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Resource Allocation Under Channel Uncertainties for Relay-Aided Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying LTE-A Cellular Networks PDF

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Preview Resource Allocation Under Channel Uncertainties for Relay-Aided Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying LTE-A Cellular Networks

1 Resource Allocation Under Channel Uncertainties for Relay-Aided Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying LTE-A Cellular Networks Monowar Hasan, Ekram Hossain, and Dong In Kim Abstract—Device-to-device (D2D) communication in cellular In the context of D2D communication, it becomes a crucial networksallowsdirecttransmissionbetweentwocellulardevices issue to set up direct links between the D2D UEs while with local communication needs. Due to the increasing number 4 satisfying the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of tradi- ofautonomousheterogeneousdevicesinfuturemobilenetworks, 1 tional cellular UEs (CUEs) and the D2D UEs in the network. an efficient resource allocation scheme is required to maximize 0 networkthroughputandachievehigherspectralefficiency.Inthis In practice, the advantages of D2D communication may be 2 paper, performance of network-integrated D2D communication limiteddueto:i)longerdistance:thepotentialD2DUEsmay n under channel uncertainties is investigated where D2D traffic not be in near proximity; ii) poor propagation medium: the a is carried through relay nodes. Considering a multi-user and link condition between two D2D UEs may not be favourable; J multi-relay network, we propose a robust distributed solution iii) interference to and from CUEs: in a spectrum underlay 6 for resource allocation with a view to maximizing network sum- 2 rate when the interference from other relay nodes and the link system, D2D transmitters can cause severe interference to gains are uncertain. An optimization problem is formulated for other receiving nodes in the network and also the D2D ] allocating radio resources at the relays to maximize end-to- receivers may experience interference from other transmitting I end rate as well as satisfy the quality-of-service (QoS) require- N nodes.PartitioningtheavailablespectrumforitsusebyCUEs ments for cellular and D2D user equipments under total power and D2D UEs in a non-overlapping manner (i.e., overlay . constraint. Each of the uncertain parameters is modeled by a cs bounded distance between its estimated and bounded values. D2D communication) could be an alternative; however, this [ We show that the robust problem is convex and a gradient- would significantly reduce spectrum utilization [4], [5]. In aided dual decomposition algorithm is applied to allocate radio suchcases,network-assistedtransmissionthroughrelayscould 1 resources in a distributed manner. Finally, to reduce the cost enhance the performance of D2D communication when D2D v of robustness defined as the reduction of achievable sum-rate, 3 we utilize the chance constraint approach to achieve a trade- UEs are far away from each other and/or the quality of 8 off between robustness and optimality. The numerical results D2D communication channel is not good enough for direct 6 showthatthereisadistancethresholdbeyondwhichrelay-aided communication. 6 D2Dcommunicationsignificantlyimprovesnetworkperformance Unlike most of the existing work on D2D communication, . when compared to direct communication between D2D peers. 1 in this paper, we consider relay-assisted D2D communication 0 Index Terms—D2D communication, LTE-Advanced Layer 3 in LTE-A cellular networks where D2D pairs are served by 4 (L3)relay,robustworst-caseresourceallocation,uncertainchan- the relay nodes. In particular, we consider LTE-A Layer- 1 nel gain, ellipsoidal uncertainty set, chance constraint. 3 (L3) relays1. We concentrate on scenarios in which the : v proximity and link condition between the potential D2D UEs i X I. INTRODUCTION may not be favorable for direct communication. Therefore, they may communicate via relays. The radio resources at the r Device-to-device (D2D) communication enables wireless a relays(e.g.,resourceblocks[RBs]andtransmissionpower)are peer-to-peer services directly between user equipments (UEs) shared among the D2D communication links and the two-hop to facilitate high data rate local service as well as offload the cellular links using these relays. An use-case for such relay- traffic of cellular base station (i.e., Evolved Node B [eNB] aided D2D communication could be the machine-to-machine in an LTE-Advanced [LTE-A] network). By reusing the LTE- (M2M)communication[6]forsmartcities.Insuchacommu- A cellular resources, D2D communication enhances spectrum nication scenario, automated sensors (i.e., UEs) are deployed utilizationandimprovescellularcoverage.Inconjunctionwith within a macro-cell ranging a few city blocks; however, the traditional local voice and data services, D2D communication link condition and/or proximity between devices may not be opens up new opportunities for commercial applications, such favorable. Due to the nature of applications, these UEs are as proximity-based services, in particular social networking required to periodically transmit data [7]. Relay-aided D2D applications with content sharing features (i.e., exchanging communicationcouldbeanelegantsolutiontoprovidereliable photos, videos or documents through smart phones), local transmissionaswellasimproveoverallnetworkthroughputin advertisement, multi-player gaming and data flooding [1]–[3]. M. Hasan and E. Hossain are with the Department of Electrical and 1An L3 relay with self-backhauling configuration performs the same Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada (emails: operationasaneNBexceptthatithasalowertransmitpowerandasmaller monowar [email protected], [email protected]). D. I. Kim cellsize.Itcontrolscell(s)andeachcellhasitsowncellidentity.Therelay is with the School of Information and Communication Engineering at the transmitsitsowncontrolsignalsandtheUEsareabletoreceivescheduling SungkyunkwanUniversity(SKKU),Korea(email:[email protected]). informationdirectlyfromtherelaynode[27]. 2 TABLEI such a scenario. MATHEMATICALNOTATIONS Duetotime-varyingandrandomnatureofwirelesschannel, we formulate a robust resource allocation problem with an Notation Physicalinterpretation objective to maximizing the end-to-end rate (i.e., minimum N ={1,2,...,N} SetofavailableRBs achievable rate over two hops) for the UEs while maintaining L={1,2,...,L} Setofrelays the QoS (i.e., rate) requirements for cellular and D2D UEs ul AUEservedbyrelayl under total power constraint at the relay node. The link gains, Ul,|Ul| SetofUEsandtotalnumberofUEsservedby the interference among relay nodes and interference at the relayl,respectively receiving D2D UEs are not exactly known (i.e., estimated h(n) Directlinkgainbetweenthenodeiandj over i,j RBn with an additive error). The robust problem formulation is observed to be convex, and therefore, we apply a gradient- Ru(nl) End-to-enddatarateforul overRBn bnaosdeedwmitehthpoodlytonosmolivael cthoempprloebxlietym. Wdiestdriebmutoivnesltyraatetethaacthirnetlraoy- x(unl),Su(nl,)l RpoBwearllfoocrautilonoveinrdRicBatonr,raenspdecaticvteulayl transmit ducingrobustnesstodealwithchanneluncertaintiesaffectsthe Iu(nl,)l ARBggnregatedinterferenceexperiencedbyul over achievablenetworksum-rate.Toreducethecostofrobustness g(n) NominallinkgainvectoroverRBninhopi defined as the corresponding reduction of achievable sum- l,i g¯(n),gˆ(n) Estimatedanduncertain(i.e.,theboundederror) rate, we utilize the chance constraint approach to achieve l,i l,i linkgainvector,respectively,overRBninhop a trade-off between robustness and optimality by adjusting i some protection functions. We compare the performance of (cid:60)(gnl,)i,∆(gnl,)i Uncertaintysetandprotectionfunction,respec- our proposed method with an underlay D2D communication tively,forlinkgainoverRBninhopi sthceheamsseistwanhceereofthreelaDy2sD. TUheEsnucmoemrimcaulnriceasuteltsdisrheocwtlythwatitahfotuert (cid:60)(Inu)l,l,∆(Inu)l,l Ufenrecnecrteailnetvyels,erteasnpdecptirvoetleyc,tifoonrfuulncotvieornRoBfinnter- Ψ(n) Boundofuncertaintyinlinkgainforhopiover a distance threshold for the D2D UEs, relaying D2D traffic l,i RBn provides significant gain in achievable data rate. The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows: Υ(unl) BovoeurnRdBofnuncertaintyininterferencelevelforul • We analyze the performance of relay-assisted D2D com- (cid:107)y(cid:107)α Linearnormofvectorywithorderα municationunderuncertainsystemparameters.Theprob- (cid:107)y(cid:107)∗ Dualnormof(cid:107)y(cid:107) lem of RB and power allocation at the relay nodes abs{y} Absolutevalueofy for the CUEs and D2D UEs is formulated and solved A(j,:) j-throwofmatrixA for the globally optimal solution when perfect channel Λ(κt) Stepsizeforvariableκatiterationt gain information for the different links is available. As R∆ Reductionofachievablesum-rateduetouncer- tainty opposedtomostoftheresourceallocationschemesinthe Θ(n) Threshold probability of violating interference literaturewhereonlyasingleD2Dlinkisconsidered,we l,i constraintforRBninhopi consider multiple D2D links along with multiple cellular links that are supported by relay nodes. SΘl(,ni)(R∆) SensitivityofR∆ inhopioverRBn • Assumingthattheperfectchannelinformationisunavail- able, we formulate a robust resource allocation problem for relay-assisted D2D communication under uncertain II. RELATEDWORKANDMOTIVATION channel information in both the hops and show that the AlthoughresourceallocationforD2Dcommunicationinfu- convexity of the robust formulation is maintained. We ture generation orthogonal frequency-division multiple access propose a distributed algorithm with a polynomial time (OFDMA)-based wireless networks is one of the active areas complexity. ofresearch,thereareveryfewworkwhichconsiderrelaysfor • The cost of robust resource allocation is analyzed. In D2D communication. A resource allocation scheme based on order to achieve a balance between the network perfor- a column generation method is proposed in [4] to maximize manceandrobustness,weprovideatrade-offmechanism. the spectrum utilization by finding the minimum transmission The rest of this paper is organized as follows. A review of length (i.e., time slots) for D2D links while protecting the the related work and motivation of this work are presented in cellularusersfrominterferenceandguaranteeingQoS.In[8],a Section II. In Section III, we present the system model and greedyheuristic-basedresourceallocationschemeisproposed assumptions. In Section IV, we formulate the RB and power for both uplink and downlink scenarios where a D2D pair allocationproblemforthenominal(i.e.,non-robust)case.The sharesthesameresourceswithCUEonlyiftheachievedSINR robustresourceallocationproblemisformulatedinSectionV. is greater than a given SINR requirement. A new spectrum In order to allocate resources efficiently, we propose a robust sharingprotocolforD2Dcommunicationoverlayingacellular distributed algorithm and discuss the robustness-optimality network is proposed in [9], which allows the D2D users trade-off in Section VI. The performance evaluation results to communicate bi-directionally while assisting the two-way arepresentedinSectionVIIandfinallyweconcludethepaper communicationsbetweentheeNBandtheCUE.Theresource in Section VIII. The key mathematical notations used in the allocationproblemforD2Dcommunicationunderlayingcellu- paper are listed in Table I. larnetworksisaddressedin[10].In[11],theauthorsconsider 3 relayselectionandresourceallocationforuplinktransmission calculations to solve. To avoid this difficulty, the robust inLTE-Advanced(LTE-A)networkswithtwoclassesofusers problem is converted to a convex optimization problem and having different (i.e., specific and flexible) rate requirements. solved in a traditional way. Although not in the context of The objective is to maximize system throughput by satisfying D2D communication, there have beena few work considering the rate requirements for the rate-constrained users while resource allocation under uncertainties in the radio links. One confining the transmit power within a power-budget. of the first contributions dealing with channel uncertainties is Although D2D communication was initially proposed to [21]wheretheauthormodelsthetime-varyingcommunication relayusertraffic[12],notmanyworkconsiderusingrelaysin for single-access and multiple-access channels without feed- D2D communication. To the best of our knowledge, relay- back.ForanOFDMAsystem,theresourceallocationproblem assisted D2D communication was first introduced in [13] under channel uncertainty for a cognitive radio (CR) base where the relay selection problem for D2D communication station communicating with multiple CR mobile stations is underlayingcellularnetworkwasstudied.Theauthorspropose considered in [22] for downlink communication. Two robust a distributed relay selection method for relay assisted D2D power control schemes are developed in [23] for a CR net- communication system which firstly coordinates the interfer- work with cooperative relays. In [24], a robust power control ence caused by the coexistence of D2D system and cellular algorithm is proposed for a CR network to maximize the network and eliminates improper relays correspondingly. Af- social utility defined as the network sum rate. A robust worst- terwards, the best relay is chosen among the optional relays case interference control mechanism is provided in [25] to using a distributed method. In [14], the authors consider maximize rate while keeping the interference to primary user D2D communication for relaying UE traffic toward the eNB below a threshold. and deduce a relay selection rule based on the interference Taking the advantage of L3 relays supported by the 3GPP constraints. In [15], [16], the maximum ergodic capacity and standard, in our earlier work [26], we studied the perfor- outage probability of cooperative relaying are investigated in mance of network-assisted D2D communications assuming relay-assisted D2D communication considering power con- the availability of perfect CSI and showed that relay-aided straintsattheeNB.Thenumericalresultsshowthatmulti-hop D2D communication provides significant performance gain relaying lowers the outage probability and improves cell edge for long distance D2D links. In this paper, we extend the throughputcapacitybyreducingtheeffectofinterferencefrom work utilizing the theory of worst-case robust optimization to the CUE. maximize the end-to-end data rate under link uncertainties for In all of the above cited work, it has generally been theUEswithminimumQoSrequirementswhileprotectingthe assumed that complete system information (e.g., channel state other receiving relay nodes and D2D UEs from interference. information [CSI]) is available to the network nodes, which is To make the robust formulation more tractable and obtain a unrealistic for a practical system. Uncertainty in the CSI (in near-optimal solution for satisfying all the constraints in the particularthechannelqualityindicator[CQI]inanLTE-Asys- nominal problem, we apply the notion of protection function tem) can be modeled by sum of estimated CSI (i.e., the nom- instead of uncertainty set. inal value) and some additive error (the uncertain element). Accordingly,byusingrobustoptimizationtheory,thenominal III. SYSTEMMODELANDASSUMPTIONS optimization problem (i.e., the optimization problem without A. Network Model considering uncertainty) is mapped to another optimization problem (i.e., the robust problem). To tackle uncertainty, two A relay node in LTE-A is connected to the radio ac- approaches have commonly been used in robust optimization cess network (RAN) through a donor eNB with a wireless theory. First, the Bayesian approach (Chapter 6.4 in [17]) connection and serves both the cellular and D2D UEs. Let considers the statistical knowledge of errors and satisfies the L={1,2,...,L}denotethesetoffixed-locationLayer3(L3) optimizationconstraintsinaprobabilisticmanner.Second,the relays in the network as shown in Fig. 1. The system band- worst-case approach (Chapter 6.4 in [17], [18]) assumes that width is divided into N RBs denoted by N = {1,2,...,N} theerror(i.e.,uncertainty)isboundedinaclosedsetcalledthe which are used by all the relays in a spectrum underlay uncertainty set and satisfies the constraints for all realizations fashion. When the link condition between two D2D peers is oftheuncertaintyinthatset.AlthoughtheBayesianapproach too poor for direct communication, scheduling and resource has been widely used in the literature (e.g., in [19], [20]), the allocation for the D2D UEs can be done in a relay node (i.e., worst-case approach is more appropriate due to the fact that L3 relay) and the D2D traffic can be transmitted through that it satisfies the constraints in all error instances. By applying relay. We refer to this as relay-aided D2D communication the worst-case approach, the size of the uncertainty set can whichcanbeanefficientapproachtoprovidebetterquality-of- be obtained from the statistics of error. As an example, the service (QoS) for communication between distant D2D UEs. uncertainty set can be defined by a probability distribution The CUEs and D2D pairs constitute set C ={1,2,...,C} function of uncertainty in such a way that all realizations and D = {1,2,...,D}, respectively, where the D2D pairs of uncertainty remain within the uncertainty set with a given are discovered during the D2D session setup. We assume that probability. the CUEs are outside the coverage region of eNB and/or Applying robustness brings in new variables in the opti- having bad channel condition, and therefore, the CUE-eNB mizationproblem,whichmaychangethenominalformulation communications need to be supported by the relays. Besides, to a non-convex optimization problem and require excessive direct communication between two D2D UEs requires the 4 The unit power SINR for the link between relay l and eNB for CUE (i.e., u ∈{C∩U }) in the second hop is as follows: l l h(n) γ(n) = l,eNB . (2) L3 relay l,ul,2 (cid:88) P(n)g(n) +σ2 j,uj j,eNB ∀uj∈{D∩Uj},j(cid:54)=l,j∈L eNB L3 relay Similarly, the unit power SINR for the link between relay l and receiving D2D UE for the D2D-pair (i.e., u ∈{D∩U }) l l in the second hop can be written as L3 relay h(n) γ(n) = l,ul . (3) Cellular UE l,ul,2 (cid:88) P(n)g(n) +σ2 j,uj j,ul D2D UE ∀uj∈Uj,j(cid:54)=l,j∈L Fig.1. Asinglecellwithmultiplerelaynodes.WeassumethattheCUE-eNB In (1)–(3), P(n) is the transmit power in the link between i i,j linksareunfavourablefordirectcommunicationandtheyneedtheassistance and j over RB n, σ2 =N B where B is bandwidth of of relays. The D2D UEs are also supported by the relay nodes due to long 0 RB RB distanceand/orpoorlinkconditionbetweenpeers. anRB,andN0 denotesthermalnoise.h(l,ne)NB isthegaininthe relay-eNBlinkandh(n) isthegaininthelinkbetweenrelayl l,ul and receiving D2D UE corresponding to the D2D transmitter assistance of a relay node. We assume that association of UE u . l the UEs (both cellular and D2D) to the corresponding relays The achievable data rate for u in the first hop can be areperformedbeforeresourceallocation.TheUEsassistedby expressed as r(n) = B log (cid:16)1l+P(n)γ(n) (cid:17). Note that, relay l are denoted by ul. The set of UEs assisted by relay l ul,1 RB 2 ul,l ul,l,1 (cid:83) this rate expression is valid under the assumption of Gaussian is U such that U ⊆{C∪D},∀l ∈L, U ={C∪D}, and (cid:84) Ul =∅. l l l (and spectrally white) interference which holds for a large l l number of interferers. Similarly, the achievable data rate in We assume that during a certain time instance, only one (cid:16) (cid:17) the second hop is r(n) = B log 1+P(n)γ(n) . Since relay-eNB link is active in the second hop to carry CUEs’ ul,2 RB 2 l,ul l,ul,2 data (i.e., transmissions of relays to the eNB in the second we are considering a two-hop communication, the end-to-end hop are orthogonal in time). Scheduling of the relays for data rate for ul on RB n is half of the minimum achievable transmissioninthesecondhopisdonebytheeNB.2 However, data rate over two hops [28], i.e., multiple relays can transmit to their corresponding D2D UEs 1 (cid:110) (cid:111) in the second hop. Note that, in the first hop, the transmission R(n) = min r(n) ,r(n) . (4) ul 2 ul,1 ul,2 between a UE (i.e., either CUE or D2D UE) and relay can be considered an uplink communication. In second hop, the transmission between a relay and the eNB can be considered IV. RESOURCEBLOCK(RB)ANDPOWERALLOCATIONIN an uplink communication from the perspective of the eNB RELAYNODES whereas the transmission from a relay to a D2D UE can A. Formulation of the Nominal Resource Allocation Problem be considered as a downlink communication. In our system model, taking advantage of the capabilities of L3 relays, For each relay, the objective of radio resource (i.e., RB scheduling and resource allocation for the UEs is performed and transmit power) allocation is to obtain the assignment of in the relay nodes to reduce the computation load at the eNB. RB and power level to the UEs that maximizes the system capacity,whichisdefinedastheminimumachievabledatarate overtwohops.Letthemaximumallowabletransmitpowerfor B. Achievable Data Rate UE (relay) is Pmax (Pmax). The RB allocation indicator is a ul l We denote by h(i,nj) the direct link gain between node i and binary decision variable x(unl) ∈{0,1}, where j over RB n. The interference link gain between relay (UE) (cid:40) i(realnady)UjEis(rneloatya)sjsoocviaetredRBwinthirseldaeyno(UteEd)biy. Tgih(,nje)uwnhiterpeowUeEr xu(nl) = 10,, iofthReBrwniseis. assigned to UE ul (5) SINR for the link between UE u ∈U and relay l using RB l l n in the first hop is given by (cid:88)N Let R = x(n)R(n) denotes the achievable sum-rate over ul ul ul h(n) n=1 γ(n) = ul,l . (1) allocated RB(s) and let the QoS (i.e., rate) requirements for ul,l,1 (cid:88) P(n)g(n) +σ2 UEu isdenotedbyQ .ConsideringthatthesameRB(s)will uj,j uj,l l ul ∀uj∈Uj,j(cid:54)=l,j∈L be used by the relay in both the hops (i.e., for communication betweenrelayandeNBandbetweenrelayandD2DUEs),the 2SchedulingofrelaynodesbytheeNBisoutofthescopeofthispaper. resourceallocationproblemforeachrelayl∈Lcanbestated 5 as follows: interference threshold in the first hop, each UE u associated l (P1) max (cid:88) (cid:88)N x(n)R(n) twhiethotrheelaryrenloadyesalnodbttahienscothrreersepfoenrednincgeuchsearnnue∗llagsasioncgia(tne)dwfiothr x(unl),Pu(nl,)l,Pl(,nu)l ul∈Uln=1 ul ul ∀n according to the following equation: u∗l,l,1 (cid:88) subject to x(n) ≤ 1, ∀n∈N (6a) ul ul∈Ul N n(cid:88)=1x(unl)Pu(nl,)l ≤ Pumlax, ∀ul ∈Ul (6b) u∗l =argmj ax gu(nl,)j, ul ∈Ul,j (cid:54)=l,j ∈L. (7) N (cid:88) (cid:88)x(n)P(n) ≤ Pmax (6c) ul l,ul l ul∈Uln=1 (cid:88) x(n)P(n)g(n) ≤ I(n), ∀n∈N (6d) Similarly, in the second hop, for each relay l, the transmit ul ul,l u∗l,l,1 th,1 power will be adjusted accordingly considering interference ul∈Ul (cid:88) x(unl)Pl(,nu)lgl(,nu)∗l,2 ≤ It(hn,)2, ∀n∈N (6e) irneltaroyds)ucceodnstiodetrhiengretcheeivcionrgreDsp2oDndUinEgsc(haasnsnoecliagtaeidnwgl(i,tnuh)∗,o2thfoerr ul∈Ul ∀n where the reference user is obtained by l R ≥ Q , ∀u ∈U (6f) ul ul l l P(n) ≥ 0, P(n) ≥ 0, ∀n∈N,u ∈U (6g) ul,l l,ul l l where the rate of u over RB n l R(n) = 1minBRBlog2(cid:16)1+Pu(nl,)lγu(nl,)l,1(cid:17), u∗l =argumjax gl(,nu)j, j (cid:54)=l,j ∈L,uj ∈{D∩Uj}. (8) ul 2 BRBlog2(cid:16)1+Pl(,nu)lγl(,nu)l,2(cid:17) and the unit power SINR for the first hop, From (4), the maximum data rate for UE u over RB n is l γ(n) = h(unl,)l asecchoienvdedhowph,etnhePup(nlo,)lwγeu(nrl,)l,a1llo=catPedl(,nu)lfγolr(,nu)Ul,2E. Tuh,erPefore,ciannthbee ul,l,1 I(n) +σ2 l l,ul ul,l,1 expressed as a function of power allocated for transmission and the unit power SINR for the second hop, in the first hop, Pul,l as follows: Pl(,nu)l = γγu((nnl,))l,1Pu(nl,)l. Hence  h(n) the data rate for u over RB n can be exprels,suel,d2 as  I(n)l,eN+Bσ2, ul ∈{C∩Ul} l γ(n) = l,ul,2 l,ul,2  I(n)h(l,nu+)l σ2, ul ∈{D∩Ul}. R(n) = 1B log (cid:16)1+P(n)γ(n) (cid:17). (9) l,ul,2 ul 2 RB 2 ul,l ul,l,1 IntheaboveI(n) andI(n) denotetheinterferencereceived ul,l,1 l,ul,2 by u over RB n in the first and second hop, respectively, and l are given as follows: I(n) = (cid:88) x(n)P(n)g(n) ul,l,1 uj uj,j uj,l ∀uj∈Uj,j(cid:54)=l,j∈L I(n) =  ∀uj∈{D∩(cid:88)Uj},j(cid:54)=l,j∈Lx(unj)Pj(,nu)jgj(,ne)NB, ul ∈{C∩Ul}B. Continuous Relaxation and Reformulation l,ul,2  (cid:88) x(unj)Pj(,nu)jgj(,nu)l, ul ∈{D∩Ul}. ∀uj∈Uj,j(cid:54)=l,j∈L Withtheconstraintin(6a),eachRBisassignedtoonlyone TheoptimizationproblemP1isamixed-integernon-linear UE. With the constraints in (6b) and (6c), the transmit power program (MINLP) which is computationally intractable. A is limited by the maximum power budget. The constraints in common approach to tackle this problem is to relax the (6d) and (6e) limit the amount of interference introduced to constraint that an RB is used by only one UE by using the the other relays and the receiving D2D UEs in the first and time-sharing factor [30]. Thus x(unl) ∈ (0,1] is represented as second hop, respectively, to be less than some threshold. The thesharingfactorwhereeachx(unl) denotestheportionoftime constraint in (6f) ensures the minimum QoS requirements for that RB n is assigned to UE ul and satisfies the constraint (cid:88) the CUE and D2D UEs. The constraint in (6g) is the non- x(n) ≤ 1, ∀n. Besides, we introduce a new variable ul negativity condition for transmit power. ul∈Ul Similar to [29], the concept of reference node is adopted S(n) =x(n)P(n) which denotes the actual transmit power of ul,l ul ul,l here. For example, to allocate the power level considering the UE u on RB n [31]. Then the relaxed problem can be stated l 6 as(Pfo2ll)ows: where θu(nl,)l = (cid:16)x(unl)ωu(nlS)u(+nlS,)lu(γnlu(,)nll,γ)lu,(1nl,)l,1(cid:17)ln2. Proof: See Appendix A. max (cid:88) (cid:88)N 1x(n)B log (cid:32)1+ Su(nl,)lh(unl,)l,1(cid:33) Proposition1. ThepowerandRBallocationobtainedby(11) x(unl),Su(nl,)l,ωu(nl) ul∈Uln=12 ul RB 2 x(unl)ωu(nl) and(12)isagloballyoptimalsolutiontotheoriginalproblem subject to (cid:88) x(n) ≤ 1, ∀n (10a) P1. ul ul∈Ul Proof:SinceP2isaconstraint-relaxedversionofP1,the (cid:88)N S(n) ≤ Pmax,∀u (10b) solution(cid:16)x(unl)∗,Pu(nl,)l∗(cid:17)givesanupperboundtotheobjective ul,l ul l of P1. Besides, since x(n)∗ satisfies the binary constraints in (cid:88) (cid:88)N hh(u(nnnl,))=l,11Su(nl,)l ≤ Plmax (10c) aPls1o, g(cid:16)ixv(uenls)∗a,lPouw(nl,e)lr∗(cid:17)bosuantidusl.fies all constraints in P1 and hence ul∈Uln=1 l,ul,2 In the above problem formulation it is assumed that each (cid:88) Sn g(n) ≤ I(n), ∀n (10d) of the relays and D2D UEs has the perfect information about ul,l u∗l,l,1 th,1 the experienced interference. Also, the channel gains between ul∈Ul (cid:88) h(unl,)l,1S(n)g(n) ≤ I(n), ∀n (10e) trheleayrse)laayreaknndowthnetooththeer rUelEasy.(Hasoswoceivaetre,deswtiimthatninegigthhbeouexriancgt ul∈Ul h(l,nu)l,2 ul,l l,u∗l,2 th,2 values of link gains is not easy in practice. To deal with the (cid:88)N 1x(n)B log (cid:32)1+ Su(nl,)lh(unl,)l,1(cid:33) ≥ Q , ∀u (10f) uronbcuesrttaoinpttiiemsiiznattihoenemsteitmhoatded[3v3a]l.ues, we apply the worst-case 2 ul RB 2 x(n)ω(n) ul l n=1 ul ul S(n) ≥ 0, ∀n,u (10g) V. ROBUSTRESOURCEALLOCATION ul,l l A. Formulation of Robust Problem I(n) +σ2 ≤ ω(n),∀n,u (10h) ul,l ul l Let the vector of link gains between relay l and other where ω(n) is an auxiliary variable for u over RB n and transmitting UEs (associated with other relays, i.e., for ∀j ∈ let I(n) u=l max(cid:110)I(n) ,I(n) (cid:111). The dulality gap of any L,j (cid:54)= l) in the first hop over RB n be denoted by gl(,n1) = optimuilz,lation problemuls,al,t1isfyl,iunlg,2the time sharing condition is (cid:104)g1(n∗,)l,1, g2(n∗,)l,1,··· , g|(Unl)|∗,l,1(cid:105),where|Ul|isthetotalnumber negligible as the number of RB becomes significantly large. of UEs associated with relay l. Similarly, the vector of link Our optimization problem satisfies the time-sharing condition gains between relay l and receiving D2D UEs (associated andhencethesolutionoftherelaxedproblemisasymptotically with other relays) in the second hop over RB n is given by (cid:104) (cid:105) optimal [32]. Since the objective function is concave, the g(n) = g(n) , g(n) ,··· , g(n) . constraintin(10f)isconvex,andalltheremainingconstraints l,2 l,1∗,2 l,2∗,2 l,|Ul|∗,2 We assume that the link gains and the aggregated interfer- are affine, the optimization problem P2 is convex. Due to ence (i.e., I(n), ∀n,u and elements of g(n),g(n), ∀n) are convexity of the optimization problem P2, there exists a ul,l l l,1 l,2 unknown but are bounded in a region (i.e., uncertainty set) unique optimal solution. with a given probability. For example, the channel gain in Statement 1. (a) The power allocation for UE ul over RB n the first hop is bounded in (cid:60)(gnl,)1, with estimated value g¯l(,n1) is given by and the bounded error gˆ(n), i.e., g(n) = g¯(n) + gˆ(n), and l,1 l,1 l,1 l,1 Pu(nl,)l∗ = Sxu((nnl,))l∗∗ =(cid:34)δu(nl,)l− hω(nu(n)l) (cid:35)+ (11) ggll((,,nn11)).∈Sim(cid:60)(ginlla,)1r,ly∀,nle∈t(cid:60)N(gnl,,)2w, h∀enrebe(cid:60)t(ghnle,)1uinscethrteaiunntycesretatifnotrythseetlifnokr ul ul,l,1 gains in the second hop and (cid:60)(n) , ∀n,u be the uncertainty where δ(n) = 12BRB(1+lnλ2ul) and set for interference level. Iul,l l [(cid:15)]+ =mualx,l{(cid:15),0}.ρul+hh(l(u,nnlu)),ll,,21νl+gu(n∗l),l,1ψn+hh(u(l,nnlu)),ll,,12gl(,nu)∗l,2ϕn rnaotmIenientxhaplerpefrososrbimolenumla[tiif.oeon.r,moeufqlaurtoaibtoiunos.ntAp(l9rto)h]boluaegsmh,thdweeealoiunntegiliwzuesiethadssiiinmmiitllhaaerr utilityfunction(i.e.,rateequation)forbothnominalandrobust (b) The RB allocation is determined as follows: problems is quite common in literature (e.g., in [22], [23],  [25]), when perfect channel information is not available to x(n)∗ =1, µn ≤χ(unl,)l (12) receiver nodes, the rate obtained by (9) actually approximates ul 0, µ >χ(n) the achievable rate 3 The solution to P2 is robust against n ul,l uncertainties if and only if for any realization of g(n) ∈ l,1 and χ(n) is defined as ul,l 3Accordingtoinformation-theoreticcapacityanalysis,inpresenceofchan- χ(unl,)l = 12(1+λul)BRB(cid:20)log2(cid:18)1+ Sxu(nl(un,)ll)hω(unu(lnl),l),1(cid:19)−θu(nl,)l(cid:21) namreealthugenimvceeanrtitcabainyltiteerqsacutaaattbioitlhnietsy,r(e4wc6ee)ivraeenrs,dortth(4et9o)lo(iw9n)er[t2oa1n]cd,alrcueupslppaeetecrtitbvhoeeluyna.dcHshioeowvfaebtvhleeer,drafaottear (13) rateinboththenominalandrobustproblemformulations. 7 (cid:60)(n),g(n) ∈ (cid:60)(n), and I(n) ∈ (cid:60)(n) , the optimal solution B. Uncertainty Set and Protection Function sagtil,s1fiesl,t2he congslt,r2aints inu(1l,0ld), (1I0uel),l, and (10h). Therefore, From P3, the optimization problem is impacted by the the robust counterpart of P2 is represented as uncertainty sets (cid:60)(n),(cid:60)(n), and (cid:60)(n) . To obtain the robust formulation, we cgol,n1sidegrl,2that theIuul,nlcertainty sets for the (P3) uncertainparametersarebasedonthedifferencesbetweenthe max (cid:88) (cid:88)N 1x(n)B log (cid:32)1+ Su(nl,)lh(unl,)l,1(cid:33) aucntcuearlta(iin.ety.,)uvnaclueretsa.inT)haenseddnioffmerinenalce(si.ec.a,nwbitehomuattchoenmsaidtiecrailnlgy x(unl),Su(nl,)l,ωu(nl) ul∈Uln=12 ul RB 2 x(unl)ωu(nl) represented by general norms [34]. For example, the uncer- tainty sets for channel gain in the first and second hops for subject to (10a), (10b), (10c), (10d), ∀n∈N are given by (10e), (10f), (10g), (10h) and g(n) ∈(cid:60)(n), g(n) ∈ (cid:60)(n), ∀n (14a) (cid:60)(n) = (cid:26)g(n)|(cid:107)M(n) ·(cid:16)g(n)−g¯(n)(cid:17)T (cid:107)≤Ψ(n)(cid:27) (15a) l,1 gl,1 l,2 gl,2 gl,1 l,1 gl,1 l,1 l,1 l,1 Iu(nl,)l ∈ (cid:60)(Inul),l, ∀n,∀ul (cid:60)(n) = (cid:26)g(n)|(cid:107)M(n) ·(cid:16)g(n)−g¯(n)(cid:17)T (cid:107)≤Ψ(n)(cid:27) (15b) (14b) gl,2 l,2 gl,2 l,2 l,2 l,2 wheretheconstraintsin(14a)and(14b)representtherequire- where (cid:107) · (cid:107) denotes the general norm, Ψ(n) and Ψ(n) l,1 l,2 ments for the robustness of the solution. represent the bound on the uncertainty set; g(n), g(n) are the l,1 l,2 Proposition2. When(cid:60)(gnl,)1,(cid:60)(gnl,)2,and(cid:60)Iul,l arecompactand actual and g¯l(,n1), g¯l(,n2) are the estimated (i.e., nominal) channel convex sets, P3 is a convex optimization problem. gain vectors; M(gnl,)1 and M(gnl,)2 are the invertible R|Ul|×|Ul| Proof: The uncertainty constraints in (10d), (10e), and weight matrices for the first and second hop, respectively. (10h) are satisfied if and only if Likewise, the uncertainty set for the experienced interference is expressed as max (cid:88) S(n)g(n) ≤I(n), ∀n gl(,n1)∈(cid:60)(gnl,)1ul∈Ul ul,l u∗l,l,1 th,1 (cid:60)(Inul),l =(cid:110)Iu(nl,)l|(cid:107)MI(unl),l ·(cid:16)Iu(nl,)l−I¯u(nl,)l(cid:17)(cid:107)≤Υ(unl)(cid:111) (16) max (cid:88) h(unl,)l,1S(n)g(n) ≤I(n), ∀n where I(n) and I¯(n) are the actual and estimated interference gl(,n2)∈(cid:60)(gnl,)2ul∈IU(ln)hm∈(l,an(cid:60)ux)(ln,2) Iuu(lnl,l,)ll+,u∗lσ,22 ≤ωtu(hnl,2), ∀n,ul lΥev(unel)ls,isrutehls,epleucptipveerluybl;,oluthnedvoanritahbeleunMceI(runtla),lintdyensoett.es weight and ul,l Iul,l In the proof of Proposition 2, the terms which is equivalent to ∆(n) = max (cid:88) S(n)(cid:16)g(n) −g¯(n) (cid:17) (17a) u(cid:88)l∈UlSgu(l(n,nl1m,))l∈g¯a(cid:60)u(xn∗l(gn),ll,)1,1u(cid:88)l∈+UlSu(nl,)l(cid:16)gu(n∗l),l,1−g¯u(n∗l),l,1(cid:17) ≤It(hn,)1, ∀n ∆∆(ng(gnll),,)12 == ggll((,,nn12m))m∈∈a(cid:60)(cid:60)axxg(g(nnll,,))12uu(cid:88)(cid:16)ll∈∈IUU(lln)hhl(u(u−,nnlul)),,lllI,,¯21(Sn)uu((cid:17)nl∗l,),ll,(cid:16)1gl(,nu)∗lu,2∗l,−l,1g¯l(,nu)∗l,2(((cid:17)1177bc)) (cid:88) h(unl,)l,1S(n)g¯(n) + Iul,l Iu(nl,)l∈(cid:60)(Inu)l,l ul,l ul,l ul∈Ul h(l,nu)l,2 ul,l l,u∗l,2 are called protection functions for constraint (10d), (10e), max (cid:88) h(unl,)l,1S(n)(cid:16)g(n) −g¯(n) (cid:17) ≤I(n), ∀n adnedpen(1d0sh)o,nretshpeecutnivceelryt,aiwnhpoasreamvaeltueres.(iU.es.,inpgrottheectipornotvecatliuoen) gl(,n2)∈(cid:60)(gnl,)2ul∈Ul h(l,nu)l,2 ul,l l,u∗l,2 l,u∗l,2 th,2 function, the optimization problem can be rewritten as (cid:16) (cid:17) I¯u(nl,)l+Iu(nl,)ml∈a(cid:60)xIu(nl,)l Iu(nl,)l−I¯u(nl,)l +σ2 ≤ωu(nl), ∀n,ul. (P4) max (cid:88) (cid:88)N 1x(n)B log (cid:32)1+ Su(nl,)lh(unl,)l,1(cid:33) funScitniocen (tSheectmioanx3.f2u.n4citnio[n17o]v),ercoanvceoxnitvyexofstehte ipsroablecmonvPe3x xu(nl),Su(nl,)l,ωu(nl) ul∈Uln=12 ul RB 2 x(unl)ωu(nl) subject to (10a), (10b), (10c), (10f), (10g) and is conserved. The problem P2 is the nominal problem of P3 where it is (cid:88) Su(nl,)lg¯u(n∗l),l,1+∆(gnl,)1 ≤ It(hn,)1, ∀n (18a) assumedthattheperfectchannelstateinformationisavailable, ul∈Ul it.hee.,itnhceluessitoimnaotefduvnacleuretsaianrteycionns(i1d0edr)e,d(a1s0ee)x,acatndval(u1e0sh.)W, tihthe (cid:88) hh((unnl,))l,1Su(nl,)lg¯l(,nu)∗l,2+∆(gnl,)2 ≤ It(hn,)2, ∀n (18b) constraints in the optimization problem P3 are still affine. In ul∈Ul l,ul,2 order to express the constraints in closed-form (i.e., to avoid I¯(n) +∆(n) +σ2 ≤ ω(n),∀n,u (18c) using the uncertainty set), in the following, we utilize the ul,l Iul,l ul l nseott.ion of protection function [33], [34] instead of uncertainty awndhe(r1e7c∆),(gnrl,e)1s,p∆ec(gntli,)v2,elayn.d ∆(Inul),l are defined by (17a), (17b), 8 Proposition 3. The protection functions for the uncertainty 1 . In addition, since the channel uncertainties are random, ajj sets represented by general norms [i.e., by (15a), (15b), and a commonly used approach is to represent the uncertainty set (16)] are by an ellipsoid, i.e., the linear norm with α = 2 so that the ∆(gnl,)1 =Ψ(l,n1) (cid:107)M(gnl,)1−1·(cid:16)S(l,n1)(cid:17)T (cid:107)∗ (19a) dpuroabllenmormP5istuarnlsinteoarancoonrmic qwuiathdraβtic=pr2og[r3a7m],m[i3n8g].prHoebnlecme, ∆(gnl,)2 =Ψ(l,n2) (cid:107)M(gnl,)2−1·(cid:16)H(ln)·S(l,n1)(cid:17)T (cid:107)∗ (19b) [a3id9e].dIanlgoorrditehrmtoissodlevveelPop5edefifincitehnetlfyo,llaowdiisntgribsuectetidong.radient- ∆(n) =Υ(n) (cid:107)M(n) −1·I(n) (cid:107)∗ (19c) Iul,l ul Iul,l ul,l VI. ROBUSTDISTRIBUTEDALGORITHM (cid:104) (cid:105) where S(n) = S(n), S(n),··· , S(n) , H(n) = A. Algorithm Development (cid:20)h(1n,l),1, h(2n,l)l,1,1,··· , h(|Unl)|,l1,1,l(cid:21) an2d,l(cid:107) · (cid:107)∗ is|Utlh|e,l dual nlorm of Statement 2. (a) The optimal power allocation for ul over h(n) h(n) h(n) RB n is given by the following water-filling equation: l,1,2 l,2,2 l,|Ul|,2 (cid:107)·(cid:107). the uPncroeortfa:inUtysinsegtt(h1e5ae)xpbreecsosmioenswl(,n1) = M(gnl,)1·(cid:16)gΨ¯l((l,n,n11))−gl(,n1)(cid:17)T, Pu(nl,)l∗ = Sxu(u(nnll,))l∗∗ =(cid:34)δu(nl,)l− hω(unu(ln,)ll),1(cid:35)+ (23) (cid:110) (cid:111) where δ(n) is found by (24). (cid:60)(n) = w(n)|(cid:107)w¯(n)−w(n) (cid:107)≤1 , ∀n. (20) ul,l gl,1 l,1 l,1 l,1 (b)TheRBallocationforul overRBnisobtainedby(12). Besides, the protection function (17a) can be rewritten as Proof: See Appendix B. max (cid:88) S(n)(cid:16)g(n) −g¯(n) (cid:17) Based on Statement 2, we utilize a gradient-based method gl(,n1)∈(cid:60)(gnl,)1 ul∈Ul ul,l u∗l,l,1 u∗l,l,1 (ingdiveepnenidnenAtlpypepnerdfioxrmCs)thtoe urepsdoautercethaellvoacraitaibolnesa.nEdaaclhlocrealtaeys (cid:16) (cid:17)T = max S(n)· g(n)−g¯(n) resources to the associated UEs. For completeness, the dis- l,1 l,1 l,1 gl(,n1)∈(cid:60)(gnl,)1 tributed joint RB and power allocation algorithm is summa- = max S(n)·(cid:16)M(n)−1·w(n)(cid:17). (21) rized in Algorithm 1. l,1 gl,1 l,1 gl(,n1)∈(cid:60)(gnl,)1 Algorithm 1 Joint RB and power allocation algorithm Note that, given a norm (cid:107) y (cid:107) for a vector y, its dual norm induced over the dual space of linear functionals z is 1: Each relay l ∈L estimates the reference gain g¯u(n∗),l,1 and l (cid:107) z (cid:107)∗= max zTy [34]. Since the protection function in g¯(n) from previous time slot ∀u ∈U and n∈N. u∗,l,2 l l (21) is the(cid:107)dyu(cid:107)a≤l1norm of uncertainty region in (15a), the proof 2: Iniltialize Lagrange multipliers to some positive value and follows. The protection functions for the uncertainity sets in set t:=0, Su(nl,)l := PumNlax ∀ul,n. (15b) and (16) are obtained in a similar way. 3: repeat Since the dual norm is a convex function, the convexity of 4: Set t:=t+1. P4 is preserved. In addition, when the uncertainty set for any 5: Calculate x(unl) and Su(nl,)l for ∀ul,n using (12) and (23). vectoryisalinearnormdefinedby(cid:107)y(cid:107) =((cid:80)abs{y}α)α1 6: Update the Lagrange multipliers by (C.2a)–(C.2h) and α with order α ≥ 2, where abs{y} is the absolute value of calculate the aggregated achievable network rate as (cid:88) y and the dual norm is a linear norm with order β = 1+ Rl(t):= Rul(t). 1 . In such cases, the protection function can be defined as ul∈Ul aα−li1near norm of order β. Therefore, the protection function 7: until t = Tmax or the convergence criterion met (i.e., abs{R (t)−R (t−1)}<ε, where ε is the tolerance for becomesadeterministicfunctionoftheoptimizationvariables l l convergence). (i.e.,x(n),S(n),andω(n)),andthenon-linearmaxfunctionis ul ul,l ul 8: Allocate resources (i.e., RB and transmit power) to as- eliminated from the protection functions [i.e., from constraint sociated UEs for each relay and calculate the average (18a),(18b),and(18c)].Consequently,theresourceallocation achievable data rate. problemturnsouttobeastandardformofconvexoptimization problem P5, where ∆(n) = Υ(n)(cid:107)M(n) −1·I(n) (cid:107) and Iul,l ul Iul,l ul,l β Note that, the L3 relays are able to perform their own A(j,:) denotes the j-th row of matrix A. scheduling (unlike L1 and L2 relays in [27]) as an eNB. IntheLTE-Asystem,whichexploitsorthogonalfrequency- These relays can obtain information such as the transmission division multiplexing (OFDM) for radio access, fading can powerallocationattheotherrelays,channelgaininformation, be considered uncorrelated across RBs (Chapter 1 in [35]); etc. by using the X2 interface (Section 7 in [40]) defined hence, it can be assumed that uncertainty and channel gain in in the 3GPP specifications. In particular, a separate load eachelementofgl(,n1) andgl(,n2) arei.i.d.randomvariables[36]. indicationprocedureisusedovertheX2interfaceforinterface Therefore, M(n) and M(n) become a diagonal matrix. Note management (for details refer to [40] and references therein). gl,1 gl,2 that for any diagonal matrix A with j-th diagonal element Asaresult,therelayscanobtainthechannelstateinformation a , the vector A−1(j,:) contains only non-zero elements without increasing signaling overhead at the eNB. jj 9 (P5) max (cid:88) (cid:88)N 1x(n)B log (cid:32)1+ Su(nl,)lh(unl,)l,1(cid:33) x(unl),Su(nl,)l,ωu(nl) ul∈Uln=12 ul RB 2 x(unl)ωu(nl) (cid:88) subject to x(n) ≤ 1, ∀n (22a) ul ul∈Ul N (cid:88)S(n) ≤ Pmax, ∀u (22b) ul,l ul l n=1 (cid:88) (cid:88)N h(unl,)l,1S(n) ≤ Pmax (22c) h(n) ul,l l ul∈Uln=1 l,ul,2  1 (cid:88) Su(nl,)lg¯u(n∗l),l,1+Ψ(l,n1)(cid:88)|Ul|(cid:16)M(gnl,)1−1(k,:)·Sl(,n1)(cid:17)ββ ≤ It(hn,)1, ∀n (22d) ul∈Ul k=1  1 (cid:88) hh((unnl,))l,1Su(nl,)lg¯l(,nu)∗l,2+Ψ(l,n2)(cid:88)|Ul|(cid:16)M(gnl,)2−1(k,:)·(cid:16)H(ln)·Sl(,n1)(cid:17)(cid:17)ββ ≤ It(hn,)2, ∀n (22e) ul∈Ul l,ul,2 k=1 (cid:88)N 1x(n)B log (cid:32)1+ Su(nl,)lh(unl,)l,1(cid:33) ≥ Q , ∀u (22f) 2 ul RB 2 x(n)ω(n) ul l n=1 ul ul S(n) ≥ 0, ∀n,u (22g) ul,l l I¯(n) +∆(n) +σ2 ≤ ω(n), ∀n,u (22h) ul,l Iul,l ul l δ(n) = 12BRB(1+lnλ2ul) (24) ul,l ρul +νlhh(l(u,nnlu)),ll,,21 +ψn(cid:16)g¯u(n∗l),l,1+Ψ(l,n1)m(unlu)lgl,1(cid:17)+ϕnhh(l(u,nnlu)),ll,,12 (cid:16)g¯l(,nu)∗l,2+Ψ(l,n2)m(unlu)lgl,2(cid:17) B. Complexity Analysis are O(cid:0) 1 (cid:1) iterations required for convergence to have the ε2 boundlessthanε[41].Hence,thecomplexityoftheproposed Proposition 4. Using a small step size in gradient-based algorithm is O(cid:0)(cid:0)1+ 1 (cid:1)|U |N(cid:1). ε2 l updating, the proposed algorithm achieves a sum-rate such that the difference in the sum rate in successive iterations is C. Cost of Robust Resource Allocation less than an arbitrary ε > 0 with a polynomial computation An important issue in robust resource allocation is the complexity in |U | and N. l substantial reduction in the achievable network sum-rate. Re- ductionofachievablesum-rateduetointroducingrobustnessis Proof: It is easy to verify that the computational com- measuredbyR =(cid:107)R∗−R∗ (cid:107) ,whereR∗ andR∗ arethe plexity at each iteration of variable updating in (C.2a)–(C.2h) ∆ ∆ 2 ∆ optimal achievable sum-rates obtained by solving the nominal is polynomial in |U | and N. There are |U |N computations l l and the robust problem, respectively. which are required to obtain the reference gains and if T iterationsarerequiredforconvergence,theoverallcomplexity Proposition 5. Let ψ∗, ϕ∗, (cid:37)∗ be the optimal values of of the algorithm is O(|U |N +T|U |N). Lagrange multipliers for constraint (10d), (10e), and (10h) l l intFerovralan[0y,κLagra]n,gtheemduislttaipnlcieerbκet,wiefewneκ(c0h)ooasnedκκ(∗0i)siunpptheer tihnePr2ed,urcetsipoenctoifvealcyh.iFeovraballelsvuamluersatoefc∆an(gnl,b)1e,∆ap(gnlp,)2r,oxainmda∆ted(Inual),sl max boundedbyκ .Thenitcanbeshownthatatiterationt,the max N N N distance between the current best objective and the optimum R ≈ (cid:88)ψ∗∆(n) +(cid:88)ϕ∗∆(n) + (cid:88) (cid:88)(cid:37)n∗∆(n) . t ∆ n gl,1 n gl,2 ul Iul,l κ2max+κ(t)2(cid:88)Λ(κi)2 n=1 n=1 ul∈Uln=1 (25) objectiveisupperboundedby i=i .Ifwetake t Proof: See Appendix D. (cid:88) 2 Λ(κi) From Proposition 5, the value of R∆ depends on the the step size Λ(κi) = √ai, where a isi=aismall constant, there Run∆cerctaaninbtyesceotntarnodllebdy. adjusting the size of ∆(gnl,)1 and ∆(gnl,)2, 10 D. Trade-off Between Robustness and Achievable Sum-rate and τ ≥ 0 are used for safe approximation of chance Pj constraints and depend on the probability distribution P . The robust worst-case resource allocation dealing with j For a fixed value of P the values of these parameters are channel uncertainties is very conservative and often leads j listed in Table III (see Appendix E). The constraints in (28a) to inefficient utilization of resources. In practice, uncertainty and (28b) turn the resource allocation problem into a conic does not always correspond to its worst-case and in many quadratic programming problem [39] and using the inequality instances the robust worst-case resource allocation may not (cid:107)y(cid:107) ≤(cid:107)y(cid:107) , the optimal RB and power allocation can be be necessary. In such cases, it is desirable to achieve a trade- 2 1 obtained in a distributed manner similar to that in Algorithm off between robustness and network sum-rate. This can be 1.Notethatin(29a)and(29b),theprotectionfunctionsdepend achieved through modifying the worst-case approach, where on Θ(n) and Θ(n). By adjusting Θ(n) and Θ(n), a trade-off theuncertaintysetischoseninsuchawaythattheprobability l,1 l,2 l,1 l,2 between rate and robustness can be achieved. of violating the interference threshold in both the hops is kept below a predefined level, and the network sum-rate is kept close to optimal value of nominal case. Therefore, we modify E. Sensitivity Analysis the constraints (10d) and (10e) in P2 as In the previous section we have seen that the protection (cid:32) (cid:33) functions depend on Θ(n) and Θ(n). In the following, we P (cid:88) S(n)g(n) ≥I(n) ≤Θ(n), ∀n (26a) analyze the sensitivity olf,1R to tlh,2e values of the trade-off ul,l u∗l,l,1 th,1 l,1 ∆ ul∈Ul parameters. Using the protections functions (29a) and (29b), P(cid:32) (cid:88) h(unl,)l,1S(n)g(n) ≥I(n)(cid:33)≤Θ(n), ∀n (26b) R∆ is given by ul∈Ul h(l,nu)l,2 ul,l l,u∗l,2 th,2 l,2 R∆ ≈ (cid:88)N ψn∗∆˜(gnl,)1 +(cid:88)N ϕ∗n∆˜(gnl,)2 + (cid:88) (cid:88)N (cid:37)nul∗∆(Inul),l. where Θ(n) and Θ(n) are given probabilities of violation of n=1 n=1 ul∈Uln=1 l,1 l,2 (30) constraints (10d) and (10e) for any n in the first hop and Differentiating (30) with respect the to trade-off parameters second hop, respectively. By changing Θ(l,n1) and Θ(l,n2), the Θ(n) and Θ(n), the sensitivity of R , i.e., S (R ) = trade-off between robustness and optimality will be achieved. l,1 l,2 ∆ Θ(n) ∆ ByreducingΘ(l,n1) andΘ(l,n2),thenetworkbecomesmorerobust ∂∂ΘR(∆n) is obtained as follows: l,i l,i against uncertainty, while by increasing Θ(n) and Θ(n), the l,1 l,2 1 naeptTpwroooadrkcehas.luWwmi-htrheanttehthiisseitcnraocdnreesa-trosaefifdn.twsearueseaftfihneecfhuanncctieoncso,nfsotrraii.ni.edd. S (R )=−ψn∗u(cid:88)l∈UlτP2u(nl,)l,1(cid:16)Su(nl,)lgˆu(n∗l),l,1(cid:17)22 (31a) values of uncertain parameters, (10d) and (10e) can be re- Θ(l,n1) ∆ Θ(n)(cid:118)(cid:117)(cid:117)(cid:116)2ln(cid:32) 1 (cid:33) placed by convex functions as their safe approximations [33]. l,1 Θl(,n1) Applying this approach we obtain 1 (cid:88) Su(nl,)lgu(n∗l),l,1 = (cid:88) Su(nl,)lg¯u(n∗l),l,1+ (cid:88) ξu(nl,)l,1Su(nl,)lgˆu(n∗l),l,1 S (R )=−ϕ∗nu(cid:88)l∈UlτP2l(,nu)l,2(cid:18)hhl(u(,nnlu)),ll,,21Su(nl,)lgˆl(,nu)∗l,2(cid:19)22. uu(cid:88)ll∈∈UUll hh(u(l,nnlu)),ll,,12Su(nl,)lgl(,nuu)∗ll,∈2U=l ul∈Ul Θ(l,n2) ∆ Θl(,n2)(cid:118)(cid:117)(cid:117)(cid:116)2ln(cid:32)Θ(l1,n2)(cid:33) (31b) (cid:88) h(unl),l,1S(n)g¯(n) + (cid:88) ξ(n) h(unl),l,1S(n)gˆ(n) ul∈Ul h(l,nu)l,2 ul,l l,u∗l,2 ul∈Ul l,ul,2h(l,nu)l,2 ul,l l,u∗l,2 VII. PERFORMANCEEVALUATION A. Simulation parameters and assumptions where ξ(n) = gj(n)−g¯j(n),∀n is varied within the range Inordertoobtaintheperformanceevaluationresultsforthe j gˆ(n) [−1,+1]. Under the ajssumption of uncorrelated fading chan- proposed resource allocation scheme we use an event-driven nels, all values of ξ(n) and ξ(n) are independent of each simulator in MATLAB. For propagation modeling, we con- ul,l,1 l,ul,2 sider distance-dependent path-loss, shadow fading, and multi- other and belong to a specific class of probability distribution P(n) and P(n) , respectively. Now the constraints in (10d) path Rayleigh fading. In particular, we consider a realistic ul,l,1 l,ul,2 3GPP propagation environment4 presented in [42]. For exam- and (10e) can be replaced by Bernstein approximations of ple, propagation in UE-to-relay and relay-to-D2D UE links chance constraints [33] as follows: follows the following path-loss equation: PL ((cid:96)) = (cid:88) S(n)g¯(n) +∆˜(n) ≤I(n), ∀n (28a) 103.8 + 20.9log((cid:96)) + L + 10log(φ), whereu(cid:96)l,lis t[hdeB]link ul∈Ul ul,l u∗l,l,1 gl,1 th,1 distance in kilometer; Lssuu accounts for shadow fading and (cid:88) h(unl),l,1S(n)g¯(n) +∆˜(n) ≤I(n), ∀n (28b) is modelled as a log-normal random variable, and φ is an ul∈Ul h(l,nu)l,2 ul,l l,u∗l,2 gl,2 th,2 ethxepoRnaeynlteiaigllhy fdaidstirnigbuctehdanrnaenldopmowevrargiaabinle. wFohricah sraempreeselinntks where the protection functions ∆˜(n) and ∆˜(n) are given by gl,1 gl,2 4AnyotherpropagationmodelforD2Dcommunicationcanbeusedforthe (29a) and (29a), respectively. The variables −1 ≤ ηP+j ≤ +1 proposedresourceallocationmethod.

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