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Preview Request to exhume the body of Urooj Khan

INTHE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, COUNTY DEPARTMENT - PROBATE DIVISION ceased, Ra. 12 PSA09 NOTICE OF MOTION MAN 14 2085 ‘ ne Tk ‘Alddazeon tin And Husain, 3 N, Nostiwest ig [80 W, Petursun ve. Chikoeo Il 6046 (77AYREOIRH vy, Pack Kile. IL 62068, (21238002981 will egysar ene hs Monae Sige Sasa Coleman ard ‘eso faa atecho! BOTION OF MEDICA ERAMINER FOK LHAVE. LO LNEERVENE AND REQUEST ONDER TO CXIUME BODY en he ts hy of sry 201% 9 20 7. oom Hiei ity Cee 20. pen hha, sesso hea ace ry beter aed proven the ted ot oy PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thet 1 ‘ wa geld [Siow consmcSre orscrvicr Nu \ - cece Cathe send tefogsng stacked MOTION OF ‘0 INTFRVENE. AND RFQUEST ORDAICTO EXHUME “hema 708 ‘Tee tndersigse acd ttn MEDICA, EXAMINER FOR LEAVE BODY, ly liceniie isusnissioa ‘okt: Pht Rac amass: a (ofp Cieeaea tv ie ANIA ALVAREZ Sues Alkaaey 2 Cack Coeaty Daniel Heian ‘Assent Sl e's Auucey WO Righerd | Dake Foe IN THE CIRCEIT COTRT OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT — PROBATE DIVISION, Es! LATE OF URGOL A.KTTAN, ‘ORDER TO EXHUME BODY Now cimmes De. Stephon J. Clan, SM. D., Chief Medien! Enauunar off Cook Counly Gevexficr Movant by and through hie atomey, ANCA ALVAREZ, States AGumey af Chik Coumty, and Danie! 1, Bromma, ley Assistacl Stotdh ome, and pursuact to $5208 of the Tinois Code of Civ Prosadure (38 TLS 52-408), amd Conntos Code $$ ILCS S!3-2015(0), moves sus Honosabe Court for Leave fo Intervet @ sock: entry ul'an Onder peemieting Mawunt to oxtune the sly of Uraoy A. Kuan thescate"the develent fn onl t perform au autogsy ott the deveslens omens, Ln support tkereol; Movant sates a9 Follos: 1, On Sopcanice 19, 2012 the Paste of Utoaj A. Khsa theecalir“the Fal) some pened ‘with an eer uspoinling FmTiaz Khan as supreseecative uf the batute, Subsequctt ‘heel, the Cowt issued aa onder appointing Sluimirn Answi a: Supervised Absivisrator of ts decedent estate 2 ‘The decadent diet uncer erawual cireumscusces wiaica were inivilly Uhowgh: bo Be related to averting ames! suffered oy decedent 02 ar ubo the de UPhis cach, July 20, 2822. 4. Asloe dive of the decadents dou und im conformety with sardaed polivy af the Medea sof age and choco sere na wsible sfocedant was over 45 Examines OMe san x8 signs uf seme, a fall actapey yng tot performed. ‘Uw exer! exanriner vssigmed %0 the assigeed te she cas 2 visual ingpeeon oF dhe decedeut’s body ta looks for porfonre sigr+ of (rac. injury an reve unos 27 decedent's alee for routine toxicological exansinatioc, leita examination of tec blood and ilusd samples il nal revel ay sizes cf aloobel or drugs in the dooadsat’s system, As n rouull, it sas Geemed chat the lagers steals was Ihe resull of natural stases Sudcoqueat -© ke initial roview of eireumsances scrouning Uecedee"s death information was peesented 10 tho Medical Beemincr's Offics tn suggest hot dhe ddsvestents deals tay have ees ne eel of poisoning, ‘Tae Medical Examace’s OF3ee submited semples al decelen!s Bld for w arsader analysis to dateemins i thaee wee any ots tox presen its decodens sys, See thal tune, Movant las eevcived the cepotts Ser the toxicological anaysis performed fon shee douetlent lool sanmple Based upau 4 review of suid toxuoloyies! ani@ysin, Mavcast Ts determined hat tse ad: sho deceslowt ingested» dooedent"y deh vous aoe the resaCt of notre) causes, bur Lascc poisonous suisse whieh resulta fn hig puiden and cotionely dens 1h order co fully contiem bis couctusion, # is expedient shyt Movant porcine a tall stcpsy af the Gecedent"a remains, Movant's authoricy to seek svc exlaeP set Kort in $59-2815(0) of the Courties Code (55 TLCS 53-0015) which states: "tthe coroner datermizes it advisaele 29 ¢xhumne ¢ body forthe aurzose af ation or autopsy of oth, acl the coroner woud Fave bean auchorissd uadee sintered, "his seation to perform an investigation a autepsy or she budy belore i ha coroner may exhuer® the body sttarcoecultiag. with “he sates aon’ and upc the order ofthe cea: court viet ny the uxtueraien pon the pettion ofthe state’: sterney.” dn sapport of bs motion, Movant has slash! bis a Ticivel as Sst “A eres tx ‘whic fe assets, wader oath, the itformation upor which thia mation is te swith. benefit of smbelntng, it is svtieal that 9. Imesh as the event was inten Movant he allowed to atvange for the extamaton of deceders's romaine a6 sour 2s sible Whorefors, Movant respectfully prey ‘hat this Coan ener 6a Order granting Movanr’s Moto: to fotervena and Motion te Exkume the Body ef Ureo) A. Khan, the devedenl herein Respectliily subynitled Anita Alversz Slate's Adinemey of Cauk Cosety Pusrick ‘L. Drincal, J Deyoty State's Attorcey (Chief, Civ: I Astions Biaesu Denie! 1. Brenton, “Assistant State's Arar uy Rivard J, Daley Center Chicago, "Linais 60502 503-5410 ho, LULES ESTATE OF UROOJ A. KILAS — CASE NO. 12 P 5409 |, Scepter J. Cina, MLD,, FCAP, being duly sworn upoa oath do aezcia stale the following: 1, My name is Stephan ). Cina, Lam a ficensed Medical Ductor wns professional Farensie Pathologist Cam curently employed as the Chief Medios! Examiner fur Cok County, Wiauis seal have beea so employed 3. Tn any cupseity ox Meviewl Meaminen, Laan charged with the oversight acd adunivistretion of a espe net's Offies, esposietly as if pevtaine to the of the Medical Exar: performance of past-mortcm medical exeminatians (autopsies) anil Gre analysis nF ull ppovlsmurtein wetiny peribemed hy the sla’ This atti 4, “As pect of my nomnal datics, I Lave bor involved ie tac oversight af an investigation ng the deatt of Urooj A. Khan, whe del on July 20, 2012 5. This cnetlee was ossigred é® Assistant Modieal Examincr Dr. Maca Heleaowskt who performed am. exterual ‘amination of Me. Khaw on Ja:y 21, 2012 and the ease exmlinues tw be aasigacdl to Ds. eters 6. As pant of the gostamoriem oxaraination pectocued by Dt. Helenowskt. aa anelysis was perforined on dlecd samples taker: [vou Le Tale Me, Khan Following she external exetsination of thy body wax sbsccemt badal, te Office wes inforsed that Ge death may snk has been elue .9 mun eNIes 90 comprehensive Unestogien! mnelysis was ordered, 8 Or September 11, 20:2, evmuide was cet tl inthe blow al Mr, Khun und ihe Cheng Police wers notified. 9. In late Navermber, 9042, the Medical Examncr’s Office received the sesults the additions? anaiys's wbiol: showed that Mr. Kiunt hed 1 lethal luxe of eyanid systenn le inne oP his Heath, 1, This elles did not pergoun 2 ful? autopsy when Mr. hun initiscly sted a there es othing ta indicate Mr. Khan's death was uct fiom nanwal eauses. Tals was in ceoaformty with existing polley wien the Medivel Rxapcingr'y flee of al ime, 11. Given this new information, itis meewssery do penina a Fuld euepsy on Mr Shans body i onder to fussher contr the res pf the alsod snaysis, as well as to 0 out aay other nant! canses thal might have soctcbutod 7 or esused Ms, Khan's death, 12, As Mr. Khan was busied sitbout eing exnbalmed, il iy irapariamt. hal Wr, Kham’s badly bbe eetnuned us expeditionsly as possible, FLRUIER APFIANE SAYLTITNADGHT, De SeptonT. Giaa, M.D. FAP Scosenibed ws and sown by en Ine aay of Jay, 2013, pleat Md d gpa dk iy Notary Public pi psble- bats sen pn ns.

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