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Purification and Biochemical Characterization of the Nuclear Sperm-Specific Proteins of the Bivalve Mollusks Agriodesma saxicola1 and Mytilimeria nuttalli PDF

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by  J Ausio
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Preview Purification and Biochemical Characterization of the Nuclear Sperm-Specific Proteins of the Bivalve Mollusks Agriodesma saxicola1 and Mytilimeria nuttalli

Reference: Biol. Bull 182: 31-40. (February, 1992) Purification and Biochemical Characterization of the Nuclear Sperm-Specific Proteins of the Bivalve Mollusks Agriodesma saxicola1 and Mytilimeria nuttalli JUAN AUSIO Department ofBiochemistry andMicrobiology, University ofVictoria, W I'ictoria. British Columbia I'8 3P6. Canada Abstract. The proteins from the nuclei of the sperm HI, this protein is soluble in diluted perchloric acid, has a from two different species ofthe subclass Anomalodes- globulartrypsin-resistant core, islysinerich, andyetiscom- = mata oftheclass Bivalvia have been analyzed forthe first positionally related tothe protamines(PL protamine-like) time. In both instances Agriodesma saxicola (Baird, (Subirana et al., 1973). Ofall the different nuclear sperm- 1863) and Mytilimeria nuttalli (Conrad, 1837) the specific proteins found within a given species, PL-I is the compositional pattern is very similar. The sperm chro- one with the lowest electrophoretic mobility in urea-acetic matin isorganizedbyamajorprotamine-like PL-I protein. acid gels (Ausio, 1986). The presence ofa protamine-like Asin all PL-I, this protein has a trypsin-resistant core. In histone HI-like protein in bivalve mollusks may have im- both speciesanalyzed, PL-I containscysteine residuesthat portantevolutionary implications, notonly within thephy- account forthe presence ofthe monomer (M) and dimer lum Mollusca (SubiranaandColom, 1987), butalsowithin (D) forms observed in the total nuclear HC1 extracts. The other taxonomic groups. molecular mass ofthese proteins is 21,000 Da in A. sax- Aspointed outby Kasinsky(1989), however, onlysome icola, and 25,000 Da in M. nuttalli. All ofthe specimens ofthe subclasses within the class Bivalvia have been an- ofA. saxicola analyzed were hermaphrodites. Asa result, alyzedsofar.andonlyafewspecieshavebeenthoroughly thenuclearsperm-specificproteinsfrom several preparations characterized. Nevertheless, at least one sperm-specific were readily and extensively degraded by protease activity histone HI (PL-I) protein has been identified: in Mytilus from the oocytes. Such degradation was always observed californianus (by Jutglar et al.. 1991), Crassostrea gigas when cross contamination between thetwo gonadal tissues (by Sellos, 1985), and Glycymeris yesonensis (by Odin- accidentally occurred during protein extraction. tsovaetal, 1989)(subclassPteriomorphia); inEnsisminor (by Giancotti et al., 1983), Spisula solidissima (by Ausio Introduction etal., 1987) and Macoma nasuta (Ausio, 1988) (Subclass The presence of a highly specialized histone HI (PL-I Heterodonta); and in Anodonta piscinallis (by Rozov et protein)seemstobeacommon featureofthenuclearprotein al., 1984) (Subclass Palaeoheterodonta). In some ofthese compositionofthesperm ofbivalve mollusks(Jutglaretal.. species, two histone HI-like proteins have been described. 1991). Despite the structural heterogeneity of the sperm Although the subclass Heterodonta has been widely proteinswithin thistaxonomicgroup(Ausio, 1986;Zalensky studied (Ausio, 1986), three subclasses, according to and Zalenskaya, 1980), a PL-I protein has been identified Barnes's(1980)classification ofthebivalve mollusks, have in each ofthe speciesanalyzed in detail so far. Like histone never been characterized: Cryptodonta, Palaeotaxodonta, and Anomalodesmata. In the present work, we have an- alyzed and characterized the sperm-specific proteins of R'eTcheiisvsepdec1i8esJuisnemo1r9e9c1;oamcmcoepntleydr2e5feNrorevdetmobeasrE1n9t9o1d.esma saxicola, twospecieswithinthesubclassAnomalodesmataandhHave butsee Bernard. 1983. shown thateach containsahighlyspecialized histone 1- 31 32 AUSIO J. M like (PL-I) protein that is the major protein component tion buffer was 6 guanidinium chloride (Gdn-HCl; mM ofthe nuclei ofthe sperm ofthat organism. Schwarz/Mann Biotech), 50 Tris-HCl pH 7.6. Reversephase highpressure liquidchromatographv Materials and Methods (HPCL) Livingspecimens HPLC was carried out on a 5 n (25 X 0.46 cm) Vydac C4column, with0.1%trifluoroaceticacid(TFA)aseluant Specimens of Agriodesrna saxicola and Mytilimeria with different acetonitrile gradients. nuttalliwere collected alongthe west coast ofVancouver Island. British Columbia, Canada, by SCUBA divers from Determination ofthe molecular mass the Biology Department at the University ofVictoria. The molecular mass of each protein was determined Nucleipreparation andprotein extraction bygelnitration underdenaturingconditiMonsonaSuperose 12HR column in the presence of 6 Gdn-HCl (see Isolation ofsperm nuclei and HC1 crude extraction of above). Several protamines, protamine-like proteins, and the nuclear basic proteins was performed as described histonesofknown molecularmasswere usedasstandards: elsewhere (Ausio, 1986). Briefly, after carefully opening PL-I from Spisula solidissima (Mr: 33,500 Da) (Ausio the shell, a small incision was made in thegonadal tissue, and Subirana, 1982a); Histone HI from calfthymus(Mr: and the spontaneously released sperm were resuspended 22,000 Da) (DeLange, 1976); PL-Ill (01) from Mytilus mM mM inNaCl 0.15 M, Tris-HCl 20 pH 7.6,0.2 PMSF edulis (Mr: 9600 Da) (Ausio and Subirana, 1982b); and (Phenylmethylsulphonyl Fluoride) (bufferA). Because,-!. unfractionated salmine from Oncorhynchus sp. (Mr; 4300 saxicola is hermaphroditic, its sperm would sometimes Da) (Ando et al, 1973). Histone HI from calf thymus be contaminated with oocytes released accidentally from was purchased from Worthington, and salmine (sulfate theintimatelyassociatedovaries(seebelowfordiscussion). form) was obtained from Sigma. The rest of the prot- The sperm suspension was centrifuged at 3000 X g for amineswere prepared in my laboratory. Globularproteins 10min inaSS-34 Sorvall rotorat4C. Thepelletobtained werealso usedasa molecularmass markers: bovineserum was homogenized in buffer A containing 0.5% TritonX- albumin (Mr: 68,000); ovoalbumin (Mr: 46,000); chy- 100. Afterstanding for 10 min on ice, the suspension was motrypsinogen A (Mr: 25,000); and ribonuclease A (Mr: spundown underthesameconditionsasbefore. Thisstep 13,200). These proteins werepurchased from Pharmacia; ismeanttosolubilize mostofthecytoplasmic membranes, all of them were subjected to performic acid oxidation including the sperm flagella and the acrosome. Notice before being applied to the column (see below). Vitamin that this step will also expose the sperm nuclei to egg B12 (Mr: 1350) was purchased from Sigma. For the es- lysatesin those samplesofA. saxicolacontaminated with timationofthemolecularmass,thecolumnwascalibrated oocytes; suchcytoplasmiccontamination mayberespon- with theabove standard proteins, andaplot ofKav versus sible for the protein degradation observed under these log Mr was constructed (Mr = molecular mass; Kav circumstances. The detergent-treated pellet was imme- = distribution coefficient). N diately homogenized in 0.4 HC1. Solubilization was continued for 2 h under stirring at 4C. Finally, the sus- - v pension wascentrifuged at 12,000 X gfor 10 min at 4C, v, and the acid extract was precipitated with 6 volumes of wherevoandV,arethevoidandtotal volumeofthecolumn, acetone, overnight, at -20C. and Ve = the elution volume of a given protein. Blue Dextran and dansyl-L-alanine (Sigma) were used to de- Gel electrophoresis termine V and V, experimentally. The proteins of un- known Mr were mixed with the protein standards and Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was carried out on run together through the column. Their molecular masses urea-acetic acid gels, asdescribed elsewhere (Ausio, 1986). were estimated by interpolation oftheirKavvalueson the best fitting line ofthe calibration plot. Protein purification andfractionation Amino acidanalysis Ionic exchange chromatography was carried out on a 10 X 100 mm Protein-Pak SP8HRcolumn fromWaters- Amino acid analysis was carried out on an Applied MilGleilponrietraastidoenscwraisbecdarerliseedwohuetreo(nMaog1e0nXse3n00elma/m.. 1F9P9L1C). hByidorsoylsytseimsswmaosdcealrr4i2ed0Aoudteriinvagtaisz-eprh-aasneal6yzNerHsCys1teamn.dT1h%e Superose 12HR 10/30column from Pharmacia. Theelu- phenol under an argon atmosphere at 165C, for 1 h, 2 NUCLEAR PROTEINS FROM THE SPERM OF BIVALVE MOLLUSKS 33 h,and4h,thefinalaminoacidcompositionwasobtained Performicacidoxydation. Performicacidwasprepared byextrapolation ofthedatatozero time. So thatcysteine accordingto Hirs(1967). Fortheoxidation, 1-mgaliquots could be quantified, all protein samples were pyridyl- of protein were dissolved in 0.5 ml of performic acid, ethylated before hydrolysis, as described below. which had been previously cooled on ice. The reaction was allowed to proceed for 4 h in an ice bath in capped Chemical modification ofproteins tubes. The sample was then resuspended in a 25-fold ex- Reduction ofSH groups. The SH groups of cysteine cess ofHPLC grade distilled water and lyophilized. were reduced as describedMby Kuehl (1979). Briefly, the Cysteine pyridylethylation. Proteins were pyridyleth- proteins, at 1 mg/ml in 6 urea 20 mAf Tris-HCl pH ylated, providing for a quantitative estimate ofcysteine 7.6, were reduced in the presence of8% |8-mercaptoeth- in the amino acid analysis. The procedure used wasas fol- anol for 3 h at room temperature. lows: proteins (=1 nanomol) were dissolved in 44 ^1 of mM OxidationofSHgroups. Oxidationwascarriedout un- 6.8 Murea, 60 Tris-HCl, 1.25 mA/EDTA (pH 7.6), der the same buffer conditions as above, but in the pres- and 2.3% /3-mercaptoethanol. The solution was incubated mM enceof0.72 O-phenanthrolineand0.36 mA/CuSO4. for 3 h at room temperature in the dark. Subsequently, 8 CE AS USA I II IV J PL- 1 HIST X T J- PHI PL- 1 PL-IV PR Figure 1. UreaaceticacidPAGEanalysisofthenuclearsperm-specificproteinsofAgriodesmasaxicola (AS) and Mytilimeria nuttalli(MN) in comparison to a histone standard from chicken erythrocytes (CE) and to a protamine from salmon, salmine(SA). The nuclearsperm-specific proteinsofone representative ofeachofthefivegroups(O, I, II, III.and IV)oftheclassificationofthebivalvemollusks(Ausio. 1986)are alsoshown.Therepresentativespecieschosen foreachgroupwere:O:Pectenmaximus;I:Spisulasolidissima; II: Ensis ensis; III: Mamma nasula. and IV: Mytilus edulis. The regions corresponding to the different protamine-like (PL-I, PL-II, PL-Ill, and PL-IV) proteins defined in Ausio (1986) are also shown. HIST: histoneregion. PR: protamine. D: dimerform. M: monomer form ofthe majorsperm protein component ineach species. X2, Y2: possibledimer formsofthe minorsperm protein components X, Y. 34 AUSIO J. A. 0.8 ss a b c d 0.6 2.0 1.5 - - 0.2 1.0 O 2CO 0.5 0.0 0.0 8 16 32 40 64 72 80 TIME min , B. 1.5 SS L/L/UUUUUUU 60 1.0 50 o UJ fO CM 405! 300 0.5 r- LU 20 < 0.0 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 TIME min , Figure 2. Fractionation ofa crude 0.4 A' HCl extract from the nuclei of the sperm ofAgnodesma saxicola. (A) Ionicexchangechromatographyona(10 X 100 mm) Protein-Pak SP 8HR column. Proteins wereeluted with a linear(0-2 A/) NaCl gradient in 50 m.1/ Na-phosphate buffer(pH 6.8) at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. Theinsetshowstheurea-aceticacid PAGE analysisofthe fractionsindicated. (B) Reverse-phase HPLConaVydacC4column. Elutionwascarriedwithanacetonitrilegradient in0.1%trifluoroaceticacid ataflowrateof1 ml/min.Theinsetshowstheelectrophoreticanalysisofthefractionation.Thelanesshown intheinset, and thechromatogram hasbeen aligned to match the fraction analyzed with itscorresponding position inthechromatogram. SS: startingsample. NUCLEAR PROTEINS FROM THE SPERM OF BIVALVE MOLLUSK.S 35 A. B. 1.2 mn a b c d e f 9 _ I 0.8 ?v5SHHBI^HBM^H as a b c d e f 9 _ 0.4 IL 0.2 0.0 16 24 32 48 TIME,min. M Figure 3. (A) Gel filtration FPLC on a Superose 12 HR 10/30 column. The elution buffer was 6 Gdn-HCI in 50 mA/Tris-HCl pH 7.6. The flow rate was 0.4 ml/min. Theelution profiles ofHC1 nuclear extractsfromthesperm(ofM)ytilimerianuttalli( )andAgriodesmasaxicola( )areshowntogether withtheelutionprofile ofsomeofthestandardsusedtocalibratethiscolumn: I: PL-IfromSpisula solidissima; II: Histone HI from calfthymus; III: PL-HI from Mytilus edulis; IV: protamine salmine; V: vitamin B 12; VI: dansyl-L-alanine. (B) Electrophoreticanalysison urea-aceticacidgelsofthe fractionsa, b. c. d. e, f, g ofthe elution profiles ofAt. nuttalli and A. saxicola. mn: starting sample ofA/ nuttalli. as: startingsampleofA. saxicola. H\ of4-vinylpyridine was added, and the reaction was al- established fortheclassification ofthe nuclearsperm-spe- lowedtoproceed for2 hatroom temperature. Thesample cific proteins of the bivalve mollusks (Ausio, 1986). In wasthen immediately desalted in an HPLCreverse phase each ofthe two speciesanalyzed, two majorprotein bands C8Vydac column, which was eluted for 5 min with 0.1% run in the region ofthe PL-I proteins (Ausio, 1986). In TFA (trifluoroacetic acid), and for 20 min with a 0-70% addition tothese proteins, 10-20% ofminorprotein frac- acetonitrile gradient in 0.1%- TFA. /3-lactoglobulin from tions X and Y, which run in the histone region, are also Applied Biosystems Inc. was used as a standard for this observed (see Fig. 1-AS and 1-MN). This protein com- procedure. position was sufficiently novel that the two organisms TrypsMindigestion. Trypsin digestion ofproteinsin high could not, at first, beassigned toany oftheproteingroups salt 2 NaCl, 50 mA/Na-phosphate buffer(pH 6.8) previously established in my classification ofthe bivalves wascarried outasdescribed elsewhere (Ausio el ai, \987). (Ausio, 1986). Thatwasnotsurprisingbecausetheybelong to a subclass (Anomalodesmata) that had not been ana- Results lyzed before. I thereforedecided topurify andcharacterize each ofthe major protein components ofthese organisms. sCpherromm-aspteocgirfaipchniucclaenaarlypsriosteainnsdfpurroimfiAc.atsiaoxnicoofltaheand M. FPTLhCeufnidrsetrantotne-mdpetnaatturfirnagctcioonndaittiioonnsbyissihonoiwcneixncFhiagnugree nuttalli 2A. Most ofthe protein components coeluted in a single M Figure 1 showsthe0.4NHC1 protein extracts from the multiphasic peak at around 2 NaCl, but some protein nuclei ofthe sperm ofA. saxicola and Al. nuttalli. They separation was clearly achieved as is shown in the inset are shown in comparison to the five groups previously ofthe same figure. 36 AUSIO J. 1.0 Characterization ofthe sperm-specific nuclearproteins from A. saxicola andM. nuttalli The fractionation problemsdescribed in the preceding 0.8 section began to be elucidated when the molecular mass ofthese proteins was analyzed. Figure 4 shows the cali- bration plot used to estimate the molecular mass ofpro- 0.6 teins from gel filtration analysis. The molecular mass of the two major protein components of the sperm nuclei in A. saxicola were: 21,000 Da for the fastest protein component and 43,000 Da for the slowest moving frac- 0.4 tion. The values were 25,000 Da and 49,000 Da for M. nuttalli. These results suggested a monomer-dimer rela- tionship between the slow and the fast moving protein 0.2 fractions present in each species. To analyze this rela- tionship, and to examine the nature of the association phenomenon, 1 incubated the crude HC1 extracts in the 0.0103 10" 105 presence of either /3-mercaptoethanol or copper phen- Mr anthroline. Figure 5 shows the results ofthese treatments in the case ofA. saxicola, and identical results were ob- Figure4. Calibration plot usedtodeterminethe molecularmassof thespermproteinsdeterminedonasuperose 12HR 10/30columnunder tained with M. nuttalli (results not shown). The slower theelutionconditionsdescribedinFigure3A.GlobularOandnonglob- moving band completely disappears underreducingcon- ular proteinswereusedasstandards. 1: Vitamin B 12(Mr: 1350Da); ditions for cysteine. Under oxidizing conditions (in the 2: ribonuclease A (Mr: 13.200 Da); 3: chymotrypsingen A (Mr: 25,000 presence ofcopper phenanthroline) the relative intensity 6Da8),:0040: Doav)o:al1b*:umpirnot(aMmri:ne46s,a0l0m0inDea)(:Mr5:: b4o,v3i0n0eDsa)e;ru2m*:alprboutmeiinn (PMLr-I: ofthe faster moving band (see Fig. 5b) slightly decreases, from Myliluseditlis (Mr: 9,600 Da); 3*: histone HI from calfthymus and higher association complexes are formed (see arrow We (Mr: 22,000Da);4*: ProteinPL-IfromSpisulasolidissima(Mr: 33,000 in Fig. 5b). are therefore dealing with the association Da). M = monomer form and D = dimer form ofthe major sperm ofthe faster moving protein components. Although the protein components of: Mytillineria mtnalli , and Agriodesma association seems to involve primarily the formation of saxicola O. dimers, the number ofcysteines present in the monomer To increase the resolution in the separation, the 0.4 N SS A B HC1 protein extracts were fractionated by reverse-phase U HPLC;theelution profile isshown in Figure 2B. Although . . two peaks corresponding to each ofthe two major com- ^^M ponentscouldbeclearlyseparated, both ofthem exhibited different amounts of what appeared to be overlapping d cross-contamination. PL-I x 2 Size fractionation of the starting HC1 extracts by gel m filtration under denaturing conditions in the presence of 6 A/guanidinium chloride (Gdn-HCl) isshown in Figure 3. Although the peaks could not be completely resolved, the sample was partially fractionated as shown in Figure 3B. Indeed, when some ofthe eluting fractions from the different regions corresponding to the two major protein components were pooled together and rerun under the same conditions, two distinct peaks could then be clearly resolved. This was used as a basis for estimating the molecular mass ofeach ofthese protein components. Figure5. Urea-aceticacidpolyacrylamidegelelectrophoresisofthe Nevertheless, when the fraction under each separate nuclearsperm specific proteins fromAgriodesmasaxicola underA: re- peak was analyzed by urea acetic acid PAGE, the same ducing(6%/3-mercaptoethanol)orB:oxidizing(copper-phenanthroline) cross-contamination observed in Figure 2B was csopnedrimtiopnrso.teSinSc=osmtpaortnienngtsa(mPpLl-Ie),.mX,,dX=2 =momnoonmoemrearndanddimdeirmeorfmofajtohre again observed, although to a lesser extent (results not minorsperm proteincomponent. Thearrowheadindicatesthepresence shown). ofhigherassociation oligomersobtained upon oxidativetreatment. NUCLEAR PROTEINS FROM THE SPERM OF BIVALVE MOLLUSKS 37 cannot be clearlyascertained from theabove experiments. Table I Thus, although the strong tendency toward dimer for- Aminoacidanalysis(mol%)ofthenuclearsperm-specificPL-I mation would suggest the presence only ofone cysteine proteinso/'Agriodesmasaxicola PL-I(AS) andMytilimeria nuttalli permolecule, thelackofcompletedimerization observed PL-I(MN) incomparison tothoseofSpisulasolidissimaPL-I(SS) in Figure 5b, and the presence ofassociation complexes (AusioandSubirana. I982a) andMacoma nasutaPL-I(MC) higher than dimers. would strongly suggest the presence (Ausio. 1988) ofmore than one cysteine. The presence oftwo cysteine Pl-I(AS) PL-I(MN) PL-I(SS) PL-I(MC) X (AS) residuespermolecule, which couldeasily form an internal disulfide bond, would explain the incomplete polymer- Lys ization of the monomer, otherwise expected under the oxidizing conditions used here (Fig. 5b). To determine the number of cysteines, as well as to establish theaminoacid composition ofthe majornuclear protein component ofthe sperm ofA. saxicola and M. mittalli, protein fractionssuch asthoseshown in the insets ofFigure 2A and B were pyridylethylated before amino acid analysis. A /5-lactoglobulin sample was simulta- neously treated andanalyzed tocheck forthecompletion ofthe reaction. Theaminoacidanalysesclearlyshow(see Table I) that the proteins ofbothA. saxicola and M. nut- talli contain two cysteine residues per molecule. Com- parison with the amino acid analysesofotherPLproteins, revealsthe PL-I natureofthe major nuclearprotein com- ponent of the sperm of the two species analyzed. Like other PL-I proteins (Ausio, 1986; Ausio, 1988; Jutglar et al., 1991), these have an internal trypsin resistant core (Fig. 6). M Besides the major protein components and D, we have also characterized the minor component X ofA. saxicola. Thisprotein exhibitsan amino acidcomposition that is almost identical to PL-I (see Table I). Although 38 D Figure7. Microscopicanalysiswithphasecontrastofpuresperm(A),andofspermpreparationscontaining an increasing amount ofcontamination by eggs (B) and (C). The samples were obtained from different specimensofAgrtiidesmasaxicola. a,b,andc:electrophoreticanalysis,inurea-aceticacidPAGE,ofsperm preparations containing an increasing amount ofcontamination by eggs. As contamination increases, an extensivedegradation ofboth the monomer(M)and dimer(D) formsofthe majornuclearsperm-specific PL-Icomponentisobserved.Arelativelyresistantpeptide r isgeneratedduringthisdegradationprocess. Thewhitebarcorresponds to50pm. X and X2 areas in Figure 5. decrease, and the proteins finally disappear completely. clearly fulfill the compositional definition ofprotamines Thisisaccompanied by theappearance ofacomplex pat- (Subirana, 1983): (Lys + Arg) = 45-80%, (Ser + Thr) ternofnewbandswith fasterelectrophoretic mobility(Fig. = 10-25%. Indeed, of all the PL proteins characterized 7b,c). Such protein pattern transition isclearlyindicative so far, the onesanalyzed here exhibit the highest arginine ofadegradation processelicited by specific proteases from content within the PL classification (Ausio, 1986). The the contaminating eggs. A similar in vitro degradation of presence ofa trypsin-resistant core (see Fig. 6) indicates sperm histones by the cytoplasm ofsea urchin eggs has that these proteins are also related to the proteins ofthe also been reported (Betzalel and Moav, 1987). A quite histone H1 family. Therefore, the PL majorcomponents resistant degradation peptide. designated r, is produced ofbothA. saxicolaand M. nuttallishould be undoubtedly duringthis process. Although the composition and nature classified withinthe PL-I class(Ausio, 1986). The presence ofpeptide rarecompletely unknown, itiscertainly much ofcysteine in these proteins does not seem to be an un- smallerthan the trypsin-resistant peptide obtained under usual feature; indeed, two cysteines also occur in the PL- in vitro conditions (see Fig. 6). A nuclear HC1 protein I component ofMacoma nasuta (Ausio, 1988). extract from pure oocytes contained none ofthe proteins Becausethe minorprotein component XofA. saxicola observed in Figure 7 (results not shown). has an amino acid composition indistinguishable from PL-I, these two proteins must be closely related, and X: Discussion (see Fig. 1-AS) may represent a dimer form of X. The In this work I have analyzed the protein composition same observations apply to the X and Y components of ofthe nuclei ofthe sperm of two representatives ofthe M. nuttalli (results not shown). The structural relation- subclass Anomalodesmata within the class Bivalvia. In ships among PL-I and the X and Y fractions remain ob- both ofthe species analyzed Agriodesma saxicola and scure, but the similarity oftheir amino acid analyses to Mytilimeria nuttalli 80-90% ofthe nuclear sperm-spe- that ofthe major protein component suggests that X and cificproteinsconsistofamixtureofdimer(D)and mono- Y maybeproteolytic peptidesfrom PL-I. Theycouldarise mer (M) forms of a protamine-like (PL-I) protein. The fromtheactivityofeitheranuclearoranacrosomal sperm remaining 10-20% includes the minor protein fractions protease (Miiller-Esterl and Fritz, 1981) during protein X and Y. extraction. However, they do not seem to be related to The protamine-like nature ofthe major proteins is re- any of the protein fragments produced by the protease vealedbytheiraminoacidcomposition(seeTableI).They digestion resulting from oocytic contamination, because NUCLEAR PROTEINS FROM THE SPERM OF BIVALVE MOLLUSKS 39 Table II Classification oftheclassBivalviaaccordingtollieirprotamine-like group(Ansid. 1986) Subclass(a) 40 AUSIO J. Kmhi.J.1979. Synthesisofhighmobilitygroupproteinsinregenerating Sellos, D. 1985. The histones isolated from the sperm ofthe oyster ratliver./ Biol. Chem. 254: 7276-7281. Crassostreagigas. CellDiffer. 17: 183-192. Mogensen,C.,S.Carlos,andJ.Ausio. 1991. Microheterogeneityand Subirana,J. A.,C. Cozcolluela, J. Palau, and M. Unzeta. 1973. Pro- interspecific variabilityofthe nuclearsperm proteinsfrom Mytilus. tamines and other basic proteins from spermatozoa of molluscs. FEESLett. 282: 273-276. Biochim. Biophys. Ada317: 364-379. Miiller-Esterl, W., and H. Fritz. 1981. Sperm acrosin. Methods En- Subirana,J.A. 1983. NuclearProteinsinSpermatozoaandTheirIn- :ymol. 80: 621-632. teractions with DNA. Pp. 197-214in TheSperm Cell, J.Andre,ed. Odintsova,N.A.,S.M.Rozov,and I.A.Zalenskaya. 1989. Thechro- Martinus NijhoffB. V., The Hague. mosomalproteinsfromthespermofthebivalvemolluscsSwiftopecten Subirana,J.A.,andJ.Colom. 1987. Comparisonofprotaminesfrom swiftv and Glycymerys yesonensis. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 93B: freshwaterand marine bivalve molluscs: evolutionary implications. 163-167. FEBSLett. 220: 193-196. Rozov, S. M., V. A. Brednikov, F. K. Corel, M. V. Lavrenteva, and Zalensky,A.O.,andI.A.Zalenskaya. 1980. Basicchromosomalpro- L.P.Solonenko.1984. Structureoflysine-nchhistonefromsperm teinsofmarineinvertebratesII.TheproteinsfromtheBivalviamol- ofAnodontapiscinalis. Mol. Biol. (transl)(USSR) 18: 1497-1508. luscs. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 66B: 415-419.

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