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RANK Ligand William J. Boyle * Department of Cell Biology, Amgen Inc., One Amgen Center Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1799, USA *corresponding author tel: 805-447-4304, fax: 805-447-1982, e-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1006/rwcy.2000.05010. SUMMARY literature as a T cell protein (TRANCE) whose expression was controlled by calcineurin-regulated RANK ligand (RANKL) is a TNF-related protein transcription factors during activation (Wong et al., that binds to, and activates, the TNFR-related 1997). Anderson et al. (1997) subsequently reported protein known as RANK. Several groups studying the molecular cloning of a novel TNF receptor- both immune homeostasis and bone metabolism related protein, called RANK, and a cognate ligand, independentlyidentifiedthisligand/receptorpair.The termedRANKL.Yasudaetal.(1998)andLaceyetal. expression of RANKL suggests a role in the inter- (1998) both reported the identification and cloning action of T cells and antigen-presenting cells during of a long sought after biological entity known as generation of immune responses, and in regulating osteoclastdifferentiationfactor.Bothgroupshadused bone resorption processes within the primary spongi- osteoprotegerin (OPG) as a probe to identify this osa and cartilaginous growth plate. RANKL/RANK factor, which was termed OPGL or osteoclast differ- interactions stimulate signal transduction leading to entiation factor (ODF). TRANCE, RANKL, ODF, activationoftheNF(cid:20)BandJunkinasepathways,and and OPGL are all identical to each other, and the initiategeneexpressionpatternsthattypifytheosteo- methods used to identify each has helped shape our clast lineage. understanding of the interesting biology that sur- Overexpression of RANKL in mice is associated rounds this molecule. with increased bone resorption and loss of bone density,whilelossofRANKLresultsinanabsenceof Alternative names the osteoclast lineage and an absolute defect in bone resorption.TheexpressionofRANKLisregulatedby calciotropic hormones and proresorptive cytokines RANK ligand is also known as TRANCE (TNF- that stimulate bone resorption during physiologic related activation-induced cytokine) (Wong et al., and pathophysiologic conditions. Thus, RANKL 1997),ODF(osteoclastdifferentiationfactor)(Yasuda ligand is essential for regulating bone density via the et al., 1998), and OPGL (osteoprotegerin ligand) osteoclast and is implicated in osteopenic disorders (Lacey et al., 1998). where increased osteoclast activity is observed, such as osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Structure The human RANKL is a type II transmembrane BACKGROUND protein of 317 amino acid residues. The N-terminal region of the protein encodes a short intracellular Discovery domain, followed by a hydrophobic transmembrane domain. The C-terminal region encodes the extra- The tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related protein cellular domainofRANKL.Thisregioniscomposed known as RANK ligand (RANKL) was identified by ofastalkofabout70aminoacids,followedbyaTNF four independent groups. It was first reported in the core region of about 158 amino acids. The TNF core 490 William J. Boyle is composed of 10 (cid:12) sheet-forming sequences with Chromosome location short loop regions that separate the (cid:12) sheets. The TNF core has homology with all members of the The human RANKL gene is localized on chromo- TNF family and contains motifs characteristic of some13q14(Andersonetal.,1997;Laceyetal.,1998). the family (Smith et al., 1994) Main activities and Relevant linkages pathophysiological roles The are no other known TNF-related proteins that clustertothisregionofchromosome13,andthereare The name RANKL stems from the molecule’s ability no known genes involved in bone metabolism or to act as a ligand for the TNFR-related protein immune homeostasis that are localized to this same RANK. RANK-expressing cells treated with soluble region. RANKL stimulate signal transduction leading to the activation of NF(cid:20)B (Anderson et al., 1997; Darney et al., 1999; Hsu et al., 1999). Since RANK was first Regulatory sites and corresponding identified as a dendritic surface receptor, a potential transcription factors role in modulating dendritic cell differentiation and survival was tested. Soluble RANKL can act as a costimulatory factor during antigen presentation in The transcription factors that mediate the induction in vitro culture (Anderson et al., 1997), and impacts of RANKL mRNA expression in various cell types the survival of dendritic cells during in vitro culture havenotbeenidentified.Gaoetal.(1998)havefound (Wong et al., 1997). These studies indicated a poten- that the osteoblast-specific transcriptional regulator tial role for RANKL during the regulation of adap- Cbfa1, an essential factor controlling osteoblast dif- tive immune responses and in immune homeostasis. ferentiation, controls expression of RANKL mRNA. RANKLis the critical factorcontrolling osteoclast The promoter region of this gene is believed to differentiation and activation (Lacey et al., 1998; contain consensus-binding sites for this factor, but Yasudaetal.,1998;Kongetal.,1999a).Furthermore, there have been no published reports characterizing the TNFR-related protein RANK has also been these sites to date. identified as the intrinsic hematopoietic cell surface determinant that mediates the effects of RANKL, Cells and tissues that express and controls bone mass and calcium metabolism (Nakagawa et al., 1998; Hsu et al., 1999; Li et al., the gene 1999). Addition of soluble RANKL to bone marrow precursor cells in vitro in the presence of CSF-1, See Table 1. stimulates osteoclastogenesis and the activation of matureosteoclaststoresorb(Hsuetal.,1999;Burgess et al., 1999). These effects can be antagonized by the addition of osteoprotegerin, a naturally occurring PROTEIN secreted RANKL antagonist (Simonet et al., 1997). RecombinantsolubleRANKinducesboneresorption Accession numbers when administered to rodents, resulting in rapid increases in serum calcium levels (Lacey et al., 1998). Human RANKL protein: AAC39731 GENE AND GENE REGULATION Sequence Accession numbers See Figure 2. Human RANK cDNA: AF053712 Description of protein Sequence Like all members of the TNF superfamily, with the See Figure 1. exception of lymphotoxin (cid:11), RANKL is a type II RANK Ligand 491 Figure 1 Nucleotide sequence for human RANK ligand. 1 AAGCTTGGTA CCGAGCTCGG ATCCACTACT CGACCCACGC GTCCGCGCGC CCCAGGAGCC 61 AAAGCCGGGC TCCAAGTCGG CGCCCCACGT CGAGGCTCCG CCGCAGCCTC CGGAGTTGGC 121 CGCAGACAAG AAGGGGAGGG AGCGGGAGAG GGAGGAGAGC TCCGAAGCGA GAGGGCCGAG 181 CGCCATGCGC CGCGCCAGCA GAGACTACAC CAAGTACCTG CGTGGCTCGG AGGAGATGGG 241 CGGCGGCCCC GGAGCCCCGC ACGAGGGCCC CCTGCACGCC CCGCCGCCGC CTGCGCCGCA 301 CCAGCCCCCC GCCGCCTCCC GCTCCATGTT CGTGGCCCTC CTGGGGCTGG GGCTGGGCCA 361 GGTTGTCTGC AGCGTCGCCC TGTTCTTCTA TTTCAGAGCG CAGATGGATC CTAATAGAAT 421 ATCAGAAGAT GGCACTCACT GCATTTATAG AATTTTGAGA CTCCATGAAA ATGCAGATTT 481 TCAAGACACA ACTCTGGAGA GTCAAGATAC AAAATTAATA CCTGATTCAT GTAGGAGAAT 541 TAAACAGGCC TTTCAAGGAG CTGTGCAAAA GGAATTACAA CATATCGTTG GATCACAGCA 601 CATCAGAGCA GAGAAAGCGA TGGTGGATGG CTCATGGTTA GATCTGGCCA AGAGGAGCAA 661 GCTTGAAGCT CAGCCTTTTG CTCATCTCAC TATTAATGCC ACCGACATCC CATCTGGTTC 721 CCATAAAGTG AGTCTGTCCT CTTGGTACCA TGATCGGGGT TGGGCCAAGA TCTCCAACAT 781 GACTTTTAGC AATGGAAAAC TAATAGTTAA TCAGGATGGC TTTTATTACC TGTATGCCAA 841 CATTTGCTTT CGACATCATG AAACTTCAGG AGACCTAGCT ACAGAGTATC TTCAACTAAT 901 GGTGTACGTC ACTAAAACCA GCATCAAAAT CCCAAGTTCT CATACCCTGA TGAAAGGAGG 961 AAGCACCAAG TATTGGTCAG GGAATTCTGA ATTCCATTTT TATTCCATAA ACGTTGGTGG 1021 ATTTTTTAAG TTACGGTCTG GAGAGGAAAT CAGCATCGAG GTCTCCAACC CCTCCTTACT 1081 GGATCCGGAT CAGGATGCAA CATACTTTGG GGCTTTTAAA GTTCGAGATA TAGATTGAGC 1141 CCCAGTTTTT GGAGTGTTAT GTATTTCCTG GATGTTTGGA AACATTTTTT AAAACAAGCC 1201 AAGAAAGATG TATATAGGTG TGTGAGACTA CTAAGAGGCA TGGCCCCAAC GGTACACGAC 1261 TCAGTATCCA TGCTCTTGAC CTTGTAGAGA ACACGCGTAT TTACAGCCAG TGGGAGATGT 1321 TAGACTCATG GTGTGTTACA CAATGGTTTT TAAATTTTGT AATGAATTCC TAGAATTAAA 1381 CCAGATTGGA GCAATTACGG GTTGACCTTA TGAGAAACTG CATGTGGGCT ATGGGAGGGG 1441 TTGGTCCCTG GTCATGTGCC CCTTCGCAGC TGAAGTGGAG AGGGTGTCAT CTAGCGCAAT 1501 TGAAGGATCA TCTGAAGGGG CAAATTCTTT TGAATTGTTA CATCATGCTG GAACCTGCAA 1561 AAAATACTTT TTCTAATGAG GAGAGAAAAT ATATGTATTT TTATATAATA TCTAAAGTTA 1621 TATTTCAGAT GTAATGTTTT CTTTGCAAAG TATTGTAAAT TATATTTGTG CTATAGTATT 1681 TGATTCAAAA TATTTAAAAA TGTCTTGCTG TTGACATATT TAATGTTTTA AATGTACAGA 1741 CATATTTAAC TGGTGCACTT TGTAAATTCC CTGGGGAAAA CTTGCAGCTA AGGAGGGGAA 1801 AAAAATGTTG TTTCCTAATA TCAAATGCAG TATATTTCTT CGTTCTTTTT AAGTTAATAG 1861 ATTTTTTCAG ACTTGTCAAG CCTGTGCAAA AAAATTAAAA TGGATGCCTT GAATAATAAG 1921 CAGGATGTTG GCCACCAGGT GCCTTTCAAA TTTAGAAACT AATTGACTTT AGAAAGCTGA 1981 CATTGCCAAA AAGGATACAT AATGGGCCAC TGAAATCTGT CAAGAGTAGT TATATAATTG 2041 TTGAACAGGT GTTTTTCCAC AAGTGCCGCA AATTGTACCT TTTTTTTTTT TTCAAAATAG 2101 AAAAGTTATT AGTGGTTTAT CAGCAAAAAA GTCCAATTTT AATTTAGTAA ATGTTATCTT 2161 ATACTGTACA ATAAAAACAT TGCCTTTGAA TGTTAATTTT TTGGTACAAA AATAAATTTA 2221 TATGAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAG GGCGGCCGCT CTAGAGGGCC CTATTCTATA G Figure 2 Amino acid sequence for human RANK ligand. 1 MRRASRDYTK YLRGSEEMGG GPGAPHEGPL HAPPPPAPHQ PPAASRSMFV ALLGLGLGQV 61 VCSVALFFYF RAQMDPNRIS EDGTHCIYRI LRLHENADFQ DTTLESQDTK LIPDSCRRIK 121 QAFQGAVQKE LQHIVGSQHI RAEKAMVDGS WLDLAKRSKL EAQPFAHLTI NATDIPSGSH 181 KVSLSSWYHD RGWAKISNMT FSNGKLIVNQ DGFYYLYANI CFRHHETSGD LATEYLQLMV 241 YVTKTSIKIP SSHTLMKGGS TKYWSGNSEF HFYSINVGGF FKLRSGEEIS IEVSNPSLLD 301 PDQDATYFGA transmembrane protein that is displayed on the sur- followed by a 20 amino acid hydrophobic transmem- face with the C-terminus facing outwards (Figure 3). brane domain, which functions in localizing the The N-terminal 50 amino acids of human RANKL mature protein to the cell surface. The C-terminal form the intracellular domain. It is not known if this portionextendingfromphenylalanine69toaspartate region of the protein is involved in cell signaling, 317 forms the extracellular domain, which is divided although several PXXP sequences characteristic of intotworegions;astalkregionfromphenylalanine69 SH3-bindingmotifshavebeenidentified(Laceyetal., toserine158andtheactiveTNF-relatedmoietyfrom 1998). This region of the RANK polypeptide is lysine 159 to aspartate 317. The TNF core region of 492 William J. Boyle Figure3 Structuralandfunctionaldomains Figure4 Synthesisandposttranslationalcleavageof ofthehumanRANKL.Theprimaryhuman the RANKL. Illustration depicting the regulation of RANKL structure. SP, signal peptide; TM, RANKLbiosynthesisinosteoblastsviastimulationof transmembrane region; TNF core, core the transcriptional factor cbfa1. RANKL mature region of homology to all TNF family polypeptide is a type II transmembrane protein. members and active cytokine moiety. Des- RANKLcanbecleavedandreleasedfromexpressing cendingarrowheadsindicatetherelativesite cells by a TNF-convertase-like activity (Lum et al., of proteolytic cleavage. 1999). the protein is predicted to contain all 10 (cid:12) sheet- forming sequences present in all known TNF-related proteins (Banner et al., 1993). Discussion of crystal structure No crystal structure has been reported for RANKL. Important homologies The mouse and human RANKL cDNAs have been activated T cells and in T cell leukemia (Kong et al., cloned and sequenced, and their protein products 1999a). The shed protein is biologically active, as are compared (Anderson et al., 1997; Lacey et al., 1998). recombinant proteins of similar length made in The human and mouse proteins are about 85% bacteria or mammalian cells (Lacey et al., 1998). identical without appreciable gaps in the alignment. RANKL is found to be most closely related to the CELLULAR SOURCES AND apoptosis-inducing cytokine TRAIL (34% similar- ity), and both proteins are capable of binding to TISSUE EXPRESSION osteoprotegerin (Emery et al., 1998). Cellular sources that produce Posttranslational modifications See Table 1. The mouse and human RANKL polypeptide is modified by N-linked glycosylation (Lacey et al., Eliciting and inhibitory stimuli, 1998). The primary sequence indicates that both the including exogenous and mouse and human proteins have two acceptor sites, endogenous modulators one of which is not conserved in exact location relative to each other. The N-linked glycosylation occursatsiteswithintheTNFcoreregion.Themouse RANKligand expression is inducedin osteoblastsby and human proteins can also be cleaved from the various calciotropic hormones and pro-resorptive cellsurfacewithinthestalkregion(phenylalanine139 cytokines that induce bone resorption and calcium for mouse and isoleucine 140 for human) when metabolism(seeSudaetal.,1999forareview).These expressed in human 293 fibroblasts (Lacey et al., include parathyroid hormone (PTH), parathyroid 1998) (Figure 4). hormone-related peptide (PTHrP), vitamin D3, TheTNFconvertaseTACEhasbeenimplicatedas glucocorticosteroids, prostaglandin E (PGE ), IL-1, 2 2 a cell-associated protease capable of cleaving mem- and IL-11, and TNF(cid:11). In contrast, estrogen and brane-boundRANKL(Lumetal.,1999).RANKLis TGF(cid:12) downregulate RANKL expression in osteo- found to be rapidly cleaved off the surface of blasts, and coordinately upregulate the expression of RANK Ligand 493 Table 1 Cells and tissues that produce RANK ligand Tissues Bone marrow Lymph node Heart Intestine Cells Osteoblasts Activated T cells Activated B cells and myeloma cells Bone marrow precursors (myeloid) Stromal fibroblasts and synovial cells Cell lines ST2 (murine osteoblastic stromal cells) 32D (murine myeloid leukemia) EL4 (murine T cell lymphoma) 7B9 (murine T helper cell line) 70Z/3 (murine pre-B cell line) KG-1 (human myeloblastic leukemia) LIM 1863 (human colon carcinoma cell line) osteoprotegerin (Hofbauer et al., 1998). In T cells, (cid:15) Inductionof matureosteoclast survival(Jimiet al., RANKL expression and release from the cell 1999). membrane is induced during cell activation by liga- (cid:15) Activation of osteoclast-mediated bone resorption tion of CD3 (Wong et al., 1997; Kong et al., 1999b). (Fuller et al., 1998; Burgess et al., 1999). TheonlyknownmodulatorofRANKLbioactivity (cid:15) Stimulation of osteoclastogenesis from the murine is osteoprotegerin, a soluble TNFR-related protein macrophagecelllineRAW264.7(Hsuetal.,1999). and cytokine antagonist. However, the putative RANKL convertase (Lacey et al., 1998; Lum et al., Regulatory molecules: Inhibitors 1999) may also have a regulatory function by both and enhancers releasing RANKL into the circulation and/or down- regulating surface presentation on expressing cells. Osteoprotegerin is known to negatively regulate RANKL bioactivity. No other inhibitors or enhan- RECEPTOR UTILIZATION cers have been characterized to date. RANKL is known to exert its biological effects via Bioassays used signaling through the TNFR-related protein RANK. (cid:15) Vitamin D3-dependent, bone marrow stromal cell IN VITRO ACTIVITIES co-culturesystemtogenerateosteoclasts(Udagawa et al., 1989; Lacey et al., 1995). In vitro findings (cid:15) Bone marrow progenitors cultured in the presence of CSF-1 and soluble RANKL to generate osteo- clastsintheabsenceofvitaminD3andosteoblastic The following is a list of in vitro biological activ- stromal cells (Lacey et al., 1998; Yasuda et al., ities that have been reported as a direct or indirect 1998). consequence of activating RANK on receptor- (cid:15) Stimulation of alloreactive T cell proliferation bearing cells following stimulation with RANKL: using dendritic cells (Anderson et al., 1997; Wong (cid:15) Stimulation of alloreactive T cell proliferation et al., 1997). (Anderson et al., 1997; Wong et al., 1997). (cid:15) Osteoclast colony-forming assay in semi-solid (cid:15) Activationofosteoclastdifferentiation(Laceyetal., media (Lacey et al., 1998). 1998; Yasuda et al., 1998; Hsu et al., 1999). (cid:15) Osteoclast pit-forming assay on dentine bone slices (cid:15) Stimulationofosteoclast-likecellcolonyformation (Laceyetal.,1998;Fulleretal.,1998;Burgessetal., in semi-solid medium (Lacey et al., 1998). 1999). (cid:15) Induction of osteoclast-specific gene expression (cid:15) RAW 264.7 cell line assay for in vitro osteoclasto- (Lacey et al., 1998; Hsu et al., 1999). genesis (Hsu et al., 1999). 494 William J. Boyle IN VIVO BIOLOGICAL of T cell and B cell development. Dendritic cells appear normal in these mice, and circulating levels ACTIVITIES OF LIGANDS IN of B and T cells are observed in the circulation. ANIMAL MODELS RANKL can act as a dendritic cell survival factor in vitro, an activity that can be complimented by Normal physiological roles CD40L (Anderson et al., 1997). These data provide a biological link between the role of RANKL in both RANKL is required for the differentiation and acti- bone and immune homeostasis, and raises the vationofosteoclastsandforthedevelopmentoflymph intriguing possibility of a functional link between nodes (Kong et al., 1999a). In addition, RANKL these two critical organ systems. plays a role in stimulating of myeloid-derived dendritic cells to enhance allostimulatory activation of T cells (Anderson et al., 1997; Wong et al., 1997). Transgenic overexpression Although RANK was identified as a dendritic cell receptor, neither RANK nor RANKL is required for No transgenic animals have been reported in the normal dendritic cell development and mature func- literature. tions. RANKL is also required during T cell devel- opment (Kong et al., 1999a), although this effect is not mediated via interactions with RANK (Dougall et al., 1999; Li et al., 1999). Pharmacological effects RANKL stimulates the rapid induction of bone Species differences resorptionand elevates serum calcium when adminis- tereddailytomiceandratsinthedoserangeof0.05– Both human and mouse RANKL work equally well 1.0mg/kg (Lacey et al., 1998). in murine cell-based bioactivities. Conversely, both murine and human osteoprotegerin bind equally well to mouse and human RANKL. Murine RANKL is a Interactions with cytokine network potent stimulator of osteoclastogenesis from human hematopoietic precursor cells. Most, if not all calciotropic hormones and pro- resorptive cytokines have recently been shown to upregulatemRNAexpressionofRANKLincelllines Knockout mouse phenotypes and primary cell cultures (Hofbauer et al., 2000). Osteoprotegerin, which blocks osteoclastogenesis Clear evidence as to the role of this molecule in vivo induced by RANKL in rodents, can also inhibit has been derived from the analysis of mice lacking osteoclast formation and bone resorption induced by RANKL (Kong et al., 1999a). RANKL(cid:255)/(cid:255) mice treatment with calciotropic factors (Morony et al., were born with severe osteopetrosis that did not 1999), suggesting that the RANK signaling pathway resolve with age, and had other characteristic is the ultimate common mediator of humoral signals hallmarks seen in other rodent osteopetrosis models, that regulate bone resorption and calcium metab- such as lack of tooth eruption, club-shaped bones, olism. RANK-knockout mice have been challenged and splenomegaly. At the histological level, increases with TNF(cid:11), IL-1(cid:12), 1(cid:11),25-(OH) D3, the major 2 in bone mass were due to accumulation of newly calciotropic factors that are known to induce synthesizedbonesuggestingadefectinresorptionand increasesinboneresorptionandserumhypercalcemia remodeling. These mice completely lack osteoclasts, (Li et al., 1999). The absence of RANK in these although normal osteoclast progenitors are present knockout mice prevents the hypercalcemic response in spleen as detected by in vitro culture assays in the normallyinducedbythesefactors.Interestingly,both presence of CSF-1 and soluble RANKL. These mice TNF(cid:11) and IL-1(cid:12) administration leads to transient were found to have an intrinsic defect in the ability hypocalcemia in RANK(cid:255)/(cid:255)mice, suggesting that of stromal cells to promote osteoclastogenesis via they modulate other mechanisms of calcium homeo- RANKL, suggesting that it is the sole factor that stasis such as calcium absorption and/or excretion initiates the osteoclast differentiation program. thatarenormallymaskedbyeffectsofthesecytokines RANKL(cid:255)/(cid:255)micealsolacklymphnodes,andhave on bone resorption. Surprisingly, challenge of these hematopoietic cell intrinsic defects in the early stages mice with TNF(cid:11) (1.0mg/kg body weight/day) leads RANK Ligand 495 to the rare occurrence of osteoclast formation near IN THERAPY the site of injection, although no significant radio- graphic or histologic signs of bone resorption are Preclinical – How does it affect detected. This suggests that TNF can trigger an disease models in animals? alternativepathwayleadingtoosteoclastformationin the RANK knockout mice, presumably by activation of either TNFR1 and/or TNFR2. RANKL induces potent bone resorption and increases in blood ionized calcium levels at moderate doses (Lacey et al., 1998). For this reason it has not been tested in disease models. In contrast, current PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL ROLES preclinical studies are aimed at neutralizing RANKL bioactivitytoblockpathologicalincreasesinboneloss IN NORMAL HUMANS AND due to increased osteoclast activity. See the osteopro- DISEASE STATES AND tegerin chapter for a description of the evaluation of DIAGNOSTIC UTILITY osteoprotegerin in preclinical disease models. Normal levels and effects Effects of therapy: Cytokine, antibody to cytokine inhibitors, etc. RANKL can exist as a cell surface protein and as a soluble form released by proteolysis, which is pro- The effects of RANKL antagonists are discussed bably present in the serum at low amounts under in the RANK and osteoprotegerin chapters. Yasuda normal conditions. There have been no reports of et al. (1998) have shown that polyclonal antibodies assaysusefulforthedetectionofRANKLbioactivity, made to soluble RANKL inhibit osteoclastogenesis. and therefore no correlation has yet been made with circulating levels of RANK and physiological and/or pathophysiological states. Pharmacokinetics There have been no published reports describing the circulating half-life and bioavailability of recombi- Role in experiments of nature and nantsolubleRANKproteinadministeredtoanimals. disease states Toxicity Therehave beennoreportsidentifying animalstrains as having naturally occurring disruptions in any aspect of the OPG/RANKL/RANK signaling axis. Recombinant soluble RANKL is a potent stimulator All three of these genes have been disrupted by of bone resorption. Daily dosing of soluble RANKL homologous recombination, and their phenotypes at doses in the range of 1.0mg/kg produces severe have been described in detail (Bucay et al., 1998; hypercalcemia, and is lethal if treatment is extended Kong et al., 1999a; Dougall et al., 1999; Li et al., for a period of a few days (Lacey et al., 1998). 1999). Clinical results Link to Bioassays There is no current clinical development of this No assays for human disease states have been protein. Therapeutic drug development is focused on reported. The following assays would be useful to inhibiting RANKL bioactivity to prevent bone loss. characterize the role of RANKL in human disease: (cid:15) ELISA assay to determine circulating levels of References osteoprotegerin. (cid:15) ELISA assay to determine circulating levels of RANKL. Anderson, D. M., Maraskovsky, E., Billingsley, W. L., Dougall,W.C.,Tometsko,M.E.,Roux,E.R.,Teepe,M.C., (cid:15) Functional assays to determine levels of either DuBose,R.F.,Cosman,D.,andGalibert,L.(1997).Ahomo- osteoprotegerin or RANKL bioactivity in serum logueoftheTNFreceptoranditsligandenhanceT-cellgrowth and tissues. anddendritic-cellfunction.Nature390,175–179. 496 William J. Boyle Banner, D. W., D’Arcy, A., James, W., Gentz, R., (1999a).OPGLisakeyregulatorofosteoclastogenesis,lympho- Schoenfeld,H.J.,Broger,C.,Loetscher,H.,andLesslauer,W. cyte development and lymph-node organogenesis. Nature 397, (1993). 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LICENSED PRODUCTS RANKL recombinant protein and antibodies for researchareavailablefromAlexisBiochemicals(6181

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