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The Bio-diverse Myanmar And it’s Elephants Status Survey, Population Evaluation and Preparation of a Conservation Plan for Asian Elephants & Inventory of Biodiversity in Bago Yoma, Rakhine Yoma & Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park, Myanmar The Bio-diverse Myanmar And it’s Elephants Status Survey, Population Evaluation and Preparation of a Conservation Plan for Asian Elephants & Inventory of Biodiversity in Bago Yoma, Rakhine Yoma & Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park, Myanmar Suggested Citation <Author name/s>. (2007). <Paper title>, In: The Bio-diverse Myanmar and it’s Elephants: Status Survey, Population Evaluation and Preparation of a Conservation Plan for Asian Elephants and Inventory of Biodiversity in Bago Yoma, Rakhine Yoma and Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park, Myanmar, Asian Elephant Research & Conservation Centre (A Division of Asian Nature Foundation), C/o Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of material in this publication for educational or non-commercial purposes is permitted without any prior permission provided the source is fully acknowledged and appropriate credit is given. Reproduction for commercial purposes is permissible with the written permission of the copyright holders. Requests for permissions should be addressed to Asian Elephant Research & Conservation Centre (AERCC- a Division of Asian Nature Conservation Foundation-ANCF), C/o Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Copyright © AERCC-2007 Photo Credits: Section 1; 4a, 6,8,Section 3; 5a, Section 5; 2a, d, e, 3a: Myanmar Forest Department; Section 1; 4b, Section 4; 2, 3a,b, 5, Section 6; 2,3b,4,5,6,7a,b,11 and 12: Scientific Exploration Society, Section 7; 2a: AERCC, all other photographs: Surendra Varma Survey Team (From Myanmar Forest Department and Myanmar Timber Enterprise) U Than Tun Aye Range officer U Tin Aung Soe Range officer U Khaing Nyunt Range officer U Myint Maung Ranger U Soe Thiha Htwe Ranger U Aung Naing Aye Ranger U Sein Aung Min Ranger U Thein Lwin Ranger U Aung Maung Ranger U Saw Ble Ranger U Kan Aung Deputy Ranger U Aye Tun Deputy Ranger U Sein Win Deputy Ranger U Min Zaw Deputy Ranger U Win Naing Deputy Ranger U Lin Maung Deputy Ranger U Hla Thaung Deputy Ranger U Htay Win Deputy Ranger U Nyo Maung Deputy Ranger U Kyaw Min Oo Deputy Ranger U Myint Swe Deputy Ranger U Tun Wai Deputy Ranger (From Scientific Exploration Society –SES) Cathy Summers Expedition deputy leader Paul Bates Small mammal expert, John Cosgrove Expedition doctor Ed Barnes Expedition member David Read Expedition member Hugh Bennington-Sears Artist and Photographer Rosa Bennington-Sears Artist and Photographer Mark Hewes Expedition member Nicky Dunnington-Jefferson Expedition member Debra Harper Expedition member Venetia Dearden Photographer Geoffrey Tomlinson Expedition member Principal Investigator R. Sukumar Conservation Biologist & Research Officer Surendra Varma Survey Co-ordinator U Uga Survey Team Leader U Ye Htut Expedition leader Colonel John Blashford-Snell (JBS) ORGANIZATIONS Asian Elephant Conservation Centre Centre for Ecological Sciences Indian Institute of Science Bangalore - 560 012, India And Asian Elephant Research and Conservation Centre (A Division of Asian Nature Conservation Foundation) Centre for Ecological Sciences Indian Institute of Science Bangalore - 560 012, India In collaboration with Wildlife and Nature Conservation Division Ministry of Forestry Yangon, Myanmar IUCN/SSC Asian Elephant Specialist Group And Scientific Exploration Society, U.K FUNDED BY Rotterdam Zoo, The Netherlands The John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, USA Contents Preface 1 Acknowledgements 4 Section 1: Population Evaluation of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) in commercially Exploited Habitats of Myanmar 5 Abstract 6 Introduction 7 Material and Methods 7 Survey Sites 7 Current Habitat and Legal Status 9 Methods 10 General 10 Density Estimation 11 Data Analysis 12 Results and Discussion 13 Recommendations for Population Survey Based on the Management Plan 14 References 14 Table 1. Forest reserves sampled, area, number and percentage of transects surveyed, their topography and microhabitats, distance covered and number dung piles recorded for Bago, Rakhine and AKNP regions 16 Table 2. Elephant density estimates for different reserves in Bago, Rakhine and AKNP 17 Table 3: Comparison of results across elephant habitats in India and Myanmar 18 Section 2: Population Estimation of the Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) in Bago Yoma, central Myanmar 19 Abstract 20 Introduction 21 Materials and method 21 Study Area 21 Methods 22 Dung Density 22 Defecation Rate Experiment 23 Decay Rate Experiment 23 Data Analysis 23 Results 23 Discussion 24 Reference 25 i Table 1: Forest reserves sampled for elephant density estimation during elephant survey in Bago Yoma 26 Table 2: Elephant density estimates in different reserves of Bago Yoma 27 Section 3: Population Status of the Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) in the Rakhine yoma, Myanmar 29 Abstract 30 Introduction 31 Materials and Method 31 Study Area 31 Methods 32 Dung Density Estimates 33 Defecation Rate Experiment 33 Decay Rate Experiment 34 Village Survey 34 Data Processing 34 Results 35 Status of Human–Elephant Conflict 35 Discussion 35 References 36 Table 1: Forest reserves sampled for elephant density estimation during elephant survey in Rakhine Yoma 37 Table 2: Elephant density estimates in different reserves of Rakhine Yoma 38 Section 4: Population Status and Conservation of Wild and Captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park, Myanmar 39 Abstract 40 Introduction 41 Materials and Methods 41 Study Area 41 Methods 42 General 42 Population Estimate of Wild Elephant through Line Transect Method 42 Village Survey for Assessing the Status of Human–Elephant Conflict 42 Captive Elephant Survey 42 Data Processing 43 Results 43 Status of Wild Elephants 43 Status of Human-Elephant Conflict 44 ii Captive Elephant Management 44 Population Status 44 Disease and Veterinary care 45 Socio–Economic Status of Elephant Keepers 46 Discussion 46 Status of Wild Elephants in the Park 46 Status of Human Habitation and Resultant Human Elephant conflict 47 Captive elephant status 47 References 47 Table 1: Forest reserves sampled for elephant density estimation during elephant survey in AKNP 49 Table 2: Elephant density estimates for AKNP 50 Table 3: The common disease reported in camp elephants and the treatment given for the disease 51 Section 5: Diversity, Conservation and Management of Mammals in Bago Yoma, Rakhine Yoma and Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park in Myanmar 53 Abstract 54 Introduction 55 Materials and Methods 5 6 Investigation sites 56 Methods 57 General 57 Survey Methods 58 Line Transect Method 58 Forest Trail Survey Method 58 Village survey Method 59 Other Methods 59 Data Analysis 60 Results 61 Significance of occurrence of mammalian species for different regions 61 Bago Yoma 61 Rakhine Yoma 62 AKNP 62 Trend of Species Diversity Reported Across Regions 62 Trend of Similar Species Reported Across Regions 63 Conservation Status of the large mammals reported for different regions 63 Discussion 6 4 Conclusion 66 References 67 iii Table 1: Forest reserves sampled, area, number and percentage of transects surveyed and distance covered for Bago, Rakhine and AKNP regions 69 Table 2: Mammal species recorded for the survey regions of Myanmar 70 Table 3: Mammalian diversity and other associated parameters for survey regions of Myanmar 71 Section 6: Biodiversity Assessment in Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park (AKNP), Myanmar 73 Abstract 74 Introduction 75 Study Area 75 Survey Methods 76 General 76 Vegetation Survey 77 Animal Survey 77 Village Survey 78 Data Analysis 78 Vegetation Survey 78 Animal Survey 78 Village Survey 79 Results 79 Vegetation Survey 79 Animal Survey 80 Pattern and Frequency of Sightings of Different Species of Animals 80 Sighting Intervals of Different Species of Animals 80 Mammalian Diversity for AKNP 81 People and Biodiversity Conservation 82 Discussion 83 Conclusions 84 References 84 Table 1: The frequency of girth and diameter class of trees’ species sampled in AKNP 85 Table 2: Animal sightings through different modes 86 Table 3: Frequency of sightings of different species of animals 87 Table 4: Average time and sightings of different species in different time slots 88 Table 5: Frequency of sightings of mammals 89 iv Section 7: Elephant Research, Conservation and Management Study Tour and Capacity Building Programme for Personnel from the Ministry of Forestry, Myanmar 91 Introduction 92 Team Members and their Experience 92 Justification 92 Lay-out of the Study Tour 93 GIS Mapping 94 Human–Elephant Conflict 94 Elephant Poaching 95 Population Count and Habitat Assessment 95 Captive Elephant Management 95 Discussions with Researchers 95 Observations 95 Human-Elephant Conflict 95 Elephant Poaching 96 Animal and Habitat Survey 97 Captive Elephant Management 98 Age Identification (through ear folding) 99 Age Identification (through dentition) 99 Common disease reported in the camp 99 Management and Organization of elephant camp 99 Appendix 1: I: Walking survey along the fence in Bandipur National Park 100 II: Walking survey along the trench in Bandipur National Park 103 III: Questionnaire survey in the village on trench/fence efficacy in Bandipur National Park 104 IV: Survey along the trench in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary 106 V: Survey along the fence in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary 107 VI: Questionnaire survey in villages on trench/fence efficacy in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary 108 VII: Visit to anti- poaching camps 109 VIII: Survey on anti poaching camps and status of captive elephant management 110 IX: Vehicle survey for habitat and animal study ((location – Bandipur National Park, tourism zone). 111 X: Line transect survey for estimating large mammal density (dry deciduous forest) 112 XI: Line transect survey for estimating large mammal density (scrub forest) 113 XII: Daily itinerary of the Mynmarese delegation 114 Appendix 2: Profiles of captive elephants kept in AKNP 118 v

Population Estimate of Wild Elephant through Line Transect Method. 42. Village Survey for . X: Line transect survey for estimating large mammal density (dry deciduous forest). 112. XI: Line transect .. FAO, Bangkok. Eberhardt, L.L. (1968) .
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