Part VIII. Reference material 591 Cumulative bibliography This book spans nearly 50 years of the work of a prolific author operating in a considerable number of separate disciplines, and given to an unusually high, and generally criticised, level of auto-citation; the latter I have tended to justify by stressing the ongoing nature of my research (which makes that all individual instalments need the substantiation of earlier instalments and anticipate on the results only attained in later ones) and its considerable originality (which has often meant that few other authors could be cited in substantiation of my increasingly daring and contentious pronouncements). Especially in regard of my own writings, compiling and improving the bibliography, including the assigning of distinctive year letters (e.g. 2076a, 2076b, 2076c) for multiple items per year both in the bibliography and in the book’s text, has therefore proved to be the most time-consuming, tantalising, and (in its excessive self- advertisement) potentially embarrassing, part of the editing of the present book. Inconsisten- cies and other blemishes could not always be avoided, and for these I request the reader’s clem- ency. Since my earlier texts usually refer to such works in progress and in the press as have meanwhile been published in definitive form, I had the option of updating the originals so as to exclusively refer to the final versions, or to include the provisional versions in this bibliography along with the final versions. The choice had to be a pragmatic one, given time constraints, the risk of new errors which every correction implies, and the state of editing of each constituent chapter. As a result this bibliography is unattractively cluttered with provisional versions and near-duplicates, for which I apologise. Aarne, Antti & Thompson, Stith, 1973, The types of the folktale, Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica. Abimbola, W., 1971, ‘Ifa divination poetry and the coming of Islam to Yorubaland: A preliminary investigation’, Pan-African Journal, 4, 4: 440-454. Abimbola, W., 1975, ed., Sixteen great poems of Ifa, no place: UNESCO (also excerpted in: Abimbola, W., 1991, ‘Poesie VI: Aus ‘‘Sechzehn große Gedichte aus Ifa’’ ’, in: Kimmerle, H., ed., Philosophie in Afrika: Afrikanische Philosophie: Annäherungen an einen interkulturellen Philosophiebegriff, Frankfurt am Main: Qumran, pp. 226-234. Abimbola, W., 1976, Ifa: An exposition of the Ifa literary corpus, New York: Nok. 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