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Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life Titles include: Graham Allan, Graham Crow and Sheila Hawker STEPFAMILIES Vilna Bashi Treitler RACE IN TRANSNATIONAL AND TRANSRACIAL ADOPTION Harriet Becher FAMILY PRACTICES IN SOUTH ASIAN MUSLIM FAMILIES Parenting in a Multi-Faith Britain Elisa Rose Birch, Anh T. Le and Paul W. Miller HOUSEHOLD DIVISIONS OF LABOUR Teamwork, Gender and Time Ann Buchanan and Anna Rotkirch FERTILITY RATES AND POPULATION DECLINE No Time for Children? Deborah Chambers SOCIAL MEDIA AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Online Intimacies and Networked Friendship Robbie Duschinsky and Leon Antonio Rocha ( editors ) FOUCAULT, THE FAMILY AND POLITICS Jacqui Gabb RESEARCHING INTIMACY IN FAMILIES Dimitra Hartas PARENTING, FAMILY POLICY AND CHILDREN’S WELL-BEING IN AN UNEQUAL SOCIETY A New Culture War for Parents Stephen Hicks LESBIAN, GAY AND QUEER PARENTING Families, Intimacies, Genealogies Clare Holdsworth FAMILY AND INTIMATE MOBILITIES Rachel Hurdley HOME, MATERIALITY, MEMORY AND BELONGING Keeping Culture Peter Jackson (e ditor ) CHANGING FAMILIES, CHANGING FOOD Riitta Jallinoja and Eric Widmer (e ditors ) FAMILIES AND KINSHIP IN CONTEMPORARY EUROPE Rules and Practices of Relatedness Lynn Jamieson and Roona Simpson (e ditors ) LIVING ALONE Globalization, Identity and Belonging Lynn Jamieson, Ruth Lewis and Roona Simpson ( editors ) RESEARCHING FAMILIES AND RELATIONSHIPS Reflections on Process David Morgan RETHINKING FAMILY PRACTICES Petra Nordqvist, Carol Smart RELATIVE STRANGERS: FAMILY LIFE, GENES AND DONOR CONCEPTION Eriikka Oinonen FAMILIES IN CONVERGING EUROPE A Comparison of Forms, Structures and Ideals Róisín Ryan-Flood LESBIAN MOTHERHOOD Gender, Families and Sexual Citizenship Sally Sales ADOPTION, FAMILY AND THE PARADOX OF ORIGINS A Foucauldian History Tam Sanger TRANS PEOPLE’S PARTNERSHIPS Towards an Ethics of Intimacy Tam Sanger and Yvette Taylor (e ditors ) MAPPING INTIMACIES Relations, Exchanges, Affects Elizabeth B. Silva TECHNOLOGY, CULTURE, FAMILY Influences on Home Life Lisa Smyth THE DEMANDS OF MOTHERHOOD Agents, Roles and Recognitions Yvette Taylor EDUCATIONAL DIVERSITY The Subject of Difference and Different Subjects Katherine Twamley LOVE, MARRIAGE AND INTIMACY AMONG GUJARATI INDIANS A Suitable Match Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life Series Standing Order ISBN 978–0–230–51748–6 hardback 9 78–0–230–24924–0 paperback ( outside North America only ) You can receive future titles in this series as they are published by placing a standing order. Please contact your bookseller or, in case of difficulty, write to us at the address below with your name and address, the title of the series and one of the ISBNs quoted above. Customer Services Department, Macmillan Distribution Ltd, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS, England Race in Transnational and Transracial Adoption Edited by Vilna Bashi Treitler Department of Black and Latino Studies, Baruch College and Sociology Program, The Graduate Center City University of New York, USA Selection, introduction and editorial matter © Vilna Bashi Treitler 2014 Individual chapters © Respective authors 2014 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2014 978-1-137-27522-6 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 2014 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN Palgrave Macmillan in the UK is an imprint of Macmillan Publishers Limited, registered in England, company number 785998, of Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS. Palgrave Macmillan in the US is a division of St Martin’s Press LLC, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010. Palgrave Macmillan is the global academic imprint of the above companies and has companies and representatives throughout the world. Palgrave® and Macmillan® are registered trademarks in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and other countries ISBN 978-1-349-44608-7 ISBN 978-1-137-27523-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9781137275233 This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. Logging, pulping and manufacturing processes are expected to conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. Contents List of Tables x Series Editors’ Preface xi Notes on Contributors x iii 1 Introduction: Race Is a Fiction ... Coloring Children and Parents Nonetheless 1 Vilna Bashi Treitler What race is, and what race is not 2 Race and adoption 3 Adoption as an index of vulnerability 6 Transnational adoption begins in a racialized climate 6 Aboriginals of the Americas and Australia 8 African American children, available and largely unadopted 9 A racialized market for ‘Available’ children 1 0 Adoptions as case studies in racialization 1 3 Shaping desire across adoption’s color line 1 4 Colorblindness and race-awareness in adoption 1 8 Why we must talk about race in adoption, and outside of it 2 6 Notes 27 Part I Constructing Desire in the Adoption Market 2 Disability Is the New Black: The Rise of the ‘Cleft Lip and Palate Program’ in Transracial International Adoption 3 3 Elizabeth Raleigh and Barbara Katz Rothman Introduction: the changing landscape of international adoption 3 3 The study 35 Findings 36 The popularity of international adoption: healthy infants 3 6 ‘Our challenge for the future’: making the age/race/health comparison in adoption 37 ‘A normal life’: minor and correctable medical conditions 3 9 ‘The Cleft Lip and Palate Program’ in China 4 3 Conclusion 45 Note 48 v vi Contents 3 Race and Market Values in Domestic Infant Adoption 4 9 Barbara Fedders Introduction 49 Supply and demand in domestic infant adoption 5 0 Adoption in the United States: systems and laws 5 0 Race-based marketing in adoption 53 Black Children in the adoption system 5 4 Slavery, the Black family, and adoption 5 5 Black children in the child-welfare system and transracial placements 55 The multiethnic placement act: rhetoric and reality 5 6 The high cost of race-based fee structures 5 9 Conclusion 62 Notes 62 4 Changing Ethnicities? Changing Paradigms? The Adoption of Black and Minority Ethnic Children in England 7 0 Derek Kirton Background 70 Reforming adoption and promoting the transracial 7 2 The Narey report and the coalition government 7 3 Ethnicity and adoption in the UK: changing contexts 7 6 An anti-multicultural turn? 78 Adoption of BME children in the UK: time for a change? 8 0 5 The Commodification and Online Marketing of Children in Transnational Adoption 84 Elizabeth Hunter Milovidov and Vilna Bashi Treitler Senders and receivers 85 Racialization, inequality, and adoption 92 Adoption’s child marketing tools: photolistings and web advertisements 95 Web advertisements 98 Photolistings 100 Does Internet use in adoption provide evidence of a new racial imperialism? 104 Notes 109 6 ‘Someone’s Roots’: Gender, Rape, and Racialization in Korean American Adoption Narratives 1 12 Sandra Patton-Imani Background 112 Methods and positionality 116 Race, rape, and colonization 1 18 Contents vii Mail-order Asian girls 121 Birth-Mother-Self imaginaries 125 Conclusion 129 Notes 129 Part II Constructing Ethno-Racial Identities in Adoption 7 Adoptive Parents e-Racing Adopted Children by Choosing, Keeping, Avoiding, and Purchasing Identity 1 33 Pamela Anne Quiroz Introduction 133 Adoption, identity, and the new racial structure 1 34 Using virtual ethnography to study racial assignment and cultural socialization 1 38 Choosing identity 143 Avoiding identity 147 Keeping identity 149 Purchasing identity 150 Adoptive parents ‘doing’ identity and creating neoethnics 1 52 Notes 153 8 Safely ‘Other’: The Role of Culture Camps in the Construction of a Racial Identity for Adopted Children 1 55 Lori Delale-O’Connor Introduction 155 Background 156 Data and methods 158 Camp overview 158 Hands around the globe culture camp 1 59 IKids culture camp 160 Analysis 161 Camps as producers of identity 161 Parents and children as shaping consumers of identity 1 63 Identity as an accessory 1 65 Conclusion 167 Notes 168 9 Producing Multiculturalism: Family Formation through Transnational Adoption 169 Kazuyo Kubo Introduction 169 Theoretical discontinuities between multiculturalism and race 1 71 Methods and data 175 Agencies’ multicultural and multiracial curriculum 1 77 viii Contents Multicultural and multiracial education: a workshop for adoption professionals 178 The organization of training sessions 1 79 Agency in a Small City (ASC) 179 Agency in a Major Metropolitan Area (AMMA) 1 80 Agency’s role as specialist on building multicultural families 1 81 The adoption agencies’ dilemma: multiculturalism and racism 1 82 Incorporating racism into a discourse of multiculturalism 1 84 Transcending race? How agencies articulate multiculturalism 1 85 Discussion and conclusion 188 Notes 189 10 Culture at Camp: White Parents’ Understanding of Race 190 Carla Goar Introduction 1 90 Theoretical framework 1 91 Colorblind ideology 1 91 Race consciousness 1 92 Background 1 93 Transracial adoption 1 93 Culture camps 1 95 Methods 1 95 Findings 1 96 Colorblindness at camp 1 96 Consciousness at camp 1 99 Discussion and conclusion 2 02 Note 2 03 11 ‘ Acting White’ and ‘Acting Black’ Exploring Transracial Adoption, Middle-Class Families, and Racial Socialization 204 Colleen Butler-Sweet Race, class, and transracial adoption: a literature review 205 Racial identity formation 2 05 The transracial adoption debate 2 06 The importance of class 2 07 Methods 2 09 Participants 2 09 Procedure 2 09 Measures 2 10 Findings 2 11 Straddling the line between race and class socialization 211 ‘Acting white’ and ‘acting black’ 2 14 Feeling thankful for family 2 18 Contents ix Discussion and analysis 2 19 Conclusion 2 24 Note 2 25 12 B ecoming a ‘Chinese–American’ Parent: Whiteness, Chinese Cultural Practice, and American Parents of Children Adopted from China 2 26 Amy E. Traver Theoretical framework 2 27 Data and methods 2 28 Whiteness and Parents’ ‘Chinese–American’ identifications 2 29 Participation in Chinese cultural events organized by Families with Children from China (FCC) 2 30 Consumption of Chinese cultural objects for display in the home 2 33 Development of relationships with Americans of Chinese heritage 2 36 Discussion and conclusion 2 39 Notes 2 40 13 C onclusion: Talking About Race and Adoption 242 Nicole Soojung Callahan The persistent myth of ‘colorblindness’ in adoption 2 42 Problematic framings of transracial adoption 2 43 Challenges for transracial adoptees and their parents 244 Learning from the experiences of transracial adoptees 246 Note 247 References 2 48 Index 2 75

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