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Rectification of light refraction in curved waveguide arrays Stefano Longhi Dipartimento di Fisica and Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie del CNR Politecnico di Milano, Piazza L. da Vinci, 32 I-20133 Milano (Italy) CompiledJanuary6,2010 An ’optical ratchet’ for discretized light in photonic lattices, which enables to observe rectification of light refractionatanyinputbeamconditions,istheoreticallypresented,andapossibleexperimentalimplementation basedonperiodically-curvedzigzagwaveguidearraysisproposed. (cid:13)c 2010 OpticalSocietyofAmerica 0 OCIS codes: 130.2790, 230.3120,230.7370, 000.1600 1 0 2 Transport of discretized light in photonic lattices has tice by e.g.loweringthe writing velocity of the auxiliary n attracted a great attention in recent years from both array. The optical axis of the waveguides, which lies in a fundamental and applied viewpoints [1,2]. Engineered the (X,Z) plane, is assumed to be periodically-curved J photonic lattices offer the possibility of tailoring diffrac- alongthe paraxialpropagationdirectionZ witha bend- 6 tion[3],refraction[4],andofshapingpolychromaticlight ing profile x0(Z) of period 2z0. In the waveguide ref- ] beams [5–7].They also providea richlaboratorysystem erence frame z = Z and x = X x0(Z), where the s − to mimic the dynamics of quantum particles driven or arrays appear to be straight, under scalar and parax- c i disordered periodic lattices, with the observation of the ialassumptions lightpropagationat wavelengthλ is de- t p optical analogues of Bloch oscillations [1,8], Anderson scribed by the following Schr¨odinger-like equation (see, o localization [9,10] and dynamic localization [11–13] to for instance, [11]) . s name a few. Recently, the transport of ac-driven quan- ic tum particles in periodic lattices has received a great i¯h∂ψ = ¯h2 2ψ+[ns n(x,y)]ψ+nsx¨0(z)xψ (1) s interest also for the possibility to achieve Hamiltonian ∂z −2ns∇ − y ratchet effects, i.e. a rectified transport in absence of a h where ¯h = λ/(2π) is the reduced wavelength, n is the net bias force and dissipation. Different ratchet models s p refractive index of the substrate medium, n(x,y) is the [ based on optical lattices, which use ultracold atoms as refractive index profile of the (straight) arrayed struc- 1 ideal systems, have been proposed [14–19], and detailed ture, 2 is the transverse Laplacian, and the dot de- v studies have investigated the relation between rectifica- notes∇the derivative with respect to z. As discussed e.g. 2 tion and broken space-time symmetries [15,17], the ef- in [11], light propagation in the optical system mimics 9 fects of atomic interactions [19], and the possibility to the temporal dynamics of a quantum particle in a bind- 9 transport quantum information [16,18]. In optics, the 0 idea of realizing an ’optical ratchet’has receivedfew at- ingpotentialns−n(x,y)drivenbyanexternal(inertial) 1. tention to date, and limited to solitary waves in non- force −nsx¨0(z) with zeromean. Inthe tight-binding ap- proximation, light transfer among the waveguides may 0 linear systems [20–22]. In particular, in [20] a setup to 0 be described by a set of coupled mode equations for the observe ratchet effects for cavity solitons has been pro- 1 amplitudes a and b of modes trapped in waveguides posed using coupled waveguide optical resonators with n n v: an adiabatically-shaken holding pump beam, whereas An and Bn, respectively, which may be cast in the fol- i lowing form (see, for instance, [24]) X in[21]controlofsolitondraggingindynamicopticallat- tices has been investigated. ar In this Letter a simple ratchet scheme is proposed in ia˙n = −κaa[an+1exp(−2iΘ)+an−1exp(2iΘ)]+ (2) a linear optical system corresponding to rectification of − κab[bnexp(iσz−iΘ)+bn−1exp(iσz+iΘ)], discretized light refraction in an array of periodically- ib˙n = κbb[bn+1exp( 2iΘ)+bn−1exp(2iΘ)]+ (3) − − curved zigzag waveguides, which may be realized with κab[anexp( iσz+iΘ)+an+1exp( iσz iΘ)], − − − − currentlyavailable femtosecondlaser writing technology [23]. We consider two interleaved arrays of single-mode In Eqs.(2) and (3), κaa and κbb are the coupling rates channel waveguides, a primary array A and an auxil- between adjacent waveguides in the primary and auxil- n iaryarrayBn,inthe zigzaggeometryshowninFig.1(a), iary arrays, respectively, κab is the cross-coupling rate which is similar to the one recently realized in Ref. [23] [see Fig.1(a)], Θ(z) = πnsx˙0(z)d/λ, d is the spatial pe- to investigate second-order coupling effects. As opposed riod of the arrays, and σ is the propagation constant toRef.[23],thepropagationconstantofmodesinwaveg- mismatch between waveguides in the two arrays. uides B is assumed to be detuned by a relatively large For straight arrays and large mismatch σ n | | ≫ amount σ from the propagation constant of modes in κab,κaa,κbb, light dynamics in the two arrays is decou- waveguidesA ,aconditionthatcanbeachievedinprac- pled and a broad beam, which excites the primary ar- n ray A at an incidence angle θ smaller than the Bragg n 1 Y Bn- Bn Bn likely, as discussed in Ref. [14]. To achieve a ratchet ef- 1 +1 (a) kbb fect, we introduce the auxiliary lattice Bn and assume kab dv that both arrays are periodically-curved with a bend- kaa X ing profile x0(z) made of a sequence of circular arcs of An- An An d (paraxial) length z0 and constant curvature with alter- 1 +1 nating sign x¨0(z)= 1/R,as depicted in Fig.1(c). Such (b) Z (c) Z abendingprofilecor±respondstoanacsquare-waveforce qr x0 qc X −nsx¨0(z), and to a triangular shape for the function q Θ(z)enteringinEqs.(2)and(3).Notethat,sinceinthis R z case the waveguide axis at the entrance plane z = 0 is R X d tilted by an angle x˙0(0) = z0/(2R), the incidence angle q z z z θ should be now measuredwith respectto a plane tilted 0 0 0 byanangleθc =nsz0/(2R)fromtheentrancefacet[11], asshownintheinsetofFig.1(c).Toachieverectification Fig. 1. (Color online) (a) Schematic of a zigzag waveg- oflight refractionin the primary arrayoverone undula- uidearray,composedbyaprimaryarrayA andanaux- n tion cycle, the radius of curvature R and spatial period iliary arrayB . (b) Lightrefractionin a straightwaveg- n uide array. (c) Axis bending profile x0(z) for the obser- z0 of alternations are designed to satisfy the conditions vation of light refraction rectification. The inset in (c) Θ˙(z)= σ and κabz0 =π/2, i.e. ± shows a schematic of the periodically-curved array. R=πnsd/(λσ ), z0 =π/(2κab). (4) | | (a) (b) (c) In the first semi-cycle of undulation, where Θ˙(z) = σ, neglecting nonresonant terms Eqs.(2) and (3) reduce 60 to ia˙ = κ b and ib˙ = κ∗ a , where κ = n − eff n n − eff n eff κ exp(iφ)andφ=σz Θisaconstantphaseshift.This m) ab − meansthatwaveguideA turns outtobe coupledsolely m n 30 ( with waveguideBn, andlight transferbetween them oc- z curslike inanordinarysynchronousdirectionalcoupler. 0 Forapropagationlengthz0 equaltoonecouplinglength 40 z0 = π/(2κab), light trapped in waveguide An is thus fully transferred into waveguide B . At the successive n ) propagation semi-cycle, where Θ˙(z) = σ, Eqs.(2) and m (m (3) yield ia˙n+1 = −κeffbn and ib˙n = −−κ∗effan+1 with z κeff = κabexp(iφ) and φ = σz +Θ, i.e. waveguide Bn turnsouttobecoupledsolelywithwaveguideAn+1.For a propagation length z0 equal to one coupling length, 0 0 x(mm) 2000 x(mm) 2000 x(mm) 200 light trapped in waveguide Bn is thus fully transferred into waveguide An+1. Therefore, after a full modulation cycle, an arbitrary light distribution in the primary ar- Fig. 2. (Color online) Rectified refraction (pseudocolor ray A is shifted, without distortion, by one unit from map of integrated intensity distribution) in a 65-mm- n the left to the right.The resultis anet driftofrefracted long periodically-curved zigzag waveguide array (up- per images), and corresponding behavior expected for a light, with a locked refraction angle θr = d/(2z0) inde- pendent of the initial incidence angle θ and beam shape, straightzigzagarray(bottomimages),foraninputellip- and a suppression of discrete diffraction. Similarly, an tical beam exciting a few waveguides in the primary ar- arbitrary light distribution in the secondary array B rayatdifferenttilting angles:(a)θ =0,(b)θ = 0.5θ , n B − is shifted by one unit but this time from the right to and (c) θ = 0.5θ . The values of other parameters are: B the left. As the ratchet effect results from an alternat- λ = 633 nm, n = 1.45, ∆n = 0.003, ∆n = 0.0032, s A B ingsynchronizationofcouplesofwaveguidesinthearray w =3µm, and d=9µm. (An Bn and Bn An+1), different bending profiles → → x0(z), such as sequences of sinuosoidally-curved waveg- angle θ = λ/(2d) [see Fig.1(b)], will diffract and re- uideswithalternatingamplitudesmimickingthedriving B fract at an angle θ (θ) = 2κ dsin(πθ/θ ) as in an field of Ref. [16], do not generally generate a ratchet r aa B ordinary tight-binding linear lattice [4]. Rectification of effect because of incomplete decoupling of the trans- beam refraction, i.e. a net transverse drift of discretized portdynamics.Ascomparedtootherratchetschemesin beams averaged over all possible incidence angles θ, is tight-bindinglattices[14,16,18],ourzigzagconfiguration obviously absent because θ ( θ) = θ (θ). Even for a offerstheadvantageofspatiallyseparatingaprimarylat- r r − − single array A , curved to mimic a dc, ac or combined tice (in which we want to realize a net transport) from n dc-ac driving fields, a net transport of wave packets - an auxiliary one, which is transiently excited. averagedoverdifferentinitialconditions-isgenerallyun- The above analytical results are strictly valid within 2 a tight-binding model of Eq.(1) and in the averaging (a) (b) limit, which neglects weak light transfer among waveg- 40 60 uides due to non-resonant coupling terms. We checked the possibility of observing rectification of light refrac- ) tion beyond such approximations by a beam propa- m m gation analysis of Eq.(1). In the simulations, circular 30 ( channel waveguides with a super-Gaussian index profile z ∆n(x,y) = ∆n exp [(x2 +y2)/w2]3 , with radius A,B {− } 0 0 w and index changes ∆nA and ∆nB in the primary and 0 x(mm) 200 0 x(mm) 200 auxiliary arrays, are assumed. The vertical distance d v between the two arrays is chosen to be d = √3d/2, v Fig. 3. (Color online) Same as Fig.2(a), but for an ellip- i.e. the zigzag is defined by an equilateral triangle. As tical Guassian input beam vertically displaced to excite aninput beam, we typically assumedan ellipticalGaus- waveguides of the auxiliary array. In (a) the arrays are sian beam, with a tilting angle θ (in the x direction) straight, whereas in (b) they are periodically-curved. smaller than the Bragg angle θ to excite the lowest B band of the array. The vertical beam position and size are adjusted to couple a few waveguides of the primary array.Examples of rectified light refraction, observed in 5. I.L. Garanovich, A.A. Sukhorukov, and Y.S. Kivshar, the curvedarraysfor a few values ofbeamincidence an- Phys. Rev.E 74, 066609 (2006). gle θ, are shown in Fig.2. In the figure, the integrated 6. D.N. Neshev, A.A. Sukhorukov, A. Dreischuh, R. 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