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Preview RETRO:BYTES Lite #1

//GREE //CONT TINGS ENTS May I warmly welcome you to RETRO:BITS RETRO:BYTES Lite, a snippet of the forth-coming magazine Pages 5-6 E RETRO:BYTES. In this small edition, M Get the latest news from the weird world of retro, O I hope to give you a flavour of the LC bigger magazine due to launch soon. from Mario’s birthday to the world’s first action- E W R:Bwill be your regular guide to all things packed Bingo game. E : retro, whether you play, collect, emulate or T LI compute. We want to bring you the most well- RETRO:PLAY ES informed and up-to-date features, news, reviews YT and previews in a well-designed and easy to read Pages 7-8 B O : mpraogfitaezeinr,e b. uWt eo udto onf’ tt hdeo ltohvise othuat to wf ea awlli llh taove for Some of the latest home-brew titles for the ZX R Spectrum and Commodore 64 are put to the test. T the subject matter. Retro games, computers and E R consoles are something that we all grew up with, Get the official verdict here! and many of us yearn for the good old days of RETRO:REPLAY pure game-play encaptulated in pixels, beeps and original music. But, as well as looking back on the Pages 9-10 good times, R:Bwill take a regular trip to the retro tip in our RETRO:RUBBISH section too, and, for Our hapless reviewers are forced to replay two the first issue, we’ve dug up at those movie tie-ins Sega Japanese shooters, the poor souls. Read for 8-bit computers and consoles. their findings here What we want to achieve is a regular publication that encourages the community that RETRO:SPENDS has amassed (thanks to the Internet, numerous fanzines and a certain magazine called Retro Pages 11-12 Gamer*) to participate in R:B. Regular features of the magazine will include the RETRO:ARTsection, Looking forward to the pending festive season, in which we’re asking all budding binary artists to we ask three of the R:Bteam to give us their send in their work to us so that we may show it to Christmas wish list. our readers. Collectors may show off their prized items in our RETRO:RAREsection (which, for the RETRO:FEATURE first issue, will include a PAL TurboGrafx 16 and an obscure 2.8In Commodore disk drive), or get Pages 14-17 technical advice from our experts in RETRO:TECH. All in all, we want to give you the magazine We speak to Cinemaware’s illustrious founder that you want, so why not get in touch via email or Bob Jacob about the life and times of his great through our forums? My email address is printed in software company. the credits panel at the bottom of this page. We’re keen to point out what retro is really all RETRO:PREPLAY about – fun. We want to enjoy ourselves in the production of R:B, and we hope that this Page 18 translates well in this electronic version and the eventual printed one. Right, I’m off to give F-Zero Looking forward, we preview some of the hottest some stick! homebrew titles currently in development. //CREDITS Managing Editor: Public Relations: reproduced in any form without full Shaun Bebbington Retro Bytes PR written consent from Alten8 Ltd and [email protected] [email protected] Retro Bytes. All views herein are not necessarily that of Alten8 Ltd or Art: Advertising Sales: Retro Bytes. Mat Mabe & Chris Chandler Paul Andrews Alten8 Ltd, PO BOX 4252, [email protected] Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 2WQ, Sub Editor: United Kingdom. Michelle Sawyer Published by: Every care has been taken in the Alten8 Ltd. www.alten8.com production of RETRO:BYTES Lite, Contributors: however the publisher can not be Spanner, Craig Grannell, Mike © 2005 Retro Bytes and Alten8 Ltd held responsible for the accuracy of Davies, Bob Bailey, David Bailey No part of this magazine may be information held herein. 004 S W E N E : Happy Birthday Mario! T LI S E T Y Mrecaoriog nmisuasbtl er actoe masp uotneer goaf mthee cmhoasratcters in (DS),T Mhea rgioa mSmesa wshil l Finocolutbdaell M(GaCrio), MKaarrti oDS O : B R the world, and is featured in over 40 games Baseball (GC), Mario Power Tennis (GBA) and T E so far, mostly appearing on Nintendo Dancing Stage: Mario Mix (GC). There was R machines, except for a brief spell during the also a new double game cartridge released mid-80s when Ocean (of all companies) had a for the GBA (which coincided with the launch deal with Nintendo to port several of its of the Micro) which included Dr Mario and games for the UK market. Anyway, back to Puzzle League. the point. Mario celebrated his 20th Birthday Other Nintendo news is that the new this September just gone, as one might snazzy GameBoy Micro will be given a classic expect, Nintendo is marking this with a string NES look, though from the renders it also has of new games for the GameBoy Advance, a hint of the Game and Watch titles from GameCube and DS, apparently showing off all yesteryear too. More information about of his talents as a good, well-rounded citizen Nintendo's European operations can be found of the binary world. at www.nintendo-europe.com Retro Gamer Returns Earlier this year, I heard some news that I for December 8th 2005, continuing where thought I'd never hear; that was one of Live the magazine had left off and once again Publishing's few flag-ship titles. Retro becoming a focus-point for the whole of the Gamer, had closed leaving its long-suffering retro community to rally behind. editor Martyn Carroll and his able deputy Imagine have drafted in Darran Jones, Aaron Birch out of a job. But there were former gamesTM 'Retro' editor, to oversee whispers that another publisher had bought RG's rebirth, and although we've not seen the title from Live and were planning to re- any plans for the re-launch (content wise), launch the mag, with the most likely we're looking forward to seeing this great suspects being either the long established title back where it should be: on the shelves Future Publishing or new kids on the block at newsagents nationwide, and at a paltry Imagine Publishing. Finally, the rumours sum of £4.99. Keep an eye on stopped when the latter, Imagine, www.imagine-publishing.co.ukfor announced it was to re-launch Retro Gamer more information. The Survival Instinct One of the other parts of the Retro hindsight, not the best plan, Gamer story was that its merry especially as Imagine Publishing band of freelancers were were rumoured to have offered the unfortunately unpaid for their hard group around the £5,000 mark to work, and thus leaving some quite buy all unpublished works from substantially out of pocket. them, they nonetheless continued However, they quickly came up with it and are now offering the CD with a brave and cunning plan to at just £5 per copy. RS will be effectively make their losses back - available by the time that you read that was to withdraw the rights for this, and is best thought of as Live Publishing to use their work, partly a tribute to RG, and also the and compile it into a spanky CD issue 19 that never was. For and sell it online called Retro further information, check out Survival. Although this was, with www.retrosurvival.co.uk. 005 C64 DTV II Plug n' Play TV games are becoming opened up the device to a whole increasingly popular. They're easy to hobbyist market than no other such store, usually include classic games gadget did. (except for the Intellivision, Tetris and Until recently, the C64DTV has 'official' Space Invaders variants), and only been available in its original also make brilliant Chrimbo and NTSC form, with no official PAL birthday presents, and although the version available. Thankfully, this has C64DTV wasn't the first such device changed and there's a ready-hacked to enter this market, it brought new version (which allows the use of a S standards which other manufacturers PS/2 keyboard and a real W E have copied; those are that the DTV Commodore disk drive) available from N TE : creoaul ldC obme m'hoadckoered '6 a4n, da ntudr ntheadt iint thoa da tAhlteh owuegbh s thhoep s iotev eisr aint Gwewrwm.agno,6 i4t'.sd set.ill LI hidden extras for the user to find. This easy to navigate for English speakers. S E T Y B Eyes Down... O : R T E R To my mind, there isn't a single action, arcade Jonathan Cauldwell, who is now (according to or platform game that includes any ideas or the World of Spectrum website) the second concepts from the wacky and wild world of most active programmer ever, after the Shaw Bingo. But that's about to change thanks to Brothers. We've been play-testing it here for the pending release from budget software review for a couple of weeks now, and we house Cronosoft. The game in question is love it! The game will be available on real- Loco Bingo for the ZX Spectrum, and there's media for Speccy users worldwide through an exclusive demo on the R:Bwebsite for Cronosoft's website at your favourite Speccy emulator. www.cronosoft.co.uk, and as an emulator Loco Bingo is from Speccy enthusiast image from www.download-trader.com. Slim Jim Protovision have one or two new games for due for release in mid-2006. the C64 lined up, including the excellent Other future developments from the looking puzzler-come-platformer The software label will include a rather nice looking Adventures of Jim Slim in Dragonland. The Worms clone called Grubz and the immersive game was due to be released some years strategy game Advanced Space Battle. More ago, and although technically impressive it details about these developments can be unfortunately became one of the many found at www.protovision-online.de, and for "Games that weren't" for the C64. Thankfully, those people who speak German, there's a the guys at PTV are currently putting the preview site at finishing touches to the production, and it's www.protovision-previews.de. Pac Champ To celebrate Pac Man’s silver determine the ultimate finalists. No jubilee, Namco recently held a pan- penalty shoot-outs were allowed, European Pac-Man Tournament nor were they required as the UK 2005 in its London office at Namco and the Netherlands went head to Station, County Hall, London on head to determine the European Friday 18th of November. After initial Champion. qualification rounds which allowed After battling it out for five players around Europe to upload minutes of intense chomping action, their best scores via the home i- Fazli Kandemir eventually beat our mode network, representatives from own intrepid Phil Sheriff by some five countries were put through to 6,000 points, and was declared the the grand final, being from Greece, winner. And for his troubles (and France, the Netherlands, the UK obvious love of the popular pill and Germany. munching character), Kandemir was During the first stage of the awarded a plush-looking trophy and final, Germany made an early exit, a special 25th anniversary edition leaving the Netherlands to fight it Pac-Man Arcade machine, out against France and the UK presented by Namco's Executive 006 pitted squarely against Greece Director, Masaji Okubo. Looking for new games for your aged computer? Look no further, as R:B Litereviews the latest releases. S W E He is shedding buckets of adrenalin in that car VI E R E : Game: Turbomania Programmer: Jonathan Cauldwell LIT Format: ZX Spectrum Web link: www.fortunecite.com/egghead6/ S E Release date: 10/2005 Reviewed by: Shaun T Y Price: £free B O : R Going way back some 23 years, to cover every inch of each raceway to quickly thanks to its simple rules: hit another ET the 16K ZX Speccy was on the progress to the next level in his search to car or run out of fuel and loose a life, run R Christmas list of many eager get back home. As the game plays, a into a speed camera and the track will reset, beavers wanting their first taste of limited supply of fuel drains and at certain refuel whenever possible and collect flags computing - for educational purposes, of points various power-ups will appear to help and trophies to increase one’s score. The course. Nothing to do with the fact that new or hinder the player’s progression. A mini- level may be re-organised according to how and exciting games could be played on the game appears between levels that, if many flags have been collected, which may machine. 16K however soon became complete, will either add to one’s score or prove helpful if in a tight corner. defunct as games became bigger and give an extra life. Add to this mix the mini-games that I better. So, I was rather surprised when I Turbomania is Cauldwell’s way of saying was on about and it’s not hard to see why found that Turbomania worked on all thank-you to the Speccy community for its Cauldwell is such a well-respected varieties of Sir Clive’s binary beast regardless support, and what a way to say it. This has programmer. What we have here is variety “If you’re even mildly curious about what home- brew software could have to offer, Turbomania is definitely worth a few hours of your time.” of memory. Like the old saying goes, “it isn’t to be the best 16K game I’ve ever played, and playability with the polish of what could the size...” and it could of easily stood shoulder-to- have easily been a commercial release circa. Our intrepid hero Tim Wrangle (the six- shoulder with any classic Ultimate release, 1984. If you’re even mildly curious about times Formula Retro champion) has even Jet Pac. Graphically, this it’s fairly what home-brew software could have to mysteriously vanished through space and simple, and the sound effects do a offer, Turbomania is definitely worth a few time to a parallel universe in which he is reasonable job, but where it shines is in pure hours of your time. trapped in a simple computer game. Screen game-play. Movements are fluid and each OVERALL: 86% after screen awaits him, with the task being level is action packed, drawing the player in 007 Tank combat can be fun Game: Tanks 3000 Developer: Protovision Format: Commodore 64 Web link: www.protovision-online.de Release date: TBA Reviewed by: Mike Price: £TBA Other quotes from the ‘Iron Lady’ S W E If you really want to get in the mood VI E for a battle, here’s some more wise R TE : wThoardtcsh oefr wfoirs dyooum t for ommu lMl oavrgera…ret LI ES “A world without nuclear weapons YT would be less stable and more B dangerous for all of us” O : R T “Europe was created by history. E R America was created by philosophy” “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack landmines strewn around that should be one personally, it means they have avoided, and items to collect which will not a single political argument left” either boost your arsenal or affect the Thatcher greets you with “You may have to opponents play in some way. It can be a “It pays to know the enemy - not fight a battle more than once to win”. After race to collect the power-up on screen at least because at some time you may a short interlude, an options menu appears, first, though obliterating the opposition is have the opportunity to turn him into and through this one may alter and tweak more important and fun. The last surviving a friend” virtually everything within the game, from tank on-screen is the winner, and the number of mines per level to the control scores are updated showing the number of In the beginning, there was the Atari method of the missiles. Once all options are victories for each player. And so on to the set (and all players happy), battle may 2600 classic Combat. In which, two next battle, until all players decide to end commence. tanks would prepare fro battle, the task the game. Tanks has been designed with four being to out-maneuver the on-screen Tanks plays very well, with great people in mind, but how so? With a four- foe and send a fatal projectile to obliterate accompanying music and compulsive player adapter, that’s how. Plug this nifty him (or her) to its death. This was one of game-play (suited ideally for four players). the earliest games released for the device (also available from Protovision) into What lets it down slightly is in its graphics. aforementioned technology, and like so the user port on any C64 or 128 and four Though the back-drops are very good, it simultaneous players may battle it out. But “To set the tone of the game, a quote from the old battle-axe Margaret Thatcher greets you” many other titles for the 2600, the it’s important to point out that there is no can take a couple of games to see the competitive spirit of the game (allowing two artificial intelligence programmed into the land-mines and power-ups, and the main players) compelled many and made it an game, so the minimum number of people sprites are a little on the small side. instant and revered classic. required to play Tanks is two. Otherwise, it’s a recommended and Tanks 3000 pays homage to this great The game consists of 10 well-designed welcomed addition to Protovision’s four- game, but adding further elements over the battlefields (and one hidden ‘Easter egg’), player range. basic concept. To set the tone of play, a each with its own attributes that can either OVERALL: 78% quote from the old battle-axe Margaret help or hinder the play. Within these are 008 Shoot-em-ups are great, aren’t they? They usually allow the player to single-handedly destroy entire intergalactic empires which is probably the most fun that one can have with any computer or S W console. With this in mind, R:B Litereplays two of the best E VI blasters for the Sega Saturn. RE E : Ray of light T LI S E T Y Game: Layer Section B Format:Sega Saturn O : Developer: Taito TR E Publisher: Acclaim R Reviewed by: Bob Layer Section, also known as Ray Force or Galactic Attack in the west, is the first and best of the Ray Trilogy. The game-play takes place on two planes, (or layers – hence the name), a conventional one, where enemies are disposed of with your main weapon and a lower level (or layer), and a “There’s no technical 3D jiggery-pokery background layer filled with ground based here, just very, very well drawn 2D sprites, and flying enemies at a lower altitude to the main one. Flying enemies will often arrive making full use of the Saturn’s sprite on screen at this lower level and then rise up to the player’s altitude in order to do shifting, rotating, and scaling abilities” their best to deliver swift plasma based death. This is where one’s layer attack comes in; when used properly many On the visual side there’s no technical picking a bit here. Secondly there’s not that adversaries can be sent to the ground in 3D jiggery-pokery here, just very, very well much long term hold to this game as the flames long before they even get a chance drawn 2D sprites, making full use of the scoring system is not as deep as say the to fire a shot. It’s this feature that sets this Saturn’s sprite shifting, rotating, and scaling Donpachi games or Radiant Silvergun to game apart from the standard shooter abilities with only some occasional keep players coming back to beat his or formula and the lock on style secondary blockiness in sight. Special mention should her previous best. attack has been copied but never really go to the multiple scrolling backgrounds for That said, this is the perfect game for bettered since. looking generally ace and depicting level by newcomers to the genre (or hardware), it’s Whereas the lack of the staple weaponry level a seamless decent from outer space cheap, it can be had for less than a tenner common in other shoot-em-ups, such as to the centre of the earth very well. if you are lucky, easy to find, not overly screen clearing bomb, means that bullet So far so good right? An original difficult, and even got a PAL release as patterns may become frustrating, good game-play mechanic with some well Galactic Attack! So what are you waiting enemy placement, firing patterns, and pacing, designed and very pretty levels. for? Scour the usual sources to get your means any player deaths are always the Unfortunately it’s not all good news. Firstly copy now! player’s fault for being rubbish, and nothing the music isn’t up to the high quality of the more than practice couldn’t sort out, thus rest of the game; its not bad by any OVERALL: 82% making the game very fair and a joy to play. means, it’s just not that special and I’m nit TATE or Yoko? The games reviewed here are both vertical scrolling shooters, a genre where most games are designed to be played on a vertically orientated (or TATE) arcade monitor. Before the advent of the Saturn the majority of TATE games had to be either squashed down or have their levels and enemy attack patterns changed to fit onto you normal horizontal home TV. But with the extra space provided by the CD medium of the Saturn, a TATE mode could be included as well as the consoleised “Yoko” mode. Should the player be brave enough to heft their TV onto its side for TATE mode they could expect a game much closer to the arcade original. Apart from having such great blasters in the first place, this is another reason why the Saturn is the king of shoot-em-ups! 009 Blue Sky, Crimson Earth Game: Soukyugurentai Format:Sega Saturn Developer: Raizing Publisher: Electronic Arts Reviewed by: Dave “Dark and foreboding, the music is very S W movie-like, and fits the tone of the game E VI E R perfectly” E : T LI S E T Y B O : R T E R One for the more seasoned called as when the fire button is held extra depth it gives the game, while others shooter veteran, down a targeting web emanates from the hate the fact it seems to punish the player Soukyugurentai is scarily player’s craft, locking onto enemies that for doing well. Personally, I think once difficult, with the feeling of pass threw it. Each of the ships has two controlling the rank system is mastered, it sitting an exam paper for which no shapes of web (changed by pressing the makes a fine addition to the game. revision has been done; that’s to say it’s C button). When the fire button is Graphically the game really shines, very intimidating and there aren’t any released, different types of shot, ranging and is one of the best (if not the best) clues to what any of it means. The game, from weak lasers that can lock onto many looking sprite-based productions on the as one might expect, is all in Japanese, enemies, to powerful flame shots that can system. At times there are huge but don’t let that detract from this fine only gain a few locks, are thrown out. numbers of enemies shots and production – it’s easy to navigate the After a short time, the player (or players) explosions on screen, with the Saturn menu (there are translations on the will be relying mostly on the web attack being pushed to its limits. The sound Internet), though even with translations, since this is generally more powerful and effects are also good but it’s the music the difficulty to new players is very high, linked to scoring (the more locks, the that is the star of the show. Dark and and the tone of the game in general is higher the score). Locks also affect the foreboding, it is very movie-like, and fits very serious. type of bomb released so the player is the tone of the game perfectly. Soukyugurentai (or Souky) was able to use bombs in defence (clears As well as the arcade mode there is originally and arcade game designed for screen with no locks) and offence (causes also a very useful score attack/practice the STV arcade board (this is essentially a high damage to targeted baddies). mode for perfecting technique, and a very Saturn with a bit more ram) meaning that As mentioned before the difficulty can good selection of options, making this a the Saturn conversion is almost arcade be very daunting for new players, mainly nice well-rounded package. It’s difficult for perfect. Unusually for a vertical shooter, it because the game leads the player to me not to recommend this game since was designed for the arcades in ‘Yoko’ destroy everything and collect as many we here love it so much. However the mode rather than TATE (see box out), power-ups as possible. This kind of play ranking system, the difficulty, and the which means that it really was a close will quickly lead to the game over screen general seriousness of the game may not arcade experience that could be had at though - a product of its arcade roots, as appeal to everyone, but since its price on home! So, how does it play? the number and speed of bullets fired by online auction sites have plummeted in There are three ships available for enemies depends upon the difficulty rank the past year to around £30, less if you’re selection that have three main weapons, a system. Rank can be raised by collecting lucky, all shooter fans should at least normal forward shot that can be increased power-ups too quickly, and by destroying consider this one. in power by collecting power-ups, a web every enemy on a level, and can only be attack, and a limited supply of bombs. decreased by dying. This system is a love OVERALL: 91% The innovation here is the web attack, so it or hate it thing, some players love the 0010

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