EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICY Washington. 1. 2st 1 Giarseel la MuekRock hens DEPT MR 69291 AIA Tlighhund Ave Somerville, MA 02144-2516 ‘Subject: FOLA Request Doar Mr, Cieraraels his eter sesprnds to your nayuest In The Oiiee of ONDEP" under the Freedom af Infisznation Ae (POTS as FOLA 20182186. tiousl Drug Control Policy “Your requust ins been designated Aller revew of ONDCP reson, we are providing you wich the sttached documents, Consistent with upplicie lays, ONDCP male verisin rolaclions 4s nozed under HOLA, exomptiou 5 U.S.C. Seotion $52 (DS) (lating, inter-agency cr nemeaeney memorandum oF Terrers which would be puivilenad ia civ litigation). Tyou ure nol sitstied with the welion on this request, ou may submit an appeal in wrliag, To be vonsiderod timely, it ew be submitted clyettenically or pastmarkes (inthe ca of pastal mail} within 90 calendar days from ts Gato ofthis respan.ce via facsenile to {202} 38 i oF via U.S. postal mail addressed to FOIA Appeals Dicer, O#Ice of National Drag Conttol Policy, Executive OMice of “he President, 750 [70h Seust NW, Wisbiagton, D.C 2 ‘You alge have the right ro seek assitanee rom ONDCP's FOIA Public Liudwom of 202) 2395-6622 or Irom the Oliee of Gavernment Infocnation Services (UGS). (GIS wilers ‘rediation servives lv resolve disputes helseven POT requcstots and Fodctal agencies as ma cxetusive aliemative a iigation, Using OGIS serviges does not aloe: your taht ro paesue igntion, Tho cowsact information for OGIS is <8 fallows: OMTize af Government Information Services, National Atebives aud Records Administarion, Room 2510, 8601 Adsiphi Res, Coffey Park, Marylan’ 20740-600 |; comes oaisddinara,gox: telephone at 202-741-5770: ol] fee ot 1-877-684-6468; wor favsrnile ut 202-741-5260, ‘ink you foe Your imerest in lecening shout your government Michae! Paste cding General Courel