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Random Matrix Theory Approach to Chaotic Coherent Perfect Absorbers Huanan Li1, Suwun Suwunnarat1, Ragnar Fleischmann2, Holger Schanz3, and Tsampikos Kottos1 1Department of Physics, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut 06459, USA 2Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-organization (MPIDS), 37077 Go¨ttingen, Germany and 3Institute for Mechanical Engineering, Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, 39114 Magdeburg, Germany (Dated: February 20, 2017) We employ Random Matrix Theory in order to investigate coherent perfect absorption (CPA) in lossysystemswithcomplexinternaldynamics. Thelossstrengthγ andenergyE ,forwhich CPA CPA a CPA occurs are expressed in terms of the eigenmodes of the isolated cavity – thus carrying over the information about the chaotic nature of the target – and their coupling to a finite number of 7 scattering channels. Our results are tested against numerical calculations using complex networks 1 of resonators and chaotic graphs as CPA cavities. 0 2 Introduction – Perfect absorption is an interdisci- tribution of transmittance, delay times, etc [30–36]. b e plinary topic relevant for a broad range of technolo- Motivated by this success, we have used an RMT ap- F gies, extending from acoustics [1–4] and electronic cir- proach to derive expressions for the energy E and CPA 7 cuits [5–7], to radio frequencies (RF) [8, 9], microwaves loss-strength γ and quantify the sensitivity of CPA CPA 1 [10–13] and optical frequencies [14–26]. The potential on the energy and loss-strength detuning. We have also ] applications range from energy conversion, photovoltaics studied the statistics of (re-scaled) γCPA, thus provid- n and imaging, to time- reversal technologies, sensing and ing a guidance for an optimal loss-strength window for n soundproofing. In many of these applications, either due which a chaotic CPA can be realized with high proba- - to cost or design considerations, the requirement is to bility. Our modeling allows the possibility of spatially s i achievemaximalabsorptionfromminimalbuilt-inlosses. non-uniform absorption which might even be localized d Forthisgoal,newschemeshavebeendevisedthatexploit at a single position. This feature is relevant for recent . at spatial arrangements of losses, or utilize novel interfero- metamaterial proposals which advocate for the novelty m metric protocols. One such approach, called the Coher- of structures with spatially non-uniform losses (or/and - ent Perfect Absorber (CPA) [16], was recently proposed gain) and can be easily realized in set-ups like the ones d based on a time-reversed laser concept. shown in the insets of Fig. 1 below. Our results are ex- n A CPA is a weakly lossy cavity which acts as a per- pressedintermsofthemodesoftheisolatedandlossless o fect constructive interference trap for incident radiation systemwhichcontaintheinformationaboutthe(chaotic) c [ at a particular frequency and spatial field distribution. dynamics. Specifically we find that γ depends on a CPA This distribution is the time reversal of a lasing mode ratio of the absolute-value-squares of eigenmode ampli- 2 which the cavity would emit, if the lossy medium is re- tudesattheboundaryandintheabsorbingregionsofthe v 7 placed by a gain of equal strength. Since the outgoing system. The averaging over the statistics of eigenmode 4 signalisnullduetothedestructiveinterferencesbetween componentsresultsinnon-trivialdistributionswhichdif- 8 various pathways, the incoming waves are eventually ab- ferqualitativelyfromthewell-knownresonancedistribu- 0 sorbed even in cases when a weak absorptive mechanism tions. We have tested the RMT results against numer- 0 is employed. Whatmakesthis approachattractive isthe ical data from actual chaotic systems with non-trivial . 1 recent developments in wavefront shaping of an incident underlying dynamics, namely quantum graphs (Fig. 1b) 0 wave[27–29]. Despiteallinterest,theexistingstudieson [37–40]. These models of wave chaos have been already 7 1 CPA involve only simple cavities [1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 16–26]. realized in the microwave regime [41–43]. Losses can be : Such CPA cavities have been realized recently in a num- included in a controllable manner [44] while a detailed v ber of experimental set- ups, ranging from optical to RF control of the incoming waves in a multi-channel setting i X and acoustic systems [4, 7, 18]. can be achieved via IQ-modulators [45]. While in this r In this paper we investigate CPA in a new set-up as- contribution we concentrated on chaotic CPA traps, our a sociatedwithsinglechaoticcavitiesorcomplexnetworks approach can also serve as a basis for RMT modeling of of cavities coupled to the continuum with multiple chan- CPA disordered diffusive cavities and CPA cavities with nels. Theunderlyingcomplexclassicaldynamicsofthese Anderson localization. systemsleadstocomplicatedwaveinterferencesthatgive RMT modeling and complex cavity networks – The rise to universal statistical properties of their transport Hamiltonian that describes the isolated (i.e. in the ab- characteristics. A powerful theoretical approach based sence of scattering channels) system is modeled by an on Random Matrix Theory (RMT) has been developed ensemble of N ×N random matrices H with an appro- 0 and it has been shown that it accurately describes many priate symmetry: in the case that the isolated set-up is aspectsofsuchwavechaoticsystems,includingthestruc- time-reversal invariant (TRI), H is taken from a Gaus- 0 ture and statistics of spectra and eigenstates or the dis- sian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE), while in the case of 2 system Eq. (1) as a) b)0.1 0 0.05 sink 1 Im(E)-0.05 Im(k)-0.005 S(k,γ)=−ˆ1+2ι tL WTHeff(k,γ)−E(k)W (2) -0.1 -0.1 -0.15 where ˆ1 is the M ×M identity matrix and E(k) is the -0.2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 4 4.5 5 energy of the incident plane wave [48]. The rectangular Re(E) Re(k) N×M matrix W contains thecoupling betweencavities FIG. 1: (color online) (a) Parametric evolution of the com- and channels. We assume Wnm = wδnm. The effective plex energy zeros of the scattering matrix for a random net- Hamiltonian is work of N = 5 cavities and M = 3 as γ (green cavity, see inset) increases. The coupling to the leads is w/tL = 0.15 eιk and the matrix elements of H0 are taken from a box distri- Heff(k,γ)=H(γ)+ t WWT . (3) bution [−0.5,0.5]. At γ the zeros cross the real axis i.e L CPA (Re(E),Im(E)) = (E ,0). The red circles indicate the CPA zerosatγ =0whilethecrossesindicatetheeigenmodesE(0) Due to the second term the effective Hamiltonian Heff is n of the isolated system H . (b) The same (in the complex k not Hermitian even without internal losses i.e. γ =0. 0 plane) for a tetrahedron with N = 4 vertices, M = 3 leads AbsorptionmatrixandCPAconditions–Forγ =0the and a lossy vertex (green, see inset) in the middle. The loss- scattering matrix is unitary, S†S = ˆ1. For γ (cid:54)= 0, how- lessverticeshavevertexpotentialλ¯l=4π. Thebondlengths ever,thisrelationisviolatedandweintroducetheopera- are taken from a box distribution [0.5,1.5]. torA(k,γ)≡ˆ1−S†(k,γ)S(k,γ)=A†asameasureofthe total absorption occurring in the system. For networks with one lossy cavity, A(k,γ) has M−1 degenerate zero broken TRI it is taken from a Gaussian Unitary Ensem- eigenvalues while the last eigenvalue is 0 ≤ α(k,γ) ≤ 1. ble (GUE) [55]. Such modeling describes (in the coupled When α(k,γ) = 0 the system does not absorb energy, mode approximation [46]) complex networks of N cou- while α(k,γ) = 1 indicates complete absorption, i.e., a pled cavities, see inset of Fig. 1. The distances between CPA. This latter equation can be satisfied only for iso- thecavitiesarerandom,leadingtorandomcouplings. In lated pairs (k ,γ ) which are the object of our in- thiscaseTRIcanbeviolatedviamagneto-opticaleffects. CPA CPA terest. Note that unlike scattering resonances, k is Another physical system that is described by our model- CPA real sinceit hasto support apropagating incomingwave ing is a set of coupled acoustic chambers or a network of in the attached leads. random LC(R) elements. In the latter case the TRI can The CPA condition α(k ,γ ) = 1 is equiv- be violated via a gyrator [47]. CPA CPA alent to a zero eigenvalue of the scattering matrix, Consider now that some of the cavities contain a lossy s ≡ s(k ,γ ) = 0. The corresponding eigen- material. In this case the Hamiltonian H of the isolated CPA CPA CPA vector |I (cid:105) identifies the shape of the incident field system is non-Hermitian and can be modeled as CPA which will generate interferences that trap the wave in- (cid:88) side the structure leading to its complete absorption, H =H −ιΓ; Γ= γ |e (cid:105)(cid:104)e | (1) 0 µ µ µ (cid:104)I |S†(k ,γ )S(k ,γ )|I (cid:105)=0. CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA CPA µ Evaluation of CPA’s – A zero eigenvalue of the scat- whereγ quantifiesthelossinthecavitywithindexµand tering matrix S(k,γ) corresponds to a pole of its in- µ {|e (cid:105)}isthebasiswhereH isrepresented(modespace). verse matrix, which can be represented as S−1(k,γ) = µ 0 For simplicity we will assume in the following that the S(−k,γ). Thus the poles are the solutions of ζ(κ,γ) ≡ losses are concentrated in a single cavity µ=µ . det(H (−κ,γ)−E(κ)) = 0, where κ is complex 0 eff Thecorrespondingscatteringset-upisrealizedbycou- in general, and the CPA’s can be found numerically pling the isolated system to M channels that extend to by searching for the real solutions of this equation, infinity, see Fig. 1. We assume that these leads are one- ζ(kCPA,γCPA) = 0. Typical examples of the κ-evolution dimensional and described by a tight-binding Hamilto- as γ increases, are shown in Fig. 1. nianH withmatrixelements(H ) =t δ . We proceed with the theoretical evaluation of CPA leads leads nm L m,n±1 They support propagating waves with a dispersion rela- points. We will assume that w (cid:28) t . Let us first con- L tion E(k) = 2t cos(k), where k is the wave vector and sider the relevant limit of weak losses γ (cid:28) t . In this L L t <0 (we set t =−1 below). We further assume that case E(k,γ) ≈ E (k) + ∆E(k,γ) where ∆E(k,γ) can L L 0 the cavities where the channels are attached are lossless. be found via first order perturbation theory. The unper- The scattering properties of the network are described turbedHamiltonianisH andweconsideroneparticular 0 bytheM×M scatteringmatrixS whichconnectsincom- eigenvalue E(0) ≡ E(k(0)) and the corresponding nor- ing |I(cid:105) to outgoing |O(cid:105) wave amplitudes via the relation malized eigenvector |Ψ(0)(cid:105), i.e. H |Ψ(0)(cid:105) = E(0)|Ψ(0)(cid:105). 0 |O(cid:105) = S|I(cid:105). It can be expressed in terms of the isolated Straightforward first order perturbation theory, together 3 with the condition that k has to be real, leads to distribution of the eigenfunction components |Ψ(0)|2 of a CPA n cos(cid:0)k(0)(cid:1) 1(cid:18)w(cid:19)2(cid:88)(cid:12) (cid:12)2 GOE (GUE) random matrix [30–32]. We get =1− (cid:12)Ψ(0)(cid:12) cos(kCPA) 2 tL (cid:12) m (cid:12) γ˜βM2−1 m P (γ˜ )=N CPA (5) 1 (cid:18)w(cid:19)2 (cid:80)m(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)Ψ(m0)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2 β CPA β(1+γ˜CPA)βM2+1 γ = v (k ) (4) CPA 2 g CPA tL (cid:12)(cid:12)Ψ(0)(cid:12)(cid:12)2 where β = 1(2) indicates an isolated system H0 with (cid:12) µ0(cid:12) preserved (violated) TRI. The normalization constants where vg(k)≡ ∂E∂k(k) =−2tLsin(k) is the group velocity in front of the above distribution are N1 = √1πΓΓ((1+M22M)), coofmthpeoninecnotmsoinfgthweawvaevwehfuilnectΨio(m0n)(cid:12)(cid:12)aΨn(d0)(cid:11)Ψa(µ0t0)threepsrietseesnmt,tµh0e N2F=romMEaqn.d(Γ5)(xw)eissetheethgaatmamsathfuennctuimonbe[5r1o].f channels where the leads and the dissipation are placed respec- increases (the system becomes “more open”) a “statisti- tively. In the limiting case of M = 1 the multichannel cal gap” is created that suppresses CPAs at small γ˜ (i.e. CPAconditionEq. (4)becomesidenticalwiththecritical small γ or/and large velocities vg) strengths. The “gap” coupling (CC) concept between input channel and loss. is less pronounced when β = 1, since in this case weak Thisisnothingelsethantheso-calledimpedancematch- localizationinterferencescansupportthetrappingofthe ing condition, which once expressed in terms of losses, wave close to the lossy site. An estimation of the CPA indeed states that radiative and material losses must be gap, based on the γ˜CPA-value for which P(γ˜CPA) change equal[49,50]. Atthesametime,thisconditionisnotice- curvature, leads to γ˜CPA ∼0.1βM when M →∞. able similar to the lasing condition, on exchanging losses A comparison of Eq. (5) with the numerical data for with gain [16]. a complex network of N = 15 discs and M = 1,2,3 The accuracy of the perturbative calculation Eq. (4) channels is shown in Fig. 3(a). A nice agreement is ob- is further scrutinized via direct numerical evaluations of served even though the coupling between the resonators (kCPA,γCPA). A comparison of the results is shown in andtheleadshasamoderatehighvaluew/tL ≈0.1. For Fig. 2. It is interesting to point out that although our γ˜CPA (cid:29) 1 [56] the distribution Eq. (5) has a channel- calculations are applicable in the limit of weak coupling, independnetpowerlawshapeP(γ˜ )∼1/γ˜β2+1. Inthe CPA CPA neverthelesstheagreementoftheexactCPApointswith βM−1 otherlimitingcaseγ˜ (cid:28)1wehaveP(γ˜ )∼γ˜ 2 . the first order perturbation expressions Eq. ( 4) applies CPA CPA CPA for w/t as high as 0.5. L ~ P(γ ) CPA 0 a) b) 10 100 RMT:w/tL=0.01 RMT:w/tL=0.1 s10-1 RGGMrraaTpphh:::wλλ/¯¯lltL===48ππ0.5 10-1 M=3 umeric10-2 10-2 MM==21 N 10-3 -2 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 γ~ CPA 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 Theory FIG. 3: (color online) (a) Distribution of the rescaled CPA γ˜ for a complex network of N = 15 cavities Eqs. (2,3). CPA FIG.2: (coloronline)Theoreticalversusnumericalvaluesof The numerical results are compared to the RMT prediction γCPA/vg(kCPA) for various realizations of a complex network Eq. (5). (b) The same for a tetrahedron graph with λ¯l=4π of N =15 coupled resonators (filled symbols) and a tetrahe- attheverticeswherethechannelsareattached. Inbothcases drongraph (open symbols)respectively. Numberof channels TRI is preserved, i.e. β =1. inbothcasesisM =3andTRIispreserved(β =1). Various symbols correspond to different coupling constants w/t for L Let us now calculate the incident field which can lead the RMT model and vertex potentials for the graph. to a CPA. Direct substitution of Eqs. (2), (3) in the definitionofAallowustore-writetheabsorptionmatrix Using Eq. (4) we can now provide a statistical de- s(cid:80)cr(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)mΨip|(µΨ0t)i(m(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)o02)n|2o.fTthheerdeissctarliebdutCioPnAPγ˜(Cγ˜PCAPA=)2ca(cid:0)ntwLb(cid:1)e2 vegaγ(CskiCPlyPAAc)a=l- inAit=s s−p4ecγtsriantlL(dke)c|αom(cid:105)(cid:104)αpo|;siti|oαn(cid:105)f=orWm:THe†ff −1 E(k)|eµ0(cid:105). culated using the known results for the joint probability (6) 4 From Eq. (6) it becomes obvious that the associated bonds satisfy the Helmholtz equation dd2xΨ2b +k2Ψb = 0 non-zero eigenvalue is α(k,γ) = −4γsin(k)(cid:104)α|α(cid:105). Obvi- (where k > 0 is the wavenumber). Abt the vertices tL ously the CPA incident waveform is given by the eigen- the wavefunction is continuous and satisfies the relation vector |α(kCPA,γCPA)(cid:105). Using again first order pertur- (cid:80)vb=n1dΨb/dxb|xb=0 =λnΨb(0). The parameters λn rep- bation theory we can write the incident field |α(cid:105) Eq. (6) resents a potential concentrated on a vertex and for a associatedwiththenon-degenerateeigenvalueα(cid:54)=0ofA lossy vertex it includes a negative imaginary part −ιγ . intermsoftheeigenvector(cid:12)(cid:12)Ψ(0)(cid:11)oftheisolatedsystems We will restrict the losses to a single vertex µ withna 0 H0. Further substitution of |α(kCPA,γ)(cid:105) and of kCPA in purely imaginary potential −ιγ. Leads are attached to Eq. (4) for the eigenvalue α gives: some of the remaining vertices m=1,··· ,M <V, thus changing their valency to v˜ = v +1. The details for m m 4γ/γ α(k ;γ)= CPA (7) calculating the M×M scattering matrix for this system CPA (1+γ/γCPA)2 can be found in [38]. It can be represented in the form whichprovidesasimpleexpressionoftherelativeabsorp- S =S +S (cid:0)ˆ1−S (cid:1)−1 S (9) MM MB BB BM tionoftheCPAcavity,atk ,when|I(cid:105) ∝|α(k ,γ)(cid:105). CPA CPA Eq. (7) dictates that the CPA sensitivity, defined as wherethe2B×2B bond-scatteringmatrixS (k,γ)de- BB half-width-at-maximum, is proportional to γCPA. Sim- scribes the multiple scattering and absorption inside the ilar analysis, when γ = γCPA, leads to the following ex- network, while the other three blocks account for direct pression for α(k;γ): scattering processes and the coupling between the leads andthenetwork. Wefollowexactlythesameprogramas 4v (k)/v (k ) α(k;γ )=u· g g CPA . (8) for the RMT modeling and calculate the zeros of the S- CPA (1+v (k)/v (k ))2 matrix by evaluating the poles of its inverse S−1(k,γ)= g g CPA S(−k,γ), i.e. by searching for the real solutions of the Note that the second term in Eq. (8) has the same secular equation ζ(κ,γ) ≡ det(cid:0)ˆ1−S (−κ,γ)(cid:1) = 0. BB functional form as Eq. (7). The additional factor u ≡ Our numerical data for the case of a fully connected (cid:20) (cid:21)−1 1+ cos2k(0) tan2(cid:0)k−kCPA(cid:1) indicates that tetrahedron, with one lossy vertex and M = 1,2 and (coskCPA−cosk(0))2 2 3 leads attached to the other vertices are shown in Fig. when k →k(0) the absorption eigenvalue α(k;γ ) 1b and demonstrate the same qualitative features as for CPA CPA diminishes rapidly as k goes away from k . the RMT model. Also the analytical evaluation of the CPA Wenowconsidertheotherlimitofstronglosseswhere CPA points via first-order perturbation theory parallels manyofthecomplexsolutionsofζ(κ,γ)=0turnbackto the RMT calculation and leads to the expression the real axis and lead to a second CPA. The existence of (cid:12) (cid:12)2 CPAs for large γ is surprising since in the over-damping (cid:80) (cid:12)Ψ(0)(cid:12) fldeocmtiaoinns(di.ue.e tlaorgimepγe’ds)anitceismeixspmeacttcehdintgo.hHavoewesvtreorn,gmruel-- vgγ(CkCPPAA) = 12 (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)mΨ(cid:12)(µ00)m(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)2(cid:12) ; kCPA ≈k(0) (10) tiple interferences in complex systems provide a zeroes self-trapping effect which results in the CPAs. This is whereΨ(0)andΨ(0)denotethevaluesoftheunperturbed m µ0 analogues to the well known resonant self-trapping phe- wavefunctionattheverticeswithattachedleadsandthe nomenon which has been thoroughly studied in other lossy vertex, respectively, and the group velocity for the frameworks [52, 53] and it re-surface also in CPAs[54]. graphs is v = ∂E/∂k = 2k [37]. The universality of g CPAs in Chaotic graphs – RMT addresses universal thisexpressioncanbefurtherappreciatedbyrealizingits aspects of CPAs in complex systems. At the same time similarity with Eq. (4) derived in the RMT framework. oneneedstobeawarethatcertainnon-universalfeatures Eq. (10)hasbeencheckedagainstnumericallyevaluated (like scarring) may emerge when CPA cavities with un- CPA values for a tetrahedron graph, see Fig. 2. derlyingchaoticdynamicsareconsidered. Thesefeatures Finallywehavecalculatednumericallythedistribution mightinfluencetheformationofCPAs. Thereforewetest of γ˜ ≡ 2γ /v (k ) for graphs. The results for CPA CPA g CPA our theory with a model system, where such effects are M = 1,2,3 and λ¯l = 4π are shown in Fig. 3(b) and are known to be prominent, namely quantum graphs (net- compared with the predictions of RMT Eq. (5). Clearly, works of 1D waveguides) [37, 38, 40]. our theory is capable of reproducing the main features A graph consists of n = 1,··· ,V vertices connected of the distribution also for this model, where prominent by bonds. The number of bonds emanating from a ver- scarring effects are known to exist [39, 40]. 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To this end we have used an RMT model with one absorber and evaluated the eigenvalues of the absorption matrix. In this case there is at most one non-zero eigenvalue α. In Fig. S1 we report the behavior of α versus k and γ for a system of two channels M =2. The peak indicates the position of k ,γ . The blue continuous and black dashed lines indicate the theoretical predictions CPA CPA of Eqs. (7) and (8) respectively. FIG. S1: (color online) The non-zero absorption eigenvalue α(k,γ) versus the wavenumber k and the loss-strength γ for a RMTsystem ofN =5sites andtwo channels, with one lossy sitein themiddle (seeinset ofFig. 1). The bluecontinuous and black dashed lines indicate the theoretical predictions of Eqs. (7) and (8) respectively.

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