Civil War, 553 Abraham Lincoln Black Philosopher, White Academy: The History and Meme Career of William Fontaine, 273 Century Ameri Bodenhamer, David J., 537 The Age of An) Bohemian Los Angeles and the Making America’s Turbule of Modern Politics, 101 quilizers, 611 Bowes, John P., 378 Allen, Thomas M. Bremer, Francis J., 321 Altschuler, Glenn Brendon, Piers, 352 Alvarez, Luis, 125 Brown, Leslie, 243 American Christian Islam: Evan- Brown, Meredith Mason, 191 gelical Culture and Muslims from the Bruggeman, Seth C., 510 Colonial Period \ge of Terror- Burnham, John, 611 ism, 185 Buying into the World of Goods: Early The American Futu listory, 296 Consumers in Backcountry Virginia, American Soverei “ai! People and 302 America’s Constitt ial Tradition By One Vote: The Disputed Presidential Before the Civil W 37 Election of 1876, 407 Americans All: The ( il Gifts Move- Caffey, Stephen, 521 ment, 255 Calhoun, Charles W., 407 Appelbaum, Patricia Cannon, Brian Q., 591 Ark of the Liberties Carmichael, Peter S., 553 World, 28 Carr, J. Revell, 175 Asch, Chris Myers, 566 Catholic and Feminist: The Surprising Ashmore, Susan Youngblood, 133 History oft he American Catholic Femi- Ashworth, John, 56 nist Movement, 315 The Atlantic World and Virginia, Cayton, Andrew, 191 1550-1624, 6 Chicago Made: Factory Networks in the Auslander, Leora, 501 Industrial Metropolis, 578 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY / DECEMBER 2009 Clash of Extremes: The Economic Origins “Doing American History in a World of the Civil War, 457, 463, 470 of Subcultures” (Reflections), 303 Clemens, Paul G. E., 332 Egerton, Douglas R., 22, 489 Cobb, Daniel M., 420 Egnal, Marc, 220, 457, 463, 470 Coclanis, Peter A., 584 Elias, Megan J., 413 Coffey, Justin P., 446 Engerman, David C., 285 The Colonial Origins of Modern Demo- Erenberg, Lewis A., 634 cratic Thought, 483 Esperdy, Gabrielle, 93 The Comanche Empire, 378 Etcheson, Nicole, 236 Conkin, Paul K., 584 Eyal, Yonatan, 42 Connelly, Matthew, 69 Faderman, Lillian, 101 Cook, James W., 634 Farmer, Jared, 544 A Country Storekeeper: Creating Eco- Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to nomic Networks in Early America, Control World Population, 69 1790-1807, 529 FDR and Reagan: Transformative Presi- Cowan, Ruth Schwartz, 181 dents with Clashing Visions, 289 Crandall, Russell C., 426 Fearnley, Andrew M., 386 Creating Abundance: Biological In- Feminist Coalitions: Historical Perspec- novation and American Agricultural tives on Second-Wave Feminism in the Development, 591 United States, 140 Cultural Revolutions: Everyday Life and Foglesong, David S., 211 Politics in Britain, North America, and Forgotten Firebrand: James Redpath and France, 501 the Making of Nineteenth-Century The Cultural Turn in U.S. History: Past, America, 35 Present, and Future, 634 Freeberg, Ernest, 78 Dabel, Jane E., 49 Freedom: A Documentary History of Dando-Collins, Stephen, 216 Emancipation, 1861-1867, 236 Davis, David Brion, 148 Freedom's Prophet: Bishop Richard Al- Death or Liberty: African Americans and len, the AME Church, and the Black Revolutionary America, 489 Founding Fathers, 22 The Decline and Fall oft he British Em- Frick, Daniel, 446 pire, 1781-1997, 352 Fritz, Christian G., 537 Defying Empire: Trading with the Enemy From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign in Colonial New York, 345 Relations Since 1776, 211 DeLay, Brian, 544 From Sacred to Secular: Visual Images in Democracy’s Prisoner: Eugene V. Debs, Early American Publications, 521 the Great War, and the Right to Dis- Frontiersman: Daniel Boone and the Mak- sent, 78 ing of America, 191 Diehard Rebels: The Confederate Culture Fruits and Plains: The Horticultural ofI nvincibility, 220 Transformation of America, 181 Disunion! The Coming of the American Ganz, Cheryl R., 264 Civil War, 1789-1859, 226 Gardner, Lloyd C., 628 AUTHOR-TITLE-REVII VER INDEX FOR VOLUME 37 Gay L.A.: A Hist Outotl]a u , ~ Hogan, Wesley C., 133 Power Politics Ll esoiSaepn s, Holt, Michael F., 407 101 Howard, Hugh, 521 Geary, Daniel, 85 Humphrey, Thomas J., 345 Gilmore, Stephani« Hurewitz, Daniel, 101 Glickman, Lawre Hyman, Louis, 93 Global Lives: Bri Immigrant & Entrepreneur: The Atlantic 1550-1800, 352 World of Caspar Wistar, 1650-1750, Godbeer, Richard 168 Goldman, Robert } “Intellectual Trajectories: Why People Gordon-Reed, An Study What They Do” (Reflections), Grasso, Christoph 148 Gray, Edward G Johnson, Troy R., 420 The Great Awa Johnston, Robert D., 413 Evangelical C Jones, Howard, 279, 628 America, 13 Journey to the West: The Alabama and Green, Jennifer R Coushatta Indians, 371 Habits of Empire \merican Kalyvas, Andreas, 205 Expansion, 198 Katznelson, Ira, 205 Hahn, Steven, 236 Kidd, Thomas S., 13, 185, 365 Hall, David D., 321 Kiffmeyer, Tom, 35 Hamiéalainen, Pekka Kimmage, Michael, 28 Hamilton, Shane, 6 Kingdom to Commune: Protestant Paci- Hamm, Thomas D fist Culture between World War I and Hard Road West: |! id Geology the Vietnam Era, 622 along the Gold R 395 Kleinknecht, William, 289 Harriet Tubman: M nory, and Kosek, Joseph Kip, 78 History, 49 Krahulik, Karen C., 140 Heaand dHear t: AH f Christianity Kuklick, Bruce, 268, 273 in America, 359 Kurashige, Scott, 110 Hearne, Elizabeth, Lacey, Barbara E., 521 Helping the Good Pastoral La Vere, David, 371 Counselors in otherapeutic Lee, Sonia Song Ha, 125 Culture, 1925-197 Lee, Wayne E., 216 The Hemingses of M llo, 161 Leonard, Glen M., 230 Henold, Mary J., 315 Lerner, Gerda, 475 Here, George Washi Was Born: Leviatin, David, 296 Memory, Material Culture, and the Levine, Susan, 117 Public History of tional Monu- Lewis, Robert, 578 ment, 510 Liberal Beginnings: Making a Republic Herring, George C., 211 for the Moderns, 205 Hoffer, Peter Charles, 56 Licht, Walter, 578 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY / DECEMBER 2009 Living with History/Making Social Moran, Jeffrey P., 617 Change, 475 Moss, Alfred, 273 Loftin, Craig M., 101 Mrs. Dred Scott: A Life on Slavery’s The Long Road to Baghdad: A History of Frontier, 561 U.S. Foreign Policy from the 1970s to Myers-Shirk, Susan E., 605 the Present, 628 Namias, June, 327 Lund, John M., 175 Native Activism in Cold War America: Maddock, Shane J., PH, The Strugglfeo r Sovereignty, 420 Majid, Anouar, 185 Newman, Richard S., 22, 489 Maloy, J. S., 483 New York Nocturne: The City After Dark Mancall, Peter, 6 in Literature, Painting, and Photogra- Manela, Erez, 69 phy, 597 The Man Who Sold the World: Ronald Nichols, Christopher McKnight, 255 Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street Nichols, David Andrew, 378 America, 289 The 1933 Chicago World's Fair: A Cen- “The Man Who Swam Out of History: tury of Progress, 264 Spain” (Reflections), 641 Noll, Mark A., 359 Many Minds, One Heart: SNCC’s Dream Norwood, Stephen H., 433 for a New America, 133 Nugent, Walter, 198, 395 Marsden, George, 303 O’Donovan, Susan E., 236 Martin, Ann Smart, 332 Ogborn, Miles, 352 Massacre at Mountain Meadows: An Olmstead, Alan L., 591 American Tragedy, 230 Olwell, Robert, 6 Mattson, Kevin, 289 O'Malley, Michael, 634 Maveety, Nancy, 440 One Man Out: Curt Flood versus Base- May, Robert E., 198 ball, 433 McConville, Brendan, 497 Oppenheimer: The Tragic Intellect, 268 McKivigan, John R., 35 The Overflowing of Friendship: Love McPherson, Alan, 426 Between Men and the Creation of the Medical Apartheid: The Dark History American Republic, 338 of Medical Experimentation on Black The Painter’s Chair: George Washington Americans from Colonial Times to the and the Making of American Art, 521 Present, 386 Parman, Donald L., 230 Meldahl, Keith Heyer, 395 A Passion for Nature: The Life of John Mihm, Stephen, 249 Muir, 1 Military Education and the Emerging Pauly, Phillip, 181 Middle Class in the Old South, 553 Perkins, Edwin J., 457, 470 Miller, Steven F., 236 Phillips, Jason, 220, 463, 470 Miner, Craig, 226 Piehler, G. Kurt, 510 Modernizing Main Street: Architecture The Power oft he Zoot: Youth Culture and and Consumer Culture in the New Resistance During World War II, 125 Deal, 93 AUTHOR-TITLE-REVII VER INDEX FOR VOLUME 37 Presidential Com l ead- School Lunch Politics: The Surprising ership, and Foreign History of America’s Favorite Welfare Policy from Ric ») Ger VE Program, 117 W. Bush, 285 Schwartz, Barry, 510 Purcell, Edward Scully, Randolph Ferguson, 365 Putman, John, 11 Seeds of Discontent: The Deep Roots of Queen’s Court: Jt ry in the the American Revolution, 1650-1750, Rehnquist Era 175 Race and Medicin eenth- and Selig, Diana, 255 Twentieth-Centt 386 The Senator and the Sharecropper: The Rahe, Paul A., 2( Freedom Struggles ofJ ames O. Eastland Red Gentlemen a savages: In- and Fannie Lou Hamer, 566 dians, Federalist Search for Sered, Susan, 605 Ordero n the A tier, 378 Sernett, Milton C., 49 Reinventing Richa 1 Cultural Shaffer, Robert, 451 History of an A Obsession, Sharpe, William Chapman, 597 446 The Shifting Grounds of Race: Black and Reiss, Benjamin, 4 Japanese Americans in the Making of 1 Religion and the M t Turner's Multiethnic Los Angeles, 110 Virginia: Baptist ( y and Con- Shuck-Hall, Sheri Marie, 371 flict, 1740-1840 Skinner, Claiborne A., 191 A Republic in Time lity and So- Slavery, Capitalism, and Politics in the cial Imagination in th-Century Antebellum Republic, vol. 1: Commerce America, 249 and Compromise, 1820-1850; and A Revolution Dow Farm: The vol. 2: The Coming of the Civil War, Transformation of Agricul- 1850-1861, 56 ture since 1929, 584 Sloan, John W., 289 Rhode, Paul W., 591 Stir It Up: Home Economics in American Rodman, Peter W. Culture, 413 Rodrigue, John C. Stoll, Ira, 497 Rogers, Donald W Strait Talk: United States—Taiwan Rela- Rose, Anne C., 401 tions and the Crisis with China, 451 Rosenstone, Robert A., 641 Sugrue, Thomas J., 572 Rossinow, Doug, 85 Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Rousseau, Peter, 168 Strugglfeo r Civil Rights in the North, Rowland, Leslie S., 236 572 Rugemer, Edward B Tentler, Leslie Woodcock, 315 Saab, A. Joan, 264 Theaters of Madness: Insane Asylums and Samuel Adams: A Lif Nineteenth-Century Culture, 401 Savitt, Todd, 386 Thorpe, Charles, 268 Schama, Simon, 296 Timmons, Stuart, 101 Schocket, Andrew M., Tone, Andrea, 611 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY / DECEMBER 2009 Trucking Country: The Road to America’s Washington, Harriet, 386 Wal-Mart Economy, 617 War of a Thousand Deserts: Indian Raids Truxes, Thomas M., 345 and the U.S.-Mexican War, 544 Tucker, Nancy oe 451 Ways of Writing: The Practice and Turley, Richard ES Jr 230 Politics of Text-Making in Seventeenth- Tycoon’s War: How iene Vander- Century New England, 321 bilt Invaded a Country to Overthrow Weaver, Stewart, 352 America’s Most Famous Military Ad- Wenger, Diane E., 529 venturer, 216 Widmer, Edward L., 28 The United States and Latin America Williams, David, 553 after the Cold War, 426 Wills, Garry, 359 Upbuilding Black Durham: Gender, Class, Winchell, Meghan K., 117 and Black Community Development in Wolcott, Victoria W., 243 he Jim Crow South, 243 Wood, Amy Louise, 566 The Upper Country: French Enterprise in Worster, Donald, 1 the Colonial Great Lakes, 191 Writing Captivity in the Early Modern VanderVelde, Lea, 561 Atlantic: Circulations of Knowledge Varon, Elizabeth R., 424,2, 2222 6 and Authority in the Iberian and Eng- Visions of Progress: The Left-Liberal lish Imperial Worlds, 327 Tradition in America, 85 Wulf, Karin, 475 Voigt, Lisa, 327 The Young America Movement and Volpe, Andrea L., 597 the Transformation of the Democratic Waldstreicher, David, 161 Party, 1828-1861, 42 Walker, Ronald W., 230 Zieger, Robert H., 572 ‘ ’ V5 _ * A . : ae ; F : ? F . : 2 by : < hg ¥ é : “4 ¥ ae ¢ ry Pat: . : * : £ i ‘ bs : a ’ x — _ ‘ : > te A * ; . . :

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