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Qubit decoherence by low-frequency noise K. Rabenstein, V.A. Sverdlov, and D.V. Averin Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 4 We have derived explicit non-perturbative expression for decoherence of quantum oscillations in 0 a qubit by low-frequency noise. Decoherence strength is controlled by thenoise spectral density at 0 zero frequency while the noise correlation time τ determines the time t of crossover from the 1/√t 2 to the exponential suppression of coherence. We also performed Monte Carlo simulations of qubit dynamicswith noise which agree with theanalytical results and show that most of theconclusions n a are valid for both Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise. J PACSnumbers: 03.65.Yz,03.67.Lx,72.70.+m 6 2 Despite the largenumber ofsuccessfuldemonstrations ical results are exact as function of v2τ in this limit. We ] 0 n of coherent quantum oscillations in individual [1, 2, 3, also performed direct numerical simulations of the low- o 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] and coupled [9] Josephson-junction qubits, frequencyqubitdecoherence. Thesimulationresultscon- c quantitative understanding of these oscillations is so far firm analytical expressions for Gaussian noise and show - r limited. The main area of discrepancy between experi- that our main conclusions: cross-over from the 1/√t to p ment and theory is qubit decoherence. The typicalqual- the exponential suppression of coherence at time t τ; u ≃ s ity factors of reported oscillations, while not as large as and the strength of decoherence controlled by the noise . required by potential applications in quantum computa- spectral density S (0) at zero frequency remainvalid for t v a tion, are still quite large in physics term (typically not non-Gaussiannoise. The decoherence rates for Gaussian m less than20 30). This fact shouldimply weak decoher- and non-Gaussian noise behave, however, quite differ- - ence describ÷able by the standard perturbation theory in ently as functions of S (0). In physics terms, the two d v n qubit-environmentcoupling(see,e.g.,[10]). Severalbasic noise models we study correspond, respectively, to low- o featuresofthistheory,however,donotagreewithexper- frequency electromagnetic noise, and noise of localized c imental observations. Most importantly, observed decay excitations in the situation when only a few excitations [ time T2 of coherent oscillations is typically shorter than with comparable time scales are coupled to the qubit. 1 the energy relaxationtime T evenat optimal qubit bias The Hamiltonian of a qubit with a fluctuating bias 1 v points [3, 4, 11] where perturbation theory predicts no energy v(t) (see inset in Fig. 1b) is: 9 pure dephasing terms. Another discrepancy is between 1 1 5 the observed two-qubit decoherence rate [9] and its val- H =−2[∆σx+(ε+v(t))σz], (1) 1 ues that can be obtained from the perturbation theory where ε is the average bias, and σ’s here and below de- 0 under natural assumptions [12]. note Pauli matrices. In this work, we mostly focus on 4 Qualitatively,thebasicreasonfordiscrepancybetween 0 the situation when the noise v(t) has characteristic cor- T and T is the low-frequency noise that can reduce / 1 2 relationtimeτ,i.e.,thenoisecorrelationfunctionandits t a T2 without changing significantly the relaxation rates. spectral density can be taken as m Mechanisms of low-frequency, or specifically 1/f, noise - exist in all solid-state qubits: background charge fluc- v(t)v(t′) =v2e−|t−t′|/τ, S (ω)= 2v02τ , (2) d tuations for charge-based qubits [13], impurity spins or h i 0 v 1+(ωτ)2 n trapped fluxes for magnetic qubits [14]. Manifestations o where v0 is the typical noise amplitude and ... denotes of this noise are observed in the echo-type experiments h i c average over different realizations of noise. We assume v: [11]. Low-frequency noise for qubits is also created by that the temperature T of the noise-producing environ- the electromagnetic fluctuations in filtered control lines. i ment is large on the scale of the cut-off frequency 1/τ, X The goalof our work is to developquantitative theory and it can be treated as classical. (In the regime of in- r of low-frequency decoherence by studying qubit dynam- terest, 1/τ ∆, the temperature can obviously be still a ≪ ics under the influence of noise with small characteristic small on the qubit energy scale.) amplitude v and long correlation time τ. In the case The two effects of the weak noise on the dynamics 0 of Gaussiannoise, we obtained explicit non-perturbative of the qubit (1) are the transitions between two energy expressiondescribing decayin time ofcoherentqubit os- eigenstates with energies Ω/2, Ω (∆2 +ε2)1/2, and ± ≡ cillations. Thestrengthofdecoherenceinthisexpression “pure” (unrelated to transitions) dephasing that sup- is controlled by the noise spectral density at zero fre- pressescoherencebetweenthesestates. Withinthe stan- quency, v2τ. For long correlationtimes τ ∆−1, where dard perturbation theory, the transition rate is propor- 0 ≫ ∆isthequbittunnelamplitude,thespectraldensityv2τ tional to S (Ω) = v2/Ω2τ. One can see that the condi- 0 v 0 canbe largeevenforweaknoise v ∆andouranalyt- tionofweaknoisev ∆makesthetransitionratesmall 0 0 ≪ ≪ 2 comparedbothto∆and1/τ ensuringthattheperturba- tiontheory is sufficient forthe descriptionoftransitions. As discussed qualitatively in the introduction, the fact (a) that the noise correlation time is long, τ ∆−1, makes 100 ≫ theperturbationtheoryinadequateforthedescriptionof 10-1 (v /2D) (Dt )1/2-1/2 pure dephasing. For low-frequency noise, a proper (non- 0 perturbative in v02τ) description is obtained by looking tg 10-2 at the accumulation of the noise-induced phase between thetwoinstantaneousenergyeigenstates. Ifv0 ∆,one 10-3 can determine the rate of accumulation of this≪phase by v=0.25D 0 expanding the energies in noise amplitude v(t). Also, in 10-4 ((v0/D )2(tD ))2/4 v0=0.15D this case the dephasing rate is larger than the transition 1.0 rate and can be calculated disregarding the transitions. (b) The factor F(t) describing suppression in time of coher- 0.8 Vo ence between the two states (i.e., suppression of the off- e D diagonal element ρ of the qubit density matrix in the 12 0.6 energy basis: ρ12(t) = F(t)ρ12(0)e−iΩt) can be written tg t =5D Vo then as follows: 0.4 t =10D t =20D t εv(t′) ∆2v2(t′) F(t)= exp i [ + ]dt′ . (3) 0.2 v=0.25D h {− Ω 2Ω3 }i o Z0 v=0.15D o ForGaussian noise, the correlationfunction(2)deter- 0.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 mines the noise statistics completely. In this case, it is (v /D )2(tD ) convenient to take the average in Eq. (3) by writing it 0 as a functionalintegralovernoise. For this purpose, and also for use in the numerical simulations, we start with the “transition” probability p(v1,v2,δt) for the noise to FIG. 1: The rate γ of exponential qubit decoherence at long have the value v2 a time δt after it had the value v1: times t τ for ε = 0 and (a) Gaussian and (b) a model of ≫ the non-Gaussian noise with characteristic amplitude v0 and p(v1,v2,t)=[2πv02(1−e−2δt/τ)]−1/2× correlation timeτ. Solid lines giveanalytical results: Eq.(8) 1 (v v e−δt/τ)2 in (a) and Eq. (13) in (b). Symbols show γ extracted from 2 1 exp − . (4) Monte Carlo simulations of qubit dynamics. Note different {−2v2 1 e−2δt/τ } 0 − scalesforγ inparts(a)and(b). Insetin(b)showsschematic diagram of qubit basis states fluctuating under the influence Usingthisexpressionweintroducetheprobabilityofspe- of noise v(t). cificnoiserealizationasp (v ) p(v ,v ,δt ) p(v ,v ,δt ) 0 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 · · · ..., where p (v) = (2πv2)−1/2exp v2/2v2 is the sta- 0 0 {− 0} tionary Gaussian probability distribution of v. Taking start with the case ε = 0, where pure qubit dephasing the limit δt 0 we see that the average over the noise vanishesinthestandardperturbationtheory. Dephasing j → can be written as the following function integral: (6)is stillnon-vanishing andits strengthdepends onthe noise spectral density at zero frequency S (0) = 2v2τ v 0 ... = dv(0)dv(t)Dv(t′)... through ν = √1+is, s S (0)/∆. For small and large v h i ≡ Z times t Eq. (6) simplifies to: v(0)2+v(t)2 1 t exp dt′(τ2v˙2+v2) . (5) 1/2 × − 4v2 − 4v2τ 1+t/τ (cid:26) 0 0 Z0 (cid:27) F(t)= 1+t/τ +ist/2τ , t≪τ, (7)  (cid:20) (cid:21) Since the average in Eq. (3) with the weight (5) is now  2√νe−(γ+iδ)t/(1+ν), t τ, given by the Gaussian integral, it can be calculated ≫ straightforwardly: where  1 (1+s2)1/2+1 1/2 νt νt γ = 1 . (8) F(t)=F0(t)exp −α2 τ −2[coth2τ +ν]−1 , (6) 2τ "(cid:18) 2 (cid:19) − # (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) 1+ν2 Besides suppressing coherence, the noise also shifts the F (t)=et/2τ[cosh(νt/τ)+ sinh(νt/τ)]−1/2, 0 2ν frequency of qubit oscillations. The corresponding fre- quency renormalization is well defined for t τ: where ν 1+2iv2∆2τ/Ω3 and α ετv /Ων3/2. ≫ Equati≡on(6)isour0mainanalytical≡result0fordephasing 1 (1+s2)1/2 1 1/2 p δ = − . (9) by the Gaussian noise. To analyze its implications, we 2τ 2 (cid:20) (cid:21) 3 Suppression of coherence (7) for t τ can be qual- For unbiased qubit, ε = 0, this equation coincides with ≪ itatively understood as the result of averaging over the theoneobtainedbymoreinvolveddiagrammaticpertur- staticdistributionofnoisev. Incontrastto this,atlarge bation theory in quadratic coupling [15]. times t τ, the noise appears to be δ-correlated, the ≫ fact that naturally leads to the exponential decay (7). This interpretationmeans that the two regimes of decay shouldbegenerictodifferentmodelsofthelow-frequency 0.4 noise. Indeed, theyexistforthenon-Gaussiannoisecon- sideredbelow,andarealsofoundforGaussiannoisewith 1/f spectrum [15]. Crossover between the two regimes 0.2 takes place at t τ, and the absolute value of F(t) in ≃ the crossover region can be estimated as (1 + s2)−1/4, Rer 0.0 i.e. s determines the amount of coherence left to decay 12 exponentially. The rate (8) of exponential decay shows a transition from the quadtratic to square-root behav- -0.2 ior as a function of S (0) that can be seen in Fig. 1a, v 1/2(1+(v2t/D )2)-1/4 which also shows the decay rate extracted from numeri- o -0.4 0.375 exp(-g t) cal simulations of Gaussian noise. (Numerical procedure is discussed below.) One can see that our analytical and 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 numerical results agree well for quite large noise ampli- t/t tude v . 0 Non-zero qubit bias ε leads to additional dephasing FIG. 2: The profile of coherent quantum oscillations in an F(t)/F (t)describedbythelastexponentialfactorinEq. 0 unbiased qubit dephased by the non-Gaussian noise with (6). One cansee thatsimilar toF (t) additionaldephas- 0 characteristic amplitude v0 = 0.15∆ and correlation time ing exhibits the crossover at t τ from “inhomogenious τ =300∆−1 obtainedbydirect simulation of qubitdynamics ≃ broadening”(averagingoverthestaticdistributionofthe with noise. Solid line is the exponential fit of the oscillation noise v) to exponential decay at t τ. In contrast to amplitudeatlargetimes. Dashedlineistheinitial1/√tdecay ≫ F (t), the short-time decay is now Gaussian: caused byeffectively static distribution of v. 0 F(t) ε2 v2t2/2, t τ, ln = 0 ≪ Tocheckhowwellthe analytictheorydescribedabove F (t) −Ω2 · v2τt/(1+is(∆/Ω)3), t τ. 0 (cid:26) 0 ≫ works for finite noise amplitude v0, and to see how sen- (cid:2) (cid:3) We see that, again, the rate of exponential decay de- sitive the results are to the assumption of the Gaussian pends non-trivially on the noise spectral density S (0), noise,weperformedMonteCarlosimulationsofthequbit v changing from direct to inverse proportionality to S (0) oscillations under the influence of Gaussian and non- v at small and large s, respectively. Gaussian noise. We looked specifically at the coherent Our approach can be used to calculate the rate of ex- oscillationsof a qubit with Hamiltonian (1) that start in ponential decay at large times t for Gaussian noise with oneofthe eigenstatesofthe σ operator,focusing onthe z arbitrary spectral density S (ω). Such a noise can be case ε= 0. The qubit density matrix was averaged over v representedasasumofnoises(2)andappropriatetrans- up to 107 realizations of noise. In the case of Gaussian formation of variables in this sum enables one to write noise, realizations were built using the transition prob- theaverageoverthenoiseasafunctionalintegralsimilar ability (4). For non-Gaussian noise we used the model to (5). For calculation of the relaxation rate at large t, of Ref. 16, which should provide an appropriate descrip- the boundary terms in the integral (5) can be neglected tion of the situation when a qubit is coupled to several and it is dominated by the contribution from the “bulk” fluctuatorswith similar characteristictime scaleτ of the whichcanbeconvenientlywrittenintermsoftheFourier fluctuations. Inthismodelthefluctuatorscreaterandom components qubit bias v which remains constant for some (random) timeintervalafterwhichitisupdatedandthenewvalue t v =(2/t)1/2 dt′v(t′)sinω t′, ω =πn/t. remainsconstantduring the next time interval,etc. The n n n Z0 time intervals between bias updates are taken to be dis- Then, ... = Dv...exp (1/2) v 2/S (ω ) . tributedaccordingtothe Poissondistributionwithchar- Combinihngithis equation and{E−q. (3) weng|etn|at lavrgent:} acteristic time τ. For more direct comparison with the R P Gaussian noise, we assumed Gaussian distribution p (v) 0 t ε2ΩS (0) v of v. The correlationfunction of v(t) defined in this way F(t)=exp + (cid:26)−2(cid:20)Ω3+iSv(0)∆2 is given by the same Eq. (2). 1 ∞ Example of the oscillations dephased by such a noise dωln(1+iS (ω)∆2/Ω3) . (10) π v is given in Fig. 2. It shows real part of the off-diagonal Z0 (cid:21)(cid:27) 4 element ρ (t) of the qubit density matrix in the energy Carlo simulations of qubit dynamics within these mod- 12 eigenstates basis. For oscillations starting in one of the els. The theory agrees well with simulations and shows σ eigenstates, ρ (0) = 1/2. Similarly to the case of that the decoherence strength is controlled by the noise z 12 Gaussian noise, we consider only weak noise, v ∆. spectral density at zero frequency. It allows for general- 0 ≪ In this case, there is a crossover at t τ in the os- izationsinseveralexperimentally-relevantdirectionsand ≃ cillation amplitude from the initial 1/√t suppression of should be useful for analysis of observedshapes of quan- coherence due to averaging over static potential distri- tum qubit oscillations. bution: ρ (t) = ρ (0)/(1+iv2t/∆)1/2 (neglecting all 12 12 0 terms ofordert/τ), to exponentialsuppressionatt τ. ≫ This work was supported in part by ARDA and DOD Therateoftheexponentialdecaycanbefoundanalyt- under the DURINT grant # F49620-01-1-0439 and by ically as follows. Expansion of the average qubit density theNSFundergrant#0325551. Theauthorswouldlike matrixρ(t)inthenumberof“jumps”ofv(t)leadstothe to thank T. Duty, K. Likharev,J. Lukens, Yu. Makhlin, Dyson-like equation for its evolution [16]: Y.Nakamura,Yu. Pashkin,andA. 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