Quadratic forms and singularities of genus one or two Georges Dloussky∗ 8 0 0 2 n Abstract a J We study singularities obtained by the contraction of the maximal divisor in 7 compact (non-k˝ahlerian) surfaces which contain global spherical shells. These singularities are of genus 1 or 2, may be Q-Gorenstein, numerically Gorenstein ] or Gorenstein. A family of polynomials depending on the configuration of the V curves computes the discriminants of the quadratic forms of these singularities. C We introduce a multiplicative branch topological invariant which determines the . h twistingofanon-vanishingholomorphic1-formonthecomplementofthesingular t point. a m [ Contents 2 v 0 Introduction 2 7 6 1 Preliminaries 2 4 1.1 Basic results on singularities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 1.2 Lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 7 1.3 Surfaces with global spherical shells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1.4 Intersection matrix of the exceptional divisor . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 / h 2 Normal singularities associated to surfaces with GSS 10 t a 2.1 Genus of the singularities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 m 2.2 Q-Gorenstein and numerically Gorenstein singularities . . . . . . . 12 : v 3 Discriminant of the singularities 13 i X 3.1 A family P of polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 r 3.2 Main results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 a 3.3 A multiplicative topological invariant associated to singularities . . 19 3.4 Twisted holomorphic 1-forms near the isolated singularity . . . . . 22 4 Proof of the main theorem 23 4.1 Expression of determinants by polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.2 The reduction lemma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.3 Relation between determinants and polynomials of P. . . . . . . . 31 ∗Georges Dloussky, [email protected], , version December 2007. Keywords: singularity, compact surface, complex geometry. AMS subject classification: 32 S 25, 32 S 45, 32 J 15 1 0 Introduction We are interested in a large class of singularities which generalizecusps, obtained by the contraction of all the rational curves in compact surfaces S wich contain global spherical shells. Particular cases are Inoue-Hirzebruch surfaces with two “dual”cyclesofrationalcurves. Thedualitycanbeexplainedbytheconstruction of these surfaces by sequences of blowing-ups [3]. Several authors have studied cusps [9, 11, 19, 20, 15]. In general, the maximal divisor is composed of a cycle with branches. These (non-k¨ahlerian) surfaces contain exactly n=b (S) rational 2 curves. The intersection matrices M(S) have been completely classified [18, 1]; they are negative definite in all cases except when the maximal divisor is a cy- cle D of n rational curves such that D2 = 0. In this article we study normal singularities obtained by contraction of the exceptional divisor and the link be- tweentheintersectionmatrixandglobaltopologicaloranalyticalpropertiesofthe surface S. They are elliptic or of genus two in which case they are Gorenstein. Using the existence of global section on S of −mK ⊗L for a suitable integer S m ≥ 1 and a flat line bundle L ∈ H1(S,C⋆), we show that these singularities areQ-Gorenstein(resp. numericallyGorenstein)ifandonlyiftheglobalproperty H0(S,−mK )6=0(resp. H0(S,−K ⊗L)6=0)holds. Themainpartofthisarticle S S isdevotedtothe studyofthediscriminantofthequadraticformassociatedtothe singularity. In [1]the quadratic formhas been decomposedinto a sumof squares. The intersectionmatrix is completely determined by the sequence σ of (opposite) self-intersectionsof the rationalcurveswhen takeninthe canonicalorder,i.e. the order in which the curves are obtained in a repeted sequence of blowing-ups. Let (Y,y) = (Y ,y) be the associated singularity obtained by the contraction of the σ rational curves. We introduce a family of polynomials P = P which have σ A(σ) integervaluesonintegers,dependingonthe configurationofthedualgraphofthe singularity, such that the discriminant is the square of this polynomial. When we fix the sequence σ we obtain an integer ∆ which is a multiplicative topological σ invarianti.e. satisfies∆ =∆ ∆ . We showthat∆ isequaltothe productof σσ′ σ σ′ σ the determinants of the branches. We apply this result to determine the twisting integer of holomorphic 1-formsin a neighbourhoodof the singularity. We develop here rather the algebraic point of view, however these singularities have deep re- lations with properties of compactcomplex surfaces S containing globalspherical shells, the classification of singular contracting germs of mappings and dynami- cal systems: for instance, the integer ∆ is equal to the integer k = k(S) wich σ appears in the normal form of contracting germs F(z ,z ) = (λz zs+P(z ),zk) 1 2 1 2 2 2 which define S [2, 4, 5, 7]. I thank Karl Oeljeklaus for fruitful discussions on that subject. 1 Preliminaries 1.1 Basic results on singularities Let D ,...,D be compact curves on a (not necessarilly compact) complex 0 n−1 surface X, and D =D +···+D the associated reduced divisor. We assume 0 n−1 that D is exceptional i.e. the intersection matrix M of D is negative definite. We denotebyO thestructuralsheafofX,K =detT⋆X thecanonicalbundleand X X byΩ2 itssheafofsections. ItiswellknownbyGrauert’stheoremthatthereexists X a propermappingΠ:X →Y suchthateachconnectedcomponentof|D|=∪ D i i 2 iscontractedontoapointy whichisanormalsingularityofY. For|D|connected, denote by r :H0(X,Ω2 )→H0(Y\{y},Ω2 ) X Y\{y} the canonical morphism induced by Π. We define the geometric genus of the singularity (Y,y) by p =p (Y,y)=h0(Y,R1Π O ). g g ∗ X When Y is Stein, we have p =dimH0(Y\{y},Ω2 )/rH0(X,Ω2). g Y\{y} X A singularity (Y,y) is called rational (resp. elliptic) if p (Y,y) = 0 (resp. g p (Y,y) = 1). Therefore a singularity is rational if for every 2-form ω on Y\{y}, g the 2-form Π⋆ω extends to a 2-form on X. Proposition 1. 1 Let Π : X → Y be the proper morphism obtained by the con- traction of an exceptional divisor: 1) p =h0(Y,R1Π O ) is independant of the choice of the desingularization. g ∗ X • If X is compact then p =χ(O )−χ(O ) g Y X • If X is spc and Y is Stein then p =h1(X,O ) g X 2) The following sequence 0→H1(Y,O )→H1(X,O )→H0Y,R1Π O )→H2(Y,O )→H2(X,O ) Y X ⋆ X Y X is exact. We give now a criterion of rationality [21], p. 152: Proposition 1. 2 Let Π : X → Y be the minimal resolution of the singularity (Y,y) and denote by D the irreducible components of the exceptional divisor D. i If (Y,y) is rational, then: i) the curves D are regular and rational i ii) for i6=j, D ∩D =∅ or D meets D tranversally. If D , D , D are distinct i j i j i j k irreducible components, D ∩D ∩D is empty i j k iii) D contains no cycle. Definition 1. 3 A singularity (Y,y) is called Gorenstein if the dualizing sheaf ω is trivial, i.e. there exists a small neighbourhood U of y and a non-vanishing Y holomorphic 2-form on U \{y}. Since there is only a finite number of linearly independant 2-forms in the comple- ment ofthe exceptionaldivisorD modulo H0(X,Ω2), a 2-formextends meromor- phically across D. Therefore we have (see [23]) Lemma 1. 4 Let Y be a Gorenstein normal surface and Π:X →Y be the min- imal desingularization. Then there is a unique effective divisor ∆ on X supported in D =Π−1(Sing(Y)) such that ω ≃Π⋆ω ⊗ O (−∆) X Y X OX 3 1.2 Lattices Here are recalled some well known facts about lattices (see [24]). We call lattice, denoted by L,< . , . > , a free Z-module L, endowed with an integral non degenerate symetric bilinear form (cid:0) (cid:1) < . , . > : L×L −→ Z (x,y) 7−→ < x , y >. If B ={e ,...,e } is a basis of L, the determinant of the matrix 1 n < e , e > , i j 1≤i,j≤n (cid:0) (cid:1) is independent of the choice of the basis; this integer, denoted by d(L) is called the discriminant of the lattice. A lattice is unimodular if d(L) = ±1. Let L∨ := Hom (L,Z) be the dual of L. The mapping Z φ: L −→ L∨ x 7−→ < . , x > identifies L with a sublattice of L∨ of same rank, since d(L) 6= 0. Moreover, if L :=L⊗ Q, it is possible to identify L∨ with the sub-Z-module Q Z x∈L | ∀y ∈L, < x , y >∈Z Q of L . So, we may wri(cid:8)te L⊂L∨ ⊂L , where L and L∨ h(cid:9)ave same rank. Q Q Lemma 1. 5 1) The index of L in L∨ is |d(L)|. 2) If M is a submodule of L of the same rank, then the index of M in L satifies [L : M]2 = d(M) d(L)−1. In particular d(M) and d(L) have same sign. 1.3 Surfaces with global spherical shells We recall some properties of these surfaces which have been first introduced by Ma. Kato [12] and we refer to [1] for details. Definition 1. 6 Let S be a compact complex surface. We say that S contains a global spherical shell, if there is a biholomorphic map ϕ : U → S from a neigh- bourhood U ⊂C2\{0} of the sphere S3 into S such that S\ϕ(S3) is connected. Hopf surfaces are the simplest examples of surfaces with GSS (see [1]), however they contain no rational curves and elliptic curves have self-intersection equal to 0, hence no singularity can be obtained. Let S be a minimal surface containing a GSS with n = b (S). It is known 2 that S contains n rational curves and to each curve it is possible to associate a contracting germ of mapping F = Πσ = Π ···Π σ : (C2,0) → (C2,0) where 0 n−1 Π=Π ···Π :BΠ →B is a sequence ofn blowing-ups. If we wantto obtaina 0 n−1 minimal surface,the sequence ofblowing-upshas tobe donein the followingway: • Π blows up the origin of the two dimensional unit ball B, 0 4 • Π blows up a point O ∈C =Π−1(0),... 1 0 0 0 • Π blows up a point O ∈C =Π−1(O ), for i=0,...,n−2, and i+1 i i i i−1 • σ :B¯ →BΠ sends isomorphicallya neighbourhoodofB¯ onto a small ballin BΠ in such a way that σ(0)∈C . n−1 It is easy to see that the homologicalgroups satisfy H (S,Z)≃Z, H (S,Z)≃Zn 1 2 In particular, b (S)=n. 2 The universal covering space (S˜,ω,S) of S contains only rational curves (C ) i i∈Z with a canonical order relation, “the order of creation” ([1], p 29). Following [1], we can associate to S the following invariants: • The family of opposite self-intersection of curves of the universal covering space of S, denoted by a(S):=(a ) =(−C2) i i∈Z i i∈Z this family is periodic of period n, • j+n−1 n−1 σ (S):= a =− D2+2 ♯{rationalcurveswithnodes} n i i i=j i=0 X X where j is any index, and the D are the rational curves of S. It can be seen i that 2n≤σ (S)≤3n ([1], p 43). n • The intersection matrix of the n rational curves of S, M(S):=(D .D ). i j ImportantRemark: Theessentialfactusefultounderstandthedualgraph or the intersection matrix is that – if a =−D2 =2 then D meets D , i i i i+1 – if a =−D2 =3 then D meets D ,..., i i i i+2 – if a =−D2 =k+2 then D meets D , i i i i+k+1 the indices being in Z/nZ, in particular D may meet itself: we obtain a i rational curve with double point. • n classes of contractingholomorphic germsof mappings F =Πσ :(C2,0)→ (C2,0) ([1], p 32). Proposition 1. 7 LetS beasurfacecontainingaGSSwithb (S)=n,D ,...,D 2 0 n−1 the n rational curves and M(S) the intersection matrix. 1) If σ (S)=2n, then detM(S)=0. n 2) If σ (S) > 2n, then ZD is a complete sublattice of H (S,Z) and its n i 2 0≤i≤n−1 X index satisfies 2 H (S,Z) : ZD = detM(S). 2 i 0≤i≤n−1 (cid:2) X (cid:3) In particular, detM(S) is the square of an integer ≥1. 5 Proof: If σ (S)=2n, S is an Inoue surface; if σ (S)>2n, detM(S)6=0 so the n n sublattice is complete and the result is a mere consequence of lemma 5. (cid:3) In order to give a precise description of the intersection matrix we need the following definitions: Definition 1. 8 Let 1≤p≤n. A p-uple σ =(a ,...,a ) of a(S) is called i i+p−1 • a singular p-sequence of a(S) if σ =(p+2,2,...,2). p It will be denoted by s . | {z } p • a regular p-sequence of a(S) if σ =(2,2,...,2) p and σ has no common element with|a s{izngu}lar sequence. Such a p-uple will be denoted by r . p For example s = (3),s = (4,2),s = (5,2,2),... are singular sequences, r = 1 2 3 3 (2,2,2)isaregularsequence. Itiseasytoseethatifwewanttohave,forexample, acurvewithself-intersection-4,necessarily,thecurvewhichfollowsinthesequence ofrepetedblowing-upsmusthaveself-intersection-2,soitiseasytosee([1],p39), that a(S) admits a unique partition by N singular sequences and ρ ≤ N regular sequences of maximal length. More precisely, since a(S) is periodic it is possible to find a n-uple σ such that σ =σ ···σ , p0 pρ+N−1 where σ is a regular or a singular p -sequence with pi i N+ρ−1 p =n i i=0 X and if σ is regular it is between (mod. N +ρ) two singular sequences. pi Notation: We shall write a(S)=(σ)=(σ ···σ ). p0 pN+ρ−1 The sequenceσ is overlinedto indicatethatthesequenceσ isinfinitely repetedto obtainthesequencea(S)=(a ) . Thesequencea(S)maybedefinedbyanother i i∈Z period. For example a(S)=(σ ···σ σ ). p1 pN+ρ−1 p0 If σ (S) = 2n, a(S) = (r ); if σ (S) = 3n, a(S) is only composed of singular n n n sequences and S is called a Inoue-Hirzebruch surface. Moreover if a(S) is com- posed by the repetition of an even (resp. odd) number of sequences σ , we shall pi say that S is an even (resp. odd) Inoue-Hirzebruch surface. An even (resp. odd) Inoue-Hirzebruch surface has exactly 2 cycles (resp. 1 cycle) of rational curves. Another used terminology is respectively hyperbolic Inoue surface and half Inoue surface. 6 WerecallthatforanyVII -classsurfacewithoutnonconstantmeromorphicfunc- 0 tions, the numerical characters of S are [10, I p755, II p683] h0,1 =1, h1,0 =h2,0 =h0,2 =0, −c2 =c =b (S), b+ =0, b− =b (S) 1 2 2 2 2 2 We shall need in the sequel the explicit description of the dual graph which is composed of a cycle and branches. A branchA determines and is determined by s a piece Γ of the cycle Γ. s Theorem 1. 9 ([1] thm 2.39) Let S be a minimal surface containing a GSS, n=b (S), D ,...,D its n rational curves and D =D +···+D . 2 0 n−1 0 n−1 1) If σ (S)=2n, then D is a cycle and D2 =−2 for i=0,...,n−1. n i 2) If 2n<σ (S)<3n, then there are ρ(S)≥1 branches and n ρ(S) D = (A +Γ ) s s s=1 X where i) A is a branch for s=1,...,ρ(S), s ii) Γ= ρ(S)Γ is a cycle, s=1 s iii) A and Γ are defined in the following way: For each sequence of integers s P s (a ,...,a )=(r s ···s 2a ) t+1 t+l+k1+···+kp+2 l k1 kp t+l+k1+···+kp+2 contained in a(S)=(σ ···σ ), where 0 N+ρ−1 • l ≥1 and r is a regular l-sequence, l • p≥1, i=1,...,p, k ≥1 and s , is a singular k -sequence, i ki i we have the following decomposition into branch A and corresponding piece s of cycle Γ (where p=p to simplify notations): s s Selfint(A ) = (2,...,2, k +2, 2,...,2,..., k +2, 2,...,2, 2) s 2 p−1 k1−1 k3−1 kp−1 | {z } | {z } I|f {pz≡}1(mod 2) Selfint(Γ ) = (2,...,2, k +2, 2,...,2,..., k +2, 2,...,2, k +2) s 1 p−2 p | l{−z1 } |k2{−z1} |kp−{1z−1} Selfint(A ) = (2,...,2, k +2, 2,...,2,..., k +2, 2,...,2, k +2) s 2 p−2 p k1−1 k3−1 kp−1−1 | {z } | {z } I|f {pz≡}0(mod 2) Selfint(Γ ) = (2,...,2, k +2, 2,...,2,..., k +2, 2,...,2, 2) s 1 p−1 iv) The top of the bran|chl{−zA1 }is its first|vke2{r−zt1ex} (or curve); the|rokop{t−z1of}A is the s s first vertex (or curve) of Γ where t=s+1 (mod ρ(S)). t 7 3) If σ (S)=3n, D has no branch and n i) If a(S)=(s ···s ) then k1 k2p D =Γ+Γ′ where Γ and Γ′ are two cycles Selfint(Γ) = (k +2,2,...,2, k +2,2,...,2,..., k +2,2,...,2) 1 3 2p−1 k2−1 k4−1 k2p−1 Selfint(Γ′) = (2,...,2|, k{2z+}2,2,...,2|,k4{z+2},...,2,...,2,k2p|+{2z) } ii) If a(S)=(s ···s |k1{−z)1t}hen D is c|okn3{t−za1in}s only one cy|kc2lpe{−z1a−n1}d k1 k2p+1 Selfint(D) = (k +2,2,...,2, k +2,2,...,2,..., k +2, 1 3 2p+1 k2−1 k4−1 | {z } | {z } 2,...,2,k +2,2,...,2,...,k +2,2,...,2) 2 2p k1−1 k3−1 k2p+1−1 | {z } | {z } | {z } 1.4 Intersection matrix of the exceptional divisor Let σ = σ ···σ where σ = r = (2,2,...,2) is a regular sequence of 0 N+ρ−1 i pi length p or σ = s = (p + 2,2,...,2) is a singular sequence of length p , i i pi i i i=0,...,N +ρ−1. We suppose that • there are N singular sequences and ρ≤N regular sequences • ifσ isregular,thenσ andσ aresingular,indicesbeinginZ/(N+ρ)Z. i i−1 i+1 Let n= N+ρ−1p be the number of integers in the sequence σ. i=0 i ExamplPes 1. 10 For 0≤N ≤3 we have the following possible sequences: • If N =0, σ =r , n • If N =1, σ =s or σ =s r , p+m=n, n p m • If N =2, σ =s s , σ =s s r , σ =s r s , σ =s r s r , p0 p1 p0 p1 m0 p0 m0 p1 p0 m0 p1 m1 • If N =3, σ =s s s p0 p1 p2 σ =s r s s , σ =s s r s , σ =s s s r , p0 m0 p1 p2 p0 p1 m0 p2 p0 p1 p2 m0 σ =s r s r s , σ =s s r s r , σ =s r s s r , p0 m0 p1 m1 p2 p0 p1 m0 p2 m1 p0 m0 p1 p2 m1 σ =s r s r s r . p0 m0 p1 m1 p2 m2 To a sequence σ we associate a symmetric matrix of type (n,n), M(σ) = (m ) ij “written on a torus”, with indices in Z/nZ defined in the following way: if σ = σ ···σ =(a ,...,a ) 0 N+ρ−1 0 n−1 a if a 6=n+1 i) m = i i ii n−1 if a =n+1 i (cid:26) ii) For 0≤i<j ≤n−1, −2 if j =i+m −1 and i=j+m −1 mod n ii jj m =m = −1 if j =i+m −1 or else i=j+m −1 mod n ij ji ii jj 0 in all other cases 8 Theorem 1. 11 (D1,N1) 1) Let S be a minimal complex compact surface con- tainingaGSSwithn=b (S)>0,thenS containsnrationalcurvesD ,...,D 2 0 n−1 and there exists σ such that the intersection matrix M(S) of the rational curves in S satisfy M(S)=−M(σ). Moreover the curve D is non-singular if and only if a 6=n+1. i i Conversely, for anyσ thereexistsasurfaceS containingaGSSsuchthat M(S)= −M(σ). 2) For any σ 6=r , M(σ) is positive definite. n Examples 1. 12 1) For σ = r , M(σ) is not positive definite. The dual graph n of the curves has n vertices (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) This configuration of curves appear on Enoki surfaces [6, 17, 1]. 2) If σ = s ···s we obtain respectively one or two cycles if N is odd (resp. p0 pN−1 even). The singularities are cusps and surfaces are odd (resp. even) Inoue- Hirzebruch surfaces [10, 17, 1]. When there are two cycles, one of the two cycles determines the other. For example, if σ = s s s s , we obtain a cycle with p0 p1 p2 p3 p +p curves and another with p +p curves. 1 3 0 2 (cid:128)(cid:117)(cid:100) -2 (cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:83)(cid:119)(cid:128)(cid:76)(cid:49)(cid:68) (cid:84) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:49) (cid:128)(cid:117)(cid:100) (cid:100) (cid:84) (cid:84) (cid:84) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:83)(cid:119)(cid:128)(cid:76)(cid:49)(cid:68) (cid:117)(cid:83)(cid:119)(cid:128)(cid:76)(cid:49)(cid:68) (cid:117)(cid:83)(cid:119)(cid:128)(cid:76)(cid:49)(cid:68) (cid:40) (cid:110) (cid:100) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:128)(cid:117)(cid:100) (cid:128)(cid:117)(cid:100) (cid:110) (cid:40) 3)Theintermediatecase[17,1,4]. Therearebranchesandthenumberofbranches is equal to the number of regular sequences in σ. For example, if σ = r s the p0 p1 dual graph is 9 (cid:84)non singular rational curve of self-intersection (cid:117)(cid:110) (cid:14) (cid:117)(cid:49) non singular rational curve of self-intersection (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) rational curve with double point (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:9) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:84) (cid:117)(cid:119)(cid:128)(cid:100)(cid:76)(cid:49)(cid:68) (cid:117)(cid:9)(cid:83)(cid:128)(cid:100) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) (cid:117)(cid:49) For(cid:128)(cid:40)(cid:41)(cid:100) (cid:117)(cid:49) For(cid:128)(cid:40)(cid:29)(cid:49) 2 Normal singularities associated to surfaces with GSS 2.1 Genus of the singularities IfS isaInoue-Hirzebruchsurfaceweobtainbycontractionofacycle,asingularity calledacusp. TheyappearalsointhecompactificationofHilbertmodularsurfaces [9]. WeareinterestedhereinthegeneralsituationofanysurfacecontainingaGSS. Proposition 2. 13 LetS beacompact complex surfaceofclass VII without non 0 constant meromorphic. It is supposed that n := b (S) > 0, the maximal divisor 2 D is not trivial and the intersection matrix M(S) is negative definite. Denote by Π : S → S¯ the contraction of the curves onto isolated singular points. Then the following properties are equivalent: i) D contains a cycle of rational curves; ii) H1(S¯,OS¯)=0. Proof: i) ⇒ ii) By Proposition 1, the sequence (∗) 0→H1(S¯,OS¯)→H1(S,OS)→H0(S¯,R1Π⋆OS)→H2(S¯,OS¯)→0. is exact. If D contains a cycle then h0(S¯,R1Π O ) ≥ 1. We suppose that ∗ S h1(S¯,OS¯) = 1 and we shall derive a contradiction. With these assumptions, h0(S¯,ωS¯) = h2(S¯,OS¯) = 1 and h0(S¯,R1Π⋆OS) = 1 since S¯ has no non con- stant meromorphic functions. Denote by x , i=0,...,p the singular points of S¯, i Γ = Π−1(x ) and p (S,x ) the geometric genus of (S,x ). Then p (S,x ) = i i g i i g i h0(S¯,R1Π O ) = 1, therefore there are rational singular points and one elliptic ⋆ S singularpoint. Moreoverthese singularitiesare GorensteinbecausePh0(S¯,ωS¯)=1 and a non-trivial section cannot vanish because there is no more curves. Hence there are rational double points with trivial canonical divisor and one minimal elliptic singularity, (S,x ) with canonical divisor Γ which is a cusp. Since there 0 0 is a global meromorphic 2-form on S, n = −K2 = −Γ2. By [17], S is an odd S 0 Inoue-Hirzebruch surface (i.e. with one cycle); but such a surface has no canoni- cal divisor (see for example [3])...a contradiction. ii) ⇒ i) By the exact sequence (∗), h0(S¯,R1Π O )≤2 without any assumption ∗ S and 1 ≤ h0(S¯,R1Π O ) by ii). Therefore there is a singular point, say (S,x ) ∗ S 0 such that p (S,x ) ≥ 1. If Γ would be simply connected, then taking a 3-cover g 0 0 space S′ of S we would obtain 3 copies of Γ hence h0(S¯′,R1Π O )≥3 which is 0 ∗ S′ 10