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INDEX TO VOLUME 69, 2000 AUTHOR INDEX Abdel Hadi, A. A. 69 French, N. P. | Abo El-Sooud, K. 219 Al-Joubory, K. M. T. 119 Gagliardi, R. | Alkatheeri, N. A. 69 Galdiero, M. 255 Allen, L. C. V. 123 Galindo, F. 75 Allen,M . J. 123 Gallagher, J, 203 Alluwaimi, A. M. 185 Gargiulo, A. M. 159 Almuhrami, A. M. 69 Gilbert, S. J. 267 Alvar, J. 249 Glickman, A. 181 Alwan, A. 153 Goudah, A. 219 Antoszek, J. 33 Gounel, F. 225 Avallone, L. 255 Gracia, M. J. 249 Grebe, S. 233 Bailey, A. J. 267 Greenland, T. 225 Bailey, T. A. 233 Guarga, J. L. 249 Onder, Baldwin, C. | Guilford, W. G. 47 Onodera, Balleydier, S. 225 Barezaig, I. M. 69 Haesebrouck, F. 165 Barter, L. 47 Hanaty, M.S. M. 219 Bird, J. 63 Hashimoto, A. 39 Birdane, Y. O. 89 Hirazo, Y. 263 Boni, N. S. 69 Hoffman,W . E. 123 Breur,G . J. 123 Howard, S. C. 189 Broom, D. M. 75 Hudson, A. J. 301 Buddle, B. M. 57 Ibrahim, I. K. 119 Peribafiez, M. A. 249 Castillo, J. A. 249 Iguchi, M. 99 Postiglioni, A. 171 Ceccarelli, P. 159 Ikeda, H. 39 Chaffer, M. 181 lovane, G. 255 Chandler, M. L. 47 Clifton-Hadley, R. S Janus, K. 33 Coskun, B. 197 Katsuda, K. 99 d’ Angelo, D. 255 Kececi, K. 89 D’ Angelo, M. 171 Kelly, J. 153 Samour Dall’ Aglio, C. 159 Kelly, L. 171 Saran, A. 181] Davisin, G. 301 Kennedy, D. G. Sasaki, Y. 289 de Lisle, G. W. 57 Kitani, H. 39 Sathiyaseelan, T. 175, 275 De Moor, A. 295 Kojima, A. 289 Scocco, P. 159 Decostere, A. 165 Kumar, B. 141 Shareef, A. M. 119 Deignan, T. 153 Kurtoglu, V. 89, 197 Shien, J. H. 107 Demeulemeester, J. 295 Simpson, V. R. 11 Donnelly, C. A. 189 Lammens, M. 165 Sims, T. J. 267 Duance, V. C. 267 Le Jan, C. 225 Slingsby, L. S. 147 Ducatelle, R. 295 Le Pottier, G. 53 Smith R. 63 Lee, L. H. 107 Solomon. S. 8] Eguchi, M. 99 Leitner,G . 181 Sterczer, A. 129 E]-Banna, H. A. 219 Llambi, S. 17 Stradaioli,G . 113 Elghazali, M. 69 Lombardi, P. 255 Szénasi, G. 129 Lucientes, J. 249 Fagioli, O. 113 Tamura, Y. 289 Farquharson, C. 81 Maisi, P. 63 Tanaka, K. 99 Fenton, A. | Martens, A. 295 Tonosaki, K. 263 Fernandez, X. 53 Maxwell,A . 47 Tortora, G. 255 Flecknell, P. A. 283 McCoy,M . A. 301 Tuboi, T. 99 Florio, S. 255 McKeever, D. 175 Tulamo, R.-M. 63 Uchida, I. 99 Waddington, D. 81 Wotton, P. R. 267 Wall, R. | Wu, S. C. 95 Vellucci, S. V. 25 Wang, S. R. 95 Yadlin, B. 181 Venugopal, K. 17 Warren, T. 153 Yamamoto, K. Verini-Supplizi, A. 113 Wasfi, I. A. 69 Yang, T. S. 95 Viitanen, M. 63 Waterman-Pearson, A. E. 147 Yin, H. S. 107 Voérés, K. 129 Williams, B. 81 Young, P. B. 301 SUBJECT INDEX Reviews are indicated by (R) Activation of small ruminant aortic endothelial cells after in vitro infection healthy dogs, following the adminstration of a low molecular by caprine arthritis encephalitis virus 225 weight heparin, The241 Aflatoxicosis, Ameliorative effects of sodium bentonite on phagocytosis and Newcastle disease antibody formation in broiler chickens Detection of II and IFN-g mRNA expression in bovine milk cells at the during 119 late stage « f the lactation period with RT-PCR 185 Aflatoxicosis, Effect of clinoptilolite on serum biochemical and haemato- Dexamethasone-tre ated pigs: effects on stress neuropeptides in the hypo- logical characters of broiler chickens during 89 thalamus and hippocampus and glutamate receptor subunits in the Alterations in the organisation, ultrastructure and biochemistry of the hippocampus, Gene expression in the forebrain of 25 myocardial collagen matrix in Doberman pinschers with dilated Dietary effects on bone quality and turnover, and Ca and P metabolism in cardiomyopathy 267 chickens 81 Ameliorative effects of sodium bentonite on phagocytosis and Newcastle Differences in the oncentration of various synovial fluid constituents disease antibody formation in broiler chickens during aflatoxicosis between the distal interphalangealjoint, the metacarpophalangeal 119 Jo int and the navicular bursa in normal horses 63 Anthracycline activity in canine mammary tumour cells Difficulties in experimental infection studies with Flavibacterium psy- medroxyprogesterone acetate, Modulation of 255 chrophilum in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using immer- Atropine on MgSO4-induced gallbladder emptying in conscious dogs, $10n, OFal ind anal challenges 165 Effects of lorglumide and 129 Dilated cardiomyopathy, Alteratic ms in the organisation, ultrastructure and Avian reovirus by using protein s B as the coating antigen, An enzyme- biochemistry )f the myocardial collagen matrix in Doberman pin- linked immunosorbent assayfor the detection of antibody to 107 schers with 26 Doberman pinschers with dilated cardiomyopathy, Alterations in the organ- Behaviour in singly housed rats, Effects of surgery and analgesic adminis isation, ultrastructure and biochemistry of the myocardial collagen tration on spontaneous 283 matrix in 267 Bone quality and turnover, and Ca and P metabolism in chickens, Dietary effects on 81 Effect of clinoptilolite on serum biochemical and haematological charac- Brain cells in primary culture, Isolation and characterisation of fetal bovine ters of broiler chickens during aflatoxicosis 89 39 Effect of current frequency during electrical stunning in a water bath on Brucella abortus strain RB51, Responses of adult cattle to vaccination with somatosensory evoked responses in turkey’s brain 53 a reduced dose of 135 Effect of sex and age on caffeine pharmacokinetics in cattle, The 33 Bustards, Radiographic analysis of the growth rate of long bones in 233 Effects of lorglumide and atropine on MgSO4-induced gallbladder empty- ing in conscious dogs 129 Caffeine in camels, The pharmacokinetics, metabolism and urinary detec- Effects of surgery and analgesic administration on spontaneous behaviour ~ tion time of 69 in singly housed rats 283 Caffeine pharmacokinetics in cattle, The effect of sex and age on 33 Electroencephalographic olfctometry (EEGO) analysis of odour responses Canine leishmaniasis transmission: higher infectivity amongst naturally in dogs 263 infected dogs to sand flies is associated with lower proportions of T Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibody to avian helper cells 209 reovirus by using protein s B as the coating antigen, An 107 Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus, Activation of small ruminant aortic Evaluation of cell replication by bovine T cells in polyclonally activated endothelial cells after in vitro infection by 225 cultures using Carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) loading and flow cyto- carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) loading and flow cyto metric analysis, Evaluation of cell replication by bovine T cells in metric analysis 275 polyclonally activated cultures using 275 Evaluation of the gamma interferon test for detecting bovine tuberculosis in Cefuroxime sodium in goats, Pharmacokinetis and intramuscular bioavail- cattle 8 to 28 days after tuberculin skin testing, An 57 ability of 219 Characterisation of sugar residues in glycoconjugates of pig mandibular Flavibacterium psychrophilum in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) gland by traditional and lectin histochemistry 159 using immersion, oral and anal challenges, Difficulties in experi- Chronic aflatoxin (50 and 100 ppb) exposure, Preventive efficacy of mental infection studies with 165 clinoptilolite in broilers during 197 Foot and mouth disease, The importance of immediate destruction in epi- Clinoptilolite in broilers during chronic aflatoxin (50 and 100 ppb) expo- demics of 189 sure, Preventive efficacy of 197 Gallbladder empty ing in conscious dogs, Effects of lorglumide and Clinoptilolite on serum biochemical and haematological characters of atropine on MgSO4-induced 129 broiler chickens during aflatoxicosis, Effect of 89 Gas gangrene by polymerase chain reaction based on the 16S-23S rDNA Clostridia in gas gangrene by polymerase chain reaction based on the spacer region, Rapid identification and differentiation of pathogenic 16S-23S rDNA spacer region, clostridia in 289 Rapid identification and differentiation of pathogenic 289 Gene expression in the forebrain of dexamethasone-treated pigs: effects on Collagen in the dog, Urinary markers of type I 123 stress neuropeptides in the hypothalamus and hippocampus and Collagen matrix in Doberman pinschers with dilated cardiomyopathy, glutamate receptor subunits in the hippocampus 25 Alterations in the organisation, ultrastructure and biochemistry of Genomic polymorphism in Uruguayan Creole cattle using RAPD and the myocardial 267 microsatellite markers 171 Comparative medicine and clinical research, Only one medicine: the future of (R) 101 Haematological profile of crossbred dairy cattle to monitor herd health Correlation between plasma anti-factor Xa activity and haemostatic tests in status at medium elevation in Central Himalayas 141 Heparin, The correlation between plasma anti-factor Xa activity and Post-operative analgesic effects of ketamine after canine oviarohysterec- haemostatic tests in healthy dogs, following the adminstration of a tomy — a comparison between pre- or post-operative administration, low molecular weight 241 The 147 Histopathological characterisitics of five clinical types of equine sarcoid Preventive efficacy of clinoptilolite in broilers during chronic aflatoxin (50 295 and 100 ppb) exposure 197 Protein sparing in healthy dogs using peripheral parenteral nutrition, A pilot Importance of immediate destruction in epidemics of foot and mouth dis- study of 47 ease, The 189 Isolation and characterisation of fetal bovine brain cells in primary culture Radiographic analysis of the growth rate of long bones in bustards 233 39 Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using immersion, oral and anal chal- lenges,Difficulties in experimental infection studies with Ketamine after canine oviarohysterectomy — a comparison between pre- or Flavibacterium psychrophilum in 165 post-operative administration, The post-operative analgesic effects Rapid changes occur in the percentage of circulating bovine WC1+y6 Th | of 147 cells 175 Rapid identification and cifferentiation of pathogenic clostridia in gas gan- Lactoferrin concentration and the correlation with some blood components grene by polymerase chain reaction based on the 16S-23S rDNA in lactating sows, Serum and milk 95 spacer regic > 289 Lameness in three herds, The relationships between social behaviour of Rapid molecular ty,...4 of Listeria monocytogenes by pulsed-field gel elec- dairy herds and the occurrence of 75 trophoresis 99 Lectin histochemistry, Characterisation of sugar residues in glycoconju- Regional brain monoamine concentrations and their alterations in bovine gates of pig mandibular gland by traditional and 159 hypomagnesaemic tetany experimentally induced by a magnesium- Lectin reactive sites in adult and prepubertal horse testes, Localisation of deficient diet 301 the 113 Relationships between social behaviour of dairy herds and the occurrence Leishmaniasis transmission: higher infectivity amongst naturally infected of lameness in three herds, The 75 dogs to sand flies is associated with lower proportions of T helper Responses of adult cattle to vaccination with a reduced dose of Brucella cells, Canine 209 abortus strain RBS1 135 Listeria monocytogenes by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, Rapid molecu- lar typing of 99 OB as the coating antigen, An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the Localisation of the lectin reactive sites in adult and prepubertal horse testes detection of antibody to avian reovirus by using protein 107 113 Salmonella infection in calves, Serum haptoglobin: an objective indicator Lorglumide and atropine on MgSO4-induced gallbladder emptying in of experimentally-induced 153 conscious dogs, Effects of 129 Sarcoid, Histopathological characterisitics of five clinical types of equine 295 Mandibular gland by traditional and lectin histochemistry, Characterisation Serum and milk lactoferrin concentration and the correlation with some of sugar residues in glycoconjugates of pig 159 blood components in lactating sows 95 Marek’s disease: an update on oncogenic mechanisms and control (R) 17 Serum haptoglobin: an objective indicator of experimentally-induced Medroxyprogesterone acetate, Modulation of anthracycline activity in Salmonella infection in calves 153 canine mammary tumour cells in vitro by 255 Sheep blowfly strike: a model approach (R) | Milk cells at the late stage of the lactation period with RT-PCR, Detection Social behaviour of dairy herds and the occurrence of lameness in three of IL-2 and IFN-y mRNA expression in bovine 185 herds, The relationships between 75 Modulation of anthracycline activity in canine mammary tumour cells in Sodium bentonite on phagocytosis and Newcastle disease antibody forma- vitro by medroxyprogesterone acetate 255 tion in broiler chickens during aflatoxicosis, Ameliorative effects of 119 Navicular bursa, in normal horses, Differences in the concentration of Staphylococcus aureus, Systemic and local immune response of cows to various synovial fluid constituents between the distal inter- intramammary infection with 181] phalangealjoint, the metacarpophalangeal joint and the 63 Stunning in a water bath on somatosensory evoked responses in turkey’s Newcastle disease antibody formation in broiler chickens during aflatoxi- brain, Effect of current frequency during electrical 53 cosis, Ameliorative effects of sodium bentonite on phagocytosis and Sugar residues in glycoconjugates of pig mandibular gland by traditional 119 and lectin histochemistry, Characterisation of 159 Only one medicine: the future of comparative medicine and clinical Systemic and local immune response of cows to intramammary infection research (R) 101 with Staphylococcus aureus 181 Oviarohysterectomy — a comparison between pre- or post-operative admin- istration, The post-operative analgesic effects of ketamine after Tuberculosis in badgers: a review of the disease and its significance for canine 147 other animals (R) 203 Tuberculosis in cattle 8 to 28 days after tuberculin skin testing, An evalua- Phagocytosis and Newcastle disease antibody formation in broiler chickens tion of the gamma interferon test for detecting bovine 5 during aflatoxicosis, Ameliorative effects of sodium bentonite on 119 Urinary markers of type I collagen in the dog 123 Pharmacokinetics, metabolism and urinary detection time of caffeine in camels, The 69 Veterinary advances in the investigation of wildlife diseases in Britain (R) Pharmacokinetis and intramuscular bioavailability of cefuroxime sodium in goats 219 Pilot study of protein sparing in healthy dogs using peripheral parenteral WC1+¥65 Th | cells, Rapid changes occur in the percentage of circulating nutrition, A 47 bovine 175 Polymorphism in Uruguayan Creole cattle using RAPD and microsatellite Wildlife diseases in Britain, Veterinary advances in the investigation of (R) markers, Genomic 171 1]

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