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Regulator independence of neutron-matter predictions with chiral interactions L. Coraggio,1 J. W. Holt,2 N. Itaco,1,3 R. Machleidt,4 and F. Sammarruca4 1Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo, Via Cintia - I-80126 Napoli, Italy 2Physik Department, Technische Universita¨t Mu¨nchen D-85747 Garching, Germany 3Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Universita` di Napoli Federico II, Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo, Via Cintia - I-80126 Napoli, Italy 4Department of Physics, University of Idaho Moscow, Idaho 83844, USA (Dated: September 26, 2012) We calculate the energy per particle in infinite neutron matter perturbatively using chiral N3LO two-body potentials plus N2LO three-body forces. The cutoff dependence of the predictions is investigated by employing chiral interactions with different regulators. We find that the inclusion 2 of three-nucleon forces, which are consistent with the applied two-nucleon interaction, leads to, 1 essentially, regulator-independence of the results. 0 2 PACSnumbers: 21.30.Fe,21.65.Cd,21.60.Jz p e S I. INTRODUCTION wheretypicalchoicesforthecutoffparameterareΛ(cid:39)0.5 5 GeV. In regards to the physics of the two-nucleon prob- 2 A major breakthrough in the last decade has been lem, it is obvious that the solutions of the Lippmann- Schwinger equation, that are related to the two-nucleon thederivationofnucleon-nucleon(NN)potentials,V , ] NN observables, may depend sensitively on the regulator h basedonchiralperturbationtheory(ChPT)thatareable and its cutoff parameter. This unwanted dependence is t to reproduce accurately the NN data [1–3]. - then removed by a renormalization procedure, in which l The idea to construct realistic two- and three-nucleon c the contact terms are re-adjusted to reproduce the two- u forces (2NF and 3NF) starting from a chiral Lagrangian nucleonphaseshiftsanddata. However, itiswell-known n goes back to the seminal work of Weinberg [4–6], who that phase equivalent potentials do not necessarily yield [ invoked the concept of an effective field theory (EFT) identical results in the many-body problem. Thus, one to study the S-matrix for processes involving arbitrary 1 may be confronted with cutoff dependence in the many- numbers of low-momentum pions and nucleons. In this v body system [9]. However, in the many-body problem, 7 approach, the long-range forces are ruled by the sym- also 3NF, 4NF, ... contribute, which will have impact on 3 metries of low-energy QCD (particularly, spontaneously the final predictions and may either increase or reduce 5 broken chiral symmetry), and the short-range dynamics 5 is absorbed into a complete basis of contact terms that the cutoff dependence. 9. are proportional to low-energy constants (LECs) fit to A convenient theoretical laboratory to investigate this 0 2N data. issue is infinite nuclear matter and neutron matter. The 2 One great advantage of ChPT is that it generates advantage of pure neutron matter is that the contact in- 1 nuclear two- and many-body forces on an equal foot- teraction, VE, and the 1π-exchange term, VD, that ap- v: ing [3, 7, 8]. Most interaction vertices that appear in pear in the N2LO three-body force, vanish [10]. Thus, Xi the 3NF and in the four-nucleon force (4NF) also oc- the low-energy constants of VE and VD (known as cE curinthe2NF.Theparameterscarriedbythesevertices and cD), which cannot be constrained by two-body ob- ar are fixed (along with the LECs of the 2N contact terms) servables, are not needed. Consequently, the calculation in the construction of the chiral 2NF. Consistency then of the ground state energy of infinite neutron matter, requires that for the same vertices the same parameter with chiral 3NFs up to N2LO, depends only on parame- values are used in the 2NF, 3NF, 4NF, .... ters that have been fixed in the two-nucleon system. A crucial theme in EFT is regulator independence We note that there have been already some attempts withintherangeofvalidityofthetheory. Inotherwords, to study the uncertainties in neutron matter predictions thephysicalobservablescalculatedinthetheorymustbe using chiral forces, e. g., by Hebeler and Schwenk [10], independent both of the choice of the regulator function and Tews et al. [11], who come up with uncomfortably as well as its cutoff scale Λ. ChPT is a low-momentum large uncertainties—for reasons to be discussed below. expansion which is valid only for momenta Q < Λ (cid:39) 1 It is also worth noting that, aside from the above con- χ GeV, where Λ denotes the chiral symmetry breaking siderations, neutron matter, and more generally isospin- χ scale. Therefore, NN potentials derived in this frame- asymmetric nuclear matter, is currently of great interest work are usually multiplied by a regulator function inthenuclearphysicscommunitybecauseofitsclosecon- nection with the physics of neutron-rich nuclei and, for f(p(cid:48),p)=exp[−(p(cid:48)/Λ)2n−(p/Λ)2n], (1) higher densities, with the structure of neutron stars. 2 It is the purpose of the present paper, to investigate how the equation of state of neutron matter, calculated using chiral nuclear potentials, depends on the choice of the regulator function. More precisely, we employ three 80 1S0 16 3P0 dΛcliuff=deir4ne1gn4t3[Nc1h2Fi]r,ae4lff5ep0co,ttsae,nntdthiae5l0se0,newMrhgeoyVsep[e1cr,u3nt]ouffaclnepdoancraafmlocruetlnaeetruest,raionrne- Phase Shift (deg) 246000 Phase Shift (deg) 12048 matter at nuclear densities in the framework of many- 00 50 100 150 200 -40 50 100 150 200 Lab. Energy (MeV) Lab. Energy (MeV) body perturbation theory. The crucial point of our cal- culations is that we use in the 3NF exactly the same 1P1 3P1 LutisEaelCorsefdtauhscetiniLoEnthCoesf2tinhNeFthr.eegW2uNelaFwtoiarllnddsehp3oNewnFdtehlenaactdestohtfiosthaceosnnuesbiusstttraeonnnt- Phase Shift (deg)--21000 Phase Shift (deg)--21000 matter predictions. 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 Lab. Energy (MeV) Lab. Energy (MeV) Thepaperisorganizedasfollows. InSec.II,webriefly 240 describethefeaturesofthedifferentchiralpotentialsem- 200 3S1 3D1 pltaaltokiyeoesndinoatfnotdha,cecineonuSenretgc3y.NIpIFIe,rewffneeuccgtlseiv.oenOauinnronreuesutultilrntosenaormfetaphtrteeesrceantlhtceuadt- Phase Shift (deg)1126480000 Phase Shift (deg)--21000 in Sec. IV and some concluding remarks and an outlook 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 Lab. Energy (MeV) Lab. Energy (MeV) are given in Sec. V. FIG. 1: (Color online) Neutron-proton phase parameters as predictedbychiralN3LOpotentialswithdifferentcutoffscale II. THE CHIRAL POTENTIALS Λ. Solid(red)curve,Λ=414MeV;dashed(blue)curve,Λ= 450 MeV; and dotted (black) curve, Λ = 500 MeV. Partial waveswithtotalangularmomentumJ ≤1aredisplayed. The Duringthepasttwodecades,ithasbeendemonstrated solid dots and open circles are the results from the Nijmegen that chiral effective field theory (chiral EFT) represents multi-energy np phase shift analysis [14] and the VPI/GWU a powerful tool to deal with hadronic interactions at low single-energy np analysis SM99 [15], respectively. energy in a systematic and model-independent way (see Refs. [3, 13] for recent reviews). For the construction of an EFT, it is crucial to identify a separation of scales. In the hadron spectrum, a large gap between the masses of the pions and the masses of the vector mesons, like ρ(770) and ω(782), can clearly be identified. Thus, it is GTanQrahert∼Viausn,rmigasaelπldsst,uooaignknagnsdetsoseuttwrihmmvneeesarothsohfoftachttmoehntaeshcsihessdioerptfrahtiiolen-nssgchyamamalreamdlososwesvtcs-eraeeryltnesteb,hrtrΛgeheyχaehkes∼aixonrfpdmgtasssρncccs∼aaaiollleeen1,,. Mixing Parameter (deg) 2468 !1 Phase Shift (deg)271..0555 1D2 0 0 (Q/Λχ)ν, where Q is generic for an external momentum 0 L5a0b. En1e0r0gy (M15e0V) 200 0 L5a0b. En1e0r0gy (M15e0V) 200 (nucleon three-momentum or pion four-momentum) or a 30 3D 20 3P 2 2 pvFiioooruntshmlyis,aspEsiF.onTTshtaoenradipsenpuraocblpoerovineatste,haedneldegvrneeelostofoqpfuhfarerenkeosdmoamnendoaglroleug,oyo,nbsit-. Phase Shift (deg) 1200 Phase Shift (deg) 112648 must have a firm link with QCD. The link is established 0 0 by having the EFT observe all relevant symmetries of 0 L5a0b. En1e0r0gy (M15e0V) 200 0 L5a0b. En1e0r0gy (M15e0V) 200 btshfohyaermevecneemusnsc.eeodtAenrenyssrtlaygrouirfrnecegatlsoetuwdtlhpt,-,eerwoonNgrehyrrNi,egcshyispnoaQitrnpeCeanaDrbtptiaiapcs[l4luesy]dl.ioanfrug,hTpitCohghnehhePCppbTrahresoPcttkiTose1ino5ncnuacyrchherliaeairevaradesrl Phase Shift (deg) 12 3F2 Mixing Parameter (deg) --2101 !2 0 -3 to N3LO. 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 Lab. Energy (MeV) Lab. Energy (MeV) Since ChPT is a low-momentum expansion, valid only for momenta Q<Λ , the potentials are either abruptly FIG.2: (Coloronline)SameasFig.1,butJ =2phaseshifts χ set to zero for momenta above a certain cutoff Λ < Λ and J ≤2 mixing parameters are shown. χ (“sharp cutoff”) or they are multiplied with a smooth regulator function, like, e. g., the one of Gaussian shape given in Eq. (1). In this investigation, we consider three N3LO poten- 3 tials which differ by the cutoff parameter Λ and/or the with (cid:126)q ≡ p(cid:126)(cid:48) −p(cid:126) , where p(cid:126) and p(cid:126)(cid:48) are the initial and i i i i i regulator function: final momenta of nucleon i, respectively, and • Λ = 414 MeV together with a sharp cutoff (pub- Fab =δab(cid:20)−4c1m2π + 2c3 (cid:126)q ·(cid:126)q (cid:21)+c4 (cid:88)(cid:15)abc τc (cid:126)σ ·[(cid:126)q ×(cid:126)q ]. lished in Ref. [12]). ijk fπ2 fπ2 i j fπ2 c k k i j (3) • Λ = 450 MeV using the regulator function Eq. (1) Notethatthe2PE3NFdoesnotcontainanynewparam- with n=3. We have constructed this potential for eters, because the LECs c , c , and c appear already in 1 3 4 the present investigation. the 2PE 2NF. The 1PE contribution is • Λ = 500 MeV using the regulator function Eq. (1) VD =−fc2DΛ 8gfA2 (cid:88) q(cid:126)2σj+·m(cid:126)qj2(τi·τj)((cid:126)σi·(cid:126)qj) (4) withn=2forthe2π exchangecontributions. This π χ π i(cid:54)=j(cid:54)=k j π potential was published in 2003 [1]. and the 3N contact potential reads All three potentials use the same (comprehensive) ana- V = cE 1(cid:88)τ ·τ . (5) lytic expressions which can be found in Ref. [3]. Note E f4Λ 2 j k π χ j(cid:54)=k that the Gaussian regulator function Eq. (1) suppresses thepotentialalsoforQ<Λ,whichiswhyweuseasharp In the above, we use g = 1.29, f = 92.4 MeV, m = A π π cutoff function in the case of the lowest cutoff of 414 138.04MeV,andΛ =700MeV.Thelasttwo3NFterms χ MeV. Cutoff-independence is an important aspect of an involvethetwonewparametersc andc ,whichdonot D E EFT.Inlowerpartialwaves,thecutoffdependenceofthe appear in the 2N problem. There are many ways to pin NN phase shifts is counter balanced by an appropriate these two parameters down. The triton binding energy adjustment of the contact terms which, at N3LO, con- and the nd doublet scattering length 2a can be used. nd tribute in S, P, and D waves. The extent to which cut- Alternatively, onemaychoosethebindingenergiesof3H off independence can be achieved in lower partial waves and4Heoranoptimalover-allfitofthepropertiesoflight is demonstrated in Figs. 1-2. In F and higher partial nuclei. However, in neutron matter, V and V do not D E waves (where there are no NN contact terms) the LECs contributesuchthatwedonothavetoworryabouttheir of the dimension-two πN Lagrangian can be used to ob- valueshere. Notealsothatthec termofV ,Eqs.(2)and 4 c tain cutoff independence of the phase shift predictions, (3), vanishes in neutron matter. see Table I and Fig. 3. TABLE I: For the various chiral N3LO NN potentials used 1.6 inthepresentinvestigation,weshowthecutoffparameterΛ, 1G4 2 3F4 tfLuhanegcrttayinopngei,aonEf,qrc.eig((u1in)la,tuaonnri,tdsthtohefeGexLepVEo−Cn1se)n,otwfnhtihcuehsedadrimeinerenltsehivoeannr-ettwgfuoorlaπtthNoer Phase Shift (deg)001...482 Phase Shift (deg)01..155 N2LO 3NF in neutron matter. 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 Lab. Energy (MeV) Lab. Energy (MeV) Regulacnt1or type s–h401–a.84r1pCutoffGpaa–4ur0a35s.8m0s1iaenter Λ (MGeVa-50u)02.s80s1ian Phase Shift (deg)0000....01234 3H4 Mixing Parameter (deg)--000...0844 !4 -1.2 c –3.00 –3.40 –3.20 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 3 Lab. Energy (MeV) Lab. Energy (MeV) FIG.3: (Coloronline)SameasFig.1,butsomerepresentative peripheral partial waves are shown. An important advantage of the EFT approach to nu- clear forces is that it creates two- and many-body forces on an equal footing. The first non-vanishing 3NF occurs at N2LO. At this order, there are three 3NF topologies: III. CALCULATION OF THE ENERGY PER the two-pion exchange (2PE), one-pion exchange (1PE), PARTICLE IN NEUTRON MATTER and 3N-contact interactions. The 2PE 3N-potential is given by We calculate the ground-state energy per particle V =(cid:18) gA (cid:19)2 1 (cid:88) ((cid:126)σi·(cid:126)qi)((cid:126)σj ·(cid:126)qj) Fab τaτb (ogf.ms.ea.n)yo-bfoindfiynpiteertnuerubtartoionnmthatetoerry.wIinthpinartthiceuflraarm, weweoerxk- c 2f 2 (q2+m2)(q2+m2) ijk i j π i(cid:54)=j(cid:54)=k i π j π press the g.s.e. as a sum of Goldstone diagrams up to (2) third order. 4 k kb k kb a a k + + ka " ka kb k k k k + + (a) ka b (b) ka b (c) ! " k (a) k! b (b) ka kb kb ka kb kb ka kb kb + + ka kb k" k! k" kb k k k k k k + ka c d (d) ka c d (e) ka c d (f) k kc kd k k# k$ ka kb kb ka kb kb ka kb kb ! a + + (c) (d) k kg kd k kg kd k kg kd a (g) a (h) a (i) FIG. 4: First-, second-, and third-order diagrams of the Goldstone expansion included in our calculations with V NN FIG.5: SameasinFig. 4,butalsoincludingV vertices vertices only. Latin-letter subscripts denote particle states, NNN which are denoted with thick straight lines. greek-letter subscripts correspond to hole states. The operators P and Q are defined through the rela- In order to take into account the effects of the N2LO tionships: 3NF, a density-dependent two-body potential V is NNN added to the chiral N3LO potential V . This poten- NN tial V is obtained by summing one nucleon over NNN the filled Fermi sea, which leads to a density-dependent two-nucleon interaction [16, 17]. Hebeler et al. [10] have K2 Q(k,K)= 0 , 0≤k ≤(k2 − )1/2 pointed out that to take care of the correct combinato- F 4 roifatlhfeac3tNorFs,otfhtehmeantorrimxaelle-omrdenertisnogfaVtNthNeNt(wkoF-)boardeytloevbeel = −kF2−kk2K−K2/4 , (kF2 − K42)1/2 ≤k ≤(kF + K2 ) multipliedbyafactor1/3inthefirst-orderHartree-Fock K (HF) diagram, and by a factor 1/2 in the calculation of = 1 , k ≥(kF + 2 ) the single-particle energies (s.p.e.). K P(k,K)= 1 , 0≤k ≤(k − ) In Fig. 4 we show the diagrams we have included in F 2 oinutrocaaclccouulantti.onT,hwehoenrleyodnialygrtahmewVeNNdovneortticinecsluadree tisakthene = kF2−kk2K−K2/4 , (kF − K2 )≤k ≤(kF2 − K42)1/2 third-order ph diagram. The diagrams that include the K2 effects of VNNN are shown in Fig. 5. = 0 , k ≥(kF2 − 4 )1/2. The first-order HF contribution is explicitly given by In Eq. 7, the denominator is E(k,k(cid:48),K) = (cid:126)2k(cid:48)2 + 8 (cid:90) kF (cid:34) 3 k 1(cid:18) k (cid:19)3(cid:35)(cid:88) (cid:18)(cid:113) (cid:19) (cid:18)(cid:113) (cid:19) M E1 = π k2dk 1− 2k + 2 k 2U K42 +k(cid:48)2 − (cid:126)M2k2 − 2U K42 +k2 , U(k˜) be- 0 F F JLS ing the self-consistent single-particle potential: (2J +1)[VJLLS(k,k)+ 1VJLLS(k,k)] . (6) NN 3 NNN Thesecond-orderdiagramsarecomputedusingtheso- U(k˜) = 8 (cid:88) (2J +1)2(cid:40)(cid:34)(cid:90) 12(kF−k˜)k˜(cid:48)2dk˜(cid:48)+ called angle-average (AA) approximation [18], and their JLLS 0 contribution is 1 (cid:90) 12(kF+k˜)k˜(cid:48)dk˜(cid:48)(1(k2 −k˜2)−k˜(cid:48)(k˜(cid:48)−k˜))(cid:35) 2k˜ 12(kF−k˜) 4 F (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:27) E2 = −π26k3 (cid:90) 2kF K2dK(cid:90) ∞k(cid:48)2dk(cid:48)(cid:90) ∞k2dk VNJNLLS(k˜(cid:48),k˜(cid:48))+ 12VJNLNLNS(k˜(cid:48),k˜(cid:48)) . (8) F 0 0 0 (cid:88) P(k(cid:48),K)Q(k,K) (2J +1) JLLS The particle-particle (pp) and hole-hole (hh) third- [VJLLS(k,k(cid:48))+VJLLS(k,k(cid:48))]2 order diagrams are also computed in the AA approxi- NN NNN . (7) E(k,k(cid:48),K) mation, and their explicit expressions are: 5 NN potentialwithacutoffparameterequalto500MeV. Wehavechosenherethepotentialwiththelargestcutoff E (pp) = 12 (cid:90) 2kF K2dK(cid:90) ∞k2dk(cid:90) ∞k(cid:48)2dk(cid:48) since it has the worst perturbative behavior. From the 3 (πk )3 inspection of Fig. 6, it can be seen that the energy per F 0 0 0 (cid:90) ∞ nucleon calculated at second order, E , does not differ 2 k(cid:48)(cid:48)2dk(cid:48)(cid:48)P(k,K)Q(k(cid:48),K)Q(k(cid:48)(cid:48),K) much from the one computed at third order, E , for the 3 0 whole range of densities shown. The perturbative char- (cid:88) (2J +1)[VNJNLLS(k,k(cid:48))+ acter is also indicated by the fact that E3 is quite close JLLL(cid:48)S to the energy obtained with the [2|1] Pad´e approximant. VJLLS(k,k(cid:48))][VJLL(cid:48)S(k(cid:48),k(cid:48)(cid:48))+ NNN NN VJLL(cid:48)S(k(cid:48),k(cid:48)(cid:48))][VJL(cid:48)LS(k(cid:48)(cid:48),k) NNN NN 40 +VJL(cid:48)LS(k(cid:48)(cid:48),k)]/[E(k(cid:48)(cid:48),k)·E(k(cid:48),k)] , (9) N3LO 2NF [500 MeV] NNN 36 1st order 32 2nd order 3rd order 2 (cid:90) 2kF (cid:90) ∞ (cid:90) ∞ 28 Pade’ [2|1] E (hh) = K2dK k2dk k(cid:48)2dk(cid:48) 3 (πk )3 (cid:90) ∞F 0 0 0 24 E1 k(cid:48)(cid:48)2dk(cid:48)(cid:48)P(k,K)Q(k(cid:48),K)P(k(cid:48)(cid:48),K) eV] 0(cid:88) A [M 20 (2J +1)[VNJNLLS(k,k(cid:48))+ E/ 16 EE3 JLLL(cid:48)S [2|1] E 2 VJLLS(k,k(cid:48))][VJLL(cid:48)S(k(cid:48),k(cid:48)(cid:48))+ 12 NNN NN VJLL(cid:48)S(k(cid:48),k(cid:48)(cid:48))][VJL(cid:48)LS(k(cid:48)(cid:48),k)+ 8 NNN NN VJL(cid:48)LS(k(cid:48)(cid:48),k)]/[E(k(cid:48),k(cid:48)(cid:48))·E(k(cid:48),k)] . (10) NNN 4 0 We have also calculated the [2|1] Pad´e approximant 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 [19] r [fm–3] FIG. 6: (Color online) Neutron matter energy per particle E E =E +E + 2 , (11) obtainedfromtheN3LO2NFwithcutoffΛ=500MeV.The [2|1] 0 1 1−E /E 3 2 first, second, and third order in the perturbative expansion and the Pad´e approximant [2|1] are shown as a function of E beingtheithorderenergycontributioninthepertur- i density ρ. bative expansion of the g.s.e.. The Pad´e approximant is an estimate of the value to which the perturbative series may converge. Thus, the comparison between the third- Wehavealsoinvestigatedtheperturbativebehaviorof order results and those obtained by means of the [2|1] ourcalculationswhenincludingtheeffectsofV . Fig. NNN Pad´e approximant provides an indication of the size of 7 shows that, starting from the same N3LO potential, the higher-order perturbative terms. there is a small enhancement of the higher-order terms when including the N2LO 3NF. Nevertheless, the results at third order are very close to those obtained with the IV. RESULTS [2|1] Pad´e approximant. Our main goal is to calculate the g.s.e. per particle As explained in the previous section, we calculate the in infinite neutron matter, starting from N3LO chiral energy per particle of neutron matter in the framework NN potentials that apply different regulator functions. of many-body perturbation theory, including contribu- This is done by using the chiral potentials introduced tions up to third-order in the interaction. Therefore, it in Sec. II. We have added to each 2NF a chiral N2LO is of interest to obtain an idea of the convergence of the 3NF whose low-energy constants c and c are exactly 1 3 perturbative expansion of the g.s.e.. the same as in the corresponding N3LO NN potential, In Fig. 6, we show the neutron-matter energy per nu- see Table I. cleonasafunctionofdensity,calculatedatvariousorders In Fig. 8, we show our results, obtained at third-order in the perturbative expansion applying the chiral N3LO in the perturbative expansion, with and without taking 6 40 36 N3LO 2NF + N2LO 3NF [500 MeV] 36 E1 32 1st order L =500 MeV 32 2nd order 28 L =450 MeV 3rd order L =414 MeV two–body + three–body forces 28 Pade’ [2|1] 24 E 3 24 E[2|1] MeV] 20 E2 MeV] 20 A [ A [ two–body force only E/ E/ 16 16 12 12 8 8 4 4 0 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 r [fm–3] r [fm–3] FIG. 7: (Color online) Same as in Fig. 6, but including the FIG.8: (Coloronline)Resultsobtainedfortheg.s.e. perpar- contribution of the N2LO 3NF. ticleofinfiniteneutronmatteratthird-orderinperturbation theoryforthreesetsofchiralinteractionswhichdifferbythe cutoff parameter Λ. intoaccount3NFeffects. Theresultsobtainedwith2NFs show considerable dependence on the choice of the regu- lator and its cutoff parameter. This is at variance with Inclosing,wenotethatthepresentinvestigationdeals thedesiredregulatorindependenceoftheEFT.However, only with identical nucleon systems, and that the regu- when including the contributions of the three-body po- lator dependence should also be investigated in systems tentials,whichareconsistentwiththeir2NFpartner,reg- with different concentrations of interacting protons and ulator dependence is strongly reduced. This is our main neutrons. In infinite symmetric nuclear matter also con- resultand,atthesametime,thefirstclearevidencethat tributionsfromtheintermediate-range1π-exchangecom- modern chiral potentials can provide model-independent ponent V , and from the short-range contact interaction D results in many-body calculations if 2NF and 3NF are V comeintoplay. Thismeansthatthecalculationofthe E treated consistently. g.s.e. depends also on the coupling constants c and c . D E Even though these parameters can be fixed in few-body systems, there is some freedom in doing so, resulting in V. CONCLUDING REMARKS AND OUTLOOK. morelatitudeforthe3NFcontributioninnuclearmatter (as compared to pure neutron matter). Inthispaperwehavestudiedtheregulatordependence This will be an interesting subject for a future study, of many-body predictions when employing chiral two- that may shed more light on the topic of regulator in- and three-nucleon potentials, using as a testing ground dependence of many-body calculations with chiral po- theperturbativecalculationoftheneutron-matterenergy tentials. The results of such investigations will provide perparticle. Wefindsubstantialregulatordependenceof valuable guidance for the proper application of these in- the predictions when only 2NFs are taken into account. teractions in microscopic nuclear structure calculations. The main outcome of this study is the observation that the 3NF can play a crucial role in the restoration of reg- ulator independence. However, this mechanism works Acknowledgments properly only when the chiral 2NF and 3NF are treated consistently in the sense that the same parameters are This work was supported in part by the U.S. Depart- usedforthesameverticesthatoccurinalltopologiesin- ment of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG02-03ER41270, volved. This is particularly true for the LECs c and c by the Italian Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Universit´a e 1 3 occurring first at N2LO in the chiral power counting. della Ricerca (MIUR) under PRIN 2009, by BMBF (the 7 DFG cluster of excellence: Origin and Structure of the Universe), and by DFG and NSFC (CRC110). [1] D. R. Entem and R. 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