Quantum Theory From Five Reasonable Axioms Lucien Hardy (cid:3) 1 Centre for Quantum Computation, 0 The Clarendon Laboratory, 0 2 Parks road, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK p e September 25, 2001 S 5 2 Abstract theory is simply a new type of probability theory. Like classical probability theory it can be applied 4 Theusualformulationofquantumtheoryisbasedon to a wide range of phenomena. However, the rules v rather obscure axioms (employing complex Hilbert of classical probability theory can be determined by 2 spaces, Hermitean operators, and the trace formula pure thought alone without any particular appeal to 1 for calculating probabilities). In this paper it is experiment (though, of course, to develop classical 0 shown that quantumtheory can be derived from(cid:12)ve probability theory, we do employ some basic intu- 1 very reasonable axioms. The (cid:12)rst four of these ax- itions about the nature of the world). Is the same 0 1 iomsareobviouslyconsistentwithbothquantumthe- true of quantum theory? Put another way, could a 0 ory and classical probabilitytheory. Axiom5 (which 19th century theorist have developed quantum the- / requires that there exist continuous reversible trans- ory without access to the empirical data that later h p formations between pure states) rules out classical became available to his 20th century descendants? - probabilitytheory. IfAxiom5(orevenjustthe word In this paper it will be shown that quantum theory t n \continuous" from Axiom 5) is dropped then we ob- followsfrom(cid:12)veveryreasonableaxiomswhichmight a tain classical probability theory instead. This work well have been posited without any particular access u provides some insight into the reasons why quantum to empirical data. We will not recover any speci(cid:12)c q theory is the way it is. For example, it explains the form of the Hamiltonian from the axioms since that : v need for complex numbers and where the trace for- belongs to particular applications of quantum the- i X mulacomes from. We also gaininsight into the rela- ory (for example - a set of interacting spins or the r tionshipbetween quantumtheory andclassicalprob- motion of a particle in one dimension). Rather we a abilitytheory. will recover the basic structure of quantum theory along with the most general type of quantum evo- lution possible. In addition we will only deal with 1 Introduction the case where there are a (cid:12)niteor countablyin(cid:12)nite number of distinguishable states corresponding to a Quantumtheory,initsusualformulation,isvery ab- (cid:12)niteorcountablyin(cid:12)nitedimensionalHilbertspace. stract. The basic elements are vectors in a complex WewillnotdealwithcontinuousdimensionalHilbert Hilbert space. These determine measured probabil- spaces. ities by means of the well known trace formula - a The basic setting we will consider is one in which formulawhich has no obvious origin. It is natural to we have preparation devices, transformationdevices, ask why quantum theory is the way it is. Quantum and measurement devices. Associated with each (cid:3)[email protected]. This is version 4 preparation will be a state de(cid:12)ned in the following 1 way: Axiom 2 Simplicity. K is determined byafunction of N (i.e. K = K(N)) where N = 1;2;::: and The state associated with a particular preparation where, for each given N, K takes the minimum is de(cid:12)ned to be (that thing represented by) any value consistent with the axioms. mathematical object that can be used to deter- mine the probability associated with the out- Axiom 3 Subspaces. A system whose state is con- comes of any measurement that may be per- strainedtobelongtoanM dimensionalsubspace formedonasystempreparedbythegivenprepa- (i.e. havesupportononlyM ofasetofN possi- ration. ble distinguishable states) behaves likea system Hence, alistofallprobabilitiespertainingtoallpos- of dimension M. sible measurements that could be made would cer- Axiom 4 Composite systems. A composite system tainlyrepresent the state. However, this would most consisting of subsystems A and B satis(cid:12)es N = likely over determine the state. Since most physical N N and K =K K theories have some structure, a smaller set of prob- A B A B abilities pertaining to a set of carefully chosen mea- Axiom 5 Continuity. There exists a continuous re- surements may be su(cid:14)cient to determine the state. versibletransformationonasystembetweenany This is the case in classical probability theory and two pure states of that system. quantumtheory. Central to the axiomsare two inte- gers K and N which characterize the type of system The (cid:12)rst four axioms are consistent with classical being considered. probability theory but the (cid:12)fth is not (unless the word \continuous" is dropped). If the last axiom is The number of degrees of freedom, K, is de(cid:12)ned (cid:15) dropped then, because of the simplicity axiom, we asthe minimumnumberofprobabilitymeasure- obtain classical probabilitytheory (with K =N) in- ments needed to determine the state, or, more stead of quantum theory (with K = N2). It is very roughly, as the number of real parameters re- striking that we have here a set of axioms for quan- quired to specify the state. tum theory which have the property that if a single The dimension, N, is de(cid:12)ned as the maximum word is removed { namely the word \continuous" in (cid:15) number of states that can be reliably distin- Axiom5{thenweobtainclassicalprobabilitytheory guished from one another in a single shot mea- instead. surement. Thebasicideaoftheproofissimple. Firstweshow how the state can be described by a real vector, p, We will only consider the case where the number whoseentries areprobabilitiesandthattheprobabil- of distinguishable states is (cid:12)nite or countably in(cid:12)- ityassociatedwithanarbitrarymeasurementisgiven nite. As will be shown below, classical probability by alinearfunction, r p,ofthis vector (the vector r theory has K = N and quantum probability theory (cid:1) is associated with the measurement). Then we show has K = N2 (note we do not assume that states are that we must have K =Nr where r is a positive in- normalized). teger and that it follows from the simplicity axiom The (cid:12)ve axioms for quantum theory (to be stated that r=2 (the r=1 case being ruled out by Axiom again,in context, later) are 5). We consider the N = 2, K = 4 case and recover Axiom 1 Probabilities. Relative frequencies (mea- quantumtheory foratwodimensionalHilbertspace. sured by taking the proportion of times a par- The subspace axiom is then used to construct quan- ticular outcome is observed) tend to the same tum theory for general N. We also obtain the most value(whichwecalltheprobability)foranycase general evolution ofthe state consistent with the ax- where a given measurement is performed on a ioms and show that the state of a composite system ensemble of n systems prepared by some given can be represented byapositiveoperatoronthe ten- preparation in the limitas n becomes in(cid:12)nite. sor product of the Hilbert spaces of the subsystems. 2 Finally, we show obtain the rules for updating the because the button on the preparation device was state after a measurement. not pressed) then it outputs a 0 (corresponding to a This paper is organized in the following way. null outcome). If there is actually a physical system First we will describe the type of situation we wish incident (i.e when the release button is pressed and to consider (in which we have preparation devices, thetransformingdevicehasnotabsorbedthesystem) state transforming devices, and measurement de- then the device outputs a number l where l =1 to L vices). Then we will describe classical probability (we will call these non-null outcomes). The number theory and quantum theory. In particular it will be ofpossible classicaloutputs, L, maydepend onwhat shownhowquantumtheorycanbeputinaformsim- is being measured (the settings of the knobs). ilarto classicalprobabilitytheory. After that wewill The fact that we allow null events means that we forgetboth classicalandquantumprobabilitytheory will not impose the constraint that states are nor- andshowhowtheycanbeobtainedfromtheaxioms. malized. This turns out to be a useful convention. Various authors have set up axiomatic formula- It may appear that requiring the existence of null tions of quantum theory, for example see references events is an additional assumption. However, it fol- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] (see also [11, 12, 13]). lowsfromthe subspace axiomthatwecanarrangeto Much of this work is in the quantum logic tradition. have a null outcome. We can associate the non-null The advantage of the present work is that there are outcomes with a certain subspace and the null out- a small number of simple axioms, these axioms can come with the complement subspace. Then we can easilybe motivatedwithoutany particularappeal to restrict ourselvestopreparingonlymixturesofstates experiment, and the mathematicalmethods required which are inthe non-nullsubspace (when the button toobtainquantumtheoryfromtheseaxiomsarevery ispressed) withstates whichare inthe nullsubspace straightforward (essentially just linear algebra). (when the button is not pressed). The situation described here is quite generic. Al- though we have described the set up as ifthe system 2 Setting the Scene were movingalongone dimension,infact the system could equally well be regarded as remaining station- We will begin by describing the type of experimen- ary whilst being subjected to transformations and tal situation we wish to consider (see Fig. 1). An measurements. Furthermore, the system need notbe experimentalist has three types of device. One is a localizedbutcouldbeinseverallocations. Thetrans- preparation device. We can think of it as preparing formationscouldbeduetocontrolling(cid:12)eldsorsimply physical systems in some state. It has on it a num- duetothenaturalevolutionofthesystem. Anyphys- ber ofknobs which can be varied to change the state ical experiment, quantum, classical or other, can be prepared. The system is released by pressing a but- viewed as an experiment of the type described here. ton. The system passes through the second device. This device can transform the state of the system. This device has knobs on it which can be adjusted 3 Probability measurements toe(cid:11)ect di(cid:11)erent transformations(we mightthinkof these as controlling (cid:12)elds which e(cid:11)ect the system). We will consider only measurements of probability We can allow the system to pass through a number since all other measurements (such as expectation of devices of this type. Unless otherwise stated, we values)canbecalculatedfrommeasurementsofprob- will assume the transformation devices are set to al- ability. When, in this paper, we refer to a measure- lowthe system through unchanged. Finally,we have ment or a probability measurement we mean, speci(cid:12)- a measurement apparatus. This also has knobs on it cally,ameasurement of the probabilitythat the out- which can be adjusted to determine what measure- comebelongstosomesubsetofthenon-nulloutcomes ment is being made. This device outputs a classical with agivensetting ofthe knobon the measurement number. If no system is incident on the device (i.e. apparatus. Forexample,we couldmeasure the prob- 3 Release button(cid:13) Knob(cid:13) System(cid:13) Classical(cid:13) information(cid:13) out(cid:13) Preparation(cid:13) Transformation(cid:13) Measurement(cid:13) Figure 1: The situation considered consists of a preparation device with a knob for varyingthe state of the system produced andarelease button forreleasingthe system, atransformationdevice fortransformingthe state (and a knob to vary this transformation), and a measuring apparatus for measuring the state (with a knob to vary what is measured) which outputs a classical number. ability that the outcome is l = 1 or l = 2 with some a measurement. We can write given setting. p 1 Toperformameasurementweneedalargenumber p 2 of identically prepared systems. 0 1 p p= 3 (1) A measurement returns a single real number (the B .. C B . C probability) between 0 and 1. It is possible to per- B C Bp C form many measurements at once. For example, we B NC @ A could simultaneously measure [the probability the This vector can be regarded as describing the state outcome isl =1]and [theprobabilitythe outcome is of the system. It can be determined by measuring l =1 or l =2] with a given knob setting. N probabilities and so K = N. Note that we do not assume that the state is normalized (otherwise we would have K =N 1). (cid:0) ThestatepwillbelongtoaconvexsetS. Sincethe set is convex it will have a subset of extremal states. 4 Classical Probability Theory These are the states 1 0 0 A classicalsystem willhave availableto ita number, 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 N, of distinguishable states. For example, we could 0 0 1 p = p = p = etc: 1 2 3 consider a ball that can be in one of N boxes. We B..C B..C B..C B.C B.C B.C willcall these distinguishable states the basis states. B C B C B C B0C B0C B0C Associated witheach basisstate willbethe probabil- B C B C B C @ A @ A @ A (2) ity,p ,of(cid:12)ndingthe system inthat state ifwe make n 4 and the state There must exist a measurement in which we sim- ply check to see that the system is present (i.e. not 0 in the null state). We denote this by rI. Clearly 0 0 1 p =0= 0 (3) 1 null B..C 1 B.C 0 1 BB0CC rI = rn = 1 (5) B@ CA Xn BB...CC The state 0 is the null state (when the system is not B C B1C present). Wede(cid:12)nethesetofpurestatestoconsistof B C @ A all extremal states except the null state. Hence, the Hence 0 rI:p 1 with normalized states saturat- states in (2) are the pure states. They correspond to ing the u(cid:20)pper bo(cid:20)und. the system de(cid:12)nitely being in one of the N distin- With a given setting of the knob on the measure- guishable states. A general state can be written as mentdevicetherewillbeacertainnumberofdistinct a convex sum of the pure states and the null state non-null outcomes labeled l = 1 to L. Associated and this gives us the exact formof the set S. This is with each outcome will be a measurement vector r . l always a polytope (a shape having (cid:13)at surfaces and Since, for normalized states, one non-null outcome a (cid:12)nite number of vertices). must happen we have We will now consider measurements. Consider a measurement ofthe probabilitythat the system is in L r =rI (6) the basis state n. Associated with this probability l measurement is the vector rn having a 1 in position Xl=1 nand0’selsewhere. Atleastforthese cases themea- This equation imposes a constraint on any measure- sured probabilityis given by ment vector. Let allowed measurement vectors r be- longtothesetR. Thissetisclearlyconvex(byvirtue p =r p (4) meas (cid:1) of 1. above). To fully determine R (cid:12)rst consider the set R+ consisting of allvectors which can be written However,wecanconsidermoregeneraltypesofprob- as a sum of the basis measurement vectors, r , each ability measurement and this formula will still hold. n multiplied by a positive number. For such vectors There are two ways in which we can construct more r p is necessarily greater than 0 but may also be general types of measurement: (cid:1) greater than 1. Thus, elements of R+ may be too 1. We can perform a measurement in which we long to belong to R. We need a way of picking out decide with probability (cid:21) to measure r and those elements of R+ that also belong to R. If we A with probability 1 (cid:21) to measure r . Then can perform the probabilitymeasurement r then, by B (cid:0) we will obtain a new measurement vector r = (6)wecanalsoperformthe probabilitymeasurement (cid:21)r +(1 (cid:21))r . r rI r. Hence, A (cid:0) B (cid:17) (cid:0) 2. We can add the results of two compatible prob- I(cid:11) r;r R+ and r+r=rI then r;r R 2 2 abilitymeasurements andtherefore add the cor- (7) responding measurement vectors. This works since it implies that r p 1 for allp so (cid:1) (cid:20) Anexampleofthesecond istheprobabilitymeasure- that r is not too long. ment that the state is basis state 1 or basis state 2 is NotethattheAxioms1to4aresatis(cid:12)edbutAxiom given by the measurement vector r +r . From lin- 5isnotsincethere area(cid:12)nitenumberofpurestates. 1 2 earity, it is clear that the formula (4) holds for such Itiseasytoshowthatreversibletransformationstake more general measurements. pure states to pure states (see Section 7). Hence a 5 continuous reversible transformationwilltakea pure 2. The most general type ofmeasurement inquan- statealongacontinuouspaththroughthepurestates tumtheoryisaPOVM(positiveoperatorvalued which is impossible here since there are only a (cid:12)nite measure). The operator A^ is an element of such number of pure states. a measure. 3. Two classes of superoperator are of particular 5 Quantum Theory interest. If $ is reversible (i.e. the inverse $ 1 (cid:0) both exists and belongs to the allowed set of Quantumtheorycanbesummarizedbythefollowing transformations) then it will take pure states rules to pure states and corresponds to unitary evo- lution. The von Neumann projection postulate States The state is represented by a positive (and takesthestate (cid:26)^tothe state P^(cid:26)^P^ whentheout- therefore Hermitean) operator (cid:26)^ satisfying 0 (cid:20) come corresponds to the projection operator P^. tr((cid:26)^) 1. (cid:20) This is a special case of a superoperator evolu- Measurements Probability measurements are rep- tion in which the trace of (cid:26)^decreases. resented by a positive operator A^. If A^ corre- l 4. It has been shown by Krauss [14] that one need sponds to outcome l where l=1 to L then only impose the three listed constraints on $ to L fully constrain the possible types of quantum A^l =I^ (8) evolution. This includes unitary evolution and l=1 von Neumann projection as already stated, and X it also includes the evolution of an open system Probability formula The probability obtained (interacting with an environment). It is some- when the measurement A^ is made on the state times stated that the superoperator should pre- (cid:26)^is serve the trace. However, this is an unnecessary p =tr(A^(cid:26)^) (9) constraint which makes it impossible to use the meas superoperator formalism to describe von Neu- mann projection [15]. Evolution The most general evolution is given by the superoperator $ 5. The constraint that $ is completely positive im- poses not only that $ preserves the positivity of (cid:26)^ $((cid:26)) (10) ! (cid:26)^butalsothat$A I^B actingonanyelementof (cid:10) where $ a tensor product space also preserves positivity for any dimension of B. Does not increase the trace. (cid:15) This is the usual formulation. However, quantum Is linear. (cid:15) theory can be recast ina formmore similarto classi- Is completely positive. cal probability theory. To do this we note (cid:12)rst that (cid:15) the space of Hermitean operators which act on a N Thiswayofpresentingquantumtheoryisrathercon- dimensional complex Hilbert space can be spanned densed. The following notes should provide some by N2 linearly independent projection operators P^ clari(cid:12)cations k for k = 1 to K = N2. This is clear since a general 1. It is, again,more convenient not to impose nor- Hermitean operator can be represented as a matrix. malization. This, in any case, more accurately This matrix has N real numbers along the diagonal models what happens in real experiments when and 1N(N 1) complex numbers above the diago- 2 (cid:0) the quantum system is often missing for some nal making a total of N2 real numbers. An example portion of the ensemble. of N2 such projection operators will be given later. 6 De(cid:12)ne or we can write D = tr(P^P^T). From (14,17) we obtain P^ 1 P^ =0P^.21 (11) pS =DrS (19) . . B C and BP^ C B KC @ A p =DTr (20) M M Any Hermitean matrix can be written as a sum of these projection operators timesrealnumbers,i.e. in We also note that theformaP^ whereaisarealvector(aisuniquesince the operat(cid:1)ors P^k are linearly independent). Now de- D =DT (21) (cid:12)ne thoughthis wouldnot bethe case hadwechosen dif- pS =tr(P^(cid:26)^) (12) ferent spanning sets of projection operators for the state operators and measurement operators. The in- HerethesubscriptS denotes‘state’. Thekthcompo- verse D 1 must exist (since the projection operators nentofthisvectorisequaltotheprobabilityobtained (cid:0) are linearly independent). Hence, we can also write when P^ is measured on (cid:26)^. The vector p contains k S thesameinformationasthestate(cid:26)^andcantherefore p =pT D 1p (22) meas M (cid:0) S be regarded asanalternativewayofrepresenting the state. Note that K =N2 since it takes N2 probabil- Thestatecanberepresented byanr-typevectoror ity measurements to determine pS or, equivalently, a p-type vector as can the measurement. Hence the (cid:26)^. We de(cid:12)ne rM through subscripts M and S were introduced. We will some- times drop these subscripts when it is clear from the A^=r P^ (13) M (cid:1) context whetherthe vectorisastateormeasurement vector. Wewillsticktotheconventionofhavingmea- The subscript M denotes ‘measurement’. The vector surement vectors onthe left andstate vectors on the r is another way of representing the measurement M A^. Ifwesubstitute (13)intothetrace formula(9)we right as in the above formulae. We de(cid:12)ne rI by obtain I^=rI P^ (23) p =r p (14) meas M S (cid:1) (cid:1) We can also de(cid:12)ne Thismeasurement givesthe probabilityofanon-null event. Clearlywe must have 0 rI p 1 with nor- pM =tr(A^P^) (15) malized states saturating the u(cid:20)pper(cid:1)bo(cid:20)und. We can also de(cid:12)ne the measurement which tells us whether and rS by the state is in a given subspace. Let I^ be the pro- W (cid:26)^=P^ r (16) jector intoan M dimensionalsubspace W. Then the (cid:1) S corresponding r vector is de(cid:12)ned by I^W = rIW P^. (cid:1) Using the trace formula(9) we obtain We willsay that a state p is in the subspace W if p =p r =rT Dr (17) rIW p=rI p (24) meas M (cid:1) S M S (cid:1) (cid:1) whereT denotestransposeandDistheK K matrix so it only has support in W. A system in which (cid:2) with real elements given by the state is always constrained to an M-dimensional subspace willbehave as an M dimensionalsystem in D =tr(P^P^ ) (18) ij i j accordance with Axiom 3. 7 The transformation (cid:26)^ $((cid:26)^) of (cid:26)^ corresponds to Each of these belong to one-dimensional subspaces ! the followingtransformation for the state vector p: formed from the orthonormal basis set. De(cid:12)ne p = tr(P^(cid:26)^) 1 mn = (m + n ) x tr(P^$((cid:26)^)) j i p2 j i j i ! = tr(P^$(P^TD 1p)) (cid:0) 1 mn = (m +in ) = Zp j iy p2 j i j i where equations (16,19) were used in the third line for m < n. Each of these vectors has support on a and Z is a K K real matrix given by two-dimensionalsubspace formedfromthe orthonor- (cid:2) Z =tr(P^$(P^)T)D(cid:0)1 (25) mal basis set. There are 12N(N (cid:0) 1) such two- dimensionalsubspaces. Hencewecande(cid:12)neN(N 1) (wehaveused thelinearityproperty of$). Hence, we further projection operators (cid:0) see that a linear transformation in (cid:26)^corresponds to alineartransformationinp. WewillsaythatZ (cid:0). mn x mn and mn y mn (27) 2 j i h j j i h j Quantum theory can now be summarized by the This makes a total of N2 projectors. It is clear that followingrules these projectors are linearly independent. States Thestateisgivenbyarealvectorp S with Each projector corresponds to one degree of free- 2 N2 components. dom. There is one degree of freedom associated with each one-dimensional subspace n, and a fur- Measurements A measurement isrepresented bya thertwodegreesoffreedomassociatedwitheachtwo- real vector r R with N2 components. 2 dimensional subspace mn. It is possible, though not Probability measurements The measured proba- actually the case in quantum theory, that there are bility if measurement r is performed on state p furtherdegreesoffreedomassociatedwitheachthree- is dimensional subspace and so on. Indeed, in general, we can write p =r p meas (cid:1) K = Nx + 1N(N 1)x Evolution The evolution of the state is given by 1 2! (cid:0) 2 (28) +1N(N 1)(N 2)x +::: p Zp where Z (cid:0) is a real matrix. 3! (cid:0) (cid:0) 3 ! 2 Wewillcallthe vector x=(x ;x ;:::) the signature The exact nature of the sets S, R and (cid:0) can be de- 1 2 of a particular probability theory. Classical proba- duced from the equations relating these real vectors bility theory has signature x = (1;0;0;:::) andmatricestotheir counterparts inthe usualquan- Classical and quantum theory has signature x = tum formulation. We will show that these sets can Quantum (1;2;0;0;:::). We will show that these signatures also be deduced from the axioms. It has been no- arerespectively pickedoutbyAxioms1to4andAx- ticed by various other authors that the state can be ioms1to5. Thesignaturesx =(1;1;0;0;:::)of represented by the probabilities used to determine it Reals realHilbertspacequantumtheoryandx = [18, 19]. Quaternions There are various ways of choosing a set of N2 (1;4;0;0;:::) of quaternionic quantum theory are linearly independent projections operators P^ which ruled out. k Ifwehaveacompositesystemconsistingofsubsys- span the space of Hermitean operators. Perhaps the tem A spanned by P^A (i=1 to K ) and B spanned simplest way is the following. Consider an N dimen- i A sionalcomplexHilbertspacewithanorthonormalba- byP^jB (j =1toKB)thenP^iA(cid:10)P^jB arelinearlyinde- sisset n forn=1toN. Wecande(cid:12)neN projectors pendent and span the composite system. Hence, for j i the composite system we have K =K K . We also A B n n (26) have N =N N . Therefore Axiom4 is satis(cid:12)ed. j ih j A B 8 The set S is convex. It contains the null state 0 We can write this as (if the system is never present) which is an extremal 1 0 1 a 1 b state. Purestatesarede(cid:12)nedasextremalstatesother (cid:0) (cid:0) 0 1 a b thanthenullstate(since theyareextremaltheycan- D =0 1 (34) 1 a a 1 c not be written as a convex sum of other states as we (cid:0) B 1 b b c 1 C expect of pure states). We know that a pure state B (cid:0) C @ A can be represented by a normalized vector . This where a and b are real with (cid:12) = paexp(i(cid:30)3), (cid:14) = is speci(cid:12)ed by 2N 2 real parameters (Njcoimplex pbexp((cid:30)4), and c = (cid:11)(cid:13)(cid:3)+(cid:12)(cid:14)(cid:3) 2. We can choose (cid:11) (cid:0) j j numbers minus overall phase and minus normaliza- and (cid:13) to be real (since the phase is included in the tion). On the other hand, the full set of normalized de(cid:12)nition of (cid:12) and (cid:14)). It then followsthat states is speci(cid:12)ed by N2 1 real numbers. The sur- (cid:0) c=1 a b+2ab face ofthe set ofnormalizedstates musttherefore be (cid:0) (cid:0) (35) +2cos((cid:30) (cid:30) ) ab(1 a)(1 b) N2 2dimensional. Thismeansthat,ingeneral,the 4(cid:0) 3 (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:0) pure states are of lower dimension than the the sur- Hence, byvaryingthecompplexphaseassociatedwith face of the convex set of normalizedstates. The only (cid:11), (cid:12), (cid:13) and (cid:14) we (cid:12)nd that exception to this is the case N =2 when the surface c <c<c (36) oftheconvexsetis2-dimensionalandthepurestates + (cid:0) are speci(cid:12)ed by two real parameters. This case is il- where lustrated by the Bloch sphere. Points on the surface of the Bloch sphere correspond to pure states. c 1 a b+2ab 2 ab(1 a)(1 b) (37) (cid:6) (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:6) (cid:0) (cid:0) In fact the N = 2 case will play a particularly This constraint is equivaplent to the condition important role later so we will now develop it a lit- Det(D) > 0. Now, if we are given a particular D tle further. There will be four projection operators matrixofthe form(34)then we can gobackwards to spanning the space ofHermitean operators whichwe the usual quantum formalismthough we must make can choose to be some arbitrary choices for the phases. First we use P^1= 1 1 (29) (35) to calculate cos((cid:30)4(cid:0)(cid:30)3). We can assume that j ih j 0 (cid:30) (cid:30) (cid:25) (this corresponds to assigning i to 4 3 (cid:20) (cid:0) (cid:20) one of the roots p 1). Then we can assume that P^2=j2ih2j (30) (cid:30)3 = 0. This (cid:12)xes(cid:0)(cid:30)4. An example of this second choiceiswhenweassignthestate 1 (+ + )(this p2 j i j(cid:0)i P^ =((cid:11)1 +(cid:12) 2 )((cid:11) 1 +(cid:12) 2) (31) has real coe(cid:14)cients) to spin alongthe xdirection for 3 (cid:3) (cid:3) j i j i h j h j a spin half particle. This is arbitrary since we have rotationalsymmetry aboutthe z axis. Havingcalcu- P^4 =((cid:13)j1i+(cid:14)j2i)((cid:13)(cid:3)h1j+(cid:14)(cid:3)h2j) (32) lated (cid:30)3 and (cid:30)4 from the elements of D we can now calculate (cid:11), (cid:12), (cid:13), and (cid:14) and hence we can obtain P^. where (cid:11)2+ (cid:12) 2 = 1 and (cid:13) 2+ (cid:14) 2 = 1. We have j j j j j j j j We can then calculate (cid:26)^, A^ and $ from p, r, and Z chosen thesecond pairofprojections tobe moregen- and use the trace formula. The arbitrary choices for eral than those de(cid:12)ned in (27) above since we will phases do not change any empirical predictions. need to consider this more general case later. We can calculate D using (18) 6 Basic Ideas and the Axioms 1 0 1 (cid:12) 2 1 (cid:14) 2 (cid:0)j j (cid:0)j j 0 1 (cid:12) 2 (cid:14) 2 D =0 j j j j 1 We will now forget quantum theory and classical 1 (cid:12) 2 (cid:12) 2 1 (cid:11)(cid:13) +(cid:12)(cid:14) 2 (cid:0)j j j j j (cid:3) (cid:3)j probability theory and rederive them from the ax- BB1(cid:0)j(cid:14)j2 j(cid:14)j2 j(cid:11)(cid:13)(cid:3)+(cid:12)(cid:14)(cid:3)j2 1 CC ioms. Inthissectionwewillintroducethebasicideas @ (3A3) and the axioms in context. 9 6.1 Probabilities 6.2 The state As mentioned earlier, we willconsider only measure- We can introduce the notion that the system is de- mentsofprobabilitysinceallothermeasurementscan scribed byastate. Eachpreparationwillhaveastate be reduced to probability measurements. We (cid:12)rst associated with it. We de(cid:12)ne the state to be (that need to ensure that it makes sense to talk of prob- thingrepresented by)anymathematicalobjectwhich abilities. To have a probability we need two things. canbeusedtodeterminetheprobabilityforanymea- First we need a way of preparing systems (in Fig. 1 surement that could possibly be performed on the this is accomplished by the (cid:12)rst two boxes) and sec- systemwhenprepared bytheassociatedpreparation. ond, we need a way of measuring the systems (the It is possible to associate a state with a preparation third box in Fig. 1). Then, we measure the number because Axiom 1 states that these probabilities de- of cases, n , a particular outcome is observed when pend on the preparation and not on the particular + agiven measurement isperformed onan ensemble of ensemble being used. It follows from this de(cid:12)nition n systems each prepared by agiven preparation. We of a state that one way of representing the state is de(cid:12)ne byalistofallprobabilitiesforallmeasurements that could possibly be performed. However, this would n + almost certainly be an over complete speci(cid:12)cation prob = lim (38) + n n of the state since most physical theories have some !1 structure whichrelatesdi(cid:11)erentmeasured quantities. Inorder foranytheoryofprobabilitiestomakesense We expect that we will be able to consider a subset prob must take the same value foranysuch in(cid:12)nite + of all possible measurements to determine the state. ensembleofsystemspreparedbyagivenpreparation. Hence,todeterminethestateweneedtomakeanum- Hence, we assume ber of di(cid:11)erent measurements on di(cid:11)erent ensembles of identically prepared systems. A certain minimum Axiom 1 Probabilities. Relative frequencies (mea- numberofappropriatelychosenmeasurementswillbe sured by taking the proportion of times a particular both necessary and su(cid:14)cient to determine the state. outcome is observed) tend to the same value (which Let this number be K. Thus, for each setting, k=1 we call the probability) for any case where a given to K, we will measure a probability p with an ap- k measurement is performed on an ensemble of n sys- propriate setting of the knob on the measurement tems prepared by some given preparation in the limit apparatus. These K probabilitiescan be represented as n becomes in(cid:12)nite. by a column vector p where p 1 Withthisaxiomwecanbegintobuildaprobability p 2 0 1 theory. p p= 3 (39) Some additional comments are appropriate here. B .. C B . C There are various di(cid:11)erent interpretations of proba- B C Bp C bility: as frequencies, as propensities, the Bayesian B KC @ A approach, etc. As stated, Axiom 1 favours the fre- Now, this vector contains just su(cid:14)cient information quency approach. However, it it equally possible to todeterminethestateandthestatemustcontainjust cast this axiominkeeping withthe other approaches su(cid:14)cientinformationtodeterminethisvector(other- [16]. Inthispaperweareprincipallyinterested inde- wise it could not be used to predict probabilities for riving the structure of quantum theory rather than measurements). In other words, the state and this solving the interpretational problems with probabil- vector are interchangeable and hence we can use p ity theory and so we will not try to be sophisticated as a way of representing the state of the system. We with regard to this matter. Nevertheless, these are will call K the number of degrees of freedom associ- importantquestions which deserve further attention. ated with the physical system. We will not assume 10