Remote, Inland Occurrence Oceanic of the Anogramma leptophylla Link (Pteridaceae: (L.) Hungary Taenitidoideae) in CSABA MOLNAR 52. Istvan utca, H-3036 Gyongyostarjan, Hungary ZoltAn Baros Department of Regional and Rural Development, Karoly Robert College, 36. Matrai H-32 fit, Gyongyos, Hungary IstvAn Pinter Hungarian Academy Science— of Eotvos Lorand University, Research Group for Evolution; Pazmany Genetics 1/C, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary P. s., iLDIKd TlJRKE }. nstitute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Szent Istvan University, Pater Karol 1. H-2100 Hungary Godollo, Abstract.—The presence Anogramma of the fern species leptophylla was detected Zemplei in the ME Hungary) in 1991. The species was known neither from the country nor from th whole Carpatho-Pannonian Region known (also as Carpathian Basin) previously. Its habital on situated a roadside bank, cut into an unstable rhyolite above surface, the valley of the Cree Kemence near — the village of Palhaza. The fern a cosmopolitan taxon humi is restricted to nd is considered to be an oceanic-sub Europe. Th ien in t ungary is located more than 1000 km from the closest populations, on thus, this is may be due a to the peculiar microclimatological conditions which of the habitat, are describe e in order to give an exact explanation for this outstanding occurrence. The chromosomes wei counted some a in individuals of the Hungarian population and were found be n = 26n to fc In 1991, a population of a small fern species was found Hungary in the for time by Zolyomi first Sz. in the Zempleni Mountains (Hungarian spelling: Zempleni-hegyseg). The was species Anogramma identified as leptophylla (L.) Link (Pteridaceae, Taenitidoideae; Tyron et al, 1990; Sanchez-Baracaldo, 2004) using the "Collectio Pteridophytorum" of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (BP) and by counting the chromosomes. The species has not been reported previously from the Carpatho-Pannonian Region known (also as [email protected] : ANOGRAMMA LEPTOPHYLLA : The newly found Hungariai Carpathian Thus, with Basin). sporophyte, A. leptophylla can 1 members of the flora of the region. The Anogramma gene genus Tryon center of the {sensu 1990) et al., is and South America, where Anogramma located in Central species except A. all ascensionis (Hook.) Diels can be found, including cosmopolitan A. lepto- Anogramma phylla. caespitosa Pic.Serm. reported from Tanzania was recently synonymy reduced under and A. leptophylla (Nakazato Gastony, to 2003). Anogramma many humid leptophylla can be found and mild in regions around the world. Besides the Americas, the range of the species includes the and and subtropical regions coastal regions of Africa, the subtropical regions of Australia and Oceania. distribution range extends from Iran to Malaysia in Its Asia, and also inhabits the southern portion of the Himalayas, the Caucasus it and the Middle East. In Europe, occurs in the Mediterranean region, along it the Atlantic coast, the Mediterranean basin and in Crimea (Fig. Jalas and 1; Suominen, Komarov, 1972; 1934; Pignatti, 1982; Castroviejo et 1986; Prelli, al., 1990; Stace, 1997). The European distribution pattern of the species shows a conspicuous preference for humid regions, and considered to be an oceanic-suboceanic it is element (Meusel et 1965; Dostal, 1984). In the western territories grows al., it and mountains under oceanic whereas in coastal regions climatic influence, suboceanic) occurrences the vast majority of the eastern is restricted to the (i.e., Some shores of the Mediterranean Sea (Dostal, 1984). inland .occurrences have under also been detected, but these are either oceanic influence or influenced by microclimatic conditions. This pioneer species prefers competition- local free habitats, where inhabits rock surfaces and crevices (Page, 1982; Jermy it and Camus, 1991). AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 98 3 Anogramma Location of leptopbylla Peak Settlements Area of Zempleni the Mts. Anogramma Fig. 2. Location of leptophylla in Hungary. In contrast to the above-mentioned, the Hungarian population the village at of Palhaza unique being (Fig. 2) is in situated in the inland region of the km European continent 1000 from ca. the nearest occurrences along the southern part of the Adriatic Sea and on the southern one side of the Alps. It is of the northernmost populations of this species in the world. Although presence Hungary in unusual its is at glance, the ecological first requirements of this otherwise oceanic, and subtropical, tropical species are by fulfilled the microclimate which of this location, provides an air temperature above freezing and high humidity Some throughout the year. European other inland populations of A. leptophylla, such as those on the southern side of the Alps Switzerland and (in northern the Italy), live at mouths of caves (Chiodi, 1958; Hess ef al, 1976) that provide a suitable microclimate Our the for species. case although some is different, similarity may between exist the microclimate and of caves the talus crevices Palhaza at may in that they provide similar climatic conditions. During the winter 2003 of MOLNAR ANOGRAMMA HUNGARY LEPTOPHYLLA ET AL.: IN 131 and 2004, our was entirely covered by snow with the exception of the site ca. m 2 10 area where adult sporophytes of the fern grow, surrounded by green mats mosses on wet of the rocks. This paper presents the characteristics (geological, microclimatological, and vegetational features] of the Hungarian population and the habitat preferences of A. leptophylla in the Carpathian Basin. Methods and For insight into the microclimatic conditions of the habitat to explore how Anogramma leptophylla can tolerate the unfavorable macroclimatic measurements conditions, seasonal expedition not repeated, but field (i.e., detailed observations of the climatic conditions that enable one to gain basic were conducted insight to the microclimatologic conditions of a site) at 12 designated points, which were intended to reflect the characteristic features (i) and them adequate permit of the habitat represent in density; itself (ii) comparison between the habitat and environment, and represent points its (iii) and with various exposure, vegetation coverage. units, soil Measurements were carried out three times a day sunrise, around noon, (at and on two sporophyte sunset) different dates in 2005: the height of at at rd germination on February 19th, and at the height of spore ripening on April 3 . The following parameters were determined: temperature and relative air humidity at a height of 2 m, soil temperature at depths of 2, 5, and 10 cm. and wind speed and direction at a height of 2 m. In addition to the above, air temperature and humidity were measured every 30 minutes, directly relative next to the sporophytes at the crevices of the substrate. and humidity were measured using Air temperature relative a digital platinum resistance thermometer and capacitive hygrometer. Measurements of temperature were carried out using a digital platinum resistance soil down wind thermometer measurements 10 cm, whereas speed suitable for to wind and was measured with cup anemometer. Additionally, directions a winds were determined. microclimatological was The newly found population visited regularly to observe life-cycle. its known Because no species of similar life-strategy has been in our region, the was examined. Growth designed of the fern also studies, to life-cycle humidity and water by watering and investigate the impact of air availability drying, were also carried out under laboratory conditions. For chromosome counts, some adult sporophytes from the population were and greenhouse. Chromosomes were counted from collected transferred to a methods (Manton, Photographs spore mother following standard 1950). cells, DMRB. model were taken with a Leica microscope — The and population Lithology, climate vegetation of the habitat. in the known Mountains) Zempleni Mountains the Eperjes-Tokaji located (also as is AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 132 JOURNAL: 98 3 (2008) along a roadside bank near the Palhaza above Kemence village the valley of on Creek, the hillside of Nagy-Gereben 48 25'N, 21 The (Fig. 2) at 25'E. m elevation 365 above Exposure is ca. sea level. to the east south-east is and (Fig. the side of the most exposed The 5], is hill to solar radiation. population found on is talus slopes densely interlaced and developed on the bedrock rhyolite of the Palhaza-Telkibanya eruption center of the Lower A Sarmatian volcanic cycle (Gyarmati, 1971). road was cut 1958 by in forestry (Nagy Imre ex retired forester, verb.) into this unstable, rubble rhyolitic surface m m forming a moderately steep scree slope, which provides 10 X ca. of 1 The habitat. population fluctuates between 400 and 800 sporophytes ca. The annually. surrounding vegetation can be described as a habitat-complex of rocky grassland and embedded debris slope forest all in acidophilic hornbeam- A woods oak with beech (Simon, voucher specimen 1977). deposited the is at herbarium "Collectio Pteridophytorum" in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (BP) under the number "689786" collection (collecting date: 11.04.2001, Csaba collector: Molnar). mm The annual precipitation of the sample area 700-750 (Mersich is ca. et which above al., 2002), is the national average. Also, the highest values of humidity relative in the Hungarian context found are here in seasons, all 75% approximately during winter with values of actual evapotranspiration mm may that exceed 100 in July (Mersich et 2002). Air temperature al., conditions Zempleni of the Mountains, with mean a annual temperature between and C 8.0 8.5 at the northern regions, are among the coolest compared other mountains to of the North Hungarian Middle As Range. whole, a the climate of the region can be and humid classified as cool moderately (Justyak, J ' 1998). Microclimatic conditions habitat— of the Results of microclimatological measurements indicate a positive anomaly both in air temperature ("heat outflow"; and Fig. 5 A) relative humidity at the center of the locality, hereafter referred to as the "cauldron", the inner microclimatic space i.e., of the population The location. rise in temperature quite conspicuous winter is in when, seasons, unlike the surrounding area that usually covered by is snow significant cover, the cauldron snow and is free of manifestly unfrozen. Relative humidity remained 100% constant between and at sunrise sunset The permanently (Fig. moist 3). surface of the bedrock, and the water droplets on the surrounding moss-cushions also reflected saturated or over-saturated m present air in the cauldron. At a distance of above 2 the surface, a significant decrease in the diurnal course of humidity relative can be observed in front of the cauldron on the road at the outer microclimatic (i.e., space; Here, Fig. 3). ca^70% the value after sunrise decreases noon until 44.6%), then reaches (to it 65% The ca. at sunset. values measured here compare well with the values of the remote measurement points (51.0-58.1% noon, 55.5-61.3% at at sunset). Thus, the outer microclimatic space reflects the characteristic values of the In the period following springtime thaw, a significant change was observed in the diurnal rhythm of relative humidity. The cauldron and close its MOLNAR ANOGRAMMA ET LEPTOPHYLLA HUNGARY AL.: IN 100 90- 80- Co" 60- T3 - 1 40- 0> — — 30 ~ "Cauldron" cs _ & _ 20- "In front of # cauldron" the 10 - 100- "Cauldron" _^^^\ _ _ ^ 90- "In of front # W \ the cauldron" 80- \ w 70- \ fr 3 60 \^ m^^^^^ \ 1 50- 3 •A 40- ^*^^—-^'^ ^ 30- •£ r Y* -c 20- 13 P* Time (UTM+1) AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 98 3 both maps. i environment switched showed to a different course that conspicuous congruency phenomenon may This be due (Fig. 4). to the cessation of the continuous water supply (snow-melt), that plays a crucial role in the existence of the population by providing mild and humid conditions during germination dormant embryo of sporophytes or gametophytic lobes from perennating tubercules as illustrated by Nakazato and Gastony (2003). The high humidity relative values at the cauldron are coupled with high air temperature values that are 3-5 C higher than those in the nearby environment (Fig. 5A). Temperature values measured here between sunrise and sunset were not lower than 4 C, whereas, example, was for 0.3-0.6°C observed at the rest of measurement the points sunset. Additionally, measurement at at the point in front of the cauldron (and on close to the sections of the cart-road covered by it, snow) the temperature air increased significantly, in contrast to the highly where forested parts, the most moderate oscillation in temperature values air were observed. Soil temperature values measured at a depth of 2 cm in the cauldron were 7- C 11 higher than in surroundings and were even its higher at a depth of 5 cm. The increase in temperature was soil after sunrise the most intense the depth at of cm, exceeding even 2 that of the temperature. However, air the diurnal course of these two parameters becomes rather similar during the rest of the day. This rise in temperature occurred somewhat cm later at 5 depth and, in was spite of this short delay, characterized by the highest values and also the lowest daily fluctuation of temperature At depth cm (Fig. 5B). the of 5 the was between and latter 9.1 11.9°C, whereas the between difference the values measured cm depths and was at of 2 5 only ±0.1 with C, greater variation at MOLNAR ANOGRAMMA ET LEPTOPHYLLA HUNGARY AL. IN 35 1 : The the shallower depth. measurements results of carried out in the vicinity of on mat moss the fern, a of the most exposed at side of the outcrop, indicated and higher also non-fluctuating temperature soil values. Because flow can air counteract the high humidity, relative characteristic wind conditions of the sample area should also be mentioned. The results of our measurements showed predominance the meso- and of macroclimatic influences, channel i.e., a so-called effect in accordance with the orientation of the valley system. The mean values of wind speeds of 0.5 to nearly m/s 1 measured during day the indicate an intensive dehydrating effect. The positive anomalies in temperature and humidity mentioned relative m above diminished abruptly within even a few distance from the Anogramma was habitat patch. This most probably due the 0.5-1 m/s mean wind speed to may values resulting from the channel This cause effect. the suitable habitat for Anogramma be highly to restricted to the cauldron. The Life-cycle.— sporophyte generation of the studied population starts to develop from dormant embryos on perennating tubercules cover [see illustration of Nakazato and Gastony (2003)] in December, and during the crucial period of germination the above described specific microclimatological conditions provide favorable circumstances. Sporophytes reach maturity the at beginning of April, and spores are ripe from April the beginning to of June, then the sporophytes wither. newly produced from Prothallia, the spores, photosynthesize during June and and then, since no growing July, suitable conditions exist in this period, they form a perennating organ, a dormant tubercule, as found by Baroutsis (1976) and reported by Hagemann and (1997) new Nakazato and Gastony The sporophyte (2003). generation from arises these prothallia or from their dormant tubercules as explained and illustrated by Nakasato and Gastony (2003). Our greenhouse observations have shown that adequate humidity and mild temperature (above provided if zero) are under controlled conditions, the sporophytes can arise at any time in the year, and their life-cycle is completed within the same time as under natural conditions. Regarding our desiccation tolerance observations, dormant tubercules were found to be able to survive for 2.5 years in drought conditions. 5% After watering, of the prothallial tubercules immediately developed sporophytes. — Chromosome counts. For the Hungarian population, the chromosome n = number was n 26 obtained spore mother However, of (Fig. 6) in cells. numbers different are reported for A. leptophylla in the Brownlie literature: u n = = (1958) found n 29 in New-Zealand, Tutin (Fabri, 1963) found n 26 in the n = Channel Verma and Khullar found n 29 Mickel Islands, (1965) in India, et al. = n found n 27 and 29 11 Mexico, Baroutsis and Gastony found (1966) in (1978) = n 29" in South Africa and n=29' in gametophytes from Mexico, Manton et al. n found n-26 11 Madeira, and Queiros found n=26 (1986) in et (1988) in al. Portugal. Baroutsis and Gastony (1978) discussed the tendency of mitotic and chromosomes meiotic of A. leptophylla (including A. guatemalensis (Domin) C.Chr.) together and observed thin and knob-like short chromosomes, to stick Some factors potentially contributing to the variation in reported numbers. AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 98 J 6B chromosomes larger in the photograph of our specimen can be (Fig. 6.) observed. Rasbach and Reichstein and [1990] Lovis re-examined et (1993) al. n chromosome numbers many = the in populations, and they observed n 26 . They many concluded that of the previously published counts presumably are incorrect, although, they urged further taxonomic research two in cases. Nakazato and Gastony noted chromosome (2003) that the reinterpretation of if number in A. leptophylla correct, the number 26 an apomorphic reduction is is common in the ancestor of their A. leptophylla clade from the plesiomorphic n number = base n 29 of in Taenitidoid Thus, ferns. in spite of the cytological Anogramma variability within the genus (Gastony and Baroutsis, 1975), the world-wide Anogramma distributed species leptophylla seems be uniform to in this respect according to the re-examinations of Rasbach and Reichstein and (1990) Lovis Our et al. (1993). result in line with these re-examinations, is and chromosome the count Hungarian of the population supports the karyological homogeneity of the species. Conclusions—The surprisingly remote inland establishment extreme of the Anogramma oceanic element Hungary may leptophylla in be attributable to certain favorable environmental conditions. At the habitat of the species, special microclimatological conditions (higher temperature and air relative humidity values compared to its surroundings) can be observed the very at close surroundings of the population, hence providing suitable habitat the for colonization of the species. These conditions are strictly restricted to the close environment of the habitat, and absence may their not allow colonization Anogramma elsewhere by in the surrounding The and area. life-cycle the chromosome counts of the Hungarian population accordance with are in those reported European for other populations. The relatively recent colonization of the species probable since the was is habitat created by 1958 (Nagy forestry in Imre, ex The occurrence verb.). of A. leptophylla in this inland territory further contributes our knowledge to of the distribution of pteridophtyes, where MOLNAR ANOGRAMMA HUNGARY ET LEPTOPHYLLA AL.: IN 137 similar isolated occurrences have been witnessed before. also underlines the It and success colonizing cosmopolitan ability of this species. who improved greatly c r Literature Cited morphology and Baroutsis, G. 1976. Cytology, developmental biology of the fern genus ]. Anogramma. Ph. D. thesis, Indiana University, Bloomington. Baroutsis, G. and G. Gastonv. 1978. Chromosome numbers in the genus Anogramma Amer. II. J. J. Chromosome New New Brownlie, G. 1958. numbers in Zealand ferns. Trans. R. Soc. Zealand Gymnogrammaceae. DostAl, 1984. Familie Pp. 112-115, In: K. U. Kramer, ed. Ulustrierte Finn, J. von Mitteleuropa. Dritte, vollige neubearbeitete Auflage. 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