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Preview Review of the Gasteruptiidae (Hymenoptera) of Eastern North America

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 98(3), 1996, pp. 491-499 REVIEW OF THE GASTERUPTIIDAE (HYMENOPTERA) OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA DAvID R. SMITH Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, % National Museum of Natural History, MRC 168, Washington, D.C. 20560, U.S.A. Abstract.(cid:8212)Five species of Gasteruptiidae are known in eastern North America. Known hosts are bees and wasps nesting in wood or twigs. A key is given for their identification, and distributions and known hosts are reviewed. Seasonal activity is presented based on collections from the mid-Atlantic United States. The peak flights are from May to July, but adults are present from the end of April into October. Key Words: Gasteruptiidae, eastern North America, key, hosts, seasonal occurrence Species of Gasteruptiidae (also in some past 13 years. Based on collections of 946 literature as Gasteruptionidae) are parasit- specimens, the following review is present- oids in the nests of Apoidea, Sphecoidea, ed, including updated information on hosts, and possibly Vespoidea, which nest in distributions, and seasonal activity. wood or in twigs. Few hosts are known, and Townes (1950) based subspecies of G. little is known of the biology of Gasterup- assectator (L.), G. kirbii (Westwood), G. tiidae in North America. Adults are com- tarsatorium (Say), and G. floridanum monly found on flowers, especially Api- (Bradley) on color differences. Carlson aceae (= Umbelliferae), or in flight while (1979) did not recognize subspecies for G. exploring around stumps, logs, or posts. assectator. | have not recognized subspe- Townes (1950) treated 15 North American cies; however, for reference, I mention pre- vious usage in the species introductions. species, five of which he further divided into two or more subspecies, and recog- Users may refer to Townes (1950) for more details if they prefer to use subspecific nized two genera, Gasteruption Latreille names. and Rhydinofoenus Bradley. Crosskey (1962) recognized six genera in his study of the world fauna. He separated five small MATERIALS AND METHODS genera that occur in the Neotropical and Collections were by Townes-style Mal- Australian regions, but he could not satis- aise traps (Townes 1972) using 95% ethyl factorily divide the large, worldwide genus alcohol as a killing agent in most traps and Gasteruption into smaller units. Therefore, potassium cyanide only in those at Green all North American species are currently Ridge State Park, Maryland. Traps were in placed in Gasteruption. continuous operation from March or April Five species occur in eastern North through October or November each year, America. I collected four species including depending on the site, and serviced every large series of three of them while Malaise ten days to two or three weeks, depending trapping in the mid-Atlantic states over the on the weather and time of year. Collection 492 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON sites are as follows, with years of trapping shining (Fig. 12); hindtarsus often marked with and number of traps used at each site: White 2458) Sik Ca ee 8 eee 3 2. Sculpturation on side of thorax, especially low- MARYLAND: Beltsville Agricultural Re- er mesopleuron, metapleuron, and propodeum, search Center, 2(cid:8212)6 mi W Beltsville, Prince relatively coarse; mesonotum with somewhat George(cid:8217)s Co. (1991-1993, 3(cid:8212)4 traps); Fin- more evident transverse striation (Figs. 2, 3) zel Swamp, | km S Finzel, Garrett Co. 78 aap eeh Sey maleate oa eee assectator (Linnaeus) (1992-1993, 2 traps); Green Ridge State (cid:8212) Sculpturation on side of thorax and propodeum finer and more granular in appearance; meso- Park, 6 mi E Flintstone, Allegany Co. notum with finer punctures and less conspicu- (1991-1993, 6 traps). VIRGINIA: Fairfax ous striation (Figs. 5,6) ..... kirbii (Westwood) Co., nr Annandale (1981-1994, 1 backyard 3. Tegula black; mesonotal lateral lobes with trap); Essex Co., 1 mi SE Dunnsville weak, medium to small punctures (Fig. 8) (fore- and midtibiae whitish at base, rest brown (1991-1994, 12-16 traps); Clarke Co., Uni- (cid:8216)Onreddish) saan een barnstoni (Westwood) versity of Virginia Blandy Experimental (cid:8212) Tegula light orange to reddish brown; meso- Farm and State Arboretum of Virginia, 2 mi notal lateral lobes often with some large, strong S Boyce (1990-1994, 5-13 traps); Louisa punctures (Figs. 11, 14) Co., 4 mi S Cuckoo (1985-1989, 1-12 4. Fore- and midtibiae reddish brown, somewhat traps). WEST VIRGINIA: Tucker Co., Fer- paler basally; propleuron with some rather coarse transverse wrinkles (Fig. 10); side of now Experimental Forest, south of Parsons thorax with shiny interspaces between punc- (1991-1993, 20(cid:8212)24 traps); Hardy Co., 3 mi tures, not densely hairy (Fig. 10); pronotum NE Mathias (1994, 2 traps). Although the blacks 27.) sways. sates See eee floridanum (Bradley) number of traps at a given site sometimes (cid:8212) Fore- and midtibiae with an external white stri- varied from year to year, the number of pe from base to apex, or white basally and api- cally with white areas elongate externally; pro- traps used for each season was the same for pleuron without coarse transverse wrinkles the entire collecting period. (Fig. 13); texture of side of thorax dull between In the (cid:8220)(cid:8216)specimens examined(cid:8221)(cid:8217) sections, punctures, hairs dense (Fig. 13); posterior cor- references to these sites are by state and ner of pronotum usually with dull-orange spot county, and years of collection are given Asa ke BYA phis. ofa a Sat Sn ee tarsatorium (Say) only when one or a few specimens were collected. Specimens are deposited in the Gasteruption assectator (Linnaeus) National Museum of Natural History, (Figs. 1-4, 15) Washington, D.C. For references to original descriptions This is a holarctic species. Townes and synonymy, see Townes (1950) and (1950) recognized several subspecies in Carlson (1979). Records in the distribution North America. The common one in the sections are from Townes (1950) and spec- East was under the name G. assectator arca imens in the National Museum of Natural (Couper). Carlson (1979) did not recognize History. Records in the specimens exam- subspecies. ined sections are from my collections. Diagnosis.(cid:8212)Ovipositor sheath % to % of forewing length; female subgenital plate KEY TO SPECIES with broad V-shaped notch; pronotal tooth blunt to obsolete; head texture dull and 1. Ovipositor sheath 4% to %X forewing length granulose; tegula black; thorax with rela- (Fig. 1); female subgenital plate with broad tively coarse sculpturation (compare Figs. 2 V-shaped notch; pronotal tooth blunt or obso- lete; texture of head dull, granulose (Fig. 4); and 3 with Figs. 5 and 6 for separation from hindtarsus rarely marked with white (tegula kirbii). black) Distribution.(cid:8212)Nova Scotia to Alaska (cid:8212) Ovipositor sheath 2 to 2 %X forewing length south to North Carolina, Kansas, Arizona, (similar to Fig. 9); female subgenital plate with and California; Eurasia. Eastern North narrow, deep, slit-shaped notch; pronotal tooth usually distinct and acute (as in Fig. 10); head America: Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, VOLUME 98, NUMBER 3 493 Figs. 1-6. 1(cid:8212)4, Gasteruption assectator., female 1, Lateral view. 2, Lateral view of thorax. 3, Dorsolateral view of thorax. 4, Front view of head. Length, ca. 10 mm, without ovipositor. 5-6, Gasteruption kirbii, female. 5, Lateral view of thorax. 6, Dorsolateral view of thorax. Length, ca. 10 mm, without ovipositor. Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Manitoba, Maryland, Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis- Wisconsin. souri, Newfoundland, New Hampshire, Specimens examined.(cid:8212)Total: 260. New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, MARYLAND: Garrett Co. 21(cid:8212)30.V to North Dakota, Nova Scotia, Ohio, Ontario, 28.IX(cid:8212)-15.X (77); Prince George(cid:8217)s Co. 3- Pennsylvania, Quebec, Rhode Island, South 15.V to 30.V(cid:8212)-12.VI (6). VIRGINIA: 494 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 7-8. Gasteruption barnstoni, female. 7, Lateral view of thorax. 8, Dorsolateral view of thorax. Length, ca. 14 mm, without ovipositor. Clarke Co. 28.1V(cid:8212)10.V to 21.VU-(cid:8212)5.VII difficult to separate. So far as I can tell, all (105); Essex Co. 22.[1V(cid:8212)3.V to 1-10.VI specimens I have collected as cited in the (24); Fairfax Co. 28.1V(cid:8212)5.V to 30.VII- specimens examined section are G. assec- 5.VIII (30); Louisa Co. 1-12.V to 8-19.VI tator. (9). WEST VIRGINIA: Hardy Co., 15.V(cid:8212) According to Townes (1950) collection 10.VI.1994 (3); Tucker Co. 21(cid:8212)30.V to 20-(cid:8212) dates for most specimens are from May 30 29.VII (6). to September 10, with April 26 the earliest Hosts.(cid:8212)Reared from Carya glabra record and September 15 the latest record. (Mill.) Sweet in New York, from climbing I have found the first specimens of the sea- bittersweet in Pennsylvania, from pemphre- son in late April, and the species is present donine (Sphecidae) in a rose stem in Ohio, through the first third of October (Fig. 15). and from cocoon under bark in Ontario There is a peak from mid-May through (Townes 1950). Carlson (1979) gave Hy- mid-June, but populations appear to be rath- laeus ellipticus (Kirby) (Colletidae) and er steady from May through July, with low- Megachile rotundata (FE) (= M. centuncu- er populations in August and September. laris (L.)) (Megachilidae) as hosts. Treher- Gasteruption barnstoni (Westwood) ne (1916), cited the hosts of Foenus incer- (Figs. 7, 8) tus Cresson (a synonym of G. assectator), as (cid:8216)(cid:8220)(cid:8216)bees.(cid:8221)(cid:8217) Further associations from labels Townes recognized the typical subspecies on specimens from various localities, most- from eastern North America to western ly representing adult collection data, in- Canada and one other subspecies, G. b. per- clude: from wild carrot; from flowers of plexus (Cresson) from the Rocky Moun- Aruncus aruncus L.; on dead oak tree; tains westward. The two subspecies were reared from sumac stem; on Hydrangea ar- separated by color and slight sculpture dif- borescens L.; Pinus murryana Balf. (= Pi- ferences on top of the head. Carlson (1979) nus contorta Dougl.); swept goldenrod; and indicated that these may not be meaningful ex gall of (cid:8220)(cid:8220)Rhodites tuberculator(cid:8221) (= Di- subspecies. plolepis tuberculatrix (Cockerell) (Cynipi- Diagnosis.(cid:8212)Ovipositor sheath more than dae)). Héppner (1904) reported on the bi- 2X forewing length; tegula black; meso- ology in Europe, with the host as Prosopis notal lateral lobe with weak, medium to spp. (now treated as a subgenus of Hy- small punctures; fore- and midtibiae whitish laeus). at base, remainder brown to reddish. Discussion.(cid:8212)Gasteruption assectator 1s Distribution.(cid:8212)Eastern Canada and Unit- very close to G. kirbii, and the two are very ed States to Alaska, south to Virginia, Ohio, VOLUME 98, NUMBER 3 495 Figs. 9-14. 9-11, Gasteruption floridanum, female. 9, Lateral view. 10, Lateral view of thorax; arrow points to pronotal tooth on right side of thorax. 11, Dorsolateral view of thorax. Length, ca. 14 mm, without ovipositor. 12-14, Gasteruption tarsatorium, female. 12, Front view of head. 13, Lateral view of thorax. 14, Dorsolateral view of thorax. Length, ca. 14 mm, without ovipositor. Illinois, New Mexico, Arizona, California. Specimens examined.(cid:8212)Total: 13. Eastern North America: Alberta, Connecti- MARYLAND: Garrett Co. 20(cid:8212)29.VI to 8(cid:8212) cut, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachu- 17.LX (10). VIRGINIA: Essex Co., 22.1V(cid:8212) setts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Bruns- 17.V.1994 (3). wick, New Hampshire, New York, Nova Hosts.(cid:8212)Unknown. Scotia, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Prince Discussion.(cid:8212)According to Townes Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, (1950) most collection records are from Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia. June 20 to August 10, with June 5 the ear- 496 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON liest record and September 22 the latest rec- bearing such host data and stated that he ord. This is a more northern species, and I had reason to doubt the identity of the par- have found only a few specimens at Finzel asites. I was also unable to find such re- Swamp, Garrett Co., Maryland, and in Es- cords. However, Hurd (1979) listed G. flor- sex Co., Virginia. The Maryland, West Vir- idanum as a parasite of Hylaeus mesillae ginia (Bolivar, Jefferson Co.), and Virginia cressoni, probably based on Walkley(cid:8217)s rec- records are the southernmost in eastern ord. According to specimen labels, adults North America for this species. have been collected from flowers of Cicuta maculata L.; flowers of Ceanothus ameri- Gasteruption floridanum (Bradley) canus L.; wildflowers; Daucus carota L.; (Figs. 9-11, 16) from Polygonum; and from Polygonum hy- Townes (1950) recognized the typical dropiperoides Michx. subspecies from North Carolina, Georgia, Discussion.(cid:8212)Townes (1950) indicated Florida, and Cuba and G. floridanum brad- that most specimens were collected in June, leyi Townes over the rest of its range. They July, and August, with the earliest record of were separated by color, the more southern March 19 and latest record of October 18. subspecies with the thorax largely reddish I have collected this species from the end and the wings slightly darker. of April through the first third of October Diagnosis.(cid:8212)Ovipositor sheath about 2X (Fig. 16). The peak flight period is mid- forewing length; tegula light reddish; meso- May through the first third of June and pop- notal lateral lobes with some large, strong ulations appear to be high through mid- punctures; fore- and midtibiae somewhat July. Populations are lowest from the end whitish basally, remainder reddish; propleu- of July through the rest of the season. ron with rather coarse transverse wrinkles; Gasteruption kirbii (Westwood) thorax with shiny interspaces between ridg- (Figs. 5, 6) es and punctures, hairs usually present but not so dense as to obscure surface; prono- Townes (1950) separated two subspecies, tum black. the typical subspecies from northeastern Distribution.(cid:8212)Eastern North America: United States and eastern Canada west to Connecticut, Delaware, District of Colum- British Columbia, and G. kirbii russeus bia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Townes from the Rocky Mountains west to Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, the Pacific. The two were separated by the Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, amount of orange on the abdomen, with G. New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, k. russeus having the abdomen largely or- Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, ange. Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin. Diagnosis.(cid:8212)Very similar to G. assecta- Specimens examined.(cid:8212)Total: 248. tor except for finer, more granular texture MARYLAND: Allegany Co. 1(cid:8212)10.VII (1); of the thorax (compare Figs. 5 and 6 with Garrett Co. 30.VI-9.VII to 30.VU-9.VII Fig. 2 and 3). (3). VIRGINIA: Clarke Co. 10(cid:8212)21.V to Distribution.(cid:8212)Nova Scotia to British 29. IX(cid:8212)22.X (149); Essex Co. 12(cid:8212)29.1V to Columbia, south to New York, Michigan, 17.1X(cid:8212)10.X (71); Fairfax Co. 5(cid:8212)11.VI and Colorado, California. Eastern North Amer- 8-19.VII (2); Louisa Co. 24.1V(cid:8212)4.V_ to ica: Michigan, New Brunswick, New York, 12.1X-6.X (22). Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Is- Hosts.(cid:8212)Walkley (1967) gave two host land, Quebec, Saskatchewan. records, Hylaeus cressoni (Cockerell) (Col- Specimens examined.(cid:8212)None. letidae) and Trypoxylon frigidum Smith Hosts.(cid:8212)Hylaeus modestus Say (Colleti- (Sphecidae), but Carlson (1979) did not dae), Hoplitus sambuci Titus (Megachili- give host records as he found no specimens dae), and Megachile rotundata (FE) (= M. VOLUME 98, NUMBER 3 NoSfup mecbiemre ns We aie March April May June July Aug. nN oe SEES SoNfpu emcbiemre ns AD Pa March April May Aug. Sept. Oct. Figs. 15-16. Seasonal occurrence. 15, Gasteruption assectator. 16, G. floridanum. centuncularis (L.)) (Megachilidae) (Carl- by the presence of a pale spot at the hind son, 1979). corner of the pronotum and one on the un- derside of the scape, both of which are lack- Gasteruption tarsatorium (Say) ing in G. t¢. solaris. (Figs. 12-14, 17) Diagnosis.(cid:8212)Ovipositor sheath about to Townes (1950) recognized the typical slightly more than 2 forewing length; teg- subspecies from most of eastern North ula light reddish; mesonotal lateral lobe America and one other subspecies, G. f. so- with some large, strong punctures; fore- and laris Townes, from Arizona and Kansas. midtibiae with external white stripe from Gasteruption t. tarsatorium is characterized base to apex, or white basally and apically 498 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 10a0 l 17 pa eaten ees e=ae ) eanee (1) aOoioe ) Oe 1) = 2es17s)) ia ree ee E a 2 i =) HN UsI o ___) ee April May dune July ie Sept. Oct. Fig. 17. Seasonal occurrence of Gasteruption tarsatorium. with white areas elongate externally; pro- 1922) was obtained from an elder twig at pleuron without coarse transverse wrinkles; Meramec Highlands; other twigs in the side of thorax finely punctate and dull be- same lot contained Hypocrabro stirpicolus tween punctures and sculpture, densely (= Ectemnius stirpicola (Packard)) (Sphe- hairy; posterior corner of pronotum and un- cidae), and he inferred that the wasp was der side of scape commonly with dull-orange its host. The other (Rau, 1928a) emerged spot (males often black or with pale marks from the nest of Stenodynerus zendaloides indistinct). Robertson (= Leptochilus ornatus Saus- Distribution.(cid:8212)Arizona. Eastern North sure) (Vespidae). The latter is probably cor- America: Connecticut, District of Colum- rect since there is one specimen of G. tar- bia, Indiana, lowa, Kentucky, Maine, Mary- satorium in the National Museum of Nat- land, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, ural History labeled (cid:8220)Phil Rau, Rau no. Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, New 4439, St. Louis, Mo.(cid:8221) and in the reprint of Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Ontario, Rau(cid:8217)s 1928a article is a handwritten note Pennsylvania, Quebec, South Carolina, (cid:8220)Rau No. 4439 in USNM.(cid:8221) The specimen Tennessee, Virginia. and host from the elder twig can not be ver- Specimens examined.(cid:8212)Total: 425. ified. Treherne (1916) recorded the host as MARYLAND: Allegany Co. 31.V(cid:8212)10.VI (cid:8216)(cid:8220)(cid:8216)bees.(cid:8221)(cid:8217) Rau (1928b) recorded it from a to 30. VII-8.VIII (9); Garrett Co. 10(cid:8212)19.VII nest of Ceratina calcarata Robertson (An- and 29.VIII-7.IX (2); Prince George(cid:8217)s Co. thophoridae). Krombein (1979) recorded G. 5-18.V to 11(cid:8212)24.VII (29). VIRGINIA: tarsatorium as a parasite of Leptochilus or- Clarke Co. 26.IV-9.V to 26.VIII-11.1X natus, and Hurd (1979) listed G. tarsato- (278); Essex Co. 22.1V(cid:8212)3.V to 17.1X(cid:8212)-10.X rium as a parasite of Ceratina calcarata, (49); Fairfax Co. 6(cid:8212)-12.V to 23(cid:8212)29.VII (10); both probably taken from Rau(cid:8217)s publica- Louisa Co. 1-11.V to 13(cid:8212)27.VII (48). tions. Host.(cid:8212)Reared from (cid:8216)(cid:8220)(cid:8216)climbing bitter- According to data on specimen labels, sweet(cid:8221) in Pennsylvania (Townes 1950). adults have been collected from the follow- Rau (1922, 1928a) published two host re- ing: flowers of Rhus glabra L.; on Ceano- cords from Missouri. One specimen (Rau, thus americanus L.; Daucus carota L.; and VOLUME 98, NUMBER 3 499 Aruncus aruncus L. A specimen from Ne- manuscript: S. Heydon, University of Cal- braska is labeled (cid:8220)(cid:8216)ex gall on Amorpha fru- ifornia, Davis; N. M. Schiff, Bee Research ticosa.(cid:8221)(cid:8221) Laboratory, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland, Discussion.(cid:8212)Townes (1950) gave most and R. W. Poole and R. W. Hodges, Sys- records in July and August, with an early tematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, record of June 3 and late record of Septem- Washington, D.C. ber 18. I have collected this species from LITERATURE CITED the end of April through the first third of Carlson, R. W. 1979. Gasteruptiidae, pp. 1115-1118. September (Fig. 17). The peak flight period In Krombein, K. V., et al., eds., Catalog of Hy- is mid-May through the first third of June, menoptera in America North of Mexico. Vol. 1. and numbers drop off sharply beginning the Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. end of July. Crosskey, R. W. 1962. The classification of the Gas- There are occasional reddish forms that teruptiidae (Hymenoptera). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 114: appear in collections. These may have all 377-402. or parts of the mesonotum, mesoscutellum, H6ppner, H. 1904. Zur Biologie der Rubus-Bewohner. pronotum, and lower mesopleuron reddish, Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Entomologie 9: 97(cid:8212) or various combinations or amounts of red- 103. dish. From collections of 425 specimens Hurd, P. D., Jr. 1979. Apoidea, pp. 1741-2209. In Krombein, K. V., et al., eds. Catalog of Hyme- only 6 had some significant amounts of red- noptera in America North of Mexico. Vol. 2. dish on the thorax. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. Krombein, K. V. 1979. Vespoidea, pp. 1469-1522; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sphecoidea, pp. 1573-1740. In Krombein, K. V., et al. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North I thank E. M. Barrows, Georgetown Uni- of Mexico. Vol. 2. Smithsonian Institution Press, versity, Washington, D.C., for making Washington, D.C. available collections from the Tucker Co., Rau, P. 1922. Ecological and behavior notes on Mis- souri Insects. Transactions of the Academy of Sci- Garrett Co., and Allegany Co. sites; Mr. and ence of St. Louis 24: 1-71, plates 5-8. Mrs. J. G. Kloke, for field work on their Rau, P 1928a. Field studies in the behavior of the properties in Louisa and Essex counties; M. non-social wasps. Transactions of the Academy of Bowers, E. Connor, and C. Sacchi for al- Science of St. Louis 25: 319(cid:8212)462, plate 29. lowing field work at the University of Vir- Rau, P. 1928b. The nesting habits of the little carpen- ter-bee, Ceratina calcarata. Annals of the Ento- ginia Blandy Experimental Farm and State mological Society of America 21: 380-397. Arboretum of Virginia, Clarke Co.; T. J. Townes, H. K. 1950. The Nearctic species of Gaster- Henry and D. R. Miller for allowing col- uptiidae (Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the Unit- lections of their properties in Hardy Co.; N. ed States National Museum 100: 85-145. M. Schiff, Bee Research Laboratory, Townes, H. K. 1972. A light-weight Malaise trap. En- tomological News 83: 239-247. USDA, Beltsville, Maryland, and D. Bar- Treherne, R. C. 1916. A preliminary list of parasitic riner and T. Smith, summer assistants with insects known to occur in Canada. Forty-Sixth the Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Annual Report of the Entomological Society of USDA, Beltsville, for assisting with collec- Ontario 1915, pp. 178-193. tions. Terry Nuhn, Biological Laboratory Walkley, L. M. 1967. Gasteruptiidae, p. 285. In Krombein, K. V., and B. D. Burks, eds., Hyme- Technician, Systematic Entomology Labo- noptera of American North of Mexico, Synoptic ratory, USDA, took the photographs. I Catalog, Agriculture Monograph No. 2, Second thank the following for reviewing the Supplement, Washington, D.C. 584 pp.

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