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Renormalization Theory: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the International School of Mathematical Physics at the ‘Ettore Majorana’ Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice (Sicily) Italy, 17–31 August, 1975 PDF

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Preview Renormalization Theory: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the International School of Mathematical Physics at the ‘Ettore Majorana’ Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice (Sicily) Italy, 17–31 August, 1975

Renormalization Theory NATO ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTES SERIES Proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute Programme. which aims at the dissemination of advanced knowledge and the formaUon of contacts among scientists from different countries The series is published by an international board of publishers in conjunction with NATO Scientific Affairs Division A Life Sciences Plenum Publishing Corparation B Physics London and New York C Mathematical and D. Reidel Publishing Company Physical Sciences Dordrecht and Boston D Behavioral and Sijthoff International Publishing Company Social Sciences Leiden E Applied Sciences Noordhoff International Publishing Leiden Series e - Mathematical and Physical Sciences Volume 23 - Renormalization Theory Renormalization Theory Pruceedings uf the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the International School of Mathernatical Physics at the 'Euure Majorana' Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice (Sicily) Ital.\', 17-31 August, 1975 edited by G. VELO, International School of Mathematical Physics, BoloKna, Italy A.S. WIGHTMAN, Dept. of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., U.SA. D, Reide! Publishing Company Dordrecht-Holland! Boston-U.S.A. Published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division ISBN-I3: 978-94-010-1492-2 e-ISBN-I3: 978-94-010-1490-8 DOI: 10.1 007/978-94-010-1490-8 Published by D. Reidel Publishing Company P.O. Box 17, Dordreeht, Holland Said and distributed in the U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico by D. Reidel Publishing Company. Inc. Lincoln Building, 160 Old Derby Street, Hingham, Mass. 02043, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved Copyright ©1976 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordreeht, Holland No part of the material proteeted by this copyright notice may be repradueed or utilized in any form or by any means, eleetronie of mechanica!, including photocopying, reeording or by any informational storage and retrieval system, witholit written permission from the copyright owner TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION VII ORIENTATION A. S. Wightman DlMENSIONAL AND ANALYTIC RENORMALIZATION E. R. Speer 25 BPHZ RENORMALIZATION J. H. Lowenstein 95 REMARK ON EQUIVALENT FORMULATIONS FOR BOGOLIUBOV'S METHOD OF RENORMALIZATION W. Zimmermann 161 THE POWER COUNTING THEOREM FOR FEYNMAN INTEGRALS WITH MASSLESS PROPAGATORS W. Zimmermann 171 SOME RESULTS ON DlMENSIONAL RENORMALIZATION P. Breitenlohner and D. Maison 185 Leetures given by P. Breitenlohner ADIABATIC LIMIT IN PERTURBATION THEORY H. Epstein and V. Glaser 193 Leetures given by H. Epstein EXISTENCE OF GREEN'S FUNCTIONS IN PERTURBATIVE Q.E.D. R. Seneor 255 GAUGE FIELD MODELS C. Beeehi, A. Rouet, and R. Stora 269 Leetures given by C. Beeehi RENORMALIZABLE MODELS WITH BROKEN SYMMETRIES C. Beeehi, A. Rouet, and R. Stora 299 Leetures given by R. Stora TABU OF CONTFNTS RENORMALIZED PERTURBATION THEORY: ACHIEVEMENTS. LIMITATIONS AND OPEN PROBLEMS B. Schroer 345 QUANTUM SINE-GORDON EQUATION AND QUANTUM SOLITONS IN TWO SPACE-TIME DlMENSIONS J. Fröhlich 371 NON-PERTURBATlVE RENORMALIZATION IN THE YUKAWA MODEL IN TWO DIMENSIONS E. Seiler 415 THE NON-PERTURBATIVE RENORMALIZATION OF (A~4)3 J. Feldman 435 NON-RENORMALIZABLE QUANTUM FIELD THEORIES K. Pohlmeyer 461 INTRODUCTION The present volume collects lecture notes from the session of the International School of Mathematical Physics 'Ettore Majorana' on Renormalization Theory that took place in Erice (Sicily), August 17 to August 31, 1975. The School was a NATO Advanced Study Institute sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Public Education, the Italian Minis- try of Scientific and Technological Research, and the Regional Sicilian Government. Renormalization theory has, by now, acquired forty years of history. The present volume assumes a general acquaintance with the elementary facts of the subject as they might appear in an introductory course in quantum field theory. For more recent significant developments it provides a systematic intro- duction as well as a detailed discussion of the existing state of knowledge. In particular analytic and dimensional renorma- lization, normal product technique, and the Bogoliubov-Shirkov- Epstein-Glaser method are treated, with applications to physically important gauge theories. All the preceding deals with perturbative renormalization theory. In recent years there has been an interesting development of non-perturbative renormalization theory in models in space-times of two and three dimensions, with the use of the methods of constructive field theory. Despite the simplicity of these models, the results are of significance because they are exact and answer a number of questions of principle. There are parts of renormalization theory which are not well understood, for instance the renormalization theory of non-renormalizable interactions. The potential physical applications of these interactions are of such importance that the School would not have been complete without some discussion of this topic. The Editors hope that the book will be useful both to beginners and to those with a long-time interest in renormali- zation theory. The Editors wish to thank Ms. S. Bragaglia for tireless and efficient management of the School. ORIENTATION A. S. Wightman Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., U.S.A. The purpose of this orientation is to provide an introduction to the detailed talks that follow. Renormalization theory is a notoriously complicated and technical subject. As aresult it is easy to los e sight of the main themes in the welter of details. In the hope of making the theory more accessible to the earnest student, I shall not flinch from repeating things that all experts know. Furthermore, I hope and expect that many of the points I make will be repeated later; I have chosen them because I believe they are worth repeating. Gell-Mann-Low Formula and Its Expression as a Functional Integral For the purposes of renormalization theory, the starting point of Lagrangian field theory is the formula of Gell-Mann and Low expressing the expectation value of a time-ordered product of Heisenberg picture field operators in the physical vacuum, in terms of a ratio of interaction picture vacuum expectation values [1]. ('1'0' (~Aj (xj))+'I'o) (<1>0, (exp[i f de I(Od4t;]An (X j ) ••• ArJxn))+<I>o) (1) (<I>o,(exp[i f ~I(t;)d4t;])+<I>O) '1'0 physical vacuum Aj Heisenberg picture field <1>0 interaction picture vacuum Aljinteraction picture field )+ time ordered product G. Velo and A. S. Wightman (eds.), Renormalization Theory, [·24. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1976 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht·Holland. 2 A. S. WIGHTMAN If the exponentials in the numerator and denominator are expanded in series, this expression takes the form from which all pertur- bative renormalization theory starts (0/0, (IjlAj (xj))+o/O) (2) (i)n n! J. .• J d4i;1···d4i;n(~0,(.;cI(i;1)···->t'I(i;n) n=O (i)n L -nr- J. .. J d4i;1 •.. d4i;n(~0'(~I(i;1)···~I(i;n))+~0) n=O More than half of what follows will deal with the study of (2) and its transformation into a renormalized perturbation series. But, to begin with, I will follow the development of the non-perturbative form of the theory. Here an alternative expression for (1) in terms of functional integrals , first written down in print by ~Jatthews and Salam [2] following ideas of ~eynman, plays a decisive role. n (3) J ljll<9Aj exp[i J d4i;o"t(O]Pl Aj(xj ) f ljf..e-Aj exp[i J d4i;~(Ol where the functional integrals are over all classical field histories, and ~ is the Lagrangean of the theory. The fermion classical fields were supposed to be anti-commuting among them- selves and commuting with the boson classical fields making the integral even more exotic than it would be in pure boson case in which all classical fields commute. If one doesn't look too closely at the formula, it is fantastic: the solution of non- trivial Lagrangean field theories reduced to quadratures! Much of the recent work on non-perturbative renormalization theory described in the following by Seiler, Feldman, and Fröhlich can be regarded as progress in making a version of (3) that can really be taken literally and us ed to prove properties of solutions. Historically, the first serious attempts to make the func- tional integrals in (3) respectable resulted in setbacks, instructive setbacks however. and hence worth being described. The enthusiasm aroused by formulae such as (3) is evident in the review article Integration in Functional Space and Its Applica- tions in Quantum Physics of I.M. Gelfand and A.M. Yaglom [3] (translated in the first volume (1960) of ORILNTA nON 3 the Journal of Mathematica1 Physics a1though it dates from 1955). Ge1fand and Yag10m describe at some 1ength the para11e1ism first deve10ped by M. Kac between Feynman's expression for the time deve10pment of the wave function according to the Schrödinger equation and Wiener's expression for time deve10pment according to the diffusion equation. Forma11y, the difference between the two is just a factor of i in the exponentia1: 1 tl f exp[ - - f (4 ) 4D t o for the diffusion equation ~ D~ at ax 2 im tl dx 2 (~ (5) f exp[ 2h Jt o [ dT] dT]cl·x for the Schrödinger equation Hi~ <JJ • at Thus, going from Schrödinger to the diffusion equation is equi- valent to rep1acing - iK/2m by D They made c1ear how natural it is to extend formu1ae of this type to quantum fie1d theory and thereby to arrive at equation (3). To make the Feynman history integra1 rigorous, Ge1fand and Yag10m proposed to regard it as the 1imit of integra1s in which P1ahck's constant h has a negative imaginary part, -i6. They argued that this gives rise to a comp1ex measure on paths: ..• "It is natural that such a complex measure for arbitrary m> 0, 0 > 0 ... will be just as 'good' as Wiener measure, i.e. it will have just as precise a meaning as measure in the space of continuous functions, and it wil1 a1low integration over it of a wide c1ass of functiona1s inc1uding all continuous and bounded functiona1s .... " It turned out, a1as, that this statement is wrong. It was shown by Cameron [4] that this proposal defines a comp1ete1y additive comp1ex measure only when h = 0, 6 > 0, i.e. for the case considered by Wiener. From a practical point of view, this means that one does not have available all the powerfu1 analytical devices of the theory of integration. Instead, one must fashion one's mathematica1 tools for dea1ing with these expressions as one goes along. There are those who worked hard a10ng such lines, C. DeWitt [5], for examp1e, but the mainstream of deve10pment has taken a different direction. See a1so [6]. Of course, the 1950's were not without their advances. The beautifu1 theory of integration on the dua1 spaces of nuc1ear space s [7] probably may be regarded as part1y inspired by ef for ts to make sense of the Feynrnan history integra1.

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