Quantum Criticality without Tuning in the Mixed Valence Compound β-YbAlB 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 Yosuke Matsumoto , Satoru Nakatsuji , Kentaro Kuga , ∗ 2 1 1 1 Yoshitomo Karaki , Naoki Horie , Yasuyuki Shimura , † n a Toshiro Sakakibara1, Andriy H. Nevidomskyy2,3, Piers Coleman2,4 ∗ J 2 2 1InstituteforSolid StatePhysics,UniversityofTokyo,Kashiwa277-8581,Japan ] 2Centerfor MaterialsTheory,DepartmentofPhysicsand Astronomy,Rutgers University, l e - Piscataway,N.J. 08854,USA r st 3DepartmentofPhysicsand Astronomy,RiceUniversity,Houston,Texas 77005,USA . at 4DepartmentofPhysics,Royal Holloway,UniversityofLondon,Egham,Surrey TW20 0EX,UK m ∗Towhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed. E-mail: [email protected]; - d [email protected]. n o †Present address: FacultyofEducation,UniversityoftheRyukyus, c [ Nishihara,Okinawa903-0213,Japan 1 v 2 0 3 4 . 1 0 1 1 : v i X r a 1 Fermi liquid theory, the standard theory of metals, has been challenged by a number of observations of anomalous metallic behavior found in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition. The breakdown of the Fermi liquid is accom- plished by fine-tuning the material to a quantum critical point using a control parameter such asthe magneticfield, pressure, orchemical composition. Our high precision magnetizationmeasurements ofthe ultrapure f-electron based superconductor β-YbAlB demonstrate a scaling of its free energy indicative 4 of zero-field quantum criticality without tuning in a metal. The breakdown of Fermi-liquid behavior takes place in a mixed-valence state, in sharp contrast with other known examples of quantum critical f-electron systems that are magneticKondo latticesystemswithintegral valence. 2 Quantum phase transitions occur at zero temperature as a consequence of quantum, rather than thermal correlations. Generally, aquantumcritical point(QCP) can be reached bydriving afinitetemperaturecriticalpoint(1,2)orafirst-ordercriticalend-point(3)toabsolutezero. The breakdown of Fermi liquid (FL) behavior in metals observed near a magnetic QCP challenges our current understandingof stronglycorrelated electrons. Whilethemechanism of unconven- tional quantum criticality is actively debated, there is a growing consensus that the underlying physicsinvolvesajumpintheFermisurfacevolumeassociatedwithapartialelectronlocaliza- tion (4–8). To date, the FL breakdown has only been observed by fine-tuning a material to a QCP usingacontrolparametersuch as magneticfield, pressure,orchemical composition. Recent work, reporting the discovery of superconductivity in an ytterbium-based heavy fermionmaterialβ-YbAlB ,raisedtheinterestingpossibilitythatthissystemmayexhibitquan- 4 tum criticality without tuning (9). In this compound, signatures of quantum criticality were observedtodevelopaboveatinysuperconducting(SC)dome,withaSCtransitiontemperature ofT 80mKandanuppercriticalfieldµ H 30mT(9,10). Whilethisobservationmoti- c 0 c2 ∼ ≈ vatedthepossibilityofazerofieldquantumcriticalpoint,itdidnotruleoutaQCPlocatednear theuppercriticalfield H , as observedintheheavy fermionsuperconductorCeCoIn (11). c2 5 Inthisreport,wepresentclearandquantitativeevidencethatquantumcriticalitydevelopsat zero field without tuning in β-YbAlB , buried deep inside the SC dome. Moreover, we report 4 a simple T/B-scaling form of the free energy spanning almost four decades in magnetic field, revealing that thesignatures ofthe putativequantum critical point extendup to temperatures T and fields B morethan 100timeslarger thanT and µ H ,respectively. c 0 c2 To quantify the free energy F(T,B), we employed high-precision measurements of the magnetization M = ∂F/∂B. Measurements were made on ultra high purity single crystals − with a mean free path exceeding 1000 A˚ and residual resistivity less than 0.6 µΩ cm, which were carefully etched to fully remove surface impurities (12). Our measurements revealed a simple T/B scaling over a wide range of temperature and field, governed by single quantum- critical (QC) scaling exponent previously masked (9) by a limited experimental resolution and 3 the impurity effects caused by surface and bulk impurities (12). The T/B scaling leads to the followingsignificant consequences. First, thequantum critical physics is self-similaroverfour decades ofT/B, withno intrinsicenergy scale. Second, thefield-induced Fermi liquidischar- acterized by a Fermi temperature that grows linearly with the field, determined by the Zeeman energy of the underlying critical modes. Finally, the scaling allowed us to determine an upper bound on the magnitude of the critical field B < 0.2 mT, which is well inside the SC dome c | | and comparable with the Earth’s magnetic field: this indicates that β-YbAlB is intrinsically 4 quantumcritical,withouttuningthemagneticfield, pressure, orcomposition. These results are surprising, given the fluctuating valence nature of this material, with va- lence Yb+2.75 significantly far from integral, revealed by recent experiments (13). All QC heavy-fermion intermetallics known to date have an almost integral valence which stabilizes the local moments (1,2). Such so-called Kondo lattice systems are characterized by a small characteristic scale T , below which the moments are screened to form a paramagnetic heavy 0 FL. Various types of order, such as superconductivity and antiferromagnetism (AFM), com- pete with the heavy FL, leading to quantum criticality, as seen in, for example, CeCu Au 5.9 0.1 (T = 6.2 K) (14) and YbRh Si (24 K) (2). By contrast, mixed-valence compounds display 0 2 2 a much larger T , below which they typically behave as stable FLs with moderate quasiparti- 0 cle effective masses and no competing order. For example, YbAl , with non-integral valence 3 Yb+2.71, is characterized byT 300K (15). 0 ∼ A remarkable feature of β-YbAlB (Fig. 1A) is that it is quantum critical (9), yet the scale 4 T 250 K, obtained from the resistivity coherence peak, is one or two orders of magnitude 0 ∼ largerthaninotherknownQCmaterials. Thisisconfirmedbythescalingbehaviorofthemag- neticspecificheat: C /T = S0 ln(T /T),whereS isaconstant(insetofFig.1B).The lnT M 0 0 T0 − dependence of C /T in the three QC materials CeCu Au (14), YbRh Si (2,16), and β- M 5.9 0.1 2 2 YbAlB collapseontoonecurveaftersettingT forβ-YbAlB 200K.Therecentobservation 4 0 4 ∼ of intermediate valence (Yb+2.75) in β-YbAlB at 20 K using hard X-ray photoemission spec- 4 troscopy(13)is consistentwiththislargeT . 0 4 Thequantumcriticalityinthisvalencefluctuatingstateisaccompaniedbyseveralproperties reminiscentofanintegral-valenceKondolattice. Tounderstandtheirorigin,itisusefultocom- pare them with those of α-YbAlB (Fig. 1A) (17), which is a locally isostructural polymorph 4 of β-YbAlB and a FL with a similarly intermediate valence (Yb+2.73) (13). Instead of Pauli 4 paramagnetismnormallyseen inavalencefluctuatingmaterial,themagneticsusceptibilitiesof both materials display Curie-Weiss behavior with Weiss temperature Θ , χ = C/(T + Θ ), W W indicating the existence of local moments (Fig. 2A). In addition, both materials have a maxi- mum in dM/dT at T∗ 8 K, signaling a crossover from local moment behavior (Fig. S1). − ∼ Below T∗, C /T of the α phase levels off to a constant characteristic of heavy FL behavior, M whereas that of the β phase continues to diverge (Fig. 1B). Thus, the fate of local moments found above T∗ is different in these locally isostructural systems: Yb spins are fully screened in the α phase, but may well survive down to lower temperatures in the β phase and produce the quantum criticality. In both phases, strong correlation effects are manifest, for example, in the strongly enhanced CM > 130 mJ/mol K2, two orders magnitude larger than the band T T→0 ∼ (cid:12) calculationestimate( 6m(cid:12)J/molK2)(18). ∼ These signatures indicate that both phases are governed by two distinct energy scales: a high-energyvalencefluctuationscaleT 200K,andalow-energyscaleT∗ 8K,character- 0 ∼ ∼ izingtheemergenceofKondo-latticephysics. Apossibleoriginofthisbehavioristhepresence offerromagnetic(FM)interactionsbetween Ybmoments,manifestedbythelargeWilsonratio R betweenχandC /T,observedinbothα-andβ-phases(9)(minimumestimateR & 7), W M W and further corroborated by the observation of an ESR signal (19), generally only seen in the presence of FM correlations (20). Such FM interactions are known to giverise to Kondo reso- nance narrowing (21) in d-electron systems where Hund’s coupling causes a marked reduction in theKondotemperature(21,22). In the present case, the role of Hund’s coupling is played by FM intersite RKKY interac- tions, probably along the short Yb-Yb bonds that form chains along the c-axis. The moments of a few n neighboring Yb ions may thus become aligned, forming a fluctuating “block” spin 5 S = nJ. The observed valence Yb+2.75 could then be understood in terms of Yb3+⇋Yb2+ fluctuations, as at any one time, approximately 1/4 of the Yb atoms along the chains are in a singlet Yb2+ configuration, forming the ferromagnetic blocks of approximately n 3 spins. ∼ The effect of these block spins is to exponentially suppress the characteristic spin fluctuation scale (21), resulting in localized-moment behavior. The absence of long-range magnetic order intheαorβ phasepointstothepresenceofcompetingmagneticinteractions. Indeed,theWeiss temperature Θ 110 K (Fig. 2A), characteristic of an AFM, indicates the importance of W ∼ − magneticfrustration. ThecompetinginterplayofFMinteractionsand valencefluctuationsthus leads to Kondo-lattice-like behavior in a mixed valent material, setting the stage for quantum criticalitytoemerge at lowertemperaturesin β-YbAlB . 4 A prominent feature of the quantum criticality in β-YbAlB is the divergence of the mag- 4 netic susceptibility χ as T 0. By examining the field evolution of magnetization M = → ∂F/∂B as a function of both T and B (12), we can accurately probe the free energy F near − quantumcriticality. Figure2AshowstheT dependenceofχ(B)=M/B fordifferentvaluesof B c. Spanning four orders of magnitude in T and B, the data show a systematic evolution k from a non-Fermi liquid (NFL) metal with divergent susceptibilityat zero field (χ T−1/2) to ∼ aFL withfiniteχin afield gµ B & k T. B B Intriguingly,theevolutionofM/B foundintheregionT . 3KandB . 2T (seetheinset ofFig. 2A)can becollapsedontoasinglescalingfunctionoftheratioT/B: dM T = B−1/2φ (1) − dT (cid:18)B(cid:19) asshowninFig.2B.Thepeakofthescalingcurveliesatk T/gµ B 1,markingacross-over B B ∼ betweentheFLandNFLregions,showingthatk T gµ B playstheroleofafield-induced B F B ∼ Fermienergy,asshownintheinsetofFig.2B.IntegratingbothpartsofEq.(1),oneobtainsthe followingscalinglaw forthefree energy (12): T F = B3/2f , (2) QC (cid:18)B(cid:19) where f is a scaling function of the ratio T/B with the limiting behavior: f(x) x3/2 in the ∝ 6 NFL regime (x 1) and f(x) const + x2 in the FL phase (x 1). Indeed, the observed ≫ ∝ ≪ scaling of dM/dT in Eq. (1) is best fitted with φ(x) = Λx(A + x2)α2−2 (12), resulting in a particularlysimpleform ofthefree energy: F = 1 (gµ B)2 +(k T)2 3/4, (3) QC −(k T˜)1/2 B B B (cid:0) (cid:1) with the best fit obtained with effective moment gµ = 1.94µ and the energy scale k T˜ B B B ≈ 6.6 eV of the order of the conduction electron bandwidth (12). This means that the free en- ergy depends only on the distance from the origin in the (T,B) phase diagram, similarly to the T/B scalingestablishedintheTomonaga–Luttingerliquidsinone-dimensionalmetals(23,24). Equation 3 implies that the effective mass of the quasi-particles diverges as m∗ B−1/2 at ∼ the QCP (12). This divergence in a 3D material, together with the T/B scaling, cannot be ac- counted for by the standard theory based on spin-density-wavefluctuations (25,26). Instead, it indicatesabreakdown oftheFL drivenbyunconventionalquantumcriticality. TheT/BscalingsuggeststhatthecriticalfieldB ofthequantumphasetransitionisactually c zero. A finite B would require that the argument of the scaling functions f(x) and φ(x) is the c ratio x = T/ B B , as seen for instance in YbRh Si (16). To place a bound on B , we c 2 2 c | − | substitutedthisformforxintoEq.1,seekingthevalueofB thatwouldbestfittheexperimental c data. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient R obtained for this fit (inset of Fig. 2B), indicates thatB isoptimalat 0.1 0.1 mT.Theuncertaintyisonlyafew timeslargerthantheEarth’s c − ± magnetic field ( 0.05 mT). More significantly, it is two orders of magnitude smaller than ∼ µ H = 30 mT, and strikingly six orders of magnitude smaller than valence fluctuation scale 0 c2 T 200 K. Thus β-YbAlB provides a unique example of essentially zero-field quantum 0 4 ∼ criticality. Furtherevidence forzero-field quantumcriticalityis obtained from an analysisof themag- netocaloric ratio, Γ 1 ∂S/∂B = ∂M/∂T (Fig. 3). Here, C is the total specific heat (12). H ≡ −T ∂S/∂T − C Our results show a clear divergence of Γ /B as T 0 in the NFL regime, which is a strong H → indicator of quantum criticality (27). From the NFL regime, we can extract the critical field B < 0.2 mT, consistent with the estimate of B obtained from the scaling behavior of M, c c | | 7 Eq. 1(Fig. S2). The remarkably simple T/B scaling in the thermodynamics enables us to characterize the QC excitations of β-YbAlB . In particular, the collapse of all magnetization data in terms of 4 thedimensionlessratior = k T/(gµ B)betweentheBoltzmannenergyk T andtheZeeman B B B energy gµ B indicates an absence of scale in the zero-field normal state. Furthermore, the B appearance of a field-induced Fermi energy, linear over more than three decades in B, shows that theunderlyingcriticalmodesare magneticin character. UsingtheHeisenbergenergy-timeuncertaintyprinciple(∆t∆E>~),wecanreinterpretthe f T/Bscalinginthetimedomain,visualizingthefield-inducedFLasakindof“quantumsoda”of bubblesofquantumcriticalmatteroffinitedurationτ = ~/gµ B,immersedinaFL.Atfinite Q B temperatures, thermodynamics averages the physics over a thermal time scale τ = ~/k T, T B thus the quantity r = τ /τ T/B in the scaling is the ratio of the correlation time τ to Q T Q ∼ the thermal time-scale τ . At low temperatures, r 1 (τ τ ), thermodynamics probes T T Q ≪ ≫ the FL exterior of the bubbles, but when r 1 and τ τ , it reflects the QC interior of the T Q ≫ ≪ bubbles. This accounts for the cross-over between FL and QC behaviors at r 1. Moreover, ∼ T/B scaling overa wide ranger 10−1 to 103 indicatesthat thequantumfluctuations in the ∼ ∼ ground-stateare self-similardownto 1/1000thofthecorrelation timeτ . Q The observation of zero-field quantum criticality in valence fluctuating β-YbAlB cannot 4 naturallybeinterpretedasaconventionalQCP,whichwouldrequireafortuitouscombinationof structureandchemistrytofine-tunethecriticalfieldB towithin0.2mTofzero. Amorenatural c interpretationoftheresultsisthatβ-YbAlB formsaquantumcriticalphasethatisdrivenintoa 4 FLstatebyaninfinitesimalmagneticfield. TheT/B scalingrequiresthatthecriticalmodesare Zeeman-split by a field, and as such, various scenarios, such as critical Fermi surfaces (28) or local quantum criticalitywith E/T scaling (6)may bepossiblecontenders for the explanation, provided they can be stabilized as a phase. Established theoretical examples of a critical phase with T/B scaling include the Tomonaga–Luttinger liquid in half-integer spin chains and the one-dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnet (23,24) . 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