Quantum Entanglement Analysis based on Abstract Interpretation Simon Perdrix Oxford University Computing Laboratory 8 [email protected] 0 0 2 Abstract. Entanglement is a non local property of quantum states n which has no classical counterpart and plays a decisive role in quantum a J information theory. Several protocols, like the teleportation, are based 8 on quantum entangled states. Moreover, any quantum algorithm which 2 does not create entanglement can be efficiently simulated on a classical computer.Theexactroleoftheentanglementisneverthelessnotwellun- ] derstood. Since an exact analysis of entanglement evolution induces an O exponential slowdown, we consider approximativeanalysis based on the L framework ofabstractinterpretation.Inthispaper,aconcretequantum . semantics based on superoperators is associated with a simple quantum s c programming language. Therepresentation of entanglement,i.e. thede- [ sign of theabstract domain is akey issue. A representation of entangle- ment as a partition of the memory is chosen. An abstract semantics is 1 introduced, and thesoundness of theapproximation is proven. v 0 3 1 Introduction 2 4 . Quantum entanglement is a non local property of quantum mechanics. The en- 1 0 tanglement reflects the ability of a quantum system composed of several sub- 8 systems, to be in a state which cannot be decomposed into the states of the 0 subsystems.Entanglementis one ofthe properties of quantummechanics which : v caused Einstein and others to dislike the theory. In 1935, Einstein, Podolsky, i and Rosen formulated the EPR paradox [7]. X On the other hand, quantum mechanics has been highly successful in pro- r ducing correct experimental predictions, and the strong correlations associated a with the phenomenon of quantum entanglement have been observed indeed [2]. Entanglementleadstocorrelationsbetweensubsystemsthatcanbeexploited in information theory (e.g., teleportation scheme [3]). The entanglement plays alsoadecisive,butnotyetwell-understood,roleinquantumcomputation,since anyquantumalgorithmcanbeefficientlysimulatedonaclassicalcomputerwhen the quantum memory is not entangled during all the computation. As a conse- quence, interesting quantum algorithms, like Shor’s algorithm for factorisation [19], exploit this phenomenon. In order to know what is the amount of entanglement of a quantum state, several measures of entanglement have been introduced (see for instance [13]). Recentworksconsistincharacterising,intheframeworkoftheone-wayquantum computation [20], the amount of entanglement necessary for a universal model of quantum computation. Notice that all these techniques consist in analysing the entanglement of a given state, starting with its mathematical description. Inthispaper,theentanglementevolution duringthecomputationisanalysed. The description of quantum evolutions is done via a simple quantum program- ming language. The development of such quantum programming languages is recent, see [17,8] for a survey on this topic. An exact analysis of entanglement evolution induces an exponential slow- down of the computation. Model checking techniques have been introduced [9] including entanglement. Exponential slowdown of such analysis is avoided by reducingthedomaintostabiliserstates(i.e.asubsetofquantumstatesthatcan beefficientlysimulatedonaclassicalcomputer).Asaconsequence,anyquantum program that cannot be efficiently simulated on a classical computer cannot be analysed. Prost and Zerrari[16] have recently introduced a logical entanglement anal- ysis for functional languages. This logical framework allows analysis of higher- order functions, but does not provide any static analysis for the quantum pro- grams without annotation. Moreover,only pure quantum states are considered. In this paper,we introduce a novelapproachof entanglementanalysis based on the framework of abstract interpretation [5]. A concrete quantum seman- tics based on superoperatorsis associatedwith a simple quantum programming language. The representation of entanglement, i.e. the design of the abstract domain is a key issue. A representation of entanglement as a partition of the memory is chosen. An abstract semantics is introduced, and the soundness of the approximation is proved. 2 Basic Notions and Entanglement 2.1 Quantum Computing We briefly recall the basic definitions of quantum computing; please refer to Nielsen and Chuang [13] for a complete introduction to the subject. The state of a quantum system can be described by a density matrix, i.e. a self adjoint1 positive-semidefinite2 complex matrix of trace3 less than one. The set of density matrices of dimension n is D Cn×n. n ⊆ The basic unit of information in quantum computation is a quantum bit or qubit. The state of a single qubit is described by a 2 2 density matrix ρ D . 2 × ∈ The state of a register composed of n qubits is a 2n 2n density matrix. If two × registers A and B are in states ρ D and ρ D , the composed system A 2n B 2m ∈ ∈ A,B is in state ρ ρ D . A B 2n+m ⊗ ∈ Thebasicoperationsonquantumstatesareunitaryoperationsandmeasure- ments. A unitary operation maps an n-qubit state to an n-qubit state, and is 1 M is self adjoint (or Hermitian) if and only if M† =M 2 M is positive-semidefinite if all the eigenvalues of M are non-negative. 3 The trace of M (tr(M)) is thesum of thediagonal elements of M given by a 2n 2n-unitary matrix4. If a system in state ρ evolves according to × a unitary transformation U, the resulting density matrix is UρU†. The parallel composition of two unitary transformationsU , U is U U . A B A B ⊗ Thefollowingunitarytransformationsformanapproximativeuniversalfam- ily of unitary transformations, i.e. any unitary transformation can be approxi- mated by composing the unitary transformations of the family [13]. 1000 1 1 1 1 0 0100 H = ,T = ,CNot= √2 1 1 0eiπ/4 0001 (cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 0010 01 0 i 1 0 σx = 10 ,σy = i −0 ,σz = 0 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) − (cid:19) Ameasurementis describedby a family ofprojectors P ,x X satisfying x P2 =P , P P =0 if i=j, and P =I. A comput{ational∈bas}is measure- i i i j 6 x∈X x ment is P ,0 k < 2n , where P has 0 entries everywhere except one 1 at k k { ≤ } P row k, column k. The parallel composition of two measurements P ,x X , x P′,y Y is P P′,(x,y) X Y . { ∈ } { y ∈ } { x⊗ y ∈ × } According to a probabilistic interpretation, a measurement according to P ,x X of a state ρ produces the classical outcome x X with proba- x { ∈ } ∈ bility tr(P ρP ) and transforms ρ into 1 P ρP . x x tr(PxρPx) x x Density matrices is a useful formalism for representing probability distri- butions of quantum states, since the state ρ of a system which is in state ρ 1 (resp. ρ ) with probability p (resp. p ) is ρ=p ρ +p ρ . As a consequence,a 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 measurement according to P ,x X transforms ρ into P ρP . { x ∈ } x∈X x x Notice that the sequential compositions of two measurements (or of a mea- P surementandaunitarytransformation)isnomoreameasurementnoraunitary transformation,butasuperoperator,i.e.atrace-decreasing5completelypositive6 linear map. Any quantum evolution can be described by a superoperator. The ability to initialise any qubit in a given state ρ , to apply any unitary 0 transformation from a universal family, and to perform a computational mea- surement are enough for simulating any superoperator. 2.2 Entanglement Quantum entanglement is a non local property which has no classical counter- part.Intuitively,aquantumstateofasystemcomposedofseveralsubsystemsis 4 U is unitary if and only if U†U =UU† =I. 5 F is trace decreasing iff tr(F(ρ)) ≤ tr(ρ) for any ρ in the domain of F. Notice thatsuperoperatorsaresometimesdefinedastrace-perservingmaps,howevertrace- decreasing is more suitable in a semantical context, see [18] for details. 6 F is positive if F(ρ) is positive-semidefinite for any positive ρ in the domain of F. F is completely positive if Ik⊗F is positive for any k, where Ik :Ck×k →Ck×k is theidentity map. entangled ifitcannotbedecomposedintothestateofitssubsystems.Aquantum state which is not entangled is called separable. More precisely, for a given finite set of qubits Q, let n = Q. For a given | | partition A,B of Q, and a givenρ D , ρ is biseparable accordingto A,B (or 2n ∈ (A,B)-separable for short) if and only if there exist K, p 0, ρA and ρB such k ≥ k k that ρ= p ρA ρB k k ⊗ k k∈K X ρ is entangled according to the partition A,B if and only if ρ is not (A,B)- separable. Notice that biseparability provides a very partial information about the en- tanglement of a quantum state, for instance for a 3-qubit state ρ, which is ( 1 , 2,3 )-separable,qubit 2 and qubit 3 may be entangled or not. { } { } One way to generalise the biseparability is to consider that a quantum state is π-separable – where π = Q ,j J is a partition of Q – if and only if there j { ∈ } exist K, p 0, and ρQj such that k ≥ k ρ= p ρQj k k k∈K j∈J X O Noticethatthestructureofquantumentanglementpresentssomeinteresting and non trivial properties. For instance there exist some 3-qubit states ρ such that ρ is bi-separable for any bi-partition of the 3 qubits, but not fully separa- ble i.e., separable according to the partition 1 , 2 , 3 .As a consequence, {{ } { } { }} for a given quantum state, there is not necessary a best representation of its entanglement. 2.3 Standard and diagonal basis Foragivenstateρ Q andagivenqubitq Q,ifρis( q ,Q q )-separable, ∈D ∈ { } \{ } then q is separated from the rest of the memory. Moreover, such a qubit may be a basis state in the standard basis (s) or the diagonal basis (d), meaning that the state of this qubit can be seen as a ’classical state’ according to the corresponding basis. Moreformally,aqubitqofρisinthestandardbasisifthereexistsp ,p 0, 0 1 and ρ ,ρ Q\{q} suchthat ρ=p Ptrue ρ +p Pfalse ρ . Equivalently,≥q is 0 1 ∈D 0 q ⊗ 0 1 q ⊗ 1 in the standard basis if and only if PtrueρPfalse = PfalseρPtrue = 0. A qubit q is q q q q in the diagonal basis in ρ if and only if q is in the standard basis in H ρH . q q Notice that some states, like the maximally mixed 1-qubit state 1(Ptrue + 2 Pfalse) arein both standardand diagonalbasis,while others are neither in stan- dard nor diagonal basis like the 1-qubit state THPtrueHT. We introduce a function β : Q BQ, where BQ =Q s,d, , , such D → →{ ⊤ ⊥} that β(ρ) describes which qubits of ρ are in the standard or diagonal basis: Definition 1. For any finite Q, let β : Q BQ such that for any ρ Q, D → ∈ D and any q Q, ∈ if q is in both standard and diagonal basis in ρ ⊥ s if q is in the standard and not in the diagonal basis in ρ β(ρ) = q d if q is in the diagonal and not in the standard basis in ρ otherwise ⊤ 3 A Quantum Programming Language Several quantum programming languages have been introduced recently. For a completeoverviewsee[8].Weuseanimperativequantumprogramminglanguage introducedin[15],thesyntaxissimilartothelanguageintroducedbyAbramsky [1].Forthesakeofsimplicityandinordertofocusonentanglementanalysis,the memoryissupposedtobefixedandfinite.Moreover,thememoryissupposedto be composedofqubits only,whereashybridmemoriescomposedofclassicaland quantum parts are often considered. However, contrary to the quantum circuit or quantum Turing machine frameworks, the absence of classical memory does not avoid the classical control of the quantum computation since classically- controlled conditional structures are allowed (see section 3.1.) Definition 2 (Syntax). For a given finite set of symbols q Q, a program is ∈ a pair C,Q where C is a command defined as follows: h i C ::= skip C ;C 1 2 | if q then C else C 1 2 | while q do C | H(q) | T(q) | CNot(q,q) | Example 1. Quantumentanglementbetweentwoqubitsq andq canbecreated 2 3 forinstancebyapplyingH andCNotonanappropriatestate.Suchanentangled state can then be usedto teleporte the state of a third qubit q . The protocolof 1 teleportation [3] can be described as teleportation, q ,q ,q , where 1 2 3 h { }i teleportation:H(q ); 2 CNot(q ,q ); 2 3 CNot(q ,q ); 1 2 H(q ); 1 if q then 1 if q then skip else σ (q ) 2 x 3 else if q then σ (q ) else σ (q ) 2 z 3 y 3 The semantics of this programis given in example 2. 3.1 Concrete Semantics Several domains for quantum computation have been introduced [12,1,14]. Among them, the domain of superoperators over density matrices, introduced by Selinger [18] turns out to be one of the most adaptedto quantum semantics. Thus, we introduce a denotational semantics following the work of Selinger. For a finite set of variables Q = q ,...,q , let Q = D . Q is a set of { 0 n} D 2|Q| qubits, the state of Q is a density operator in Q. D Definition 3 (L¨ownerpartialorder).FormatricesM andN inCn×n,M ⊑ N if N M is positive-semidefinite. − In [18], Selinger proved that the poset ( Q, ) is a complete partial order D ⊑ with 0 as its least element. Moreover the poset of superoperators over Q is a D completepartialorderaswell,with0asleastelementandwherethepartialorder ′ is defined as F ′ G k 0, ρ ,(I F)(ρ) (I G)(ρ), w⊑here I : ⊑ is t⇐he⇒ide∀nti≥ty m∀ap.∈NDokti2c|Qe|thakt⊗these co⊑mplekt⊗e partial k k k D → D orders are not lattices (see [18].) We are now ready to introduce the concrete denotational semantics which associates with any program C,Q , a superoperator JCK: Q Q. h i D →D Definition 4 (Denotational semantics). JskipK=I JC ;C K=JC K JC K 1 2 2 1 ◦ JU(q)K=λρ.U ρU† q q JCNot(q ,q )K=λρ.CNot ρCNot† 1 2 q1,q2 q1,q2 true true false false Jif q then C else C K=λρ. JC K(P ρP )+JC K(P ρP ) 1 2 1 q q 2 q q (cid:16) (cid:17) true true false false Jwhile q do C K=lfp λf.λρ. f JCK(P ρP )+P ρP ◦ q q q q = n(cid:16)∈N(FPfa(cid:16)lse ◦(JCK◦FPtrue)n) (cid:17)(cid:17) P where Ptrue = 10 and Pfalse = 00 , F =λρ.MρM†, and M means 00 01 M q (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) that M is applied on qubit q. We refer the reader to an extended version of this paper for the technical explanations on continuity and convergence. In the absence of classical memory, the classical control is encoded into the conditionalstructureif q thenC elseC suchthatthe qubitq isfirstmeasured 1 2 according to the computational basis. If the first projector is applied, then the classical outcome is interpreted as true and the command C is applied. Other- 1 wise, the second projector is applied, and the command C is performed. The 2 classical control appears in the loop while q do C as well. As a consequence of the classical control, non unitary transformations can be implemented: Jif q then q else σ (q) K: {q} {q} =λρ.Ptrue x D →D Jwhile q do H(q) K: {q} {q} =λρ.Pfalse D →D true false NoticethatthematricesP andP ,usedindefinition4fordescribingthe true false computational measurement P ,P can also be used as density matrices { } for describing a quantum state as above. Moreover,notice that all the ingredients for approximating any superopera- torscanbeencodedintothelanguage:theabilitytoinitialiseanyqubitinagiven true false state (for instance P or P ); an approximative universal family of unitary transformation H,T,CNot,σ ,σ ,σ ;andthecomputationalmeasurementof x y z { } a qubit q with if q then skip else skip . Example 2. The program teleportation, q ,q ,q described in example 1 re- 1 2 3 h { }i alises the teleportation from q to q , when the qubits q and q are both ini- 1 3 2 3 true tialised in state P : for any ρ , 2 ∈D JteleportationK(ρ Ptrue Ptrue)= 1 Pk Pl ρ ⊗ ⊗ 4 ⊗ ⊗ k,l∈{Xtrue,false} 4 Entanglement Analysis What is the role of the entanglement in quantum information theory? How does the entanglement evolve during a quantum computation? We consider the problem of analysing the entanglement evolution on a classical computer, since no large scale quantum computer is available at the moment. Entanglement analysis using a quantum computer is left to further investigations7. In the absence of quantum computer, an obvious solution consists in sim- ulating the quantum computation on a classical computer. Unfortunately, the classicalmemory requiredfor the simulation is exponentially largein the size of the quantummemoryofthe programsimulated.Moreover,the problemSEPof decidingwhetheragivenquantumstateρisbiseparableornotisNPHard8 [10]. Furthermore, the input of the problem SEP is a density matrix, which size is exponentialinthenumberofqubits.Asaconsequence,thesolutionofaclassical simulation is not suitable for an efficient entanglement analysis. 7 Noticethatthisisnotclearthattheuseofaquantumcomputeravoidstheuseofthe classical computersincethereisnoway tomeasuretheentanglement ofaquantum state without transforming the state. 8 For pure quantum states (i.e. tr(ρ2) = tr(ρ)), a linear algorithm have been introduced [11] to solve the sub-problem of finding biseparability of the form ({q0,...,qk},{qk+1,...,qn}) – thus sensitive to the ordering of the qubits in the register. Notice that this algorithm is linear in thesize of the input which is a den- sity matrix, thusthealgorithm is exponential in the numberof qubits. To tackle this problem, a solution consists in reducing the size of the quan- tum state space by considering a subspace of possible states, such that there existalgorithmsto decide whether a state ofthe subspace is entangledor notin a polynomialtime in the number of qubits. This solution has been developed in [9], by considering stabiliser states only. However, this solution, which may be suitableforsomequantumprotocols,isquestionableforanalysingquantumalgo- rithms since all the quantum programson which such an entanglement analysis can be driven are also efficiently simulable on a classical computer. Inthispaper,weintroduceanovelapproachwhichconsistsinapproximating the entanglement evolution of the quantum memory. This solution is based on the framework of abstract interpretation introduced by Cousot and Cousot [5]. Since a classical domain for driving a sound and complete analysis of entangle- ment is exponentially large in the number n of qubits, we consider an abstract domainofsizen andweintroduceanabstractsemanticswhichleadsto asound approximation of the entanglement evolution during the computation. 4.1 Abstract semantics The entanglement of a quantum state can be represented as a partition of the qubits of the state (see section 2.2), thus a naturalabstractdomainis a domain composedofpartitions.Moreover,foragivenstateρ,onecanaddaflagforeach qubit q, indicating whether the state of this qubit is in the standard basis s or in the diagonal basis d (see section 2.3). Definition 5 (Abstract Domain). For a finite set of variables Q, let Q = BQ ΠQ be an abstract domain, where BQ = Q s,d, , and ΠQAis the × → { ⊤ ⊥} set of partitions of Q: ΠQ = π ℘(Q) X =Q and ( X,Y π, X Y = or X =Y) { ⊆ \{∅} | ∀ ∈ ∩ ∅ } X∈π [ The abstractdomain is orderedas follows. First, let ( s,d, , , )be a A { ⊤ ⊥} ≤ poset, where is defined as: s and d . (BQ, ) is a poset, where is de≤fined pointwise.⊥Mo≤reov≤er⊤, for an⊥y π≤,π≤ ⊤ΠQ, let≤π π if π 1 2 1 2 1 ≤ ∈ ≤ rafines π , i.e. for every block X π there exists a block Y π such that 2 1 2 ∈ ∈ X Y. Finally, for any (b ,π),(b ,π ) Q, (b ,π) (b ,π ) if b b and 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 ⊆ ∈ A ≤ ≤ π π . 1 2 ≤ Proposition 1. For any finite set Q, ( Q, ) is a complete partial order, with A ≤ =(λq. , q ,q Q ) as least element. ⊥ ⊥ {{ } ∈ } Proof. Every chain has a supremum since Q is finite. ⊓⊔ Basic operations of meet and join are defined on Q. It turns out that con- A trary to Q, Q, , , ,(λq. , Q ) is a lattice. D hA ∨ ∧ ⊥ ⊤ { } i A removaloperationon partitions is introduced as follows:for a givenparti- tion π = Q ,i I , let π q = Q q ,i I q .Moreover,for any pair i i { ∈ } \ { \{ } ∈ }∪{{ }} of qubits q ,q Q, let [q ,q ]= q q Q q ,q , q ,q . 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ∈ {{ | ∈ \{ }} { }} Finally, for any b BQ, any q ,q Q, any k s,d, , ,let 0 ∈ ∈ ∈{ ⊤ ⊥} k if q =q bq07→k = 0 q (bq otherwise We are now ready to define the abstract semantics of the language: Definition 6 (Denotational abstract semantics). For any program C,Q , h i let JCK♮ : Q Q be defined as follows: For any (b,π) Q, A →A ∈A JskipK♮(b,π)=(b,π) JC ;C K♮(b,π)=JC K♮ JC K♮(b,π) 1 2 2 1 ◦ Jσ(q)K♮(b,π)=(b,π) JH(q)K♮(b,π)=(bq7→d,π) if b =s q =(bq7→s,π) if b =d q =(b,π) otherwise JT(q)K♮(b,π)=(bq7→⊤,π) if b =d q =(bq7→s,π) if b = q ⊥ =(b,π) otherwise JCNot(q ,q )K♮(b,π)=(b,π) if b =s or b =d 1 2 q1 q2 ===(((bbbqqq2117→7→7→dss,,,qπ2π7→))d,iiπff)bbqq11i=f>b⊥⊥q1a=annd⊥dbbaqq2n2d>=b⊥⊥q2 =⊥ =(bq1,q27→⊤,π [q1,q2]) otherwise ∨ Jif q then C else C K♮(b,π)= JC K♮(bq7→s,π q) JC K♮(bq7→s,π q) 1 2 1 2 \ ∨ \ Jwhile q do C K♮(b,π)=(cid:0)lfp λf.λπ. f JCK♮(bq7→s,π q) (bq7→(cid:1)s,π q) ◦ \ ∨ \ = F♮ (JCK♮ F♮)n n(cid:0)∈N q ◦(cid:0) ◦ q (cid:1)(cid:1) where F♮ =λ(b,π).(bq7→s,π Wq). (cid:0) (cid:1) q \ Intuitively, quantum operations act on entanglement as follows: – A 1-qubit measurement makes the measured qubit separable from the rest ofthe memory.Moreover,the state ofthe measuredqubitis inthe standard basis. – A 1-qubit unitary transformationdoes not modify entanglement. Any Pauli operator σ σ ,σ ,σ preserves the standard and the diagonal basis of x y z ∈ { } the qubits. Hadamard H transforms a state of the standard basis into a state of the diagonalbasis and vice-versa.Finally the phase T preservesthe standard basis but not the diagonal basis. – The 2-qubit unitary transformationCNot, applied on q and q may create 1 2 entanglementbetweenthequbitsornot.Itturnsoutthatifq isinthestan- 1 dardbasis,orq isinthediagonalbasis,thennoentanglementiscreatedand 2 thebasisofq andq arepreserved.Otherwise,sinceasoundapproximation 1 2 isdesired,CNotisabstractedintoanoperationwhichcreatesentanglement. Remark 1. Notice that the space needed to store a partition of n elements is O(n). Moreover, meet, join and removal and can be done in either constant or linear time. Example 3. The abstract semantics of the teleportation (see example 1) is JteleportationK♮ : {q1,q2,q3} {q1,q2,q3} = λ(b,π).(bq1,q27→s,q37→⊤, ). Thus, A → A ⊥ for any 3-qubit state, the state of the memory after the teleportation is fully separable. Assume that a fourth qubit q is entangled with q before the telepor- 4 1 true tation, whereas q and q are in the state P . So that, the state of the 2 3 memory before the teleportation is [q ,q ]-separable. The abstract semantics 1 4 of teleportation, q ,q ,q ,q is such that 1 2 3 4 h { }i JteleportationK♮(b,[q ,q ])=(bq1,q27→s,q37→⊤,[q ,q ]) 1 4 3 4 Thus the abstract semantics predicts that q is entangledwith q at the end 3 4 of the teleportation, even if q never interacts with q . 3 4 Example 4. Consider the program trap, q ,q , where 1 2 h { }i trap=CNot(q ,q );CNot(q ,q ) 1 2 1 2 Since CNot is self-inverse, JtrapK: {q1,q2} {q1,q2} =λρ.ρ. For instance, JtrapK(1(Ptrue+Pfalse) Ptrue)= 1(PtDrue+Pfa→lse)D Ptrue. 2 ⊗ 2 ⊗ However,if b =d and b =s then q1 q2 JtrapK♮(b, q , q )=(bq17→⊤,q17→⊤, q ,q ) 1 2 1 2 {{ } { }} {{ }} Thus,accordingto theabstractsemantics,atthe endofthecomputation,q 1 and q are entangled. 2 4.2 Soundness Example4pointsoutthattheabstractsemanticsisanapproximation,soitmay differ from the entanglement evolution of the concrete semantics. However, in this section, we prove the soundness of the abstract interpretation (theorem 1). First, we define a function β : Q BQ such that β(ρ) describes which D → qubits of ρ are in the standard or diagonal basis: Definition 7. For any finite Q, let β : Q BQ such that for any ρ Q, D → ∈ D and any q Q, ∈ s if PtrueρPfalse =PfalseρPtrue =0 q q q q β(ρ)q =d if (Pqtrue+Pqfalse)ρ(Pqtrue−Pqfalse)=(Pqtrue−Pqfalse)ρ(Pqtrue+Pqfalse)=0 otherwise ⊤