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sasgzate tilage Booman Ste ara smaace WEEP] cocesoneve Witlam Budde <[email protected] (no subject) Bil Buds <[email protected]> 7 TT Wed oe 1, 2018 34 BAA 10: Bil Bucks [email protected]> From: 65014-5302887R@ren sets mucirock am Date: Senember 13,2018 at 21551 PU CST To: sulle Davnarsus Subject: nels Freedorn of nformatlon Act, Recuest: Vigllant Data Sharing Information +2018 » Assignment Submission (Downers Grove Police Department} Downers Grave Pesce Deparment FOIA Oo 825 Burington Ave Dowiors Grove IL 60615 December 13,2018 “o Whom May Concer: Pure ant ts the linus Froedom of formation Act. hereby raquect the ellowing records 4) The eames of agancias and orgaizations with whish the Agency shares ALPR dats 2) The names of agencies and organizanons from which the Agony roculves ALPR dala 5) 1s nanos of agencias aod unganizalons wih which the Aguncysharas ‘hat Int nfl 4) The names of agencies aed organization fam which the Agency revetves ho It iMonmgtn his information f easly avalablo vain the Agoncy's LEARN syslom. The simplact way to oxract this dala is ‘gurwrata ar "Agency Cate Shaving Report POF fe rom atin LEARN. Todo tis, user may simply ga to the “Sharing? Section of LFARN and seer! Outaut Repan* A CSVIAT fle cantaning these records wou AIS Sat Tis Kes “Tha nar ctlons for extracting ts data fs described on pages 62-8) of tho LEARN Agency Manager Guide, which ray a “und nk hoswny secu ronleaud urytdocumenisCOBS06U8-LEARNS-1-Aganc;-Managir-Gu ‘ht ‘Av oxample of tis racord may be found af thi nc toy 2arumentlour argorument 961 12-Pae-Veres-Fstates-Poline Depart ntl nt, A nurber of ather agencies have regulary determined the aaove_nformalwon consti public record and have Provided an "Agency Data Snaring Repo” These agentes Inches “Anaheim Police Department, Aioch Pole Department, Baste Polos Departnant Ctino Policy Departinent. Clovis Pole Dusurien, Elk Grove Pols Dapartment Fontava Police Dopartrant. Feurtain Valley Police Depsrimert, Glendora Pole Departmont, Hawthorne Police Departart,Ivne Paice Department Livermore Pelee Department, Lodi Paice Dapa'tvent, core Beach Price Depaitinen, Montebelo Police Depextmenl, Otange Police Deparmenl, Palos vordes Estaiss Pelco Doparimont, Red Buf Polce Dazarimant Satramanto Police Deperiment, Gan Barnardina Police Daperiment, San Diego Poioe Deparment, Sap Refae Pelee Department, San Ravan Police Defamer, Sa ‘Valey Palcs Departmert, and ne Tulare Polce Department We turer request te follwing wos The aggtayats nunibo of “Jolsclons (6. Leansa pale stans and aesociated deta) collated during 2018, ‘Tho angrege:e number af delecions callected during 2017 ‘Te aggiegire numbar of Clectons ollerted during 207. ‘Tho aggtaya:a numbor of "his". times that pale cra hols: was detected) during 2006 The aggrage:s number of ils” ding 2017, The area. number oe dun 2018, senaote Treviinge of Doorcr Stan Vals canye Is irlormaton is easily available wihin the Agency's LEARN sysiom. The simplest way to eviract his data isto Benorats a "Dashinarl He Rao Refer" PIF fi fom iti EARN, We WoUkdprtor the data ‘ot each your 0 be rovised seoarately. [An examote ofthis document may be found a: nfp=uhww doc. venlous orgtlocur~ ants 70802-Sacremeto-PD-hit Rabo-Rp-D10112 0516.7-Ronaetor Atm] ‘The instructions for oxtracting Ins dala fs descr sud on aos 78-9 ofthe LEARN Agency Manager Guide, which ray be fury al Ii Fine epee dc. amet Lorgicenwi SBGOSE5-LEARN-S-t-Agany-Muager-Gu deh] ‘The follw ng agencios have gular determined the above information consitulas » public recon! and have provided an “Vachiboard Hit ato Repart” These agencies inaide Anaheim Police Deartment; Bakersfield Police Departueit, Chto Puce Copartmant Clovis Polica Deparment: Elk Greve Pohce Department; Foriana Poice Dapa-trant; vine Poiee Dapartert; La Habra Pole Departmert Laquag Beach Potos Deparment Lad Pelle Deparment: Sacramento Pole Devarmen: San Diego Police Daparimart San Raman Pale Department; ard the Rod Bluff Poco Department ‘The requesied deeumants willbe made available tothe general publ, and this requests net betny mad for commnereat purposes. Inthe even tia there ars fos, would be grateful ifyou would inform me of heel charges in actvance of ftllng -y equal. | would praforthe requeet llc cleerenicaly by e-nal tact meal avalable o CD-ROM no ‘Thank yav in arvance for your antlpated cooperation In tris all. look forward ta receiving your meponse otis request mir 5 businsss days a6 salu ries. loco, Dave Manes Filed via MLcktock.cum Eval (Profored}: 5811 SSN8ES7O raque:ta mack eek, 0o Upload decuments directly: pein okicek contuczcunlsiagenes_fgintiaw.ereavepalce-department- ‘Tothuplane-Jalachati"giol nainr-20 assignment submission. dgun-sreaqove-olce- opening B98" 4? Luraepllaa-der mers suin-ngin= eater cae lL 30QUNLO Ga apency phy Ts this ema coming tothe Weng oartact? Something wi afong? Use the above irk ets knw, Far mailed responses, puss address (500 note) Mucktiock Nowe DEPT WR esata ‘114 Hagan ae Someone, MAO2144-2518 PLEASE NOTE: This requests not Hed by 8 MuckRack sla member butis bong sent hraugh MuckRcck by the n>0¥e in onder to beter ruck. have, and manage pubis records raqueate. Also noe hat-mpropery adireszedt (Le, lh the raquesler's name rchar than "Muck Rack News" ard the depron number royuela mign be rtamed ae Undelverabie, Bes Supyert Svicas Manager Downers Grove Pot C pertinent 828 Suringion Fare bowers Brace, CSI Ofice 62042-8616 General 690-858-5600 reaso's ‘he age crane Gress Ma -20svDe=) (lem Buds <[email protected]> (no subject) 1 nwessage ‘Wad, Dec 19, 2018 at 3:41 Ped Bil Budde <wbudds @dewnors > “Ta Bl Budde wus g@doueners > From: 3894138 -2uesraqu-ten-ikro-s.com Date: Dacembor 12, 201801 2:3023 PMCST To: sulle"eqba ee us Subject hols Freedom of information Ack. Request: Aulomated License Plate Reader (ALPR} = Adoption, Us, sod Data Retonion Polisis (Downore Grovo Pollce Department} ‘Downers Grove Pala Deparment FoR Oce 225 Biutagton Ave (Bours Grove, I BSS December 12.2018 Toho May Corco urs! a lings Teed of r“nalion Act, thereby reavest he fon econ tents eatea ons ageney’ aeulsiin of, csese > oesention oF scksure ot avamate Heese pia anders UM PR: or ALR dla | Peli related te he adopt of ALPR technlag: including thas guitng she prurerent ogee or nacoesery nine eae belo mage 2. Trarng pli equ, atl fei ‘ar src Ines snares ystems 3. Detaboees use: to compare dota ostsinad by the aL fstic cance plate reader eysten. 4 Pocies oats tothe retoation ara socury of captured APR aaa, ncuding hose garde: “Tina ange f tine str spa at dala mis be pened ficopters to general dats preearatcr plies “intertesta senury woes “deta dastucion| 5. Polis rato the swag of caplured ALPR cals by ts agarey wih cher agencise,~cluding those dacing: Fiemsenerin icine ney ay ees Sls tte. reurtnnose under hier expired data maybe sharec, avd Ihe esponaties of I roipen agone raga dea relat an se sooasa by is agen ocala abaned Sv aural Wace las feeder stems Nt opersted by the aw enorcementagenc. Please alee provde he nanberf made by ausue agente, daepheabe 6 Polis rlatod to ho sao of data ortheshanng 2 ae wth nova enforcement ators. iT apples, les provise al Spoerments balan Ing ageny ahd non’ enor stor 7. Polis garg overight of automatic ioante poe reader ysten ss 8 awa Rezone Plata alae prov da rsintnance and calbraton sched and vcond forthe aetrson fl 10 ny ether plies reports cn subj alaed-oauoratic lense sale ssader ysl use by she agency. ‘The requested ocumecte wl be ma valle oe genoa publ ares reqs no bei nad reesei Zap snaote ‘Tei | Downers l= sie Inthe evan thal Fw ae fs. [would be grates i yu wouinorm me ofthe tal charge vans filing my request. ‘ul prefer the raquast me let ental by "mal atachrrt # take GO-RON i ne. [Tonk str advan for yourannopale ceeperaonin tis mate. lock ward tn wesivra yorrraspores to ne que iin Susie aye, a ho salle requ, Sincere ave Mogae Fed via uckRac<ann Evil ¢Pefered): E0081 SoteN5 Gres sacarmncuuek en Uplosdaccumans ey: ysrwtucktou coro: ayk_jysnnegreon-pa ipa BRR Inet fte~vblbve: eranradeetie-ie und ht reboionpensine-mineg ee gas soprtme ODS el Feacenars Su Soginea teat Dd hanes Dt, Aeeenecednazeney ooh lethis onal creme won oona? Sarerhing alg wrong? Ue Me aes tnk lat us kn For mailed raspones, plate ars: srt uke Nowe DEP" Mk aca err AHighans Ave Some me 2160.2516 PLEASE NOTE: This equost snot fled bya Sukie tf member, bute bing a frags MusReck bythe abeve in oder to tit ck, seve, eed marae pe rcorderequte. Alo Roe tal npropetyadareead ih Pe eine’ mae at "a7 "Mokfuck Nowe" and he dase-inentsurien eqverie righ bo retired 20 unde abl, Bi Bude ‘Suppo Sarvcas Kanager Doser rove Palle apart nant 9 Buringlon sven Downers Gr ve. Gist fice BoU4i4-3616 Gunw'al 850-134-8500 ‘illpesrmai, google.com meutni0?ie=80o0 bTleviewepllisearch-alléce-rttcttreno-fe3A-€185193018 190th Justa Distt Atorney Trac Enforcement 17th ,uaicial Grou D-up Task Force. 2A Drug Task Force ‘32nd Judicial DltletAtomoy Offeo Abardeen Pole Department ‘Acworth Pole Depanmant ‘Aiigon Police Department aia Palka Dayenn ‘Alameda Police Cepertment ‘Alamosa Gounty Sheitta Departrent ‘Aleahol And Tobacco Tax And Trade Bureau Allen Pica Deparvent ‘Alma Poica Dopartmant American Canyon Police Denartment Aiioch Police Beparmunl CA Arapahoe Caunly Shor Ofiee ‘catia Palize Department ‘Arizona Department of Public Satety Amol Pol eparement ATF Natonal Account Alla City Itornlional Aiport (NU) ‘Aubum Police Daparirent CA. ‘Austin Regional Intoligence Carter 7X) ‘Acusa Police Department (CA) Bakara: Police Departnnt al Ground Potica Deparment arta Poca Department Basu Police Deparment Beachwood Police Beaumont Polixe Department Boll Gardens Pulow Department Bollovilo Police Department (NIP Date Creed: 12-11-18 = a Agency ; ‘Data Sharing Repart b. {[EAaN Agancy Data Sharing Report 26h dudicial Disret Drug Tas« Force Abbie Police Department ACIC fap) Adams County Sherif Office (45) ‘Adel Police Department _Atanea Gounly Naroolics Task Fores ‘Aamo Heights Tx PD ‘Nepatia Police Deperiment ALEA 1 ‘Allandale County Shere Dice Amberey Police Department (CH) [Ananoi Police Losartmont ‘Aragon Police Daportmant ‘Arcada Pol oe Department Ardsley Police Droartment : Arlngtr. Police Deoartment (TX) ‘Atascosa Gounty Constables Athert-Cierke Police Dupartmunt ‘Aubum Police Department ‘Austin Paton Denertment Avondsle Fates Pali Department Baker County Sheri Baldwin County Shari Ofc Banks County Shetits Office Bartow County Sherifs Ofte Fates PPD Beacon Patce Department Besauno’t Poke Dusan (FX) Bol Poics Departient elvadore Police Deperimant Paget of 19 fi Agen I Data Sharing Report i = ne Ban Hill County Sherifs Offce Bemards Tounstip Police Separtment Bexar Counly Gorstables (Dem) Einghamtan Police Department Biairsile Police Department Bloomiratiale Patice Dopartinont Bus Mound Poles Daparlment Blythe Poles Daparment Boene Couny Sherif OMlee Bossier City PU Bowdor Police Dapartment Bravovia Caunly Constables Office Brentwood Pace Department Brulge City Su le Departrent Branevile Police Department Bracks Caun'y Shans Ofice Buena Park Pole Deportent Fusloch County She Burbiank Polo Department (CA) Bulinylon Petia Ne fs Ofc Burr Reig Pubea Department ran Police Depsriment (CA Parole Aprrehension Team {CA} Calessieu Parish Sheri Offic Cathoun Sounty Sharifs Oca AL} Calumet Cty Pole Depariment ‘Camden County Police ment ‘Canton Township Paoe Deparbnent ‘Cape Girardeau Police Deparimet ‘Carrol County Shenfs Office Carrotton Poe Depsrtment TX Carlarsvile Poe Beparlnunt Benselam Townehip Police Department Bernardsvile Pole Department Bovotly His Plles Departmen Baxar County Sherifs Offoa 7) Binningham Police Deparment Bomold Poco Department (CT) Bloomingdale Folce Department IL: Blue Ridge Police Deparime Boca Raton Pole Department Boorse Paice Deparment Bossier Shorts Otice Branson Paice Departmen: Brea Police Department Brontwoorl Police Deparirienl CA Bristc!Towneh p Peleg Dapartment raokhaven Poline Denanment Broome County Sherits Ofice Buffalo Pole Department buverde Paes Department ‘utason Polioa Deportment ‘ume! Counky TX Law Enforcement fuller Police Danartment CA DOJ - Bureau of Firearms (CA) CAL FIRE Calhoun County Shentls Ofee CPaltorsia Franchise Tax Board (A) Camden County Ga Shetits Ofice Comden County Shorts Ofice Cape Coral Paice Department [anste Polke Capartsert Carlton Patios Dapartmart (arsor City Shoris Dept Carthage Polioa Dnpartmant Deve Cromtec: 1254-18 {LEARN Agaccy Cita Sharing Teper! Page 201 8 ro Casa Grande Police Depantmont cast tock Poles Department (Cayuga Heights Pal Deparment Cedar Hil PO Cedariown Potoe Deparirent Centervite Pol ce Doperimant CCharnblee Palice Department Catham County Sheris Offce (Cherokee County Sherif OMe Chicage Poles Dapartmant CHP Ceuntar-Teroism and Threat (CA Chula Vets Poioe Department Citrus Heights Police Departinat [ity Garvet Palos Department (ty of Pitan Palioa Deparment Cy af vitor Clackamas County Sheris Oca ‘Clayton County Police Dopariment ‘Clayton Pott Deparment (MO) ‘Clabums Polica Deparment ‘imax Poles Department ‘Cobb aunty Palos Negarment ‘Cack’ell Hl Police Deparment Collage Park Poze Department Cotier County Sherife OFtee {aerate Comets Dep Five Opsratons Colqult Palize Dopartment Curver Puls Department ‘Conacah Shentts Department Contra Costa County Cente GA Coryers Police Deparbnet Cookeville TH Poco Coral Gables Police Departement n pata Sharing Xin s ‘Case File Pole Department ‘athetal Cy Poloe Department : Cecil County Shots Ocw ‘Sear Yapids Police Deparmest Caner Paint Departmen: of Public Satety (AL) Chambersburg Police Department ‘Chandler Police Dupartment Chatlanouenas His Police (Chicago HIDTA tL) Chiro Patice Department Grnstian Sou Sher WO Cincinnati Poios Daparimen: (OH) City of Burleson Municipal Gout City of kiey City of fan Carls (CA) Cy of Whie Police Deparment Claremont Poles Deparment Clayton County Shesifs OMce layton Police Lepatnent CA Cleveland Putice Department GA Clovis Paes Duvarlmont ‘Cochran Police Department Conuite Police Beparment College Station Police Doparirant ating Potce Beperlment ‘Cn orado State Pato (20) ‘Comanche Nation Puce Department (OK) ‘Commerce City Pato Dopartmont Conve Poles Departmen: (Contra Gosta County Sheri Cook County States Atlomey (I) Coppell Paine Deparment Coral Springs Police Departinont ate Create 2-14-18 "LEARN Agancy Data hah Repo Page 3 of 19 ‘Corona Podce Deparment ‘County of San Mateo Sheds Ofte Cewala Counly Shsitis Office Crowley Police Department Cypress Pole» Dusartant UUslas Potioa Dayrtinent Dervile Potce Departmen: CA Daren Police Deparment Dest Patk Police Deparment Delaware Caunty Sharifs Offoa (CH) ‘Delia Regional Auto Thet Team (CA) Denton County Distt Allornoys Offi: TK) DDantun Police Department Department of Transparition - Phoeniz (AZ; Des Petes Poloe Deparment DFW Alport Dicki2eon Counly Shorts Ofc Dillard Police Depariment District 24 rag Task Ferce Donalsonuily Police Doparicnt Doravite Poise Department Douglas County Shari {50) Douglasville Police Dazertment 17th Drug Task F iil Ditict(TN) Dublin Patoe Department Dubin Police Dopartmenl OA. Dunwoody Potea Dapartmant Exst Chicago Police Department Enat Hertford Poica Department (CT) Esstohesiar Pole Oepastmen: Edinburg Polos Deperment Efingham County Sheriffs Office 1 Dorado County Shortt Date Cromten: 32-4448 Agency , Data Sharing Repq LEARN Agency Date S-arrg Report in ‘Costa Masa Police Depariment ‘covington Police Deparment ‘Sonata County Shari Offica CSU} ‘28U Fulton Patoa Dapartmant Dallas City Marshal (TX) Dallas Poise Department (Ga) (sph ia Potica Deparment Decatur Police Department Dekalb County Poco Department Delavare Stato Police (DE) : DemscrastPalce Nepanmien Danton, Goanly Shon Offlee DDupurlinin af Labor GIG (DOL O16) Department af Veterans Afters Pol DeSaio Police Department TX DHS uk Cash Smugging Contr Dickireon Palica Department Ditey Palon Department Poenun 2olne fheparkrent Dooly County Short Office Duatnan Pale Department Douglas County Snes OMe Downey Pals Deparimont Dryden Pace Department Dublin False Department (OH) Duluth Police Departient Dulewss: County Shit East Dualn Poice Department aot Rochester Palce Daparimant Echols Ceunty Sheri Offa Edwardsville Police Department El Cajon Palce Denartment (CA) 1 Pasa Police Deparment Page 4219 * Elgin Poco Bopartineat Ek Grova Vilage Pate Department) Emanuel County Sheri fice Erfield Polos Deparment (C7) Evergraen Pak Polos Doyen (L} std Patica Department Cr Fannin County Sharia Oe Fayette COTKSO Tayettovle Police Deparment Fradoral Way Pelica Department Fale County Sheris Offre Flint Police Depart Fossa Poice Departnont Fuku Pelice Depart Fert Bond CO TX Narcotics Task Force For Lauderdale Poice Deparment Feuntai Vly Pole Dogartment Trankir County Sheri Oe0 Fresno Poise Departinent Fula Poice Department Gainevile Poe Dapavtment Gatvestoa Ao The Teak Foran Gardena Pot Deparment ‘Geary Coury Sheil ‘sesige Pots Daperunt len Elyn Poice Department iL) Glendale Pebee Departmen AZ ‘Goa County Shem Orie (CA) (Grand Prato Pose Daparimont Granbile Police Departrert ‘Greece NY Police Daperiment Greene County sherifs Office Greenwien Police Desartment (CT) Date Cronted: 12-448 LEARN Agency Dota Svaring Report Page af 12 Rata: Sharing Répott | A era tes note Farmer Branch Police Department | pach oe fotan cry oot Fresway Safety Network - EAST BAY | rican onc cothivebateon | Coumscwetes see Grants Pas Departmen: of Pubic Satay Grapevine Polise Deneriment (TX) Greenb sgh Paice Deneriment Greenvile Police Department (NC) Gresham Pollea Deparment we ee ee or. 7 ie ay Agency Pay “Ei Data Sharing ReBork = I ‘itn Paice Deparment (IN) Grosse le Polos i (Grosse Pointe Park 2utie Safty Groton Polos Department Grundy Couny States Atlomay Office Guadalups County Constabios Guava na County Sher Offi {Gu Shares Poles Department Gulp Potce Dearest inne County PosceDeparimer (GA Fata Cou Shai Chic Hackensack Poor Bopari D Fayan Poti Depart Hail Caan She) Hanmond Face Crnsrimert Harton County Shei foe Deparment fan County Shei ice Hatem Poiee Depart tars County Ost te noys foo IT) Haris Canty Ses ce tod Poke Deperinest . Hawthome Poe tepatmet ijwate Pole esient Hendon Paice Ooparment Hndoomie Foes Deri Harmusa Beach Polics Department Hickey Hills Police Deparirvanl : IDA Conia Vey Cain Viglen Park Dep of Pbk Sey 1%) Fighond Foice Department ta County Vlage Pole Deparment titsor Poe Department ‘acura Gout Sars Oa tosis Foes Deparment Hvedla oie Daparirast Hiram Police Depantment Hogiansville Pohoe Department { ty Spngs Poe Neparet bo tywoed 2k Poice Deoatnent i valywond Poi Deparment Horcrlo Pelee Bepartnort Hormasiuad Potice Doparlmunt (PA) Husramoud Polics Dapariment | orc Hoo Deparment Moore Poice Oecarine ropisvile Poco Daparinent oaonPoce npr (7%) - ang Resch Poe Derren i | Iberils Pareh LA SO ce | i Mini Sinte alee BATTLE Tac Force L} Imi Conky RAgIALPRPogrin | , Inn Creve tage lira reigence Fusion Cee cm ' Indiana Sta Police Indinr apes Division Hemeland Security ! 1 Indianapolir Polis Department Inglewond Police Negartment (CA) i londeaiot ole Bepement te Polce Devanment . Inviing Police Department (TX) Invirton Police Departrent ' Inca Pots Departimont Jackson Court Starts Oe | Cale Cramted 1214-18 LEARN Agancy Dats Sharing Rapor Page 6 of

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