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Preview Rep. Cecil Ash (Dist. 18)

af Uh est er Osreidate Addase Ubi Offs He ugh: tate, _ Pied 18 fal Jisefficer -arg this siater-2nt wavering the 12 reins of aslerasr year 20.1. 2 Lama satda.c ‘or @ peble offes, and am ‘ing tis Fins ace! Discluste Statement acverang the 12 ontha pocedig “he ‘atement, fry Pe marth ot 2 tn te onto! t | seve Bean appoised to a vscany a2 pebic offs and am sting 4 : ‘Sislenant covering tha 12 pronth perc ending with the lat fall ecorth aior foe daty “took offre dove Wy ovser hal Lt 2 are fully stows a ratio 2 nifmad sene 8 BECTION A: PERSONAL DISCLOSURE 1. Hames emes ard lis Varae af ie>eile-or ef whom you nave legal wnat io dleclase: YL and you" s2euss veastady, Your scour enna [Linda Ash Ne mine © Loxevs hes : 2. Sources of Fersenal Compensetion at to disclose: Ie name gad accross ot each epor ho pit you, your spuUse. oF ker of houselied more ‘ran 31,090 i selety, wages, camarsslone, ‘lps 0° cher torn af exinpersuion duet vind cavetad by the repr Cewaie each ef otye"s DuAmIaSS and the serves for wich yeu oa sour souabholl were comesrsared, Als ctarything 0” va ue tna any niher nates, oululoe your Aeusahole oooh “cr your use oF bet you Srany “terkar sly hvaehoid, #2: 2 suid ay your omap yer fhausckeaper fel Pt pereen's wages ara she ram ofthe employe ‘ot your ovrschrla Younaed vol disclose: 2 mony su pel te tue nage you 9° your “Lusehold ‘nome & yr ck HLe-Eee DOMES ANDERE TORS BY URLS Orsings 2 Ws oF uote Orrisers Moca Sraceemnie eaisionas 3. Srofessional, Orct/paticnal and Business Licenses \Whsttc dlscluser Lis al dering he gorse severe By ti saod ts oF bald ny ya o°ary ware oF your housetinld at sny etener | i | Lone 2 betes Leases cant Ne Cian Ne teri 4, Porsonst Creditors: snr yO:, oF 2 Teribet of yous houseto!d ni Wiha dotcwoe eur ed or re we wdsas of eagh secon 4iuing the paricd covered hy is Sat to disclose: The n ayergonat ott over $10 ined senarged drug Uns fot, Fl Usa Gate ace helher Evae Turse or dtscher set ing ‘aru oruct ofa business (llac!=se those ir Nac:ua Ct Sree’, on ister eicles ne used “gr cpo-neralal purpoees, ci Aebts Dr debts you ove fo “Blab, personal Weil card ter sachs ot You need not disclose: Deb's a Dabs oi fesidenses oF meres [tau eaccreesex Cyuumo> ne Punt fl ESA ch PSSA MSD} Fertioic Serve Sestelars of Cite 5. Perschial Debtors ‘What fo disclose: The vers =f ach deotor whe ora member of your Pruaebtl a Gobo {Ho o: ene tre: chifag the pera eavores by ts Elelemors, ane the approximae vale of ue ebl (Soo lust sage atvavue catogoros:. Fhe dsatiies icwred or dscis ped d arag ih period covered by he Slatome, epnt fie date and wheter a dott wae incacred o: discharges. TOYSUPERSONSLLY . ERTS OVERS, OO1 6 ronan Passa we LIC O- ree ee Tous Haves Baas re # Sette beset ie Bake BO |SPORC= Ive ~ lostesiz008 _ on . _ _{ enews Ibis |. _. ne | _ ya j : — - _ _ . _—— stones | 6. Gite Wheto disclose: The nara of tha dus who geve you > a rember o” your iouee"obl a singie gil oF at fe $500 shat gh oss NOT FU nip & aakegny ‘eeeutnuvation of ns wh 2 value fa houserold morrber received Ov wil, Icetse aLnowssior hing trasie, 1 ouccrrentany Fines ostno! 169 91 snresior. Gls repeive tholabar ef she nousene!d ar resctigas 0 the Cfoonsernriniy Garonts. gramps ts, sings Utldeon ons genentseent ornobliva conldl Pane repored ma vermbe'an tance reports ‘You nead not ulacfose: Gifts you of alr that's ton, {+ Thane ite sorste: mayne We uo alt” legis ne warkeh SECTION 8: REPORTABLS INT#AESTS or Trusts Offices oF Fiduciary Retstionshins is Susinasses, Noap-otit Organlzadte: on, us oF aan organizer ato Fad ay Flori ralalone i 29 ao re eda 20h bu roca’ af oleh youl oF eny member oF pour housal:st eld diving the pod soveres by ih Staterant 2 ts orreren hoscens Uru he iat Exnaurive Oi "# anegeingii Presider f SOTENGT aa, #105 | i Peso, Pe “RTS, BOTT TTT 8. Gnerabip oF Financial interest in Trusts, or Investment Funds \ihat to disetese: The name snz adress ofeach busiress, trust iwesirant or client tid ir rary mambo" oF Yolen sv aererah p of aenefcil inert of aver $7,000. TAs i i ventures, 93 ‘oraliss, awuies matus| nde and colle wcul acuoels. Lisl Fe sniga tka va'e ofthe eculty, (S28 vas, cage fer vate persis percents taregores.) Gecreten 2 Stabs 8. Bends sere more than $4,000 thst you or @ men ber of your ths St3emen. If He bands were secured a dieeted ‘What io diectors, onde ied oy enze.agen Fouratole Pol orld ausig he pari wae during the pe ied, e200ct he dete tat camer vane | RevpAcaarr nics Grecia lace toe oiveree : { i 10, Real Property Qwnershit: What to disofoser, Arzona res] plopet'y ur any-svemarts t when ye hol ele tr hale tle during +c poviod caver ay his Seamer” Reseibs he prcoutty's eatin and approxima:s siz Henge luc saegores (eee fst pagel eps tte yatio at vou: cruly. Ih prosuely wus 861 hand dung ite porod. Dis Siateners fash dale and ati woautred. fot disclose: You primary-es isle oF propery you ase fi pets Dire Aral Ren 35 P38 N, 220 Pl | ts, 32 65215 ' 30/2006 Keesa, AZ B2t8 1800 ce.F, singl> eondo cf eo bulging, Pr affechin i Aapncurn to Francia: [Csscioaste Stetemert ‘or [aguttonal eroneSes, L ates SECTION C: BUSINESS INTERESTS. 14, Sustness Neires what tn diselose: Tha name of any Sueiness urciacwhion yu of aay reir af your housshoie did business Truth the pocoo sovered Ly thi Searenvent, Ihc yde co aoseione, lvaag Fab comognion, pytnar eps ard Smee, Jain the datallons 2rovided it statue, discloss The Lusinese. vane Ie ental ed ot i both cortried ard Soper, mark bats Bones, Lisette (Lteperds~i ! [Cpcratotea . —EEpenendest | Loetea - Seemancen: ORE “HAN 919 005 08 PROVE! Ppalo’ COVERED BY T'S MERE IKFES LISTED A3CVE_ BAD NOT GRO: SATION CURING T-L NECR ANT: 'F A 3: WORE FIN [Et OF YOUR PERSONAL COWPE STATEMENT, YOU JONCT NEED 19 SCMPLCTE 42, Controlled Business Information 120 business you listed alave, anc the goads oF serviges prow fr a bus: ‘roto thar $18,300 guid 255 omer or clent.T jagea 43 aot that to dlectose: The name o" each n= by tha husiness, Ila sirgle sit or custome Ofte chugs income, oust wir #2 your Dusiness oravibes tl Gove ibe hal tha o'eniicuclorrer's busirsse dus ( your niajr cert sm pateon, Slane. F yor ls co! have er major lsu, oat the laste atime Bar sei cor the anlviias of any cussenrer 0° cient she ‘You need nal dsclose: The name sf ary cusionsor srviighug wl than = sires. —- | cocnscrseices I} vaysa youre soeseD ewe soon rnevovess | Bene Coeur aes 19, Dependent Business Information: What to discloge The nae of east dapovcde'd bls nese, ‘ne pnts ¢* aoricos orovided oy He depetndeat bosness tho gabis or services provided tthe majo" stems” ne nial tha cicinose act Fhe Tajo Custer ar ight aa aueircss, Wha dyer sei BusinBes Is also a rata sake Paspea inn? who You nse not disclose: The mame or idartty of tre custoria oF stant, 9° tre ersount af ingame fam ine stoover af alla, F the ousramer or cients a nelidual iether "haw 4 buses 5lage tr parsons ces, Hocee oe cepences “putes Carson ce 44, Real Property Cwned by Business Whatto disclose: fiza1a prsmarty ard imp.ovements the ‘ise 2 which wore belo hy = aout riled wr Aesokdent ousirass listed az0v9, Ife busrssa le one that dea i veal atacand imovovensens, is! he aggregate velie a el paieats nad ir the period covered sy thle Staferrent, cesrrib he prop) nd apyiodeate size ‘Using ‘he vues alegoes (see Ine pays) report he value o” polly I vot business. re properly wu seats cA dhe perioe gover ay this Sigtowomr, si shat snd" ta oat | orien sate wy of 18, Susinoss’ Crodf What lo diestase: The naive aye edi-ess o* that amaurtwao eso more F973 EythsStatomert, Ths hat and th de ah credtor te which yo. bloinesa ceod sae than $12,906, # ‘You nead netaiaclose: Sets resul'ag frm a basins Creed] piscteneet | Tbe meal Jey 48, Business! Debtors What fo disclose: The nsira 0° he detrer “or each dct sopecting B1F,20 raved io 5 anawollae of slependent business «hich was a'ss “ove than 40% ofthe cota inetisdness 1 the Rcirese wt let was oeu ‘abany tme cur g the preceding calendar yeas. «the debt aa inovred or slsonarged duriy the ycar, st st ‘nd tho dats, List valve category i awe oF Cotte 4a aaa 2 sr OWE sete i Hayeor Das-or jms Value Categories: (from ARS § 38842B)} Category 7 - $1,600 to $28,000 Category 2 — More then $25,000 to $100,000 Category $ - More than 5740,000 ‘acretens of Stabe eS TFS ‘Addaulun to ine FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ted by Soc! 2 lanusty 31, 2011 Supplement ip Question #2: Binge | alr retredl, ! do nat have employment ard do not receive oompont fom aryons. all fmy income comes fram my investmers, which are sled cater i: Guestion #8, end from rortat propertias which are ‘Isted hereafter in Suesion £10. fh addition | also on propsrty in Uian hich ig rot subjec. to te 2 selosure requirement. ada J, #5¢, have a 17% interestin tne LLG known ai Vis 12 acidress is 281? Niprth Norwalk. #105, Resa, AZ 96215; Eouity by valve, Category 3. 2, Ceol P, Ash and his spouse, Linda. Ast, hewe a 17 96 interest known ag 8, LC, Tha address is 281? North Nor q Ninna, AZ 8 valua, Cateacry 3 S518 Eouly by vale, Catanay 2. inthe LLC 4 8 2512 2. Geol P, Aeh avd his spouse, Lindau. Ash, nave a £7% inte jers Construstion Profit Staring Plan. LG... The ai irealk, #106, Wess, AZ 86245; Euully by valur, Cateyory 3 fash ane tis spaise, Linda J. Asm, have a 2028 interest in the LLC iawPint RW Resor, 1.0. The address is 2812 North Norwalk, #105, Masa, AZ 85218, Equiy by vale, Categnry 15 4 100% Interest in his own oontiitetions into ‘he Arrzena 19, Phaen'x, 12 83067-3510: Equity by 1g sum 2° nonthly payments. 6. Cea. Ast Stata Re.retrent System, P.O. Bax 35 value, Category 2 fentitlement s by Supplement to Question #10 2, 11241 1W, Almeria, Avondate, AY Tle els ky Gest P. Ach, Bquiry ¥2 82: 1400 sq ft. single family rasieenioe, gat 2; Date enquired: 8252000

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