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Quantum trajectory approach to circuit QED: Quantum jumps and the Zeno effect Jay Gambetta,1,2 Alexandre Blais,3 M. Boissonneault,3 A. A. Houck,1 D. I. Schuster,1 and S. M. Girvin1 1Departments of Applied Physics and Physics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520, USA 2Institute for Quantum Computing and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada 3D´epartement de Physique et Regroupement Qu´eb´ecois sur les Mat´eriaux de Pointe, Universit´e de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qu´ebec, Canada, J1K 2R1 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 8 0 Wepresentatheoreticalstudyofasuperconductingchargequbitdispersivelycoupledtoatrans- 0 missionlineresonator. Startingfromamasterequationdescriptionofthiscoupledsystemandusing 2 a polaron transformation, we obtain an exact effective master equation for the qubit. We then use quantum trajectory theory to investigate the measurement of the qubit by continuous homodyne n measurement of the resonator out-field. Using thesame porlaron transformation, a stochastic mas- a ter equation for the conditional state of the qubit is obtained. From this result, various definitions J of the measurement time are studied. Furthermore, we find that in the limit of strong homodyne 5 measurement,typicalquantumtrajectories for thequbitexhibit acrossoverfrom diffusivetojump- 2 like behavior. Finally, in the presence of Rabi drive on the qubit, the qubit dynamics is shown to exhibit quantumZeno behavior. ] l l a PACSnumbers: 03.65.Yz,42.50.Pq,42.50.Lc,74.50.+r,03.65.Ta h - s I. INTRODUCTION times larger than for ordinary three-dimensional cavi- e ties. Coupling of superconducting charge qubits to 3D m microwave cavities has also been investigated theoreti- . Continuous-in-time measurement theory [1, 2], or t cally [11]. a quantum trajectory theory, describes how an observer’s m state of knowledge of a quantum system (known as the To go beyond previous theoretical works on this sys- - conditional state) evolves given a measurement record. tem, we employ quantum trajectory theory [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] d Even in the absence of classical noise, such a trajectory and a polaron transformation [12] to derive an effective n follows a stochastic path in time, with the randomness SMEforthequbit. Itiswellknowinquantumopticsthat o being due to quantum uncertainty. These stochastic tra- if the voltage of a cavity is weakly monitored, then the c [ jectories are either diffusive or jump-like in nature. Dif- evolutionoftheconditionalstateofthecavityisgivenby fusive trajectories usually arise when the observable be- the homodyne SME [1, 13]. Using this SME as a start- 2 ing measured is only weakly coupled to the detector [3], ing point, we show that if the rate at which information v whereas jump-like behavior occurs when there is a large is coming out of the resonator is much larger then the 4 sudden change in the observers knowledge of the system rate at which information is being lost into unmonitored 6 2 state, a typical example of the latter being detection of baths, thenwe canuse a polarontransformationto elim- 4 a photon with a photomultiplier [1, 4]. The evolution inate the resonatorand obtain a SME for the qubit only. . equation for this trajectory is called a stochastic master The effective SME which is derived corresponds to a 9 0 equation (SME) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. weak dispersive measurement of the qubit observable σz. 7 Inthispaper,weconsidermeasurementincircuitquan- This is akin to SMEs derived in Refs. [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 0 tum electrodynamics (QED) [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. This system 19, 20, 21] for a quantum dot monitored by a quantum v: consists of a cooper pair box, playing the role of an ar- point contact. In Refs. [14, 15, 16, 19], the SMEs are re- i tificial atom, dispersively coupled to a 1-D transmission ferred to as the quantum Bayesian equations. They can X lineresonatorandisthecircuitequivalentofcavityQED. be seen as the Stratonovich version of the the Itoˆ SMEs ar It has the advantage that the qubit can be fixed at an presented here and in Refs. [18, 21]. We note that one antinode ofthe resonatorwhich, due to its 1D configura- canderiveasimilarequationbyadiabaticallyeliminating tion, has a very large vacuum electric field. This leads the resonator from the qubit-resonator master equation to very strong Jaynes-Cummings type coupling between using a similar technique as presented in [22]. However, the qubit and the resonator. This allows to probe a new byusingthepresentmethod,weareabletoderivecorrec- regimeofparameterspace,wheretheresonatorandqubit tions to the various system rates. These rates are shown are strongly coupled via a dispersive interaction and no toagreeverywellwiththesolutionofthetotalresonator- energy is exchanged between them. In this regime, the qubit conditional state found by numerically solving the qubitcausesalargestate-dependentshiftoftheresonator homodyne SME. frequency and thus by monitoring the signal transmit- The paper is organized as follows. The next section ted through the resonator we can infer the qubit’s state. contains a brief discussion of the circuit QED hamilto- Animportantfeatureofthequasi-one-dimensionalcircuit nianandofthe dispersiveapproximation. InSec.III, we resonator is that it permits dispersive couplings 106 use a polaron transformation to eliminate the resonator ∼ 2 fromtheresonator-qubitmasterequationandinthisway obtainanexactmaster equationfor the qubit only. This exact effective master equation shows how the resonator induces an additional dephasing channel on the qubit, whosestrengthdepends onthe amplitude ofinputdrives on the resonator. This dephasing rate corresponds to measurement-induced dephasing found in Ref. [10]. It contains the number splitting predicted in Ref. [10, 38] and experimentally reported in Ref. [24]. In Sec. IV we apply the same polaron transformation to derive an ef- FIG.1: (Color online)Schematiclayoutandlumpedelement fective SME for the qubit. This equation corresponds to version of the circuit QED implementation. A superconduct- a weak measurement of the qubit σ operator with rate ingchargequbit(green)isfabricatedinsideasuperconducting z Γ and extra non-Heisenberg backaction which causes 1D transmission line resonator (blue). Here, we have taken ci random rotations of the qubit around the σ with rate the input (LHS) and output (RHS) capacitance of the res- z onator to be unequal. With the output capacitance much Γ . Using these results, in Sec. V we investigate the sit- ba larger than the input one, a larger fraction of the photons in uation where the measurement is quantum limited and theresonator willescape ontheoutputside. Inthisway,the how a measurement time can be defined. In Sec. VI, we signal to bemeasured is enhanced. describe the emergence of quantum jumps in the condi- tionalstateasthe measurementstrengthisincreased. In particular,weinvestigatehowthespontaneousrelaxation where∆ =ω ω andwe haveassumedthat the drive r r d − intothequbitbathrevealsitselfasajumpwhenthemea- is far off resonance from the qubit transition frequency surementisstrong,ratherthanadiffusivedecaywhenthe andmovedtheresonatortoaframerotatingatfrequency measurement is weak. Finally, in Sec. VII, we include a ω . In this expression, we have defined χ=g2/∆ as the d qubit control drive in our description of the system and dispersive coupling strength between the resonator pho- investigate how the Zeno effect [25, 26, 27, 28] can be ton number and the qubit. Moreover, we have taken observed in this system. We summarize our conclusions ω˜ = ω +χ as the Lamb shifted qubit transition fre- a a in Sec. VIII. quency and defined ∆ =ω ω . r r d − It is important to note that the dispersive approxi- mation breaks down as the number of photons in the II. CAVITY QED WITH SUPERCONDUCTING resonator approaches the critical photon number n = crit CIRCUITS ∆2/4g2 [6]. In the present paper, we will work at mod- erately low photon number and assume the dispersive We consider a Cooper pair box capacitively coupled approximation to hold. That is, we will assume that to a transmission line resonator acting as a simple har- Eq.(2.2)isavaliddescriptionofthesystem. Theresults monic oscillator. This system, illustrated schematically obtainedwilltherefore alsoapply to the circuitQEDim- in Fig. 1, was first introduced in Ref. [6] and experimen- plementationthat usesthe so-calledtransmonqubit[32]. tally studied in Refs. [7, 8, 9, 24, 29, 30]. Measurement- A future publication will explore the break down of the induced dephasing was theoretically studied in detail in dispersiveapproximation[33]atsmalldetuningandlarge Ref. [10] and the applications to quantum information photon number. processing investigated in Ref. [31]. As described in the above references, the system’s Hamiltonian in the presence of a microwave drive of am- III. MASTER EQUATION plitude ε (t) and frequency ω can be written as [6] d d A. Master equation for the combined system ¯hω a H = σ +h¯ω a a+h¯g a σ +aσ z r † † + 2 − (2.1) In the Born-Markov approximation, the master equa- +h¯ εd(t)a†e−iωdt+ε∗d(cid:0)(t)aeiωdt . (cid:1) tion describing circuit QED takes the usual Lindblad form [1, 34] In this express(cid:2)ion, ω is the resonator freq(cid:3)uency, ω the r a qubittransitionfrequencyandgtheresonator–qubitcou- i ̺˙(t)= [H ,̺(t)]+κ [a]̺(t)+γ [σ]̺(t) plingstrength. Dependingonitsfrequency,thedrivecan − ¯h eff D 1D (3.1) correspondeither to measurementof the qubit or canbe +γ [σ ]̺(t)/2 φ z D used to coherently control its state. In the dispersive = ̺(t), tot regime, when ∆ = ω ω g , the effective Hamil- L a r | | | − | ≫| | tonian Eq. (2.1) can be approximated by [6] where ̺(t) is the state matrix for both the qubit and the resonatorand [A]isthedampingsuperoperatordefined ¯hω˜ D a by the mapping Heff = 2 σz+h¯∆ra†a+h¯χa†aσz+h¯ εd(t)a†+ε∗d(t)a , (2.2) [A]̺=A̺A A A̺/2 ̺A A/2. (3.2) (cid:2) (cid:3) † † † D − − 3 The three damping channelsarephotonlossthroughthe 2 A resonator (κ), qubit decay (γ ) and dephasing of the 1 qubit (γ ) [52]. 1 φ There are two distinct contributions to the resonator 0 damping: lossofphotonfromtheinputportdescribedby the rate κ and loss of photons at the output port κ . in out (cid:13)1 Thesumofthesetworatesκ=κ +κ iswhatappears in out in Eq. (3.1). The advantage of distinguishing these two (cid:13)2 contributions is that, in current experiments, only the (cid:13)4 (cid:13)2 0 2 4 photons leaking out of the output port are monitored. 0 Hence, as we will see later, κout is related to the rate at Q B which we acquire information about the qubit state. , (cid:13)1 e r u t (cid:13)2 a B. Master equation for the qubit r d a (cid:13)3 u In Ref. [10] the solution of the above master equation, Q neglectingenergylossduetoγ (butkeepingitseffecton (cid:13)4 1 (cid:13)4 (cid:13)2 0 2 4 dephasing), was found to be 0 C ̺(t)= c (t)i j α (t) α (t), (3.3) Ae Ag i,j | ih |⊗| i ih j | (cid:13)1 i,j=e,g X where the indices g and e label the qubit ground and (cid:13)2 excited states,respectively. In this expression,the coeffi- B cients c (t) are given by (cid:13)3 i,j c (t)=c (0) (cid:13)4 e,e e,e (cid:13)4 (cid:13)2 0 2 4 c (t)=c (0) g,g g,g In-phase, I ce,g(0)e−i(ω˜a−iγ2)te−i2χR0tαe(s)α∗g(s)ds (3.4) ce,g(t)= α (t)α (t) FIG.2: (Coloronline) In-phaseI =Re[ a ]= a+a† /2and h g | e i quadrature Q = Im[ a ] = ia† ia /2hcoimpohnent ofithe Q- c (t)=c (t) h i h − i g,e ∗e,g functionsolution fortheresonator stateTrqubit[̺s]. Herethe parameters are κ/2π = 10 MHz, χ/2π = 5 MHz, ǫ/2π = 20 and α (t) are coherent states of the resonator with | e(g) i MHz, and ∆r = 0. The measurement drive is turned on at amplitudes determined by t =50 ns and the initial state is 0 (e + g )/√2. For | i ⊗ | i | i illustration purposes, γ1 was taken to be zero. A) t = 0, B) α˙ (t)= iε (t) i(∆ +χ)α (t) κα (t)/2 e d r e e t=75 ns, C) Steady-statesolution. − − − (3.5) α˙ (t)= iε (t) i(∆ χ)α (t) κα (t)/2. g d r g g − − − − In the expression for c (t), we see that in addition to states α (t) and α (t) eventuallybecomeseparatedin e,g e g | i | i decay due to dephasing γ =γ /2+γ , the off-diagonal phase-space. Homodyne detection of the resonator field, 2 1 φ elementofthe qubitdensity matrixdecaysataratethat with the proper choice of local oscillator phase φ, can depends onthe fieldamplitudes α andα . Since the co- then be used to distinguish between these two coherent g e herent states with these amplitudes act as pointer states statesandthusreadoutthestateofthequbit. Inthelast in the measurement of the qubit, this decay can be in- panel of Fig. 2 we have introduced the distance between terpretedasmeasurement-induceddephasingandwillde- the states α (t) and α (t) e g | i | i pendonhowdistinguishablethestates α (t) and α (t) e g are[10]. FollowingRef.[10],theeffecto|fqubiitrela|xationi β(t)=αe(t) αg(t). (3.6) − in this model has been described by Bonzom et al. [35]. Another useful quantity is the angle How these coherentstates act as pointer states for the qubit is illustrated in Fig. 2, where a phase-space repre- θ =arg(β). (3.7) β sentationoftheresonatorstateTr [̺(t)]isplottedfor qubit various qubit–field interaction times. In these plots, the Forexample,forthecaseofFig.2C),thisangleisθ =π, β initial state is taken to be the vacuum for the resonator whichcorrespondstothequadraturecontainingthemost and the symmetric superposition (e + g )/√2 for the information about the state of the qubit. Indeed, for | i | i qubit. A continuous coherent drive is turned on at time this particular case, all of the information is in the in- t=50nstobuildupphotonpopulationofthe resonator. phase component I, with no information stored in the ThethreepanelsofFig.2illustratehowthetwocoherent quadrature Q component. 4 Our goal in the remainder of this section is to obtain 1 A an effective master equation for the qubit by eliminat- t) ing the resonator degree of freedom from the full master z( 0.5 , equation,Eq.(3.1). Toachievethis,wefirstgotoaframe (t) 0 defined by the transformation y , ) t<0.5 P(t)=Π D[α (t)]+Π D[α (t)] (3.8) x( e e g g <1 with D[α] the displacement operator of the resonator, 1 5 B D and Πj = j j Dp[rαo]je=cteoxrps[αona†t−heαg∗rao]und and exc(3it.e9d) -d(t)Tr 00..89 34drive, ¡ states of the| iqhub|it. This is similar to the polaron trans- , 1 0.7 2 (cid:13)(cid:16)/ ftoermmsa[t1i2o,n3w6h].icFhohraesxabmeepnleu,stehdisexwtaenssuivseedlyiinnRvaerf.io[u3s7]sytso- p(t) 0.6 1 [MH z study a charge qubit coupled to a mechanical oscillator 0.5 0 ] beyond the rotating wave approximation. However,here 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 we use the transformation Eq. (3.8) on the dispersive Time, t [ns] Hamiltonian, not on the full Jaynes-Cummings Hamilto- nian. FIG. 3: (Color online) A) Numerical solution of the three As is shown in Appendix A, applying this transforma- components of the Bloch vector as obtained from the full tion on the master equation Eq. (3.1) and tracing over master equation: x red dashed, y green dashed-dotted and z the resonator state yields the laboratory frame reduced solid blue. For this simulation, a measurement drive tuned qubit master equation at the resonator frequency (∆r = 0) and with envelope εd(t)=Atanh[(t ton)/σ]is turnedon at ton =20ns(green − ω (t) dashed-dottedlineinpanelB).Theturn-ontimeisindicated ac ρ˙(t)= i [σz,ρ(t)]+γ1 [σ ]ρ(t) with the vertical dashed line. B) Purity p (solid blue line) − 2 D − (3.10) and the trace distance dTr (red dashed line) with respect to +[γ +Γ (t)] [σ ]ρ(t)/2 φ d z the effective model derived here. The latter shows the excel- D = ρ(t), lent agreement between the model and full numerical results. L For these results, we have taken A/2π = 5 MHz, σ = 5 ns, where ρ(t) = Tr [̺(t)]. This expression is the main T1 = 7µs and T2 = 500 ns. The other parameters are the res same as in Fig. 2. resultofthissection. Itisimportanttonotethat,within the dispersive approximation,this result is exact. In this reduced description, we see that the effect of areplottedasafunctionoftime. Itisusefultonotethat, coupling to the resonator translates into an additional in terms of the Bloch vector dephasing rate Γ (t) given by d 1 ρ(t)= (1+x(t)σ +y(t)σ +z(t)σ ), (3.14) x y z Γ (t)=2χIm[α (t)α (t)]. (3.11) 2 d g ∗e where x(t) = Tr[σ ρ(t)], y(t) = Tr[σ ρ(t)], and z(t) = x y In addition to dephasing, the qubit transition frequency Tr[σ ρ(t)], the effective master equation, Eq. (3.10), re- z is also modified by the photon population of the res- duces to the simple Bloch equations onator. The shifted qubit frequency is given by x˙(t)= ω (t)y(t) [γ +Γ (t)]x(t) ac 2 d − − ωac(t)=ω˜a+B(t) (3.12) y˙(t)=ωac(t)x(t) [γ2+Γd(t)]y(t) (3.15) − z˙(t)= γ (z(t)+1). 1 with − Not surprisingly, as seen from Fig. 3, the agreement be- B(t)=2χRe[αg(t)α∗e(t)]. (3.13) tweennumericalintegrationoftheseBlochequationsand full numerical integration of the full master equation is This last term gives rise to the ac-stark shift experi- excellent. The agreement between these two results can mentally measured in Ref. [9]. In the situation where be quantified by calculating the trace distance d (t) be- Tr χ κ,theaboveleadstothenumbersplittingpredicted tweenthefullandtheeffectivemodel. Thetracedistance ≫ in Ref. [10, 38] and experimentally observed in Ref. [24]. in this case is defined as [39] Although the above results are analytically exact, we 1 have compared the numerical solution of the qubit’s dy- d (t)= Tr[ρ(t) Tr [̺(t)]], (3.16) Tr res namics obtained from the full master equation Eq. (3.1) 2 | − | tothatobtainedfromthereducedmodelEq.(3.10). This andis foundtobe zeroatallintegrationtimes, uptonu- isshowninFig.3wheretheelementsoftheBlochvector merical round off (truncation) errors. This was checked 5 for a wide range of measurement amplitudes ε and the IncircuitQED,therearefourdecaychannelsdescribed d trace distance was also found to be zero for all verified by the rates κ , κ , γ and γ . Only information com- in out 1 φ amplitudes. Also in this figure is shown the purity (full ing out of the κ channel, that is photons transmitted out blue line) through the resonator, are monitored. As a result, we mustrestrictourdescriptiontoaconditionaldensityma- 1 trix. As will be discussed in the next section, in the p(t)=Tr[ρ(t)2]= [1+x(t)2+y(t)2+z(t)2]. (3.17) 2 effectivemodelforthequbitonly,this willcorrespondto monitoring the decay channel corresponding to the rate In this master equation description, the purity tends Γ (t) and not monitoring the γ and γ channels. d 1 φ to 1/2, corresponding to a completely mixed state, due Although, direct detection of the transmitted mi- to dephasing. On top of this dynamics, relaxation is crowave photons is possible [29], here we will consider takingthepurityto1(apurestate)atarateγ1. Forthe homodyne processing. That is, we will assume that the parameters chosen in Fig. 3 relaxation is much weaker signal coming from the output port of the resonator is than (measurement-induced) dephasing, such that only mixed with a strong local oscillator of phase φ tuned to the effect of the latter is seen. the signal frequency. Given the homodyne measurement To summarise this section, we have obtained an exact result J(t), we can assign to the qubit–resonator system master equation description of the qubit dynamics that the conditional state ̺ (t) whose evolution is governed J only involves classical solution of the resonator field. In by the SME [53] addition to giving direct insights in the qubits dynam- ics (e.g. measurement induced dephasing and ac-Stark ̺˙ (t)= ̺ (t)+i√κη[Q ,̺ ](J(t) √κη 2I ) J tot J φ J φ t L − h i shift) this also providesa tool to significantly reduce the +√κη [2I ]̺ (t)[J(t) √κη 2I ] φ J φ t complexity of numerical calculations. Indeed, only a 2- M − h i (4.2) dimensionalHilbert space is now required. We note that this effective model was used to analyze and reproduce, with given by Eq. (3.1), η is the measurement effi- tot with exceptional agreement, the experimental results re- L ciency which we define below, [c] is the measurement ported in Ref. [29]. M superoperator defined as [c]̺=(c c )̺/2+̺(c c )/2, (4.3) t t M −h i −h i IV. STOCHASTIC MASTER EQUATION where c =Tr[c̺ (t)]andtheφ-dependentfieldcompo- t J h i nentsare2I =ae iφ+a eiφand2Q = iae iφ+ia eiφ. A. Stochastic master equation for the combined φ − † φ − − † The efficiency is η = κ η /κ with κ the rate at system out det out which photons come out of the output port of the res- onator and η is the efficiency at which these pho- det In this section, we review homodyne measurement of tons are detected. For the current circuit QED exper- the field emitted fromthe resonator. Using these results, iments [7, 8, 9, 24, 29, 30], this can be written as we will in the next subsection use the transformation of η = 1/(N +1) with N the number of noise photons det Eq. (3.8) to obtain an effective SME for the qubit only. added by the amplifier stage. In a given quantum system, if all the decoherence and For homodyne detection, the measurement record ob- decay channels can be monitored continuously, it is pos- served in an experiment can be expressed as sible to describethe systemconditionedonthe resultsof tthhaisnmboyntithoerianvgerraegsueltstJat(et)̺b.yTahipsupreursetastteat|eΨsJiisrcaatlhleedr J(t)=√κηh2Iφit+ξ(t), (4.4) a conditional state and can be viewed as our state of where ξ(t) is Gaussian white noise and represents the knowledge of the system. However, in systems where in- photon shot noise. It is formally defined as [40] formation about only some of the decay channels can be obtained,thereismissinginformation,anditisnolonger E[ξ(t)] = 0 (4.5) possibletohaveapurestatedescription. Inthiscase,we E[ξ(t)ξ(t′)] = δ(t t′) (4.6) can assign a conditional state matrix, ̺ to represent − J the state of the system under continuous observation of with Edenoting anensemble averageoverrealizationsof the particulardecaychannels. Theevolutionequationof the noise ξ(t). this conditional state is referred to as a stochastic mas- The measurement term in Eq. (4.2), the one includ- ter equation (SME) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 15, 19]. It has the ing the superoperator [2I ], comprises two parts. We φ M property that its average state ̺(t), will refer to the first one as the homodyne gain and the second as the innovation. The homodyne gain is ̺(t)=E[̺J(t)] (4.1) √κη [2Iφ]̺J(t) and collapses the state towards a Iφ M state(eigenstateofIφ). TheinnovationisJ √κη 2Iφ t, − h i is the solution to the master equation. Here E denotes it pushes the conditional state to a higher or lower I φ an ensemble averageover measurement records J(t) state depending on whether the current result J(t) is 6 greater or smaller then the average √κη 2Iφ t. The last with the angle θβ being defined in Eq. (3.7). term in Eq. (4.2), the noisy Hamiltoniahn teirm is extra In Eq. (4.8), J¯(t) is the processed record coming from non-Heisenberg backaction (it does not come with any the resonator and is given by information gain) caused by the measurement. It is this term that stops the conditional state from being driven J¯(t)= Γci σz t+ξ(t). (4.11) h i to a I state as it supplies random Q kicks to the con- φ φ which can be related topthe homodyne current by ditional state causing delocalization in I . φ For heterodyne measurement (where the local oscilla- J(t)=J¯(t)+√κη µ(t) cos(θ φ) (4.12) µ tor(LO)isdetunedfromthesignalfrequency),bothcom- | | − ponent Iφ and Qφ can be measured simultaneously. In with µ(t)=αe(t)+αg(t) and θµ =arg(µ). this case, the SME Eq. (4.2) has extra gain and innova- From the above expressions, by doing homodyne mea- tion terms corresponding to this additional component. surementonthe fieldleavingtheresonatorweareinfact Heterodynemeasurementalsolowersthemeasurementef- doingaweakdiffusivemeasurementofthequbitoperator ficiency ηdet by a factor of 1/2. Detection of this second σz with measurement strength Γci(t), as well as causing component does not change the physics in an essential extra unitary back-actionon the qubit (by the term pro- way, and we will focus on the simpler case of homodyne portional to Γba(t)). This is clearly seen by rewriting detection in the remainder of this paper. Eq. (4.8) in terms of the Bloch vectors Finally, we note that the SME Eq. (4.2) is known to x˙ (t)= ω (t)+ Γ (t)[J¯(t) Γ (t)z (t)] y (t) leadtoadiffusive-likeevolutionforthesystem[3,13,41]. J ac ba ci J J −{ − } We will however see in section VI how there can be a γ2+Γd(tp)+ Γci(t)zJ(tp)[J¯ Γci(t)zJ] xJ(t) cross-over from diffusive to jump-like evolution as the −{ − } measurement strength is increased. y˙J(t)= ωac(t)+ Γba(tp)[J¯(t) Γci(t)zJp(t)] xJ(t) { − } γ2+Γpd(t)+ Γci(t)zpJ(t)[J¯ Γci(t)zJ] yJ(t) −{ − } B. Stochastic master equation for the qubit z˙J(t)= Γci(t)[1 zJ(t)p2][J¯(t) Γci(t)zpJ(t)] − − γ [z (t)+1]. p 1 J p − In this section, we use the transformationEq. (3.8) to (4.13) obtainaneffective SME for the qubit only. As described From these expression,we see that the effect of the mea- in Appendix B, this can be done in the limit where surement consists of two parts. First, a nonlinear up- 2γ date to the state which results in pushing the system 1 ǫ= 1. (4.7) towardseither z = 1depending onthe observedrecord κ ≪ ± (the terms proportional to Γ (t)), and second, an extra ci We note that this limit does not imply that the informa- stochastic component that causes rotations around the tion gain about the state of the qubit is small. For the σ axis(theΓ (t)terms). Wefindthatthesumofthese z ba system to be in this limit, we simply require that the rates is ηΓ (t) where m photons come out of the resonator faster than the qubit decayrate. Otherwise,thefullSMEofEq.(4.2)mustbe Γm(t)=κβ(t)2 (4.14) | | used. However, as will be seen from numerical investiga- is the maximum measurement rate. This rate can be tions, the validity of the model can extend well beyond simply understood by noting that κ is the rate at which this limit in practice. photons leak out the resonatorand β(t)2 is the amount As described in Appendix B, in the limit where | | of information about the qubit state encoded by these Eq. (4.7) is valid, the effective SME for the qubit ob- photons. That is, this is the maximum amount of infor- tained using the transformation of Eq. (3.8) and tracing mation that can be gained from this system via homo- over the resonator states is dyne monitoring. Looking at Eq. (4.9) this is achieved ρ˙J¯(t)=LρJ¯(t)+ Γci(t)M[σz]ρJ¯(t)(J¯(t)− Γci(t)hσzit) breyspseotntdinsgtothdeetheocmtinogdythneeqpuhaadsreattourθeβwahnidchphhayssitchaellgyrceoart-- −ipΓ2bap(t)[σz,ρJ¯(t)](J¯(t)− Γci(tp)hσzit). seestt sφeptaorabteionθβo+f tπhe/2p,otinhteenr Γstbaat(ets)(=seeηFΓimg(.t)2Cw)h).icIhf wree- p (4.8) sultsinthe measurementrevealingno informationabout the qubit state and only causing dephasing by qubit fre- Inthis expression,Γci(t) is the rateatwhichcoherentin- quency change via photon shot noise. formationcomes out the resonatorand Γba(t) represents When the resonator dynamics have reached steady- extranon-Heisenbergback-actionfromthemeasurement. state, it can be shown that These rates are given by Γ (t )=Γ (t )/2. (4.15) d m Γ (t)=ηκβ(t)2cos2(φ θ ) (4.9) →∞ →∞ ci β | | − This is illustrated in Fig. 4 where both Γ (t) (solid Γ (t)=ηκβ(t)2sin2(φ θ ), (4.10) d ba β blue line) and Γ (t)/2 (dashed red line) are presented | | − m 7 1 Hz] 1.0 (t) A M zJ 0.5 es [ 0.8 s 2.0 (t), J 0 phasing Rat 000...246 ''(s)ds (s)dmd00110....48260 100 200 300 400 500 x(t), yJ<0<1.1.50 B 5 D De 0 0 50 100 150 Time2, 0t 0[ns] 250 d(t)Tr 00..89 34 rive, ¡ - d FIG. 4: (Color online) Γd(Tt)im(seo,l idt [nblsu]e line) and Γm(t)/2 p(t), 1J 00..67 12 [MHz(cid:13)(cid:16)/ (dashed red line) for a measurement drive turned on at the 0.5 0 ] 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 time t = 50 ns. The drive frequency is tuned to the bare Time, t [ns] resonator frequency (∆r =0) and the amplitude is εm/2π = √5. The rest of the parameters are the same as in Fig. 2. 1.0 } C Tthheetointsaeltmsehaoswursemtheentr-aitnidoubceetdwdeeepnhtahsiengto.tTalhedevpehrtaiscianlgblaancdk (t)]Tr 0.9 dashed line is the turn on time for the measurement drive. E[d 0.8 Thehorizontaldashedlineisthesteady-statedephasingrate. - 0.7 1 { n 0.6 Mi for the situation where a measurement drive tuned to 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 the bare resonator frequency is turned on at t = 50 Measurement Drive, ¡ (cid:13)(cid:16)/ [MHz] d ns. From this figure, we see that after the resonator transients decay away, the dephasing rate Γ is twice d FIG. 5: (Color online) A) Numerical solution of the three the maximum measurement rate Γ . Also shown in m components of theBlock vector as obtained from the full ho- the figure (see inset) is the ratio between the total de- modyne SME: x red dashed, y green dashed-dotted and z t phasing of the system, which we define as Γ (s)ds, solid blue. The measurement frequency and envelope is the 0 d and the total measurement-induced dephasing, defined same as in Fig. 3. We have assumed perfect efficiency η = 1 as tΓ (s)ds/2. As it should (when κ χR), the for- and taken the LO phase to be φ=θβ =π, corresponding to mer0excmeeds, or is at least equal to, the ≫latter. This is maximal information gain at ∆r = 0. B) Conditional purity simRply a statement that there is additional information pJ (full blue) and measurement pulse amplitude (dot-dashed green). Also shown is one minus the trace distance (dashed about the qubit available in the initial transients of the red), as calculated from the full homodyne SME and the ef- resonator which is not being used when simply monitor- fectiveSME.C)Oneminusthetracedistanceminimizedover ing the homodyne signal. thesimulationtime,300ns,forarangeofmeasurementampli- A typical trajectory for the conditional state is shown tudeandtwovaluesofT1: 7µs(fullreddots),100ns(empty in Fig. 5A) [red dashed line is the x component, green blues squares). Here, the trace distance is averaged over 70 dashed-doted line is the y component and the solid blue trajectories. line is the z component] for the case of a measurement driveturnedonatt =20nsandofmaximalamplitude on εmax/2π = 5 MHz. The envelope of the drive, shown gain due to the measurement. d as the green dashed-dotted line in Fig. 5B), is the same Also shown in this panel B) is the trace distance be- shape as the one used in Fig. 3. tween the conditional state found using the homodyne Unliketheaverageevolution,aswemonitorthesystem SME Eq. (4.2) and the effective SME Eq. (4.8), in both webecomemorecertainofitsquantumstate. Thisisrep- cases using the same parameters as in panel A). The resentedin Fig.5A) by the z componentbeing stochasti- agreement between the two results is excellent, which cally pushed towards z = 1. Note that we are showing shows that when the limit Eq. (4.7) is valid, the effec- − butonepossibletrajectory,otherrealizationswilltendto tive model derived here is indeed a good description. To localisethezcomponentto+1. Thefactthatourstateof see the break down of the validity of the model, we plot knowledgeaboutthe quantumstateis increasedby mon- in panel C) one minus the trace distance minimized over itoringisalsomadeapparentbythepuritywhichreaches thesimulationtime,300ns,asafunctionofmeasurement unity [full blue line in panel B)]. Under the average evo- amplitude and for two values of T . This is calculated 1 lution, see Fig. 3b), we end up with a completely mixed andaveragedover70trajectories. ForT =7µs(full red 1 state. This is simply due to the fact that the average circles), the agreement is very good at all simulated am- description does not take into account the information plitudes. However,forT =100ns (emptyblue squares), 1 8 8 the condition Eq. (4.7) is much less valid. As the mea- 2 surementamplitude isincreased,theapproximationthat 1 we can neglect elements of Eqs. (B10) and (B11) in Eq. 6 Q0 (B9) breaksdownandthe discrepancybetween the effec- <1 2 tive and full models is apparent. In any cases, it is clear n= <2 R <2 <1 0 1 2 thattheeffectivemodelisaverygoodapproximationfor N 4 2 1 I long T1 and can give a relatively accurate description of S 1 0 the system even at low T1, provided that the measure- 2 Q0 Q<1 ment amplitude is not too large. We note that a T1 of 7 <1 <2 µs was reported in Ref. [8]. The model obtained here is <2 <2 <1 0I 1 2 <3<2 <1 0 1 2 therefore useful in realistic experimental settings. 0 I Moreover,wefindthatforthesmallT of100ns,while 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 the discrepancy reportedin panel C) for anaverageover g(cid:13)(cid:16)r many trajectories can be large, when inspecting single trajectories we find no notable new features as the mea- FIG.6: (Coloronline)Thesigna-to-noiseratio(SNR)at∆r = surement amplitude is increased. The only change can 0 and for a fixed number of photons in the resonator n = 2. be attributed to renormalization of the various system The efficiency was taken to be ideal η = 1 and the relation parameters under the measurement. This suggests that rate γ1/2π =1 MHz. The three insets show the phase space the effective model presented here may extend well be- representation of the resonator state for κ = 0.01χ, κ = 2χ yond the limit (4.7), with the only change being that andκ=5χ,respectively. TheoptimalSNRoccursatκ=2χ. the measurement rate must be obtained numerically (or experimentally measured). A plot of this is shown in Fig. 6. From this plot, it is clearthattheoptimalvalueoccursatκ=2χandisgiven by SNR =4nηχ/γ . C. Signal-to-noise ratio max 1 Thus, to extractthe most informationabout the state of the qubit, we need to tune the measurement drive Using the above results, we can define the signal-to- to bare resonator frequency ω and choose the system noise ratio (SNR) as r parameters such that χ =κ/2. Note that κ is chosen at Γ ηΓ cos2(θ φ) fabricationtime (andcould be tuned in-situ by a change ci m β SNR= = − . (4.16) γ1 γ1 of resonator design) and that χ = g2/(ωa −ωr) can be tuned in-situ by tuning ω . At a drive strength such As expected, the SNRis maximizedby setting the phase a that n¯ = n [6], the maximum SNR is η∆/γ , which φ ofthe localoscillatorto the quadraturecontaining the crit 1 forcurrentexperimentsisapproximately50 100. Using most information: φ = θβ (see Fig. 2). Since Γm scales the results of Ref. [23], this implies that a m−easurement withthemeasurementamplitude,andthuswiththenum- fidelity of at least 95% could be achievable in practice. ber of photons populating the resonator, this expression To increase further this value, improvements have to be indicates that arbitrarily large SNRs can be reached in made to T , to minimise the amplifier noise and/or tune principle by simply increasing this amplitude. However, 1 the system to be still further in the dispersive regime. as was also pointed out in Ref. [6], at large photon num- bers the dispersive Hamiltonian Eq. (2.2) breaks down and the results obtained here are simply no longer valid. V. MEASUREMENT TIME Asaresult,wemustmaximizetheSNRatafixednum- ber of photons which is assumed to be small enough for In this section, we use the effective SME for the qubit the dispersiveapproximationtobe valid. Thenumberof to obtain an estimate for the measurement time. That photons inside the resonatordepends onthe drive ampli- is, an estimate for how long it takes us to be confident tude ε , on resonator damping κ, resonator-drive detun- d about the state of the qubit. To do so, we will take the ing ∆ and on the dispersive qubit-resonatorcoupling χ. r simplifying assumption that the resonator transient can Because of the latter, the actual number of photons can be be ignored(that is Γ =Γ /2). In this situation, the depend on the state of the qubit. We thus define n and d m g simplest definition for a measurement time is to assume n the number of photons given that the qubit is in the e it is the inverse of the information gain rate: groundorexcited state [10]. When optimizing, we there- fore work at a fixed n = max(n ,n ) which is assumed e g t =1/Γ . (5.1) m ci to be well below the dispersive breakdown. Under this constraint, and assuming that the resonatorhas reached Using this definition, we can write steady-state,wefindthattheoptimalSNR,forarbitrary χ and κ, occurs at ∆r =0 and is given by tmΓd ≤1/2. (5.2) 4nηκχ2 This is the information gain/dephasing ‘uncertainty re- SNR= γ (κ2/4+χ2). (4.17) lation’ already discussed by several authors [42, 44, 45? 1 9 ]. The equality is saturated for η = 1 and φ = θ and It ranges from 0 to 1, with V = 0 meaning that we are β J corresponds to the quantum limit discussed in Ref. [44]. certain that the current value of z (t) is either 1 and J ± In the next sections, we define the measurement time V =1 corresponding to complete uncertainty. J with respect to three different measures. As we will see For γ =0,Eq.(4.13) can be solvedanalytically using 1 however,thereisnouniquedefinitionofthemeasurement Itoˆ calculus. Doing this yields the solution time. zJ(t)=tanh s(t)+tanh−1[z(0)] , (5.8) where the signal s(t) is(cid:2)defined in Eq. (5.3)(cid:3). For exam- A. Integrated signal ple, in the situation where z(0) = 0 and arbitrary x(0) and y(0) (for example a completely mixed state or an For simplicity, let us first discuss the situation where x-eigenstate) the conditional variance becomes γ = 0 and with the qubit initially in either z = 1. In 1 ± this situation, the measurementtime is verywelldefined V (t)=1 tanh2[s(t)]. (5.9) as the qubit state simply remains in its initial state and J − the task is to estimate that state in the shortestpossible The conditional variance for a typical trajectory is time. shown in Fig. 7 A) [blue solid line]. Here, we have taken We define the measurement signal for an integration Γ /2π =5 MHz and the qubit to be initially completely d time t as mixed(x(0)=y(0)=z(0)=0). Weseethatforthistyp- t ical trajectory, at about 10 ns the measurement is com- s(t)= Γci J¯(t′)dt′. (5.3) pletedandthestateofthequbitisalmostpure. However, Z0 this is only one typical trajectory and to get a quantita- p tive idea of the measurement time we must consider the This signal has mean and standard deviation ensembleaverageofthe conditionalvariance. Thisis the s¯(t) = tΓ (5.4) red dashed line in Fig. 7 A). ci ± Taking the ensemble average of Eq. (5.9) gives ∆s(t) = [s(t) s¯(t)]2 = tΓ . (5.5) | | rD − E p ci V(t)= 1 ∞ xsinh(2x)exp(−x2/2ν)dx, 2√2πν3/2 cosh(2ν)+cosh(2x) Asaresult,ifweweretomeasurethesystemforatime Z−∞ (5.10) t and repeat this measurement several times, we would where ν = Γ t. Using this, the measurement time t beconfidentthat,toonestandarddeviation,thevalueof ci m can be defined by requiring that the average conditional s is tΓ √tΓ . As a result, to be able to distinguish ci ci ± ± variance falls below 1/2. Numerically, this is found to between z = 1 a reasonable requirement is ± occur when ν = 0.851. Thus, using the conditional vari- ance as the measure, the measurement time is found to ∆s(t) tΓ . (5.6) ci | |≤ be t =0.851/Γ . m ci The equality defines the measurement time to be tm = However,whenγ1 isnon-zero,theconditionalvariance 1/Γ . In this case, we recover the simple assumption always eventually goes to zero which signifies that we ci discussed above. are eventually certain that the system is in its ground A problem with this approach is that the condition state. This is of course not a useful way to define the which defines distinguishability, and thus the measure- measurement time. To take into account relaxation, in ment time, is somewhatarbitrary. Indeed, separationby Ref. [23] we studied this question by considering an ef- one standard deviation is not the only possible choice fective classical model for a dispersive quantum non- for distinguishability. Lastly the above discussion only demolition measurement which turns out to be equiva- answersthe questionofhowmuchtime ittakestodistin- lent to the model presented here when the initial state guishbetweentwopredetermineinitialstatesofthequbit of the qubit is either z(0) = 1 or a mixture of both ± (underameasurementwithGaussiannoise). Amorenat- (i.e., x(0) = y(0) = 0). That is, Eq. (4.13) is the same uralquestionishowlongittakestheconditionalstateto as the Kushner-Stratonovich equation that describes a collapse to either z = 1. This can be characterized by measurement of a two state system with Gaussian noise. ± the conditional variance. Forcompletenessandsincethisisagoodapproachinthe situation where relaxation is non-zero, we will therefore briefly review the relevant results of Ref. [23]. B. Conditional variance C. Initial state fidelity Howfasttheensembleofpossibletrajectoriesconverge to one of the possible values z = 1 is characterized by the conditional variance [46]. This±measure is defined as InRef.[23],toquantifyhowgoodameasurementis at revealingtheinitialstateofthequbit,weimagineprepar- V (t) = σ2 σ 2 =1 z (t)2. (5.7) ing the qubit in either the z(0) = 1 state and then J h zit−h zit − J ± 10 ) 1 A defined as t ( V 0.8 e, 0.6 z˜(t)=P(z0 =+1|J¯,t)−P(z0 =−1|J¯,t), (5.11) c n where P(z = 1J¯,t) is the probability at time t that ria 0.4 the initial0state±wa|s 1 given the record J¯(t). This con- Va 0.2 ditional probability i±s given by Bayes theorem 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 P(z J¯,t)= P(J¯|z0,t)P(z0) , (5.12) 1 0| P(J¯z =i,t)P(z =i) ) i=−1,1 | 0 0 F(t 0.8 B whereP(z )istPheinitialstateprobabilitywhichwetake 0 y, 0.6 to be 1/2 for both i = 1 and 1. By introducing a t − eli 0.4 fictitiousunravellingofγ1 (seeRefs.[5,23]),theestimate d can be rewritten as Fi 0.2 1 e 2s(t)[1 a(t)] 0 z˜(t)= − − − , (5.13) 0 20 40 60 80 100 1+e 2s(t)[1+a(t)] − Time, t [ns] where FIG. 7: (Color online) A) Typical trajectories for the con- t ditional variance (blue solid line) with Γd/2π = 5 MHz and a(t)=γ1 dtje−γ1(tj−t)+2s(tj) (5.14) η = 1. Average conditional variance (red dashed line) found Z0 using Eq. (5.10) for the same parameters. Note that the cal- and s(t) is the integrated signal defined in Eq. (5.3). culated ensemble average over 1000 typical trajectories falls directly over the average conditional variance, and is there- The above integral cannot be solved in general for a fore not explicitly shown. The vertical dash line shows the typical record s(t), but it can be easily determined nu- timeatwhichtheconditionalvariancecrosses1/2, tm =13.5 merically. Here, however, to develop a physical under- ns. Thegreendashed-dottedlineistheensembleaveragecon- standing of this result, we will consider the γ = 0 limit 1 ditional variance for T1 = 159 ns (γ1/2π = 1 MHz) and the first. Doing this, we can rewrite z˜(t) as rest of the parameters are identical to the above. For this value of γ1, the SNR is 10. B) Average fidelity of the mea- 1 e 2s(t) − surementat estimating anunknownbutpureinitial statefor z˜(t)= − , (5.15) 1+e 2s(t) Γd/2π = 5 MHz, η = 1 and γ1/2π = 0 (red dashed line) or − γ1/2π =1MHz(bluedots). Thegreen solid line isafitusing and using the above definition of the fidelity Eq.(5.18)withfitparametersA =0.846(horizontaldashed fit line) and Γ /2π = 14.6 MHz. The two vertical lines corre- fit spond to the times where the fidelity crosses erf(1/√2). For 1 F(t)= lim + 1, γ1/2π = 0 this yields tm = 15.9 ns, while for γ1/2π = 1 we M 2M  − −  find tm=18.5 ns →∞ z˜+X1>0 z˜+X1<0 z˜−X1<0 z˜−X1>0  (5.16) we obtain the following compact expression generate fictitious records J¯(t) from that input. Given these fictitious measurement records, but now assuming F(t)= 1 ∞ e−x2/2tdx −t√Γcie−x2/2tdx iignnitoiaralnstcaeteofotfhteheinqiutibailt.stTaoteq,uwaenttihfyenthaeskeffiwchieantcwyaosftthhee √2πt"Z−t√Γci −Z−∞ # tΓ measurementatrevealingthe correctinput state,we use ci =erf . the following fidelity measure F: the number of correct r 2 ! assignments minus the number of incorrect assignments (5.17) of the initial state, normalized by the total number of assignments. This measure will range from 1, indicating This result is shown in Fig. 7 B), for Γ /2π = 5 MHz, d thatthe correctinitialstate wascorrectlyfoundforeach as the red dashed line. As can be seen from this figure, record, to 1, indicating that a wrong assigned was re- arbitrarily large fidelities can be achieved by monitoring − alized for each record. A fidelity of 0 implies that the longer. assignments are completely random. We now use this result to define a measurement time. Thecriteriausedtomaketheseassignmentsistheopti- A reasonable criterion is to ask for the fidelity to be at mal assignment criteria found in Ref. [23]. This is based least erf(1/√2)=0.68 (corresponding to the probability on an estimate z˜(t) for the initial state. If this estimate ofaGaussianrandomvariablebeingwithinonestandard is above 0, we assign the initial state as excited and if it deviation of the mean). The measurement time is then isbelow0weassignitasground(forz˜=0,werandomly defined as the time when the fidelity reaches this value. chose between excited or ground). This estimate z˜(t) is Using the above results, we find that the measurement

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