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Preview Report to the Community

J ^1 ^, Creating Opportunities Clianging Lives. »' Vl.* RANDOLPH COMMUNITY 0LLEGE FROMTHE PRESIDENT Randolph Community College was In this Reporttothe Community, we share with our one ofonly 11 communitycolleges in colleagues, friends, and community ourcommitment North Carolinathat met"Exceptional to serving the people, businesses, and industries of Institutional Performance"standards Randolph County by "Creating Opportunities, Changing on the annual accountability measures Lives." It has been a yearof change, progress, for North Carolina's 58 community expansion, and service, and we are delighted to share colleges, according to a report released ourstory with you. in June 2009. In addition to meeting or With a record enrollment, we now serve more than 3,100 exceeding all eightsystem standards, college curriculum students persemesterand will serve these 11 schools met additional approximately 8,400 continuing education students this performance goals. year. More than 150 community business and industry leaders serve on advisory committees for ouracademic programs, giving us valuable input and feedback on what RCC adopted a new brand forthe the community needs from Randolph Community College. Afterall, we believe thatthe College in spring 2009.The theme college is here to serve the community ratherthan the otherway around.Therefore, "Creating Opportunities, Changing we daily workvery closelywith community agencies, institutions, governments, school Lives"and a new College logo were systems, and businesses throughout ourcounty. created through an extensive process Dr. HowardThurman once said, "Don't askyourselfwhatthe world needs. Askyourself offocus groups and meetings with what makes you come alive, and go dothat, because whatthe world needs is people students, faculty, and staffand has who have come alive." slowly been introduced tothe College constituents throughoutthe spring and summer.The logo was tweaked to give RCC's well-known curved"R"an Dr. RobertS. Shackleford Jr. updated look aswell as adding an eye- President, Randolph CommunityCollege catching color, orange, tothe College's traditional blue. Board of Trustees (asofJuly1,2009) RobertB. Davis JackC. Lail Fred E. Meredith JohnM. Freeze ElbertJ. Lassiter R.AndrewsSykes JamesP. HillJr. CurtJ. Lorimer Lillian B.Jordan AlanS. Luria JamesM.CampbellJr. F.MacSherrill Chairman ViceChairman To MissRnf: ide and SaOcation, training, woricforc< development meet needs to tlie of our students and community. Highlights RCC's Associate Degree Nursing graduates completed tlieir NCLEX-RN state board k exams witln a 100% pass rate. In addition, RCC's Certified Nursing Assistant class had a 100% pass rate on their board exams. The State Board of Community Colleges metat Randolph Community College' s Asheboro Campus in April 2009. In addition totheir regular business meeting, the board members toured the campus and were welcomed by College and community leaders. The RCC community was busy in 2008- 09 preparing fora reaccrediation visit by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). As part ofthat process, RCC identified and developed a Quality Enhancement Plan called WriteNOWl, which targets improving student writing acrossthe curriculum. • I John F. Rash, RCC Photographic Technology instructor, gave a lecture in digital photography at Nanjing Normal ' J^, University in Nanjing, China, in March 2009. Rash traveled backto Nanjing in Mayon a photo exploration trip, accompanied by 10 of his currentand formerstudents,— who worked togetherwith the students at Nanjing Normal to capture theirown impressions of China. ,, We are growing, changing, serving our students and our community. ighlights natorJerryW.Tillman was presented h the 2008 Distingished Service Award the RCC Board ofTrustees during their nual meeting July 17, 2008.The award jognizes a long-term, extraordinary immitmenttothe College. 3. Representative Howard Coble and C. SenatorJerryTillman were the guest eakers at Randolph Community College's aduation ceremonies held May 8 and 9, p09, atthe new Providence Grove High ;hool gymnasium. ;S. Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.) visited B RCC campus on Oct. 8, 2008. Senator Brrtoured a couple of keyjobtraining eas atthe College including Machining d PhotographicTechnology. :ercompleting renovations on a leased bility in Hillside Shopping Center, RCC iened its new Cosmetology Center isummer2009. Classes in the new Irriculum program began in August. DC installed high-definition deoconferencing equipment at both e Asheboro Campus and the Archdale snterso one instructorcan teach in both cationswith real time video and audio immunications.This allows the College [offerAssociate in Arts (CollegeTransfer) asses in Archdale. Caring environment, ifocused on student ^7> ^ Excellence in Teaching ^^^ Susanleague, instructorofdevelopmental mathematics, was the recipient ofthe 2008 Excellence inTeaching Award at RCC. league hastaught at RCC since January 2005.This award recognizes faculty who have consistently demonstrated excellence in teaching. Nominees are selected by theirpeers. T Award Staff Kim Cassell, directorof recruitmentand student activities, was chosen to receive the 2008 Excellence in StaffAward. Recipients are chosen based on theircommitment and contributionsto the mission ofthe institution and the North Carolina Community \ College System; consistent, excellence j performance on thejob, exhibiting unselfish , devotion to dutyfar and above normal \ requirements, and significant contribution to the advancement ofthe institution and its students. Check out RCC on FACEBOOK Leadership: commitment constant to excellence!

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